Q3 2007 Norfolknet Notes, Jul-Sep 2007

This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.

Previous Archive, 2007 Q2

  • 9/30 10:03pm   SV, I am in the process of starting a mobile car detailing business in the area. I live in Norfolk and would be love to detail your car. Please contact me at shamonotee@yahoo.com for details.
    - PN

  • 9/30 10:02pm   I want to thank the Norfolk police for their quick response to what we believe to be a rabid racoon the other day as well as their quick response to a downed tree and wires today in the Noon Hill area. They did a great job and we thank them very much.
    - DV

  • 9/30 9:59pm   DWL, I laughed when I saw your post because my house is always a mess. I try, but 4 kids, a company to run and a husband who is not around much -- things like homework and healthy meals come first. But I would never leave my dogs poop on your lawn.
    - DV

  • 9/30 9:58pm   The Southeastern Mass. Community Concert Band is beginning rehersals for the fall concert season. The band is a no-audition community band that reherses every Monday night from 7:30 to 9:30 at the Community Church in Medway, Main Street. All players are welcome, percussion players are needed. Middle and High School students welcome. We currently have two members from Norfolk, and would love to see more join. For more information, please call (508)-533-5532, or email annecodman@verizon.net.
    - CR

  • 9/30 9:57pm   KM - Your droll (or should I say "sappy") post is off the mark. These aren't well-established trees we're talking about. Their branches are quite fragile, and given the lack of natural rain, many trees are quite stressed. As a soccer coach I've admonished kids who are in a destructive (aka clueless) frame of mind (that includes kids who hang on the nets and goals as well). If you haven't noticed, there are play structures at Pond Street and the Freeman Centennial that are meant to be climbed on. Perhaps in the spirit of unbridled fun, the town should send you a bill for any damaged trees.
    - DA

  • 9/30 9:56pm   Kids in trees?? Well, at the risk of sounding like a crabby killjoy... Let me start by saying that my hubby and I have 6 children ranging in age from 26 to 3 yrs old. We also have had up to three dogs living in our home, along with an assortment of other pets as large as horses... right down to hamsters. So, I feel as though anyone who calls me uptight is way of the mark.
    I have to agree that the kids probably shouldn't be climbing the trees at Pond Street. While it's true that there are many other branches, the trees in question are only babies and need a chance to make it! With the high volume of children that frequent pond street, If everyone behaved in a destructive manner... there would be nothing but a bare plot of mud. It may seem petty , but really... there is a playground right there for the kids to climb!
    I think that it's more about teaching children about respecting boundries, appropriate behavior and preserving our town's resources for all to enjoy in the future. Personally, I would not allow any of my children to climb one of the tiny treees that are on those fields. I find it careless.
    I have been to many public places in town where children were conducting themselves in a destructive way and the parents were turning a blind eye. Just last night I was at the mall and someone was ignoring their children spitting off the 3rd floor balcony into the toddler playspace below! ...I have also been at Eaglebrook to witness children doing the same thing with ice cubes... Is it just me? Or do others feel that kids these days have no manners and a sense of entitlement? I have had kids come to my home and literally destroy my furntiure and speak to me disrespectfully, while my own kids stood open mouthed at their friends' behavior.
    - MW

  • 9/30 9:51pm   Since we are on the topic of dog doo doo. Does anyone know Norfolk's rules and regulations on dog waste and, removal and disposal? Specifially, in regard to a neighbor who has numerous dogs and lets them relieve themselves on the property line and does not clean up. It is on their own private property, but don't I or my children have any rights? I would like to be able to sit out in my backyard or sleep in my room with my windows open without having to smell the dog doo doo.
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 9/30 1:03pm   SV, Everrett's in Norwood is a great detailer.
    - PRB

  • 9/30 1:02pm   MJD: Kids have been climbing trees forever... thank goodness there are plenty of branches on those trees, just in case one or two branches out of allll the branches gets bent from a child having fun...
    - KM

  • 9/30 1:01pm   SV: 'Dr. Detail' in Walpole, on the corner of Route 27 and Route 1. Approximately 15 minutes from Norfolk Center.
    - KM

  • 9/30 1:00pm   Auto detailing... A really picky and messy friend of ours uses Bud's in Needham. (on the Dover side... not too far). They would be in the phone book. If your van needs TLC, they would be the ones to use!
    - MW

  • 9/30 12:42pm   The interesting thing about the dog owner and the poop being left behind is that you form an impression of the dog walker; at least I do. If the dog owner picks up the poop, one would form the opinion that the owner is a caring (at least for the neighborhood) person, cares about where they live, and probably a very tidy person in their home. If they let their dogs do this and not clean up all I can think of is what a slob and what this person's house must look like. What I have also seen is that if someone is around and watching them, they may pick it up. However, I have been in my house, looking out the window and the bag goes unused as they think no one is around.
    Trust me, dog walkers, people are watching and we do notice, we actually talk about you behind your back with everyone else in the neighborhood who does not own a dog. How would you like it if we walked up to your lawn and put our child down and let them poop in front of you house!!!! How different is it. At the end of the day it is just plain gross. All we can take away from it is when owners do not pick up after their dogs it probably means that inside of the dog owner's house is the same way. If you think we do not notice, you are kidding yourselves.
    - DWL

  • 9/30 12:48am   Hello, Anyone have a well travelled minivan like mine? I'm looking for recommendations for a good car detailing service. Looking especially for shampoo service. Thanks in advance
    - SV

  • 9/29 7:07pm   DA, as a dog owner, I completely agree with you. As much as I love my dog, the thought of dog poop on the school fields is very disrespectful. I do believe they, if well behaved, should be able to come to the town concerts and to the soccer games, but only after a long walk when their "business" is done and, just in case, a bag in "mom's" pocket.
    - DV

  • 9/29 7:06pm   DA - I agree about the dogs. People think that they are getting away with something when they let their dog poop on public property and don't pick up. I watched a woman on Friday morning, right before 9 a.m. on Boardman Street let her dog poop on the sidewalk. I slowed down to see if you would pick it up - she did not. Yuck!
    Another issue regarding our public propoerty, parks and fields that is bugging me is the fact that parents at soccer and I am sure other sports, let their children climb in and on the little trees that separate the fields. Last week at Norfolk Lions practice I saw kids climbing in the trees and bending the branches of the small pines while their Mom stood talking with a friend. She could clearly see what they were doing, they were young enough not to really understand that they could injure the young tree. She however was plenty old enough to know better. It happens every week. We paid for those trees I want to see them continue to grow and beautify the Pond Street Complex. Please let kids know that the trees are young and should not be climbed nor should their branches be twisted and broken.
    Also, the amount of trash that people leave on those fields is disgraceful. When you finsh practice or a game, police your fields and leave them better than when you arrived. I walk on Wednesdays morning with a friend at Pond Street and we bring trash bags because it is such a mess and it drives us crazy.
    - MJD

  • 9/29 7:05pm   A quick clarification: The 4th of July dog incident mentioned in my posting occurred on the Franklin Town Common.
    - DA

  • 9/29 12:54pm   Regarding dogs at the school fields - I've noticed a dog walker at the HOD School while dropping my daughter off for the morning SACC program. As we witnessed the dog liberally urinate on a tree by the curb near the entrance to the school, both my daughter and I gave each other a gross out grimace. Likewise, dogs were in liberal attendance at the summer concerts on Town Hill. One evening I noticed after the program was over and folks near us folded up their blanket, there was a squished mound of dog mess. In another example, The Country Gazette featured an indignant letter to the editor filed over an incident at the 4th of July gathering on the town common. The writer was beside herself that police had asked her remove her dog from the grounds because it posed a public health hazard to the many families gathered for the festivities. This childless (and childish) woman went on to harangue the town over its lack of a dog park. She was indignant that her "child" could not be serviced by the town. Finally, several years back I took a walk with the family to a Trustees of the Reservations property in Dover that allowed dogs on the trails. My wife, kids, and I managed to successful dodge many "land mines" liberally scattered in the woods; however, on the return trip with my guard down, I was booby trapped by an offensive pile of scat at the edge of the parking area, which ironically borders a children's playground.
    The bottom line is that dog owners should be attentive to their dog's excremental offerings and reconsider using public venues where kids play, especially schools. In closing, I'm reminded of a posting outside of a neighbor's pool when I was a kid - "I don't swim in your toilet, please don't pee in my pool." Perhaps such signage (albeit more formally worded) could be placed on the school properties (I believe there is one at the Pond Street Complex but only where the walking trail starts) as a reminder that the kids come first. (Note: my first "kid" was a retired racing greyhound.)
    - DA

    [Update 7:05pm: A quick clarification: The 4th of July dog incident mentioned in my posting occurred on the Franklin Town Common. - DA]

  • 9/29 12:44pm   Can anyone recommend someone that cleans windows? Thanks
    - PRB

  • 9/29 12:41pm   Yard Sale - Today until 1:00 pm 1 Chickadee Drive Norfolk ... Lots of great stuff still for sale -- Furniture from Domain, In, Circle -- dresser, changing table/dresser, oversized chair and more. Accessories and home furnishings from Laura Ashley, Calico Corner, Pottery Barn Kids and Pier One. Kids toys from Little Tykes too! Come stop by!!
    - ES

  • 9/29 9:38am   The Garden Club of Norfolk membership drive on October 10 at 7:00 PM in the meeting room at the Norfolk Public Library. We invite all to come and explore membership in the club. We welcome everyone - from garden novices to experienced and/or professional gardeners. Learn about our activities including planting and maintaining of public areas in Norfolk. There will be some garden oriented demonstrations, too. Tickets will be available at this meeting for our fall fundraiser - A Holiday Raffle - drawing to be held on November 14th. Can't wait that long to be a winner? We'll have some door prizes at the October meeting.
    - SB, The Norfolk Garden Club

  • 9/29 9:37am   Congratulations to all the participants of the 3rd Annual Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run 5K Road Race & 1K Fun Run. It was a beautiful day to run (or walk) and it was wonderful to see so many people, from all over, come to take part in what has quickly becoming a very popular race right here in Norfolk.
    Congrats to the 1st place male finisher - Mark Capparella and the 1st place female finisher - Julie Nievergelt, both of whom took home a new pair of Reebok sneakers!
    Congrats to the 1st Norfolk School Staff - Mr. Fownes
    Congrats to the 1st male, Ryan Boselli, and female, Saraneh Fitzgerald, DARE students!
    Congratulations also to all of the raffle prize winners including our grand prize winner, Bruce Simpson, who won Patriots tickets!
    And Congratulations to all of the 1K Fun runners who were ALL Winners!
    - CK

  • 9/28 9:54pm   MW - Thank God we have Prop. 2 1/2, otherwise we would be in the same boat at NJ. Just because Towns take in more tax revenue does not equate to more services. Look at most cities and towns in NJ, it's shameful what people pay. But your average teacher in NJ is making 80K as well.
    - LS

  • 9/28 9:53pm   This morning I dropped my son off to school at the Freeman for AM band. I noticed that there are always several dog walkers on the school fields... sans pooper scoopers or baggies (that I could see). When I picked him up after sports this PM, my son complained to me that there were so many land mines that the teacher had to cord off an area for them not to use!! Could we all be a little better about cleaning up after our dogs? Especially in a school yard.
    Also, The field sparkled with discarded gatorade and water bottles. It was enough for me to notice how awful the area looked. Maybe we could all remind our children every once in awhile not to leave them lying around in the grass after a game or practice? Sometimes the little ones forget.
    - MW

  • 9/28 9:51pm   DWL... Thanks for the link! These are the stats I got using the website to check her town/village/township or whatever they call them down there... I have always been very happy with the education that my kids have gotten here in town... There is always room for improvement though.
    School Information
    Number of Schools: 9
    Number of Students: 6,323
    Number of Teachers: 428
    Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.5:1
    Number of Males: 3,256
    Number of Females: 3,067
    - MW

  • 9/28 9:48pm   People are raising excellent questions about the cost/benefit analysis related to adding more commercial zoning, businesses and tax revenues. Norfolk has a very high percentage of tax revenue based on home owners. The real question to me is what is the appropriate balance between commercial and residential real estate/zoning/taxes/revenuet etc. I do not have an answer, but I hope that the town government is exploring these options. The tax payers should have some sort of rational cost/benefit analysis to determine how to proceed with future commercial zoning. This should include both financial and community impacts. One can dream....
    - CS

  • 9/28 8:19pm   Click here: H Olive Day School in Norfolk, Massachusetts / MA MW, you might find this Norfolk site helpful. Scroll down to the bottom to see the student to teacher ratio.
    - DWL

  • 9/28 8:18pm   JH, I have used Emerald Square, Route 1, Plainville. Great service, always on time, no smoky cars and really friendly drivers at any time of night!
    As far as MON, who really cares?
    - JT

  • 9/28 8:17pm   The King Philip High School Field Hockey teams are holding a car wash tomorrow, September 29th, from 9am to Noon. It is being held at the High School Bus loop. The cost is $5.00 and all proceeds will go directly into the KP field hockey booster account to help fund the program. Please help support KPFH!! Hope to see you tomorrow!
    - EH

  • 9/28 8:16pm   MW, Just beware of that number. I may be wrong, but I believe that is the ratio of the number of teachers to students, not the actual student number per class. I believe Norfolk has a ratio (that they use for the entire students to teacher population), but here it is 1:14 or 1:15. Teachers I have known that have taught in the NY/LI area have all said the same about number of students per class.
    - DWL

  • 9/28 3:55pm   DL We got our phone wet and when looking into a replacement we ran into the same problem. We found out that the stores have used cell phones from trade-in's, and if you buy one of them it does not effect your contract. Try the Sprint store on 109 in Medway, they had a bunch... and some folks who trade in have Verizon phones. Good luck
    - DV

  • 9/28 3:54pm   DWL, I believe the ratio is 1:17. It was hard to look it up. The elementary schools go by numbers there! How impersonal! The High school there was 1:11...
    - MW

  • 9/28 3:05pm   MW, It would be interesting to know how many children per class. Long Island is infamous for having 25-30 children per class for their elementary schools. Fortunately, ours are kept very low.
    - DWL

  • 9/28 3:02pm   JH, I have used New England Coach (1-877-7433632, ask for a "Towncar") numerous times to Logan and TF Green. In every instance they were on time, polite and had a clean car. Give them a try.
    - GE

  • 9/28 2:48pm   We would like to thank everyone who made this past Sunday's Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run Race a wonderful success! First we would like to thank Mr. Frank Barounis of Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts, who makes this race possible with his continued generosity to the town of Norfolk. Thank you to Gail Bernardo, Carol Greene, Ellen Rao, Allison Rao, and Todd Lindmark who helped with all the pre-race planning and organizing. We would also like to thank the Norfolk Lions Club and Leos Club, the Norfolk Fire Department, the Norfolk Police Department, Holmes Transportation, Jackson Therapeutics, Prudential Page Realty, and The Sun Chronicle whom we could not have held this race without all of these groups' help and support.
    Thank you also to Steve Sanderson, Pete and Anne DiCenso, Christine Bertrand, Sue Crane, and Ken Lawrence for all your help on race day! Thank you to Gail Patterson and her St. Judes religious education students and all the other young people who came out to help with the race as part of their community service.
    And lastly, we would like to thank all of the runners and walkers who came out and joined us on such a beautiful day!
    - Craig and Helen Koch, Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run Race

  • 9/28 2:47pm   Tax rate... My sister lives in a nice town on Long Island. Her house is valued at around the same price as ours in Norfolk. She pays almost double what we pay in taxes per year. The only thing they get, that we don't, is curbside trash pickup. The school system may be a bit better than Norfolk's, but I am skeptical of just how much and they have a shared police dept... it's provided by the county. I was suprised to hear that all the fire depts near her are strictly volunteer! (and they live in one of the first towns outside of NYC... huh?)
    Her town is also very commercial, just like Rockwall TX. It reminds me of a Newton or Needham. Only, the houses are even closer together. I don't pretend to understand everything that goes into a town's financial makeup. But judging from these two cases, it doesn't seem like commerce really makes that much impact on tax rate. It seems like the more developed a town gets, the more services that the public wants... So the taxes end up going up anyway? I could be wrong. Anyone have an educated answer to this?
    - MW

  • 9/28 2:46pm   Excellent piece, MW! Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Although it is perfectly understandable why our webmaster feels it should be relegated to a back page, the continuing tragedy is that virtually all of our major media sources are doing the same thing: either ignoring such issues completely or banishing them to a back page.
    - TEM

    [Update 3:18pm: I spaced... it didn't strike me at the time I posted it, but this message also properly belongs on Politics (because it's a followup to a message there, and because the non-followup content is about major media and story placement, which again is not Norfolk related). My bad. I'm leaving it here for now, but put a copy on Politics as well for better flow. There is now a follow-up post by MW there as well, continuing the thread about West Virginia coal mining. - Wm.]

  • 9/28 2:44pm   Haunted Train Ride Sold Out!
    Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions would like to thank the community for their overwhelming support of the 6th Annual Haunted Train and Hay Ride. We are thrilled to announce that after 2 days of ticket sales the event is sold out! During those two sale days, 1200 tickets were sold. The 1200 represents full capacity and no further tickets will be available.
    For those holding tickets, the annual Haunted Train and Hay Ride will take place on Saturday, October 13th at Holmes Fields on Myrtle Street. The raindate is Saturday, October 27th. Gates will be open from 4 pm until 7:30 pm. Ticket holders must be in the parking lot prior to 7:30 pm in order to ride the train. A ticket must be presented to enter the parking lot, as well as ride the Train. No tickets will be sold the night of the event.
    The proceeds from this year's Haunted Train and Hay Ride will go to the Norfolk Food Pantry and upgrade of the Norfolk Softball field. We thank Norfolk for its support of this annual fundraiser and we look forward to the thrills and chills of the Haunted Train Ride. Contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 with any questions.
    - TMS

  • 9/28 2:43pm   AR has a valid point about taxes and commercial development. Even if all the commercially zoned parcels in Norfolk were successfully developed, the Town's tax base would still be overwhelmingly residential.
    I'm not convinced that NIMBY is the major reason that high quality commercial firms have not located here as PJT argues. It's more likely that Norfolk simply doesn't fit their standard profile--we're not on a major traffic artery and the surrounding towns already have a diverse array of commercial resources.
    I wouldn't like to see development as you can find it along Route 109 from the intersection of Route 115 in Millis into Medway. It's a hodge-podge of marginally capitalized businesses--and it certainly hasn't helped Medway's town finances.
    By the way, NIMBY is a common response to LULU (Locally Undesirable Land Use) and, at its extreme, NIMBY leads to BANANA (Build Absolutely Nothing Anwhere Near Anything). Let's hope the Town's debate over development doesn't become Acronym-ious.
    - HRB

  • 9/28 2:41pm   I am not sure if anyone has any ideas of where to get a used Verizon cell phone, besides e-bay. I have just a few months on my contract before I can get a new phone for free and of course my phone isn't working too great. We've bid on a few on e-bay and keep getting outbid. Actually, if anyone has a phone they've recently updated and you don't want your old phone anymore maybe I could buy it from you. 528-5483. Thanks,
    - DL

  • 9/28 12:02pm   I too was under the impression that development would help the tax bill. For giggles one day I looked up a friend's house in Rockwall, TX. For those who don't understand the info below (I don't know how well it will post) the house is appraised at $203,000 and they are paying over $5,000 per year in taxes. As with most cities in North Texas, it is very developed with mega-mall retail and six (to eight) lane roads everywhere you want to go. Thanks, but I will keep my sleepy little town and take my trash to the dump myself!
    Tax Rate
    Appraised Value
    Taxable Value
    Estimated Tax

    Tax Rate
    Appraised Value
    Taxable Value
    Estimated Tax

    Tax Rate
    Appraised Value
    Taxable Value
    Estimated Tax

    Total Tax Rate: 2.4857

    Estimated Tax With Current Exemptions:

    Estimated Tax Without Current Exemptions:

    - MH

  • 9/28 11:43am   While looking for a friend's movie on youtube, I came across this disturbing piece. "Toxic West Virginia: mountaintop removal"... This is not aimed at MON in any way!
    [. . .]
    [Resource extraction methods practiced in the USA and around the world can make for interesting debate and chilling ecological horror stories, but are not Norfolk-related enough for the main page. It's posted on the catch-all ``Politics'' page. - Wm.]
    - MW

  • 9/28 11:42am   PJT: I couldn't agree with you more on Leo's in Walpole! Although it is unfortunate that we have to bring our business outside of Norfolk for some good Italian style pizza, Leo's is certainly the best around. As an added bonus, they just began delivering to Norfolk!
    - TC

  • 9/28 11:41am   Multi Family Yard Sale -- Saturday, Sept 29th 9:00 - 1:00 pm 1 Chickadee Drive Norfolk
    Furniture, household items, sports equipment, kids indoor and outdoor toys and games, baby gear and lots of other great items. Stop by and see what we have to offer! No early birds please.
    - ES

  • 9/28 11:31am   Wm - The Newsday link on your News >> News and Information page is dead. I've been just clicking on the Newsday.com icon on the top left of the page for a couple of months now. For some reason, I never thought to let you know until now. :)
    - DM

    [Ha, those sneaks! They rearranged their site, and renamed pages. Should be working again. Thanks for letting me know! - Wm.]

  • 9/28 11:31am   Re: 9/27 3:17pm Can anyone recommend a residential window cleaning company? - DC
    Housework Haters Cleaning Service, Norfolk // 520-1258 Randy Corwin
    He does gutters, too!
    - RH

  • 9/27 8:45pm   One of the best things about this town is that it is still a "town"... Let all the surrounding areas build themselves up to the point where they wish the had their "sleepy little town" back... I'm not saying Norfolk is perfect, but compared to the surrounding towns, it holds its own!
    - LB

  • 9/27 8:44pm   Intersting the way developement works... while it's true many in town would love to have a trendy sidewalk cafe for an espresso with a croissant and a place to buy healthy food grown by local producers, the odds are more likely that what we would get is yet another Greasy Burger franchise and a Mega Factoryfoods outlet.
    Also, I keep hearing "keeps taxes high" -- how much are we talking about? How much have taxes gone down in Wrentham since they built the outlet mall? And would they build it again if they had the chance to do it over?
    - AR

  • 9/27 8:04pm  
    Please contact Anne Rule if interested 404-219-[Do NOT call]... please no reply emails

    These very cute puppies need a home. Please help. If you are not able to adopt one, please send this email to your friends. Maybe we can keep these cuties from going to animal control. Thanks,
    Anne Rule
    404-219-[Do NOT call, see below - Wm.]

    Rescued 6 black lab (mix) puppies out of the middle of the road on Saturday. PLEASE help me find them homes - otherwise, it's Animal Control - which means they only have 5 days. We've bathed them, sprayed them for fleas and wormed them....but we can't keep them. They are currently in a kennel in my basement since I don't have a fence. I've lost count of the number of rescue groups that I've contacted, only to be turned down due to no room. Please check with every dog person you know to see if they need a puppy.


    - ML

    [Update 8:16pm: the e-mail that brought this news is two days old; since it was written, the pups have all been adopted. See Anne Rule's post to the dog.com forum - Wm.]
    [Update 10:40pm: Sorry, when I noticed that the pups had already been adopted, I took off the Atlanta Craiglist ad that was also advertising them. The 404 area code is less obvious, but this is not a local Norfolk issue, Hilary is a strong believer in adopting out strays. - Wm.]

  • 9/27 7:50pm   Reminder!! New Adult Norfolk based Music Group meeting on Oct 3rd [Wed], 7-9PM. We need a few woodwinds, oboe, flute or clarinet and strings, violin, viola or cello and keyboard. 1-2 yrs experience. Fun night! Contact gericol@verizon.net for further info.
    - GC

  • 9/27 6:58pm   In response to a request to build a restaurant across from the library: There will never be a restaurant or bar or S&S in town because too many people have a NIMBY in this sleepy little town. "We all want it, but not here". So taxes will remain high, roads will remain small and there will never be any sidewalks. That's just the way it is. So I will drive to every other town around to get my groceries, my real Italian pizza (Leo's), and to see a little life.
    In case some people don't know what NIMBY is: Not In My Back Yard. It the PC thing to do.
    - PJT

  • 9/27 6:56pm   KE: When one of our vets wanted to allow more freedom for his dogs (one side of the property was fenced) he asked me about systems. After searching all of the companies he chose Pet Stop (petstop.com). Pet stop offers a tri-scan multi-directional antenna to outsmart those dogs that are very crafty. He went with the Pet Stop distributor from Middlesex County. They were excellent with their installation and set up. They have come back promptly for fine tuning of collars and base unit. Our vet gave this store (and the installer) two thumbs up. Pet Stop's number is 978-251-4057.
    Like PB, I'm a do-it-yourself type of person. I've helped install invisible fence before and it's not that complex of a project but did take a bit of time (we were fencing in just under three acres).
    Our vet went with a professional installation because he didn't feel confident in laying wire under his driveway without damaging it. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen - Norfolk Animal Control

  • 9/27 6:55pm   I have an invisible fence system in my home. It works great for certain dogs. One of my dogs did great with it, but knew when the battery was low (something about the high pitched noise that they hear?) and would then use the opportunity to run through it. So you need to really be up to date and diligent about replacing their battery.
    The second dog was willing to take the jolt if another dog walked by the house. We had it turned up as high as it would go and he still ran through it and bit a neighborhood dog... We no longer have that dog! So... The moral to the story is, even though they guarantee to contain your dog... they couldn't do it for us! I don't trust the systems. We now have a stockade fence. Havent even bothered to use it on our new puppy.
    - MW

  • 9/27 3:58pm   KE: If you are at all a "do it yourselfer" the Innotek system is pretty straight forward and fairly easy to install (if you don't mind some dirt under your fingernails!). Basically you bury the line, hook it up, place the white flags and you are good to start training your dog. It comes with an instructional video with step by step instructions for training and troubleshooting. We have had ours for almost 2 1/2 years and haven't had any problems or breakouts. We found the system at Petsmart but got a better deal online which included the extra length of wiring we needed. Doing it this way was quite a bit cheaper; with that said, we have a dog that was easy to train - if you have a real "chaser" you may want to consider a company that will come and work with you to train and acclimate your dog to the system and be there for backups if he doesn't seem to get it!!
    - PB

  • 9/27 3:17pm   Can anyone recommend a residential window cleaning company?
    - DC

  • 9/27 2:03pm   I am looking for information on invisible fencing systems for pets. Does anyone have any experience (good or bad) with local companies, including Invisible Fence, Pet Stop or Innotek? Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
    - KE

  • 9/27 11:40am   I am looking for a home health aid for my mother. She is coming home after a year of hospitalization and need someone to take care for her from 9:00AM-5:00PM. I can be reached at 508-898-6572 or tariqsiddiqui@comcast.net.
    - TS

  • 9/27 9:39am   AL: You're absolutely right about the smoke. I had forgotten that detail.
    - AL

  • 9/27 9:38am   We also use Domenics out of Franklin, and yes the car did smell of smoke; I said on our way into the airport we would never use them again. However, we ended up flying home in a blizzard and our flight was four hours late, but there was our driver waiting. Then it took us two hours to get to Norfolk in a blinding snow storm, and he was awesome about it. Not only that, but the next day he returned my camera he found in the trunk. Needless to say we use them every time we fly and just roll down the windows!
    - AD

  • 9/26 9:16pm   JH: We used Domenics in April. The cars reeked of smoke. They were on time and friendly, but it was miserable to have our clothes smell of smoke for the cross country flight. Never again will we call them.
    - AL

  • 9/26 9:15pm   KG: Try Gemini Photo, 508-384-1452, in Wrentham. He does great work
    - DMM

  • 9/26 6:58pm   JH: I asked this once and someone recommended Domenic's out of Franklin. I used them about a year ago and could not have been more pleased. Arriving home at 2:30 am (4 hours late) after a long business trip, there was Domenic, waiting with a smile. They were ontime for my departure as well.
    - AL

  • 9/26 5:57pm   Can someone other than MON recommend a car service to TF Green? Thanks,
    - JH

  • 9/26 5:56pm   We still have three cats that are looking for homes. Elle, Huey, and Roger need to find new families to live with. For more information please visit norfolkanimalcontrol.net. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 9/26 3:07pm   As most people know, October is breast cancer awareness month. To help fund a cure for this cancer, I am offering a special with Arbonne. For any party booked for the month of October, 10% of the retail sales will go directly to breast cancer research. For those of you not familiar: Arbonne markets high quality skin care, color, nutrition, and aromatherapy products. Anyone interested please email me at elizabethfalvey@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading.
    - EF

  • 9/26 3:05pm   A few contributors to Norfolk Net were not amused back in 2003 when I created the not-completely-real but not-entirely-mythic entity called Norfolkistan. The residents of Norfolkistan would properly be called "Norfolkistanis." This has an exotic quality that I find appealing. Certainly better than "Foxboro-ites," or "Walpoleans," or--heaven forbid--"Millis-ians." So, using the excellent archive that our webmaster has provided, I looked up my old entry and the following excerpt--from exactly three years ago--sounds a faint chime of relevance still:
    "In Norfolkistan, it is ten times easier to delay or stop something than to work out a way for something to get done. And though "Norfolkistan" doesnt really exist, except in some people's minds, this idea has real consequences. Try this experiment. Drive down to the public library. Park your vehicle (you'll find plenty of spaces, even now). Stand with your back to the library and gaze upon the blasted, blighted, treeless, windswept vista. Welcome to Norfolkistan."
    - HRB

  • 9/26 3:03pm   Hi, I live near the corner of Medway and Myrtle Streets. My black cat, Jasper, went out Sunday morning and has not returned. If you have any information please call us at 508-528-1527. Thanks
    - ML

  • 9/26 11:23am   AR, I'm right there with you on that one! I have smelled that smell, and I never want to smell it again! ...actually, I think that 5 miles is underestimating it!
    But the point that I was trying to make is, what if something big goes in and doesn't make it? Has anyone noticed that companies don't take over vacant buildings anymore? All these chain stores want new construction. So they keep opening up tracts of undeveloped space and the older buildings stand vacant to waste away... There's got to be a better way.
    - MW

  • 9/26 9:30am   MHC: Zebra's in Medfield has a wonderful brunch.
    - JBN

  • 9/26 9:26am   Oh, I don't know -- I'd gladly take an abandoned paper mill over an operating one. Anyone within five miles down-wind would.
    - AR

  • 9/25 10:48pm   MON: You have confirmed for us that we can disregard your postings. You state: "The indigenous people of Norfolk, the Norfolkians, have a right to speak their mind, and believe me, I sure like to get "their goat"." That statement was enough for me to determine you are not of right mind. First, the indigenous people of Norfolk are the Native American Indians. None of "us" are indigenous as far as I know. Second, if your goal is to "get our goat", then I agree that we should all dismiss your comments as absurd. It is too bad, because I agree with a few of your observations. Unfortunately, you are so irrational that I do not choose to align my viewpoints with yours.
    I like to think that we can all look at many sides of an issue, but MON is simply stirring the pot for his/her own benefit (my opinion).
    - CS

  • 9/25 10:47pm   MHC - Sky in Norwood has a great brunch. Good luck.
    - SEC

  • 9/25 10:42pm   MON - I searched the Norfolknet archives and came across this post I made back in December of 2000. If I recall in 2000, the project was already a couple years old.
    12/15 11:17am Any updates to the Town Center project? Still very anxious to see what will be going there. Are the developers selling stone and rock from this site? This seems like the only valid reason this project is taking forever. Looks like they are trying to recoup their development costs. The new patriots stadium started a year after this project and it looks like it will finish before it!! - LS
    - LS

  • 9/25 10:38pm   Hello All, I happened to visit Lincoln, NH this weekend for an event. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it is the home of the Loon Mt. Ski area. As I sat in the town center, I couldn't help but think of how lucky we are to have our "moonscape and weeds". We could have this looming over our town hall... the abandoned paper mill. This is how businesses that don't make it end up. A vacant eyesore.
    - MW

  • 9/25 10:37pm   BD - We used No Worry Parties (from Dedham) for our annual cookout this year. She brought an additional person with her and they grilled, served, cleaned up, and generally kept the event on track (we had more than 50 people). Contact Susan D'Allessandro (Sue@noworryparties.com). We plan on using her every year!
    - AFD

  • 9/25 8:18pm   I am sure this has been addressed before, but I couldn't find recommendations on brunch specifically. That being said, has anyone found any place relatively local that has a great brunch to celebrate a family birthday? Thanks in advance for your tips.
    - MHC

  • 9/25 8:17pm   MON puts the `MON' in monstrous:
    1. Horrible
    2. Very abnormal.
    (from Webster's New World)
    - [Name withheld. It's okay. This message has been approved by the Wm.]

  • 9/25 8:09pm   We have some clothing that was left behind at Dunkin Donuts after Sunday's DARE race - If you think you may be the owner, please email us at dare2run@verizon.net.
    - HK

  • 9/25 8:08pm   I had heard that we were Norfolk because we were once North Wrentham and they called us the Nor-folk meaning folks in the North. Has anyone else heard this? I grew up in this area (not in Norfolk) and it was always Nor-folk not Nor-fork as in Norfolk, VA, that is something that I have heard only recently.
    - MJD

    [I've heard long-time Norwood residents refer to it as Nor-fork, so maybe it's regional - Wm.]

  • 9/25 8:07pm   [Update 8:11pm: post removed on request - Wm.]

  • 9/25 8:06pm   Dear BD- For our past gatherings & parties we've used the Roche Bros. catering companion "Simply Serving" and the guys and gals we've gotten in the past have all been fabulous. I'd highly recommend them and I'm sure to use them again in the future myself. I hope this helps.
    - RB

  • 9/25 8:05pm   To DWL - Kevin Orlando of All Seasons Septic is very nice, and professional, and reasonably priced. ST 5 is also local (both Wrentham) and also does a great job. Both very nice companies to deal with. Both will be in the local telephone book. A septic hauler has to be registered with the town, in order to pump a system. Both are registered in Norfolk.
    - LAW

  • 9/25 8:04pm   [Update 8:12pm: post removed on request - Wm.]

