Q1 2005 Norfolknet Notes, Jan-Mar 2005

This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.

Previous Archive, 2004 Q4

  • 3/31 9:00pm JB, if you haven't already brought those bridesmaid dresses to a consignment shop, have you thought of selling them on ebay? Contact me if you'd like me to list them for you. Also, we were very happy with the price and service we received on carpet we purchased from Carpets on Wheels. John Jaw brought many samples to choose from to our home. He allowed us to select one in the room where it was to be installed and then returned to install it in a speedy and professional manner AND at a great price! He was referred by our contractor. His number is (781) 862-0909. If you want to list your items on ebay, please email me at Tracy_O@comcast.net
    - TO

  • 3/31 8:53pm HB: Another vote for Dominic's Limosine here. We used them recently and were stuck in Philadelphia when the flight home to Boston was cancelled due to snow. Larry from Dominic's tracked our progress and kept a close watch on our flight plans, and was even able to accomodate a last minute change and pick us up in Providence instead of Boston. Excellent communication that made a very long trip home a little easier.
    - MP

  • 3/31 3:07pm To HB - you could try Able Limo at 800-499-3903, I think they are in Franklin or Shackleys in Medfield. Boston Coach also provides good service. You can just do a Web search for their Web site. Good Luck.
    - BS

  • 3/31 2:02pm HB: Try Dominic's Limousine Service in Franklin.
    - GA

  • 3/31 12:15pm EB, I'm thinking you had not moles, but voles (field mice). We had them too, and they feasted on tasty hosta roots and scilla bulbs in my front yard. I often see them under the bird feeder, looking like furry sausages. There are some good images at the following sites: [pic 1] [pic 2] Unfortunately, I have no wisdom regarding their control or removal. As consolation, you must have a healthy ecosystem in your yard, but perhaps you need to encourage some hawks to move in.
    - HPK

  • 3/31 12:12pm Hi, Can anyone recommend a good town car service in the area to/from Logan? Thanks,
    - HB

  • 3/31 9:57am To DM - If you're looking for a spring cleanup (leaves etc), I would be interested in doing the job. Email me or give me a call.
    - Nick Bartelloni, 1-508-726-4104 // beantownclippings@yahoo.com

  • 3/31 8:54am I am lookinf for a company to replace approximately 150 feet of gutters. Has anyone tried the newer Leaf Guard? Or some other type? Help - please. Thanks,
    - YP

  • 3/31 8:52am Seems like I had some very busy moles working over the winter. Now that the snow has melted, I can see all the damage they have caused. Tunnels all over my yard can been seen. Any ideas on how to deal with these moles and their damage? Thanks!
    - EB

  • 3/30 12:27pm Chief Bushnell - Thanks for the response; change is good. There will be no mistaking this truck from any other... very swank!
    - JMD

  • 3/30 10:26am To Fire Chief Cole Bushnell - Great Response to the question. Welcome to Norfolk.
    - DM

  • 3/30 8:06am If there are any cycling enthusiasts out there, there is a group of us who meet at 5:15 am at the intersection of Seekonk Street and Cleveland Street Monday through Friday weather permitting. We typically go out for 1:45-2:00 hours and average between 18-20 mph when in shape. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we meet up with another group at the bike shop in the center of Medfield. If anyone is interested in joining us you can get in contact by emailing lbrydon@comcast.net
    - PAN

  • 3/29 2:06pm Good day all. Many in the community have probably seen the new addition to the fire department's fleet. It is a new emergency one (e-one) pumper and yes, it is black. A little history about the color selected and the reasoning behind the decision. Last may, during my final interview, which was with the staff, I was asked about my color preference for new fire apparatus. I have long been a traditionalist, and in a previous chief's position, had changed the color scheme for the apparatus from all red to white over red. Even this change elicited a great deal of local discussion. Getting back to the matter at hand, I told the staff the color of the apparatus was not important, but rather what the color would mean to the department. They informed me they desired a black engine, and my response was - if you can keep it clean and I am selected as your chief, we will have a black engine. Morale is so important to any organization and to expand upon this, maintaining pride and enthusiasm is just as important. This change in color seemed to strike a chord as the staff told me they wished to show their pride in through the change in the department, a new fire chief, from out-of-town no less, a new beginning as we transition to the paramedic service and a change to how the organization functions on a daily basis.
    The color black is not new to the fire service, but is a drastic change in Norfolk. The color black does not represent a conflict with any regulatory document as it applies to fire apparatus. The purpose of the regulatory language is to ensure the apparatus is properly illuminated through warning lights and reflective striping. Concerns for the unit being imperceptible at night were debunked in the late 1970's when many studies were performed relative to the color for emergency vehicles. These studies did not result in any conclusive evidence that color played a significant role in safety, and the agency governing fire apparatus color, the national fire protection association, concurred.
    I am certain each and every person will reach their own conclusion relative to the departure from tradition at the department. I would beg your indulgence to keep an open mind. I would also invite any resident to visit the station and speak with me or the staff or email us with your comments. Our responsibility is to serve you as best we can.
    Thank you again for all your comments, either supportive or, as I would like view them, constructive criticism.
    - Your fire chief, Cole Bushnell

  • 3/29 2:03pm Can anyone recommend a good landscaper who will do a spring cleaning for a yard? Thanks.
    - DM

  • 3/29 11:11am HN, How about the Funway Cafe in Foxboro for your pre-wedding, get acquainted party? It's a sports restaurant with pool tables, video arcade, etc. (In warmer weather there are outdoor entertainments too, i.e., mini-golf, batting cages, go carts.) Food is fine (informal & generous) and atmosphere is fun. They are available for larger parties and should be able to accomodate your group. Families are welcome - my family likes to have dinner and then hit the arcade afterward - but we always see groups of younger adults there as well. Telephone: 508-668-2000 Good luck,
    - TN

  • 3/29 8:24am A friend of mine's daughter is getting married this year. In all this planning process we are looking for facility that would be a great get together spot for people in their mid 20's to early 30's. Many won't know each other before the wedding so she wanted a fun way to introduce all of them. She's interested in a place with a pool table, gaming, liquor license for about 40 people. Any suggestions or recommendations?
    - HN

  • 3/28 11:43pm Mr. James White of Comcast who manages Comcast in this area has graciously agreed to meet with interested parties who like or don't like the new format or have some input re. remote control, etc. Any and all input welcome. Our thanks to Mr. White for quickly responding. Much appreciated.
    Time 10 am Wednesday March 30
    Place: Norfolk Senior Center, Medway Branch St.
    Norma mentions that cribbage is on tap upstairs but TV is available downstairs
    - JO

  • 3/28 11:40pm At 7 p.m. Monday April 4th, the King Philip Varsity Indoor Color Guard will present their show in the King Philip Regional High School Gymnasium. The public is invited at no charge.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 3/28 4:44pm My guess about the new fire truck is that Norfolk is switching to all black fire and police. I like the black police cars but haven't seen the fire truck yet but heard it's great looking.
    - JW

  • 3/28 2:09pm Driving past the police/fire station over the weekend and saw a shiny black Norfolk Fire Rescue truck out front. Did we get a new truck? It did look very nice but I'm wondering why it's black and not the usual red.
    - PR

  • 3/28 11:09am Have any readers used a local excavating service to grade a yard or make a new driveway, remove dirt from your property, etc.? Can you suggest a company? Thanks,
    - HPK

  • 3/28 11:08am Can anyone recommend a good place to call for carpet with installation?=20
    - JB

  • 3/28 9:33am The Norfolk Community League had to cancel its Spring Gala and Auction due to lack of participation. No formal press release is going out as one is on our web, www.norfolkcommunityleague.org.
    - TR

    Interview, 38K

  • 3/27 8:07pm Paul Guertin, Norfolk Community TV Station Manager, is pictured interviewing Norfolk's Interim Town Administrator Jack Hathaway on the cable program Conversation Corner, 3/25/2005. The program is currently broadcast on Channel 22 at 2PM and 7 PM. Watching the program is a good way to become informed about what is going on in Town Government.
    Another good program is the Norfolk Board of Selectmen's meeting, live at 7 PM on 3/28/2005 on Channel 22, with rebroadcasts on Channel 22 at 8 AM and 8 PM daily.
    - RH

  • 3/27 10:20am MS - go to www.norfolkbaseball.com and click on the link to 2005 schedule. Although it does not show which team our kids are assigned to???
    - PCD

  • 3/26 5:59pm Re: ice dams - I read that your insulation should be "pulled back from the bottom of the rafters" to allow the air to flow from the soffit vents into the attic. If the insulation is actually extending beyond the interior wall and into the soffit then yes, it should be pulled back but only to the wall. You also need to insure that the insulation isn't up against the underside of the roof boards (or plywood) because that interrupts the airflow as well. However, if you have the proper amount of insulation (R-30 or more in New England) then it WILL touch the roof, so you will need to install rafter vents, sometimes referred to as "baffles" between the insulation and the roof boards.
    If the insulation is "pulled back" too far, then you will have significant heat loss at the wall and this will contribute to ice dam troubles as well as heat bill troubles! I have seen many attics that have insulation issues which, if addressed, will help out with the heat loss and the ice dams. Ice and water shield will help prevent the water from entering your home (no guarantee) but you should try to prevent the ice from forming by checking the insulation and the ventilation.
    My company has been installing roofs and venting attics in our town for a number of years and if you give us a call we will check out your roof and/or ventilation. And just because you have soffit vents or a ridge vent, that doesn't necessarily mean that they were installed properly. Small round soffit vents do not provide enough intake and I have seen a few ridge vents that were not even cut out. If you have soffit/ridge venting then your gable (end vents) should be removed or covered on the inside so as not interfere with the airflow.
    JF, Weatherproof Construction 508-553-0943

    lost cat

  • 3/25 10:42am This cat was picked up in the Lee Anne Drive neighborhood. The cat was living as a stray around the area for most of the winter. This cat is exceptionally friendly and well mannered. If you are the owner of this cat, or are interested in adopting, please contact the ACO at the Police Department monday through friday 8AM-4PM - 508 528 3232.
    - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control Officer

  • 3/25 10:40am We signed our 5 year old up for "T-Ball" and have not yet heard anything, regarding teams, schedules etc? I know opening day is fast approaching so I wanted to get details. Thanks
    - MS

  • 3/24 8:16pm
    Spring is hiding. No one knows where it is.
    Do you know? We want winter to go, go, go!
    And for the sun to come out and for the flowers to start blooming.
    We all wish that Spring would stop hiding.
    Spring, come out, come out wherever you are!
    - AL, age 8

  • 3/24 3:56pm From NCTV - I neglected to mention the great new show "Ben's Dino Show" that is being produced every two weeks by a group of 6 and 7 year olds about dinosaurs. In cooperation with their parents and NCTV, a full production about dinosaurs is created and taped and aired. This week the show is on at 11am and 5:30pm every day (except Wed and Sun at 5:30pm). Check it out and see what kind of fun you can have creating your own show. Thanks
    - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager

  • 3/24 1:37pm MHC: We also have used Dover Trucking for over a year and they are wonderful. Reliable and friendly, both the office staff and the man who collects the trash. I highly recommend them.
    - KT

  • 3/24 11:56am Aspiring cartoonists over 16 might wish to check out a cartooning course at http://www.building19.com/cartoonclass.htm
    - RH

  • 3/24 11:51am Norfolk Community Television (NCTV) needs your help. NCTV works hard bringing to the community programs of general and specific interests. Channel 22 televises the Board of Selectmen, Town meetings, Interviews with the Town Administrator and Superintendent of the Highway Department plus a variety of other government type shows. Channel 8 continually provides the community with programs from the H.O.Day School and Freeman Centennial Schools as well as Musical Concerts from King Philip High School. NCTV-8 recently aired a complete tour of the new King Philip Junior High School as well as a Needs Assessment Tour of the Freeman/Centennial School. Other programs of interest ranging from Blue birds to SCUBA diving are part of NCTV interesting lineup of shows. For the past several years Pop Warner Football and the Lion's Club Soccer have had their own "Game of the Week" program during their season. The Silver Set Gazette Video, sponsored by the Council on Aging is a big hit in town regardless of age. Recently, NCTV interviewed Fr. Peter Conley from St. Jude Church. The list goes on and on.
    But, we need you help to continue to bring great local programming to our viewers. We have production workshops periodically. We are in desperate need for volunteers to learn some camera work and be able to help produce these and other shows. The work is lots of fun and it gets you into the thick of things as they happen in town. You meet new people and have a big say about what goes on channel 8 and 22. So please, think about donating a few hours a month to NCTV and the community at large. It's well worth it. You can call me at the studio, 508-520-2780 or if you can't reach me there, you can call me at home- 508-5204003. Thanks. Looking forward to meeting you all.
    - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager

  • 3/24 10:22am Hello ... Happy Spring! I was just checking the Norfolk Notes today and noticed this entry: 3/14 3:09pm - I was wondering if anyone knew a good voice coach in the area? Thanks, JG.
    Well, JG, I am a vocal coach as well as a singer/writer and will be moving to Norfolk the end of April. I will be back to teaching in May if I can find my piano under all the boxes (eeek!), so, if you can wait a few weeks, a month and a half or so, and send me an email, that would be lovely. My name is Pamela, my email address is rubytunes@aol.com. If you like, you can hear me singing at www.cdbaby.com/rubytunes. Thank you.
    - PRR

  • 3/24 9:12am We just started using Dover Trucking great co. and local... the owners live in Norfolk. We had BFI but Dover was cheaper. [dovertrucking.com]
    - JD

  • 3/23 10:25pm This site continues to be a good place to obtain references for various services. I am interested in learning about private garbage collection services for residences in Norfolk (other than Callahan and BFI). I'd also like to know of a good carpet/furniture cleaning service. Thanks in advance for your help, if you are able to respond.
    - MHC

  • 3/23 4:33pm When we moved to Norfolk we used Gentle Giant, and found them fast, efficient and responsible (though, a bit expensive). Highly recommended.
    - PCS

  • 3/23 4:31pm I happen to be a computer consultant specializing in the creation and distribution of mail and email. There is a system called PLANET codes which allows for the tracking of mail throughout the postal system. There is also the less expensive method of using seed mailings to understand delivery times. Of course, there is no incentive for the town to pay more to prove delivery of the mail, as in this case, they receive more revenue if they fail. If it is true that the creation of the mailings were out-sourced, there is a high degree of probability that something went/goes amiss in that part of the process. As for the statement that other towns have the same non-payment rates, perhaps they use the same outsourcer. (I can make a bit of money by charging you for First Class or Presort mail and not actually mailing a percentage.) Meeting with the local P.O. is not the issue, where is the proof of delivery of the mail to the P.O.? Who in town double checked the counts, manifests, and random sampled the mailing from the manifest?
    Please remember the arrogance of the town when it comes to vote on the upcoming budget. You can always try and starve Leviathan.
    P.S.: I received my tax bills fine.
    - PCS

  • 3/23 4:29pm JH - Would like to recommend David Smith 508-250-3678, building contractor for your ice dam problem. Dave has been assisting us with the same issue on both an immediate (stop the leaks from destroying walls, paint, etc.) and long term solution. Dave and his crew have been very professional, reliable (came to our house within 15 minutes of my first phone call) and so helpful. Good luck!
    - TN

  • 3/23 12:19pm Ice Dams form after a heavy (inches) light (fluffy) snow fall followed by dramatic changes in temperature from day to night. The ice dam creeps up the sheathing (plywood and tar paper) and due to the warm conditions inside causes dripping of the ice. Ice and water shield at the 6' mark on newer homes helps to prevent this but does not completely solve the problem since the ice can also push its way into corner boards,soffits,ect. You also must make sure that the insulation is pulled away from the bottom of your rake boards in the attic, (where your soffit venting is) to allow cold air to enter the air space(which leaves through the ridge vent) and prevents the warming effect in the attic which eventually causes the dripping and interior damage.
    If your home is older and you plan on reroofing, make sure the 6' of ice & water shield is installed and follow the guideline above (soffit and ridge venting). If you have a newer home, check the insulation to ensure it is pulled away.
    I advise people not to be coerced by contractors (GC's or roofers) to spend a great deal of money trying to do "preventive maintenance" to solve this. It might be money better spent elsewhere. Ice cables are also a possible solution though they are costly and sometimes unsightly. I hope this helps!
    - CMW

  • 3/23 12:07pm CK: To my knowledge, there's only one A-1 Paving. It's off Rt. 1 in Wrentham near Luciano's. They do the paving for Intoccia (don't get me started on that one either!). They have been booted out of the Better Business Bureau for refusing to answer customers' complaints. They refuse to answer my calls and never bothered to pick up a return receipt requested letter at the post office. 'Nuff said.
    - KB

  • 3/23 10:20am Can anyone recommend a general contractor to fix damage from ice dam - both inside plastering, as well as preventative maintenance in the attic, roof, etc.
    - JH

  • 3/23 8:01am We have used Basic Sealcoating in Bellingham and they were reasonably priced (about 1/2 of Mike's Sealcoating). We were very pleased with the results. A-1 Paving - is there more than one? We had them put a new driveway in for us 10 years ago at a house in Medfield - when we tried to contact them 6 months later to repair cracks, we could never get through to them - I think they must change their phone number every 6 months or so to keep dissatisfied customers from tracking them down! Good Luck!
    - CK

