• 5/6 7:51pm   Re: unsafe mosquito spraying and safer alternatives!! And, for my Norfolk, MA neighbors, how to exclude your property from local spraying.
    Please note: if you choose to use the BTI method, it must be done immediately in order to catch the mosquito larvae on the surface of the water before they mature!! Like now!!
    Okay, I have been very busy today. I hope you take this seriously. It is serious!
    After reading about the various chemicals used in different areas of the country to deal with the mosquito problems and West Nile and EEE disease and the contra-indications of spraying chemicals into the air, as far as asthma issues with children and elders, endangering the birds and bees, pets, livestock and wild life, water supplies, etc... and of course us... here's some info!
    (For my fellow Norfolk, MA neighbors, regarding local spray exclusions, I called up the number that I suggested that all of you call (781)762-3681. The deal is this, you must a write a letter stating that you do not want your property sprayed for mosquitos. You must also list the names of your neighbors, ie., abutters for they will not get sprayed as well if you apply for an exclusion. Then you must deliver the letter to the Norfolk Town Clerk's office ASAP!!! And, there is an alternative product called BTI or Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria. It is time sensitive and must be used now! So, get on it if that is your choice!)
    For everyone, here are 2 sites that provide excellent information about BTI and other safe alternatives to mosquito population control:
    From: [flower-gardening-made-easy.com page]
    "Bt stands for Bacillus thuringiensis a naturally occurring bacterium. The "i" stands for israelensis, the specific form that kills mosquito larvae before they emerge from the water as biting adults. Bti is available to gardeners in the US as granules, floating mosquito dunks or briquettes. The product is organic and safe for birds and fish, which can still eat the mosquito larvae without danger. You can use Bti in garden ponds, water features or anywhere you have standing water on your property. Be sure to read and follow the instructions on the package as to how much to use and how long the product is effective..."
    From: (This is great!) [birdsnways.com page]
    Larvicides - Mosquito Larvae Killers
    If it is impossible to eliminate all sources of standing water, then larvae 
    killers (larvicides) may be of help. Both chemical and biological larvicides 
    are available.
    Two biological products are Mosquito Bits and Mosquito Dunks which contain 
    Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria that feed on mosquito larvae.
         --¢     Mosquito Bits are small granules containing the Bti bacteria that 
    are spread on the water surface. The larvicide granules gradually settle in 
    the water where they are eaten by mosquito larvae. Mosquito Bits will give a 
    quick kill, usually within 24 hours. A seven to fourteen day interval between 
    applications is recommended. For longer term control, Mosquito Dunks can be used 
    after applying Mosquito Bits.
         --¢     Mosquito Dunks are 2 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick, with a 
    small hole in the center. They contain the same larvicide as Mosquito Bits. 
    The Dunks float on top of the water and will be effective for approximately 30 
    days. While floating, they slowly release the larvicide that settles in the 
    water where it is eaten by mosquito larvae. Alternate wetting and drying will 
    not reduce their effectiveness. The center hole can be used to anchor the dunks 
    in place with a string or stake.
    Another non-chemical larvicide contains mainly mineral oil. Sprayed on the 
    surface of the water, it works by suffocating the larvae.
         --¢     Mosquito Larvicide, available from Extremely Green, kills larvae 
    and pupa stages of mosquitoes. It is designed for surface application to 
    intermittently flooded areas, catch or sewer basins, ditches, stagnant pools and 
    ponds. Containing(98%) mineral oil, it does not smear or deface the environment. 
    Since mosquitoes can hatch in 5 to 7 days of warm weather, any exposed 
    stagnant water should be treated. May not be sold in New York state.
    Repelling Mosquitoes On Your Property
    Garlic Barrier and Mosquito Barrier are two non-chemical products which use 
    liquid garlic to repel mosquitoes. The active ingredient, 99.3 percent garlic 
    juice, kills off mosquitoes in the nymph stage. Sulfur, which is also present 
    in the garlic, acts as a repellent on the adults. Garlic juice has been used 
    for over a hundred years on garden plants to keep insects away.
