Posting Guidelines

We are striving to build an on-line community for Norfolk town residents, and welcome all manner of comments, announcements, or suggestions on items of interest to us all. These posts become a chronicle of life in Norfolk, recording the ebb and flow of life in a little suburban town.

We encourage locals to contribute their ideas, insights, and opinions to the web page. Locals are residents of Norfolk, people who are employed in town or work for the town, or those who own businesses or property in town. In addition, at our discretion we may consider people who have lived in town, are moving to town or have grown up in town to be locals also.

We identify posted messages by the initials of the sender to help maintain a measure of privacy and foster free and open discussions. However, in the interest of accountability, we request that all sent messages be signed with a full name. We try to honor requests for anonymity when appropriate, and will not post messages without permission.

The web site is moderated - we read, edit, and post all messages by hand. We try to fix typos and spelling mistakes, and sometimes reword or remove comments likely to offend.

We do not shy away from controversies, but we do reserve the right to be selective about the material we post. This is a private web site, privately supported and privately run, and we are not obliged to publish every comment. We especially welcome thoughful, considered input; conversely, we are reluctant to post rude, discourteous, off topic or offensive messages. We're proud of the web page, and wish to maintain a certain level of civility and substance.

The following guidelines have been proposed as a set of community standards to keep in mind when posting [paraphrased from the post by DAF, 12/05/2000 9:51pm]:

If you're posting for the first time, please identify yourself and let us know how you're connected to the town of Norfolk. We will not post identifying information online, just initials.


Page created 1/31/01; Revised 9/7/03, 9/30/06 (identify), 4/17/08 (defined locals)