  • 3/22 4:51pm I too did not receive my excise tax bill or should I say Five excise tax bills. Yes, that's correct, $25.00 in late fees. The tax collectors say "it's not the town's fault" and they are comfortable with the explanation from the U.S. Post Office - or should I say from the 5 post offices. That's right, the excise tax bills are printed by the deputy sheriff for the town (free...right) and then they travel from Scituate to Brockton to Medfield to Millis to Norfolk. And those of us who did not receive them wonder why??? Fear not, though, I am sure the $5 is going to a good cause... filling pot holes in the rain!
    - CMW

  • 3/22 2:30pm I've noticed the various messages regarding the excise bills that were never received and the subsequent demand notices that showed up instead. I never received the original bill and the only reason I noticed that the one I did receive was a demand notice is because I saw some of the messages on this site. Otherwise, I might have just sent in the payment without even noticing.
    Now, to add a little excitement to the story, I went ahead and paid the bill - without including the demand fee or the interest. The total of these extra charges for my three bills was just under $20. I also included a note explaining why I did not include the extra amount, stating that if there was any problem with this, to call me. Well, I got a call, all right, but it wasn't to tell me that the town recognized that there was a problem and they would not try to collect the extra fees. What I was told was that I needed to pay the extra amount by the next day or a warrant would be issued. The Tax Department took the stand that they had done everything correctly and that the problem was with the Postal Service. I never thought to ask why so many people got duplicate bills. That was probably the Post Office's fault, too.
    - BN

  • 3/22 7:46am For those of you who are interested, Ben's Dino Show is on this week (3/21 through 3/27) at 11am and 5:30pm, channel 8.
    - DT

  • 3/21 10:11pm To KB, we used Basic sealcoating of Bellingham last year and they were great! They did a terrific job and were very well priced. We got their number from our neighbors who also used them and were very satisfied. They also came out to do the job when we requested. Good luck!
    - GH

  • 3/21 7:32pm To: KB... We had our driveway coated by 'Franklin Asphalt Sealing' over 3 years ago and it still looks great. He uses a rubberized coal tar emulsion which is first heated and then sprayed on. I have a long driveway and I used to buy several cans of sealer and would spend my day off doing it by hand. It always had streaks and didn't last very long. I hope he's still in business because I'll definitely use him again.
    - RP

  • 3/21 4:11pm Does anyone have a referral to have a driveway sealcoated? Intoccia Construction's subcontractor, A-1 Paving, did a bad job and won't answer my calls, even though I'm under warranty. I got a price from Basic Sealcoating to fix a crack and sealcoat the whole driveway, but I'd like an estimate from two other companies. Has anyone heard anything, good or bad, about Basic Sealcoating of Bellingham?
    P.S. Never ever use David's Moving of Framingham. They were horrible. Broke things and we never heard from them again when we tried to contact them.
    - KB

  • 3/21 2:45pm Thank you to all who have responded to my request for referrals regarding a mover. I will look into all companies mentioned. Honestly, when trying to trust a mover, I think positive referrals are the most important element when choosing, so I appreciate everyone who took the time to help.
    - KT

  • 3/21 12:44pm The third annual Connors Fun Run (yes you can walk it too!) will be Sunday, May 1st - registration at 11:00am, walkers start 11:30am, runners at 12:00 at the H.Olive Day school. Raffle to follow. For more info go to www.connorsfunrun.com or email the fun run committee at info@connorsfunrun.com. Thanks to everyone in Norfolk for your wonderful support!
    - KR

  • 3/21 9:38am The only moving company I have never heard complaints about is Gentle Giant. From what I hear they are more expensive but worth it in the long run. Last summer we opted for a less expensive and a national chain, Mayflower out of RI, and ended up with the the general manager of the company in my driveway while his employees were cursing at us and threating to leave my furniture in the garage. One thing to watch for if you move in the summer is to make sure the people moving you are professional movers. We had two prfessional movers and two college kids on summer vacation. They disaggreed on everything and were very verbal and vulgar about it not to mention they were wasting my time and money. If I ever move again I will spend the extra and use Gentle Giant.
    - NJD

  • 3/21 7:31am Would like to update the names and addresses of Norfolk people in the military who are in Iraq. Am receiving requests for same from persons who would like to send packages. Can you help? Thanks.
    - John Olivieri, Norfolk Veterans Graves Official

  • 3/20 8:39pm ...To KT & MR... What a coincidence... my nephew moved to North Carolina last year and my sister moved there last week. They couldn't find jobs in their field in the Virginia/Washington DC area, so they headed South and were hired right away in NC. Major corporations have discovered the cheap land, lower labor costs and the Research Triangle Park and are making the Raleigh/Durham area the new 'high tech' section of the country. We're sorry to see you go, but we wish you all the best in the "Tarheel State".
    - RP

  • 3/20 5:12pm King Philip High School Music Department will present their annual Spring Concert on Wednesday March 23rd at 7.30pm in the Auditorium, King Philip High School, Wrentham. The concert will feature the Chorus, Concert Band and Symphony Band. Admission: Adult $5, Student Senior: $3
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 3/20 3:53pm KT - We are moving to North Carolina also.... April 29th. Believe it or not, we are using Olympic also. We'll be living in a small town called Apex, just South of Raleigh. Send me an email if you'd like, markr8122@aol.com.
    - MR

  • 3/20 11:31am The Norfolk Lions planning for Norfolk Community Day 2005 is progressing well. Co-Chairmen Barbara Snead, Ed Melanson and Brendan Fitzgerald are contacting community organizations to solicit their support and confirming that the date of June 11th will work for everyone.
    The Holmes family has graciously offered to host this annual event on their property again this year and as always, look forward to participating with their train ride, antique tractors and hay ride.
    Norfolk Community Day has grown from our first Olde Tyme Day in 1992 to a huge community event where approximately 2500-3000 family members enjoy the rides, entertainment, animals, crafts and other festivities reminiscent of an old time county fair.
    Our focus will continue to be to provide family oriented entertainment at a reasonable cost. Mark your calendars and plan to spend the day with your neighbors and friends at this annual Lions event. All Lions' proceeds are donated back into local charities and causes.
    The Norfolk Community Day program team will be meeting each month to organize and plan this event. If you would like to participate in the festivities or contribute in some way, please contact Barbara S. at 508-520-9937.
    - JW, Norfolk Lions

  • 3/20 11:29am If anyone has large boxes or moving boxes that you no longer need, Norfolk Community League can use them for our Nearly New Sale. The boxes can be dropped off at the Nearly New Bin at the Highway Department across from the Transfer Station on Medway Branch or I can pick them up at your convenience. You can e-mail me at allibern@comcast.net.
    - AB

  • 3/20 10:35am Happy Vernal Equinox! It may not look like it, but winter is over, spring is here! And guess what!? First thing this spring, we're getting more snow!
    - Wm.

  • 3/19 12:52pm Tonight March 19 at 7:00 PM and tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. members and friends of the Federated Church will present an Easter play "Resurrection Song" in the fellowship hall of the church at 1 Union Street. All are invited to attend. There is no charge, but a free-will offering will be taken to help defray production costs.
    - DLJ

    egg hunt fun, 72K

  • 3/19 11:41am In contrast with last year, when the annual Easter Egg Hunt was sunny and green, this season it was sunny and white :-) But never daunted, fun was had by all - see the image, also the top of the page.
    - Wm.

  • 3/18 9:03pm In response to the moving company posts... If you're still on a search for a moving company, take a look at Marathon Moving Co. A good friend of mine and her husband own Marathon Moving - they are a fantastic company and I recommend them whenever I can. Their motto: "Our movers are careful, courteous, and swift." See for yourself - take a look at the testimonials online: www.marathonmoving.com. Ph: 781-963-3398. GOOD LUCK!
    - KM

  • 3/18 2:45pm KT and TEM, We too used Gentle Giant when we moved and found them efficient, careful, and pleasant. We were very happy and would use them again if necessary.
    - GA

  • 3/18 1:30pm To KT: The countless horror stories regarding moving companies continue, not only our own, but also those from friends and relatives over the years. With one exception, that is. When we moved to Norfolk we decided to stop using the huge national franchises and selected a smaller regional one. It turned out to be the best decision we've ever made regarding a move. The name of the company was Gentle Giant and the service they provided was truly extraordinary - fast, efficient, no losses, no damage, and no baloney. We've been recommending them highly ever since, and I checked if they go from the Boston area to North Carolina. They do and their number is 1-800-466-8844.
    - TEM

  • 3/18 1:29pm The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled to be held at 10:15 am tomorrow at the Freeman-Centennial school playground. Details can be found on the Rec Department's notice page at: [link]
    - VR

  • 3/18 11:01am To KT - I'm sorry you have to move from our lovely town. We used Olympic Moving and Storage (800-399-0589) when we moved from Medfield to Norfolk and they were truly awesome. I'm not sure they go to NC but it doesn't hurt to ask. I've used two big national movers on other moves and they too were horrendous.
    - BS

  • 3/18 10:30am Hi all. Sadly, my family will be moving from Norfolk this summer. We've been here 12 years but are relocating to North Carolina. Does anyone have a mover they can recommend? We've been through some horrendous experiences in the past, so any references to someone you trust would be appreciated. Thanks!
    - KT

  • 3/18 10:28am In defense of the town regarding excise tax bills not being delivered, the same thing happened where I work regarding pay stubs being mailed from Pittsburgh, PA. Nobody in the 3 area offices received their pay stubs but the company assured that they were sent. The company actually ended up sending duplicate copies because nobody seemed to be able to figure out what happened to them while en route to Massachusetts. I would have to say that it most likely a problem with the postal service and not the town. This has actually happened to me regarding the mail several times.
    - CR

  • 3/18 8:40am I haven't seen any information about the Easter egg hunt anywhere... is it still happening? Is it toddler appropriate?
    - AP

  • 3/17 10:04pm There is also a consignment shop in Millis on Rt. 109 on the left side as you head toward Medway. Its fairly new & is not too far west of the intersection of 109 & 27.
    - SC

  • 3/17 10:00pm I have noticed many complaints on the issue of the Excise Tax issued late, or not received at all, and then a demand bill showing up on time. I think we should take this situation and handle this on our own. First of my thoughts is that we should go down to CVS or a Hallmark store a purchase a 2006 calendar and mark the First Week of March as EXCISE TAX IS DUE AROUND THIS TIME OF YEAR, and put this calendar behind 2005. I know a lot of us will forget as the year goes by, but, as you turn the page on the 2006 calendar from February to March VOILA, you will see that the time has come to pay or at least call and find out were your Excise tax bill is, and if you do not inquire, you have yourself to blame, because you gave yourself a year's notice.
    Also, I think the town should help us out on the excise tax billing problems that we face almost every year. I think they should put up a banner on the new library, there is plenty of space!!!, as you go over the bridge coming from Franklin you will see that MARCH IS EXCISE TAX MONTH, or as you enter the town of Norfolk from other towns they should have signs, just as they have now that state Town Meeting on such a date, they should state, MARCH IS EXCISE TAX MONTH, the opportunities are endless to end the confusion for all of us.
    Just some humor, Happy St. Patty's Day to ya.
    - RS

    library friends donation, 64K
    Pictured in the photo, left to right are: Harvey Boulay, Library Trustee, Robert Lowndes, Chair Permanent Building Committee, Marion Graham Vice-President, Friends of the Norfolk Public Library, Robin Glasser, Library Director, Mary Jo Gothorpe, President of Friends, James Lehan & Ramesh Advani, Board of Selectmen
    [Click on photo to enlarge]

  • 3/17 1:24pm MaryJo Gothorpe, President of the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library and Marion Graham, Vice-President, presented a $75,000 check to the Permanent Building Committee and Library Trustees at the Norfolk Selectmen's meeting on Monday evening, March 14th
    As part of the Library Expansion project, the 500-member Friends group pledged to raise the first $75,000 of the $250,000 needed for the Furniture Fund, which will provide furnishings, shelving, seating, tables, and other equipment for the new library. "The Friends are extremely excited to see the library coming along so nicely," said Friends President MaryJo Gothorpe. "Many Friends have contributed generously to make sure that the interior furnishings and equipment are commensurate with the spectacular new building."
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - RG, Norfolk Public Library

  • 3/16 11:32pm I love the new Comcast setup. It makes it easier to see what is on other channels and the whole presentation has a better look to it. The one thing I don't like is the multiple icons when you hit the info button. It seems like a little too much. They are probably rolling this out to be able to offer more services in the future. I agree it would be nice to ask the customers what we think. It's the least they could do for the $$$ we lay out every month. They could probably even put a questionnaire up on the screen for people with digital cable. If you order something On Demand you answer questions so answering other questions shouldn't be too difficult.
    Then again it could be extremely difficult and I have no idea what I'm talking about...
    - DM

  • 3/16 11:32pm Anyone notice that Comcast has changed the format when you use a remote for TV? They have made it more complex, especially when you press "Info" and expect to get the players in a given movie. What a mess, and besides, you need 20/10 vision to see it, plus the contrast is lacking.
    Suggest they go back to the original motif while they reevaluate. Suggest they ask the users for their comments. What do you think?
    - JO

  • 3/16 5:32pm To HNP, I received the excise bill for my trailer the same time as my car.
    - GDL

  • 3/16 4:19pm To JW - Is that inches or feet? (I know how you feel.)
    - PG

  • 3/16 1:01pm Re: Consignment Shop - Walpole Center named Second Glance.
    - PN

  • 3/16 11:43am Re: excise bills. I apparently was one of the lucky ones to receive my excise bill in a timely manner. After I sent it back, it dawned on me that I never received one for my trailer. Are there any other trailer owners that received an excise bill along with their auto excise bill or does that happen at another time of the year?
    - HNP

  • 3/16 11:42am To JB - The recent Country Gazette had an article about a consignment shop in Franklin close to the train depot in the center of town. I'm sorry I can't remember the name and I've already recycled my newspaper from last week. Maybe if you call the Gazette they can tell you.
    - BS

    [Isn't there one in downtown Wrentham as well? - Wm.]

  • 3/15 9:47pm Can anyone recommend a local consignment shop? I have three bridesmaids dresses I would love to get out of my closet! Thanks.
    - JB

  • 3/15 2:19pm I got all 3 of my excise bills. They were sent to me in duplicate, 2 for each vehicle, each in its own envelope. I thought perhaps this happened to the whole town and was thinking what a waste of postage that was. Did this happen to anyone else?
    - LK

  • 3/15 12:28pm We have a great person to come & feed our cat or dog when we go away for the day, or on vacation. Her name is Judy (sorry can't remember her last name) from Man's Best Friend. She is caring, reliable and is very flexible. Her tel number is 508-660-5037. Good luck
    - SD

  • 3/15 12:24pm Looking to get a kitten. Please let me know. This is my work # (617) 422-4936.
    - DM

  • 3/15 10:17am Does anyone know of a petting service in Norfolk? We are going away for 10 days and need our cats fed twice a day and the litter box cleaned. Kindly advise.
    - DG

  • 3/14 9:03pm Norfolk Walkways, sponsored by the Norfolk Community League and The Garden Club of Norfolk, is offering inscribed bricks for the new and improved Town Hill. The walkways will link the gazebo, Peace Garden and Veteran's Memorials. List your family names, remember a loved one, note a special occasion or day, record a favorite saying. Bricks are the perfect gift for any number of occasions - births, anniversary, and graduations. It's a one time gift that will last a lifetime as they will become a permanent part of Town Hill.
    Your opportunity to order a brick ends in late spring 2005. A 4 x 4 brick with up to 3 lines of print is $50. A larger 8 x 8 brick with up to 6 lines of print is $100. Each line is limited to 20 characters, including spaces and punctuation. Installation is expected in July 2005. Order forms can be found at locations around town or can be downloaded from www.norfolkcommunityleague.org. For more information, please contact Bonnie D. at 508-528-8414 or Tara S. at 508-384-6354.
    - TS, Norfolk Community League

  • 3/14 6:49pm I just wanted to add to the excise bill discussion. We received 2 excise tax bills correctly; however, just received a demand bill for a 3rd vehicle without ever receiving the initial bill. I think as more of us are speaking up there is some proof that something has gone wrong here. The mail delivery in town is awful. We have a P.O. Box and constantly get other people's mail. I thought I would join in the complaining.
    - KA

  • 3/14 6:44pm CF, I too have had problems with the mail. I do understand, like you said, that 99% of mail gets delivered fine, but the errors do appear to be picking up. Coincidently, or no, I did not get my Red Sox World Series Sports Illustrated or the issue that had Manny Ramirez on the front last Summer. My Patriots Super Bowl edition did not come last year. I have had about five issues of my sports illustrated not delivered over the past 2 years. Again, could be coincidence, but something tells me not. Without proof of anything there is nothing I can do. My biggest example is mail I received about a year and a half ago. The mail was addressed to a number and street in Foxboro that had the same number and name as my road. That is the only thing that matched. I wrote on the mail that this was not the correct address and put it back into my mailbox with the flag up. The letter was taken and low and behold the next day it was delivered again. I wrote on it again that it was the wrong address, chalking it up to the fact it was just dropped in the mailbag and re-delivered with my mail. So this time I dropped it off at the post office. Guess what was delivered the next day? I almost drove the mail to Foxboro myself. I wrote on it one last time and sent it on its way. Finally it was gone for good...
    As for the tax bills, I need to place a call to the town as well since I have only received the bill for my wife's van (and paid on time I might add :).
    - PFD