  • 9/25 2:05pm   ``I like to throw out trial anxieties to the Norfolkians and see who takes the bait.''
    Actually, I got it also... Which is why I refuse to play the game any longer. There is something sick and very twisted in a person who likes to play mind games.
    Honest debate is one thing... What I have experienced on this board is not that.
    - MW

  • 9/25 2:03pm   MON, I realize that you take perverse joy in annoying people. I also realize that you probably don't care that whatever valid points you occasionally make get overshadowed by how annoying you can be. And you may or may not care how Norfolk is pronounced, but it's not the result of lead poisoning.
    See Merriam-Webster:
    Main Entry:
    Norfolk [listen]
    \ˈnr-fək, US also -ˌ ;fk, -ˌfrk\

  • Function:
    geographical name

    [M-W Norfolk]

  • If you follow the link, you can even hear the Merriam-Webster man say it. Im not sure where you got the idea that NOR-FOLK is the proper pronunciation, but I'd love to hear you pronounce Haverhill, Worcester or Quincy. Good thing you're not in charge of anything important.
    - KR

  • 9/25 2:02pm   MON - I agree with your concerns in not wanting to see our taxes rise again due to poor management, overpaid town employees (or benefits i.e. cars) and bad planning.
    - AL

  • 9/25 2:01pm   Hi, we are hosting my husband's office party this weekend at our home and are looking to see if anyone can recommend a bartender that we can hire. If anyone has used someone in the past or knows of anyone, it sure would be helpful. We have used a company out of Boston in the past, and they were just ok. We would love any help on this. Thank you
    - BD

  • 9/25 12:35pm   Well the pumkins are here and the weather is beautiful. I hope everyone comes to Stony Brook this weekend to the craft fair. I will be showing some of our new "photo Farm" portraits there.
    - DV

  • 9/25 11:16am   KLM, Don't feel bad about the nasty comments. The indigenous people of Norfolk, the Norfolkians, have a right to speak their mind, and believe me, I sure like to get "their goat".
    As I said before, change causes anxiety, and people lash out when they are anxious. Do I really, really care what Norfolk does with the depressed Town Center? No, not really. I like to throw out trial anxieties to the Norfolkians and see who takes the bait. You can see by the posts that only SO got it.
    I just do not want my taxes to increase to fund further mismanagement, bad planning, and a lack of vision evident by the BOS and the various boards. Period.
    As far as things in the water go, high lead levels can cause facial muscle paralysis, which is why the locals say NORFORK instead of the proper pronunciation, NOR-FOLK. Perhaps its time to correct the spelling of the Town to how its taught in the schools and spoken, then have the lead levels checked.
    - MON

  • 9/25 10:32am   Click here: Video: Dr. Pausch's farewell lecture at CMU - while everyone gets caught up in the material things, sometimes something is able to set us straight. Watch this video and one will see how unimportant some things really are. It is about a Carnegie Mellon Ph.D. Professor who has weeks maybe months to live after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was asked by Carnegie Mellon to give his "last lecture." He is 46 years old with 3 young children. It is really moving.
    - DWL

  • 9/25 10:13am   I know this has been a post before but can anyone recommend a septic pumping company?
    - DWL

  • 9/25 10:12am   DMG, I had the same problem a couple of years ago (sounds like a jack hammer from the inside). I called Mass. Audubon and was told that it was an immature woodpecker that did not know the difference between a house and a tree. They suggested that I hang some streamers or plastic in the area of the house that was affected. I used some plastic shopping bags from the supermarket, looked like hell but worked. Hope this helps
    - MG

  • 9/25 9:13am   MON, I feel bad that you are on the receiving end of these nasty comments, simply because you want change in this town. I have never seen a place so entrenched in keeping the status quo that any negative comment about the town provokes such outrage. The response, "Why don't you just move if you don't like it here!", has become so common it's laughable. Strangely, this attitude seems to come from lifelong residents as well as newcomers to town. Maybe there's something in the water? (Besides unhealthy levels of lead)
    - KLM

  • 9/25 8:07am   We received an interesting request for what looks like a worth-while cause; I'm posting the letter so that those interested may get in touch.

    My name is Christina T*****, I am a trainer with the NEADS Prison Pups program. We train dogs to assist people who have physical disabilities, and to help children and adults who can benefit from the therapeutic value of a dog, and to assist special educators and therapists who work with disabled children.

    The program that I am specifically involved with places dogs in the prison system and has inmates training the dogs for us. On weekends, the dogs are "furloughed" with weekend foster families for crucial socialization exercises.

    I would like to post to your town website because we're starting a new program at MCI Norfolk in addition to our program at Pondville Correctional Center and are looking for weekend puppy raisers from the area for both places.

    [. . .] Thanks for your help!

    Christina T*****
    NEADS Prison Pups Program
    Alpha Dog K9 Training

    - Wm.

  • 9/24 7:11pm   Saturday, October 13, 2007 is the last day to register to vote at the Fall Special Town Meeting. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before October 23rd may register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM until 6:00PM, we are closed on Friday. On Saturday, October 13th, the Town Clerk's office will hold a voter registration session from 9:00AM until 8:00PM; enter the building from the front entrance on Liberty Lane only. Also, mail-in registration forms are available from the Town Clerk and must be postmarked no later than October 13th in order to qualify.
    The Fall Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 2007, at 7:30PM at the King Philip Middle School on King Street in Norfolk.
    - Gail Bernardo, Acting Town Clerk

  • 9/24 5:16pm   DMG, if you search the archives of this site you'll find that this exact topic comes up frequently. I myself posted a similar problem about 2 years ago and was shocked with the number of responses I got. What worked for us was to hang mylar balloons, ones with lots of silver on them about two per corner of the house. The light reflecting on the moving balloons seemed to to keep the woodpecker away. It was a fast and cheap solution.
    - NJD

    [Update 7:10pm: Here's where previous discussions were: [2006q4] and [2004q4] Search for "woodpecker" with the Ctrl-F function of the browser - Wm.]

  • 9/24 5:15pm   JL, Regarding Lab pups, make sure that the breeder has had both of the parents' hips and eyes examined/rated. Hips are evaluated and rated by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or OFA. Both parents should be OFA good or excellent. This looks for hip dysplasia. The parents should also have an eye CERF rating which looks at an inherited condition which may cause blindness. The problems these ratings monitor can be inherited and may be disabling. Having the grandparents done and not the parents is not good enough. Any breeder that has not had these evaluations performed is not a reputable breeder. The breeder might be a nice person but is not a reputable breeder.
    - JC

  • 9/24 4:40pm   On a less serious note, I have an issue with a friendly woodpecker that has decided to continue boring holes into my wood clapboard. I have managed to derail him/her by covering the holes (yes, two now) with aluminum roof shingles covered with foil. However, the friendly woodpecker is playing with me now and continues to lower the target and bore a new hole. Any ideas on how to deter my new friend from feasting on my house? I am a life long city boy who just moved out this way and could use some advice.
    - DMG

  • 9/24 3:45pm  
    ``The sound of tireless voices is the price we pay for the right to hear the music of our own opinions.''

    Adlai Stevenson

    - JBN

  • 9/24 3:43pm   Music lovers!! We are a small informal Norfolk based music group that meets bi-weekly. We're looking for a few more adults who have a basic ability to read and play an instrument, should have 1-2 years experience or so. Each member has input on the type of music we are playing, which has ranged from popular to classic and Holiday.
    We currently have openings for a keyboard player, and a woodwind player, flute, clarinet, or oboe. There are no fees, music is free and emailed to each player. This is a stress free , no pressure group, we are here to have fun! We meet in my home, I have a keyboard that can be used. All you will need is your instrument and a music stand. So get out your dusty instruments and come and give us a try! Email me for further info. gericol@verizon.net
    - GC

  • 9/24 3:18pm   MON - Your recent post has made sense of things. I just needed some footing.
    - SO

  • 9/24 3:14pm   PRR - Your story made me sad. Every death I witness slaps my little self back to considering, reflecting, puzzling - you name it - wondering about the big picture. Hey, you were very kind to the poor wee opossum, no matter how it died.
    PB - I cooked in a Boston restaurant years ago and we had a "mushroom man" who scoured the forests and would arrive at the kitchen door with his "catch". Every high-end joint knew the guy. He made a good living and was eccentric as all get-out. Find him and you're in like Flynn.
    MON - Hell, as a kid, my family was so low-income that we ate government cheese and brushed with free toothpaste from Tufts University dental studies. What the heck? Eating government cheese (apart from its shaky connection to actual "cheese") bears no reflection on the people, and I have good teeth, I like to think. You have poked a hornet's nest, MON.
    PA - good one.
    JW - rock on, smoked shoulder and all. I am really enjoying some good humor here, augmented by Wm's post about the "socialists".
    "Non sequitur" (an inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises or evidence): Miracle Ear, Appalachia, government cheese, socialists, yoga classes, North Korea, the American way, Karl Rove (what?), spewing, psychological cards, dogma, cult-like... bordering on "ad nauseam" (to a disgusting or ridiculous degree). MON, can you please provide an outline?
    - SO

  • 9/24 2:21pm   It would seem there must be something the town could do to require Stop and Shop to clean up the "moonscape" or sell it. I like the vast majority of what Norfolk has to offer, but I too think the town center has a lot more opportunity. The library and town hall are a great start. Let's see the rest of it spruced up too. Does anyone know if the town could enact by-laws requiring Stop and Shop to clean up the disgrace they own? Are there other options? We really should not have to live with a giant eyesore in the center of town.
    - CS

  • 9/24 1:58pm   MW and AL and everyone else offended by MON, I should not have posted the Doritos and slushy comment before reading MW's last two posts. Just to let you know that I apologize for rattling your cages, so to speak, and that I do possess some modicum of maturity, although that may be debatable. I tend to go over the top sometimes, and partake in literary/comic license to add punch to my points, but the reasons are to enlighten, not offend. Please, accept my apologies, and don't blame the webmaster or his efforts to keep Norfolk in the 21st century. You may think of the comments I made as being hurtful, but it sure did spark a great debate for a while. So don't loose sleep over this.
    - MON

  • 9/24 1:57pm   I look forward to seeing the first yellow ribbon on my way into Norfolk tonight. The slushy will surely cheer you up. I hear the cherry (or is it cheery?) is not bad, too. After that, walk over to town hill, sing a little "My country tis of thee." You know, let the ol' patriot in you out!
    - AL

  • 9/24 1:13pm   AL, You are so right. So much anger! I need to chill out. I wish there was a restaurant in the town center I could enjoy after a hard day's work. In the meantime, I'll have to settle for a bag of Doritos and a grape slushy from Linda's. Nothing like soybean oil based junkfood and high fructose corn syrup to bring out the "Happy" MON in me. It works for the rest of America.
    Then I will tie a yellow ribbon around all things I find beautiful. Because it is a sunny bright day!
    Thanks AL! I can't wait to pay more Taxes!
    - MON

  • 9/24 1:09pm   MON, One last post to you... You clearly have no idea what you are talking about in regards to my sentiments/beliefs. As I've stated in past posts, I voted for the sidewalks and in prior posts I have also expressed my glee on having a grocery store in town (even though I doubt that our town can support a "Super" Stop and Shop). Does that sound like someone that wants "no development" at all?
    Just becuase I believe in the rights of property owners (this is America) does not mean that I am against all development. The only thing that I am guilty of is letting you suck me into your negative and unproductive posts. So for that, I apologize to the webmaster as well as the other board frequenters for taking up their time and space with this ridiulous insanity.
    I am no longer willing to let you manipulate my emotions with your mean-spirited posts. Maybe someday, you will gain the insight and maturity to "respond" in a calm and intelligent manner ...instead of "react" to the posts on this board that you don't agree with. That is what I will be doing from this point on.
    - MW

  • 9/24 12:45pm   JBN: Please read the back posts... You will see that it was my views that were originally not only dismissed, but ridiculed and bashed by a very sarcastic MON. This person was so paranoid that people are out the get him/her that he didn't really get the gist of my reponse. I did respond that I thought it was a good idea ...but that I had some reservations that needed to be addressed. The next thing I know, I am the target of a nasty and sarcastic response by MON.
    So maybe both you and MON you should think about your approach. How does the saying go? "You can catch more flies with honey." If you are going to bash, accuse and ridicule, you will be putting folks on the defensive and they will be less open to listening to your views.
    As for the minority? Where do you get your statistics from? Or are you just making an assumption based on the views of the folks in your immediate circle of friends? Any scientist knows, that is not a reliable way to conduct research. Unless you have polled everyone in town, you cannot make a statement like that and sound credible.
    I have seen a few responses on this board agreeing with my point of view. So maybe you should back up your statements with actual factual statistics that can be researched. You don't see me putting words into other people's mouths, using blanket statements that include all "Norfolkians", the "majority of Norfolkians" , or using a fictional group of people to bully others into doing what I want, and seeing things my way. I appreciate every opinion and have been known to actually listen to someone and change my opinions based on reliable data.
    Who is this majority that you are talking about? Where were they when the sidewalks were voted down? I voted for them, by the way. There is a nice way to voice your opinion and a nasty way. MON has a history of being sarcastic and nasty, therefore, he/she will reap what they sow and get sarcasm and negativity in return.
    Being the reasonable and caring person that I am, I will no longer be sucked into MON's negativity. I will merely ignore all posts as they get wackier and wackier. It is just not worth trying to explain yourself to an unreasonable person that is unwilling to listen. Just becuase this board is somewhat anonymous, does not mean that you have license to be hurtful.
    - MW

  • 9/24 12:44pm   MON: But to have a town center sit undeveloped for so long shows lack of concern for the town's welfare. Agreed. We can and need to do much better.
    But may I ask, how do you haul yourself out from under the covers every morning with so much anger weighing you down? It appears everyone has let you down. Call it patriotic, whatever works for you my friend! I'd call it cantankerous. Really, it's not so bad! Have yourself a fine, sunny day!
    - AL

  • 9/24 11:30am   Join the Cub Scouts! The Cub Scouts will be at H. Olive Day on Thursday night during the Open House to sign up new Cub Scouts. Any boy in the First or Second grade can join. Come by our table for more information.
    - KDR

  • 9/24 11:28am   I remember when the town made up our fire hydrants to look similar to this. What a fun thing for our town to do, but WM is right, nowadays we couldn't do that as we would be defacing property.
    - JW

  • 9/24 10:39am   All of you, the term "Norfolkians" wasn't meant to put you down. Do Bostonians feel the same way? If you feel it was, those are your own insecurities and I am not sorry. So don't pull Karl Rove diversionary tactics here; go reread the posts, from the beginning, where others felt threatened by an alternative use of the empty space in the town center and show their psychological cards, spewing anti-development dogma. And if I don't like the cult-like behavior of some of the people in this town, that is my prerogative, I choose to point it out instead of "move".
    - MON

  • 9/24 9:52am   Well, of course I'll post it! Thank you for the correction, though I must admit, I still don't get it.
    What I see is Stop & Shop having made a tactical decision to buy land in a region over-served by their stores to keep their options open and keep competitors out. Ok so far. They're stalling on the construction, which, viewed in this light, is also understanable. And they clearly have not run screaming as long as they're holding on to the land.
    However, no matter what ``Norfolkians'' decide or not decide about developing their downtown, no-one but Stop & Shop can clean up the lot. If you or I were to do it, we would be guilty of trespassing. The ``civic duty'' to keep up their property so long as they own it - be it build or dispose of it - is theirs.
    The irony is that Norfolk ``socialists'' act when they feel it's the right thing to do, regardless of personal cost. To act on principle, not profit, used to be quite commonplace. If it were really up to the old-timers and socialists, they probably would have had volunteer teams out there with shovels, bricks, mortar, saplings and grass seed a long time ago.
    - Wm.

  • 9/24 9:51am   Regarding lab puppies - we got our 10 month old chocolate lab from Joan and George Pacheco, 508-822-7510, out of Raynham. We were recommended to them by a friend and were very pleased. They have yellow, some chocolates and black labs. Feel free to email me with questions. [Use box81@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - BL

  • 9/24 9:50am   To MW: You are in the minority if you think our town center is ``quaint''. Everyone that I talk to wants to see something more in this town. That ugly eyesore called the ``moonscape'' is something that has to be addressed. Don't be so dismissive of other's views. It is quite disturbing.
    - JBN

  • 9/24 9:40am   I don't know why, but there's something about the term "Norfolkian's"... that's unsettling for me. I guess I think of myself as a... "resident of Norfolk"... or maybe a "citizen of Norfolk"... or (gadzooks) perhaps even a "Norfolk taxpayer." But a "Norfolkian"..? I don't think so... the term makes me cringe...
    With regard to the Indian Wars and Native Americans... I think they had it right... when sitting on the shore watching those very first boats approaching from the first ships to arrive here from European shores... one Indian turning to another and saying... "I knew it. I just knew it. What'd I tell ya, huh? There goes the neighborhood!"
    - TK

    [I had the same reaction to the term "Norfolkians." In context, it came across as a put-down, kind of like "rednecks," or "rubes," or "hillbillies." As in, "residents too stupid to know what's good for them." - Wm.]

  • 9/24 9:39am   I agree with AL on two points, we are sick of hearing MON complain, and great job on the DARE road race, Koch family.
    - AD

  • 9/24 9:35am   MON: The 100's of people taking the train can get in their cars and meet at one of the aforementioned alcohol serving establishments close by.
    If Norfolk irritates you so much, move. We obviously don't have the amenities you need. I know from experience in this wonderful town what you want isn't going to happen any time soon, so you are going to be frustrated for a long time if you choose to live here. I also don't see the Moonscape any longer. I see and use the wonderful library, I sit on town hill to enjoy the serenity I feel there. I see the gas station run by a wonderful town family that I have personally known since 1970, the sons of the stations namesake running the family business after Tom was taken from us way too soon. I remember the town pharmacy where I could sit and have a soda at the soda fountain that went out of business because the chain pharmacies took away all the business. I once knew the names of most of the people I would see walking around town. The Norfolk Police Dept. is one of the best. This I also know from personal experience. The Fire Dept. showed up at my house one day and took care of all my pets like they were their own, when I accidentally left a "Smoked Shoulder" on the stove. They had my pets in the cruisers, the trucks, any where they could find a place for them. Most cities would have opened the doors and let them out to save them but our men went one step further.
    - JW

  • 9/24 9:34am   MON - You can always go back to West Virginia. It must be much more quiet down there now that Michael Vick's dogs aren't killing each other.
    - PA

  • 9/24 9:31am   AL, I can only assume the blank editing brackets had "(observant one)" in them. But somehow I doubt it. FYI, I ran for a position once, but was beat out by a BOS's close relative. A close relative? Sorry, I didn't have any family members in office to ``help out''.
    But this is America, a democracy AL, and I don't have to hold office to criticize it. You must have this country and its policies confused with North Korea or some other favored fascist state.
    But the real issue isn't about Appalachia, the police, drinking beer in the town center or any other twisted logic [...]. It's about ineffectual government, a town center that's depressed looking, and talking about the ``elephant in the room''. Namely, how some people want Norfolk to remain undeveloped and ``rural''. These people, including MW, surfaced during the restaurant post.
    Now nobody I know of wants to see the town become gaudy, overdeveloped or its ``country charm'' destroyed. But to have a town center sit undeveloped for so long shows lack of concern for the town's welfare.
    And if I didn't speak my mind over such a fiasco evolving before my eyes, I would not be patriotic.
    Besides, for every one of you sick of my sarcasm there is one who agrees with me. That's the American way.
    - MON

  • 9/23 8:12pm   You know, MON, I doubt I am the only one that is sick of hearing your complaining, your accusations, your sarcasm. This BOS, if you ask me, is a sorry lot... but when is the last time you stepped up to be on a board? Your initials are not those of anyone I know on any boards. Step up [...]
    - AL

  • 9/23 8:09pm   MON. Boy! You have done nothing but criticize everything about Norfolk! First the town center, the people who live here... now the Police force? Why did you choose to live here? (I put emphasis on choose.) This is New England. If you don't like the way we do things, go back to Appalachia instead of trying to change the whole town to your liking.
    I don't know how things work down there... but, what part of "We don't own the land!" don't you understand? Maybe if the towns in Appalachia spent less money worrying about the aesthetics of their town centers, they would have better school systems. Maybe the the literacy rate down there would not be so embarrassingly low? I don't know about you, but I think that producing Norfolkians who can read and write is much more important that providing a bar in the center of town.
    In order to take land by eminent domain, it must be for "the public good". There is a proper legal procedure that must be followed. Are you trying to tell me that installing a bar in the center of Norfolk is for the public good? LOL! You can't even wait to have a drink at home or drive the short distance to the Eagle Brook to get a beer after work?
    And by the way, what I meant in regards to the police force was that they might have to hire more officers in order to safely accomodate the extra traffic, etc. Not that I wanted them to sit on their butts. Or that they are guilty of that. Far from it! You may not be aware, but there is a limit to how many shifts an officer can work. Or do you think of them as your personal slaves becuase your tax dollars pay their wages? The taxpayers have to come up with those extra salaries.
    I don't even know how this argument got started. I posted that I generally liked the idea, but that the town didn't own the land and that maybe it needed some additional thought, due to the reasons I mentioned. Your post seemed negativley geared towards me, so now I find myself defending my position.
    I personally think that I am lucky to live in a town such as this. It is lovely. I can deal with the moonscape, I don't even see it any more. Would I be happy if something moved in there? Sure! But I am not going to drive myself crazy over it. I am going to continue to enjoy my life here in town. The town I chose to live in... Warts and all! People are more important to me than aesthetics.
    - MW

  • 9/23 7:35pm   Hi PRB, I would highly recommend the following group of lawyers out of Franklin. I have dealt with them on the subject matter you discussed and found John Dugan especially good, although I think anyone in the group would be great. Good Luck.
    Doherty, Ciechanowski, Dugan & Cannon, P.C.
    124 Grove Street, Suite 220
    Franklin, MA 02038
    Franklin Office: (508) - 541-3000
    Franklin Fax: (508) - 541-3008
    - ED

  • 9/23 7:33pm   Wm, Let me correct you, and please post this. Stop and Shop was supposed to build a store here, not clean up a lot. Its been 4 years+ and nothing to show for it. Between Norfolkians trying to preserve their ``rural'' atmosphere and socialists trying to turn Norfolk into some private uptopian vision, you can bet those lots will sit empty for a long time. Then one suggests a rational use for the town center and, according to the citizens, and it has to be approved by the police? Or people want to preserve its ``sleepy'' character? Come on, a lot of us are much smarter than that. We all know that the old guard are trying to maintain their status quo. Change in Norfolk would cause too much anxiety, which would mean more yoga classes at the senior center, and at taxpayer expense.
    We, the taxpayers, have heard enough about what the town can not do. Take off the big ego suits, all of you running this town. And get something substantive done. Too much is at stake here, so don't sit in meetings and sheepishly bring up points that need addressed. We all see you on NTV.
    No wonder Stop and Shop ran screaming.
    - MON

  • 9/23 7:32pm   JL -- I've been researching labs a lot these days and know a reputable local breeder who has puppies on the ground now. You can contact me at kcejake@yahoo.com. Thanks!
    - KE

  • 9/23 4:49pm   JL, Ron Ober is a retriever trainer, he does basic obedience and field retriever training. He does not have any pups but he is a great resource. His email is labstoline@verizon.net.
    - JC

  • 9/23 4:47pm   JW, Nothing wrong with the three restaurants you mentioned - except that they are not in the Town Center. What about the 100's of people who take the T every day, citizens of Norfolk? Maybe they would like a place to meet after work and have dinner? For a town of Norfolk's size and tax rate there should be more than a few cheesy strip malls, and a gas station that looks like something out of the back woods of Appalachia, surrounded by weed infested lots. What do the mainstream Norfolkians want? A Miracle Ear franchise and a storefront that hands out government cheese? That's what you are going to get.
    Also, I grew up in WV, in deep Appalachia, near the coal mines, and their town centers looked much better then Norfolk's. It's a matter of civic duty to provide for the town and its people.
    So I get it now, it's the old guard that keeps Norfolk in its depressed state.
    - MON

    [If I follow this correctly, it seems to say that it's the old-timers and lack of concerted wishing that are at fault for Stop & Shop not having cleaned up their empty lot?? - Wm.]

  • 9/23 1:22pm   If anyone is into identifying, collecting and/or eating wild mushrooms, we have some different varieties growing around our garden area and would love it if someone could use them. I have no idea if they are edible or not! email me at pamandy@comcast.net.
    - PB

  • 9/23 1:20pm   Thanks to the Kochs and all organizations involved with the DARE road race today. What a day for it, and we all had a ball - good exercise, good food, great cause!
    - AL

  • 9/23 11:18am   Happy Autumnal Equinox! Today is the first day of fall.
    - Wm.

  • 9/23 11:08am   Can anyone recommend an Estate Planning and Will Attorney? Thanks.
    - PRB

  • 9/23 11:07am   Is anyone have trouble with their comcast hig def tuner cards that comcast installs in hd ready TV's? i recently lost all my channels when the card is installed. comcast said it might be the tv.
    - DF

  • 9/23 11:00am   The Ware Tavern, later Ed Mann's store, that was located where Country Crossing is now was demolished by the Archdiocese of Boston - unbeknownst to us and never took out a demolition permit - in 1981. The building belonged to the Archdiocese when it was purchased in 1950 and Mass was held in the chapel that was once the store. The Historical Commission would be able to fill you in on this, and anyone is invited to their meeting on the third Tues. of the month.
    - TR

  • 9/23 10:22am   This message may be of interest to Norfolk residents concerned with middle schools or high schools - either as students, parents, teachers, or administrators.
    I have a password available for free school-wide use of the YourTake.org site through June 30, 2008.
    [ . . . ]
    I took a Kepner-Tregoe course about twenty years ago and I took a "Problem Solving and Decision Making" workshop in Boston this past summer. I found the techniques useful and helpful in both my work and personal life. When I heard about the Tregoe Education Forum, I wanted to find out what they were offering and whether it might be helpful to students in the Norfolk schools.
    What's going on now
    I requested information and was told that the Tregoe Education Forum is dedicated to improving the ability of students and teachers to solve problems and make decisions. I was told that in addition to the Tregoe Education Forum website at tregoe.org, they have started a new yourtake.org web site aimed at middle and high school students, designed to help develop student skills for collaborative problem solving and independent thinking. The site features an interactive online learning tool called SCAN, which incorporates a problem-solving methodology that encourages question, collaboration, and critical thinking.
    SCAN has a free mode so that educators and students can try it. Access to the full lesson library and enhanced functionality is offered at the following rates for annual subscriptions:
    One teacher and 15 students: $79/year
    One school site (with unlimited log-ins): $299/year
    I was given a password to activate a free school subscription through June 30, 2008. I was told that I could give to any school or individual who will use it. Since I found the adult version of this training useful, I hope that the student version will be similarly useful.
    If you want to investigate this, here are some links you can follow.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - DR

  • 9/23 10:22am   My husband and I would like to get a lab puppy and are wondering if you could suggest local breeders? Many thanks,
    - JL

  • 9/22 11:25pm   PRR - You'd be glad to know that while I was out for a bike ride today, I noticed two signs on Park St. One looked fairly recent, with bold letters warning motorists of the following: Caution: Turtle Crossing. On the opposite side of the street, a faded sign with worn lettering that alerts motorists of the following: Slow: Children. That seems to be a case of misguided priorities.
    RJG - My compensation is not derived from the hard earned dollars of the taxpayers of Norfolk, so the only person who really should be concerned with that is my employer.
    - PA

  • 9/22 11:19pm   RL, How about the past two days. Wow. Made up for waiting for the market to show itself for the past few months. Staying with infrastructure, resources and companies with a lot of overseas exposure.
    Happy trading,
    - GT

  • 9/22 10:14pm   For horseback riding I would agree that October Farm is a great facility with very good instructors and lovely horses. I board my horse there, and I have been very happy with the quality of the care, riding instruction, and the overall facility. It's one of the nicest facilities in the state, and right here in our backyard.
    - EC

  • 9/22 10:00pm   To the people who are putting papers on car windshields in front of Carol's alterations: my sons went to the bank and Something Special today. They parked in front of Carol's and went to the bank, then to Something Special to buy a get well soon gift. They got back to their car and found a large piece of paper on the windshield that said "THERE IS NO TRAIN PARKING ALLOWED. IF YOUR CAR IS FOUND HERE IN THIS PARKING LOT AGAIN IT WILL BE TOWED. THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY."
    I imagine this is not doing a lot to promote local business. Whoever placed this, please make sure that people are actually getting on the train. In this case it was two teenage boys doing something nice to support a friend and using local businesses to do so!
    - NW

  • 9/22 9:23am   To PRR, While I understand where you are coming from about speeding, you are only assuming that the person who hit the possum was speeding. Didn't we just lose a young boy on Medway Street, who was not speeding, but swerved to avoid a squirrel, and hit a tree causing his own death. I'd rather lose a possum that a person.
    - EAS

  • 9/22 9:22am   Guys, there are three alcohol-serving restaurants in Norfolk already - Horse and Carriage, Tyler's and Eagle Brook Saloon. What, pray tell, is wrong with them? Many others are located just minutes and a few miles in all directions. Incontro in Franklin is a high-end place, 3 just opened in Franklin plus the usual chains.
    I am an old timer here in Norfolk and didn't hear that the old Mann place was being torn down until it was a done deal.
    - JW

  • 9/21 11:43pm   It's a neat time of the year to be going about by motorcycle. Nice weather, cozy warm, and every mile or two one can smell the wonderful aroma of ripe grapes on the vine. Like my grandmother's on the trellis in her yard. Can't find grapes like that any more, though Concord grapes come close.
    On a more mundane note, it can be quite uplifting to carefully disassemble one's laptop, re-solder the power connector so the laptop will not die unexpectedly when on wall power only, then meticulously reassemble everything and have the laptop boot and run like it should. Also quite embarrassing to have a tiny screw left over with no obvious home. Win some, lose some. Besides, there are plenty others in there already.
    - AR

  • 9/21 11:42pm   PRR - I recently read Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick and realized that the nastiness of the Indian Wars (Native American, that is) was in large part caused by the wonderful Pilgrims and Puritans. Who would have thought. That's not what I learned in school. Who knew?
    - JHR

  • 9/21 9:01pm   CS - There are not a lot of places in these parts for good horseback riding. Most people are worried about liability. However, if you don't mind a little ride (@35-40m), try Bobbys Ranch (bobbysranch.com) in Acton. They are adjacent to state forest land giving them over 2000 acres to ride. They are suitable for all levels of western riding, whether you are a beginner or want to run a bit. They are open all year, I believe.
    The ranch has horses, donkeys, mini-donkeys, goats, shetland ponies and even a bison on it. There is also either a Bickfords or IHOP right near the entrance for a breafast or lunch after your ride.
    We do a lot of riding every year in the northern Rockies and think that Bobbys Ranch is the best we have seen around here.
    - PL

  • 9/21 9:00pm   Sidewalks on Main Street? Any input or idea as to if, and when, that will happen? I see children riding their bikes on the main road... it is very dangerous... since the cars drive wayyy tooo fast on Main Street.
    - KM

  • 9/21 8:59pm   CS -- What kind of horseback riding are you thinking of? If you're thinking of a western style trail riding type of thing where one can pay by the hour and follow a "guide" around, I don't think there's anything like that in the whole state.
    If you're thinking of lessons in any of the "English" disciplines, like dressage or hunter/jumper, or beginer lessons for kids, there's a great local facility called October Farm. It's on a 130 acre property at the end of Warren Drive (a cul de sac off of Park St.) in Wrentham.
    The instructors there are fantastic, and the property is stunningly beautiful. The entire farm is actually located in Norfolk, but most people are not aware of it because the only street access is via a cul de sac in Wrentham!
    Lots of pictures and info at: www.octfarm.com
    - JD

  • 9/21 8:58pm   BL -- There is a new Salvation Army thrift store on Rt. 1 North in Norwood. I think (though I'm not sure) it's near Petco.
    - JD

  • 9/21 8:57pm   It would be nice to have a decent restaurant with or without a bar in town. The bar would make it more lucrative for the potential owner and would (heaven forbid) provide somewhere to socialize at night. As far as Public Safety, do people really think that our crime rate will soar as a result of allowing this type of business? I don't. The same number of people can and will go to Franklin, Millis, Medfield, Walpole, etc., for drinks and still drive home through Norfolk. Seems that argument is a red herring aimed at limiting growth. I for one would like to see some more commercial tax revenues. This would be one source that residents might actually enjoy...
    - CS

  • 9/21 8:56pm   BL, Stony Brook has a white elephant sale as part of its Fall Fair (9/29) and Craft Fair (10/13). Any household items can be donated during business hours at the Sanctuary (108 North Street). All proceeds support education & conservation programs at the sanctuary.
    - TH

  • 9/21 8:55pm   PRR - Regarding your heartfelt possum post, just a few observations.
    One, possums are nocturnal - lack of visibility on the part of the driver versus excessive speed may have played a role in its untimely demise.
    Second, if the possum was out and about in daylight, it may have been ill. We once had one scavenging below our birdfeeder during the day. It was acting very aggressively (can you say rabies?) I found its carcass by my shed the next day and buried it.
    Third, as a driver, if I confront an animal in the roadway and cannot safely stop or evade it, I will strike that animal (I know I'm now in trouble with PETA). Sorry, but my life means more than the animal in question.
    Finally, our animal control officer, who is a regular contributor to this page, might have been called on this sad situation.
    On a lighter note, the tavern idea downtown might be a big hit (pun intended) - we could call it The Roadkill Cafe. Venison, possum, squirrel, etc. could be served as the special of the day, depending upon what's most in supply. Us rustic folk often have a hankering for such vittles. As Jed Clampit was fond of saying on The Beverly Hillbillies - "Ooooo weeee Granny! You sure can fix up a fine possum stew!" Jethro and Ellie Mae, the feed is on...
    - DA

  • 9/21 5:15pm   Regarding the Dunkin Donuts 5K on Sunday... does anyone know if dogs are allowed with the walkers? (not the runners)
    - BL

  • 9/21 5:14pm   We recently got all new kitchen stuff and have tons of old stuff we'd like to donate. We have plates, bowls, glasses, silverware as well as pots and pans. They are in pretty good shape and was wondering if anyone knew of a location organization that could benefit from this stuff. Any help is appreciated!
    - BL

  • 9/21 5:10pm   MW and all, can't the town at least make S&S clean up and landscape the site? On the premise that it's a public eyesore? Just wondering
    - LAW

  • 9/21 5:09pm   MW - All I hear from you and others are why things shouldn't be done in our town. All other towns have restaurants that serve alcohol, and our town police force is paid to work, not sit around and avoid the public or the potential trouble a business could cause. If all the old-timers in this town are so for maintaining the rural atmosphere, why did they let the old Mann place be torn down to put the aberration that is in its place?
    Think out of the box, Norfolk. It will change, perhaps when you are in one.
    - MON

  • 9/21 2:32pm   All of the ideas for the stop and shop land sound wonderful. There is just one problem... we don't own it! It's great to fantasize, but it's not gonna happen!
    The idea of a tavern/resteraunt sounds great in theory. It would certainly look beautiful. But think it through a little more. Do you really want to deal with a "late night spot" in our sleepy little town center? Think of all the auto accidents that the tipsy drivers could possibly create in the roundabout! Bringing people into town in the daylight hours is one thing... the evening opens up a whole new set of problems for our town. Including the possibility of having to beef up the police force (chief Stone would have to be consulted on this one). I would rather look at moonscape! What about asking Stop and Shop to create a false movie set front along main street? At least it would look quaint. You know like the country villages at Epcot? Just kidding!
    - MW

  • 9/21 2:21pm   Garage Sale - Saturday, Sept. 22, 9AM-1PM - 30 Grove St. Norfolk - Household - Foosball table - Misc. - Weight bench set - More!
    - WB

  • 9/21 12:04pm   Stony Brook needs ties! Any old, unwanted, ugly or not so ugly ties. We are using them for a children's craft at Fall Fair and we need more! Ties can be dropped off at the Sanctuary any time before Friday, the 28th! There is a basket outside the Nature Center. Thank you to all of Norfolk for your continued support of your local wildlife sanctuary!
    - Tara Henrichon, Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary

  • 9/21 12:02pm   So, PA, how much do you make?
    - RJG

  • 9/21 11:53am   Re: 9/19 10:28am ....the town of Norfolk or some entrepreneur purchase the land across from Library and build a replica of the old Mann house and put in a period Tavern with a restaurant along with a historical museum of Norfolk's past. - MON
    Great idea... I had actually thought of the same thing; why not? It is done all over the world... I always regretted, while living in Jamaica Plain, that the original Sam Adams pub on Centre Street was torn down. Someone would have made a fortune replacing it!!
    A town tavern would be awesome... not to take away business from the Eagle Brook, but why not make an upscale, classy destination point with seriously good food and excellent brews from all the micro breweries around New England... we are not a town of lushes... but it would be lovely to have a really excellent establishment to meet at and enjoy.
    Jamaica Plain has Doyle's... we could have something as well... and pay homage to the tremendous amount of history in "these here parts"... okay, nasty Indian wars... but still, why not?
    Why do we have to settle for the ugly box architecture of a Stop n' Shop in the middle of our town. If we can't have a Trader Joe's or a Whole Foods either, why not something cool? We have a clean slate... why not create?
    - PRR

  • 9/21 11:50am   Another senseless crime: another victim of road kill!! A beautiful possum, cut down in the prime of life! What if it was your child? Maybe that animal has children... How does someone drive so fast on a neighborhood street, so fast that they cannot slow down for an animal the size of a very large house cat? Who did this?
    This morning in front of 136 North Street we came upon a quivering, crying child of nature... bleeding from the head. With eyes at first wild with fear and now glazed with the look of death and dying, this poor animal lies on the side of the street... I couldn't figure out how to put it out of misery... but in my anger and sadness I had to at least pay honor to its life!
    Please, slow down!! One of these days it could be your dog or cat... yes, even your child that gets in the way of a speeding car. Life is not about who gets from point A to Point B the fastest... it is about the journey... and killing poor defenseless animals is certainly not a good way to get anywhere!!
    I am tired of hearing people say, "it darted out in front of my car..." or ..."stupid animals" or "I couldn't see it". We know that there are wild animals that can't read signs and don't understand the concept of "car"... so why not drive accordingly? We share this town, this Earth with so many beautiful creatures... do we have to endanger them, even on our own streets?
    Put down your latte, your cell phone and put both hands on the steering wheel!! Pay attention to the road! You are supposed to be in control! ...instead, whoever hit that possum was sitting behind the wheel of a moving weapon, a few tons of crushing metal and steel. No excuses excepted!
    I think that brown eyed possum has died now... I mean really, how much pain could one life endure, dying by the side of the road on top of a sewage grate, while I sit in my comfortable chair and type, begging you to slow down....? Who's next?
    Next time I will take a picture. Maybe that will make a deep enough impression...
    Thank you.
    - PRR

  • 9/21 10:41am   Can someone recommend a good place for horseback riding?
    - CS

  • 9/21 8:21am   Fall begins Sunday and the forecast is calling for beautiful weather for a race! All proceeds from the 3rd Annual Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run 5K & 1K Fun Run will benefit Norfolk's Drug Abuse Resistance Education program. This is a race for all ages and abilities - check out last year's race here - [DareRace movie]
    There is still time to pre-register! Click here [registration link], or you can register the morning of the race.
    There will be plenty of music and food. Post-race massages will be available. And there will be raffles with some great prizes including 2 Patriots tickets.
    Please join us September 23rd for this fun family event - whether you run or walk (or just come out to cheer on and support the runners and walkers) it is all for a great cause!
    - HK

  • 9/20 9:29pm   MD- perhaps your slinky critter was a mink. I've seen them at the 115 Millis/Norfolk bridge, although I don't think that they stray far from water. It could have been chased into your garage. Fishers are fairly 'chunky' in build.
    - LAW

  • 9/20 7:21pm   I just saw a small weasel-like animal slink out slowly from my garage late this afternoon after I opened it to garage my car. Yesterday evening, when I heard a high pitched noise and clatter in the garage, I rushed to check on my old semi-indoor cat Daisy and discovered that my attached garage was still open. Daisy was in the garage and displayed no particular excitement. So, thinking that Daisy had captured a squirrel or chipmunk, I brought her in and left the garage door open. After a few minutes, I closed the garage. When I drove out this morning, I noticed a few things knocked over, heard a scurrying in the rafters, and saw some insulation come down from the ceiling. Although I had to leave, I was slow closing the door after me but the beast remained in the rafters. Luckily for my household, the fishercat is still smaller than any of my cats. So a fishercat has migrated deeper into Lafayette Estates.
    - MD

  • 9/20 7:12pm   To ML, We love Walpole Pediatrics as well (on 1A in Walpole). Great care, a friendly, caring group of doctors & nurses. They have weekend urgent care, a walk-in clinic during the winter and always call back within 15 minutes for after hours calls & questions. Good luck & welcome to town.
    - TH

  • 9/20 7:10pm   I am looking for a few more volunteers for Fall Fair!Any interested volunteers can email me at thenrichon@massaudubon.org.
    - Tara Henrichon, Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary

  • 9/20 7:01pm   Does anyone know of a mobile paper shredding business that would come to my home and shred over 15 years worth of personal documents/papers/bills, etc. I read in the Gazette that Medway is having a Community Shredding Day where residents can drop off personal papers and have them shredded for free via the bank's professional shredding company. It would be nice if Norfolk had this type of Community Day event, or even better, if the landfill had a personal shredding service on site, as I don't feel safe disposing unshredded papers in my trash bags or tossing them in the recylable paper dumpster. I bought a paper shredder but this is too time consuming.
    - RH

  • 9/20 6:58am   RP - The article didn't say if the Utah woman lived in one of those housing projects that everyone has to have the same window shades and colored front doors.And Horror of horrors-no clothes-lines. I think that they are called "Gated Communities", or" Lifestyle Communities" Thank goodness good old Yankee common sense prevails in Norfolk!
    - LAW

  • 9/20 12:00am   Do you recall the discussion a few weeks ago about whether or not to water your lawn? Well, just be thankful that you don't live in Utah. Click here... [article]
    - RP

    [I substituted another article about the story, the UT Daily Herald page contains binary data instead of Javascript and I don't trust it - Wm.]

  • 9/19 11:59pm   MJD: I'll comment on the public listing's of Norfolk employees. In a nutshell, it's too bad teachers don't get paid more. I'll never quarrel with what cops and fireman (and 'ambulance drivers' as well) make, for each time they go to work they could be putting their life on the line. It would be very interesting to see the rest of the list, and hopefully that's coming.
    - PA

  • 9/19 11:58pm   ML: Pediatric Associates of Medfield. 508-359-9200. Dr. Nicholas Pacella. They have weekend/evening hours and have been wonderful for all my children.
    - KM

  • 9/19 11:57pm   To ML who is looking for a Pediatrician: We use Weston Pediatrics in Weston. I know that it seems far away, but it really only takes me about 25 minutes to get there. I am a nurse, and I really think they give great care. We use Margaret Manion, MD. She is wonderful. They utilize Newton-Wellesley Hospital and Boston Children's Hospital, which I personally prefer for children over the local hospitals in this area (no offense). 781-899-4456; 486 Boston Post Road, Weston MA 02493.
    By the way, I have to say that I was very impressed with the care a family member received at Norwood Hospital (and it was serious he was in the ICU). I had heard things about Norwood over the years, not good things either. So I actually stayed in the ICU overnight to see for myself, and I must say that the cardiac care was excellent. The cardiac cath lab was by far as good, even better, than any Boston Hospital and I have been a nurse for over 25 years. Dr. Ruocco is an excellent Cardiac interventionist. I highly recommend him. We are very lucky to have such sophisticated cardiac care so close to town.
    - JN

  • 9/19 4:40pm   To ML, who is looking for a pediatrician: Look in the Recommendations section of NorfolkNet under Medical for many of your neighbors' testimonials.
    - EC

  • 9/19 4:15pm   KG - I have used the photographer from the Jingothecat.com website. You can view some of his photos there. He is a local guy. His photos are great and he is reasonably priced. He works with you to get the photo style you want at the location you choose.
    - KO

  • 9/19 1:40pm   HPK: I can handle snakes but I don't know if I would have had the nerve to reach in and get a rat. What did your friend do?
    - JW

  • 9/19 10:28am   Thanks RH and TMS. It's quite a shame that such a historical building was demolished to put up the present buildings. So here's what I propose. The town of Norfolk or some entrepreneur purchase the land across from Library and build a replica of the old Mann house and put in a period Tavern with a restaurant along with a historical museum of Norfolk's past. As the Historical Commission web site shows, there is a rich history in Norfolk that could be commercialized to make the Town Center more attractive and appealing. Our town leaders could use some vision here, and here is a plan to help Norfolk, display its past, and put a restaurant and tavern within walking distance of a large part of Norfolk.
    So far the plans to put in a Stop and Shop supermarket that will end up looking like some big-box store are at best mediocre. Worse, and the real travesty, it will never happen.
    Any supporters?
    - MON

  • 9/19 11:18am   ML, who is looking for a pediatrician - Welcome to town! We have been very happy with Pediatric Specialist of Foxborough and Wrentham. We see Dr. Arthur Giuliano at the Wrentham office on 1A. The phone is 508-543-6306. If you call first thing in the morning, it may take a while to get through; don't let this discourage you. The nurses there are great. The physicians are caring and dedicated. Good luck.
    - MFZ

  • 9/19 10:28am   JW, here's my friend Sadie's Flickr picture of a rat in her washing machine: [link]. Show that one to your daughter! ;-)
    - HPK

  • 9/19 10:27am   My wife, son, and I just recently moved to Norfolk. Can anyone recommend a family physician and pediatrician?
    - ML

  • 9/19 10:08am   Re: 9/18 12:13pm Does anyone know about the old, historic building/tavern that was at the corner of Rt 115 and Main where George Washington and his troops spent the night? Supposedly it was where the Sovereign Bank is now. I would like to know if there are any pictures of it archived anywhere. - MON
    From Early Norfolk Revisited (Town of Norfolk, 1970), page 20 and 21:
    "A Norfolk Landmark, the old Mann Place still stands at the northwest corner of Main Street and Rockwood Road. The house was built in 1730 (possibly by Henry Trowbridge) and has changed hands numerous times. In its long history it has housed a variety of enterprises, including an Inn, several taverns, a Post Office, and at least two stores (one of them run by Ed Mann who lived in the house for many years and operated the cannery next door). General Washington spent a night in the building (then Josiah Ware's Tavern) while enroute to New York during the Revolutionary War.

    The soldiers with him camped on the Town Hill.The St. Jude congregation met here before they built their church in 1959. They now own the building and use it as a rectory (photo 1860s)."

    The building was torn down, even though it was on the National Registry of Historic Places, to make way for the commercial building that currently stands on that land.
    Demolition of historically significant properties is now regulated by Article XV of the Town Bylaws, but was not at that time. See URL: [town bylaws page]
    - RH

  • 9/19 9:29am   JH - Thank you for the informative posts on download speeds and system optimization. They are very helpful and educational, and saved me the hassle of calling Verizion. It's really interesting that on speakeasy.net, my connection speed ranged from 19766kbps/4460kbps from the New York server; all the way down to 5560/4314 from the server in Los Angeles. Much appreciated!!
    - RL

  • 9/19 12:19am   I too am curious about whether or not WC is a Vegan or vegetarian! I am not poking fun or criticising. Just trying to understand where he/she is coming from. So people who are pro life... must practice this in every aspect of their lives? Meaning... no killing bugs or rodents?... not using any animal by-products. So forget any beauty products, soap, etc... the list goes on and on. How does one get around all this in daily life? Also, doesn't pro-life mean that you could also not kill or mame a plant? So does that mean that in theory, you could not harvest fruit or veggies until they actually fall off the vine? What do you define as life? There are tiny micro organisms and germs everywhere... etc. How do you deal with that? Who decides what orgainisms live or die? I'm exhausted just thinking about it all!
    P.S.: I have many Vegan friends... we coexist very peacefully becuase we respect each other and don't try to force our beliefs on each other.
    - MW

  • 9/18 8:26pm   WC: A serious question with no malicious intent... Are you a strict vegetarian?
    - CS

  • 9/18 7:41pm   Have a 32 inch Toshiba that has a problem with the vertical amp. Only a horizontal line shows; sound, all else ok. Can anyone recommend a competent TV tech? Or do I spring for a new/flat? Tnx,
    - JO

  • 9/18 7:12pm   Lost - Atwood camper jack remote! Approx 3" x 5". Lost between 43 Tucker Rd and Cronin's Oil on Main St. Please call 508-528-3108 if found! Thanks!
    - JD

  • 9/18 7:11pm   JPB: I am against all hunting, legal or not. I am definitely pro-life, and always have been. I really can't see a connection. All life is precious to me, whether human or animal.
    - WC

  • 9/18 4:06pm   MON: Check out the Historical Commission's website (on the Town of Norfolk site). I also seem to recall there is a book at the Library with historical photos and stories on the Town of Norfolk. Bill Domineau, Historical Commission, is also a great resource.
    - TMS

  • 9/18 4:05pm   KG: NCL usually has a fall photo fund raiser. Contact their fundraising person through their website norfolkcommunityleague.org. I've used it in the past and been very pleased!
    - TMS

  • 9/18 4:04pm   LS, call the Conservation Commission, the Selectmen, or Jack Hathaway, the town administrator. If you do not get a straight or logical answer, let us all know on Norfolknet. They will not respond to Norfolknet questions. Although they read it all the time, I think it scares them to have to answer to the public in a forum they can't control. In other words, put the pressure on them, it's your town and your money being spent.
    - MON

  • 9/18 4:02pm   Re I missed the Lisa Hull photo session :( and I'm looking for a photographer who is reasonably priced-thanks! - KG
    Hi KG - I am a local professional photographer and would love to take some photos for you. I do not charge any portrait sitting fees and my prices are very reasonable - no fixed packages allow you to pick and choose the photos and sizes/quantity you would like. If you only want a single 8x10... that's just fine. I have worked with a number of local residents and would be happy to provide references. Please visit my online gallery at JingotheCat.com to see some of my work and, if you would like to discuss things further or to set up an appointment, please call me anytime at 781-696-9174. I look forward to speaking with you..
    - AG

  • 9/18 12:36pm   MON - You got me thinking about old properties. Does anyone know why the $335,000 grant the Town gave to the Norfolk Grange is not being used? I base this soley on driving by the Grange and not seeing a live body near the place. I peeked in the windows as well. I couldn't find anything related to this at the CPA meeting minutes website. It seems the Grange would have had to plan and get estimates to present to the CPA in order for them to agree on the $335K figure.
    - LS

  • 9/18 12:21pm   Huge estate sale this week! 51 Lawrence St. 8am-4pm both Friday and Saturday! I've hired an estate sale guy to run it, but it is not to be missed. Antiques and Collectibles that are beautiful and unique! No joke. Check out my blog for more info at http://erinssale@blogspot.com See you there!
    - EKH

  • 9/18 12:13pm   Does anyone know about the old, historic building/tavern that was at the corner of Rt 115 and Main where George Washington and his troops spent the night? Supposedly it was where the Sovereign Bank is now.
    I would like to know if there are any pictures of it archived anywhere.
    - MON

  • 9/18 10:58am   CL, If you're still looking for pony ride info, we had a pony from Lil Folk Farm in Holliston for my daughter's sixth birthday. They were great with the kids and they also do farm animal parties at their barn in Holliston if you decide not to have it at home. Their number is 508 429-1700.
    - KLM

  • 9/18 10:57am   GT - I just used internetfrog.com and I get 4.41 download and 1.91 upload with Comcast.
    - SO

    [What are the units? 1.91 megabits per second upload looks good! - Wm.]

  • 9/18 10:07am   JC, I agree with you... and if people don't like to hunt, they can still purchase venison and enjoy the benefits of organic meat. Have you seen the articles out there on the use of carbon (monoxide? dioxide?) in the packaging of meat so that it stays red longer?? Yuck!
    They do have deer farms, just like cattle farms/poultry farms etc. But I wonder if the farms will start plumping them up the same way that cattle farmers do? If people eat beef or chicken or even pork, then they are really in no position to bash venison eaters... They are all God's creatures. What makes a deer more worthy than a cow, a chicken or a pig? (sorry if I am beating this subject to death... and... excuse the pun)
    You seem pretty knowledgable... Do you know what ever happened to the millions of dollars that the State of Mass took from the fish and wildlife fund (proceeds from hunting permits etc.) to balance the state budget years ago? Has this ever been paid back?? My husband and I were talking about this just last night. This is money that I thought was supposed to go into preservation and maintenance. Has it been replaced? ...or forgotten about?
    - MW

  • 9/18 9:40am   RL - Re: your FiOS performance. There are a multitude of factors involved in calculating download speeds/data throughput, many of which are outside of Verizon's control (once data switches off the Verizon network and into the great unknown of the internet).
    Don't take a single result to measure your connection's performance. [speakeasy speedtest] will let you run the same performance test against geographically dispersed servers. You will typically find servers closer in geography deliver higher performance based on (potentially) simpler routing between the server and yourself.
    For a more pure test of performance, use the speed test on Verizon's network, which will remove external factors - [Verizon speedtest]
    This will measure the performance Verizon is advertising and ultimately able to control - although it may not represent what you'll ultimately see generally being online. If you're not getting the advertised throughput from the Verizon test, you should call them...
    - JH

  • 9/18 8:22am   I missed the Lisa Hull photo session :( and I'm looking for a photographer who is reasonably priced-thanks!
    - KG

  • 9/18 8:21am   GT - internetfrog shows my broadband speed to be 4.5/2.7. It is is around 3-4 times the speed I used to get from Comcast, but nowhere near the 20/2 that I'm supposedly paying for. I'll check with with Verizon to see what's going on. So far, no major problems with the service, just some momentary slow-downs or freeze-ups between midnight and 6am on weekends. I've lost service with Comcast with more frequency, but then I've been with Comcast ever since they came to town, and only 3 months with FiOS. It's still a significant improvement, and there's no lookin' back... : )
    - RL

  • 9/18 8:20am   I think it is really interesting that no one has commented on the front page of the Boomerang, the article about the 50 highest paid Norfolk employees.
    - MJD

  • 9/18 8:14am   JC: The good news is that you do not need an excuse to hunt. It's both legal and ethical.
    The irony is that [. . . Rest on Politics - Wm.]
    - JPB

  • 9/17 9:37pm   RL, You haven't had any problems at all? What is your download speed? Mine seems to be much lower than before (1.3Mbps). I used to get over 5Mbps. Comcast just ignores my request for a reason. You can go to internetfrog.com to run a quick test on your home network. Do you have to sign up for a 2 year plan to get the Verizon hookup?
    Happy trading,
    - GT

  • 9/17 5:59pm   When I moved to town, I tried to sign up for the Verizon triple package (phone, cable, internet). The phone and cable were fine, but the satellite dish for television would not work. I had to choose between cutting down some big trees or moving to Comcast for all three. Comcast got my vote in this case. I also agree with those who find that the Comcast internet speeds vary.
    - CS

  • 9/17 5:48pm   Webmaster... I had almost the identical situation occur with Verizon as the person from Millis. I was inquiring on why new customers were being offered a much lower rate. They told me that there were two speeds and that the lower feee was for the slower service. I am now with Comcast simply becuase we got a better deal and am finding more reliable than the original Verizon service. However, Comcast had to come in and completely rewire my entire house for cable. The original wires were from the 70's and I was having a lot of difficulty with the signal strength. As a result my digital cable looked "pixelated"? Not sure if that is the correct term, but it is the only way I can describe what our picture looked like. Our cable was always "snowy" but when the technician tried to install the digital box, there was absolutely not enough signal to even get a picture. Comcast first installed a signal amplifyer in our attic at no extra charge. But we soon found out that we had no phone service if we lost electricity. They came back several times until the problem was fixed eventually they just rewired the whole house at no charge to us... We are happy with it so far. The only problem that I have is that I can't get wireless on one side of our house... any suggestions?? Is there a booster I can get?
    - MW

    [Yes, you can get a high-gain antenna for your wireless router, but the easiest is usually to reposition the router to be more centrally located.
    Oddly enough, I had the opposite experience with Verizon - I have the high-speed DSL (3 mbps, $30/mo) service, but when renewing, I was able to get the $20 discounted monthly rate for six months. - Wm.]

  • 9/17 5:47pm   JC: Regarding hunting and killing deer, I have read all these excuses before. But, in the final analysis, is it really necessary? I personally don't think that things are as bad as you would lead us to believe. Excuses, excuses.
    - WC

  • 9/17 3:20pm   I just had to share this with all of you. This morning I brought a load of laundry down to the cellar. The lid was up and when I got near it, I saw what looked to be a bungy cord or rope. I looked in and it was an 18" garter snake. I thought it might be dead so I poked it and it was alive so I picked it up and brought it outside. It was a bit slow in moving but seemed to be OK. I have had birds, mice, bees and one other snake in the house but in the washer? Glad my daughter didn't see it cause I would have had to call the EMT's to get her heart started again. Ah, life in Norfolk, never a dull moment.
    - JW

  • 9/17 3:19pm   JP, I have about 20 packing boxes, large and small, all broken down and stacked in the garage. You can email me at shop36@comcast.net to arrange to pick them up.
    - JS

  • 9/17 3:18pm   I am looking for some feline raw diet recipes. I know you can buy the raw diet in stores, but wondering if anyone out there prepares their own. Please email me at Norfolkk9@aol.com if anyone has any recipes that will entice a finicky palate.
    - HNC

  • 9/17 1:13pm   At 6:00 PM, Sunday, September 23, the award winning King Philip Marching Band will present a Preview Show of their 2007 marching program, "Paganini Variations" at the King Philip Regional High School, on Route 140 in Wrentham. Due to ongoing construction of the new football field the band will perform in uniform on their practice site. Cars will be directed to park in areas so viewing can be optimized. The public is invited to attend at no charge
    Preceding the performance, from 4:45-6:00 PM the King Philip Music Association will host a fundraising supper.
    Students began work on their program in May, and the Preview Show is the first chance for the community to see what they have accomplished.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 9/17 12:06pm   I've fixed the fixed the Fios throughput with some system tweaks. For those of you that trust Verizon to monkey with your OS internals, you can automatically change settings here: [Verizon FiOS settings page]
    For those of you who don't trust Verizon to do this, you can read how to do it yourself here: [DSL Reports tweaks page]
    Changing some OS settings increased my throughput speeds about by a factor of 4-5x. I can now achieve the 20mbps (as advertised) download speeds with Fios.
    - JH

  • 9/17 11:22am   The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold its annual Harvest Festival this weekend, September 21st - 23rd. It will be held on the church grounds, located at the intersection of Main Street and Route 115 (Union Street) in Norfolk Center.
    Friday night, September 21st will open the weekend-long activities with a dinner under the tent. Dinner will begin promptly at 5:00 pm. The menu will include Lobster Rolls, Clam Chowder, Hot Dogs, and American Chop Suey. The cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children and children under 3 are free.
    Saturday, September 23rd activities will begin at 9:00 am. Events at the Festival will include Crafts, Cake Walks, Gift Baskets, Face Painting, Home-made apple pies from apples donated by the Big Apple Orchards in Wrentham, Games and much more. The American Red Cross will also be sponsoring a blood drive at the church from 9:00-2:00 as part of this event. Of course there will be plenty of food and lots of fun things for the kids to do. So come down and join in the fun.
    Also back by popular demand this year will be a Horse-drawn Hayride. Molly and Dolly from Pine Ridge Farm in Wrentham will be back again to pull the wagon. The hayride will run from 12:00-2:00PM only.
    On Sunday, September 24th the Harvest Festival will conclude with a hymn-sing led by our Praise & Worship group under the big top tent at 9:30 am with regular Sunday Services to follow at 10:00 am.
    - SD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 9/17 11:20am   Received this from a Verizon customer in Millis:
    Verizon DSL Charges:

    Check your Verizon bills and service level you are supposedly getting. I signed up for Verizon DSL back in Feb 2004 and was told I had the upto 3mps service, in which I was being charged $29.99/month with discount. Well then about 6 months ago, I kept reading about the 768kps service that they offer for $14.99 and that a lot of friends have this and think the speed is pretty good for casual web browsers and all. So I called Verizon to see about switching to this and the first thing they said before even getting there was: "Well we see we offer two levels of service in your area. 768kps and the new Fios." Yes, I felt like an idiot as I always questioned my speed and figured maybe it was my computer. But bottom line is that they billed me for a service that they do not even sell in my area and continued to do so. I actually live in Millis on the Norfolk side, so want to get the word out to everyone else as I assume it could affect Norfolk as well.

    They did refund me $400 plus, but good thing I called as they wouldn't have corrected this that's for sure.

    R. J.

    - Wm.

  • 9/17 10:57am   Has anyone moved house recently and is looking to get rid of the packing boxes? We're moving at the end of the month so I would be glad to reuse them. Thanks,
    - JP

  • 9/17 10:46am   KAS I am as thorough as a house cleaner gets, I go above and beyond the call of duty. I clean local hair salons and several residences. Will the house will be empty? I would have to look at the house to quote you. I own my own carpet cleaners and heavy duty equipment. Please call or email if you need references. Thanks KC clemenka@comcast.net, 508-269-1056
    - KC

  • 9/17 10:45am   WC and PRR, the State of Massachusetts has made available 42,500 supplemental deer permits to help control the burgeoning deer population. In fact, 9,100 of these permits are for the area east of I 495 and north of Route 1A to New Hampshire which includes Norfolk. Population management is crucial to maintain a healthy deer population. Norfolk alone averages at least one deer/automobile accident per week. The deer tick which transmits lyme disease to both humans and dogs thrives on the whitetail deer. Humans and dogs are currently experiencing substantial morbidity and mortality due to this disease right here in Norfolk.
    I prefer to eat venison over beef. Venison is leaner than beef. It is not exposed to the antibiotics, growth hormones and steroids that the commercial meat industry uses on commercially raised beef. Venison is not sprayed with red dye when it sits on the grocer's shelf for a few days so it looks fresher. I enjoy every aspect of deer hunting. Just because I do I realize it's not for everyone. When I am successful I feel that the venison should be treated as a cherished gift from mother nature. I consider hunting as a way to eat healthier while also being a good citizen and good neighbor.
    - JC

  • 9/17 10:44am   Hi KAS, We use Teresa's House Cleaning. She is based in Needham and will bring the girl/girls to your house to clean. They do a great job. You provide the supplies. Very thorough and very trustworthy and reasonably priced. You can call and leave a message and she will call you back. The phone number is 781-449-7281.
    She can do ongoing cleaning too. For lawn cutting/landscapers and lots of other people you will probably need to do jobs around the house on the left side of the Norfolknet.com page there is a link called Recommendations which I found very helpful. It lists companies in lots of different categories. Good luck!
    - SJ

  • 9/17 10:43am   DH, sorry I asked a question. I thought that was what this web site was for, gaining info about town events, but I guess I was wrong; it must be about bashing hard working volunteers.
    - AD

  • 9/17 10:28am   E-n-o-r-m-o-u-s estate sale in town this week, Friday and Saturday (21st & 22nd) at 51 Lawrence Street. I've hired an estate sale guy to run it and there are stunning items not to be missed!! No joke. The sale runs from 8am-4pm each day (no early birds) There are too many items to mention but there are a ton of antiques and collectibles. For more details you can check out my blog site: erinssale.blogspot.com.
    - EKH

  • 9/16 8:58pm   Hi, this is my first post as I will be moving to town in mid October. My new house has had renters living in it for a few months now. Can anyone recommend a very thorough house cleaner that will clean the house from top to bottom? Also, the owners have let the lawn get very overgrown, so I need recommendations of a company that could mow for us. I would think that they should have a heavy duty mower, as there are 2 acres of very thick grass. Thanks!
    - KAS

  • 9/16 6:55pm   Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary's 29th Annual Fall Fair will be held Saturday, September 29th from 10am-4pm. This popular fall family activity features children's games and crafts, a bouncy house, a super slimy slug eating contest (okay, they're made from bananas and whipped cream), a cake walk, hikes and nature activities, and even a visit with Minna Hall and Harriet Hemenway, Mass Audubon's founding mothers.
    Scheduled entertainment includes local favorites the Toe Jam Puppet Band and sidewalk minstrel and Stony Brook regular, Stephen Baird. Mark and Marcia Wilson will host their critically acclaimed "Eyes on Owls" program, and everyone will be treated to the sled dogs from Northern Exposure Outfitters. In addition, we'll have a crowd-wide Simon Says Game, a visit from the Norfolk Fire Department, other local groups and activities, the newly relocated Stony Brook Luncheon with Fair Fare, delicious desserts and more, many donated by local businesses and restaurants! Our white elephant sale is not to be missed as well, with everything from furniture to household treasures at bargain prices. Donations to the white elephant are still being accepted -- call for details. We hope you'll join us! We're still looking for a few good volunteers as well -- if you have a few hours to donate that day, please call!
    The Fall Fair is Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary's largest annual fundraiser. The cost of admission is $4 per person for kids and adults. The money raised goes to supporting the Sanctuary and its educational programs. For any questions or directions please call Stony Brook at 508-528-3140.
    - Tara Henrichon, Education Coordinator, Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary

  • 9/16 12:22pm   Re the Stop and Shop moonscape dilemma: take the land by eminent domain (or abandoned property) and use it to build the new police facility on it. It would increase the conception of a real town center - police, town hall, library, church, village green, etc. Even build a new elementary school to house all elementary grades - voila! a real New England village. Oh, money, what am I thinking?
    - LAW

  • 9/16 12:51am   I have been alerted to the many licenses now availbe on the net - see samples [here]
    - JO

  • 9/15 11:17pm   The Norfolk Community League is sponsoring its annual Autumn Charity Auction on Saturday, October 20 at Lake Pearle Lucianos in Wrentham. One of our biggest items in the auction this year is a week long stay in Aruba at a time share donated by a family from Norfolk. The Studio apartment is located at the Playa Linda Beach Resort in Aruba. (playalinda.com) It is valued at $1400 and the dates are May 25, 2008 - June 1, 2008 (Sunday - Sunday).
    You can't bid on it if you don't come to the Auction, so buy your ticket now and enjoy a night out with your friends and neighbors while you support the town. For tickets and more information, go to norfolkcommunityleague.org.
    - JMC, NCL

  • 9/15 12:14pm   Hunting - I still get a thrill when I round a trail and face a doe at breathing distance. I snap still and give my dogs the "down" command. We've enjoyed more than a few five- to ten-minute quiet, motionless encounters involving up to three or four deer. The dogs have every sinew and spark focussed on the moment of "OK", which I give after I've shifted and the deer have a head start.
    I once lived in a remote, rural town in the Poconos near the Delaware Water Gap. People hunted the way MW's father hunts, because it was part of their tradition, put food on the table and supplemented their income from the sale of by-products. These tough folks lived meagerly by farming, gardening, canning, baking and storing. Vegetarian that I was then, I ate roast venison when invited for Sunday dinner, along with roast potatoes, string beans, homemade rolls and strawberry-rhubarb pie. I never let on.
    I don't hunt, except with a camera (not a pro like DV), and try not to become the hunted. I pay attention to hunting season and wear orange when needed. I think MW is right about legal hunters and their caution. One time, though, on a weekday afternoon last year, I was at Noon Hill Reservation with my dogs and rounded a corner to confront not deer, but two hunters, bows at the ready. I froze, they froze and then quickly packed in and bushwacked off the trail. Maybe we scared each other sufficiently. I like to think so.
    - SO

  • 9/15 10:53am   Wm - When I first started seeing "LOL", I couldn't understand why business contacts would be wishing me "lots of love".
    - SO

  • 9/15 10:52am   Comcast Broadband - I've had it since I moved here in 2004 and only had a technician come twice. Once for the installation, once for a modem replacement, and I've only had to reboot it three times. I work at home, online all day, and have experienced maybe a handful of down- times, when the problem has been with their server.
    - SO

  • 9/15 10:28am   I guess you really have to be careful about your choice of words. It wasn't meant to be "mean spirited". What I meant was (how should I say this) they have knowledge of what's going on in terms of soccer, and road races, and they would be the best people to ask. I think it's great getting involved. I wish I had the time.
    - DH

  • 9/15 9:29am   CL, as someone who has done pony parties, they are hard to come by. It really does depend on the age of the children, the number of children, and insurance on the property that is holding the party. I used to do them often, but only in the rarity now because of the liability factor. I don't know any of the specifics for your situation but I have turned down parties because of the children being under 5 years old, too many children, timing, liability, etc. There are a lot of factors involved.
    - HNC

  • 9/15 12:11am   TK, the old Grossman site in Wellesley... What a sad sentence, I worked there as a teen and my dog (shepherd mix) Nikki sat and waited for me outside the door. For hours... I remember it upsetting many customers; my dog was sitting just waiting for me, she was a great dog, but looked scary. A UPS driver hit her one sad day. I have photos of the day they tore down Grossmans and have many fond memories of working there. Boy it has been over thirty years and the mention of that place and the thought of Nikki still bring a tear to my eye.
    - DV

  • 9/15 12:10am   Does anyone know a business that will come to your home and conduct pony rides for small children? I have found it hard to find a company that will come out to my home. I am having my daughter's birthday party at home and want to add this activity to her party. Thanks for any info.
    - CL

  • 9/15 12:09am   PL, I miss the West... I hope you get there often.
    - DV

  • 9/14 10:21pm   AD - The Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run 5K Road Race starts in front of Dunkin Donuts, up Main Street, right onto Medway Street, right onto Truro, right onto Barnstable Road, right onto Medway Branch, right onto Boardman, left back onto Main Street, and ending back at Dunkin Donuts.
    To all those living along the route, be sure to go outside to cheer on the runners as they pass by on Sunday, September 23rd, morning!
    - HK

  • 9/14 10:19pm   LAW... the Y to Y plan you refer to is Yellowstone to Yukon: y2y.net. We have a place in the northern Rockies that is in the midst of it. It would not work in Massachusetts, nor would anybody around here want it. Wildlife require much more land than people would be willing to cede in order to maintain genetic diversity.
    With the re-introduction of gray wolves into Yellowstone in 1996, the eco-system was fully restored. All prey and predator species are living there as they have for thousands of years.
    This does not mean that there are no problems. Newcomers to the region sometimes fail to remember to keep their garbage in bear-proof containers inside their garage along with their gas grill (leave the propane outside). Bird feeders also are a big attraction for bears. They have a saying there... a fed bear is a dead bear! Once bears associate humans with food, there will be problems for people and the bears. Relocating bears almost never works as bears that learn to break into homes never stop.
    Wolves are expanding rapidly out of Yellowstone into Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Many livestock are killed and ranchers are reimbursed for their losses by a private friends of wolves group.
    That being said, it is some of the most beautiful country in North America!
    - PL

  • 9/14 7:57pm   DH, I have only been in town for one year but the "people" who run the Lions Club Soccer seem like very dedicated parents to me. I may or may not see you out on the fields, I do not know who you are, but I know first hand they are out there rain or shine. They work hard all year for all of our children. I think your post was mean spirited and a personal attack on a very nice couple. (Unless I read it wrong... if so please correct me.)
    - DV

  • 9/14 7:31pm   AD, e-mail the people who run the Norfolk Lions Soccer, they [are involved in and know about things] in town.
    - DH
    [Update 8:07pm: I asked for an explanation of the remark; I wasn't sure how to read it correctly, and extended the benefit of the doubt. - Wm.
    Update 9/15 8:40am: In light of DH's reply, changed "have to control" to "involved in and know about." - Wm.
    Update 9/15 10:28am: see also post of 9/15 10:28am - Wm.]

