• 9/1 8:45am   To Mr. McFeeley,
    Your answer is just what I suspected. Were you a member of the church when you voted to have it plowed? Times have changed since 1983, Mr. McFeeley. Now teachers and librarians are being let go at the schools, public works projects languish in numerous areas for months on end around this town, and the Town plows the parking lot of St. Judes? From a vote cast in 1983 with you and a board member who lived across the street? How many other antiquated and unknown arrangements in this town drain our tax dollars?
    And, you thought that such places deserved a "reciprocal handshake" because of their usefulness to the community? How many of the recent laid-off teachers recieved a "reciprocal handshake"?

    While some have argued triviality on this issue, many drops fill buckets. Think about that. Perhaps instead of plowing the churches, the money could have been used for public safety, to rehire a teacher, or some other critical function to the growth and betterment of Norfolk.
    I'd also like to hear your definition of "community". To me community is supporting local businesses, helping neighbors, volunteering your time to help others in need, actively working with the town's young people. So don't deal the "community spirit" card to me in your defensive posturing.
    Community is also stopping our tax dollars from being wasted, and to stand up to those who waste.
    Is your definition of community taking our tax dollars and selectively helping specific religious institutions? Such institutions should be able to afford their own expenses. And the line about public safety issues and the church parking problems does not hold any sympathy with me and other town taxpayers, its the 3rd excuse this week. Plowing and using traffic police are separate issues.
    [. . .]
    Your unabated comments add more about the state of affairs in this town then you can imagine at this time and I thank you for making it public. Its the first real answer, although a troubling one, since this dialogue started.
    You were wrong then as it is wrong now. [...]
    - MON
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