  • 3/14 4:43pm Well, let me just open up that can of worms.
    Since we moved to Norfolk several years ago, we have experienced problems with our mail delivery. Several pieces a week that are our neighbors' are in our mail box (either side and across the street). We have also had a unique situation were pieces of mail for other parts of town. We have also received our mail with notations from people who received it in error.
    Our accountant, lawyers and insurance agents send all correspondence via express letter or Fedex. When we first moved to town, several important documents never reached us, hence the method of delivery change.
    Both myself and my husband have spoken with the postmasters at Norfolk and Millis. What we have found is that our delivery route is a rural route out of Millis. There are different requirements for rural route delivery drivers.
    Both postmasters are sympathetic, but what they seem to not comprehend is the loss of intergrity of the United States Postal Service. We were instructed to simply place the mail back into our mailbox with a note stating it was not our mail.
    Yes, I know the USPS most likely delivers 99% of the mail properly, but there appears to be a problem here locally.
    I can still remember the name of our childhood postman, Tarrs. Our task during summer vacation was to make sure Tarrs had a cold glass of ice tea or lemonade waiting as he made his delivery of my parent's mail.
    It would be interesting to see how many other Norfolk residents have the same experience with their mail delivery.
    - CF

  • 3/14 4:35pm Count me as another person who received just a demand notice without ever receiving the original excise bill. My last name starts with W also, which seems a somewhat common thread in the postings on this topic. I left a message at the Assessors office, but have not had my call returned.
    - MW

  • 3/14 3:09pm I was wondering if anyone knew a good voice coach in the area? Thanks,
    - JG

  • 3/14 2:37pm Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced company that pumps residential septic systems? Also, how often should a septic system be pumped?
    - JG

  • 3/14 2:36pm Regarding the excise bills not arriving. We received mail last Sat that was postmarked Feb. 1 so it could possibly be a problem with the USPS.
    - JR

  • 3/14 1:21pm As someone who did not receive the initial sending of the excise tax bill this year, it seems apparent to me that there was an unusual problem this year in the distribution of the bills this year based on the facts that:
    1. There are several corroborating stories of others who didn't receive their bills, and
    2. We own two vehicles and did not receive a bill for either one.
    I echo others' appreciation for Mr. Hathaway's thoughtful response, but would hope that his office would, at the very least, take an understanding approach when questioned about the fairness of this year's batch of demand notices and its accompanying surcharge. BTW, I don't own an SUV.
    - EW

  • 3/14 12:50pm The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2005 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station). The cost is $9.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify for a three-year vaccination. All dogs must be leashed and cats must be confined to a carrier or pillowcase. Town of Norfolk dog licenses will be available from the Town Clerk at the clinic. For more information, please contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508-528-7747.
    - BF, Norfolk Board of Health

  • 3/14 8:05am Norfolk's official snow amount? $#@^%&**%$,
    - JW

  • 3/13 9:19pm I appreciate the time Mr. Hathaway spent to explain the situation with the excise taxes. We were impressed with Mr. Hathaway's understanding of the situation, his sympathy, and his honesty regarding our options. It's unfortunate that we have to suffer because apparently not everyone pays their bills on-time and not everyone is honest about not receiving bills. Regardless, we've accepted this and are moving on.
    JM - I'm not sure what refinancing or $60k SUVs has to do with lost excise bills, but if you think we have either a $60k SUV or have refinanced (?), you're wrong. The value of our vehicles and trailers are nowhere near $60k, and we do have to earn the money that is necessary to live in Norfolk. Oh yeah - and we ALWAYS pay our bills on time... even when they hurt... provided we do receive them...
    Wm - that is a great picture. I couldn't believe how pretty it was yesterday - the huge snow flakes were impressive. I do hate the snow this time of year and look forward to the warm weather, but pictures like yours keep things in perspective. Thank you for your post.
    - AW

  • 3/13 3:30pm Are there any good summer day camps in the area? that provide transportation from Norfolk?
    - JT

  • 3/13 9:44am Does anyone have an official Norfolk snowfall for this winter season?
    - KC

    little tree in snowstorm, 66K

  • 3/13 12:55am I was shoveling the driveway after dark, enjoying the stillness. Everything was muffled, black and white, and bright and sparkly. And I was also bemusedly contemplating a white St. Patrick's Day :-)
    The photo is of our little maple tree, all fluffy with the snow, with the older trees hulking in the background.
    - Wm.

  • 3/12 10:26pm Mr. Hathaway, excellent post on the excise bill issue. I, too, share your interest in identifying some common trait among the residents whose excise bills were 'lost' in the mail. I wonder if there is a way to search for Norfolk residents who recently refinanced their mortgage and bought $60,000 SUVs, and match that list to the 'lost excise bill' list. Just a thought.
    - JM

  • 3/12 6:55pm Mr. Hathaway, (re: excise tax bills) Your message on here is one of the more outstanding, well-thought-out postings I've seen in quite some time. It makes me happy that I moved from a larger, more bureaucratic town to a community such as this where a town official doesn't avoid non-formal interaction with residents. That you took the time to post that information leads me to believe you actually care about this problem, and that's refreshing to see. That said, I received ALL 4 of my excise tax bills, and I'd happy share them with anyone who didn't get one. :)
    - DF

  • 3/12 2:19pm To MP - thanks for the guitar teacher referral - called him and made arrangements - Thanks!
    - CI

  • 3/12 2:18pm The Norfolk Girl Scouts are hosting their annual International Day from 1 to 3 pm on Sunday March 13, 2005. It will be held at the Freeman / Centennial Schools. Each of the 27 participating troops selected a country and has learned about its customs. The girls have been busy creating costumes, flags and maps of their country and will be displaying them at their booth. In addition, troops will be selling small trinkets and food associated with the country. Each visitor receives a passport upon entry to the event and has it stamped as they visit each country. The event is free and open to the public. It is an event that the Norfolk Girls Scouts look forward to each year. We hope to see you there!
    For more information, contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354.
    - TS

  • 3/12 12:39pm To AP: The Massachusetts Audubon has maple sugaring programs at its Moose Hill Sanctuary in Sharon, right off 1-95; details at: [Moose Hill]. The Natick Community Organic Farm on Route 16 in Natick also has maple sugaring tours [natickfarm.org], and is a neat place to visit with children throughout the year. For information about sugarhouses across the state, check out massmaple.org.
    - VR

  • 3/12 11:16am Greetings. I am the Finance Director and Interim Town Administrator for the Town and I wanted to clarify a few postings regarding the excise taxes. For what it's worth, the Treasurer/Collector and I are sympathetic to resident's concerns and we do investigate issues to see if something went wrong or can be improved. With each billing we go through a careful process to ensure that all of the bills were mailed on time, by verifying bill totals, counts, time stamps, etc.
    One posting claimed that the Treasurer/Collector was "conveniently out of the office" yesterday. That type of comment bothers me, considering the amount of work and extra time she puts into her job. In fact, she spent a good part of the morning yesterday meeting with the Post Master in Millis to investigate if there was an issue at the Post Office that would have caused a problem with the delivery of the bills. There was a long discussion and investigation of the postmarks, stamping, sorting, traying, etc. that lead the Postmaster to believe that delivery went as normal. The Post Master stated that an influx of 8,300 bills would not have created an unusual burden on his office and expected that it was a typical delivery day.
    In addition to meeting with the Post Master we also, as a regular course of business, tracked the complaints to identify trends by alphabet and delivery location. This also proved to be inconclusive as names ranged A - Z and locations were scattered across the town and there were not any noticeable spikes or trends.
    AW states that I implied that 1,000 - 1,200 pieces of mail disappeared. That is not what my message was, and if I wasn't clear, I apologize. Of the 8,358 bills that were mailed out on February 4th, 1,263 bills had not been paid on time. Over the last two days we had approximately 40 - 50 people call or visit the office saying they had not received their original bill. We have many excise billings during the year and this is the largest in terms of bill count. It is not unusual to receive complaints of non receipt and 40 - 50 is in the normal range for a billing this size. 50 bills would represents approximately 1/2 of 1% of the bills not being delivered. The portion of those that were not delivered versus those that may have been misplaced - your guess is as good as mine, but I suspect there is a portion in both columns.
    We average between 15 - 20% of excise bills not being paid on time each cycle, so this cycle, at least on a percentage basis, the numbers appear to be right in line. We have received information from other communities and the average appears to be 20% of bills are paid following the demand process (late).
    The bottom line is, there is a consistently a fairly significant percentage of people that do not pay their bills on time (15 - 20 %) despite receiving a bill. Is a portion of any bill cycle due to problems beyond the taxpayer's control? I'm sure there are some and I'm confidant that the people who I've spoken to are honestly telling me there they didn't receive a bill in February. It is difficult for us to identify the small number of people that we believe would have legitimate complaints compared to the large number that are late due to their own actions.
    The Treasurer/Collector and I have an obligation to the Town to collect all taxes from everyone in a timely manner. If we don't maintain our collection strategies we will see a growth in late payments and that obviously is not in the best interests of the Town.
    For the conscientious people who are concerned about being caught in this problem again. You should know that your excise bill will be due again at the same time each year, provided you didn't purchase a new car. If you are concerned about the $5 fee and want to protect yourself from this problem in the future, note your bill cycle and seek out a bill next year at the same time. I personally wouldn't go to these lengths, but for those that are concerned it could avoid the problem in the future. The Assessor's office may be able to give you some guidance on new cars regarding the timing of bills.
    I hope this information is helpful. I have included a link below to the Secretary of State's website that has information about Motor Vehicle Excise Taxes. This information is also available in a pamphlet at the Treasurer/Collector's office. There is information about the Warrant process included in the brochure and website that should clarify AW's concern about being arrested. If someone doesn't pay their bills there will be a warrant issued with additional fees, but it won't be a warrant for your arrest.
    Now, if we could just get the snow to stop so we can get those cars back on the roads and we can stop paying for the plows.
    Secretary of State's brochure on Excise Taxes [link]
    - Jack Hathaway
    Interim Town Administrator, Finance Director, Town of Norfolk, MA 508.528.1408, hathaway@virtualnorfolk.org, www.virtualnorfolk.org

  • 3/12 10:53am Are there any maple farms or sugar houses nearby?
    - AP

  • 3/11 10:11pm While I am not sure I believe the "USPS" problem that the Town Administrator spoke of, I too, find it funny that 1,000-1,200 pieces of mail can simply disappear....
    A friend suggested we call either Channel 5 News, "Buyer Beware" or Fox 25 News Investigative News Reports to state our case. Again, we will pay the bill so that there is not a warrant issued for our arrest (as was told to my husband if he does not pay the demand fee). I still find it extemely odd that THAT much mail can disappear. Giving the town the benefit of the doubt, I hope they will look into this problem and see if there is some sort of pattern? neighborhood based? (probably not if my father-in-law across town experienced the same problem) alphabetical based? (our last name is W) etc. Hopefully, there will be some type of follow-up or I may be tempted to call those mentioned above.
    - AW

  • 3/11 7:17pm CI: For guitar lessons contact Bill Trainor at 508-384-2518.
    - MP

  • 3/11 6:01pm I just noticed the new Norfolk Community League signs. They look great... and are very easy to read! Thanks
    - SRB

  • 3/11 3:51pm Just a quick update from Indianapolis. The King Philip Symphony band is one of 17 bands in the country selected to play in the Bands of America National Concert Festival [link]. Their performance was outstanding, bringing the audience, consisting of their peers from around the country, to their feet many times. The King Philip towns were well represented today. From a Proud Parent,
    - JS

  • 3/11 3:49pm Re: Excise Tax Bills. My husband spoke with Jane Lepardo last night, and then Jack Hathaway (Town Administrator) this morning. Obviously we were not pleased with throwing $25 into more taxes. Apparently this same issue occurs every year where individuals claim to have not received the first request, and Jane (and Jack) are not able to eliminate the demand fees. Jack mentioned that Jane is meeting with the Millis Post Office today to try and understand what caused the mailing problem (they are convinced it is not a town office problem but a USPS problem). Either way, it looks like we need to pay the bill including the demand fee. Incidentally, we never received all five of our bills, my father-in-law didn't receive any of his four bills, and we live on opposite sides of the town (different sides of the tracks :) .
    - AW

  • 3/11 10:59am RE: Excise Tax Bills... I'd be more apt to blame the mail system than the assessors office. Probably once a week I get mail that is not mine. Just last week I got 8 pieces of mail for one neighbor, and one piece for another, all in the same delivery. A few months back two of my vehicle registrations were mailed to me, but ended up in someone else's mailbox. Luckily for me, that person was nice enough to drive the registrations over to my house.
    It's gotten to the point now where I'm reluctant to even subscribe to magazines, because I'm not confident they'd be delivered to me with any regularity.
    So while it could be a mix-up with the assessors office, it could also very well be mis-delivered mail... I wouldn't be shocked.
    - DF

  • 3/11 9:37am AW, I also received the excise tax bill with the demand, without ever receiving the initial bill. I've called the assessors office twice during office hours so far, but only got the machine and no response so far. Does anybody know what's going on here?
    - PW

  • 3/11 9:34am I, too, got demand notices for the excise tax yesterday. I never received the original bill. When I spoke to the collector's office, I was told that 8300 bills were sent February 4, and that 1000 demand notices were sent. Conveniently, the collector is not in the office today. It seems very suspect that so many bills were "lost in the mail".
    - AL

  • 3/11 12:18am Hi! Looking for recommendations on electric guitar teachers. Recall seeing a similar request this winter - but after trolling the archives for 30 minutes I still couldn't find them... If you know of someone could you post the info? Thanks!
    - CI

  • 3/10 7:18pm Did anyone else get a demand notice for their excise tax (without ever receiving the first request)? We received ours today. I understand that a dozen people have had the similar problem, although I suspect that a dozen is significantly downplayed (when calling for more information, we got the impresssion that several people had also called with concern and heard that 30 to 40 people actually stopped by)...
    - AW

  • 3/10 8:01am A reader noticed this update [TownOnline article] to the DUI arrest story of our former town administrator.
    - Wm.

  • 3/9 5:52pm I am starting a weekly class for kindergarten and first graders who are ready for challenging literature experiences, called Book Buddies. This class is intended for students who are solid readers and are ready for exposure to a higher level of children's literature. We will begin by reading Charlotte's Web. (I am always interesed in suggestions for other books once class is running.)
    Once a week during our 1 hour and 15 min. class I will lead a group discussion analyzing the book while incorporating English skills outlined in the Massachusetts Educational Frameworks. Students will share journal entries they made at home relating to pages read to them by their parents during the week. Then we will finish the class with a game or craft related to the story and a snack.
    Register by the month (4 meetings) for $40/month. There will be a /one time only/ materials fee of $5 the first time you register. Classes are scheduled on Wednesday from 4:00-5:15 pm and Thursday from 4:00-5:15 pm with a limit of 8 students/class to be held at 27 Tucker Rd. in Norfolk. Classes start the first week in April. You will re-register each month after that.
    Please call Laura M. to get more details if you are interested in the class, 508-553-2865.
    - LM

  • 3/9 2:13pm We're renovating our kitchen and selling our 8 year old almond colored appliances - check the bulletin board for more information.
    - AB

    lost dog, 40K

  • 3/9 10:41am This dog was picked up in the middle of last night's snow storm and has no id on her. If you own her or know who owns her please contact the Animal Control Officer at the Norfolk Police Department at (508)5283232.
    - Hilary Nolan Penlington - Norfolk Animal Control Officer

    [Update 3/8 11:24pm: doggy has found his owners - Hilary Noan Penlington]

  • 3/8 7:19pm Mark your calendars! The Norfolk Community League's Annual Nearly New Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 30th from 9-12 at the H. Olive Day school. NCL is currently accepting donations of gently used children's clothing, equipment, toys and maternity clothes. Please no used stuffed animals. Items may be dropped off at any time at the bin at the Highway Department (across from the Transfer Station) on Medway Branch until April 16th. All monies raised will go towards NCL's disbursements, which are at a 6 year total of over $130,000! Help the community and clean out your closets at the same time! Tax receipts for your goods are available at the bin. Contact Tracy C. 508.520.2704 tracy@sharpforce.com or Allison B. 508.541.6955 allibern@comcast.net for more information or to volunteer for the sale.
    - TR, Norfolk Community League

  • 3/8 7:04pm To DG - My kids go to Franklin Country Day and have gone to Stony Brook. Both are really good camps for the non team sports oriented crew. There are posts here on Norfolknet in the archives dated 2/12 and 2/10 for more details. Good luck.
    - BS

  • 3/8 1:11pm LS - Thanks for your tips on the tile backsplash removal. Our walls sound they are in the same shape yours were. So inbetween each skimcoat you sanded again? Then re-skim coated? I appreciate your help. My husband is about to tackle the project and we want to make sure we are doing it the right way. Thanks.
    - MCS