  • 9/14 4:54pm   For anyone interested in rain barrels, go to this web site: nerainbarrel.com. The Town of Norfolk should apply as well, it could offer discounts for its residents.
    Here is another Rain Barrel company in Hyde Park: tgarb.com
    - PJT

  • 9/14 4:50pm   I haven't been on this page in a few months. Wow.
    There are a lot of people that need to read this book by Jon Keller. It's a great read.
    What is "The Bluest State: How Democrats Created the Massachusetts Blueprint for American Political Disaster"? Jon Keller's new book exploring what's gone wrong with the nation's bluest state, how its mistakes have poisoned national Democratic politics, and what can be done to salvage a generation's promise to carve out a "new frontier" of American political leadership. Must reading for anyone who's ever wondered why Massachusetts is the way it is.
    - PJT

  • 9/14 4:49pm   DC: I agree with you. I have had Verizon DSL for almost 2 years and I am very happy with the speed and service. The phone tech support reps have been great. They are patient and have walked me through fixes to a few problems I have encountered. Are you still paying $14.99 a month? I was told that the 'introductory' price was for one year. I now pay $17.99.
    - RH

  • 9/14 4:47pm   We should think about a Y to Y plan for Norfolk and surrounding towns; Y to Y is Yosemite to Yukon. It's designed to let the wild things roam as they used to, before highways and towns prevented their natural paths.
    Case in point - there was a deer path that came out of the Hunt Club woods and crossed 115 at Holbrook Street. The Fish & Game Club put up a chain link fence and the housing project in the sand-pit has taken their path to the power-lines away. I often saw the deer crossing and it was not unusual to see them herd up there in the fall. If we keep building, the deer will have nowhere to feed, except for our gardens. No by-laws, though. Cheers
    - LAW

  • 9/14 3:56pm   Does anyone happen to know the route for the DARE road race?
    - AD

  • 9/14 2:16pm   To JH: You stated "dealing with Comcast will seem like a dream compared to what I'm inevitably in for with Verizon". I just want to let you know that I have had Verizon DSL ($14.99/mo) for several years and the service has been fantastic. We had Comcast before, and their service does not compare. We were at the furthest limit you can be to still receive a DSL signal. We had lots of connection problems at first. Verizon sent techs to our house on several occasions, made several adjustments, and at one point even installed a new phone line from the street, all at no extra charge. After about a month, the connection problems were solved and it has been great ever since.
    - DC

  • 9/14 2:11pm   The 6th Annual Haunted Train and Hay Ride, co-sponsored by the Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions Club, announces their advance ticket sales dates and times. Due to the popularity of this event, a limited number of advance tickets will be sold this year. Last year a record number of riders forced the early closure of the parking lots. In order to accommodate the anticipated riders this year, we are selling tickets in advance.
    Ticket sale dates and times are Weds. September 19 and Thursday, September 20th from 3 to 5pm and 7 to 9 pm at the Norfolk Public Library Community Room. Tickets are $5 each , non refundable and entitle the bearer to one ride. The Train Ride is geared towards children ages 5 and up. As it gets darker, the ride gets scarier! The proceeds from this year's Train and Hay Ride will go to Norfolk Food Pantry and to the upgrade of Norfolk Softball field.
    The 6th Annual Haunted Train and Hay Ride will take place on Saturday, October 13th with a rain date of Saturday, October 27th. Through the generosity of the Holmes Family, it will be held at the Holmes Fields on Myrtle Street. Gates will be open from 4pm until 7:30pm. In order to enter the parking lot, you must have a ticket. No tickets will be available at the gate.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - TS

  • 9/14 2:07pm   OK, OK... I can see both sides of the hunting argument. But last I heard, the Native Americans were spectacular and highly skilled hunters! In NH, it is illegal for anyone to kill a bear out of season... unless they are directly attacking you... so I doubt that they are not being killed for invading people's garbage cans.
    As a landowner in NH, I happen to be overidden with bears. We don't leave out garbage or have bird feeders. They are attracted the the 4.5 acres of blackberries that grow wild on the side of our mountain. We don't kill them. In fact, nobody in NH that I know kills them. It is highly illegal! Unless you are permitted and even that is very strict. If you ever take a hike in NH you will most likely come across signs everywhere prohibiting hunters with bear dogs.
    Instead, I can't walk to my car at night right outside the door... I can't leave first floor windows open even in the sweltering heat... and I can't allow my children to play in the yard unattended. But I'm not complaining. We deal with it. We have a really big German Shepherd that would attack the bear and act as a diversion so that my kids could run inside. My kids bang pots when they are walking in the woods... it's a different way of living. There are people that live side by side with nature... and usually those types of people. People that live off the land... usually hunt.
    I do agree with the poster that commented on the deer population. Massachusetts has one of the largest deer populations around....Better that a few end up on someone's table than hit by a car...
    This area - Norfolk, Medfield, Wrentham, Millis - all have a long history of hunting and hunting clubs in the area. They were here many years prior to the big developments here in town and many of them are still in existance.
    Just an FYI... The "legal" hunters are the most conscientious group around. They are the driving force behind the preservation of land and animals... their organization's money in part goes into maintenance of the deer herds. After all, if the natural resources become extinct, so does the sport of hunting... so next time you walk in the woods and see a deer... thank a hunter!
    - MW

  • 9/14 11:46am   Uh oh, hunters... better watch out, the deer may be learning to fight back...
    Woman Gored by Deer at Hunting Preserve
    By Associated Press

    Thu Sep 13, 5:35 PM

    SHANKSVILLE, Pa. - A woman studying wetlands for an engineering firm was gored by a deer at a hunting preserve. Jamie Detweiler, 35, of Ligonier, was gored in the leg when the buck charged her at 6 Springs Hunts near Shanksville on Wednesday.

    She was taken to Memorial Medical Center in Johnstown, where officials would not release her condition.

    Randy Musser, who owns the engineering firm where Detweiler works, said she was expected to get out of the hospital Thursday.

    "She's beat up a bit and has puncture wounds, but she seems to be doing pretty good," Musser said.

    Roger Harmon, who opened the preserve for deer, rams and wild boar five years ago, said it's the first time anyone has been gored at the site.

    Watch your backs...
    - SR :-)

  • 9/14 11:45am   PRR - In 1900 the deer population in Massachusetts was less than 1000 - today the estimated population is close to 100,000. If you can drive to work - thank a hunter. The health risk of lyme disease and automobile accidents would be immense if it were not for the deer hunting season.
    - PR

  • 9/14 11:19am   PRR - You said "What right do we have to to destroy and gobble up land like that? Planting houses instead of trees?" Can we assume you live in a tree then? I know you were saying this philosophically, but you can't change back time. I agree with you 1000% on the bear situation, but the deer population has exploded. The deer are plentiful, the population is growing and growing. The state has increased the hunting season to control the population. This is still not working. Lime disease has risen and continues to rise every year and and... and... and... they taste good.
    - LS

  • 9/14 11:17am   I am looking for someone to read palms at a birthday party for teenagers. Anyone have a psychic they can recommend?
    - NB

  • 9/14 11:16am   Thanks for everyone's post on their Comcast experiences, they were appreciated. For those who have switched over to FiOS, is the 15 Mpbs (level 2 - faster) connection speed good enough for an average house usage? Stuff like checking email, surfing the web, downloading song from? I am not sure what Comcast speed is. This stuff is beyond me.
    - RM

  • 9/14 9:51am   JN, Unlike the Norfolk debacle, the lack of development on the old Grossman's site in Wellesley is not due to lack of effort by Stop & Shop. Rather, it's due to the town of Wellesley and the neighborhood, all of whom fought the project tooth and nail. Whether or not the location was a good one for Stop & Shop depends on which side of the argument one sits. But the site was, for many years, a busy commercial site when the Grossman's lumberyard occupied it. The Norfolk question is quite different, as there doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence that Stop & Shop has really made a commitment to the site. And so it sits idle, and ugly, and there's no movement to resolve the issue.
    - TK

  • 9/14 9:46am   In response to JC's offer to kill deer and archery season.: RE: Deer and Trees and What It Is That Makes Norfolk So Special!!
    We are destroying, bit by bit, the one thing that makes our town special... that makes our town beautiful... the land!! The other day, on some NPR radio show I heard a discussion about killing bears because they get into people's garbage. The people whose garbage was being "defended" were people who left overflowing trash cans outside overnight... Like ...duh!!
    Now, someone here in Norfolk, JC I believe, is writing about archery season beginning and killing deer... We have as a species, slowly, bit by bit, taken land, from one animal species, race or another... let the deer eat a few plants... Damn... they are beautiful creatures... a joy to see. Yes, they ate some of my bushes, etc., too, but the reason I moved here to "semi-rural" Norfolk was because I wanted to live somewhere where deer wandered and birds sang and the stars were bright at night... I am sure I will lose some of those stars when Bob Kraft's big new glitzy shopping mall turns on its lights. C'est la vie...
    It is bad enough that some joker of a developer had to clear cut a huge whole patch of woods on Marshall St. before anyone even wanted to buy a house there... the poor animals that used to live there... the deer that used to cross through there... The trees!!!!
    What right do we have to to destroy and gobble up land like that? Planting houses instead of trees? The Native American people have it right... you can't really own land, you just spend some time on it... and then you are gone. And you darn well better leave the land as you found it... or better. We have much to lear about being custodians of our Earth.... why can't we start here in Norfolk... let the damn deer roam free... Ohhhhh this makes me angry! And very sad!
    - PRR

  • 9/13 10:23pm   I'm happy to report that Boo (the siamese) has a new home in his future. Also that Nicole (the cat in rehab/quarantine) has a sponsor for two months thanks to a Norfolk resident! We still need to find homes for Roger, Elle, and Hughie. Please take the time to check them out at norfolkanimalcontrol.net. You can check up on Nicole and Milky Way at the same time! Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 9/13 10:21pm   SR, Don't lose sleep over the water wars of Norfolk here. I can tell by your last post you might need some. I am sure if the Town decides to ban well watering the neighbors in Cape Cod Estates would comply. Oh sure, there might be a few rebel holdouts, but that'll be because they own expensive homes and pay exorbitant taxes for the dearth of services our town provides. There might even be a mass rebellion, depending if their shrubs start to wither like everyone else's. So get some sleep, all of you. If the sound of running water soothes you, park in front someone's house who has a water sprinkler going.
    I know it puts me to sleep.
    - MON

    [That's a new one - running the sprinklers for their therapeutic effect! - Wm. :-]

  • 9/13 10:18pm   DV: LOL! Thanks for the laugh. Should we start a support group?? How about CLLANP - Conscientious Liberals Living as Norfolk Pariahs? Not very catchy. I'm open to better suggestions.
    - SR

    [If you're puzzled by chat-room expressions, LOL is on-line shorthand for "laughing out loud" - Wm.]

  • 9/13 7:53pm   AR, google it ...yuck!
    - DV

  • 9/13 7:51pm   And finally...
    CF - good points Re: The town setting an example.
    SM - I appreciate your points also. Everything you said about different wells is to the best of my knowledge true; obviously there is not a "one-size-fits-all" well solution. The water system is complex and many factors contribute to its viability and sustainability. Again, it is my belief that it is irresponsible to water for non-essential needs when community members are suffering... and especially when they are suffering water shortage only during dry spells! I know that a family on Medway Street noticed markedly decreased water availability from their well when the Capes irrigation wells were put in several years ago. Granted, this is one example, and may be an extreme one. But I am trying to illustrate my position.
    LAW - Amen!! Oh don't even get me going on fertilizers... except to say, my next-door neighbor uses ChemLawn. (Which I abhor.) And believe it or not, I think he's a nice person and a good neighbor!
    Respectfully, - SR (p.s.: I'm hanging up my H2O hat now.)

  • 9/13 7:50pm   SR, re. post 7:30pm - you are my new best friend.
    - DV

  • 9/13 7:30pm   CS--Wow, it sounds like it is a good thing we are not neighbors, since we apparently disagree on so much.
    First of all, please refer to my post below to MON. In particular, about this topic (watering laws) in the context of my remarks. I didn't realize I needed to specifically state that my remarks were in conjunction with the topic at hand only. Frankly, I thought that was obvious. So I will add the following disclaimer:
    "Please be aware that comments I make in conjunction with a particular topic refer to that topic only, unless stated otherwise."
    Let me illustrate this with an example:
    "Chocolate is good." This is a comment I might make in conjunction with a discussion about comfort foods, or cooking. If I were talking about weight loss, I might also make the statement "Chocolate is bad." They are both 'correct' in context, and represent my opinions based on the particular topic.
    I'm sorry that some of you thought my "demonizing" and "bad neighbor" comments meant that I was saying "Everyone who waters their laws is all-around bad!!" Because this is obviously not the case. All I can do is restate my original position that it is not responsible to be using water for non-essential purposes when others in the community are suffering for lack of water. What we do affects our neighbors. That's why there are laws about smoking in public places and around children, traffic safety laws, and littering/polluting laws. I don't know how much more plain I can be. I guess if you don't get that, you just... don't get it.
    As to your next point, I did use the term "drought" in my second post, the one where I was trying to illustrate my point more, and so used more dramatic language to make the point. I am aware that we are not technically in a drought. Thanks so much for making yourself feel better by trying to prove how ignorant I am. Dang! I knew I shoulda have gone for that PhD and not stopped at just me Masters!
    And how do I even respond to these gems?:
    "SR, should I shun that family instead of getting along with them simply because of their lawn?"
    "Personally, I am going to mind my own business, not judge others and get along with my neighbors. You might consider it."
    "By the way, in your post you state, "I do think it is disrespectful of your neighbors to be watering your lawn during a drought". My neighbors water their own yards, not mine. Even the best neighbor is not going to water my lawn for me :>"
    Okay, you got me on that last one! I do have a sense of humor, in between my shunning of green-lawn families, judging people, committing hate crimes against SUV owners, and not reading news or researching anything.
    (Still trying to be) Respectfully Yours,
    - SR

  • 9/13 7:29pm   KR, I don't know much about the rain barrels. But there is "Going Green" expo coming up in Manchester, NH the weekend of Oct 26th. Bet they have lots of info on that type of thing... It's not a bad drive for a day trip.
    - MW

  • 9/13 7:05pm   I feel I must respond to some of the feedback my last post created, but this one will be a long post so I will respond only to MON's comments here:
    MON--to answer your questions: 1) somewhat 2) yes (the folks on Medway are aware; the ones are Myrtle are quite a distance away.) On your next point, I'd like to issue a friendly reminder that not everyone who lives in this town has the resources available to "call the Water Department for an answer and to pay up and hook up to Town water."
    I had previously used the term "bad neighbor" and I was of course referring to this particular behavior, since it was the topic of discussion. Naturally, none of us are perfect and we all have differing views on how to behave in the context of society.
    And on that note, my opinion on this matter is my opinion, but that does not mean it is not based on some facts. If I am reckless, then I guess the entire town of Hopkinton was reckless last week:
    "September 4, 2007 - The Hopkinton Board of Health has issued a private water use ban, which will take effect upon notification in qualifying news publications, according to Public Health Administrator Thomas Ryder. This will encompass all neighborhoods in Hopkinton, he said.

    According to Mr. Ryder, penalties will range from $50 per day, each day, to a total revocation of the user's well permit. It has been written to coincide with the municipal ban, which is in effect due to the lack of rain, causing the Hopkinton Reservoir to lower to the statutory limit.

    This is the notice:

    Please be advised that Hopkinton Board of Health Regulations for all private water wells provides that in addition to any other water use restriction, by this or any other municipal body, automatic lawn irrigation is limited to two days per week. In addition all private water wells including irrigation wells must abide by all municipal restrictions for water use. Accordingly, all non-essential outdoor use of water from private water well including irrigation wells is prohibited until the municipal restriction is lifted. (Please see Hopkinton BOH Regulation 5.5 and and These regulations are available on line at Hopkinton.org by selecting the BOH regulations link listed under "Government" or a copy may be obtained at the Town of Hopkinton B.O.H. office at Town Hall."
    (from www.hopnews.com)

    Or in other words, within a community water is water--it comes from the same place (at differening rates) and therefore, in a drought situation it is responsible for all community members to check their water use.
    Finally, MON, you said, "Those who make ill-informed comments about members of the community based on lack of knowledge are the definition of "bad neighbor"." You may disagree with me, and that is your right. But my comments are not ill-informed just because you disagree with them. In my view, I am trying to be a good neighbor by raising awareness around one side of this issue and getting people to think about the water issue itself. Again--you may disagree, and that is your choice. Respectfully,
    - SR

  • 9/13 6:23pm   I'm surprised with all the (informative) water discussions over the last week that no one brought up the use of rain barrels. Anyone have luck in using these for flower/yard watering? [rain barrel link]
    I recently saw this mentioned on one of the "going green" shows on HGTV.
    - KR

  • 9/13 6:12pm   MS, about your cupola, try Bill Vincent from Walpole // 508-668-5514.
    - PMP

  • 9/13 6:11pm   MW, live and let live (excuse the pun). I agree people should be able to do their own thing. When I made the choice to raise my kids vegetarian, I got a lot of grief.
    - DV

  • 9/13 3:25pm   The Southeastern Community Concert Band is starting to reherse music for the fall season. The band welcomes teens and adults who wish to play and are willing to make a committment to weekly rehersals, and the concerts. All instruments are welcome, and we could really use more percussion players. If you are interested, please message annecodman@verizon.net, or call (508)-533-5532. The band will be playing at the Medway Community Church's Fall Fair, Saturday, September 29th, at 12:00, hope to see you there!
    - CR

  • 9/13 3:24pm   AR... Although its not my first... or even second choice, you can successfully cook bear in a crock pot. Most game meats are pretty tough, including birds... so we used the crock pot alot! My original post was not to be nasty towards non-hunters. It was just to inform or remind that we were all raised differently!
    DV... I too have a problem with hunters that are killing for no reason and enjoy the thrill of the chase and the kill... then just walk away. There is something slightly perverted in someone that enjoys killing for no reason. But hunting is a culture that has been around since the beggining of time... to each his own I guess.
    - MW

  • 9/13 3:23pm   The Southeastern Community Concert Band will be performing at 12:00 noon on Saturday, September 29, at the Medway Community Church's Fall Fair, Main Street, Medway. Please join us for a wonderful concert of old and new favorites, including marches.
    - CR

  • 9/13 3:21pm   I just recently switched from Comcast to FiOS. I've had Comcast internet since 2000 or 2001, and generally hadn't had many problems with it. However, recently the connection would drop after 10 minutes, requiring a reset. Wash, rinse, repeat - it happened constantly.
    Although the Comcast reps were "professional", that's different than being helpful. If your configuration varies in the slightest from the tech's playbook, you are guilty until proven innocent, and I needed to prove to Comcast that it wasn't my setup/config causing the problem.
    While I can appreciate the neccessity/scalability of mass volume tech support, I didn't want to be bothered to spend any time to prove to Comcast that they had a problem before they were willing to address it - so I voted with my wallet and moved to Fios.
    I know the day will come when dealing with Comcast will seem like a dream compared to what I'm inevitably in for with Verizon. But, it's cheaper than Comcast, and at least advertises higher speeds. Although I pay for the 20mbps package, so far I've only gotten D/L speeds of 7.5mbps - but it was just installed this week and I haven't had time to play with it yet.
    Off the topic - the town needs to grant Verizon a license to provide FiOS TV. The town should be a little more forward thinking about convergence and what bits get sent through the wires strung on poles. Why should Verizon be able to send me internet bits but not video bits - and I challenge anyone on whatever licensing board this goes in front off to make a compelling distinction between the two. I know there are concerns regarding community access, but plenty of other communities have both Comcast and Fios TV coexisting, so I'm guessing there's a solution somewhere.
    - JH

  • 9/13 2:24pm   RM - No, Comcast didn't acknowledge a bigger problem in Norfolk. They said that the wiring was very old (it had paint on it from when the prior owners painted the house, which made it a minimum of 8 years old).
    - AFD

  • 9/13 1:50pm   AFD - Thank you. Comcast is coming back and I have asked them to rewire everything from pole to modem to computer to see if that solves the problem, although they only just wired the house a few weeks ago. (and you are correct the techs are very professional and seem like they want to fix the problem). But if we still have an issues I will look into FIOS, which seems to have gotten some positive feedback here.
    Question, in your discussions with Comcast, did they mention if this was a known issue in Norfolk?
    - RM

    [I used Comcast for six months back in 2004, and never had problems with connectivity. I ended up switching to Verizon DSL because I measured much better upload (PC-to-internet) speeds, and did experience DSL connection problems (which were traced ultimately to corroded wiring at the junction box on the side of the house. Verizon was of no help in tracking down the problem; I got a tip from an eBay seller, of all things). Comcast connection and downloads were never an issue - Wm.]

  • 9/13 1:08pm   I'm surprised to hear of hunting bear not for pure sport, but for meat - how does one cook bear?
    - AR

  • 9/13 1:07pm   MW, you are so right, the deer above my mantle is a beautiful photograph. And my vegetarian daughters would not enjoy a Sunday night roast of any kind. The only shooting of animals in this house is done with a camera, but I do admire the hunter who eats what he/she kills and not just doing it for sport.
    - DV

  • 9/13 12:38pm   Hunting: WC, I happen to have a deer head hanging over my mantle. Not everyone lives in suburbia. My father does hunt and kill deer. He also feeds himself on their meat all winter.. along with elk, moose, bear, wild turkey, grouse, rabbit etc. He uses the skins for practical purposes...
    Different cultures eat different meat. Some don't eat meat at all. I imagine that there are some out there just as horrified with the thought of your roast beef Sunday dinner as you are with deer hunting. I don't condone hunting for pure sport, although many sport hunters donate all their meat to the many charitable organizations and homeless shelters that feed the needy. So it is a win-win situation... Did you know that there is a deer farm/slaughterhouse in near Plymouth, NH??? Obviously, there is enough of a call for venison to support their business... Yum! Ever tried moose meatloaf?
    - MW

  • 9/13 11:13am   RM - we have experienced lots of issues with Comcast internet lately (we've had the service since 2001). We lost connection constantly and had multiple service calls with their technicians (all of whom I must say were very professional and a pleasure to deal with). They theorized it was our router, which we disconnected. They theorized it was the modem, which was brand new. They ended up rewiring the house, which didn't do a thing. Finally, they ran a new line from the pole to the house and we've been up and running ever since (although, I haven't been impressed with the speed but at least we're connected).
    - AFD

  • 9/13 10:49am   NJD, Have you ever made a large photo album book using shutterfly? I am in the process of doing one but then someone told me about Picabo.com. The layouts on Picabo look more advanced than shutterfly's but shutterfly seems to have a great reputation.
    - JGP

  • 9/13 9:20am   I would like to follow up on post from the other day. We just moved into our Norfolk home and have Comcast for Cable and Internet. Cable is working great, Internet not so much. Our modem keeps dropping off line and we lose our connection to the net. The only way to get it back on line is to re-boot the modem, even then we only stayed connected a short time, from a few hours to only a few minutes before we need to re-boot it again. Comcast has been out a few times already and coming back again to try and fix issue. It is very frustrating and I am wondering if this is a known issue. I have seen references on earlier post to "lost signal".
    - RM

  • 9/13 9:18am   Here is an interesting article that appeared today in the Boston Globe regarding an empty (ugly) lot in Wellesley that Stop and Shop had originally planned to build a store on. I lived in Wellesley for years and this was always a point of contention there. It has been 13, yes, 13 years (!) and the lot has yet to be developed by Stop and Shop. Here is the link, [Globe article]
    I think it is time to re-seed the moonscape. I doubt that Stop and Shop will build here.
    - JN

  • 9/13 9:17am   Good grief!! I had no idea that one little comment about crunchy, dried up lawns in Norfolk would spark off water wars.
    So, let's now pick on fertilizers. The runoff into our streams, rivers and ponds from those beautiful green expanses are a multibillion dollar headache for the folks who are trying their best to keep our waterways healthy. OK, so by-laws are a bummer, how about taxing Scotts et al to make their products prohibitive to everyone. The tax will be used to clean our waterways up. Kia ora,
    - LAW

  • 9/13 8:42am   I have been a nanny for over 10 years. I also was a daycare provider and a foster parent. I love working with children of all ages and always have. I am CPR and Pediatric First Aid certified. I own a 2006 Toyota Highlander, therefore, I have my own transportation. I would be willing to provide references, upon request. I am looking for full time work, if possible. I live in Norton, Massachusetts. My name is Mary Jo G. and my telephone number is 508-285-9357.
    - MG

  • 9/12 10:40pm   TMS I have used quite a few of the online processing sites. I prefer shutterfly.com. The quality of the prints are great and their other product, gifts, are also very good quality. We used them for our Christmas cards last year which were terrific. I have also done photo magnets, cards, and coasters and all look fantastic! Locally I have been happy with Village photo in Franklin (Stop and Shop Plaza). You can download the pictures to them remotely and pick up the prints when ready. Good luck!
    - NJD

  • 9/12 10:39pm   They installed granite curbs on Medway Branch Rd. near Boardman St. today. All we need now is a sign that says "Beware!" The road is very narrow now, barely wide enough for two cars, and the road jogs hard to one side right before the decline from the expertly graded Medway Branch onto Boardman. I wonder how many teacher salaries could be paid from the money the town will have to spend to redo Medway Branch once Norfolk's big dig finally done.
    - JC

  • 9/12 10:37pm   Wells and Watering. I'm glad to see rain in the forecast. I have a well and choose to water as needed, but I wanted to share some of the information the well company provided regarding the underground aquifers. It's not so easy, geologically speaking, to say all the water comes from the same place. Many private wells hit water at 100 or 200 feet, yet others require 400 or 500 feet and in some rare cases more than 900 feet. Also, the wells productivity are then measured in gallons per minute, and many "irrigation" only wells get by on 3-4 gal/minute. I may be wrong, but because several neighbors living next door may have wells of vastly different depths and vastly different water productivity, can we easily say they are taking water from their neighbors... or straining the town's water supply? Hard to say; however, I think well owners need to police themselves and water their lawns with a conservative mindset.
    - SM

  • 9/12 10:35pm   JC: Yes, we do have deer who just love eating our Hosta plants. However, we happen to think that deer are beautiful creatures, and we enjoy their presence. How any person on this earth can hunt down and kill these animals is beyond me. I hope all feel the same as I do.
    - WC

  • 9/12 10:34pm   To SR, okay you got me to add my two cents regarding the water situation. It would be hypocritical of the Town of Norfolk to pass judgement on residents. Since the Board of Selectmen, Head of the Department of Public Works and the Head of the Recreation Department see fit to run the irrigation systems on Town property. Yes, these systems are supplied by wells and the Town (along with residents who have private wells) are within their rights to do so. But what about leadership and setting an example. The Pond Street Complex system runs every morning... a good portion on the track! So perhaps the reason for no comment from various Town officials is that the Town is guilty of being a "bad" neighbor.
    - CF

  • 9/12 10:33pm   SR: It is sad that you choose to "demonize" me (and others) without even getting to know us. A point of clarification for SR; we are not in a drought. Check today's newspaper. It specifically states that while it has been dry, we are not in a drought situation (by definition). I know facts are tedious, but you should consider citing them occasionally. You have only opinions, which to many of us are offensive. A high percentage of homes in Norfolk have well maintained lawns and shrubs. You can check by driving around and simply observing. To state that all of these folks are "bad neighbors" seems to imply we are a town full of awful people. I do not think that is the case at all. My neighbor has a very nice lawn and believe it or not, I could not ask for a better neighbor. SR, should I shun that family instead of getting along with them simply because of their lawn?
    I sure am glad you are not my neighbor. This topic is getting tedious I know, but it a slippery slope to start judging people publicly by the appearance of their home and propensity to maintain their yard. What is next, should we "demonize" neighbors with plasma TV's that use excessive electricity? Perhaps we should frown upon neighbors with SUV's that use more gasoline than cars. Personally, I am going to mind my own business, not judge others and get along with my neighbors. You might consider it. By the way, in your post you state, "I do think it is disrespectful of your neighbors to be watering your lawn during a drought". My neighbors water their own yards, not mine. Even the best neighbor is not going to water my lawn for me :>
    - CS

  • 9/12 5:44pm   TMS, we use Snapfish.com for our photo needs, they do a great job at a very reasonable price for prints, etc. They offer on-line albums so you can let others look at your photos as well as having your photos put on cups, calendars etc.
    - JW

  • 9/12 4:47pm   TMS I hate to say it - as a professional photographer - but I will say Walmart in Bellingham does a great job. If you quote me I will l deny it (LOL)
    - DV

  • 9/12 4:21pm   Over the summer I got a digital camera. What services (online, store, etc.) for developing prints have people used? I come to Norfolknet for the good, bad and ugly as well as price per photo before I download all of the vacation photos. Thanks for the input.
    - TMS

  • 9/12 4:20pm   SR, Here's some questions to ask the homeowners with low water flow. 1) Do others with wells in the vicinity notice a similar decrease? 2) Are they aware that a Norfolk town well is within yards of the intersection of Myrtle and Medway? The depression cone of the water table caused by Norfolk will far surpass any caused by neighboring well users, based upon the volume of water withdrawn daily. Perhaps it is time for your families on Medway and Myrtle to call the Water Department for an answer and to pay up and hook up to Town water. It will increase the value of their homes and ensure a steady supply of water.
    You stating that it is caused by those who water their lawns is reckless, and is not based on engineering or scientific fact and leads to mysticism and witch hunts. Those who make ill-informed comments about members of the community based on lack of knowledge are the definition of "bad neighbor".
    - MON

  • 9/12 4:18pm   Anyone having a problem with deer destroying the plants in your yard? Archery hunting season starts in mid-October. I have all the necessary permits from the state and over 30 years of experience. I am willing to come to a person's property and help reduce the problem.
    - JC

  • 9/12 12:46pm   JGP - Did you find someone for your kitchen yet? Would love to discuss your options and give you a great price. Tom 508-517-4708
    - TD

  • 9/12 12:45pm   Hi folks - SR here - let me clarify my alarmingly short and biting post (which, by the way, was intended to get some dialog going.)
    I referred to CS as a "bad neighbor" but I didn't mean to demonize him/her solely. I do think it is disrespectful of your neighbors to be watering your lawn during a drought - regardless of whether you have well or town water. For the most part, we are all tapped into the same "pool" of water.
    I know two families (one on Medway St., one on Myrtle St.) who both have well water and both had been experiencing trickles from their wells. This is the water the use for drinking, cooking, washing, etc.
    So yes - when someone is using their automatic sprinklers everyday during a drought, or using their town- or well-provided water to keep their grass green (a case can be made for keeping a vegetable garden watered...) - it is my opinion that it makes them a bad neighbor. And I stand by that opinion. Respectfully,
    - SR

  • 9/12 11:27am   Can anyone recommend a Learn to Play hockey class in the area. The one at the Foxboro Sports Center on Saturdays has been cancelled. The one in Norfolk has been cancelled as well. Low enrollment??!! I am not interested in joining a league at this time. Thanks.
    - JGP

  • 9/12 10:30am   Can anyone recommend a good and reasonably priced upholstry cleaner? I need to have my curtains cleaned and I'm assuming it would be best for someone to come here and steamclean them.
    - RS

  • 9/11 11:28pm   Now that the "Rain Gods" have blessed us with some precipitation, I have a general question. If watering plants and the lawn on occasion makes one a bad neighbor, what does running a sprinkler system in the rain make a neighbor? Would someone who feels it appropriate to judge others please reply (SR)? Personally, I observed five sprinkler systems on during the rain this afternoon on my one mile ride home from the MBTA. Do I deem these people to be "bad neighbors"? No. It would be very shallow of me to judge them on this basis alone.
    - CS

  • 9/11 7:10pm   SM (and anyone else thinking about distributing flyers at school), Be sure to give Ms. Balfour (HOD) or Ms. Godfrey (F/C) time to look at and approve the flyer.
    - KDR

  • 9/11 7:09pm   To all. The sound of rain--how wonderful.
    - BR

  • 9/11 6:31pm   EC - I had used Comcast forever, and at some point added Verizon's DSL as a backup for trading. Verizon's DSL wasn't much good, and I eventually dropped it. However, their fiber-optic FIOS is a different story. I switched over to FIOS 3 months ago, it did not cost me extra, and I simply love it. It is really 4-5 times faster than Comcast, I've had no problem with it since, and my streaming updates on multiple platforms are all working beautifully. Unlike cable, there is no degradation when the rest of the neighborhood picks up in activity, nor when the rest of my kids start using the net heavily on other PC's around the house. The biggest pain had been switching my email addresses from comcast.net over to verizon.net. Cosmetically, they will also install a couple of large boxes inside and outside of the home, but that really isn't a problem. Hope this info helps.
    - RL

  • 9/11 6:25pm   I have been much happier with FiOS that I ever was with Broadband (assuming that this what we are referring to to as cable). This is especially true between the time school gets out and bed time. As far as connectivity, I've had no down time since we got it in the spring and I haven't "lost the signal" and had to re-power the modem once. Most importantly, the signal is consistent and fast.
    - RC

  • 9/11 6:23pm   SM - Just a thought, if you can't get the fields on Pond St., why not ask the H.O.D. School. I'm sure the gym teacher might even help you get it started. I know the gym teacher at the Freeman use to have flag football for the 5th & 6th graders after school, and he ran the whole thing.
    - DH

  • 9/11 3:55pm   EC, If you can't risk the occasional loss of connectivity or degradation of bandwidth stay with cable. I am a trader and the extra I pay for cable is just the cost of business.
    - GT

  • 9/11 1:12pm   Hooray for the rain...
    lawns will be green again!
    - DV

  • 9/11 11:34am   Can anyone comment on getting Fios? I'm thinking of changing over from Comcast, but I can't risk poor internet access.
    - EC

  • 9/11 11:33am   MHC - Thanks for the reco for American Pest Control. I called on Friday and he was here on Saturday afternoon. As you said, he was reasonably priced.
    - JP

  • 9/11 11:32am   LB - I don't have an elliptical but I do have a Fitness Flyer. To see what it looks like, do a search on ebay. There's one on there currently for $50, but I'm happy to give mine away, you just have to collect it.
    - JP

  • 9/11 11:31am   We purchased a cupola and weathervane and are looking for a person to install; any suggestions?
    - MS

  • 9/11 9:42am   Does anyone have an elliptical they are looking to get rid of or sell. Call me 508-520-3815. Thanks.
    - LB

  • 9/11 9:26am   SM - call Ann Proto, director of Norfolk Recreation - all fields are scheduled/managed by the Rec Dept.
    - PB

  • 9/11 9:08am   Yard sale to benefit the Jimmy Fund Walk Sat, Sept. 15th 9a.m. - 1 p.m. 7 Holbrook St. Norfolk Toy, books, baby items, etc. All proceeds to benefit Team "Marching for Michael" and the 19th Annual Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk.
    - GS

    [Update 1:51pm: that's Sat, Sept 15 - BF]