    Garlic is absorbed through the pores of plant foliage and travels 
    systemically throughout the entire plant. The juice doesn't harm humans or pets, but can 
    be deadly to small insects. A mosquito's sense of smell is about 10,000 times 
    better than humans. As long as they can detect the sulfur and garlic extract 
    they will stay away from the sprayed area - for up to a month and more.
         --¢     Garlic Barrier - A strong liquid garlic concentrate, dilutes in 
    water and is sprayed on farm and garden plants to keep insects off. Greatly 
    inhibits mosquitoes from staying in the treated areas. EPA registered. Odorless in 
    minutes. Listed for organic farms by OMRI and CCOF. No chemicals, non-toxic. 
    Some sources for Garlic Barrier are Gempler's, Extremely Green and Ray 
    Meeseman Co
         --¢     Mosquito Barrier is a variation of Garlic Barrier. Mosquito 
    Barrier kills and chases mosquitoes, ticks and fleas out of the yard and away from 
    the house immediately upon spraying and keeps them out for 4 weeks and longer. 
    Spray onto grass, shrubs, flowers and any trees in the area. Safe for 
    children, pets and plants.
         --¢     Mosquito Barrier is also a larvicide. When mixed with canola oil 
    or soybean oil, it coats standing water with a very thin film of natural oils. 
    This oil suffocates the mosquito larvae which are developing in the water.
         --¢     Mosquito Barrier kills adult mosquitoes on contact, the garlic 
    coated plants keep mosquitoes out of the area and it suffocates any mosquito 
    larvae in standing water.
         --¢     Some sources for Mosquito Barrier are Extremely Green and Ray 
    Meeseman Co. It is also marketed as Victor's Mosquito Barrier in many hardware and 
    garden centers and Mosquito Barrier Yard Spray available at KMart stores.
         --¢     The citronella-scented geranium, also sold as the citronella or 
    mosquito plant and candles, do emit a fragrance that repels mosquitoes, but the 
    range is only a couple inches from the plant or candle.
         --¢     Mosquito & Gnat Repellent - Repels mosquitoes, gnats and more. 
    This dry granular formula contains lemon grass, mint and garlic oils to make a 
    non-poisonous, non-toxic and biodegradable flying insect repellent. No mixing or 
    water outlet needed, simply apply granules to area. Safe for humans, pets and 
    plants. Lasts up to three weeks and does not degrade in rain. 1 lb. covers 
    800 square feet. USA made. NOTE: This item can not be shipped to California.
         --¢     Lentek Portable Mosquito Contro Repel Mosquitoes away without 
    messy creams or dangerous chemicals! The Mosquito Contro has two selected 
    frequencies to keep the biting female mosquito away. Male mosquitoes don´t bite 
    humans. The primary technology replicates the wing speed noise of a male mosquito- 
    which the female mosquito instinctively avoids. The second frequency replicates 
    the noise of a dragonfly, the natural predator of biting mosquitoes. Perfect 
    for indoors or picnics and other outdoor activities. Covers a 256 sq. ft. 
    area. $19.99
    Outdoor Adult Mosquito Killers
    What attracts biting insects to people? There are an estimated 400 chemicals 
    emitted from human skin and about 100 volatile compounds in each human breath 
    that mosquitoes can detect. The combination and amount of chemicals given off 
    is believed to be why some people are more readily bitten than others. Carbon 
    dioxide, water vapor, and heat that result from breathing are believed to be a 
    major factor. Mosquitoes also need cholesterol and B vitamins and this may 
    affect their choice of hosts for their blood meals.
    Bug zappers and devices which electrocute flying insects are ineffective in 
    managing mosquitoes. Researchers testing these devices found few mosquitoes amo
    ng the insects killed by them. Ultrasonic devices and incense are also 
    ineffective. Bats and birds do eat mosquitoes, but can't be considered an effective 
    form of control.