  • 3/8 12:32pm The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Spring Auction of Talents and Treasures on Saturday, April 30, 2005 at the Church at 1 Union Street (Rt. 115) in the center of Norfolk. A viewing of items to be auctioned will be at 10:00 Am with the Auction to begin at 11:00 AM. There will be a wide variety of items and services to be auctioned of. Refreshments will be available. Quality donations are welcomed and will be accepted as of March 28th. Receipts for donations will be available at the church. Contact Peg B. or Georgia J. for any questions, 508-528-3854. The Auction is organized by the Women's Fellowship of the Church.
    - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 3/8 7:52am Do you need a taste of spring after a long, cold, snowy winter? If so, you will enjoy an upcoming event featuring the talents of both local artists and members of the Garden Club of Norfolk. On Wednesday, April 13th from 6 to 9pm, the Garden Club is holding an "Art & Blossoms" event[,] [where local artists will exhibit their work. For full information, please see the announcement.]
    - JW

  • 3/8 8:11am The Garden Club has a 20th anniversary this year. In celebration, they have put together a wonderful community cookbook along with gardening tips, From the Garden to the Table. A tasting of some of the recipes will be served at the show. [For full information, please see the announcement.]
    - JW

  • 3/8 7:46am DG, the Hockomock YMCA in Franklin has a number of good daycamp options, some in Franklin, others at North Attleboro, Mansfield, Foxboro and Lake Pearl in Wrentham. There is a bus from Norfolk and they do have a website, www.hockymca.org.
    - MJD

  • 3/7 6:37pm Hello, does anyone have any suggestions for summer day camp for a 7 year old boy in this area. He's not a big sports fan. Any thoughts/suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!
    - DG

  • 3/7 6:26pm The King Philip Men's Softball League is now accepting registration for the 2005 season. All games, which are slow pitch and ASA sanctioned, are played in Bellingham. Registration cost is $50 for new players. Individuals or teams interested in joining the league should contact League President Craig K. at 508-520-0163 or email kpsoftball@gis.net Registration deadline is April 15, 2005.
    - CK

  • 3/7 5:13pm To MCS - We too just removed our backsplash. It was Formica that was glued to the wallboard. It ran up under the cabinets. I tore it off and the glue caused the wallboard to tear, rip, etc. I ended up tearing (by hand) the loose pices of wallboard paper, doing a quick sand (orbital) then putting a light skimcoat of plaster. I did this three times to build it back up to nrmal and then sanded smooth. We were going to paint it but my wife now decided we are going to tile the backsplash so I could have forgone the last 2 coats.
    - LS

  • 3/7 4:28pm We recently removed an old tile backsplash in our kitchen and the walls are in tough shape underneath. Any advice on how to prepare them for a new granite backsplash? The new backsplash is about 4 inches high and then there will be about 4 inches above the new backsplash showing as well. Thanks for any help.
    - MCS

  • 3/7 4:27pm The King Philip High School Spring Concert will be Wednesday March 23rd 7:30pm, King Philip High School Auditorium. Featuring Chorus, Concert Band and Symphony Band Adults: $5 Student/ Senior: $3
    - MW

  • 3/7 4:26pm Is Marching Band in Your Future? Come to King Philip Marching Band Orientation For All Parents/Guardians and Students 7:00 PM Tues., March 15, 2005 King Philip High School Auditorium
    - MW

  • 3/7 2:30pm I was just wondering, with the Little League Parade around the corner and baseball in the air, are there any updates on the dugouts at the Freeman. I know they have been torn down. They were determined to be condemned about three weeks into last season. It would be nice to have them completed before the start of the season. Is there anything that can be done even though there is still snow on the ground? Thanks for any information!
    - TO

  • 3/6 10:53pm Well, after a week of calls to Verizon tech support, pondering my options, and one small technical adjustment, our DSL situation seems to be finally resolved for the better - it works. We've had a stable and silent connection for three days now.
    Yes, it was a hardware problem. A rather simple problem, and one that the phone company is supposed to handle. But no, Verizon tech support has very little ability to diagnose problems. They're courteous and friendly, and do try to be helpful, just don't recognize obvious problems when described to them.
    I was finally pointed in the right direction by an eBay seller, who commented that an audible DSL modem is most likely a "backline connection" problem: a corroded connection somewhere between the house and the phone company exchange. So I checked the only connection accessible to me, the one on the corner of the house, and sure enough, the wire leads were green and gray. I scraped them coppery clean with the screwdriver blade, tightened the connection, and all symptoms - scratchy line, dropped DSL connections, and hiss on the line - have disappeared.
    Now that I have both Comcast and Verizon internet service working, here is how I perceive the difference between the two:
    - AR

  • 3/6 4:14pm To RJC: Re: law on barking dogs: there are both town bylaws and state laws regarding nuisance dogs. If you look on the town web site under bylaws you will find the animal by laws under article XIII. In state laws they are listed under MGL Chapter 140. Instead of posting at length here, feel free to give me a call at the police station between 8 and 4 Monday through Friday and I can give you a full rundown on how I can help solve your problem as there are many different approaches. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Nolan Penlington - Norfolk Animal Control Officer, 508-528-3232

  • 3/6 12:40am Episode 3 of Ben's Dino Show is now airing on Norfolk cable TV channel 8... and did you see that great write-up in the Country Gazette?
    - KT

  • 3/6 12:32am A reply to JO on the cemetery finding near the High tension Wires - as far as I know it is not used any more; yes they do have names of the people on a flat granite stone. The cemetery was used for unclaimed people when they died, I guess the prison had the space and they did what they had to do.
    One of the people that is buried there was a prisoner from Framingham prison. She was one of the 7 women, a long time back for killing her husband, I guess there were 7 women at that time that were imprisoned for that type of crime, and there was a big case on self defense for women at that time, I guess some were released, and so she died in the process of law at that time.
    As far as I know there is no Veterans buried at that spot.
    I have visited there, and like you, I thought what is this, in the middle of nowhere, no road for people to visit, so I did some homework on the site. The only thing tangible I found out was the 7 women that were prisoners in Framingham and that was a big story back in Equal Rights Amendment for woman. The press called them the Framingham 7. If you want to look up the story, I think the Boston Globe should have it in their Archives.
    As you walk into the site her stone is some where on the right as you look towards Seekonk Street.
    I hope this info is helpful to you.
    Long time resident,
    - RS

  • 3/6 12:29am Hilary, what is the law on barking dogs -- is there a time limit etc? We have a problem with a barking dog -- when the people leave, the dog is left out, and because of loneliness, etc, it basically barks on and off the entire time -- as long as 7 hours. They have been spoken to, but because the dog doesn't bark when they are home, I don't think they realize the duration and mind-numbing aggrevation all the neighbors endure. Thanks for your input --
    - RJC

  • 3/5 10:57am I didn't know that our Police Force made use of an unmarked car to nail speeders on the roads of Norfolk. I'm not complaining, this is probably a good thing. But you might want to be especially aware of the posted speed limit (35mph) for Main Street's wide turn at City Mills Pond (near Camger Chemical Systems). It's a favorite spot for one of our finest insuring that we all slow down.
    - TEM

  • 3/5 10:43am Here is an excellent web site that at last answers a lot of questions and will help in knowing the status of projects in town. I think this is one of the better ones that the state has put out. Even the status of Miller River bridge is on it. Was featured in the SC [Attleboro Sun-Chronicle] March 3, www.mass.gov/eot [Executive Office of Transportation]
    All people have to do is Log on Mass. Highway Dept. Enjoy the highway scenery, double click "Project Info" lower right hand area [an image link], then double click Projects under design and Viola!! all data is there . Click under the project number, etc . Great site.
    - JO

    Pine Grove Cemetery, 47K

  • 3/5 10:15am While scanning the area around Call 7 Wait I noticed a cemetery (see map) underneath the high-tension lines called Pine Grove. A long time resident related that the interred persons came via the prison. Is this so? Are the gravesites identified? Are there any veterans in the plot? Is this practice still going on?
    - JO

  • 3/4 5:09pm The Norfolk Community Blood Drive will held be on Saturday March 5 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union St. Valid ID required. Walk-ins welcome.
    - DLJ

  • 3/4 4:02pm DTB: For regular repairs I highly recommend Daleys. For transmission work, I recommend BATCO transmissions on Rt 1 in Norwood. They were very professional with the work, as reasonably priced as you can get with a transmission, and worked with my warranty company directly. Just recently I had to call them up again, and even after 4 years they still were great to deal with.
    - HN

  • 3/4 8:37am Hi. I was hoping that someone might recommend an auto repair shop, specifically transmission work? I have a Ford Ranger pickup. You can email me at ugp2002@aol.com Thanks.
    - DTB

    [Or, as others might be interested too, consider posting replies - Wm.]

  • 3/3 8:39pm To DM - I have been using my neighborhood Miller St. bridge for 44 years and have not found it to be as you say... "Cooperation makes it happen." You must be referring to the temperary one lane bridge. No speed bump is needed... and as for the litter, I have brought a trash bag and a picker when I take a walk... Great exercise.
    - ER

  • 3/3 7:23pm Please see our schedule of Holy Week Easter Services [here]
    - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 3/3 7:06pm On Saturday, March 19 at 7:00 PM members of the Federated Church of Norfolk Congregation will present "Resurrection Song" in the fellowship hall of the Federated Church of Norfolk at 1 Union Street (intersection of Rt. 115 and Main St.) in the center of Norfolk. This contemporary musical portrays the drama of Holy Week - from the splendor of Palm Sunday, through the heartbreak of the crucifixion, to the glorious and triumphant resurrection of Christ. All are invited to attend this performance. There is no charge, but a free will offering will be taken to help defray production costs.
    - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 3/2 10:52pm To KC, No, I have not hit a speed bump with a snow plow but I have hit other immovable objects that have sent my teeth to my hat and the plow into the undercarriage. All plow drivers should know their route and permanent obstacles beneath the snow by heart. Going extremely slow and lifting the blade for a speed bump on a small bridge seems a small price to pay for a lot of safety. Inexperienced plow operators be warned that the job requires skill, and planning during daylight clear road conditions. The Miller street bridge and all wetland areas should only receive a regulated amount of road salt. Experienced operators and log keepers are mandatory. A seasonal speed bump that could be removed during snow season could be an option.
    - DM

  • 3/1 2:08pm To DM a fine for littering is fine but did you ever hit a speed bump with a snow plow? No thank you
    - KC

  • 3/1 8:33pm Re: Miller St. Bridge. I'm hoping the new bridge will have some attractive feature and is not purely steel and concrete. Medfield has a new small bridge on Causeway St. The railings are concrete, but look like granite. Before the bridge closing, cars would regularly speed along the Miller St. and over the bridge. This makes for a terrify condition for any pedestrians or bicyclists on the road or bridge as both are quite narrow. Also before the road closing,the bridge area and wetlands were plagued by trash. Will the new bridge and improved road conditions bring a return of the speeding and trash ? Would anyone else like to see a speed bump on the bridge and a sign posting a heavy fine for littering the wetlands?
    - DM

  • 2/28 10:30pm Yukon made it home at 10:00 Monday night! Thanks to our neighbors for keeping an eye open for him!
    - BC

  • 2/28 9:00pm MG: Contact Bill Trainor at 508-384-2518. He has 9 now but will take on 1 more for guitar lessons.
    - BR

  • 2/28 1:03pm The Norfolk Community League is hosting its annual Easter Bunny Breakfast on Saturday, March 19, 2005. The event will take place at the Freeman Centennial School, MacBride Auditorium from 8:30am until 10am. Join the Eater Bunny and Mr. Dave for a continental breakfast and entertainment. Bring a donation to the Norfolk Food Pantry (non-perishables or toiletries - i.e., canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) for a free picture with the Easter Bunny ($2 without donation).
    Limited tickets are available. Tickets will not be sold at the door so reserve early!!! Admission price $4 per person for NCL members, $6 per person for non-members (children under 2 years old free). For more information call: Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 or Megan D. at 508-528-5251 or visit our web site at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org.
    - TR, Norfolk Community League

    Yukon: missing, 10K

  • 2/28 11:56am We are looking for our lost dog. He is a 9 year old Siberian Husky with black, white, and gray markings and brown eyes. His name is Yukon, he weighs about 50 pounds, has a very full coat, and is EXTREMELY friendly. He has been missing from the Priscilla Ave. area (near the airport and Populatic Pond) since 8:00 pm Saturday, February 26th. He has a red collar with ID tags, rabies vaccination, and Norfolk license. Both Norfolk & Franklin animal control officers have been notified. Please call 508-208-9313 if you see him. He is always leashed, but managed to sneak out and we are very worried about him. Thanks very much!
    - BC

  • 2/28 8:29am On Saturday, March 5th, King Philip Regional High school will host the New England Scholastic Band Association Winter Guard and Percussion Competition, with 47 High School groups from across Eastern Massachusetts competing. Percussion groups will perform 12pm through 4.30pm. Color Guard performances; 5pm through 9.30 pm Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students.
    King Philip Symphony Band Send Off Rally [will take place on] Tuesday, March 8th, 7pm King Philip High School Auditorium. The King Philip Symphony Band will present the full repertoire that they will be performing in the Bands of America National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis on March 10th. A wonderful opportunity to support the achievements of the community.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 2/28 8:25am KE - re: windows and siding: Dave Smith (local - Norfolk) 553-8996 did some great work for us. You should give him a call.
    - PC

  • 2/27 7:49pm KE: In regards to windows and siding. You can call David Smith, Jr., General Contractor 508-553-8996, here in Norfolk. A full exterior facelift was just completed at 69 Main Street in Norfolk. New Siding, windows, storm windows, basement windows and exterior doors were installed. As for another property that we completed in a highly visible location in Norfolk, please drive by the corner of Boardman and Main Street, the old Cliff's Package Store. I can certainly provide you with the numbers of the customers as a reference.
    - DS

  • 2/27 12:20pm Regarding Windows and siding. We are in the process of using Bob Arthur for this and couldn't be happier. In fact, if you drive through Cape Cod estates, you can see his work in progress.
    He is very professional, extremely neat, and very reasonable.
    - BA

    Norfolk between storms, 90K

  • 2/26 5:55pm I took some pictures while snowshoeing this afternoon. [Click on image for the larger version - Wm.]
    - SC

  • 2/26 11:03am To DB - We have used Leuders located in Medfield and Needham for many years--here and when we were in Medfield. They have always been on time, within budget and easy to work with. They are true landscapers with knowledgeable horticulturists on staff and give great advice. They are environmentally conscious as well. Their number is 508-359-9905.
    We have used Gerard Associates out of Walpole to do yardscape work. The work was nicely done however there were a few surprises along the way and we would would probably not use them again. They too do landscape work.
    Good luck.
    - BS

  • 2/26 8:45am Does anyone have a suggestion for a landscaper? We want a fair amount of work done (ie, removal and replacement of overgrown bushes, mulching, edging, etc.).
    - DB

  • 2/25 12:14pm Windoor from Shrewsbury is a great contractor for windows and siding. I used them to replace 24 double-hung windows and 4 bay windows in my house and they were GREAT and had the best price for Harvey products out of 3 bids.
    - DCC

  • 2/24 8:58pm Amazing web site! My parents and my brothers family all live in Norfolk while I am here in Japan. It's good to get a little glimps of what is going on there. Keep up the great work.
    - RR

  • 2/24 6:55pm PR - You might also check out Dover-Sherborn Community Education - they have lots of choices. Their Cooking classes are particularly good. You can get info on the Dover-Sherborn website.
    - SC

  • 2/24 3:15pm To DLJ - Norfolkbaseball.com lists opening day/parade as Saturday, April 23. Check it out as it also has dates for when the season ends, playoff starts, summer dates and the dates for their general meetings. Does this mean winter is almost over? :)
    - PR

  • 2/23 10:55pm To JFM - Try Tyler's Restaurant... they have a function room 508-384-5122... and are reasonable. Ask for Roger... (my son).
    - ER

  • 2/23 10:53pm JFM - The YMCA does a tea party birthday. I think they do it at the North Attleboro location but Franklin may have one now too. Good luck.
    - MJD

  • 2/23 11:17am Hi PR - we have KP Adult Ed brochures at the Adult Services Library on Rte. 1A. They're also available at kingphilip.org, under "Adult Education."
    - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Library Director

  • 2/23 10:36am KE: TWD Enterprises (Park St., Norfolk // 781-789-2641) did that exact work for our home in Norfolk and he did an excellent job. He even worked with us to get the windows and doors at the cheapest price (Home Depot and Bargain Outlet). They are really great and a local (in-town) business!!!
    - JFM

  • 2/23 10:35am Our daughter is turning 4 in March and we are searching for a venue (does not need to be large) for a Tea Party Themed Birthday celebration. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a place that we could rent? I know of a few businesses that will bring all the tea party supplies & costumes but we just need a room / venue. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
    - JFM