  • 9/11 9:03am   Who is in charge of the booking/scheduling of the athletic fields at the Freeman and on Pond Street? I'm seeing if anyone would be interested in some flag football for their First Grade sons/daughters throughout the fall/early winter, but and before I get a group of kids excited... I want to make sure there are some fields available? My son is six and has another year before he can play Pop Warner and I thought flag football would help him grasp the concept of the game. Based on my response here, I may also send some flyers to HOD first grade... but I need to look into open playing fields first. Thanks.
    - SM

  • 9/10 11:33pm   Another "Thank You" to all the volunteers who made Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's Opening Day a huge success!
    And just a reminder to all NLYS coaches and parents - there will be 2 coaches' clinics conducted by MYS (Mass Youth Soccer) this week - These clinics will be held at the Pond Street fields and are free for all coaches and assistants.
    Tactical Skills - September 12th @ 5:30
    Art of Coaching - September 14th @ 5:30
    These clinics are also open to all parents of NLYS players who may be interested in coaching in the future. For more information visit - [norfolklionssoccer page]
    - HK

  • 9/10 9:29pm   The King Philip Music Association will be holding its semi-annual can and bottle drive on Saturday, September 22nd, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. There will be collection locations in Wrentham, at the King Philip High School, in Norfolk, in front of Main Street Hardware, and in Plainville at the Old Wood School. Students will also be going to some neighborhoods collecting cans and bottles. All proceeds go to benefit the music programs at King Philip High School and Middle School.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 9/10 3:37pm   Nope... just a [silly] MON. Turn off your well, your grass (as well as your neighbors') is green enough! By the time the neighbors' well is affected it's too late!! LOL!
    - JPRW

  • 9/10 2:32pm   Just to clarify and keep the villagers at bay. If my well, used to water my lawn, affected my neighbors' ability to use water for daily use, I would shut it down immediately, as I would think all rational people and good neighbors would. Neighbors are more important than grass or shrubs. I don't want you all to think I am a MONster.
    - MON

  • 9/10 2:30pm   MON - I agree it goes a bit far to call someone a "bad neighbor" and I don't agree with SR's characterization, however... There's more than one way to skin a cat, and there's more than one graph on the USGS site, check out this one ( [GIF link] ) which has us pretty much in the low end of the historical range for the second quarter of 2007. Not really dispositive of anything; we've had much less than normal rain, but also not a reason to go all willy-nilly, withdrawing water so our lawns can be nice and green.
    As with anything, there needs to be a balance here. Just as SR probably went a bit far labeling well-waterers as "bad neighbors", you're missing the point a bit; it is Norfolk's "swampiness" that's a part of its charm.
    The fact that we're all on septic systems, and a lot of us are on wells, drives the development policies we have - you need bigger lots to accommodate subsurface septic, you need to stay a bit spread out. There are parts of town that could use more development: town center for instance could densify a bit once we've solved the waste disposal issues, and the commercial district around the intersection of 1 and 1A has grown tremendously since I moved into town 15 years ago.
    But as your friends at the USGS will tell you, low swampy land is very important to keep in its natural state, it indeed serves as a "sponge", mitigating floods and helping nature handle large amounts of water.
    Many climate models show New England becoming wetter as the century progresses, and unless we leave a good chunk of nature, well, natural, burnt out lawns will be the least of our problems.
    (And, actually, speaking as a son of native cheap, skinflint New Englanders, I just can't get my head around the idea of paying [as you noted, you "paid for" your water] for a lawn I'm just going to have to cut anyway...)
    - RJG

  • 9/10 1:39pm   Many thanks to MON for the geology lesson. It was precisely what I was looking for from the Board of Health (who have yet to respond). Now why did you have to go and ruin a perfect post with a plea for yet more development of our rapidly vanishing rural environment?
    - TEM

  • 9/10 1:18pm   I happen to know that there are people who are on well water in Norfolk who run out of water every summer due to people on town water for their personal use but using well water for irrigation. They drain the poor people's well so they have to keep digging their wells deeper to no avail. I'm talking 900 feet down. Springs do provide a source of water, but like it was pointed out earlier in a post, it runs through a stream, so if someone uses a lot of water, it takes away from the next person.
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 9/10 12:27pm   CS and all others with dead grass and who despise those with wells,
    Having a water well for your lawn does not make you a bad neighbor, but it does point bring out the neurosis and pettiness and lack of knowledge in those who do not. Why don't those who worry about well using lawn waterers go to visit the US Geological Survey Site and aquaint yourself with some scientific facts of Norfolk's geology and hydrology. My sources at the USGS, experts in hydrology, gave me a number of basic facts.
    1) Norfolk sits in a large depression filled with one of the largest water basins/ swamps in Massachusetts, the Charles River basin. Most of Norfolk is a swamp. That is also why we should be developing as much land as possible to increase the tax base, and the Planning Boards and Conservation Commitees should have their lips molded to fit housing developers backsides, but let's not go tangential here.
    2) The soil is composed of sand and gravel, allowing fast flowing aquifers. Most of Norfolk is on glacial wash, another term for giant water filled sponge. So unless a swine farm opens up soon to consume tens of 1000's of gallons of water a day, Norfolk is saturated when it comes to water. Franklin, on the other hand, sits along side our aquifer, on higher terrain, and probably has to drill sideways to tap into our aquifer, hence its water woes. Maybe our town can add to its coffers by selling some precious water to other towns? But that would take some leadership.
    3) The ground water levels fluctuate within the normal ranges for such a fast flowing aquifer and have for over 40 years. There have been no changes noticeable, even with the new homes watering their lawns. See the graph below.
    So all of you can put your pitchforks and torches away, there is no monster. Meantime, I will enjoy my green summer lawn, and the beautiful sound of water sprinkling my shrubs everyday.
    I paid for it.
    - MON

  • 9/10 12:22pm   JGP - Call me, Tom! I do custom kitchens and more. 508-517-4708. Free estimates and competitive prices. 20 years experience.
    - TD

  • 9/10 11:34am   For those who've tried to reach KDR regarding the Cub Scouts through box77@norfolknet.com, there was a typo in the click-through address (missing 'r'; bottom of post of 9/5 1:28pm). The correct address is box77@norfolknet.com. My apologies - Wm.

  • 9/10 11:33am   RJG - Another Septic Service you can check out is All Seasons of Walpole, operated by Kevin Orlando whose parents own Linda's Variety by the Norfolk train station. We've enjoyed them for the past 11 years, his service is friendly and convenient, knows where to dig, and we don't even have to be home. My last pumping bill was for $195 in Oct 2006. Their number is 508-668-1911. You might even be able to pick up a business card at Linda's Variety.
    - RL

  • 9/10 10:44am   RJG - We use ST5 Septic in Wrentham 508-384-7322. They are locally owned by a husband/wife team. And they do a good job at reasonable prices.
    - BS

  • 9/10 10:42am   To JH (and anyone else interested): the Saturday Club is a playgroup primarily for working parents, but we welcome stay-at-home parents too. We meet the first Saturday of every month (except for holiday weekends) at either Kid's Place Playground on Boardman Street or the library (depending on weather). It is a great opportunity to meet your child's future classmates and teammates, as well as meet other parents who struggle with the work-life balance, share tips, etc. It is not a moms' group-we have both moms and dads. Check us out on the Organizations page. Our next playdate is 10/13. JH, welcome back to Town!
    - KID

  • 9/10 10:41am   We are looking to update our kitchen. Can anyone recommend a good company? Any companies to stay away from? Thanks.
    - JGP

  • 9/10 10:35am   Try Jason Hockman of Hockman Excavating, Inc. We've been happy with them for a number of years. (508) 660-6644 (Walpole)
    - TK

  • 9/10 10:24am   For septic troubles, I would highly recommend Callow Septic Services in Medfield. You can reach them at 508-359-4941.
    And for earlier questions with regard to help with bee & wasp nests or any pest control problems, call us, APC Pest & Termite Control, Inc., also in Medfield at 508-359-7563.
    - EMG

  • 9/10 8:16am   Any advice regarding septic pumping companies? Anyone have any feedback on who we should or shouldn't use?
    - RJG

  • 9/9 11:32pm   Hi: I'm a clarinet player and have a son entering the 4th grade band program at the Freeman this fall. I'd like to pass along a bit of advice to parents of potential band students. The quality of your child's band instrument can make a huge difference. It's best to go with a well known, respected, maker. With clarinets, this is the big "four": Yamaha, Buffet, Leblanc (aka: Vito), and Selmer. For a review of clarinets and flutes, what to buy and what not to buy, I would recommend looking up the website: Clarinuts.com. The clarinet bboard is also a fantastic resource on what to buy and what not to: they actually list the brands to steer clear of. There are similar bboards for other instruments.
    Be careful when purchasing a used instrument. It may seem like a bargin, but if it needs repair or a full overhaul, it's no longer a good deal. If the instrument is more than 5 years old, it's probably going to need something. If it's a quality instrument, it may well be worth repairing, some have superior intonation than the newer models. Clarinuts sells refurbished clarinets and flutes, this is one resource, and it is located in Central Mass.
    The above only applies to purchasing. There is an established rental program in place through the school. This may be the best way to go until you are sure of your child's committment. If they stick with band, it is ultimately more cost effective to purchase a good instrument in the long run. An upgraded mouthpiece on a quality plastic clarinet can be used through middle school, and for marching band in high school. My favorite plastic clarinet is the Yamaha YCL 250. The Director of Music at my church, the former music teacher at the Freeman, favored this over my much more expensive wooden professional clarinet for use at the church. The Buffet B-12 is also a good choice, the newer version is made of ABS Resin. The newer Leblancs (7214's) are typically the workhorse of elementary school band's clarinet sections.
    Different brand band instruments may look the same, but they're not. It's worth the time and effort to research the differences if you are considering a purchase.
    - CR

  • 9/9 11:30pm   CS: Your use of well water to keep your grass green does not make you criminal. It does, however, make you a bad neighbor.
    - SR

  • 9/9 11:29pm   To contributor LAW - Re saving trees - I pushed several years ago for by-laws but it didn't succeed in passing. Look at the Town of Lexington program and it makes one realize we are losing. Tell me what you think --
    - JO

  • 9/9 11:28pm   Thanks to everyone who helped make today's Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Opening Day celebration a success. The day would not happen without the many volunteers who coach, cook, supervise the moonwalks, video tape the games, shop for supplies, pick up trash, line fields, manage the equipment, coordinate the rosters, manage the finances, prepare the half time snack, etc. etc. etc. Thanks again to everyone who pitched in, it really is a community effort!
    - MJD

  • 9/9 11:27pm   The Norfolk 4H Cottontail Club will be at the Cracker Barrel Fair - Fri/Sat/Sun - Sept. 14th-16th. We are asking for donations of new items/ gift cards/crafts/ agricultural/ etc.for our raffle. We will post a sponser board to thank you. These donations fund this worthwhile club and help our local youth with various activities. Please contact me - Yvonne P. at 508-553-9923 or the Club Leaders - Bob & Marilyn Bremilst at 508-528-4546. All donations greatly appreciated.
    - YP

  • 9/9 11:26pm   LAW... Enough with the by-laws... we are already "crippled" with by-laws... It's no wonder businesses don't like to deal with Norfolk. What's with the by-law or regulation that won't allow Norfolk Town Pizza to deliver, but other towns can and it takes business away from our own Town Pizza?
    - ER

  • 9/9 11:25pm   Thanks to all that turned out for Cow Chip Bingo. It was a great day for it yesterday and our fundraiser helped so many animals. On our web page (norfolkanimalcontrol.net) are pictures from yesterday. Enjoy!
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 9/9 11:24pm   Hi, I am moving back to Norfolk after almost 10 years. My parents have been residents of the town for almost 15 years. My mom told me about Norfolknet.
    I was hoping someone could recommend a place where I could board my two cats on a temporary, but long term basis (possibly up to a year)? Also, I would like to join or start a play group for me and my 18 month old son. Anyone interested?! Thanks,
    - JH

  • 9/9 8:16am   Happy, Happy Birthday SO! I have come to love your insight, perspective, photos and humorous tales on Norfolknet!
    - AL

  • 9/9 8:15am   Re water discussion: Do private well owners also have private aquifers? Just wondering.
    I also agree that new developments ought to be banned from cutting down all the old trees and planting puny little non-native ornamentals. We ought to have a by-law that addresses this.
    - LAW

  • 9/8 10:16pm   Folks, we sure have our disagreements over politics, town spending, email addresses, appropriate fundraisers, bus fees, the moonscape, water usage, but try to lighten up and brush it aside every so often and enjoy everything we do have, here and nearby! Like cow chip bingo! How many times can you celebrate a cow taking a dump on property you own?? Thanks Hilary for the great fundraiser at Wrentham Day. Country entertainment at its finest!
    - AL

  • 9/8 10:15pm   To all: We have well water only and do not water our lawn. So many around us have their sprinkler systems come on in the early morning and I cringe because we don't have a backup!! The water comes from the ground and this is a very dry season. Please think and shut your automatic sprinkler systems off. The grass will return, but I don't want our well to run dry because you want green grass.
    - BR

  • 9/8 7:21pm   KW Just how many families will be joining the sales? I may have to miss golf.
    - KW

    [This post arrived yesterday afternoon (Fri 9/7), but got caught up in the mail filters and I didn't find it until just now. - Wm.]

  • 9/8 6:06pm   The Norfolk Community League invites you to the Autumn Charity Auction on Saturday, October 20, 6:30 to 11:30 pm, at Lake Pearl Luciano's in Wrentham.
    As always, we will have a silent and live auction with dancing and a full dinner!
    The Norfolk Community League is a nonprofit organization that believes in the commitment to the community. The purpose of this auction is to raise funds that go directly back into the town of Norfolk through the sponsoring of various events and programs.
    The number of tickets being sold to this benefit are limited, so return your order form quickly! Tickets and an auction catalogue will be delivered to your door the week of the auction.
    All tickets are non-refundable.
    Go to the Norfolk Community League website to print your order form. norfolkcommunityleague.org
    - JMC, NCL

  • 9/8 6:03pm   TC - Thanks for the warning. I, too, was broken into a couple of years ago and I have a hard time letting go of the feelings I have towards these pieces of crap that do that. Not enough bad things can happen to them, and they belong [to ultimate punishment].
    - PA

  • 9/8 12:50pm   Attn: Tom Gilbert, Peter Chipman, or Jeff Palumbo: [the Board of Health - Wm.] It is my understanding that any or all water usage restrictions in the Town of Norfolk apply solely to those residents connected to town water. They do not apply to residents who use private wells as their only source of water. Because the Board of Health has not issued any restrictions regarding private wells, is it safe to assume that there is no risk or danger regarding the town and its water from unlimited watering and other activities by these property owners? Because this issue is currently being discussed on the NorfolkNet and it is a topic that has surfaced before, I think it would be greatly appreciated if someone from the Board of Health would come on this site and clear up the misunderstanding some of us continue to have regarding this important issue.
    - TEM

  • 9/8 12:48pm   RL - The TPA Friends Directory Committee also has a "man" on board who has been an extremely valuable team player. In your post of "... It is an effort that takes countless 'woman-hours' that span over weeks..." let us not forget those "Dad Volunteers". Although now that I think about it, RL, you might be our very own valuable team player who made the kind post about countless "woman-hours". Thank you.
    - JLH

  • 9/8 12:47pm   To all Norfolk residents, I don't know if all of you are aware of the accident that occured back in July involving one present and two past KP students. One of those who was involved, Rachel Juliano, was injured badly and is still recovering. I don't know all of the details of the accident and apparently neither does the family. Legal issues between the driver, the other passenger and the Julianos are preventing them from receiving insurance past a certain date. Rachel is still in need of the care at Spaulding. I was wondering if anyone would like to help out in a fundraiser for the Julianos. If so, please email me at box74@norfolknet.com and maybe we can think up some ideas for this. Thanks,
    - RA

  • 9/8 12:46pm   KC: Yes, I have visions of Greek or Roman water Gods that just sit up in the skies and produce rain. Come on, that is simply insulting.
    MW: Obviously water is a shared resource, thanks for pointing that out to us. My statement was simply that the water ban does not directly apply to well owners, which means that if we have some green patches left, it is not because we are in violation of the water ban. It is ridiculous to imply that I am promoting wasting a shared, necessary natural resource. Obviously, I need to be more clear so that people don't assume the worst and start in with the lecturing.
    - CS

  • 9/8 9:27am   I know that there will be many folks arguing my last post re: well water... So here is my response in advance.
    If people with private wells claim that what they pump out of their own yards belongs to them and has no effect on their neighbors, then they have no argument when one of their neighbors contaminates their well! Think about it. So basically folks, you can't have your cake and eat it too! ...or, you can't pump your water and drink it too! Wow! what this means is that any neighbor, business or town is off the hook if one of their resident's well become contaminated! Think of what this means for the legal system. All those contamination cases and superfund sites... off the hook!
    - MW

  • 9/8 9:25am   Private wells... My father won a lawsuit once. He has a private well. The neighboring farm pumped so much water out of the ground that they dried up my dad's well! My dad won! Just becuase you have a private well does not mean that you have an endless water supply!... Have you ever stopped to think where well water comes from? Water flows through the ground. It's constantly changing. Just becuase the well is on your property doesn't mean the water doesn't come from somwhere else... or go to somewhere else! If everyone in town just keeps pumping away faster than the wells can be replenished... we all will have no water!!
    - MW

  • 9/8 9:20am   Dear gentle parents of our children at HOD & FC, thank you for expressing your opinions so freely about the TPA School Directory fundraiser. The folks working on the directory would not have been aware of some of the questions raised if you had not spoken out.
    When I heard of the TPA call for volunteers to help with the Friend Directory Fundraiser, I thought that was one of the best things the TPA is offering to the community of parents, and jumped on board immediately. I am just a regular parent, with nothing to gain from the project other than the opportunity to express my appreciation to what the TPA has done for our schools and children.
    My personal understanding of what the TPA is all about, is that it is an association of dedicated parents working together with the schools and teachers to improve the quality of education for our children. Each time I meet a room parent, lunch/recess volunteer, library volunteer, volunteers who give freely & selflessly of their time to help organize fundraisers, I am filled with gratitude that this is what our community is about. I am grateful to the teachers and administrators who have lovingly nutured our kids despite having to struggle with budget cuts and other lack of funding. I am grateful to the organizers of the TPA who have tirelessly made this cooperation between teachers & parents a possibililty & success over all these years.
    Putting together a fundraiser takes a lot of time and effort. For a project such as a friendship directory, there is much behind the scene effort to make this thing work. It is an effort that takes countless 'woman-hours' that span over weeks and months, with deadlines to be met and issues to resolve.
    Thanks to all the kind folks who raised the questions and issues, we now have the facts:
    1. This directory project is a fundraiser. Thanks for pointing out the omission. Certainly many other parents might have been confused... I'm sure the TPA will rectify that in their next communication about the project.
    2. This fundraiser benefits our children and benefits us. It benefits our kids because 100% of any funds generated goes back to them. It benefits us because we've always wanted easier access to network with other parents, arrange playdates and parties.
    3. The TPA needs the help of parents to return the permission slips, or there would be no directory. No permission equals no info published, equals no useful directory. This is the only fundraiser where every parent can help without being obliged to spend a single cent.
    4. For those us who choose to place an order, we are not just buying the directory. We are making a contribution, and getting something really useful back in return. This also helps those who really like the idea of a friendship directory but are hard-pressed financially at the moment, as the TPA has set aside directories just for the asking for anyone under such circumstances.
    5. Information in the directory will provide names of kids and parents in each class, the teacher's contact info, the parent's contact info (address, phone, and optionally email & cell numbers), all arranged in a convenient manner with indexes.
    6. The TPA is helping to make things better for us. Some show their appreciation by volunteering, and as parents, we can encourage the TPA simply by giving our permission to be listed in the directory and keeping those questions coming.
    - RL

  • 9/8 9:16am   CS, your water from your well comes from the grownd; where do you think town water comes from? The water gods?
    - KC

  • 9/8 9:14am   Norfolk neighbors - make sure your homes are locked up tightly and keep an eye on all your personal possessions! Our house on North St. was robbed yesterday and the police said that they had just left another break-in on North St., and there were a few in Wrentham too. Our camcorder, digital camera, jewelry and money were taken. One irreplacable item, the mini DVD we recorded following my baby boy's first four months from his birth date on, was also taken. If this turns up anywhere, please contact me through the webmaster! [Use box78@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Please lock your doors so this does not happen to your home.
    - TC

  • 9/8 9:13am   LAW, my lawn is still pretty green, because I don't live in a subdivision where the developer felt the need to cut down every single tree and leave the lawn to the mercy of the sun.
    CS, I think he was being sarcastic. Guilty conscience perhaps? (Said with tongue firmly in cheek and twinkle in eye.)
    - RG

  • 9/7 10:42pm   I do small roofing and siding jobs. Call Rob at Abramson Carpentry at 508-989-7913. Thanks,
    - RA

    [Update 9/8 9:26am: Sorry the phone # is 508-989-7913 - RA]

  • 9/7 10:41pm   LAW, my grass is very crunchy except the small part we planted for the photo studio Hughes Photography (photo farm) which starts booking next week!! You need to walk over the brown grass to get to the small patch of green grass, goats, hay, apples, bunnies, pumpkins and fun!!
    - DV

  • 9/7 10:40pm   Come on down and show your support for all the stray animals that are looking for homes. We will be at Wrentham Day all day (Saturday) and the cow chip bingo starts around 1pm. We'll be right next to the bandstand on the town common. You can't miss our booth, we're the only one with a cow :) Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen ~ Norfolk Animal Control

  • 9/7 10:39pm   LAW - Some of us have green lawns because we have private wells. Does that make us environmental criminals?? I don't think so.
    - CS

  • 9/7 10:38pm   NS: Who are you kidding? We all know that you prefer cooking dough any day to the school directory!
    - MO

  • 9/7 4:45pm   Kudos to all you good Norfolk Residents with brown, dried up lawns. You all should be proud of yourselves on your great conservation efforts. Twenty lashes with a hose for the few who have bright green lawns - we know you've been cheating. Cheers,
    - LAW

    [Hey, I qualify! I just noticed this morning that the lawn crunches and crackles when I walk on it. - Wm.]

  • 9/7 4:44pm   I am very glad that the Friends directory is now available for the HOD and F/C. You only get a class list if you are the room parent and maybe if you ask for one. I have purchased directories from other schools in the past and it is a very useful tool.
    Also, I think it is being handled very well. Participation is voluntary. What information you choose to include is voluntary and, ultimately, the purchase is voluntary, too, with the profits going back to the schools. Any questions should be directed to the contact name on the forms or the TPA.
    - PG

  • 9/7 4:43pm   JM, Could you tell us that contact person/info again? I sent in my check and threw out the rest and would like to change my mind on including my cell phone number on it. BTW, I think this is a great idea... fundraiser or not! Thank you!!
    - JEC

  • 9/7 2:00pm   In defense of LLB - I am re-reading the notice right now for the friend's book. It does not state on it that it is a fundraiser. I don't really care whether it is or not... just stating the facts. I too was confused! I'm sure that the TPA does us all a great service!! All we are asking is that you state your intentions clearly and simply. As a parent of three, I go through stacks of papers each afternoon... Go for short and sweet, you have about 5 seconds to gain my attention.
    - MW

  • 9/7 11:03am   The "Ridgefield Estates" yard sale for this Saturday, Sept 8th at 9 a.m. has grown even more! Start your shopping on Ridgefield Road and then follow the signs to the many other participating homes along Longmeadow, Forest, Beaverbrook, and Blueberry.
    - KW

  • 9/7 11:03am   Good morning JP: We used American Pest (out of Franklin or Foxboro) last year for a nest in our attic vents. Their number is 508.528.8269. They were quick to respond and reasonably priced.
    - MHC

  • 9/7 10:50am   If you are very quiet and even more patient, you will seethe mysteries of life unfold before you, down by the river.
    - PRR

  • 9/7 10:34am   MT: Your post dated 9/5 was priceless. As the late Jackie Gleason would say, "Baby, You're the Greatest!". Keep up the good work, and above all, don't be a stranger.
    - WC

  • 9/7 10:17am   MJD: The reason the permission form only asks for cell phone numbers and emails is due to the fact that these are not part of the 'basic' info available for each child. If you see the top of the permission form, it clearly states that the directory will include the students' names, addresses, and telephone numbers (home), along with any of the three items requested on the form (Contact parent name, cell phone and email). For those who have concerns or questions, there is contact information at the bottom of the form.
    - JM

  • 9/7 10:16am   We have tickets to go to the Jimmy Buffet concert on Saturday night. We are fairly new to town and tail gating for two doesn't make the most of the atmosphere. Is there anybody else going that would like to hook up? Contact rob@robandjane.net.
    - JH

  • 9/7 10:14am   TK, MT - Thank you for your comments about the wasps nest. Unfortunately, we are trying to sell our house so leaving the nest alone is not an option at this time. The market is difficult enough as it is right now without the nest scaring people away. So if anyone has a recommendation for someone to come and deal with it that would be great. Thanks,
    - JP

  • 9/7 10:12am   Neighborhood Yard Sale - Ridgefield Road, Longmeadow Road and Blueberry Road; Saturday, September 8th, from 9 to 1. No early birds please.
    - PRB

  • 9/7 10:04am   So because I have concerns and a different opinion than some here I don't have a "reasonable view point" and I didn't "actually read the document before I passed judgment". Nice. Good to know. Now I remember why I don't like to post here very much. I didn't see anywhere that it was a TPA fundraiser. I only saw a great idea and then realized if I wanted a copy of this I had to pay $15 for my two directories to get info that I and others provide. If the TPA wants money then ask, don't ask for my info and then charge me for everyone else's, if I want their info that is. Just my opinion, sorry it offends so many.
    - LLB

  • 9/7 9:18am   Speaking of honeybees, read an article last night that Colony Collapse Disorder, the mysterious abandonment of hives that's threatening segments of US agriculture, may be caused by a virus. See this BBC article.
    A virus has emerged as a strong suspect in the hunt for the mystery disease killing off North American honeybees.

    Genetic research showed that Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) turned up regularly in hives affected by Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

    Over the last three years, between 50% and 90% of commercial bee colonies in the US have been affected by CCD.

    - Wm.

  • 9/7 9:16am   JP, With regard to the wasp nest on your gutter, if it's high up and out of the way, you may be able to leave it alone. Wasps usually abandon these nests in the winter. Most of the wasps will die and the new queens will hibernate elsewhere (in the ground, a hollow tree, but rarely the nest). The nest can usually be safely removed when the weather is really cold and disposed of. Folk lore and encyclopedias both tell us that wasps rarely, for whatever reason, revisit an abandoned nest. I'm not one for testing that theory.
    Now, if the nest is lower to the ground, say the gutter on a single story house, and the wasps are invading the personal space of you and your family when outdoors, then you really should have it removed. That's best done by a professional who has the protective gear. As to their being "relatively harmless", bald-faced hornets and other wasps are extremely protective of their nests and will sting repeatedly if disturbed. Unlike honeybees who can sting only once because they lose their stinger upon stinging, wasps don't lose their stinger and can be very nasty if they feel threatened. The key here is, '...if they feel threatened'. If they're in an area frequented by you and your family, your very presence may be sufficient to provoke them. Then again, they may not be bothered by you being there. There's no guarantee with wasps... or honeybees for that matter.
    - TK

  • 9/7 1:01am   JM - I went back and reread the form. There is only a space for a cell phone number, there is no space for a home phone number that I could find. I have to assume that you also wanted to include the home phone number on the form and leaving it off was a mistake. Why would you produce a directory with the child's name but not the home number?
    - MJD

  • 9/7 12:54am   Thank you JM for your reasonable view point. Yes, Cell phones are often used by many people as a way to be contacted. And as the notice said . . . "have you ever wanted to have a parents cell phone number . . . just in case . . . but forgot to get it?" I wish people would actually read the documents before they pass judgement. That is why someone would voluntarily give that number - and remember, it is voluntary! Also, a representative from the TPA already answered many of the other comments below. No one is asking you to buy anything you don't want. If you cannot afford it, call the school and ask for one of the ones set aside just for that purpose. This group is doing something to help us, the parents, and nothing is free. Things cost money. Most of the talk around town is that people love the idea and are really looking forward to it. And as always, the TPA does a great job not only fundraising for our kids but making things as easy for us as possible and I'm sure this will be a hit too! Thank you TPA! Sincerely,
    - TS

    [Update 9/7 10:28am: Corrected initials - Wm.]

  • 9/6 10:28pm   MJD: Regarding your question about the Cell Phone # for the Friend Directory, it too was an optional item, same as choosing to be included or choosing to purchase. The cell phone number, like the email address, is just another method of being able to contact the parents. You can choose to be included with your basic info (address, home phone) or have this additional info listed. As it seems to be an issue of privacy, each parent can choose their comfort level, from no inclusion to complete details. And as NS stated, some teachers will not provide full details on the class roster, as was the case with one of my son's teachers.
    - JM

  • 9/6 9:58pm   Friend Directory?... I too was puzzled... It did not say anywhere on the form that this was a TPA fundraisor (that I could see). I provided my son's info. I think it is important since I am a divorced parent and I have a different last name than my children. It would be impossible for friends to look them up in the phone book. However, I did not purchase the book. Too much money for me at this point in time...I know that it does not seem like a lot for some folks, but for me it is.
    - MW

  • 9/6 6:47pm   LLB - Just a note about the student directory. You mentioned that you thought this meant that teachers were no longer going to provide this student info to parents. I teach in Medfield and it is a strict policy that teacher never give out any info on students to parents - addresses or telephone numbers. I was actually under the impression is was not legal. I think the idea for a directory is a good one, and as for the price, my feeling is that it is a fundraiser for TPA. Isn't it? I'd rather a useful directory than a $15 bucket of cookie dough any day!
    - NS

  • 9/6 6:46pm   LLB - I believe what I read in the paper work that came home through the school was that the Directory is being created by the TPA. The TPA is not part of the shools and is doing this as a fund raiser. The TPA will need to collate all the data and produce the directory. Based on my experience, production costs aren't always cheap. So like the miriad of other things that come home for TPA fund raising (cookie dough, wrapping paper, etc), you can choose to indulge or not. My bet is you will still be able to ask for a class list from the teacher (or if you know the room parent, they usually have them too) and you can then use the handy dandy green phone book to find the numbers or addresses like we always have. Not to worry.
    - BS

  • 9/6 6:43pm   Dear Folks, It appears that there is some misunderstanding associated with the publication of the First Annual Friend Directory. On behalf of the Norfolk TPA, I would like to clarify some of the misperceptions.
    1) The purpose of the directory is for parent and student convenience in communicating with peers, parents and or classmates at each of the schools for out-of-school events, playdates etc. This project is sponsored by the Norfolk TPA and is a fundraiser to help support numerous enhancements to both the H. Olive Day and Freeman Centennial Schools.
    2) Due to Federal Privacy Laws, publication of student contact information requires parental permission hence the white form that was part of the packet. Inclusion in the book does not cost anything. It only requires permission from the parents. The cost of purchasing the book is to cover costs of paper, printing, binding plus a small profit for the TPA (hence the fundraising part of it).
    3) Purchase of the book(s) is Voluntary and certainly Not required. Again, the book is designed as a "nice to have" tool for ease of communication between classmates and or parents. Also noted on the order form is the price of $10 per book OR Any 2 books for $15. This is for those who wish to have a book from both schools.
    4) There will also be a number of books available to any school family in town with a financial hardship which precludes them from paying for the booklet (just as we do for the "School Supply" fundraiser). These requests are confidential and will be handled by the schools directly. Information regarding requesting a free booklet is noted on a second order form/reminder which will be in backpacks next week.
    5) If a parent chooses to call the school and or teacher for a class list, this certainly would not preclude you from doing so. This book will list all students, by class, from whom we have received parental consent.
    6) This book will ONLY be available for purchase by current student families of HOD and FC and will ONLY be distributed via classrooms. Of note, Included in the book, for your convenience, is also the preferred contact information for teachers and any school personnel in a convenient, easy to use format.
    I hope this clarifies any questions or concerns regarding The H. Olive Day and Freeman Centennial "Friend Directory". If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the project lead noted on the actual form. We are happy to field your questions. Sincerely,
    - SS, The Norfolk TPA

    [Update 9/7 12:56am: fixed typo in initials - Wm.]