    The first 2 devices below use carbon dioxide, generated inexpensively from a 
    propane or butane tank (those used with barbecues), to attract adult 
    mosquitoes and then trap and kill them. When a person exhales, their carbon dioxide and 
    other odors mix to produce a plume which mosquitoes follow. These devices 
    mimic the breathing of humans and mammals.
         --¢     The Mosquito Magnet(r) mimics a large mammal by emitting a plume 
    of carbon dioxide, heat and moisture, which when combined with an additional 
    attractant, octenol, is irresistible to female mosquitoes (the ones that bite), 
    no-see-ums, biting midges, black flies, and sandflies. It attracts biting 
    insects, while simultaneously vacuuming the insects into a net where they 
    dehydrate and die. It is best placed between the area that needs protection (patio, 
    pool, porch, restaurant, etc.) and the insect source, i.e. woods, swamp, 
    mangroves etc. Covers up to an acre. There are various models starting at starting 
    around $495.
         --¢     Some online sources for Mosquito Magnet are Mosquito Magnet Depot 
    and Frontgate.
         --¢     The Lentek Mosquito Killer Trap utilizes the documented 
    attractiveness of C02, moisture, body temperature (thermal imaging), color, and airflow 
    to attract, capture and kill mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are virtually eliminated 
    in an area up to 3/4 of an acre. Beneficial insects remain unharmed since 
    mosquitoes are specifically targeted. $299 - $379
         --¢     Some online sources for the Lentek Mosquito Trap are Lentek and 
    Compact Appliances.
         --¢     MosquitOFF(r) Mosquito and Flying Insect Killer contains 
    Permethrin, a long-lasting insecticide that provides contact and residual control for 
    up to 4 weeks of many hard-to-kill sucking and chewing insects. Kills 
    mosquitoes, ants, earwigs, crickets and many other insects. Apply when insects appear. 
    Wet plants thoroughly to dripping point and penetrate dense foliage.
    Preventing Entry Into the House
    There are a number of things which can be done to prevent mosquitoes from 
    entering the house.
         --¢     Make sure that doors and windows have tight-fitting screens. 
    Repair or replace screens that have tears or holes.
         --¢     Keep doors and windows closed, especially at dawn, dusk, and early 
         --¢     Repair any leaking plumbing and outside faucets.
         --¢     Lentek Portable Mosquito Contro described above can also be used 
         --¢     Use outdoor repellents and larvicides around the perimeter of the 
         --¢     Eliminate all sources of standing water near the home (see above).
    Personal and Bird Protection Measures
         --¢     Stay indoors at dawn, dusk, and early evening.
         --¢     Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks outdoors. For some 
    reason, black and white fabrics particularly seem to attract the bugs, so try 
    earth tones.
         --¢     Mosquitoes will bite through thin clothing, so wear thicker 
         --¢     Do not take pet birds outside, especially at the times when 
    mosquitoes are active or cover cage with a protective netting.
         --¢     If birds are housed in outdoor aviaries, add screening if 
         --¢     Use insect repellent on exposed skin, following the manufacturer's 
    directions. Spray clothing with repellents containing permethrin, DEET or 
    neem oil.
    Personal Repellents
    Mosquito repellents containing DEET are considered the most effective on the 
    market, but studies on rats indicate that prolonged use may result in damage 
    or death of brain cells. So repellents containing DEET should not be used for 
    extended periods or on children whose tender skin quickly absorbs the product.
    Neem Products repel and affect the development of mosquitoes. In a study, two 
    percent neem oil mixed in coconut oil, when applied to exposed body parts of 
    human volunteers, provided complete protection for 12 hrs. from bites of all 
    anophelines. Kerosene lamps containing 0.01-1% neem oil, lighted in rooms 
    containing human volunteers, reduced mosquito biting activity as well as the 
    mosquitoes resting on walls in the rooms; protection was greater against Anopheles 
    than against Culex. Effectiveness of mats with neem oil against mosquitoes has 
    also been demonstrated; the vaporizing repelled mosquitoes for 5-7 hrs at 
    almost negligible cost.