  • 2/23 6:21am Re: 2/22 2:04pm Does anyone have any recommendations for someone to replace our old sliders ...
    I can't suggest an installer, but I can suggest a manufacturer. We used an Anderson Frenchwood patio slider (vinyl outside, wood inside) and screen-slider (aluminum) leading to our deck. The reason that we used Anderson was the way the screen slider is positioned, on the outermost side, so that in the summer, mosquitoes tend to stay on the screen on the outside of the patio door, even when the patio door is opened for ventilation. The screen-slider is not disturbed when the patio door is opened, or closed, or locked. The screen-slider has a lock, also.
    Pella positions their wooden screen slider on the inside. If the patio door is opened for ventilation, the screen-slider has to be opened to get to the patio door handle. Any accumulated mosquitoes can enter the house when the screen-slider is opened again to close and lock the outer door. Note: The wood of the Pella screen-slider should be painted or varnished to prevent warping.
    - RH

  • 2/22 9:24pm To KE: We used Pella to replace 19 windows in our house. The price was higher but the superior customer service and professionalism were worth the extra money. Pella has been there for replacement parts (2 young kids, not cheap product) many times. It's all relative. After having workmen not show up for appointments, or worse, show up drunk, we feel we made the right choice. All 19 windows were replaced in one day. Everything was clean and in perfect condition when they left. Pella isn't going anywhere, you will always know where they are. I wish I could say the same for the painter who never came back to finish painting my house, or the flooring guys who never finished my stairway, or the kitchen renovators who we had to call the police on (actually I'm glad we couldn't find him!) I wish Pella performed all those services!
    - DM

  • 2/22 5:03pm To KE - We used Bob Arthur Siding and Roofing in Franklin to replace all of our windows. He was very reasonable in price and did a professional job.
    - KN

  • 2/22 2:45pm KE, We used Classic Exteriors of Braintree to replace our sliders, windows and front door... they use Harvey Windows. We found them to be reasonable in price and quickly got the job done. 800-675-2600
    - PN

  • 2/22 2:04pm Does anyone have any recommendations for someone to replace our old sliders with french doors and install some new storm doors on the house? We received an estimate from Pella that was quite high and would like to get some additional estimates. Thanks.
    - KE

  • 2/22 2:01pm Does anyone know where I can get a listing of the KP Adult Education programs? I believe registration was last week but I never saw a list of their programs? Thanks!
    - PR

  • 2/21 10:56pm An update on our DSL situation - service was down again between 3:30 and 6:30 this morning, but was then fine through the rest of the day, and is still ok as I type this.
    RH, thanks for the suggestion - I've double-checked the connections at the junction box (though they seemed quite tight already). I'll keep the wiring in mind if the scratchy noise recurs.
    JH, Verizon has been offering DSL in town for years. Residents at the edges of town had service a long time back; I live close to the center of town, and was unable to get service until recently. The wire distance between the exchange and your house must be less than some limit (somewhere around 18,000 feet). However, I find that the sales agents are less than beclued about the specifics: First they said they don't offer DSL, then that we live too far, then that we have fiber between the exchange and our house (which would be a definite no-go). Then one day, when, prompted by a circular in my mailbox, I called, they said sure, they can sign me up! Of course, they also said they would provide a static IP address (actually available only with a business account), and no-one but DSL tech support has information on pricing (but which claims that static IP's are not supported at any price from my exchange).
    Note that obtaining the above information took a half dozen phone calls spread over a couple of years. We found the most persuasive point in our favor to have been the fact that an adjacent neighbor already had DSL, which forced them to reconsider their claim that it's not available here.
    DB, thank you for the encouragement! I have my fingers crossed :-)
    - AR

  • 2/21 6:12pm Does anyone know if the opening day of Norfolk's Little League will include a parade from town center? What is the date? Thank you
    - DLJ

  • 2/21 8:58am Our plain old telephone service used to have a lot of static on the line when used for the phones and for the dial-up modem. Finally I tightened the screws and nuts on the connector block/lightning arrestor in the cellar: the static went away, and there were fewer dropouts during long downloads.
    Now, with the very fast Comcast Internet service, there are no dropouts and there are no long downloads any more.
    - RH

  • 2/20 11:04pm AR - We got Verizon DSL about two weeks ago and have had no problems at all. I hope your issue was just a fluke. I love the speed of the DSL and can't imagine going back to dial-up service now! Good luck.
    - DB

  • 2/20 10:54pm To AR - what part of town do you live in that you can get Verizon DSL? They have previously told me they don't offer it anywhere in town.
    - JH

  • 2/20 8:35pm We've just subscribed to Verizon DSL, and are somewhat puzzled by the inconsistent quality of the service. The connection was great the first two days, but the third day (Saturday) the line was so scratchy that it was impossible to carry on a voice conversation, let alone maintain the DSL connection. That day, and part of the next, DSL service was virtually non-existent - the connection came and went, and was down for long periods of time. When it finally established a stable connection late in the evening, it was at a rate slower than a dial-up modem! (and never did right itself, not until I powered the unit down in the morning.)
    Are these incidents common? Does this sound like what others have experienced? Was this just a fluke, caused by rain or ice or cold weather? Could they have been working on the lines somewhere? We have a couple of weeks to decide whether we want to keep the service. I will be using broadband for work so was hoping for something fairly predictable, but so far, my four days with DSL have spooked me. Thanks,
    - AR

  • 2/20 8:30pm A reply to MCS about refinishing your kitchen cabinets, please call me @ 508-528-7363, or email me at Sh5Rob@aol.com. I am a local painter, and do quality work. Thanks so much.
    - Bob Shea, RS Painting service

    found lab, 44K

  • 2/20 11:50am This dog is trying to find her owners. She has been in the care of the Animal Control Officer since yesterday with no calls as of yet. If you own this dog, or know who does, please contact the Norfolk Police Department to speak with the Animal Control Officer. This dog is a middle aged chocolate lab with white around her muzzle. She has no identification or collar. 508 528 3232.
    As a reminder to owners, when your dog runs free without identification it is very hard to get them back home unless you report that your dog is missing. In those cases where the animal has been hit by car, or another injury, it is IMPERITIVE that we have identification to authorize medical measures beyond basic support. Please license your dog and affix the tag to your dog's collar. Beyond being a state law that all dogs must be licensed, a license could be more important that you realize in certain situations. Thank you,
    - Norfolk Animal Control

    [Update 2/20 2:51pm: Dog has found her owner!]

  • 2/19 10:55pm Happy Birthday to the Town of Norfolk - incorporated 135 years ago on Feb 20., 1870...
    - JO

  • 2/19 9:15pm To ST - You might want to contact Kathy Ryan's Dance Studio as she has several H.S. girls who take dance and may be interested. Also, you could also contact KP High School and see if there is at teacher or advisor who could help you out. They may also have a bulletin board over there where you can post the job.
    Hope that helps.
    - BS

  • 2/19 9:13pm The Board of Selectmen would like to invite residents of our community to participate in the selection process for our new Town Administrator. We are looking for your contribution of time (very limited), brain power and professional experience to help us fill this very important position in our Town government. If you are interested, please read the selection process and participation criteria on our town web site (www.virtualnorfolk.org) and call/e-mail Marian at the Selectmen's office (508-528-1408). Thanks,
    - Ramesh Advani, Jim Lehan (on behalf of the Board of Selectmen)

  • 2/19 9:11pm King Philip Men's -Over 30- Softball League now accepting registrations for the 2005 season. All games, which are slow pitch and ASA sanctioned, are played in Wrentham. Registration cost is $65 for new players. Individuals or teams interested in joining the league should contact Craig at 508-520-0163 or email kpsoftball@gis.net as soon as possible - space is limited. Registration deadline is March 15, 2005.
    - HK

  • 2/18 6:27pm I'm looking for a babysitter or recommendations on how to find one. Initially, it would be for one night a month but could grow to more. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    - ST

  • 2/18 2:52pm I am looking for a professional painter/artist who can re-finish or paint my kitchen cabinets - any suggestions?
    - MCS

  • 2/17 7:04pm I am interested in taking guitar lessons. Does anyone know someone they could recommend who teaches in the local area? Thanks for your help.
    - MG

  • 2/17 12:04pm The Norfolk Conservation Commission is seeking candidates for vacant positions on the board. If you have knowledge of wetlands ecosystems and/or relevant regulations, consider helping our community and volunteering!
    - Wm.

  • 2/16 4:52pm I've been using Vonage exclusively for about 2 years. My line quality is better than it was with Verizon. I moved my incoming cable connection to the phone junction box, disconnected the physical line from the street (this stays active for emergency 911 calls I've been told) and connected the VOIP box directly to my phone junction box. Therefore, all previous phone jacks are now accessible. I run a fax machine and eight phones off the network and have had almost no problems. I kept the same phone number (they provided a temporary number so I could get up and running immediately) and this was handled perfectly. I use a UPS so that small power failures are not an issue. If you have a cell phone (backup) and a cable modem this is a great service.
    - PCS

  • 2/16 10:14am Deadline to register for the spring season of Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer is March 1st! Avoid the $25 Late Fee - If you have not already done so, register today. NLYS is for boys and girls ages 3 to 13. All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. For more information call Helen at 508-520-0163 or email kpsoftball@gis.net
    - HK

  • 2/16 10:13am In regards to the Miller Street bridge. There was talk about the bridge being opened to traffic on weekends and from 4PM to 7AM during the week before all work was completed. Is this still going to happen?
    It would certainly help me out quite a bit...
    - DM

  • 2/14 10:15pm Did anyone else see that our old town manager, Bob Markel was arrested for Drunk Driving in his new Town of Salem? [Globe article]
    - DB

  • 2/14 6:28pm Nomination papers are available for the following offices for the May 3rd Annual Town Election: moderator, board of selectmen, board of assessors, board of health, housing authority, library trustee, planning board, recreation commission, Norfolk school committee, regional school committee, constable. [Read on for full details, here]
    - GB, Town Hall

  • 2/14 6:23pm Wednesday, April 13, 2005, is the last day to register to vote at the Annual Town Election and Annual Town Meeting. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before May 3rd may register by mail or in person at the office of the Town Clerk. [Continued, including full registration and absentee ballot information]
    - GB, Town Hall

  • 2/14 6:17pm What will your brick say? Norfolk Walkways, sponsored by the Norfolk Community League and The Garden Club of Norfolk, is offering inscribed bricks for the new and improved Town Hill. The walkways will link the gazebo, Peace Garden and Veteran's Memorials. List your family names, remember a loved one, note a special occasion or day, record a favorite saying. Bricks are the perfect gift for any number of occasions - births, anniversary, and graduations. Its a one time gift that will last a lifetime as they will become a permanent part of Town Hill.
    Your opportunity to order a brick ends in late spring 2005. A 4 x 4 brick with up to 3 lines of print is $50. A larger 8 x 8 brick with up to 6 lines of print is $100. Each line is limited to 20 characters, including spaces and punctuation. Installation is expected in July 2005. Order forms can be found at locations around town or can be downloaded from www.norfolkcommunityleague.org. For more information, please contact Bonnie D. at 508-528-8414 or Tara S. at 508-384-6354.
    - TS, Norfolk Community League

  • 2/14 4:56pm I heard a rumor that the Norfolk Commons project (developing the moonscape) was cancelled, is that true or simply bad information? Regards,
    - DM

  • 2/14 4:54pm Happy Valentines Day to all. We just moved from across town and have many moving boxes. If you are in need of a few or a whole houseful, please email me and we can arrange for you to pick them up. We have several wardrobe boxes which were awesome and every size packing box you can imagine. Tracy_O@comcast.net
    - TO

  • 2/14 10:31am   Happy Valentine's Day!  

  • 2/13 9:59pm To PC: You asked in your February 7th post about the Miller Street bridge. We share your concerns. The Board of Selectmen has been following the problem for the past year, asking the same questions with [Sen.] Scott Brown's office. Scott has also been consistently following the activities as well. We have received a copy of a January 28th letter from Mass Highways to Scott indicating that a completion date of April 14th is anticipated. [click for copy of letter]
    After receiving the letter, I have questioned the progress with Butch Vito [of the Norfolk Highway Department] and although he feels that the date is a bit ambitious he thinks that it could be done by then if the state allows Saturday work.
    The Board of Selectmen will be speaking with Scott at our Monday meeting on February 14th about helping with this work schedule. Please watch us live on NCTV Channel 22 on Monday.
    Please be assured that we are getting close. Regards,
    - Jack McFeeley, Chairman, Norfolk Board of Selectmen

  • 2/13 9:49pm Hi Everyone--Just wanted to let you know the second episode of Ben's Dino Show is on Channel 8 this week and next, everyday at 1pm and 5pm (no 5pm show on Sundays or Wednesdays). The kids keep getting better! Check it out, it's lots of fun and you just might learn something!
    - KT

  • 2/13 9:35pm The Norfolk Lions planning for Norfolk Community Day 2005 is progressing well. The co-chairs are contacting community organizations to solicit their support and confirming that the date of June 11th will work for everyone.
    The Holmes family has graciously offered to host this annual event on their property again this year and as always, look forward to participating with their train ride, antique tractors and hay ride.
    Norfolk Community Day has grown from our first Olde Tyme Day in 1992 to a huge community event where approximately 2500-3000 family members enjoy the rides, entertainment, animals, crafts and other festivities reminiscent of an old time county fair.
    Our focus will continue to be to provide family oriented entertainment at a reasonable cost. Mark your calendars and plan to spend the day with your neighbors and friends at this annual Lions event. All Lions' proceeds are donated back into local charities and causes.
    The Norfolk Community Day program team will be meeting each month to organize and plan this event. The Lions are looking for organizations and neighborhoods to sponsor a booth, game or event. If you would like to participate in the festivities or contribute in some way, please contact Barbara S. at 508-520-9937.

  • 2/12 8:10am To KL: My children have attended the day camps at Stony Brook right here in Norfolk for the past 4 years. They have a different theme each week and a very cute show for the parents at the end of the session. While it was our choice to only do the 1/2 day camps, I know they have a full range of options, including before and after camp care.
    The counselors were terrific and even remember my kids when we ran into them at the Fall Festival. Norfolk Recreation also offers a lot of day camp options. Again, these have been very popular with my kids. Good luck!
    - TS

  • 2/11 7:04pm I would like to thank a Norfolk resident for such an incredible year and also an unbelievable SuperBowl. Great job Kevin, thanks. They say 3's a crowd, but I don't believe it. You guys are AWESOME - GO PATS!
    - SW

  • 2/11 5:35pm Does anyone know if the opening day of Norfolk's Little League will include a parade from town center? What is the date? Thank you
    - DLJ

  • 2/11 5:33pm Hi... I hope everybody will go to the Norfolk TV channels 22 and/or 8 to meet our web master (Wm.)... I really enjoyed meeting him on the air.
    - ER

  • 2/10 11:59pm To KL I sent my daughter to Hale Day Camp in Westwood (Hale Reservation). It also fills up very quickly. There is a bus from Medfield. My daughter loved it there. They have a very nice and clean Lake and she took swimming lessons there. I highly recommend you call soon.
    - JBN

  • 2/10 11:59pm To KL - My children have been going to Franklin Country Day for four years. It's right on Pond Street near the Medway border. It's very easy to get to if you take the back roads.
    It's a very tough camp to get into. However, your daughter would be starting at the right age. It's easier to get in at preschool as the maturity at that age makes camp good for some and not others. My daughter has been going to camp since she was 4 and loves it. FCDC has boating, ceramics, theatre, Red Cross swimming lessons, arts and crafts, pioneering, etc. Check out their web site at franklincountrydaycamp.com.
    I would call the camp director, Gail Lembo at 508-533-8882 real soon. Returning campers get first choice and we rec'd the packets three weeks ago. And because it's so competitive, many people drive the applications over. Good luck.
    - BS

  • 2/9 10:43pm I am looking for a camp to send my 5 year old daughter to this summer. She will be starting kindergarden in September and has attended daycare but not camp. Has anyone found one that is really good or that one should not use.
    - KL

  • 2/9 10:33pm Thank you to all who responded to my Vonage question. This site is so helpful when seeking feedback. I may give Vonage a try. I found out that I can keep my current number so I can always go back to Verizon if needed.
    - EB

  • 2/9 9:11am King Philip Music presents the Eighth Winter Preview Evening on Saturday, February 26th, 6pm. Come in out of the cold and be entertained by The King Philip Music department! Performances include: The Indoor Percussion ensemble, JV Guard, Varsity Guard, and the Jazz Ensemble. Free admission.
    - MW, KP Music Association

  • 2/8 12:20pm Hi. I know people have posted about this before, but I figured I'd try too. I was wondering if anyone knew of, or would be interested in forming, a playgroup for 3 to 4 year olds. I've got a three year old boy who's itching for some more interaction with kids his own age. I've also got a one-year-old boy, but I'm not so sure he's ready for group play just yet. If anyone is interested, you can write to the Wm., and he'll give you my e-mail.
    - JD