  • 9/6 6:41pm   I may have read it wrong, but I understood it to be that you could have your child's name in the school directory without paying the $10.
    - LJK

  • 9/6 6:40pm   About the new directory... I did not see the two issues, being included in the listing and buying a listing, as both being necessary. I may have read the form wrong but it looked as though the parent was giving permission for his/her child to be included and/or being asked to purchase a directory. That's my take on it, could someone who is involved clarify?
    What I thought was strange was that they wanted my cell number. At my house the cell phone is for emergencies not to make playdates. Why would I want that number in a directory? Why would they not want to list a home number? I would like ot hear the reason why the cell was included.
    - MJD

  • 9/6 4:14pm   Looking for a used dehumidifier in good condition. You can reach me through the web-master [box55@norfolknet.com - Wm.] . Thanks
    - JN

  • 9/6 4:13pm   LLB, I was very upset about it. Every dollar in this house counts this year, as we are recovering from a family illness. I can't afford the $20.00 so my kids will not be on the list for their friends.
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 9/6 3:42pm   I have not been able to get the kids' addresses for 2 years. I think the listing is a good idea. I think it was $15.00 max as it said for those that needed both listings. ??? Then I filled out the check wrong.
    - JGP

  • 9/6 3:06pm   Any other parents a little surprised by the 'new' annual student directory the schools are doing this year? They make it sound great for if you need to get a hold of a parent or if you need addresses for birthday invitations or play dates. You fill out the form with your child's info and the parent's cell phone number and then check whether you want your child in the directory or not. I thought it sounded great and filled it out for both my daughter's schools. Then I turn the page to find out they want $10 per school's directory, so for me that $20 to have the information. I wish I knew that before I filled it out. I would have not provided my/my kid's info. I can't believe they are charging $10 per school to share information for getting a hold of my kid's classmates or their parents. So does this mean we will no longer get any classmate's info from our kid's teachers? I bet it does. I'm very disappointed.
    - LLB

  • 9/6 2:39pm   I thought it was posted here once that they were encouraging the Norfolk schools - HOD and Freeman to update and utilize their website more as the middle school and high school were doing? When do you think this is going to happen? As far as I can see nothing has been updated in years. There are teachers listed that are no longer with the school system, etc.
    - JGP

  • 9/6 2:38pm   JP, about your wasps. I hope I caught you in time. If the nest is fully enclosed and greyish in color you probably have a nest of Bald-Faced Hornets (actually members of the wasp family). They're relatively harmless, especially being so much out of the way. Please don't hurt them; please leave them alone. It's very doubtful that they'll hurt you; it's certainly not their intended purpose. They're really very beneficial in a number of ways including providing the valuable service of controlling other insects around your home. In addition to your contributing to the continued health of our environment, by your kindness in sparing them, you'll be saving yourself a few bucks, besides. In another month or two, regardless of the specific species of your wasp, after a few frosts they'll be gone of their own accord and you can safely remove the the nest, intact, with one or two gentle passes of a broad scraper, with little ado.
    Thanks for caring (I hope).
    - MT

  • 9/6 1:39pm   Reminder: Cow Chip Bingo will be this Saturday at Wrentham Day on the town common! Please come on by and visit our (Wrentham/Norfolk/Plainville ACOs') booth! We will be there all day. The bingo game is starting at around 1 and a raffle afterwards. Also there will be live-strong bracelets for purchase (with the theme for cow chip bingo), bumper stickers, information on pet care and info on "SMART" (State of Massachusetts Animal Response Team) which both Sue and I are active members of. For more information feel free to contact me via email at Norfolkk9@aol.com. All donations and sale profits will be put towards the gift account budgets of each town to help animals in need. We have great raffle prizes from Cena to Go, Acorn Animal Hospital, Dewitts Animal Hospital, The Village Groomer, etc!! Sincerely,
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 9/6 1:11pm   If anyone has counter-height or bar-height wooden bar stools they can donate to the Norfolk Baseball Concession stands, please contact me at hurlhome@msn.com I will be happy to pick them up. Thank You.
    - LH

  • 9/6 11:55am   Can anyone recommend a roofing/siding contractor who would be willing to do a small job (putting in roof vents for a dryer and bathroom exhaust fan)?
    - JFO

  • 9/6 11:52am   SM - Why do readers of this site continue to restate false information to try to bash other people? It's like reading Faux (Fox) News. The Town has invested a great deal of effort into improving the Town Center although some in the current Town Government would like to develop it far denser than most townspeople want. But that is another issue. The undeveloped land in the center of Norfolk has never, ever belonged to the Town of Norfolk. The land for the Town Hall was a gift to the Town two owners ago. The Town did not sell the land to anyone. There are no historical problems with the title either. The problem with the development of the Stop and Shop parcel has to do with the transfer of land from the owner at the top of the hill to Stop and Shop to increase their parking. Is this a stalling tactic? Possibly. But it has nothing to do with the Government of the Town. You want to litigate to force them to develop? How much will that cost? Hundreds of thousands? Let's put that money were we need it into schools, fire, police, water, etc, and not just throw it away. The Board of Selectmen is holding a bond to reseed the land if it isn't developed. Maybe that should be the first step.
    - SM

  • 9/6 11:50am   We have wasp nest the size of a bowling ball below the gutter of our house. Does anyone have a recommendation for someone to come and deal with it? Thanks,
    - JP

  • 9/6 11:47am   I just noticed that the price of the public school lunches have gone up to $2. There was an explaination listed. Can anyone tell me how this works? Does the school lunch program make a profit? Dover's milk prices are much less than ours... Some may think its petty of me to care about this, but it adds up over the course of the year. Especially when you have many of children in one household attending school. I was just curious where the extra money went.
    - MW

  • 9/6 9:22am   TM - George T. Cronin & Son Inc. in Norfolk (off of Main street), 508-528-0731, can do all that you ask and then some! They are local and are great to deal with, I have used them for oil for the last 12 years, they have replaced a boiler in my last house and have a contract on my current boiler. As far as tankless hot water; if it's old, the "tankless" pipe coil that is within the boiler has most likely been caked with mineral deposits and can no longer properly transfer heat to the water.
    - LS

  • 9/5 10:29pm   JN... What a lovely and appropriate piece of poetry. How true those words are. I can't even begin to imagine that poor mother.
    - JHR

  • 9/5 10:23pm   RW - Thanks for the offer of the 25 gal fish tank and stand for $40, that's a really great price. But I have to say no, as we only have 2 frogs to provide a home for, and limited space in our own house. Our 10 gal tank is on a table right now, but my 2 year old can't see it, so we will keep looking for a stand...
    - LJK

  • 9/5 9:44pm   Could anyone recommend a company that could service a tankless water heater? We just purchased a house and have found that the tankless heater doesn't seem to get hot enough. We would like to buy a contract that would allow for annual maintenance etc. Also we have oil heat, so if we could find a company that would take care of both it would be preferable. Thank you for your help!
    - TM

  • 9/5 9:43pm   I am traveling to Africa (northern Tanzania) in November where I'll be volunteering in an orphanage for 2 weeks. If anyone has an old mid-sized suit case they have no use for anymore and would like to donate, it'd be gratefully accepted. I need something with wheels, as the items I'm bringing such as school supplies (crayons, markers, paper), health aids (children's vitamins, toothpaste, toothbrushes, antiseptic), and clothes & games will all add up in weight. I plan to leave the empty suitcase behind me and donate to the orphanage as well, or to another needy local adult, so I prefer not to buy a new one as luggage is not cheap! Please contact me at syngay@gmail.com and I can arrange to pick it up. Thank you.
    - SS

  • 9/5 9:41pm   The posts on this site have been very interesting indeed. However, perhaps we should all pause for a moment to reflect and to give our thoughts and prayers to the family that lost their young son and brother. I didn't personally know Erik Ward, but my heart goes out to his mother, brother and family. As all of us are thinking about new school schedules and after school activities, she is planning her son's funeral. I cannot even comprehend the enormity of her loss. My words are useless, but my sympathy is sincere.
    Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
    Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone.
    Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
    Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
    Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
    Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead,
    Put cre'pe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
    Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
    He was my North, my South, my East and West,
    My working week and my Sunday rest,
    My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song,
    I thought that love would last forever: 'I was wrong'
    The stars are not wanted now, put out every one;
    Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
    Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
    For nothing now can ever come to any good.

    - W.H Auden

    - JN

    [Update 10:28pm: Fixed beginning of poem - Wm.]

  • 9/5 8:40pm   TMS: Regarding the gymnastics, I don't know what your daughter is looking for, but if she is looking just for the tumbling aspect, I go to Cheerfactor gym in Foxboro (right by the hockey rink). It's a training center and an all star cheerleading gym. I love it there, the coaches are really nice and very helpful. I highly recommend it! They have classes per week and open tumbling every Wendesday. The website there is cheerfactorgym.com. Definitely check it out!
    - RA

  • 9/5 8:07pm   Regarding Stay Green of Attleboro... no experience with them. But great expereince with Green Lawn Irrigation, 508-376-8338, owner John Mogan. He worked closely with my well company and told them exactly what was necessary. Customer service is exceptional. Have them come out for a quote... you should always get a minimun of 3 quotes anyway.
    - SM

  • 9/5 7:28pm   For LJK. If you want to move up to a larger aquarium we have a 25 gal with wrought iron stand. $40.00 for both. Contact me at ralphw2418@comcast.net if interested.
    - RW

  • 9/5 7:25pm   MON, re your post, today @ 1:17 PM: Bully for you and your prospective business partners! Your Adult Book Store/Tattoo Parlor concept is a cardinal idea. It is certainly no less tawdry, damaging and overbearing than the other "Smart Growth" schemes being peddled by many of our politically minded hucksters. May I suggest that, in order to ensure its success, you "think like your customers". You know how they love to amuse themselves by shopping, so in your development plans be sure to provide them with lots of variety from which to choose, and in as many shops, or departments, as possible. Think in the terms of a Downtown Shopping complex--a haven for the self-absorbed.
    I trust that your expertise is such that you realize that it's doubtful that the strong local advocates of the downtown development of the numerous stores, in which they wish to shop, will be able to support the daily operation of those businesses; in addition it will require the successful encouragement of the day-by-day influx of hundreds of vehicle-laden purchasers, from out of town, in order for you to even make your nut. That notwithstanding, your markups, seemingly necessary to survive, may still have to be so excessive that you can't be competitative enough to maintain an acceptable sales volume.
    Last, but certainly not least, I'm sure that you already realize that in order to cater to the desires of the supporters of your development plans (many of whom are self-indulgent, to the nth degree) it's essential that you design an extravagant coffee shop into your plans. According to the expectations of some of the elite among the Norfolknet set, it needs to be a shop "Where one can go to have a cup of coffee and read a book"; or "Where one can go to meet with friends over a cup of coffee."; or "Where one can go just to get out of the house for a cup of coffee" (Huh???) Probably needless to say, but be prepared to be rebuffed by those who preferred a Bagel Shop, Pastry Shop, Exotic Ice Cream Shop, or countless other specialty shops; even though locations of that type are abound all around us, there's a peculiar mindset that seems to demand that their whole world should be within virtual walking distance from them. Of course, ideally, you'll certainly receive their undying affection (for as long as your generosity prevails), if you set aside ample space in your accommodations for another free day-care center, where one or two adults can take a number of other parents' children to watch over for various periods of time-you know, similar to the way that it's now done in places like the Town Library, old Town Hall, HOD School, and Kids' Place.
    Good luck with your Norfolknet survey, MON; I hope it provides all the input for which you're hoping. Here's one last encouraging thought for you about your Adult Book Store/Tattoo Parlor (Etc.) combo: Even if many of your potential consumers of such products are unable to transport themselves to Norfolk via their own cars, once the highly touted GATRA Bus System is in operation in Town, Norfolk will be easy to reach for everybody from points even beyond Pawtucket, Woonsocket, Boston, Brockton, etc. No doubt, your enterprise will offer a widespread appeal and create an interesting array of customers to help influence the character of the town.
    - MT

  • 9/5 7:24pm   MON - Great idea! They would have problems though as the only zone acceptable for such use is down by the 115/1A area. Darn, would have been great to both get my mail and get some porn. Any other ideas?
    - LS

  • 9/5 7:09pm   Has anyone ever used Stay Green Irrigation out of North Attleboro, MA to put in a lawn sprinkler system?? Any experience with this company would be helpful. Thanks!
    - SM

  • 9/5 7:07pm   To MH: I think taking my response as a personal attack is unjustified. I don't know you or who you are, thus I have no idea if you are anything like Paris Hilton - that reference was intended as a little humor given your initials. Anyway, if you felt attacked (maybe like the people at Something Special might have felt from your post) then I sincerely apologize. You may be interested in knowing that I bumped into Nancy from the store and told her about your comments and she was definitely interested in them. As I wrote before, in my opinion a call directly to the store owners would have been more appropriate than posting the comment online, given the minor lapse in service you experienced. Anyway, nothing at all was intended to be a personal attack - just had a different take on this. Take care and happy shopping.
    - SFM

  • 9/5 7:06pm   MON - Being as foresighted as we are, adult businesses have been relegated to the C1 zoning district, not B1 :)
    From Zoning Bylaws - The C-1 District is further divided into two areas: (1) On Highway, which consists of that portion of the C-1 District which is located within 300 feet of the FRONTAGE line of Route 1A or 115, and (2) Off-Highway, which consists of that portion of the C-1 District which is located greater than 300 feet from the FRONTAGE line of Route 1A and 115. Within the Off Highway District there shall be an Adult Business Overlay District which shall be comprised of the following lots: Assessors' Map 19 Block 72, Lots 36, 37, 38, 39.
    - BR

  • 9/5 7:05pm   Congressman Barney Frank recently made a visit to the Norfolk Public Library to discuss national and local issues that impact our community. Despite a few protestors lightly disrupting the event, no audience question went ignored.
    Watch the entire one hour and 14 minute event on NCTV's Government Access channel 22 each day at 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Copies are also available for $15.00
    - BWA, NCTV Executive Director

  • 9/5 7:04pm   MON: Now that I have stopped convulsing with laughter I can reply to your idea of an adult book store and tattoo parlor in Norfolk. I have 2 words. Fat Chance!!
    - JW

  • 9/5 7:02pm   "Hello"... MH... Maybe SFM was the man behind the counter and you threw the 1st "personal attack"... Don't forget, what goes around, comes around. Did you ever think to strike up a conversation with the man...
    - ER

  • 9/5 1:30pm   Two Jimmy Buffet tickets for this Saturday, Sept.8th at 7:30 p.m. at Gillette Stadium. Both are section 137. One is row 19 and the other row 31. Cannot attend concert. Face value is over $115 each. Asking $75 for the pair! Gillette has a strict no ticket, no entry policy for the parking lots for this event. yellowhouse51@comcast.net Thank you.
    - JT

    [Update 9/7 10:13am: Jimmy Buffet tix sold, thank you! - JT]

  • 9/5 1:28pm   Cub Scout Meeting - Pack 80 is having its first meeting on Friday, September 7th at 7:00 pm at King Philip Middle School on King Street. We will be playing Bingo.
    We will be at the open houses at Freeman/Centennial and H. Olive Day later in the month, but any prospective scouts and their parents are welcome to come and check us out.
    Pack 80 is for boys south of Main Street (Pack 125 is for those north of Main Street).
    Cub Scouts is for boys in grades 1 (Tiger Cubs) through 5 (Webelo IIs) and a boy at any age in between can join.
    - KDR, Pack 80

    [Update 9/6 11:55am: Questions can be emailed to box77@norfolknet.com - KDR
    Update 9/10 11:34am: corrected typo in e-mail address - Wm.]

  • 9/5 1:23pm   I am organizing a wine tasting and silent auction to benefit Molly Atryzek, a 17 year-old Medway resident who is battling leukemia. I was raised in Norfolk and though I am living in Providence, RI now, I know that Norfolk is still the type of place where lots of great folks are willing to participate in events like this one.
    Friday, September 21, 7-10pm

    Franklin Country Club
    672 East Central Street
    $60 per person

    Proceeds will go to the Atryzek Family of Medway to aid in Molly's battle with Leukemia.

    JC Import Company will offer a selection of South American boutique wines paired with hot and cold hors d'oeuvres.

    The silent auction will feature an array of items including:

    - gift certificates from area companies such as a winery tour and tasting -
    - gourmet food items -
    - fine wines -
    - goods and services from many, many generous donors -

    Reservations required

    To RSVP or for more information please contact Kate Goldman at kate_goldman@hotmail.com
    To make a donation please visit www.mollysfund.com.

    - KG

  • 9/5 1:17pm   Town of Norfolk,
    Given the ample land and vacated stores in the town center, a group of businessmen from the North Shore I know are interested in opening an Adult Bookstore/ Tattoo Parlor in the Town Center to accommodate the growing demand for such products/ services. Since there is plenty of interest in developing the Town Center, we thought Norfolknet would be a good place to get feedback for such an endeavor.
    In keeping with theme of the store we thought it appropriate to name it "Norfolk's Secret".
    Given the rundown look of the strip-mall like Town stores and vacant land - What do Norfolkians have to say on such a wonderful idea?
    - MON

  • 9/5 10:01am   Love all the talk about how Norfolk was, is, should be, shouldn't be. I drive around and can't believe the changes that have been made since I moved here. When the library was just the little building, I voted down an expansion but now I love the new bigger library. I saw the old police station, the new police station and the newest police station which is now much too small. The Main St. bridge used to be a wooden one, now it's newer and we feared that it being so straight, it would cause many more accidents but it didn't; uptown used to have a flashing light, then a 4 way stop, now the roundabouts.
    Change takes time and money. I would prefer it taking time; too much change too fast would probably leave us wishing it was as before. I'm glad the Transfer Station isn't the dump any more but we didn't think twice about using it when it was a burning dump with rats. Maybe in time we will get all the things folks hope for, but in the meantime, sit back and enjoy the wonderful town Norfolk is now.
    - JW

  • 9/5 9:18am   As a matter of clarification, the man that was working the behind the counter was, I would guess, considerably older than I am. He was not a child or even teenager for that matter. I am sure I will get dumped on for mentioning that as well. I actually find great joy when children are actively involved in a family business, especially in their teenage years. I remember the first time I visited Tangarini's Farm in Millis and the two check out boys were about 9 or 10 years of age. They were great, relatively professional and it was refreshing to see.
    To equate me to Paris Hilton for asking for a ``hi, how are you today?'' seems a little extreme. I was not asking for help, I am a capable adult, I am simply asking to not be completely ignored. There is a huge difference as far as I am concerned. If I am alone in that thinking, then so be it. It truly saddens me that SFM decided a personal attack against me was a justifiable response to my expression of a concern[.]
    - MH

  • 9/5 8:51am   SM - I am sure there are many homes for sale in Needham. I encourage you to relocate where you are closer to coffee shops, restaurants and entertainment. Plant a tree on your way out!
    - JL

  • 9/4 11:03pm   SM... an honest question. Have you ever visited Dover? As a person with strong ties there, I happen to know that the town square consists of much less than Norfolk's. It is unsafe to bicycle there and its' so spread out you can forget about walking any place. Wellesley is so congested that it can take well over a half hour just to get through their town center; Needham and Lexington more of the same... When I lived in Newton I had to leave the house so early for an event or practice in order to fight for a parking space that it took double the time out of my schedule... so where are these "benefits" that "the majority of the town of Norfolk" want?
    I would love to see a nice town center... but only after the rest of our more necessary problems are taken care of. Dover, Wellesley, Lexington, Newton all have stellar school systems. They have earned the right to use whatever funds are available to improve their town centers... We have not.
    Another question - if the majority of the town of Norfolk wanted sidewalks, why was it voted down several years ago? Or is that also the town government's fault?? I was one of the voters that desperately wanted sidewalks at that time. My children are walking to school on King street every day without sidewalks. Where was the majority for that one?
    - MW

  • 9/4 10:59pm   I do not know the boy who died this past weekend here in Norfolk but my heart goes out to the people who loved him. We lost so many kids in Needham in the past few years the pain for the family is just so awful. I am so sorry
    - DV

  • 9/4 10:58pm   I also have to say, although I have not been in Something Special in a while, when we first moved here the owners were so very nice to me, they were helpful in all kinds of ways. They helped me find other services in town when I had a problem; they were a wealth of information and much more than a gift store to us. I may be wrong but I believe the "male" working there is one of their sons. He once wrapped a gift for me and was very sweet. He was very age appropriate in his manner. The women who own this store are both moms who were most likely getting ready for the school year this weekend and needed him to work. Do you think for one second this is a job a young man would want to have?? Doubt it. I think to help out in a family business at his age is great!! I would also point out, as the other poster did, I have nothing to do with this store, I do not know the owners other than as a customer.
    - DV

  • 9/4 10:56pm   Ok, I grew up in Wellesley, just moved out of Needham after 19 years and have a company in Dover. I would like to say that I would not want this town to become any of those towns ...we have a great town here that stands alone. We lived in Aspen, CO when my first two kids were born and I often call this town my little Aspen - not because of the center (they are nothing alike) but because of the people.
    In my mind we do need sidewalks, that is a real problem for me. When I moved here 1 year ago I thought it was not a big deal, but as my kids want to head out on their own now I am finding it a problem. From our house it is safer for my kids to ride to Medfield, center which I think is a shame.
    - DV

  • 9/4 10:53pm   SM... my chuckle has turned into laughter. Maybe you should practice what you preach and move to Wellesley or Needham ...Or are you just a "Wannabee" that cannot afford to live in those towns? So you have "settled" for Norfolk. My husband has lived in Norfolk his entire life. His parents have been here over 50 years. Why should he move? Maybe it's you who is in the wrong place.
    If this town is not good enough for you, then why did you move here? Who are you to say that the people who enjoyed their life here in this "cow town" (that's how its always been proudly viewed) before you arrived are "less" than you? My husband, his family and friends who were born and raised here find it highly insulting that you feel that their quality of life is substandard to yours... The entire town should change becuase you desire it? Wow! ...that's pretty self centered of you! Maybe you do belong in an "upscale" town! LOL!
    - MW

  • 9/4 9:39pm   MH: I have purchased items at Something Special many times. I have found the owners (who are usually at the store and both local residents I believe) extremely friendly and helpful. To slam a local business just because you had a so-so experience with what sounds like a weekend fill-in is a little much. Also, some shoppers do not like to be attacked by aggressive sales associates while they browse. It is a relatively small gift shop - how much help did you really need? Your post does not say that you asked for any assistance, just that you were ignored. I hope you have fully recovered from such a traumatic experience, Ms. Hilton.
    I frequent lots of Norfolk businesses. If I had a comment, I think it is a safe bet that the business owner would appreciate hearing about it directly from you instead of taking a public (and unidentified of course) swipe over a relatively minor issue. Of course, if you had an absolutely horrible experience with a company (such as fraudulent activity, shoddy work, etc.) then by all means please let us know; but to slam a local shop that has been in town for sometime with good reputation because a sales associate forgot to say "May I help you with anything?" is a little much in my book. Oh, by the way, the coffee at Dunkin Donuts today wasn't quite as hot as it was last Friday. Finally, I am not related in any way to Something Special - just one of their many happy customers!
    - SFM

  • 9/4 9:37pm   ``The bottom line is the majority of homeowners in this town would love to have ... - SM''
    That's sounds pretty definite -- any references that one could check to read up on this assertion?
    - AR

  • 9/4 9:27pm   It was called to our attention that the Inspector General's findings about the H. Olive Day school roof problems are on-line, [mass.gov pdf document].
    Seems like the Town should have acted promptly to have the builder fix the goof with the sprinkler system (designed for dry system, mistakenly installed wet that froze in winter).
    Based on the evidence described above, there was a deviation from the architect's plans which has resulted in continuous malfunction and expense for almost seven years. The genesis of this situation appears to have been the installation of the wrong sprinkler pipe in 1999. It may be that no legal action has been taken because the principals all consented to corrective modifications, either affirmatively or by acquiescence.

    The OIG recognizes that Norfolk's public building committee, like many local building committees, was composed of citizens of dedication and integrity, "many of whom had other jobs and obligations, volunteering their time in order to serve their community." ... They were not, however, professional designers and contractors, and appear to have relied on paid professionals who did not wholly manage the project on behalf of the town. In our Needham Middle School report, we observed that "over reliance on any private consultant or vendor is risky and can be imprudent."

    Based on the record, the source of the roof problems appears to be the unexplained deviation from plans which specified dry and wet pipe with the installation of wet instead of dry pipe in April 1999. Neither the records of the town nor those of the architect disclose who made the decision to proceed without correcting this error. Moreover, the contracts do not make clear who was responsible for errors of judgment.
    [mass.gov pdf]

    - Wm.

  • 9/4 8:48pm   MW - The bottom line is the majority of homeowners in this town would love to have the center resemble a mini-Wellesley, Lexington or Dover. Walking or biking to the center of town (on sidewalks that extend far beyond H.Olive Day) would be great. There is no reason to beat a dead horse on this issue, but you are in the minority on this topic... it just so happens that you benefit from the anti-development sentiment of this town and the selectmen. If it's cows and pasture you want, the Berkshires might be the place for you.
    - SM

  • 9/4 8:13pm   SM... I got a chuckle from your post about turning Norfolk into a Needham. Most people that I know in this town moved out here from Newton, Needham, Westwood, Natick... just to name a few. We moved in search of finding something different. Something simpler, something more affordable and less pretentious. Growing up in Newton, Needham really doesnt impress me much and it's a town that is a little more developed than I'd like to live in. That is why I came to Norfolk. Have you really seen all of Needham? or just the Dover side? Most folks can't afford to live in these towns that they grew up in. They are clustered and stressful. Why on earth would we want to make Norfolk another one of these towns?
    - MW

  • 9/4 6:53pm   TMS - Quiggs Gymnastics in Bellingham is a great place. We've gone there for non-competitive classes on and off for the last 5 years. It's a bit of a drive, but worth it. Classes sign up by the month and Sept. starts this week. 508-966-3808 or www.quiggsgym.com. Good luck,
    - LM

  • 9/4 6:49pm   TMS - My son took gymnastics at the Gymnastics Academy of Boston in Plainville, right on Route 1. He also took classes at their Norwood facility. We thought they were terrific and spent quite a bit of time on an individual basis. He had a wonderful Eastern European coach who really pushed but with a firm and patient hand. Unfortunately my son has moved on to other things and is no longer there but he would be if he had continued.
    - BS

  • 9/4 6:48pm   I am here not to defend the Catholic schools. I went through 12 years of Catholic educations and hated it! I vowed never to send my children to Catholic schools after what I experienced with the nuns!
    My oldest son wanted to go to Xaverian, after 3 years there, I insisted my younger son go, who didn't want to. My children received the best education you can have imagined. Far beyond what is taught in the public schools. They were taught how to respect their parents, help out at home, etc. I worked with a couple of Jewish associates, who aske me about Xaverian, and they sent their sons there and agreed with everything I told them. Xaverian is in the top 20 high schools in the country! My children graduated and got into the better colleges and hold great jobs. I am so proud of them! I am so glad I held my predjuces back!!
    - GC

  • 9/4 4:30pm   My third grader daughter is interested in taking gymnastics this fall. She has previously taken the after school class from the Recreation Department and feels that she wants to learn more (on equipment, etc.). We are looking into a more formal gymnastic outfit / class. She is not really interested in competition at this point, only mastering the tumbling skills. Any suggestions (good or bad)? Thanks in advance!
    - TMS

  • 9/4 12:48pm   Does anyone have a 10 gal aquarium stand that they want to sell or give away? Thanks!
    - LJK

  • 9/4 12:44pm   SF... I agree with your post. I think that in general people need someone to blame to make themselves feel better (myself included... it's human nature.) I don't think that the town is the only one to blame in this case. There have been many factors involved over the years and legal battles in land court take time... Lots of it.
    I also have doubts that a town the size of Norfolk can support a Super Stop and Shop. The surrounding towns all have their own large gorcery stores. So I am also skeptical that this would bring out-of-towners into Norfolk to shop.
    Another concern is that I honestly don't see our tiny little roundabout supporting any more traffic than we already have. Do we really want to draw in more vehicles to town? It might make our new "convenience" very inconvenient, if we can't find parking spots. This is why I moved to a town such as Norfolk from the big city... I would love to have a smaller grocery store that sold are necessities at at reasonable prices. I too am fearful of a Stop and Shop.
    Unfortunately, it's not my call. This is still America. I never owned the land, never will own the land and I have a huge problem with the practice of taking property by "eminent domain".
    A thought: Why is it so important for the town to look so good? Who cares that there is a moonscaoe in the town center. I moved into this community becuase of the people in it. Not how it looked. There are people starving in this country and all we seem to worry about is outward appearances. I would much rather live in a town that has decent, hardworking folks that care about each other than to live in a "Stepford" town. Yes! I like things to look nice too, and I take pride in my home. But aren't there more important things to concentrate on such as health and education? As a community we have been complaining about budget cuts in the schools... But we can find the money for brick sidewalks and fancy lights? Don't get me wrong, I think they're beautiful and I love how the center evolved... but we need to set some serious priorities... Like sidewalks in school zones and smaller classroom sizes.
    What right do we have to impose our individual tastes and standards on anyone? Where does it end?? Telling homeowners that they have to mow their lawns to a certain height or that they need to paint their homes a certain color... I'm sorry, but I just don't care about that. I care about the people inside my neighbor's homes... not the structure that they live in our how they choose to live in it. Unless it is endangering someone, its not my business. I have set foot in communist countries and I have spoken to people that have lived their entire lives with no freedom to make choices regarding thier lifestyles. Is this what America is coming to?
    - MW

  • 9/4 12:43pm   Just to clarify. There is a difference between Catholic schools and "private" Catholic schools. I was raised Jewish, but attended the Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart. This was a "private" catholic school that was in no way affiliated with the Archdiocese. I believe, but could be mistaken, that St. Sebastian's, Ursuline, Xaverian, Montrose, etc., all fall under this same category. My parents understood the value of the education that my school offered and had no problem sending this little Jewish girl to a school that did not force their beliefs on me in any way. They also paid dearly for it. The church does not fund the school and that is reflected in the very high tuition rate. Let me also add that my own children take advantage of the Norfolk public school system and I have been very happy with the quality education that they are receiving. Give our public schools a chance!!
    - MW

  • 9/4 12:42pm   SF. Great idea about leasing back... and a park would be great... winter skating... summer bike path and walking trails. Good idea. Can it be done? Could/would the town be able to negotiate a lease back land deal? It should be an option that is explored.
    - SM

  • 9/4 12:40pm   JL, you crack me up... why is the response to developing Norfolk "we don't want to be Franklin"... Of course not... but we do want to be like other upscale towns with beautiful centers - housing, coffe shops, great delis, ice cream parlors, maybe a nice restaurant for mom and dad (think Needham)... something to offer the residents (adults and children alike) who can walk and ride bikes to many of the shops. Most "new" Norfolk residents (and by "new" I mean in the last 7-8 years) would love to see these things in our town. Developing Norfolk doesn't have to mean building a BJ's in the center. I've lived in Norfolk since December of 2000 and nothing has changed downtown... except for a few roundabouts, a few condos with Norfolk residents looking down at the Stop and Shop wasteland, and much higher property taxes. What is Norfolk giving back to its residents in the form of increased "marginal utility"... so far not much!
    - SM

  • 9/4 12:39pm   I went into Something Special this past weekend and was very disappointed with the customer service. I had been into the store in the past and had a similar experience, but decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and try again. The second time I was there, the service had improved; the woman was exceptionally friendly to myself and my out of town guests that were shopping in the store.
    The gentleman working behind the counter this past weekend was wrapped up in a show he was watching on the computer and never looked up to say anything. A female employee came in while I was there and he stopped the show to speak with her, but they both ignored me completely (I was the only customer there). When she left, he went back to watching the show. At one point I even stood at the counter looking at the Webkinz charms.
    I would not think that a small business that depends on the locals for support could afford to ignore customers. I really hope this can improve; it is a very cute store with some great one-of-a-kind products. A little friendly service goes a long way; at least in my opinion.
    - MH

  • 9/4 12:38pm   MW, WC - The "drought" on Highland Lake occurred between Wed. evening Aug 29 and Thu. morning Aug 30. This time the lake level was brought so low, one whole end of it is dry. It is sickening to see what has happened. To the person who is tampering with the level of the lake: this time you have gone too far. I don't know what motivates you to do what you do. Why do you persist in destroying the Highland Lake?
    - EC

  • 9/4 9:52am   Why do people make statements like "They (our [administrators]) sold land to Stop and Shop with no return clause if the land is not developed within X number of years"? If the town did not own the property then how could 'they' have sold it? Why is everyone so quick think that having Stop and Shop build in town would be best for the town. While I agree the town could benefit from a smaller grocery store, having a Stop and Shop scares me. What would happen if they do build and then two years down the road pull out? Is a vacant building in the center better than a moonscape? Perhaps we could push eminent domain but that would cost money that we really do not have. If we really think Stop and Shop will never build and you want to build small town charm, we should lease the property from them for a $1 a year and simply build a park. Better yet make a field and have the fire department flood it in the winter for skating. That is what I think about when you say 'small town America'.
    - SF

  • 9/4 9:52am   MJD Try Brookline Ice. They have been in business for 87 years and they do deliver. [brooklineice.com products]
    Brookline Ice and Coal
    610 Brookline Ave.
    Brookline, Ma. 02445
    Phone: (617)232-0941
    Fax: (617)734-8151
    E-Mail: info@brooklineice.com
    - PMP

  • 9/4 8:52am   WC...Funny that you should mention the levels of Highland Lake dropping overnight. I was just at my mother-in-law's house over on Lakeshore Drive. I was completely shocked at the level of the Populatic. It looked as though they have more than 20 extra feet of beach. They told me that it is the lowest they have seen in the 50 plus years that they have lived there. My husband agreed that he has also never seen it even close to being as low as it is right now. The families living around that lake seem to be very frustrated thinking that nobody in town cares about them and that the town considers that area to be a "low rent district". What a coincedence that Franklin has a pump house in that area. Who is supposed to be monitoring that??
    I grew up in Newton. My mother used to talk of a place called Silver Lake... I never saw it growing up becuase it is now gone... It just dissappeared. Houses now stand where my mother used to swim, fish and ice skate... The area is still called "the Lake" even though there is no water there... Will the same thing happen to Norfolk's bodies of water??
    - MW

  • 9/4 8:51am   SM - I have a great idea. Let's make Norfolk just like Franklin or Framingham whereby every tree is cut down and every last parcel of land is cleared so that an additional home or business can be built. That way we can destroy every last bit of character that Norfolk has, further tap out the Town's economic resources, deflate the value of my home but allow you to get your morning coffee, buy your clothes, cars and food, and work for a long list of corporations, all within 5 minutes of your home.
    - JL

  • 9/4 8:47am   SF, do you still have the student desk that you posted on Norfolknet? I would love to have it. Please e-mail me @ dhagman5060@aol.com, and let me know when a good time to pick up the desk would be. If for some reason the desk is gone, and anyone else out there has a student desk, and a microwave oven (both small in size) that they are looking to get rid of a first year college student would love to take them off your hands. Thanks,
    - DH

  • 9/4 8:46am   The reason for the memorial on Medway Street:
    NORFOLK - A Norfolk teenager died Friday after the pickup truck he was driving ran off the road and into trees on Medway Street.

    Erik Ward, 17, of 44 Lake St., was pronounced dead after succumbing to his severe injuries at Caritas Norwood Hospital in Norwood, Fire Chief Coleman Bushnell said.