    Permethrin, citronella, cedar oil and geraniol have also been used to repel 
    Andrew Weil, MD's website, with information and products for optimum health 
    and wellness, offers some information on repellents. He mentions garlic 
    solutions and Skin-So-Soft, made by Avon, a moisturizing lotion that mosquitoes hate. 
    Also mixtures of essential oils such as pennyroyal oil and eucalyptus which 
    he believes are moderately effective. Where mosquitoes are abundant, he 
    suggests neem oil, which in one study provided significant protection for up to 12 
    hours. He also mentions another study in which lemongrass and citronella oils 
    each provided almost complete protection against most mosquitoes.
         --¢     There are many products containing DEET available in local stores. 
    Effective repellents contain 35% DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide). Higher 
    concentrations give no added protection. (The NYC Department of Health suggests 
    - Use 10% or less DEET for children and no more than 30% DEET for adults, do 
    not use DEET on infants.)
         --¢     There are several natural bug repellents, such as Bite Blocker by 
    Surefire, that are both safe and effective. But they need to be reapplied 
         --¢     DEET-Free Botanical Outdoor Gel This product is based on neem oil 
    and contains no DEET. Neem has been used to repel insects for thousands of 
    years. This gel is made with a neem leaf extract and aloe vera base (to soothe 
    bites you already have!), neem oil, citronella and geraniol. Apply liberally 
    every 4 hours.
         --¢     EquuSkreen is an all natural insect repellent containing 
    citronella, cedar oil, rosemary oil, and olive oil. It repels biting insects including 
    gnats, yellow flies, black flies, horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes, ticks, 
    and fleas and is effective and safe for use around small children, the elderly 
    and on large and small animals. It has been tested and approved by Purina 
    Mills and throughout out the U.S.A. EquuSkreen has proved to be highly effective 
    in repelling flying insects from horses and other animals around stables.
         --¢     SkinSkreen is an all natural insect repellent safe for use on 
    children and the elderly. It repels biting insects including mosquitoes, yellow 
    flies, black flies, no seeums, gnats, chiggers, ticks, and deer flies. Active 
    Ingredients are 1.12% Citronella, 1.18% Peppermint Oil, 0.75% Lemongrass Oil, 
    0.37% Cedar Oil and 0.08% Rosemary Oil.
    Information and Product Sources    
    Garlic Barrier Facts
    Mosquito Barrier Facts
    Gempler's Inc.
    Gempler's Non-chemical Mosquito Control
    Gempler's - Mosquito Bits
    Gempler's - Mosquito Dunks
    Gempler's Garlic Barrier Insect Repellent
    Gempler's Inc. Mosquito Repellents (Deet)
    Gempler's Mosquito & Gnat Repellent
    Gempler's - MosquitOFF Mosquito & Insect Killer
    Extremely Green Gardening Company
    Extremely Green - Organic Mosquito Control Guide
    Extremely Green - Garlic Barrier Insect Repellent
    Extremely Green - Mosquito Barrier
    Extremely Green - Mosquito Larvicide
    Extremely Green - DEET-Free Botanical Outdoor Gel
    Ray Meesseman - Garlic & Mosquito Barrier Repellents
    Ray Meesseman - Garlic & Mosquito Barrier Facts
    Ray Meesseman - EquuSkreen
    Ray Meesseman - SkinSkreen
    Mosquito Magnet Website
    Mosquito Magnet - What attracts biting insects to people?
    Mosquito Magnet Depot - Mosquito Magnet
    Frontgate - Mosquito Magnet
    Compact Appliances - Lentek Mosquito Trap
    Compact Appliances - Lentek Portable Mosquito Contro
    Lentek - Lentek Mosquito Trap
    Neem Foundation
    Neem Tree Farms - About NEEM
    CNN - Mosquitoes have discriminating tastes
    Citronella effectiveness
    Hungry to Be Mosquito-Free?
    Winged Wisdom Note: Carol and husband Kenneth have owned pet birds for over 
    13 years and are co-creators of the Birds n Ways, Winged Wisdom and Cockatoo 
    Heaven websites.
    - PRR

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