  • 2/7 6:00pm To EB, regarding Vonage service: I had Vonage service, which I used over my Comcast cable modem, for about 6 months, and decided it wasn't 'ready for prime time' yet. There is an annoying 3 or 4 second delay on most calls, making it really hard to have a comfortable conversation. Kind of like when you see a television guest being interviewed via satellite; both parties wind up talking over each other, and you spend much of the call saying, "sorry, go ahead" and "what did you say?" I also found that about half the time, my outgoing calls wouldn't go through, so I'd have to redial. Vonage does have lots of great features that are attractive, like being able to choose which area code you want your number to be in, and you can get your voicemail over the internet. If I had relatives who lived, say, in a foreign country where land-line calls were very expensive, Vonage would be great; you could live with the annoying delay because you'd be saving hundreds of dollars each month. Setup of the system was easy, and their website is awesome. I would get it again if they could fix the delay. Hope that helps.
    - JM

  • 2/7 5:59pm EB - I have been testing www.sunrocket.com for the past month and so far so good. It's a better value than Vonage if your use is residential,
    - PC

  • 2/7 5:58pm EB - Yes, we've been using Vonage for a few months now. It is generally very good. I was worried about using it exclusively for our house because our Comcast internet connection had been flakey. But lately Comcast has been rock solid, so we're going to disconnect our Verizon line and use nothing but the Vonage.
    - DF

  • 2/7 5:55pm I have approx. 12 - 50lb bags of coal that I am looking to give away. When we bought our house a few years ago these bags were left in the basement to go with the wood/coal burning stove. We don't use the stove so we would like to give away the coal for someone else to use (and to free up space for us). If interested call 508-541-0057 to set up a time to pick it up.
    - CP

  • 2/7 5:53pm To ED: Yes, the Vonage ad seems too good. However, the AT&T CallVantage offer for same is about $29 per month and has worked well for me since last summer. You might feel better using the AT&T brand name. Either way, the new technology offers savings. Note that it doesn't work during a power outage and there are some special steps for making 911 calls. That said, the greatest of all features costs $2 more per month and filters out ALL marketing calls and most other calls you want to stop or just send to voicemail.
    - SP

  • 2/7 5:47pm The Water Department posted an announcement [here] to the Town Hall web site regarding lead levels in town water. The essence seem to be
    The Water Division (WD) has made several changes and adjustments to the water treatment corrosion control system to minimize lead and copper levels in the system. The three sites that exceeded the action level for lead were re-sampled in January of 2005. All three were analyzed by a Massachusetts certified laboratory and showed "NO DETECTION" of Lead.
    - Wm. (via RH)

  • 2/7 5:45pm Does anyone know anything about how quickly (or slowly!!) the Miller Street bridge work is going? It's been closed forever!
    - PC

  • 2/7 1:59pm Is anyone using the Vonage voice over IP phone service? I am thinking about getting it for my home phone and wanted to see if anyone had any reviews. It's only $25 per month for unlimited long distance. Sounds too good to be true. Thanks!
    - EB

  • 2/6 8:48pm Found: Black back pack (LL Bean) January 22 (during the snow storm) on Grove Street near Fredrickson. Contained some clothing. Contact (508) 528-5158.
    - BN

  • 2/6 8:47pm We are pleased to announce dates for the Norfolk, Wrentham and Plainville DARE Summer Day Program. Our sixth grade entering seventh grade camp dates are tentatively set for June 27 - July 1 These dates may be subject to change based on snow day makeup of the three participating towns. Our fifth grade entering sixth grade camp dates have been set for August 15-19. Summer camp registration forms will go home with your child somewhere around mid May. If you have any questions please call me at (508) 541-3330. Thanks,
    Officer Steve Plympton, D.A.R.E. Officer, Norfolk Police Department

  • 2/6 8:45pm GO PATRIOTS!!!
    - DS

  • 2/5 12:15pm The library has stacked two State Income Tax Booklets in the Info Office at the town hall. This was necessary due to the lack of room in the children's section. Feel free to take one if you need same. They are under the Pigeon slots. One is the Mass Resident Form 1 for full-year residents. The other is for part-year residents Form 1-NRPY.
    The other note is to mention that the green 05 telephone books are arriving via your mail box. I will ask for 20 copies to be stacked at the Info Office to take care of non-resident requests who may be looking for residences. The 20 that we had (of 04) were gone in a month's time (taken by house seekers). Regards,
    - JO

  • 2/2 9:15am To Judy in Texas, We have the Carolina Wrens here and love to hear them. They have stayed all winter and this morning when the temp. was 1 -- I heard it singing. We have a "kissing ball" near our back door and have found they have been staying in that at night - they are also in the wood pile. They had 2 babies last year and we hope to have the same this year. The hawks, both Copper and Sharp-shinned, have been catching the Starlings but our little wrens seem to know when to hide. They have the most beautiful songs. They will answer if you whistle back as I do it - neighbors probably think I'm crazy - but that's ok.
    - BR

  • 2/2 8:01am To Judy M: The Providence Journal website [projo.com birding page] lists three or four web pages that include audio clips of bird song ... perhaps you can find the bird call you're looking for by checking them out. Some birding guides, such as the Peterson Field Guide to Bird Songs also include CDs of bird calls, and may be available via your local library system. Good luck, and do let us know what that bird was when you find out!
    - VR

  • 2/2 5:35pm I know this is an unusual request. I used to live in Norfolk on Bridie Lane. In the early spring there was a bird that would call in the forest behind my house. Does anyone know which bird that might be?
    I loved to hear it sing early in the morning. We have some lovely birds in San Antonio, but I miss hearing its call. Thanks -
    - Judy M., San Antonio, Texas
  • 2/2 1:14pm According to a recent Nielsen study, if you want to find something on the web, don't ask that teenager, ask the parents instead. Teenagers are more likely to give up on sites they find difficult to navigate, get bored easily and accomplish less than adults.
    ``Teens were found to have poor reading skills, unsophisticated research strategies and a "dramatically" lower patience level, according to the study.''

    [ CNN Money ]

    Come to think of it, this might explain my own success rate in using the web... I feel younger already :-)
    - Wm.

  • 2/2 10:12am There is a rumor making the rounds that the library project is over budget. The figure usually mentioned is $250,000. This is not true. The rumor apparently began when the Friends of the Library mailed out their annual membership renewal recently. That mailing also announced the start of a campaign to raise $250,000 in private donations. This number has always been in the library project budget. It does not represent anything that was added on or anything that is an overage. The good news is that there are already grants, gifts and commitments for almost $100,000, so we are well on our way. Gifts will be used primarily for furniture and equipment. The state grant of $2.3 million cannot be spent for these items.
    Again, the library project is on budget (although a very tight budget to be sure). We're about 4 weeks behind schedule due to bad weather, which means an opening at the end of August. Let the sun shine and please consider supporting our new library.
    - Harvey Boulay, Library Trustee

    young kittens, 40K

  • 2/2 10:01am Today I had 3 five week old kittens surrendered to the animal control department. All these kittens need to find good homes after the quarantine period. If anyone is interested, please contact the animal control officer (ACO) between 8-4 Monday through Friday at 508-528-3232 or through email at Norfolkk9@aol.com.
    - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk ACO

    [As usual, click on the small image on the right to the full-size view - Wm.]

  • 2/1 11:21pm Thanks to TN/DN for info on David Smith expert ice dam roofer. Met with David and we watched the Liberty Mutual Video. David found time later on during the day to clear the ice dam/roof. There is no doubt about his knowledge and his customer relations. He responds and is an asset to the community in this sense. Incidentally, he relates that he has responded to 20 households for ice-dam problems as of last week!!!
    Again thanks to Glenn Greenburg of Liberty Mutual who has been cooperative in allowing the copyrighted VHS to be shown. If any wish to contact Liberty be advised that they have a office in Franklin, 508-541-2171.
    - JO

  • 2/1 6:28pm I wish to thank all of you for the recommendations that I have been receiving in regards to ice dams and other work here in Norfolk. We are working 7 days a week to assist homeowners in removing the dams, installing cables and Soffit vents.
    After looking at the weather report, there appears to be more ice and snow arriving later this week (Thurs & Fri).
    I reviewed the tape with JO yesterday as he too had an issue with an ice dam. There is good information available on this tape. There are a few things that you can do to help retard the melting process and help prevent further water penetration.
    1. If at all possible, try removing as much snow as possible from the eave back approx 3 - 4 feet. (Caution!! Do this with a roof rake, not from a ladder.) I realize that this might be difficult if you already have a dam that had formed.
    2. Since ice dams occur due to the thermal loss from the inside of your home/attic, place small box fans near the gable vents in the attic and draw in cold air from outside. Stabilizing the temperature reduces the melting.
    3. May times, insulation will block the vents in the soffit. I recommend that if all possible, take a piece of strapping approximately 6' in length and put (2) long nails or screws in it and use it as an extension to reach into the eaves (from inside of the attic) and pull the insulation back just enough to allow air flow into the attic.
    Many of the options that are needed for ice dam removal require an experienced contractor and should not be attempted by the homeowner. We come out and remove the crown of the dam and allow for water to drain off of the roof and eliminate the backup. Long term solutions need to be addressed when things have thawed.
    I would be glad to field any questions. Please call 508-553-8996 or send an e-mail dsmith@pc-options.com. Respectfully,
    - David Smith, Jr., General Contractor

  • 2/1 11:59am Many thanks to JO for getting permission from Liberty Mutual for NCTV to air Ice Dams, Cause Cures. The tape will be aired on channel 8 every day this week at 2:05 pm and again every day (except Weds and Sun) at 7:05. This is a great tape and is very timely. Thanks.
    - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager

  • 2/1 11:34am Another source of info about Ice Dams: [umass.edu link]. We haven't had a problem since we added ridge vents, to keep the roof cold, and more insulation, to prevent heat loss from the house into the attic.
    - RH

  • 1/31 11:54pm Liberty Mutual has given written permission for NCTV to air the video on "Ice Dams." Paul Guertin, the Manager of NCTV, was given the tape and he is promising to start showing it beginning Wednesday.
    Thanks have been extended to Liberty Mutual for granting use of their copyrighted item. Again, it's 17 min. in duration, so it shouldn't be a burden on anyone's time schedule.
    I would be interested in what you think of the tape contents.
    - JO

  • 1/31 10:46pm Did you know that car thieves have found another way to steal your car or truck without much effort at all? The car thief peers through the (driver's side) windshield of your car or truck, writes down the Vehicle Identification Number [VIN] from the label on the dash, goes to the local car dealership, and requests a duplicate key based on the VIN #.
    The car dealer's parts department may make a duplicate key from the VIN #, usually without asking for any identification, and collects payment from the thief who will return to your car. He doesn't have to break in, or do any damage to the vehicle, or draw attention to himself. All he has to do is walk up to your car, insert the key and off he goes to a local Chop Shop with your vehicle. You don't believe it? It can be that easy.
    To avoid this happening to you, simply put some opaque tape (black electrical tape, duct tape or medical tape) across the VIN Metal Label located on the dash board driver's side. By law, you cannot remove the VIN, but you can cover it so it can't be viewed through the windshield by a car thief.
    If you drive your car in New York City, you might place a loose opaque piece of cardboard over the VIN; they have a parking regulation: Obscuring VIN prohibited - No person shall stand or park a vehicle that has the vehicle identification number obscured in any manner. Ref: [snopes.com VIN warning]
    - RH

  • 1/31 8:23pm This year is an important and exciting year to be a Friend of the Norfolk Public Library as we look forward to the opening of the new library in August. The Friends have been working for several years toward a ``Furniture Fund'' for the addition. Your contribution will enable us to add to this fund. The Friends also fund museum passes, the DVD collection, children's programs, and other items not covered by the library budget.
    Continued, please read on].
    - TS

  • 1/31 2:07pm We also had an ice dam problem last week. Dave Smith (508-250-3678) arrived w/in minutes of our phone call to inspect and suggest both short-term (with snow/ice on roof, gutter) and long-term (once the spring thaw arrives) solutions for our problem which he implemented immediately. Dave had previously repaired our farmer's porch last fall - replaced rotted support beams, totally replaced the porch roof and painted all new surfaces - in FOUR days. My husband (who is responsible for construction projects at Reebok) and I are thrilled with Dave's efforts. It's really a pleasure to be able to recommend a great builder.
    TN & DN

  • 1/31 8:06am Hello there, My name is Pamela Ruby R. My husband, Eric L. and I now live in Jamaica Plain, Boston. We are looking at homes in Norfolk, with thoughts of relocating. I was wondering if anyone could give me a little info regarding how it is, living in Norfolk.
    1. Are there certain sections that are more desirable than others? And, why?
    2. Is there a community that one can be a part of?
    3. Politically, environmentally, creatively, what is available to newcomers?
    4. Does everyone kind of keep to themselves or do people welcome "strangers?" AND a big one for me, do neighbors get together at all? (We are very social beings...)
    5. My husband and I have been involved in natural foods as well as in the natural healing realms, hence, how far a drive is it to Bellingham and what are the chances of a health food store or food co-up ever becoming a reality in Norfolk? That is one of the things that we are seriously considering. Any thoughts?
    6. Also, I am a musician/songwriter/vocal coach/photographer/budding film maker... My husband is an astrological consultant and has been for over 30 years. Is there an artistic community in Norfolk?
    7. How would we find other like minded folks in Norfolk?
    And thank you so much. Norfolk is so beautiful, I am hoping that we can purchase a home there. My regards,
    - PRR rubytunes@aol.com

  • 1/30 10:51pm Lo and behold! The house has fallen to the Ice Dam demon in a minor way. I have a little dripping over a bay window (inside). Outside inspection shows some ice backed up in a gutter. Should get to it tomorrow afternoon.
    The good news is that I have a Liberty Mutual Insurance VHS that was given to me by Liberty in 1996 (?) when I had a problem in the back side of the house (also a gutter headache). Its entitled "Ice Dams:Causes,Combats & Cures" and is 17 min in duration. Its excellent and has great info. Its copyrighted by Liberty so I intend to call them Monday and ask for permission to Air it via Paul G at NCTV.
    - JO

  • 1/30 9:20pm The Norfolk TPA, in cooperation with the H. Olive Day and Freeman-Centennial Schools, will be selling "Wave of Support" wristbands this week. HOD students can buy bands from their teachers; Freeman-Centennial students may buy the bands during their lunch periods. The bands cost $2.00 each, and all profits from the sales will go to Save the Children/Tsunami Relief. If you have any questions, please call Kate M., TPA President, at 541-8555. The band sale is part of the month long "Wave of Support" fundraising campaign being conducted at the schools, whereby students are earning money through household chores for donations to the Tsunami relief efforts.
    - KM, Norfolk TPA

  • 1/30 9:18pm Looking for a special gift for your special someone? Why not send a singing valentine? One of our women's quartets will go to your sweetheart in the southeastern Massachusetts area and deliver a Singing Valentine for only $48.00.
    Our singing Valentine includes:
    • a love song
    • a lovely flower
    • a Valentine card
    • a photo with the quartet
    Your sweetheart will be so touched by your thoughtfulness, and will have a memory to last a lifetime! For more information or to book your serenade, call Donna at 508-528-8274 by Feb. 12.
    Call early to ensure that you get your preferred time slot! All proceeds are donated to A CLASSIC SOUND, non-profit singing organization.
    - DLJ

  • 1/30 4:56pm We had an ice damming problem that was backing up water and flooding our basement. We called David Smith, the contractor who put a new roof on our house last fall. He came in 15 minutes (this was a Sunday morning mind you), diagnosed the problem, and fixed our problem that afternoon. I highly recommend you call him at 508-250-3678.
    - HN and GN

  • 1/30 11:36am This week's Conversation Corner on NCTV Channel 8 will feature Norfolknet webmaster Andras Radics at 8am, 7:30pm and 11pm.
    - VR

    blizzard of 05, 62K

  • 1/29 11:01pm Wm - I really enjoy your photos that you have at the top of the web page. Any chance you'll have one of the record snow we had last weekend?
    - SC

    [I only took a couple of casual snaps this time, and don't have nice area shots. This one is of our deck, with a path shoveled so I can take the dog out back. The thermometer on the railing reads zero. The photo was taken just before I posted about it having been seven below earlier.

  • 1/28 5:22pm If you have thoughts or comments about the Gulf Wars (either the current action in Iraq, or the planned attack on Iran, your choice :-), I've re-started a fresh copy of the Gulf War page. The older posts should all be linked from this latest page.
    - Wm.

  • 1/28 8:34am As I came downstairs this morning and smiled at the gorgeous winter sunshine, a most unexpected sight greeted me: -7 on the deck thermometer! A good day to bundle up and keep warm.
    - Wm.