    For more of this story, click on or type the URL below: [Sun Chron article]
    - AL

  • 9/3 11:58pm   Does anyone know of an ice company? I am looking to have ice delivered for an event in town on a Sunday. There used to be an ice company in Milford that delivered but they seem to be gone. Any ideas?
    - MJD

  • 9/3 11:57pm   I was wondering if someone could tell me why there appears to be a memorial setup near a tree on Medway Street.
    - DF

  • 9/3 11:54pm   Wm.: I would like to contact SFM. I am interested in the Little Tykes playhouse. How can I do this? Thanks!
    - SB

  • 9/3 11:52pm   I'm beginning to think we fell asleep and woke in a town run by a Banana Republic... they (the town administrators) say they want to develop our beautiful town center, yet do nothing to truly reach that goal. Other cities and towns are putting money into their centers to "re-create" small town America. Wellesley, Lowell, Worcester, Wrentham, Walpole... I could go on and on. They (our [administrators]) sold land to Stop and Shop with no return clause if the land is not developed within X number of years... so it sits like a wasteland at the mercy of a corporation. They started sidewalks yet stoped just outside of the center... so kids are walking on the shoulder, which is very dnagerous. They make it extremely difficult for builders to build homes... jumping through hoop after hoop, causing delays... and more land sits idle and undeveloped.
    Yet the people who live in this town would like to see things happen. Where's the bite... the action behind all their words. I drive through neighborhood after neighborhood and see beautiful lawns, freshly painted homes, flower beds... mulch... the people of Norfolk, the homeowners do their part to have a beatiful place to live... it's now time for the town to step up... or step out. I know, as a father of young children, that there is no time for anything else besides work and family. I also know there are other fathers and mothers I've met at the ball fields and baseball games that given the time... we would run for some of your town seats... and get things moving. I think many of you will be challenged in your positions in the next few years as our children get a little older and we can put our attention to making Norfolk the type of town it truly should be: Developed center, more sidewalks, new businesses... envy of our neighboring towns. Norfolk will be developed sooner or later... let's make it sooner.
    - SM

  • 9/3 4:55pm   DA, that was a very kind post. It sounded like Catholic bashing to me too, but because I must refrain from emotional responses here, I am glad for your well worded post. I cannot wait to go to Primavera. When someone who is very high maintenance and/or has a public record of complaining about a place or service it is usually good.
    - DV

  • 9/3 3:28pm   DWL - As a public service, you also might have mentioned that Mitt Romney is affiliated with the Mormon Church. Perhaps one shouldn't vote for him on that basis. (Oh, and Montrose School in Medfield is affiliated with Opus Dei, but the last time I checked no crazed albino monks, a la The Divinci Code, are on staff.) Yes, Ursuline and Xaverian are Catholic schools, although on the surface, it's not as obvious as say Catholic Memorial School in West Roxbury; however, they are not Archdiocean schools (a subtle but important difference - a visit to each school's website will clarify this). Rather, they are independent schools with great academic reputations. They have a values based curriculum that produce fine students and citizens. If a faith based education (be that faith Christian, Jewish, etc.) isn't for your child, then don't choose that type of school. However, your terse statement concerning these schools' Caholic affliation and being "under the jurisdiction of the Church" might come across to some as subtle Catholic bashing (I assume this wasn't your intention) rather than merely a clarification of a previous post.
    - DA

  • 9/3 9:23am   It was not mentioned that Xaverian and Ursuline are Catholic schools and I believe are under the jurisdiction of the Church.
    - DWL

  • 9/3 9:22am   Free: Little Tykes plastic playhouse. In good shape and easy to move and put together.
    - SFM

  • 9/3 12:26am   Does anyone have a small microwave oven for a first year college student who has no clue how to cook.
    - DH

  • 9/3 12:25am   KT: Not sure exactly what type of private school you are looking for, but I can enthusiastically recommend both Xaverian and Ursuline.
    - MP

  • 9/2 6:22pm   The level of Highland Lake is about the lowest I have seen. Don't blame it on a so-called drought, because the level dropped drastically overnight. It really is about time somebody in this Town looked into this problem before it is too late.
    - WC

  • 9/2 6:20pm   SF - please e-mail me at dhagman5060@aol.com, and we would be happy to pick it up.
    - DH

  • 9/2 12:41pm   According to the police (whom I called about the helicopters), the utility company was laying lines one day, & the next day the state police & national guard were doing exercises. I notice there are still a lot of helicopters flying low, though.
    - SC

  • 9/2 9:31am   I have tickets to Jimmy Buffett tomorrow, anyone interested?
    - JA

  • 9/1 10:32pm   Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts DARE Race (September 23rd) is right around the corner! Register today - Visit the website at norfolkdare2run.com to register on-line or to print a mail-in registration form.
    - HK

  • 9/1 10:31pm   I am sorry to hear of the poor experiences at Primavera. I set up several dinners for a local merchant group in the last couple of years and found them to be especially accommodating and the food was delicious. I have also attended their Sunday Brunch many times and have enjoyed the sumptuous buffet for a reasonable price. The management should be strongly made aware of your concerns...
    - CJ

  • 9/1 10:30pm   Any thoughts on private schools in the area?
    - KT

  • 9/1 3:58pm   I will never again set foot in the Primavera in Millis. When my father passed away last year, we invited people to lunch there after the funeral. We thought that the plans were set. It was the worst experience I can recall. The food was bad, the staff was rude, and they were not prepared when the funeral party arrived. I spoke to the owners, who were far less than helpful. Everyone in attendance was horrified and I will never forget it. Ban the Primavera.
    - CS

  • 9/1 3:53pm   Call Jim @ WeatherpROOF for a quality roof job. We have installed many roofs in town and will be doing a job at 29 North St next week and another at 120 Boardman. My cell is 508-294-4052 or email Jimjflan@aol.com.
    - JF

  • 9/1 3:52pm   DH - We have a student desk that we want to get rid of. This is my first time on Norfolknet - tell me how I can contact you.
    - SF

  • 8/31 12:05pm   From Town Hall notices:
    Old Town Hall Parking Permits

    The Board of Selectmen's office is now accepting applications for parking permits for the Old Town Hall parking lot for 2007-2008.

    If the amount of applications exceeds the 75 available spots, we will hold a lottery, and create a waiting list for people who were not selected. The cut off date for applications is Monday, September 17th at 6 p.m. The drawing will be held on Tuesday, September 18th.

    If you would like an application, you may pick one up at the Board of Selectmen's office, or access our website at [page link]

    For more information, please contact Joni Troyanos at 508-528-1408 or troyanos@virtualnorfolk.org.

    - VR

  • 8/31 12:04pm   Went to the Primavera Restaurant in Millis last night. Would you believe only one waitress for a large place. No tablecloths or place mat. No shortage of flies. Took forever for food to come out.
    Have to say the food was good.
    - PRB

  • 8/31 11:22am   Looking for recommendation on where to buy a mail box post and have it installed without spending a fortune!
    - WS

  • 8/30 4:19pm   The Norfolk Board of Health successfully conducted its first town-wide test call yesterday of the new mass communication service Connect-CTY. The test calsl were transmitted twice; at 4 PM to local businesses and at 7 PM to residents. If residents did not receive the call or would like to enter alternate phone numbers or email addresses into the system, they should visit the town's web site at virtualnorfolk.org and click the "Sign Up Now-Services by Connect-CTY" link.
    - Betsy Fijol, Administrative Assistant   Norfolk Board of Health

  • 8/30 3:54pm   Helicopters: The utility uses helicopters to slowly fly over the high voltage lines looking for potential problems. The instrument you saw being used was probably an infrared camera that looks for hot spots along the line (indicating bad connections or failing points).
    - PN

  • 8/30 3:53pm   Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer - Opening Day Celebration - Sunday, September 9th, 11:30 to 3:30, at the Pond Street Fields - This is a FREE event for all NLYS players and their families. There will be plenty of food, music, and fun! Photographers will also be at the field to take pictures, which can be put on anything from key chains to a cereal box, of your favorite soccer star! For more information, visit our website at norfolklionssoccer.com
    - HK

  • 8/30 2:27pm   MB, are they black helicopters?
    - HPK

  • 8/30 2:11pm   I have heard that the helicopters are searching for marijuana gardens in the areas mentioned.
    - ER

  • 8/30 2:10pm   Does anyone have a student desk they are looking to get rid of?
    - DH

  • 8/30 1:49pm   MB, Believe it or not, high voltage wire inspection can, and is, accomplished by workers on a platform outside a helicopter, transferring themselves from the platform to the wires. They wear a special suit which is based on the principles shown by the Faraday Cage at the Museum of Science on Boston.
    If you go to YouTube.com and in the search window type in... "High Voltage Cable Inspection" ... you'll be quite amazed at what these individuals do up there. As kids we were taught never to even think about climbing the towers because of what the wires carried and could do to you. Now technology has been developed allowing workers to crawl along those same wires, inspecting them, and walking away from them unharmed... well, maybe not walking away. See the video and you'll understand.
    - TK

  • 8/30 1:47pm   Webkinz Black Cats are in at Something Special.
    - Nancy & Joan, Something Special

  • 8/30 11:56am   Hello, I am a resident in Norfolk and I was just wondering if anyone knew why helicopters were flying over my house last week. They did it for about 3 days and were paying special attention to the high tension wires. I sat on my deck one day and watched them as the helicopter lowered, and it appeared they had a man tied onto a rope haning outside of the helicopter with some type of instrument, but what scared me the most was they were spending most of there time behind my house. I'm aware of the fact that there are also gas lines out there under the high tension wires; does anyone have any idea what the heck was going on. Also that same day med-flight was at the airport but appeared there was no accident. Very strange things have been going on... if anyone knows could they please reply back - thanks.
    - MB

  • 8/30 10:40am   We are looking for some recommendations for a roofing contractor. We have a 20 year old colonial that needs to be re-shingled before the winter. Must be fully licensed and insured. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    - BC

  • 8/30 12:24am   NCL announces an Auction Catalog Cover Contest: The Norfolk Community League is seeking a drawing by a 6th, 7th or 8th grade Norfolk resident that represents the spirit of our town and the community. The winning drawing will be displayed on the cover of the 2007 Autumn Charity Auction catalog and will be professionally framed for the artist! The winner of the contest will also receive a Dunkin Donuts gift card. All submissions should be no larger than 8 1/2'' x 11'' and signed by the artist. Please include the artist's name, address and phone number with the artwork. Entries must be received by September 22, 2007 and can be dropped off at the Norfolk Public Library (see box at front desk) or mailed to: Auction Brochure Cover Contest c/o Lisa Scibilia * 21 Stop River Road * Norfolk, MA 02056 All questions can be directed to Lisa S. at lscibilia@comcast.net or at 508.520.4772.
    The Autumn Charity Auction, which will be held on October 20 at Lake Pearl Luciano's, is the eighth auction presented by the Norfolk Community League. Proceeds directly benefit various community incentives and organizations. Last year's auction raised over $34,000 for the Town of Norfolk! Tickets for this event are available to the public and will be available mid-September. Check out the NCL website at norfolkcommunityleague.org for more details! We hope you will join us for a fun evening! Thank you, The Norfolk Community League.
    - JMC

  • 8/29 7:21pm   If anyone is looking for an apartment on commuter rail line we have one available in Norwood. 6 room townhouse in two family home. 3 season porch, Walk to train/downtown Norwood.
    $1250.00 plus utilities. No pets. No smoking. First, last, security. E-mail ralphw2418@comcast.net
    - RW

  • 8/29 7:20pm   Does anyone know if there will be a Movie Night tomorrow, what time and what movie was selected?
    - JP

  • 8/29 7:19pm   Grackles. Have I inquired after them before? If not, I submit my query. Grackles. They're pesky and smart and they commandeer the bird feeders. They carpet the ground and squawk like angry chickens. Chip, chip, chip. They're conspiratorial, sending out scouts before the onslaught. Right now, the dogs are tied to trees (long leads, martingale collars) within range of the calamity (invisible fence still in box), which has proven temporarily effective. Wild Birds UL recommended limiting to safflower seeds, but does anyone have additional suggestions. Thoughts, tricks, scarecrows?
    - SO

  • 8/29 7:09pm   Limited time only - Connecticut shale - free - part of a free standing (no mortar) wall. Probably 3-4 tons - no delivery, must be removed. Call 978-952-7518 days.
    - JFO

  • 8/29 7:07pm   Several wonderful cats are still looking for new families to live with. Now that summer is over, can one of you open your door and hearts to a cat? We have the regulars Roger and Boo still desperately trying to find a home and then there's also Hugh Turn and Stormy. We have a new young cat that has come in so emaciated she'll have to stay for quite a while and we are also helping Wrentham/Plainville animals while their ACO takes some time off (their animals have a page on Norfolk's page as well). On top of all of the cats, Milky Way the thoroughbred that was surrendered is doing well and settling in wonderfully. Please visit our page if you are interested (or a friend/family) in adopting a wonderful pet. Cow Chip Bingo tickets are still for sale if anyone is interested. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 8/28 11:31am   Summer Clearance Sale at Something Special. We need to clear out the old to bring in the new. All summer items are 50% off. And we have new Webkins Charms along with Raccoons, Huskies, Koalas and more.
    - Nancy & Joan, Something Special

  • 8/27 1:40pm   JT - Hooray hooray!! Thank goodness for all the kind-hearted people who are reaching out to help little Youssif. It was great to read that his story was one of the most-read stories ever posted in CNN's thirteen year history-restores my faith in people's compassion. To my darling, handsome husband (who knows my initials here), please forgive the charge you are about to see go on the credit card....
    - KID

  • 8/27 1:39pm   JO - I was wondering about the helicopters too. I live right near the power lines and could hear the racket, so I watched for a while and saw the copter methodically move down the line and hover over sections. I thought maybe they were surveying. It was pretty interesting to watch.
    - SO

  • 8/26 9:56pm   To: DA - Liked your "Goddamerung" approach!. Mr. Hathaway informs me that it was the NEA looking for breaks along the power lines. (Many countries are/have buried power lines. E.g., was in Ireland several years ago and there were no pylons. All the high-Voltage was buried.
    - JO

  • 8/26 9:52pm   RG... Gads!! I hope you are not serious...
    - JHR

  • 8/25 11:47pm   I, too, was not able to pick up my schools supplies. I contacted the main office and was told to contact the front office at the Freeman School. I did leave a detailed message on Tuesday with my phone number, and have not heard anything back. Does anyone know whom I can contact? Thank you,
    - CA

  • 8/25 8:37pm   PA, BS: Easy. Stick of dynamite down the chipmunk hole, then, in the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, chipmunk'.
    - RG

  • 8/25 8:36pm   If anyone sees the 2 poodles from yesterday please call the animal control. There is a very nice woman who is missing them very much. Thanks,
    - DV

  • 8/24 11:17pm   Just a reminder that tomorrow, Saturday, August 25, US Congressman Barney Frank, who represents Norfolk among other towns, will be in Norfolk in the Library's Community Room from 3-5 PM for a town meeting. Join your neighbors in this Q & A venue and learn more about federal legislation and how it effects you, your families, our town and the issues you care most about.
    - MHC

  • 8/24 11:14pm   Hello... just wondering if anyone knew whether anything was happening at the Norfolk airport - whether that is going to be turned into anything at some point?
    This may have been already discussed, but I just moved to the area. Thanks!
    - TM

  • 8/24 11:13pm   To all those wanting to know the real story about the Stop & Shop, read the July 27th issue on the front page of the Boomerang. "Stop & Shop Plans Delayed, Again."
    Anyone who has lived in this town for years knows that the land has no clear title, for Pamela Fay was a Ware and never changed the deeds after her father died and left the land to her. She passed it on to her daughter Mary Fay who moved, and she also assumed the land was automatically hers. People back then did not know too much about legal matters. It has been passed down from contractor to contractor over a period of years. The first contractor bought it from the daughter through a local realtor and was the first to find out there was no clear title. It has been sold to at least three other contractors including Borrelli who just passed it off to New England Developer, but only sixteen acres which includes 3 acres already built on without going into detail.
    So Stop & Shop annouced in the Boomering that they cannot proceed without working out what they called "Some Details in Massachusetts Land Court."
    There is also another part of the land that sits across from the post office which the first contractor bought in the first sale but was too far away from the other land so was never sold until recently.
    - MG

  • 8/24 8:09pm   I have spent the last half hour trying to get two poodles into my car on North/Diamond... if you are missing them, I tried. I last saw them on Diamond.
    - DV

  • 8/24 12:52pm   Phone number for meter installation 800-933-1360. Call Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm.
    - DWL

  • 8/24 10:54am   Help! I didn't get a chanced to pick up my child's (5th grade) school supplies at the Freeman this week. Is there any recourse for my lack of organization? Am happy to contact, drive & pick up to other's convenience. Would appreciate knowing who to phone for particulars. Thanks very much.
    - TN

  • 8/24 10:53am   BS... I wasn't whining about the water meter, just wanted to make sure it was legit. Sorry about your tomatoes.
    - KB

  • 8/24 10:52am   I have three trees to give away, but they must be dug. Although they are still young, it'll take lots of muscle (or a machine) to dig them. I am asking now so you can see them in their greenery, but know that the only advisable time to dig a deciduous tree is in late winter, while the tree is still dormant. So if you want one, two, or all three of the trees, you can see them now and come back in March and dig them. Contact: pulmoneria@hotmail.com. Their scientific name is Maackia amurensis and their common name is Amur maackia. You can see them here: [web page]
    - KB

  • 8/24 10:51am   Re: water meters - can someone please post the number to call to make an appointment. I received the postcard a few months ago, but remember that it said I didn't need to take any action - that the company would be contacting us to schedule an appointment... Thanks,
    - JH

  • 8/24 10:50am   A word of warning to all who have their water meters replaced, even if it is done by decree of the Lord High Water Gods...
    The guy showed up at our house to replace the water meter. He did the work, which turned out to be just a little more than he expected, but hey - I didn't ask to have this done. Someone in the Ivory Tower decreed that the work needed to be done, so I figured they'd have to deal with it and pay for parts and labor.
    So far... no problem.
    Then, along came the first water bill subsequent to the meter replacement...
    Ha! This is where it became just little bit north of 'interesting'.
    The bill was for just about 5 times what we historically paid during that period in previous years. It was huge. A call to the Chateau d' Water received a response that was worthy of Marie Antionette... My response was more akin to... let me tell you how much I'm going to pay... same as last year. They promised to 'investigate' the problem.
    Going from the old meter to the new meter, there had been a major screw-up in the accounting... beyond my ability to understand, but there it was. In the end, I was told that the 'overage' was being 'forgiven', and a new bill (that ended up showing an amount due just about the same as the past 4-5 years) would be sent. Forgiven? They were going to 'forgive' an amount that I didn't owe? They would 'forgive' me for not paying an extraordinary mistake on their part? When I picked myself up off the floor from an extreme fit of laughter, I wrote the check and mailed it... still laughing.
    Point is... if you have a water meter replaced, look very carefully at the very next bill and compare it to last years, and the previous couple of years. You may be as surprised as we were. Buyer beware...
    - TK

  • 8/24 10:49am   BS - Your enemy, your foe, is an animal. In order to conquer the animal, you have to learn to think like an animal. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case your enemy is a chipmunk. And a chipmunk will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Chipmunk Cong. So you have to fall back on superior firepower and superior intelligence. Good luck.
    - PA

  • 8/24 10:43am   On Wednesday, September 12 at 7:00 PM, The Garden Club of Norfolk will hold its first meeting of the 2007-08 year at the Norfolk Public Library.
    Ms. Susan Knight, president of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, will present the program. The Emerald Necklace consists of over 1,000 acres of parks with green and open spaces, waterways, bridges and other structures, designed by Frederick Law Olmstead. It stretches from the Charles River/Back Bay Fens to Franklin Park/Dorchester, containing thousands of varieties of flora, fauna and wildlife habitat. Ms. Knight's slide presentation will focus on ``Restoring the Vision, preserving the Olmstead Legacy''. Come and learn more about this environmental treasure and cultural resource -- a very special place for people in our area to visit and enjoy.
    The Garden Club of Norfolk welcomes all who are interested in gardening-from beginner to expert. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month from September thru June.
    - SB, The Garden Club of Norfolk

  • 8/23 9:39pm   KID and others - CNN.com has a link so you can donate to a fund to assist Youssif and his family in his recovery, which will be here in the U.S. Seems like many good people across the country responded with your same kind heart and generosity. [CNN link]
    - JT

  • 8/23 8:24pm   How do we write to the mailbox 75 address [box75@norfolknet.com] that is supposed to automatically forward to DH? Would be interested in the proposed get together.
    - SS

    [I've made the e-mail address above clickable, or you can enter it manually into the To: field of your e-mail program. The original mention of the address, in the post of 8/22 5:55pm, was also clickable, but the mention of it this morning at 10:00am was not - Wm.]

  • 8/23 8:23pm   Hi! I have two extra tickets to the Rascal Flatts concert for this coming Saturday @ PM - Tweeter Center. Section 11 Row H - I paid 65.00 + 11.65 building charge? per ticket ... but I'll forgo the building charge if I can recover the 65.00 per ticket! If anyone is interested you can contact me at lbartony@aol.com.
    - LB

  • 8/23 8:19pm   I'm not going to whine about the water meters, I'm not going to put my two cents in on email addresses, nor do I want to discuss politics. I want to scream about the chipmunks this year!! Yes, they are cute and oh, so adorable. But, I'm tired of them eating my cherry tomatoes and now they are attacking the big ones!! They get up the vines and chomp off the tomato and then go at it. Sometimes, they just sit in the vines and eat. Oh, and then there is the groundhog who's eating my cuke and sweet potato vines. At least it's not the cucumbers themselves.
    And, oh, yes, they are in earthboxes these wondrous plants of mine so they are close to the house. The tomato plants had been 8 feet tall with beautiful fruit and I was so excited early in the season. Next year, those boxes are going on the back deck (not the side deck which has stairs and the critters have even climbed up the stairs!!) Fox urine and my neighbors' dog have not helped. Thank goodness for Jane & Paul's, Gumps and the family on Miller Street with their supply of tomatoes. At least the basil is in good shape. And like summer, I guess I have to look forward to next year.
    - BS

  • 8/23 2:53pm   After I posted that I have not recieved a second notice card fromt the water dept... it came in the mail today. I will not be calling within 48 hours as we are leaving tonight on vacation. This is summertime, people are on vacation. Are they serious?? I wouldn't count on getting too many responses.
    - MW

  • 8/23 2:38pm   I had my water meter replaced per the Town's request. It was very simple. The gentlemen who showed up was very polite and done within 30 minutes. I think he turned the water off for about 5 minutes. I did not have to make any changes to my plumbing nor did I clear any brush. It is was simple and quick - I recommend you contact them to get it done.
    - AL

  • 8/23 2:36pm   KB - Water meter replacement. I got a card through the mail about 2 months ago from the company that is replacing the water meters. I called the company and set up an appointment with them for the work. It was easy! All they need is access to your present meter to allow removal, and will replace it with another of similar size. They then run a wire from the meter to the outside of the house where they mount a small battery powered (10 to 15 year life) transmitter which sends data once a day. This took about a half hour with no mess or fuss. Not to worry!
    - GWC

  • 8/23 11:10am   KB... I did not receive the second notice yet regarding the water meters. It sounds screwy! I was, however, extremely irritated with the letter sent out several months ago stating that all homeowners must make plumbing "arrangements" prior to the installation to assure the proper clearance around the meter. I would have to remodel my home in order to do this. Yeah right!
    My husband once went to the water dept. to check on a fee that we were charged on our bill. The office staff told him that they had "no idea what it was for"... and that we "just had to pay it" - not very professional in my book.
    - MW

  • 8/23 10:02am   To EAG - You should check your bladder tank on the discharge of the well pump. I suspect it has lost its air charge not providing the "cushion" of water needed from when you turn on the faucet to when the pump turns on and runs steady.
    - LS

  • 8/23 10:01am   Follow-up post re: Youssif - Youssif is 5 and was attacked by masked men for no apparent reason [...Continued]
    My little boy isn't much younger than Youssif, and the thought of something like this happening to him breaks my heart, especially the idea that other little kids wouldn't want to play with him anymore. I want to raise awareness of the story, in the hopes that it will assist Youssif to get help. When I get more information re: ways to help him, I'll post again. Thanks for reading!
    - KID

  • 8/23 10:00am   To DH, JHR, and MW- Let's definitely get together. Not quite sure how this works, but I'm going to email the box suggested and I guess the webmaster will put us in touch. I think it would be great to start a club - and it's not too hard to get addresses of newcomers to town through real estate data, etc. Thanks for writing back!
    - MM

    [The box75 address automatically forwards all e-mail to DH, who offered to organize the event - Wm.]

  • 8/23 9:59am   EAG, re: water problems. Our water slowly flowed then completely stopped when we attempted to use any water source years ago. I don't remember the details but I think our well water had too much calcium and magnesium and it caused calcification in our pipes. We had some kind af treatment (I think it was called acid flush) and then had a water softening system installed. We haven't lost our water pressure since that time. I do have a problem with rotten egg smell when I load my washer - I think it's from hydrogen sulphide. Has anyone had their well treated to get rid of this? How much did it cost?
    - RH

  • 8/23 9:58am   EAG... water problem - Sounds like you have a faulty pressure switch... You are using up the water in your bladder tank and then there is a delay with the pressure switch, causing a delay in the water flow. Try checking that out first!
    - MW

  • 8/23 9:57am   I received a post card from the town about replacing my water meter. I got one card last Friday and another yesterday telling me I had to make an appointment within 48 hours. Has anyone else had theirs replaced? Just wanted to make sure this is legit and see if anyone else got the second one that seemed a little harsh to me like they would shut my water off if I didn't call within 48 hours, as I only got the first one on Friday?
    Also I know this question has been asked before, we are thinking of replacing our windows with energy efficient ones, does anyone have suggestions/tips on windows and installers. Thanks.
    - KB

  • 8/23 9:54am   JP, we just moved to town from Foxboro and used Humboldt Moving. They were wonderful! We used the Go Mini option (it's an affordable Pod, so to speak) and found that it saved us roughly 50% on the move.
    The gentlemen that showed up at my house were speedy, efficient, and wonderfully courteous. I would recommend them to anyone.
    Good luck!
    - POH

  • 8/23 1:04am   Trader Joe's? All I want for christmas is a real grocery store! Nothing fancy... just reasonable prices and the convenience of being in town. Even so, I am a bit skeptical that our tiny, little town roundabout could really support the out-of-towners that it would draw. More traffic?? We would need an overpass installed in the town center!
    - MW

  • 8/23 12:49am   To EAG who posted about water problems and losing pressure - if you have a tankless hot water system as part of your heating system, that could be giving you the problem. Before we went with an indirect water heating system that runs off of a zone in our new heating system, if someone was taking a shower and a faucet was turned on anywhere in the house, the water flow to the shower would almost come to a complete stop. The new system is wonderful and all of the problems we had before are gone. Just a thought...
    - EF

  • 8/22 11:16pm   MH: I work as a companion for elderly people through an agency in Needham, at assisted living locations in Needham and Westwood. It's possible to work on a part-time basis. You can contact me directly at (508)-520-1572 to discuss referring your sister-in-law if the area works for her.
    - CR

  • 8/22 11:15pm   Re: 8/14 1:16pm Re: Traders Joe's: Some time ago, someone wrote that they had an inside connection of some sort with Trader Joes and reported that Trader Joe's had decided that we didn't fit their market/demographic requirements, etc. etc. I would love it if a Trader Joe's came here and think it would draw out-of-towners into Town Center because it has such a devoted following (heck, I drive to Natick to get it!), but if we don't fit their requirements, I don't know how we would overcome that... - KD
    I agree that a Trader Joe's would be a real benefit to Norfolk in that location. We drive to Needham Heights (12.9 miles) to shop there. Other stores are in Framingham (13.5 miles) and West Newton (16.9 miles).
    To locate others, see the location page at: [link]
    - RH

  • 8/22 11:11pm   The King Philip Sports Boosters Club is happy to announce that they have a new web-site. We hope everyone will visit and find out more about what we are up to and working on. Please check it out at kingphilipboosters.com.
    - Todd Chisholm, President, King Philip Sports Boosters Club

  • 8/22 11:10pm   JO - Were they "black" helicopters? Were they flying low out of the sun with Wagner's "The Valkyrie" blasting at 110 decibels? (Just remember "Charlie don't surf!") Don't worry - Mulder and Scully are on the job. First those brick "crop circles" in the town center and the mysterious scarred earth "moonscape" - now unexplained military aircraft. Holy New World Order, Batman!
    - DA

  • 8/22 11:09pm   First, thanks to everyone who has responded to my previous inquiries. I appreciate the recommendations. This time I have a question. We have lived in our house for just over a year and in the past month we have been experiencing problems with our water and we're not sure of the cause. Basically, if no one has turned the water on in a while (i.e., over night or when we first get home from work) and we go to turn it on, it will run for about a minute and then it will stop running even though we didn't turn the faucet / shower off. If we wait a minute or two it will come back on. We had someone out to our house to check the well pump and he said there was nothing wrong with it. The pump is actually new within the past year. We're having an electrician come out next week (for other stuff too) to see if it's an electric related problem. Has anyone else with a well experienced this before? There doesn't appear to be, so far, any detrimental effects other than the minor annoyance of waiting in the shower for the water to come back but we are afraid that some huge problem is going to surface if we don't get this sorted out now. We also don't want to run the irrigation system until we know what's going on. (Our neighbors will have to live with our brown lawn...)
    Thanks in advance for any input (and for reading my rather boring post compared to the other conversations going on right now)!
    - EAG

  • 8/22 6:12pm   Cow Chip Bingo is more than 1/2 way sold out! if you'd like your tickets please sign up soon! Please sign up for your chance to win $500.00
    You can also virtually meet Milky Way while browsing our web site. Milky Way (registered name is Carney's Prospect) is a Brazilian Thoroughbred who will be seeking a home this fall. More will be learned and posted on Milk after he's had a chance to unwind, relax and receive a proper evaluation. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 8/22 5:57pm   MH, tell you sister-in-law she can go through any organization in the yellow pages or look in the Gazette. There is always an ad in the paper looking for an elder helper. She's better off going through an organization, which would give her benefits and pays a lot more. Where was she last year when I was looking for someone for our mother?
    - DH

  • 8/22 5:55pm   To JHR & MM, meeting new people sounds great. Maybe we should plan a place to meet, and just sit and talk say the library? If either of you would like to send me your e-mail address I'd be more than happy to get something started. [You can use box75@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - DH

  • 8/22 5:19pm   My sister-in-law is looking for a position as an elder helper with either a private family or an organization. She is seeking a position that would be like a nanny for the elderly and would like to work (if possible) on a part time basis.
    If someone could help with a direction to go in or offer suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. She had been working with a company for the last year and a half and suddenly asked to sign a contract with an indemnification clause that no one was comfortable with. When she expressed her concerns, she was let go.
    - MH

  • 8/22 4:12pm   NORFOLK, MA - August 21, 2007 - The Town of Norfolk announced today it has selected the mass communication service Connect-CTY from The NTI Group, Inc. (NTI) and will conduct its first town-wide test call on August 29. Funded by the Board of Health with Homeland Security grant money for the first year, Norfolk has implemented Connect-CTY to provide town officials the ability to communicate with all residents regarding time-sensitive matters, such as unforeseen events or emergencies.
    The Connect-CTY service allows town officials to send and track personalized voice messages to thousands of residents, businesses, and local officials in just minutes, through a single phone call. The service requires no additional hardware; it can be used from any computer with Internet access or telephone, ensuring that officials can send vital messages from wherever they are located. The town also can track homes that were reached with a report on the results of outgoing messages.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - Betsy Fijol, Administrative Assistant, Norfolk Board of Health

  • 8/22 2:46pm   DA... Just wanted to boost your morale. I am currently raising "green children." We are, I am assuming, one generation under you. We are now in the process of building a "green house" in the white mountains of NH. It will be totally self sustainable. Log home... solar heat, solar electric. Completely off the grid. No, we are not hippy freaks. If you met us, you would never know that we are energy conscious. My kids watch tv and play video games just like everyone else. There is hope.
    PS... I always enjoy your comic relief. Although its great to be serious,focus and driven. Sometimes its healthy to take a break and actually enjoy our lives.
    - MW

  • 8/22 2:35pm   Noise. On 8/22 about 11am tremendous racket from beyond the Warelands farm and disappearing to the west. Heavy vibration sounded like a chopper; terrible on the ears. Resident on Cleveland St. says it's a copter -- is it invading the area?
    Terrible noise. Many decibels in intensity. At firtst I thought they were grinding up the terrain and conservation land!! Any clues/remedies?
    - JO

  • 8/22 12:53pm   DH and MM - The idea of meeting some new Norfolk folk is very appealing to me (I think). Count me in... I've been in town for 32 years and need some new friends. Someone needs to be the organizer...
    - JHR

  • 8/22 12:52pm   I'm going to ask everyone to take a break from griping out partisan politics, a teenager's email address (JE, I agree with your point, but not the way you expressed it - you lose credibility about being professional in presenting yourself when you can't express yourself tactfully or diplomatically), and eating birds, and go out check out CNN about a little boy in Baghdad named Youssif. It's not often that I weep over a story in the news, but this one got me. I have to do something to help this kid... some sort of fundraiser or something... If anyone has ideas, feel free to throw them out there. I just can't let this one go by. Maybe rather than beating each other up, we can show the world that one little town in New England could put aside their political differences and pull together to help a kid on the other side of the world.
    - KID

  • 8/22 11:40am   MON - I'm sitting here in my Mass Audubon T-shirt (don't you love the irony!) as I respond to your most recent post. No, I am not some twisted gourmand with a penchant for eating song birds. In fact, I love the variety of song birds that congregate in my yard, which by the way is landscaped with berry bushes and not treated with those nasty herbicides and pesticides that many of my neighbors' lawns rely on. You see, this "old fart" actually has a green thumb and a green mentality - something lipglosscutie's generation presumably would find laudable (except of course when they are tossing fast food wrappers and beer cans onto Norfolk's lovely country lanes).
    Regarding your psychoanalysis of my temperament - parents and educators (I am both) often meet with eye rolling from the younger generation (what was the old 1960's mantra? - "don't trust anyone over 30"), but we earnestly impart guidance born of a seasoned perspective not some Pink Floyd "Another Brick in the Wall" contol seeking sadism. Pardon me now - it's time to fill the bird feeder.
    - DA

  • 8/22 11:38am   RG - your litany of woes laid at the feet of Republicans is out of line. I will grant you that Bush's unbridled spending and immigration policy deviate from the conservative mainstream, but it's myopic to pin the blame for everything you list solely on Republicans. For example, the mess in Louisana was compounded by local and state (Democratic) authorities before and after Katrina. The "Bachannal on the Bayou" that was New Orleans has a long standing tradition of home grown corruption. Some folks act as if this devastating hurricane was George Bush's creation (he is often full of hot air, but it doesn't rise to such meterological proportions!)
    Regarding our state's direction, I eagerly await the fruits of Gov. Patrick's plan to rebuild infrastructure in the state. I just cross my fingers that the tax ramifications of the bond borrowing don't adversely effect Norfolk taxpayers.
    On the local front, the permit fee to park in the town owned commuter lot is miniscule ($75 for the year) in comparison to the MBTA rate ($2.00/day x 250 work days = $500). In addition to the cost savings, it provides the Norfolk resident who uses the lot the opportunity to keep fit and trim, especially after consuming all that trans-fat from Dunkin Donuts.
    - DA

  • 8/22 10:29am   DA, You use the term "gentle adult admonishment" twice in your defense of the aggressive stance you "old farts" take on young Lipglosscutie, showing a narcissistic and controlling side of your personality. Based on how the past 30 years have gone in America - with crass consumerism, environmental decline and global warming and the isolationist position of our society, all on your watch and derived from your generations' core values. If I was Lipglosscutie, I would take the opposite position of anything a meddlesome "old fart" had to say.
    It would be better for humanity in the long run.
    In the meantime, did you know it was illegal to kill and eat songbirds in Massachusetts?
    - MON

  • 8/22 8:57am   A quick reminder: School supply pick-up is today, Weds the 22nd from 10-12, and Thurs the 23rd 4-6 at Freeman. Extra kits will be available on a first come first served basis. Also, HOD and F-C tees will be available for purchase; they are 14$ each.
    - AD

  • 8/22 8:44am   JP - We used Gentle Giant Movers for 2 of our local moves. Their quote might be a little higher than others, but they are extremely professional, courteous, hardworking, and thorough. I have heard horror stories of other movers not wrapping things properly or working slowly so they can charge for more hours, or just being creepy - and I would never take the chance of working with any other movers in the future. Gentle Giant took the stress out of moving day for me. That's worth a lot!
    - JT

  • 8/22 8:43am   Gee, that post by RG kinda puts the lively discussion about an email address into perspective doesn't it?
    - AB

  • 8/22 8:41am   RG... Let me get this straight, because I'm really confused here... you're telling me, that if I vote Democrat, that there will never ever again be a bridge collapse, a recalled toy, a parking fee, or a mine collapse?? Wow, Democrats are very very powerful. I never imagined that by voting Democrat, that I could prevent a mine collapse! Holy cow!! If world peace is included in this, I'm going to practice my Miss America wave, and head straight to the polls!!
    - CJG

  • 8/21 10:06pm   Does anyone have a recommendation for movers for an in-town move?
    - JP

  • 8/21 10:05pm   JGG: Below are some elder care attorneys as well.
    Harry S. Margolis
    Margolis & Associates, Boston, MA

    535 Boylston Street, 8th Floor Boston, MA 02116 Phone: (617) 267-9700

    "Harry S. Margolis founded ElderLaw Services, the predecessor of Margolis & Associates in June 1987. Prior to that he was an associate with Palmer & Dodge in Boston. He is a graduate of Swarthmore College and the New York University School of Law.