  • 1/27 10:20pm Call Weatherproof Construction for ice dam/leaks. We have been working on removing ice dams and snow from roofs in town for the past few days and we are possibly getting MORE SNOW! Jim's cell phone# 508-294-4052 Please leave a voice mail message if I don't answer the phone and I'll call you right back!
    - JF

  • 1/27 2:55pm Your post dealing with ice dams, HPK, is very helpful. I wonder if you or anyone else on NorfolkNet could help me with a decision regarding attic insulation which I intend on doing in the near future. There appears to be two major materials for insulating an attic, cellulose or fiberglass. Which is better? Which is more expensive? Apparently, blowing in insulation has replaced laying down rolls. Or is this still an option? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    - TEM

  • 1/27 12:43pm DB - I don't specifically have anyone to call, but if you have an active leak through your attic, put a box fan in the attic and turn it directly on the ice dam. This will circulate cold air from other parts of the attic and hopefully re-freeze the dam until you can get someone in to take care of it. We used to get a large buildup of ice on the edges of our roof, but we removed the gutters, added soffit vents and had Bruin Corp. blow 12" of chopped fiberglass in the attic. That made the attic nice and cold and the snow stays unmelted on the roof. Good luck!
    - HPK

  • 1/26 11:13pm Does anyone have a suggestion of who to call to get rid of ice dams?
    - DB

  • 1/26 8:57pm Thanks to many the Norfolk Lions have experienced great results from their fall and winter projects!
    Major activities included: Haunted Train Ride: Norfolk Lions in cooperation with the Norfolk Community League. Annual Lions Christmas Tree Sales: it was a tremendous success. Every tree was sold. This is the Norfolk Lions' primary fundraising event for the year and provides us with the fund for donations and sponsorships. Continued, please read on].
    - JM

  • 1/26 3:03pm I have a beautiful Alto Saxophone and a beautiful Flute for Sale. Make me an offer. I bought these for my two daughters for use in the band at Freeman Centennial and they were both new at the time. They are now 3-4 years old. Call me at 508-541-8325 to discuss.
    - BM

  • 1/25 8:36pm The Norfolk Community League has just placed a re-order for their "Good Things To Eat" Cookbook. If you did not get a copy the first time around, now is your chance to order yours. The cookbooks are a collection of "All Time Favorites" from members and friends and the six Gourmet Cooking groups in town. Your purchase of the cookbook will support the fundraising efforts of the Norfolk Community League, which has a great commitment to the community. Cookbooks are $15.00 and can be pre-ordered by calling or e-mailing (Nicknati@comcast.net ) Janet C. 508-528-3741. They will be delivered the end of February.
    - JC

  • 1/25 11:03am I liked this poem by Billy Collins -- "Shoveling Snow With Buddha".
    - HPK

  • 1/25 10:35am NCL wants your GENTLY used kids' clothing, toys and equipment! The Norfolk Community League is currently accepting donations for its annual Nearly New Sale. The date of this sale is planned for April 30th, 2005. Anyone with outgrown clothing, toys, equipment or maternity clothes can help raise money for Norfolk! Items may be dropped off at the storage unit located at the Highway Department on Medway Branch (across from the Transfer Station). Please no used stuffed animals. Tax receipts for your goods are available at the bin. [Continued, please read on].
    - TR

    [Update 1/25 12:55pm: revised version - TR]

  • 1/24 11:01am I have just been informed that Town Hall is closed today (Monday 1/24/05). There will not be any meetings there tonight.
    - RH

  • 1/24 10:56am The Norfolk Community League is seeking donations for its Spring Gala and Silent Auction. The Gala and Auction is set to take place on Saturday, April 9, 2005 at Christina's in Foxboro, MA starting at 6:30pm. There will be a live and silent auction in addition to a casino night. [Continued, please read on for details].
    - TR

  • 1/24 10:53am The Fire Department would appreciate any assistance the community could provide clearing fire hydrants. Fire hydrants are the means the Department would use to extinguish building fires and during snow emergencies such as this it is extremely difficult for your Department to quickly reach an accessible hydrant.
    Given the assistance of the Department of Public Works, the Department will start to clear snow from the hydrants today. We believe approximately 90% of our hydrants will need to be located and cleared.
    The Department has a contingency plan for such a snow emergency. We are fortunate enough to have a tanker truck which is used to augment water supply. We are hopeful it won't be needed!
    Again any assistance the community can SAFELY provide would be appreciated. Thank you,
    - Fire Chief Cole Bushnell

  • 1/24 10:52am Mark your calendars! Norfolk Community League's Nearly New Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 30th from 9-12 at the H.Olive Day school. NCL is currently accepting donations of GENTLY used children's clothing, equipment, toys and maternity clothes. PLEASE NO USED STUFFED ANIMALS. Items may be dropped off at ANY TIME at the bin at the HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT (Across from the Transfer Station) on Medway Branch. All monies raised will go towards NCL's semi-annual disbursements, which are at a 6 year total of over $120,000! Help the community and clean out your closets at the same time! Tax receipts for your goods are available at the bin. Contact Tracy Claypoole 508.520.2704 tracy@sharpforce.com or Allison Bernstein 508.541.6955 allibern@comcast.net for more information.
    - AB

  • 1/24 1:45am Its near midnight Sunday night and I just looked outside and was struck by the beauty of the moonlight on the snow and trees/shrubs.
    What came to mind was a poem called "Silver" that we were required to memorize in high school. It follows below (if I am allowed to wax poetically!)

    Slowly, silently now the moon
    Walks the night in her silver shoon
    This way, and that she peers and sees
    Silver fruit upon silver trees.

    One by one the casements catch
    Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
    Couched in his kennel, like a log,
    With paws of silver sleeps the dog.

    A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
    with silver claws, and silver eye;
    And moveless fish in the water gleam,
    By silver reeds in a silver stream.

    I am sure readers can identify the author (not me!) as an excellent example of alliteration.
    Anyway it's a beautiful sight to behold.
    - JO

    [Update 1/24 10:59am: Was by Walter de la Mare ... and we had to learn some of his poems by heart, too! :-) - VR]

  • 1/22 9:02pm ER, Great question, someone asked me that same thing just yesterday and I hadn't really noticed it until it was brought to my attention, why do the lamposts only cover half of the business district, shouldn't they go all the way to Boardman?
    - MJD

  • 1/22 9:01pm MP - Have you considered trading off dog-watching duties with others in town? We have a greyhound that we board when we go away, but we'd much rather find someone local to watch him when we are gone for a weekend... We'd be willing to do the same, and I'm sure there are a bunch of us in town who face the same problem... The difficulty with our greyhound, though, is that he needs a fenced yard to go out into. Otherwise he'd just run and run and run, and you'd never catch him. Don't ask me how I know that... :)
    - DF

  • 1/22 9:00pm Hi, We have used Christine Schneider, At Home pet Sitting, for many years. her # is 508-376-5487.

  • 1/22 8:58pm A State Trooper had a suggestion to help prevent misuse of credit cards: Using a fine-point permanent marker, write "CHECK PHOTO I.D." on your credit cards. That may help prevent misuse if a clerk asks to see the driver's license when the card is presented for payment. It will not help prevent misuse at an automatic gasoline pump, where no clerk is involved.
    - RH

  • 1/22 8:56pm If your house has a high-efficiency gas furnace with a plastic air-inlet pipe and a vent pipe extending through the cellar wall, be sure the pipes are not blocked by snow during a snowstorm, because the furnace may shut down or carbon monoxide may leak into the cellar. The caution statement in the Trane Furnace Installer's Guide reads: "The vent and inlet terminals must be located at least 12" minimum above normally expected snow accumulation level." The pipes were installed with open ends 12" above ground level. I raised them a couple of feet to be safe when there is a lot of snow on the ground.
    - RH

  • 1/22 9:40am MP - We have a woman in Norfolk take care of our dog. Give her a call.... she's great. She spends quite a bit of time with the dog and really seems to care about animals. Her name is Linda and her number is 508-528-8090.
    - DB

  • 1/21 9:09pm Hi, Does anyone know of a person that would come to our house and care for our dog while we go away for a weekend? Not just feed him and let him out, but exercise him too? Thank you in advance!
    - MP

  • 1/21 4:11pm Just wanted to let you all know that a small group of 7-year olds, most of them from the H.O.D. School, has been working very hard on a cable show for Channel 8 called Ben's Dino Show. The first episode starts airing tomorrow (1/22/05), with (hopefully, if they remain interested) new shows every two weeks. They will air twice a day. Not sure of the schedule yet, but check the NCTV schedule listed on this site for info. They've worked really hard, as has Paul Guertin, station manager, who may not have realized what he was in for by agreeing to work with a group of 7 year olds. Thanks, Paul! But so far all seem to be having a great time and they're looking forward to their next episode. Look for a story in (perhaps next week's) Country Gazette. Feedback about the show and/or questions regarding dinosaurs can be sent to bensdinoshow@comcast.net. Congratulations to all involved, we're very proud of you!

  • 1/21 10:23am To JW, I am a realtor in town and have been here for about 10 years, having relocated up from New York. I can't say enough good things about the town and with three children in the schools I am very happy we settled here. If you would like to speak with me personally, you can contact me via arlight@comcast.net. Good luck and I hope that you seriously consider living here. It is a town with a small town character but with amenities that larger communities often lack.
    - AL

  • 1/21 10:09am Hi all. My husband and I relocated to MA 2.5 years ago. We found a house and neighborhood we love. Unfortunately, as time passes, we realize the town we chose is not for us. We would like to move, but want to be sure the town is a good fit. I'd love to hear thoughts on the Norfolk schools and town in general. Thanks! This seems to be a great resource.
    - JW

  • 1/20 9:58pm PM, For plowing call Beau Grassia at 508 740 6048. I used a couple of people. I've found his rates the best.
    - JM

  • 1/20 9:55pm Why isn't the complete business district on Main St. included with the new post lamps... Looks like the area from Boardman / Main St. down to the bridge got left out. Who is drawing the lines?
    - ER

  • 1/20 6:16pm From Town Hall:
    You can now subscribe to receive Email Bulletins from the Norfolk School District by visiting the link below and providing your Email address. Like the town, your email is never shared and you will receive no junk mail due to signing up.


    - RH

  • 1/20 6:14pm Can anyone recommend someone to plow our driveway? I know it is late in the season to be looking for referrals, but our snowblower just died on us. If you have any recommendations as to where to have it fixed that would be great. Norfolk Power Equipment hasn't returned phone calls, so any other suggestions would be helpful.
    - PN

  • 1/20 1:38pm To CPL: I would be interested in talking with you about tutoring your fourth grader. I taught for 9 years in the Newton Public Schools and for 3 years in private school prior to that. Newton uses Everyday Math so I am very familiar with the program. For the past three years, I've privately tutored many students, many in the area of math. My phone number is 541-9272 if you're interested.
    - KT

  • 1/20 1:36pm Growing Up Together Family Child Care currently has openings for children ages 2 and up. We are conveniently located in Norfolk on the Wrentham and Franklin lines. We offer flexible schedules and reasonable tuition rates. Please email us at ermakanaja@verizon.net for more information. Thanks.
    - MG

  • 1/20 10:30am The Norfolk TPA, H. Olive Day and Freeman-Centennial Schools have kicked off a month long fundraising campaign for Tsunami Relief called WAVE OF SUPPORT. Money will be raised by Norfolk children doing activities and chores at home as well as through the sale of wristbands. All profits will go to Save the Children. Wave of Support wristbands may be purchased by H.O.D. and Freeman students at school for $2.00 each.
    - KS

  • 1/19 11:13pm Re: 1/19 11:04am Hi, I'm looking for a Mommy & Me exercise class - JL I didn't find a local Mommy & Me class, but you might choose a YMCA from those listed at [ymca.net page] when you plug in your zip code. They should be able to refer you to a children's exercise class nearby.
    - RH

  • 1/19 11:11pm To CPL: I would highly recommend Robin Tucceri. She is a teacher a Freeman Centennial. She works with children and they definitely respond. My older son had her as a regular teacher when he was in the 5th and my other son is currently working with her. She is really a great teacher!!
    - DS

  • 1/19 10:11pm To CPL - I would be happy to tutor your son. I am very familiar with the Everyday Math program and have 3 years teaching experience. 508-397-3129 or 508-520-6694.
    - NT

  • 1/19 10:11pm To PCD - We recently had a very good experience with the Chipman Insurance group right here in Norfolk. Good service, pleasant people and good rates. We would highly recommend them.
    - EF

  • 1/19 11:04am Hi, I'm looking for a Mommy & Me exercise class that I can take with my one year old. Does anyone know of such a class?
    - JL

  • 1/18 8:25pm PCD - We are very happy with The Bright Insurance agency in Milford. We switched to them and saved a quite a bit. The people are really helpful and friendly.
    - MJD

  • 1/18 11:59am Eyeglasses were found in the parking area near the Town Hall entrance (rear). Check with Betsy Fijol at the Board of Health office if you are missing same.
    Betsy also (still) has a ladies watch that needs an owner. Thanks Betsy.
    - JO

  • 1/18 10:20am Gorgeous sunshine, beautiful Tuesday morning... then my eyes drifted to the thermometer, and froze: 5 degrees! No wonder it seemed cold.
    - Wm.

  • 1/18 10:18am To PCD - it seems very high for that amount of coverage. Please send me an email to discuss, UIBI@comcast.net
    - KAC

  • 1/18 8:34am I just received my homeowner's insurance renewal and my premiums have doubled. They want $1300 for a 280k insurance policy. I haven't made a claim ever. I'm wondering if this is in line with what other Norfolk residents out there are paying. If not, can somebody recommend a good insurance agent I can visit?
    I already work two jobs to pay the taxes in this town.might need a 3rd to pay the insurance. American dream, yea right, for the banks and insurance companies.
    Those new post lights up town aren't very bright. :-)
    - PCD

  • 1/17 9:25pm To SS: The Norfolk Community League is a great organization in town. They have book clubs, gourmet clubs, babysitting co-ops and quite a few social functions. Check out the web site.
    - LM

  • 1/17 3:43pm Hello SS, welcome to town! The town hall website is virtualnorfolk.org. The town's committees, including the Planning Board, are working with the land owners to allow residential and retail development of that land. Most of us are hoping for a supermarket & a pharmacy. We will have to continue to shop elsewhere until the ``Now Open'' signs go up in the Norfolk stores.
    I encourage you to register to vote, to vote, and to attend town meetings. The next one starts May 10 at the Junior High School. If you have Comcast cable TV you can check out channels 8, 12, and 22 to get local information. I do not know of a Newcomers Club. Newcomers could check out the local churches, recreation areas, and restaurants to meet others.
    - DLJ

  • 1/17 3:42pm We're looking for a tutor for a fourth grader who needs help with math. It needs to be someone familiar with the new math program (I think it's called Everyday Math). Someone with a sense of humor and a gentle approach would be helpful since our fourth grader becomes very frustrated trying to learn math. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks!
    - CPL

  • 1/16 11:21pm Hello. Recently moved to Norfolk this past Fall and was wondering if the town has a Newcomers Club, or something similar, to meet others? Also had the same question that JHB asked on 1/7....heard rumors of a new supermarket, pharmacy, etc in the center of Norfolk and would like to know if the Town has a plan in place for that or if it is just a rumor? Are updates on this project provided at Town Meetings? THANKS!
    - SS

  • 1/16 11:08pm Hi, I am in need of some good references for work to be done on my house, carpentry and maybe a few odd jobs. Thanks,
    - VS

  • 1/10 7:46pm Tri-County Regional Vocational High School Gala Auction to be held Friday Jan 21st from 7-11 pm at Florentina Restaurant on Rte. 140 in Franklin. Proceeds benefir Student Activities (Students from Norfolk attend Tri-County HS). Tickets on sale in Main Office. $30.00 per person includes auction, hors d'oeuvres and music/dancing. For further information call 508-528-5400.
    - Mary Taintor, Tri-County RVTHS

    light posts, 46K light post, 34K

  • 1/10 11:32pm Well, not having been down town in a while, curiosity got the better of me, and I took a little sight-seeing trip to see those light posts whose name has spread far and wide. They're not that bad - they're urban street lights, not stadium lights. Aww shucks... I think they're kind of cute :-)
    - AR

  • 1/10 11:32pm EW, for problems in the attic page down to the bulletin board on this website for the ``Mold In Your Attic?'' posting. Or try Charlie Hewitt, 528-5675.
    - DLJ

  • 1/10 10:19am I just drove through downtown for the first time in weeks and was worried about what I would see for lamps down there based on the comments posted earlier. It turns out I was pleasantly surprised by the choice. Would I have picked the exact style? Probably not, but the downtown looks vastly better, the lights ARE nice and our downtown is coming together! As someone with family members who formerly worked in a town government I know how frustrating it can be to pull together a large town project only to have people who didn't offer help during the process complain about the results afterwards.
    I believe in the theory that if people don't participate in the process, then they probably shouldn't do Monday morning quarterbacking on the subject (similar to my thoughts on voting!).
    I know no one asked, but there are my two cents. I will also third LMB's sentiments...
    - MD

  • 1/10 10:18am The King Philip Music Department will present two Chamber Recitals; Wednesday January 19th and Wednesday January 26th at 7pm. Both will be held in the auditorium of the King Philip Regional Middle School, Norfolk. The Recitals will feature a variety of performances by high school students, from soloists to quintets. The public is invited; admission is free.
    - AW, King Philip Music Association

  • 1/10 10:17am I'm having some problems with moisture in my attic. Could anyone recommend someone who could check it out and install a ventilation system?
    BTW, I like the look of the new lamp posts in the center of town.
    - EW

  • 1/8 5:28pm Thanks, SC, for the history on Town Pond.
    - HPK

  • 1/8 3:58pm To HPK: Regarding Town Pond - I was on the Recreation Committe when the decision was made to close it. The decision was based on a several reasons.
    1. An unknown source of contamination was getting into the water. To fix it would have been very expensive & it wasn't clear that it could be fixed.
    2. Due to the isolated location of the pond (it couldn't be seen from any main roads, was difficult for emergency vehicles to get to & was vastly under utilized, i.e. often only 4 or 5 people would be there) it was too risky for the town to support in lieu of insurance, & too risky in terms of preventing misadventure for patrons & lifeguards. There were usually only 2 lifeguards on duty at one time (we insisted on two for security reasons), and their only communication system was walkie talkies connected to the police station (this was before cell phones were available). There had been some problems with the guards being harrassed & we were very uncomfortable with the security issues for them & bathers.
    3. We had spent quite a bit of money to bulldoze & re-sand the beach area (each year) and with every heavy rain storm the beach was devastated & we had to beg the highway department to come & straighten it out. At that time we had no revolving budget & didn't have money to pay for this constant expense.
    4. The only sanitary facility was a porta pottie. There was no running water. There was a concrete building that had been heavily vandalized & was not usable for anything without significant repairs. To keep Town Pond open, sanitary & storage facilities would be needed in the near future.
    All things considered, we felt it was a better fiscal & safety decision to close Town Pond.
    - SC

  • 1/8 3:57pm The recent posting by LMB should be printed out and taped to the refrigerator door by everyone reading this. I'm glad to know that there's someone else in Norfolk who shares those tenets with me. Make it a "HAPPY" new year!
    - RP

  • 1/7 2:52pm To those of you who are wondering what is going on with the residents at 59 Cleveland Street, please be advised that they are renovating a home for them. As soon as the home is finished, they will be moving. I will keep you posted on any new developments.
    - SD

    [I've cross-posted this message to both the main and Delta House pages; look for follow-ups there - Wm.]

  • 1/7 1:08pm Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer - Registration for the Spring 2005 season now being accepted. Children must be at least 3 years old and no older than 13 years old as of August 31, 2004 in order to play. Registration deadline is March 1, 2005. Registrations received after the deadline will be put on a waiting list and a $25 late fee will be charged if/when child is placed on a team. Registration forms are available at the Children's Library and the Recreation Department at Town Hall and on the league's website at norfolklionssoccer.com.
    - HK

  • 1/7 9:45am I know this question has probably been asked a million times but what is the plan for Pebble Hill? I heard Stop and Shop bought the land, are they planning on building anytime soon?
    - JHB

  • 1/6 7:08pm I just wanted to wish everyone a belated New Year.... here's to hoping that our biggest concern is that of the aesthetics of our new town lamp posts - rather than contemplating how to rebuild a whole town ... here's to laughter and wit - keep it close and do it often - don't sweat the small stuff - take a minute and breathe, dance and laugh loud - kiss the person next to you and say thank you - call someone and tell them you love them - hug your child and tell them how grateful you are for them - be grateful for what you have at this moment - learn to look at the aggravations and weigh whether or not they are really that important - will it really matter a year from now? - am I wasting a moment that I could be seeing the beauty of something that is right in front of me? don't wait - here's to a new year - may you all have good health and great heart - life is way to short - enjoy every minute -
    - LMB

  • 1/6 4:00pm Does anyone know who determines which sidewalks get plowed and which ones don't. I live in a neighborhood with many, many children and don't like the idea of these kids walking in the street to get to the bus stop. How can we take some action to ensure the safety of these kids?
    - DB

  • 1/6 3:42pm JM, the best response to an intemperate, humorless attack such as yours is probably to ignore it, but for the record, I meant no offense to BB. I apologize to BB if he or she felt I was demeaning his or her concerns, which were not as clear to me from the single sentence as they apparently were to JM. BB, if you were in fact looking for a solution, my suggestion would be for you to telephone Holmes Bus Service 508-528-4550 and lodge a complaint if you haven't already done so.
    - DAF

  • 1/6 3:41pm In defense of DAF, I thought he was just being funny. BB should give one of the Norfolk members of the KP school committee a buzz and let him or her know of his/her concerns. If DAF put up that picture after someone had been hit by a bus then JM would have a point, but there's no need to call DAF's post drivel.
    And, I hope TS doesn't think I believe his/her concerns trivial and unworthy of posting. A friend told me he doesn't like the lightposts because they look too Victorian, and the center is more colonial, or something like that. Reasonable people can differ. I am interested to see how they work when they're actually turned on.
    And, the only problem I see with the roundabouts is that people will have to drive in them. So the roundabouts aren't the problem, it's the drivers ;). (Tongue in cheek)
    - RG

  • 1/6 2:16pm PLG: I am sensitive to the fact that BB brought up a legitimate safety issue, hoping someone would share his/her concern and perhaps provide a solution. Instead, BB got a picture of a bus popping a wheelie and some drivel. I'm going to save that picture for the next time you post something you think is important.
    - JM

  • 1/6 11:37am Hey JM - Sounds like you need a vacation. Relax a little. Gads, you're so sensitive.
    - PLG

  • 1/6 9:22am To DAF: A serious post regarding schoolbus safety is not an invitation to you to share your imbecility with the residents of Norfolk. If you have too much time on your hands, I would be glad to recommend a number volunteer activities where your boundless creativity and sharp wit might be appreciated. Regarding the buses, as both a parent of a child who takes the bus AND someone who lives near KP North, I agree that the bus drivers are generally very aggressive. Does anyone know when the Holmes contract is up next?
    - JM

  • 1/6 8:44am To TS I think the lampposts look fine. I've been here 15 years, don't plan on leaving anytime soon and the town center is looking very nice - don't like the idea of the roundabouts though.
    What is a liitle exercise going to do to you? So what is 7 or 8 minutes more? If you are that strapped for time, go to town hall when you have more time on your hands. What little (unnecessary) things people find to complain about is truly amazing to me.
    - PR

  • 1/6 8:41am TS - 1. I agree that the posts are a bit husky for the lamps, but there may be structural or safety reasons for that (not becoming a projectile if a car collides, etc.). And I'm afraid nobody can afford to look like Beacon Hill or Nantucket except for... oh, Beacon Hill and Nantucket. If Norfolk looked that quaint from the start, I couldn't afford to live here.
    2. If I remember correctly, Town Hall parking is behind the building because zoning regulations in that area do not permit front-yard parking (wry grin for those of you who know me). Before I started working for the town, I didn't know where the stairwell was, either. I felt like a dork taking the elevator, but at least I could find it.
    I also feel that meetings are too late for us early risers, although the people in the meetings are probably getting up early as well.
    - HPK

  • 1/5 10:14pm I realize in light (no pun intended) of the serious issues in the world the lampposts are trivial to discuss! However, I intially brought up the subject for two reasons:
    1. As an artist I simply do not like the choice, they seem disproportionate (the lights are far too small for the posts) and unlike classic lanterns of Beacon Hill or Nantucket which have nicer details, it seems as though we purchased based on bulk price rather than quality. If we are trying to create a truly authentic New England town center -- well, this isn't it.
    2. Every time I visit town hall I am reminded of how modern planning can go astray. Is it just me, or do others find it irksome that when one needs to deliver something or run a two minute errand to a first floor office one is forced to drive up the hill, forgo all of the front row parking, walk across the parking lot, find the hidden stairwell and travel downstairs? Obviously the fire lane is a necessity and aesthetic choices were made to conceal parking, however, every time a two minute pit stop turns into a 7 or 8 minute odyssey I think "hmmm, modern planning...."
    Please note, I say all this not so much as criticism but rather because I LOVE this little town. I've only lived here for 4 years but I plan on staying for at least the next fifteen. I'm actively involved in a group that supports the town and I've attended town meetings. However, I've also had to leave some meetings b/c my job requires me to get up at 5:15 and when I'm sitting at town hall at 10:30 and they are just getting started...well, it doesn't really work. I greatly respect and appreciate the work that so many committee members do but, I am worried that a minority of people appear to be making the majority of choices for the town. That being said, hats off too, to this website and the cable station who consistently offer opportunities for more voices (such as this one :)) to be heard!!! Thanks for listening.

    cool bus

  • 1/5 7:24pm Bus spotted leaving KP North today: [Click for image].
    Or are we talking about drag race fashion -- halter tops and leather jackets? ;-)
    - DAF

  • 1/5 3:59pm I would like to see the town install more "Watch for Children" Signs in residential areas. The new lime green coloring stands out and keeps drivers alert that children are playing in the area. The one on Seekonk Street (off of Main) is great.
    - JG

  • 1/5 2:23pm Can anyone explain why the school buses exit K P North every afternoon in drag race fashion?
    - BB

  • 1/5 2:20pm I watched the Selectmen's meeting Monday night on NCTV cable Channel 22. The audio was greatly improved as compared with the old setup with clip-on microphones. The new microphones on the desk were inconspicuous, but they picked up voices very well. There were 2 microphones on stands for audience use. The sound as received at home on Channel 22 was crisp and clear, without any background noise.
    The video was improved because two new remote pan/tilt/zoom cameras showed the audience clearly, as well as visitors to the Board, and Town Administrator Dr. Robert Markel and Executive Assistant Marian Harrington.
    Many thanks to NCTV Studio Manager Paul Guertin for negotiating the purchase of this new equipment, and for supervising its installation for Norfolk Community Television, Inc. And thanks to NCTV's Chris Gleason for running the cameras and sound equipment for our Selectmen's meetings.
    Rebroadcasts of the Selectmen's meetings are shown every day on cable Channel 22 at 8 PM. See
    "NCTV Schedule" on the Norfolknet home page for NCTV program times on cable Channels 8 and 22.
    - RH

  • 1/5 11:51am BF, I would think that resumes should be sent to the Norfolk Board of Selectmen.
    - TK

  • 1/5 11:00am Can anyone tell me if a replacement has been hired for Bob Markel ? If not, to whom should resumes be sent?
    - BF

  • 1/5 10:58am JHB, the transfer station will take your tree. Check out their site on virtualnorfolk.org (link to the left for Town Hall), [transfer station/highway dept page here].
    - PFD

  • 1/4 11:06pm It appears that JS has correctly named the bird. My statement that it was a Merlin is "for the birds" and I am eating "crow" as of this moment!
    - JO

  • 1/4 3:06pm Where can I dispose of my Christmas tree? Will the town pick these up or does the dump take them?
    - JHB

  • 1/4 1:59pm Kindergarten registration will take place on Friday, Feb. 4. More information can be found on the H. Olive Day page of the Norfolk Public Schools website. The Day School address is http://npshod.learningnetworks.net/Home/.
    - DK, Norfolk Public Schools

  • 1/4 12:31pm RG - right on. The lamp posts are near my house and I like them. They are attractive and I suspect that when they are on, they will throw enough light for pedestrians without lighting up my baby's bedroom like a construction site.
    KF, DG, and Wm. - I'm afraid Samaritan's Purse is a terrible choice if anyone is looking to help the victims of the tsunami. SP was investigated by the USAID for their work in El Salvador after two devastating earthquakes. According to interviews with numerous villagers, volunteers of the Protestant group distributed religious tracts and asked them to accept Jesus Christ as their savior before providing assistance.
    What is the break-down of how much of the donations go toward converting people at their lowest point and what percentage actually helps people? At least with the UN and other organizations DG maligned, we know that the majority of the money goes toward food, water, housing, and not bibles, videos of The Passion, and so forth.
    Another reason that SP is a bad choice: one of the hardest-hit countries in the tsunami's wake is Indonesia -- a majority Muslim population. You can imagine what SP's impact on Al Qaeda recruitment will be. The organization is run by Billy Graham's son Franklin, a man who calls Islam a "wicked and violent" religion.
    - MH

  • 1/4 8:13am TS/RS re lamposts: Could we at least wait until they're on until we complain about the amount of light they throw?
    The height seems to be appropriate scale to create a downtown with a feeling of walkability, which is what the town has been trying to do (who wants have a town center catering only to those zooming through it?) You want a town center with a sense of place for those actually using it, which because of the train station, town hill & gazebo, library, and town hall, you have here, unlike, say, Plainville, or, frankly, Millis.
    I saw the Millis lights too and thought are we just about the same - with one important caveat: they left the utility wires overhead. Which, frankly, looks awful. I've been complaining about the $1-2.50 per month I've been paying on my electric bill for the last four years (and phone bill? and cable? if you've got it, I think), but the end result is a pretty nice center. The aesthetic changes, when added to the new retail and housing going downtown, and the eventual "knitting" together of the center and the Grove Street neighborhood (through the eventual connection between Keany Pond and the new Meetinghouse Lane) will all combine to help create a town center with a feeling of true vitality.
    And, by the way, yes, there are plenty of committees with a say on what's going on in the center. Selectmen, Planning (and Design Review Board), Zoning, PBC/Library, Historic (because of the Library renovation). All these groups have been involved at one time or another (including Board of Health, maybe Conservation Commission), not to mention the mammoth and very important "Town Center Roundtable" conveyned by the Selectmen and mentioned on Norfolknet a couple of times.
    The center redevelopment has also been the subject of innumberable town meeting votes and debates. I'm sure if you gave the selectmen's office a call Dr. Markel would be pleased as punch to discuss what's going on in the center, it's really quite extraordinary when you compare it with what other towns simply cannot do because their centers are already built out.
    And, in case I wasn't clear, I like the lamposts.
    - RG

  • 1/3 10:32pm Hi TS, thanks for your reply on the the town's new lights; if you took an aerial shot from a plane, it would look like a birthday cake with candles. When you go to the town of Millis, they are the proper height and look good - what happened to us? Just another Town Hall, I guess. Happy new year and a great electrical bill.
    - RS

  • 1/3 4:04pm And while we're on the subject of scrutinizing charities' fundraising costs and activities, be especially aware in the weeks to come of telephone solicitations to help Tsunami victims. The Mass. Attorney General's office recently released its annual report on charitable telemarketing and the information is once again depressing, with charities who use these techniques getting an average of only 28% of the gifts! Go here for the report summary: [statepulse.com page].
    It's your money, but with a record like that I'd be REALLY careful of giving in response to a phone request. This goes for the whole year round.
    - HRB

  • 1/2 11:08pm Just my thoughts about the town center and the new lamp posts that have been recently installed, I think they should be higher approx another 10 ft and I think we need about a dozen more. Check it out guys.
    Hey TS, I agree with you.
    - RS

  • 1/2 6:38pm The website of Samaritan's Purse states that a copy of their financial statement will be sent to anyone requesting it. Under financial accountability on their website they also state that all funds collected for a certain project are used for that project and that they can use up to ten percent of the monies for administering the project. To me that guarantees that at least 90% of the donations will get to the people for whom they are donated.
    - KF

    [Public corporations, including non-profits, are required by law to file an annual financial statement with the government. This becomes open information, available to anyone for any reason -- of course they'll mail one out on request. It would have been interesting to compare - the American Red Cross, a large corporation with 37,000 employees , spends less than 8% of the amount collected for overhead (4.3% of which is administration, the rest fundraising) - Wm.]

  • 1/2 11:29am Re: Swimming hole: I do not know the answer to HPK's questions. I was a student of the swimming classes that were held at the Town Pond. We were supposed to enter the Town Pond from behind the old Town Hall but we could also park at St Jude's and go down the hill. We had another swimming hole but as far as I know it is now considered private property.
    From the town's website [Norfolk timeline] [historic homes]
    The Norfolk Town Pond Main Street

    The Town Pond is located behind the Old Town Hall on Main Street. The winding, part dirt, part crushed stone pathway leading down to it begins at the backside of the parking lot. The area was dredged out in the 1970s, sand was brought in and it became the local swimming hole for Norfolk residents, for a decade or so. Swimming classes were also held here and and were very popular for a time. The area has since become overgrown and is no longer used for swimming or other beach activities but ...

    - DLJ

  • 1/2 10:26am Walpole Children's Theatre presents their winter production of L.M. Montgomery's enduring classic of "Anne of Green Gables". This timeless story of an orphan girl and her passion for the people and things that she loves is infectious, and audiences will certainly find inspiration in the reality of Anne's challenges and joys. [See the full announcement [here] for details and show times].
    - AS, Walpole Children's Theater

  • 1/2 8:40am Re: Swimming hole: HPK, where is the old swimming hole located?
    - JM

  • 1/1 10:46pm Wm.... did his job. He did some investigative work concerning which charities to donate to for the tsunami victims. I did some investigative work myself and that's why I chose my charity. Give.Org doesn't list my charity but they do recommend some others that don't have some great track records e.g. The American Red Cross and the UN. The Red Cross is on their list but wasn't to good releasing the money to the 911 victim's families. The UN... their record... what can I say? The main thing, help out if you can and give your money to an organization that you feel comfortable with.
    - DG

  • 1/1 9:55pm Just curious: why isn't the old town swimming hole maintained as a place to swim? What caused it to be abandoned, and when did that happen? Yes, it's murky now, but there's still an active spring there.
    - HPK

  • 1/1 4:58pm Re: What is Pebble Hill? Pebble Hill, also known as "the Moonscape", is the barren land adjacent to Town Hall, where developments known as Norfolk Commons I (Commercial) and Norfolk Commons II are being planned and built. There is a large flagpole at the top of the hill, with cellular antennas inside it.
    - RH

  • 1/1/2005 12:11am Happy New Year! Toot! :-)

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