    Mr. Margolis is editor of The ElderLaw Report, a monthly newsletter for attorneys, and was the founding general editor of The ElderLaw Portfolio Series, a compilation of in-depth studies on various aspects of elder law. Both are published by Aspen Law & Business. He is the author of the ElderLaw Forms Manual and publisher of the ElderLaw News, a quarterly newsletter for the firm's clients. He is also a Fellow and former member of the Board of Directors of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and founding President of the Academy's Massachusetts Chapter.

    Mr. Margolis has served on the adjunct faculty of Boston College Law School. He is the founder and president of ElderLawAnswers."

    Leslie S. Madge, Esq.
    Acton, MA

    "Is the principal in the firm Leslie S. Madge, P.C., in Acton. Previously, she was the managing partner in the family law firm, Sleeper & Sleeper Attorneys. She is the past president of the Mass. Chapter of NAELA. Attorney Madge is certified as an expert in elder law by the National Elder Law Foundation. She authors the newspaper column, Legally Speaking, addressing topics of interest to the senior citizen community and has appeared on local Cable TV and radio shows covering elder law topics. Ms. Madge also regularly speaks before senior citizen groups and professional organizations. She is a frequent lecturer for the Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Suffolk University Law School, and MCLE."

    [from elderlawanswers.com]

    - DR

  • 8/21 10:00pm   In response to the recent posts regarding some being extremely proud that Norfolk has a history of voting for Republican candidates and tends to follow that conservative thinking, I offer that collapsing levees, collapsing bridges, collapsing mines, collapsing schools, poisoned toys, a silly parking fee for a small town-owned lot, suggested (and impending) bus fees and parking meters, the privatization of our interstates and our military, and our national debt are all the successful outcomes of the conservatives' no-new-taxes, yet tax-cuts-for-the-rich approach. Our infrastructure is collapsing with no clue as to our collective values and shared needs. As we continue to isolate ourselves and worry only about only about our own pockets, boot straps, adult toys, and future projects, our communities are falling apart around us. Tax-and-spend v. Borrow-and-spend v. Ignore-and-risk-it. Tax v. Use Fee. Pay now or pay more later. Just how are we really to survive on only 2.5% more each year without destroying the environment and the community fabric that makes Norfolk and the USA beautiful? While I am extremely proud to be from Massachusetts, each year I get more depressed with Norfolk as a supporter of that failed strategy and, more so, should the above outcomes be a forecast to our collective and personal futures. Good luck to us all.
    - RG

  • 8/21 9:36pm   DH... Count me in on your meeting! I too, have moved from one Norfolk neighborhood to another. I found it very difficult to meet people. After four years in this home, I am finally starting to meet my neighbors. I feel like I have moved to a different town! My husband is a true "townie." He grew up in Norfolk and recently moved back after a 20 plus year absence. He still knows very few people. I would love to be part of a social club for new families... or any families/couples/single parents that would like to meet some new people... Does anyone want to get it started??
    - MW

  • 8/21 9:35pm   I had to follow my acrimonious post with a kinder, gentler response to WS on the subject of hummingbird sightings. I too have seen several of these exquisite creatures this summer - we have flowers in the garden that I suspect they find attractive. While not as filling as piping plover, they do offer a colorful counterpoint to quail kabobs on the grill. Absolutely mouthwatering with a mango chutney demi-glaze....
    - DA

  • 8/21 7:44pm   MON - go easy on the poster who offered some neighborly advice to lipglossiecutie concerning her online image. Remember that Hillary Clinton said, "It takes a village to raise a child." A gentle adult admonishment to a young person isn't motivated by some narcissistic impulse; rather it is done to impart some sage advice concerning the world beyond the insulated borders of Norfolk. Image is important in the business world (just ask the Atlanta Falcons and the NFL in the wake of the Michael Vick case). Adult administrators warning college students to clean up their facebook and myspace pages aren't fascist fanatics looking to crush the fun loving ethos of the younger generation. They are, however, passing on some very wise career advice. Gentle adult admonishment isn't some grievous assault on young people; on the other hand, when adults (parents, teachers, and adult neighbors) sit on the sidelines or engage in being value neutral, our youth is done a disservice. (When I have asked kids not to hang on the fragile saplings paid for by your tax dollars at Town Hill or at Pond Street fields, is that brownshirt behavior?) While you may be justified in labeling the purveyors of such neighborly advice as meddlesome "old farts," don't call us fascists.
    - DA

  • 8/21 7:43pm   MM, where do you live in Norfolk? I'd love to meet you. We have been in Norfolk for 24 years, and moved recently to a new neighborhood in Norfolk, and haven't met one neighbor. Though we have a lot of friends who do live in Norfolk, and we get together with them quite a bit, it never hurts to have two more people join our group.
    - DH

  • 8/21 3:59pm   BR; I have a large bird feeder (no hummingbird feeder though) in my back yard and have noticed hummingbirds around. I love them and am happy to have them around.
    - WS

  • 8/21 3:58pm   RA; I commend you for actually taking the initiative to look for a job. A lot of kids who live in Norfolk are spoiled and do not have to have that responsibility. . . it's better than sitting home idle or getting into trouble . . . You go girl! Forget what everyone says about your email address . . . they should find something better to do with their time.
    - WS

  • 8/21 3:57pm   Yard Sale - Sat., August 25 9am - 1pm, 27 Tucker Rd, Norfolk. (corner of Tucker and Medway Branch)
    Baby toys, kids toys, books and house hold items. 2 children's bike seats, Gently used Bitty Baby outfits, accessories and doll rocking horse, large plastic 4-sided outdoor climber/slide and more.
    Stop by on your way to the Transfer Station!
    - LM

  • 8/21 3:56pm   MM... Welcome to town! There is currently no newcomer's club that I am aware of (could be wrong). I moved to town 6 years ago and really wished that there was such a thing!! Maybe you could start one? I would be happy to be involved. You can never have to many friends! Most ladies join the Norfolk Community League. Which is a great organization; wasn't quite my thing though. I would like to get together with other couples or singles too.
    - MW

  • 8/21 1:22pm   JE and DWL, You both should be ashamed of yourselves. You are stifling a young person's positive actions with your sociologically-derived criticisms. If she wants to call herself lipglosscutie that is her prerogative. You trying to impose your value schemes on a youngster smacks of controlling narcissism.
    So hang in there, lipglosscutie, there are many controlling people out there, although we got rid of most of the Fascists after World War II, there's always a few still [...] out there.
    I will be calling for your babysitting service in the fall.
    - MON

  • 8/21 12:05pm   ** Tonight ** at Tweeter Center, 7:00pm -- Screamfest Tickets for Sale. Good covered seats, pavilion seat Sec 8, Row 1 Seats 1-4; $52.00 each. Call Sharon (781) 461-3112 before 4:00.
    - JP

  • 8/21 11:10am   I believe that people were just trying to guide lipglosscutie in the direction of when looking for a babysitting job it would be in her best interest to use a proper email address. Maybe we are trying to do her parents' job.
    - DWL

  • 8/21 11:06am   My husband and I moved to town this summer and I was wondering whether anyone knows if a newcomers' club exists in Norfolk! We have been out of town a lot this summer but would love to meet some new neighbors!
    - MM

  • 8/21 12:12am   At the risk of sounding trivial... and wasting space and time - I would just like to say that my last post was not so much about a teenager's email address, as it was a reminder that we are all neighbors here. There is no reason that opinions cannot be stated, or advice given in a kindly and diplomatic fashion. It is often difficult to detect a writer's exact tone in a posting. So extra care must be taken when posting so as not to be misunderstood. This relates to all our postings and can hopefully benefit us all. Besides, who is to say what's important in life... "To each his own."
    - MW

  • 8/20 10:38pm   My name is Jacy and I live in Norfolk. I am looking for a babysitting job after school. I will be a senior at King Philip High School. I am a licensed driver and I have available transportation for kids' sports, etc. If interested, contact me at jacybourque@hotmail.com and we can try and work something out for the year! Thanks,
    - JB

  • 8/20 10:34pm   Do any of you know what is going on in the world?? To spend this much time discussing a teenager's web address is crazy!! Wasting the Webmaster's time!! As well as the readers' who look for postings and discussions that can help more then one person.
    - KD

  • 8/20 10:30pm   Norfolk is short on places that will deliver so thought I would pass along a new pizza delivery that we tried tonight: Leo' Pizzeria, 508-660-0141. 18" about $12. They charge a $2 delivery to Norfolk. Thin crust, quick delivery. Very good.
    - TMC

  • 8/20 9:54pm   EB, thanks for the reply re: Tom's Hardwood Floors. If you would be comfortable contacting me at shop36@comcast.net to share more information on Tom's that would be appreciated. Also, was it you who posted a long while back on Norfolknet seeking movers to move and replace your furniture before the floors were done? If so, whom did you end up using? It's difficult to find someone to do a small job like that. Any suggestions welcome.
    - JS

  • 8/20 9:50pm   Wm... wonderful thoughts and a great compromise for RA.
    - JHR

  • 8/20 9:43pm   RA, my first impression of you was a well written post from a girl who wants to spend her extra time doing something responsible. I did not even notice your name... good luck finding a job. My kids are too old for a sitter but if they were little I would interview you.
    - DV

  • 8/20 9:41pm   Oddly enough, I didn't read it as a slamming of the teen, more as a bit of advice to help her present herself to prospective employers. You're right - kids have picked worse addresses - but part of our role as adults is to help them understand how they can be perceived by the adult world as a result, and I assumed JE was trying to do just that.
    - VR

  • 8/20 6:15pm   Norfolk area Jazz band (practice in Norfolk) searching for experienced jazz guitar player that can read charts. If interested, please email me directly at sfm@wagnermcdonough.com. Thanks!
    - SFM

  • 8/20 6:08pm   JE: I've had it since I was in the fourth grade; it was my first e-mail account ever. I've gotten new ones but I always end up checking this one and not the others so to be responsible and respond quickly to those who inquire about the babysitting, I use the one I check regularly. I don't believe a persons' email address should be the factor in whether or not one chooses myself to be their child's babysitter. My opinion.
    - RA

    [How about a compromise? Receive e-mail at box74@norfolknet.com, and pick it up like usual at your yahoo account.
    One can debate whether it's meaningful to form judgements about a person from their e-mail account, but realistically, they will, just like they will form judgements from the clothes or jewelry one wears. The clothes don't make the person, but the clothes make the perception of the person, and first impressions are hard to undo. - Wm.]

  • 8/20 6:06pm   In response to the slamming of "lipglosscutie"... OK... maybe a more professional email address would be a good thing for her to think about in the future. But let's please remember that she is a high school student. This is one of our neighbor's children! Would you really say that to someone's kid? BTW... I think the name is completely tame and harmless. I've seen alot worse! My 15 yr old son's friends (KP students) have names with significant numbers in them... get my drift?
    I have seen so many folks on here slamming each other for differing opinions. Please do not take advantage of the fact that this site is somewhat anonymous. Let's think about our postings in the future... Would you be willing to repeat what you posted in person?
    Let's remember that although we may have different opinions, all of them do not need to be expressed. In this case... if you can't say anything nice to a child... please don't say anything...
    - MW

  • 8/20 6:05pm   Am looking to see if anyone has any ideas on where to get some seasoned firewood for the winter. I've heard some places already have waiting lists going out to November.
    - SS

  • 8/20 6:03pm   JS, I used Tom's for my hardwood floors and couldn't be happier. I know at least 6 other people who have used him and we all say the same thing. He has the best price around and does an amazing job. Good luck!
    - EB

  • 8/20 3:29pm   JE, give me a break...
    - DV

  • 8/20 11:39am   JGG: Several years ago my grandmother who was widowed was in a nursing home after having been transferred in from the hospital. At that point she was on Medicare. At that time there was a provision in the Medicaid regulations that allowed her home to be sold and the proceeds to be immediately invested in an annuity that paid her a monthly benefit. That check each month was turned over to the nursing home as the Patient Paid Amount. She was allowed to keep $60 out of her social security for her Personal Needs Account.
    The attorney that assisted us was Tom Mullen. I think one of his offices is in Quincy. Sounds like your situation could end up being a little more complicated. However, I'd recommend interviewing a few attorneys including Tom. He was the only one at the time that was aware of this provision and able to facilitate moving the sale proceeds into the annuity. I've heard him advertise on WRKO and he regularly mentions situations where a spouse is still at home while the other is in a nursing home. My experience in the process was that having the right attorney involved made the process go much more smoothly. There was some paperwork at the initial stages, but after that the process was very smooth.
    Good luck.
    - MM

  • 8/20 11:07am   DB: The track is 7/10ths of a mile. Turn left when you enter the complex and walk on the track in the direction of the soccer field. You'll see a marker indicating its length (on your left) at the very first right turn of the track.
    - TEM

  • 8/20 11:04am   JGG, re: Elder Law Attorney. I used Daniel W. Nye, 50 North St. Suite 200, in Medfield. 508-359-5410. He was recommended to me by another lawyer and was very knowledgeable about the current elder law and and estate plannning.
    - RH

  • 8/20 10:48am   My brother is studying to be an X-ray technician and is doing a thesis paper and presentation on radon in homes. When I sold my home in Norfolk last August I just then realized after 16 years that this was an issue in my area of King Street. The houses next door and diagonally across the street already had radon systems in place. The house across the street had its radon test fail on the home inspection and a system had to be installed prior to the sale being complete. It is believed it is the underlying rock that causes this radon.
    Anyway, I am looking for copies of failed radon reports, photos of your radon system and the outside of your home so my brother can incorporate these into his paper. I now live in Colorado and radon is a huge issue in the mountains here because of the rock outcroppings. I have obtained the above for him from here in CO to use in his paper. He would like to show how radon is everywhere - in the mountains of CO and the flatlands of MA. You can email to me at Walshclanco@msn.com, mail me at PO Box 976, Conifer, CO 80433 or phone me at 508-365-8398. Thanks so much for anything you can provide for his presentation -
    - PW

  • 8/20 10:44am   Re 8/15 5:35pm I have a problem with water hammer or pipe hammer - JM, try Parrino & Sons Plumbing and Heating; he is also local [Walpole - Wm.]. 1-508-668-2936. His name is Paul.
    - PMP

  • 8/20 10:43am   RA: I'm sure that you are a very responsible person and probably a great babysitter, but no parent in their right mind is going to inquire about a babysitter whose email address is "lipglosscutie." If you change your E-mail address you'll probably get more business! Just a thought from an adult...
    - JE

  • 8/19 10:46pm   Does anyone know how long the track is around the Pond Street Complex?
    - DB

  • 8/19 9:37pm   JGG: I just went though this same problem with my mother almost 2 years ago. All I can say is good luck! We ended up having to get an attorney (that cost us 5,000) in order to get her on Mass Health. Yes they will look at the money from the sale of their house, and if I'm correct in this, I think they go back to 7 years now even if they give you & your wife all of the money from the sale of the house. Mass Health wants to know everything they have of value, i.e. cars, jewelry, stocks, bonds etc. We ended up having to put our mother into a nursing home which would have cost quite a bit of money had the lawyer found a way for her to get excepted into Mass Health. When you go that route, Mass Health takes all of their pension money, social security, and your in-laws are only allowed to keep $60.00 per month. My suggestion to you, make sure you get a good lawyer, and make sure you and they are covered should they have to go into a assisted living or nursing home. I go into people's homes and help them after surgery, and I have also helped out families with parents that need to be checked up on or help around the house. I wanted to bring my mother into my home, and she would pay me the same as I would get if I was working outside of the home, and Mass Health said I couldn't do that because I was family. Good luck, it's a lot of calls and paperwork. Hope this answers some of your questions.
    - DH

  • 8/19 9:36pm   To those who feed the birds, has anyone notice a large increase in hummingbirds? We are amazed at the number this year.
    - BR

  • 8/19 6:08pm   Hi my name is Rachel and I'm looking for a regular after-school babysitting job this fall. I will be a senior at KP come September and have been babysitting for almost 8 years now. I would love to get in touch with those interested so please e-mail me at lipglosscutie33@yahoo.com if you are or you know of someone who is in need of this kind of service for the 07-08 school year! Thanks and have a good rest of the summer!
    - RA

  • 8/19 6:03pm   Has anyone had wood flooring installed by A-1 Hardwood or Tom's Hardwood = Floors, both from Dorchester? We want to install 2-1/4" unfinished = strip oak in our home and have it sanded, stained and finished on site. = Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
    - JS

  • 8/18 10:34pm   Hi, wondering if those Jimmy Buffet tix are still available? Would be interested in 4 and possibly all 8. Thanks,
    - DA

  • 8/18 5:11pm   JGG: Another good local elder law attorney is Ryan Swartz of Borchers Ware & Guglielmo, 77 Main Street (Route 109) Medway, 508-803-1900.
    - PN

  • 8/18 5:09pm   I have 8 tickets for Jimmy Buffett. They are for the 9/2/07 show at Gillette Stadium, 7:30 PM. The tix are located in the first deck, in Section 333, Row 4, Seats 1-8, basically the 50 yard line location. These are great seats. I will sell the tickets in a group of 8, 6, 4, or 2.
    The tix are $83.00 which includes the cost of the ticket plus the service fee I paid for each ticket. There will also be a mailing fee, with the cost depending on when the tickets are purchased.
    - BD

  • 8/18 4:55pm   There will be a Town Hall Meeting with Norfolk's Congressman, Barney Frank, on Saturday, August 25 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Norfolk Public Library. Join your neighbors to get an update on what is happening in Washington and ask your questions about the things that effect you, your family and our town. All are welcome!
    This event is sponsored by the Norfolk Democratic Town Committee. Please contact Peg D. for more details at 508-528-0326.
    - Peg Drisko-Johnson, Norfolk Democratic Town Committee

  • 8/18 12:49am   Hi everyone, a multi-family yard sale will be held [today], Saturday, August 18 at 21 Stop River Road from 9-12. We'll have some furniture, toys, home goods, etc. Come by!
    - LS

  • 8/18 12:48am   SO... It may have been for Gary Johnston, the son of a former police chief of Norfolk.
    - JHR

  • 8/18 12:46am   All: For those of you interested in what the new traffic pattern is going to be at Freeman Centennial School after the construction, NCTV is airing a short video on the subject.
    You can watch the video on the first page of our website at nctvnorfolk.org.
    If you can't see the video, the quality is poor or the picture is too dark on your computer, be sure to watch the high-quality version on NCTV channel 8 airing daily at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. until school starts.
    You can also request a copy for viewing by calling our studios at 508-520-2780.
    - Brian Alves, Executive Director, Norfolk Community Television

  • 8/18 12:36am   Anybody looking for reliable daycare should contact 508-528-3235 [Little People Day Care - Wm.]
    - TG

  • 8/17 2:05pm   Does anyone know who the funeral was for yesterday? The large procession was coming from St. Judes, down to the town cemetery.
    - SO

  • 8/17 1:59pm   With the new school year fast approaching, I thought I would mention this to all parents. I am a private tutor specializing in: math (K-10th), all areas of language arts: reading (Wilson program) and writing skills, and MCAS test taking skills and subject matter preparation. I am working with students from 3rd grade through seniors in high school and do have great recommendations due to a high rate of success. I specialize in working with students with special learning styles, those who are on an IEP or 504 plan and with those who struggle to read, write and succeed in math. One-on-one tutoring is a proven method of assisting a child to achieve their true potential. Please contact me at 508-528-2399 to discuss the possibility of my working with your student. You may also contct me at murraymartucci@msn.com. Thanks,
    - SM

  • 8/17 1:58pm   I have lived in Norfolk for 28 years and own a lovely 4 bedroom home within walking distance to the train. I have two bedrooms available which I would like to rent to either a professional female or to college students. I have had college students here before and loved that and have also had a young woman who was here for several months for a local internship. If you know of anyone that would be interested in a room, please contact me at 508-528-2399! Thanks to all!
    - SM

  • 8/17 1:57pm   JGG: Anthony Visconti is an excellent attorney and specializes in Elder Law. His office is just off of Route 128. De Vito & Visconti, 20 Eastbrook Rd # 304, Dedham, MA 02026; (781) 326-1818.
    - JB

  • 8/17 11:29am   To Ann Proto - You run a top-notch recreation program that benefits many residents of Norfolk. We are lucky to have you! Thanks
    - MS

  • 8/17 11:04am   I am seeking a recommendation for a good Elder Law Attorney.
    We have a complicated situation and need some advice. My in-laws have both moved in with my wife and our kids due to declining health. In order to accommodate this, we are planning to add an addition to the house. Her parents have offered to cover a percentage of this cost once their house is sold. My concern is that if one or both of them declines in health and needs to go into an assisted living or nursing home within 5 years, will the 5 year look-back law exclude them from MassHealth coverage due to "gifting" us money toward the additional living space? I am very concerned about all this and want to be sure they are legally protected. Thanks for any advice.
    - JGG

  • 8/17 7:28am   KL: I'd be interested to see your empirical data and sources supporting your 8/16 post.
    It seems to me that the red/blue state voting demographics indicate the opposite. That is to say voters have moved to the right over the past two decades precisely for many of the reasons you cite. The exception of course is a recent adjustment in reaction to the many mistakes the current administration has made. This slide to the right appears to be happening in Europe as well.
    I would recommend that you listen to WTKK 96.9 FM Talk, after 3 PM some weekday afternoon. It provides good listening on the commute home - or just at home. That time slot has been the most listened to talk radio slot in New England for about five years.
    Many highly educated professionals call in daily to discuss the issues of the day. NPR is also a good listen.
    - JPB

  • 8/17 7:27am   JP... and all others. I have an able bodied 15 year old that is willing to do yard work and odd jobs. Are you still in need of someone to help out? I noticed that the post was dated for the 16th and wasnt sure if it was a one day deal. My son has asked me to post for him. He has alot of experience with lawns and gardens and does a great job. He has been cutting our lawn on the diagonal for years... looks great. Contact him at cobrakarlsmarj@msn.com
    - MW

  • 8/17 7:26am   DMG: Pediatric Associates of Medfield/Weston. Dr Nicholas Pacella. He is the best. Flexible hours, weekends and evening hours. My three children ages 6, 6, 1 have been with him for 6 years. They are on 109, near Medfield center. Very attentive, very pro-active. Not like some physicians who are very "re-active". The kind of doctor you want to be caring for your sick child. I am very picky and he has been wonderful. 508-359-9200.
    - KM

  • 8/17 7:25am   CJG: Thanks so much for the information. I will definitely see if they have a couple of extras for my little ones.
    - KM

  • 8/17 7:24am   Jimmy Buffet Tickets for Sale: Sept. 2, 2007, 7:30 PM. Gillette Staduim, Foxboro, Ma. 2 Club Seats at cost. Section: CL8, Row 18, Seats 17 & 18 Price: $128.50 each, convenience charge $13.75 each, processing $3.30 = Total 287.80. Please contact my mom, pbhatch2@aol.com if interested. She says she's getting too old to go!
    - DCB

  • 8/17 7:20am   To TC and KL - Thank you for your input. I couldn't agree with you more TC that our housing values will increase due to good schools and a good community, not because wealthy Republicans (or Democrats or Independents, for that matter) move here. In fact, I am rather tired of the few outspoken "Republicans" on this website who claim that the "Independents" in Norfolk are really closet Republicans and, thus, we are a "Republican" town! I imagine most "Independents" like to think of themselves as Independent and that is what the overwhelming majority of voters in Norfolk are... Independent.
    But what is more disturbing is that those same few people then resort to belittling, labeling, mocking of those who don't agree with their version of Republicanism. I find those tactics very damaging to our community and it forces people to take sides when I think most of us would like to work together to have great schools, good services and maybe even develop the moonscape.
    I don't really care what political party someone belongs to so long as we try to act like a community and respect each others' differing viewpoints... we do all live here together, after all.
    - MD

  • 8/17 7:19am   Thank you to all of you who have been so kind with your support of Norfolk Recreation.
    Please know, Norfolk Recreation does our utmost to not cancel classes. Never do we want to disappoint children nor inconvenience adults. Sometimes, especially when an outside organization is involved, cancellation is outside of our control. We successfully ran "Mad Science" last summer as well as during the past few school years so I was very surprised that we did not have enough participants registered to run it again this summer, even though we did our best to get the word out which included advertising in local papers. Some of those ads ran before the class was cancelled and one ran afterwards because of the delay between paper deadlines and print dates.
    I am usually pretty good at knowing if a class will run or not, but this time I goofed; I really expected the class to run. Please know, if a class is canceled we always try to offer as many alternatives as possible which we did this time as well. For JGP - I can only reiterate the apologies I made to you on the phone. I am sorry none of the alternatives suggested worked for you.
    - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk

  • 8/17 6:59am   For the person(s) looking for an electrician - I use Robert Davis from Franklin, 508-541-6182. He has worked in my home twice now. I got his name from someone and have since referred him to other people who have been pleased as well. He is professional, neat and reasonable. He is also there when he says he will be.
    - EF

  • 8/17 6:58am   TC, I agree with you. I am really not concerned with one's party affliation, religious affliation, or wealth status. I believe when a person is very liberal he/she is more able and more open minded to coexist with people unlike ourselves. You know what they say about Democrats, we are just open to anyone!!
    - DWL

  • 8/16 1:13pm   BH - I have a large wire dog crate that is 6 years old and in good condition. It is large enough for my 100 pound lab. If you're interested let me know. You can contact me via email - mcrameaka@verizon.net - or my home number, 508-528-8490. Thanks,
    - MR

  • 8/16 1:12pm   Anyone available to do some odd jobs today? Mainly weeding of flower beds, but other jobs too. $15 per hour plus all the soda you can drink. No heavy lifting. Suitable for teen or retired person. Contact 508-321-1160.
    - JP

  • 8/16 1:11pm   Lions Soccer is presently seeking players in grades 7 through 12 for the Fall season. This co-ed soccer league plays games on Sunday afternoons.
    Lions Soccer accepts players from Norfolk and all surrounding towns. Players need not have experience playing soccer and we encourage players to build their own team by recruiting their friends, neighbors, and classmates.
    The early discount price has been extended for junior high and high school players. Financial assistance is also available upon request. For more information, or to register, please contact Craig/Helen K. at 508-520-0163 /email norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net or visit the website at norfolklionssoccer.com.
    - HK

  • 8/16 1:10pm   For everyone who has concerns about Stop & Shop and hear rumors about the Boards imposing strict conditions on their permits, I would recommend that you attend the public hearings. On the Town's website, under the Planning Board, there is a schedule of hearings - before being critical, everyone should take some time and attend the hearings to understand the facts. I too am frustrated with S & S and feel they are causing delays on purpose.
    - AL

  • 8/16 1:09pm   KM, The school kits are a fundraiser offered by the TPA before school ends the prior year. You have the ability to order a "kit" that is designed by grade level with all the basic things in it that are required in that grade, ie: red folders, blue folders, crayons, ect. The TPA receives them during the summer, and has pick up-time for these kits. Sometimes they have extras, so if you haven't done your school shopping yet, you could check with someone at the pick up and see if they have any for 1st grade. It's a great way to get all your supplies in one place, while supporting the schools.
    - CJG

  • 8/16 1:08pm   CS - Voter behavior cannot narrowly be defined by income anymore; education, religious/social values, and where you live play significant roles. There has been a shift in white middle class voter preferences, and those who live on either coast or in a major metripolitan area, with higher income levels and education are shifting to the left, while the traditional white working class is moving to the right.
    - KL

  • 8/16 1:07pm   DMG - check out Walpole Pediatrics on Main Street/1A - 508-668-2200. Our children go there and we like them. Friendly, good response for emergencies and Saturday hours for same day illness calls.
    - LP

  • 8/16 1:06pm   For an electrician you could try Tom Petze. His number is 781-690-1717.
    - LP

  • 8/16 1:05pm   To DMG, who was asking for pediatricians--I have used Pediatric Associates of Norwood and Franklin for the past 20 years, and highly recommend them. I have 2 daughters and one son. The doctors are very professional and caring. We go to the Franklin office, and started off with Dr. Friedman, then later moved to Dr. Kerr, Dr. Katz and Dr. Kolodney. All wonderful, not to mention the nursing staff, which is super. Good luck!
    - EC

  • 8/16 1:04pm   CS: Not irritable at all. Perhaps you were referring to the "other" TC? I actually could care less if Norfolk continues to vote Republican or Democrat. I coexist quite happily and peacefully with my more conservative Norfolk friends and neighbors (although I am clearly less popular on Norfolknet!) My point was simply in response to those who seemed outraged (dare I say "irritable" ) that there may be a shift in the political persuasion of some newer Norfolk residents. The final tally does determine the winner, but the reason it's interesting to see the numbers is that they reveal the leanings of voters, and that has in fact shifted in the past several years. Perhaps that was circumstantial and reflective of widespread disapproval of current happenings. Who knows? The final outcome aside, things are shifting (albeit slightly). I am merely supporting someone's earlier point that things are moving.
    What I do find irritating, however, is the implication that affluence is somehow the province of Republicans, and that wealth is somehow a reward for a certain way of thinking. That's nonsense. There are plenty of affluent liberals in the country whose traditionally "Democratic" leanings reflect genuine ideals and values. They work every day just like Republicans, create jobs and wealth, pay taxes, educate their kids in our public schools, etc. The size of their investment portfolio or their concern for their property value doesn't change what they believe to be right and wrong. And, if you want your property values to increase, you should roll out the welcome mat for people who want strong schools and good services, regardless of their party affiliation.
    - TC

  • 8/15 5:36pm   TC: Your dream of Norfolk becoming a Democratic majority is just that, your dream. That is about as far as it will go. The more affluent Norfolk becomes, the more it will lean right (Republican). I for one hope to see my property value increase over time, so bring in the Republicans. I also agree with LS... you seem to be a little irritable today.
    - CS

  • 8/15 5:35pm   I have a problem with water hammer or pipe hammer. Does anyone know of a good plumber to handle the problem?
    - JM

  • 8/15 5:34pm   A little bit of clarity - the TC that is commenting on the recreation situation is different then the TC commenting on political issues. The TC commenting on recreation in the future will be TPC to separate the two people.
    - TPC

  • 8/15 4:45pm   TC - No fuss at all. I am trying to figure out what you are talking about? How else do we find a winner unless you use the final tally? Let's work with some facts: Patrick (the Dem) won statewide by 20% and lost in Norfolk. The last race for selectman was won by the conservative candidate. Our state senator and state rep. are both Republicans and Bush beat the state's favorite son in the last presidential election in Norfolk. The fiscally conservative town also denied the last override attempt by a 4-1 margin. I really don't think it's possible for our town to be any more mainstream America. Unfortunately, for you, Norfolk is not turning left anytime soon.
    - PR

  • 8/15 4:40pm   TC - Take a chill pill. Life's too short to be so angry. Somehow I picture you sitting in front of your computer [fuming] over something that seeminlgy has nothing to do with you - or does it?...
    - LS

  • 8/15 4:36pm   Could anyone tell me what the "school kits" are? I have 2 children attending H. Olive next year (first grade)... am I supposed to pick up some sort of kit? The sign in front of the school is not clear. Thanks.
    - KM

  • 8/15 4:35pm   For a vet recommendation, I would suggest Main Street Veterinary Hospital, 825 Main St, Millis, (508)-376-9621. Nice new facilities, doctors and staff, and the prices are fair.
    - CR

  • 8/15 4:34pm   Does anyone have recommendations for pediatricians?
    - DMG

  • 8/15 4:30pm   Re: Stop and Shop and CJ,
    I, too, wrote Stop and Shop, especially after I heard that our Planning or Conservation boards made ridiculous demands of them-such as changing aisle widths and other obtrusive demands-that made them balk at building. Their response to me was quite different than the one you received, CJ. They said that they were negotiating with the Town over points (read demands) that came up over the planned build out. They said nothing about bids or construction. They also stated the Selectmen acted professionally. However, when asked what the demands of the Town that were in conflict they clammed up and said no more.
    So clearly they are telling two different people two different answers to the same question.
    Then you see the Selectmen on NTV discussing the "proposed" S and S, and one observes that the Town is clueless, powerless and not able to get a definitive response from them as well.
    So perhaps, Norfolk, our illustrious volunteer Boards may have turned the tides of S and S the other way - scaring them off, perhaps forever.
    Now, I do not like rumors, I like fact. But if the stories about the demands of the individual Boards holds true, the Selectmen should kick the perpertrators out, if they haven't done so already with the latest regime change, and restock them immediately with fresh minds - having Board members that are not acting in the best interest of the town (Lehan 2007) will set it back further, if it hasn't done so already. And, board members that pontificate and act as know-it-alls while getting some type of egotistical power boost are a perverse form of government, one that we will all pay for, if we haven't already.
    Given that the meeting minutes with S and S are not public, can anyone out in Norfolk corroborate what the actual interaction between S and S and the Town was?
    - MON

  • 8/15 4:29pm   I'm looking for a used dog crate - preferably a wire one that can house a 70-90 lb dog. Does anyone have an old one they'd be willing to sell?
    - BH

  • 8/15 1:19pm   PR: The point isn't how Norfolk has voted in the past. The point is that the town is changing. The numbers from the past election clearly support that, regardless of the final tally. Whether or not that will result in Norfolk becoming the 349th town in Massachusetts to vote democratic is really beside the point. The change isn't surprising at all. Massachusetts is overwhelming Democratic, and the more people we attract to our lovely town from other areas in the state are likely to be Democratic, or Independent. What's all the fuss about?
    - TC

  • 8/15 1:16pm   I know this has been asked before but does anyone know a reasonable and reliable electrician?
    - PAN

  • 8/15 1:15pm   JGP, You keep saying one day notice. Please clarify. You said the program was supposed to start this week so I'm assuming that means Monday. If you got notified on Thursday, that means you were actually given 4 days notice. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Additionally, I saw a number of advertisements for the program so it sounds like they were aggressively looking to fill it. I hope you found a babysitting service as you so adamantly claimed caused such stress and inconvenience. Maybe you used the free playground program that the Recreation Department graciously offers to the town at no charge. You can drop you child off during the week. If you did, I'm sure you found it as professional and enjoyable for your child as the other residents in town do.
    - TC

  • 8/15 1:13pm   TM As far as vets go, I would recommend Norfolk County Vet on RT 1A in Walpole. Norfolkvet.net.
    - DMG

  • 8/15 10:46am   My wife and I are expecting a child in October and will be looking for daycare options (full time) in January. Ideally we would find a daycare that is open a bit later in the early evening M-F. We are also open to a live in nanny since we have separate living accommodations. Can anyone recommend any local daycare (within 5 miles) or any nannies?
    - DMG

  • 8/15 10:45am   In response to DV's post re: craft fair -- I love the idea. I make high quality beaded jewelry and sell it ad hoc to friends and family. I would love an outlet to sell more since I have quite an inventory building up.
    - AD

  • 8/15 10:44am   The reason the Rec department cancelled the Mad Science program was supposedly due to low enrollment. If it was such low enrollment they should have advertised for the camp before they cancelled the class. If it was for such low enrollment than there is no reason to let a parent know one day prior.
    - JGP

  • 8/15 10:43am   Good morning, I'm trying to find a good, safe, reasonably priced vet in the area. Any recommendations?
    - TM

  • 8/14 9:50pm   I am looking for someone who can babysit occasionally during the week throughout the year for my four and one year olds. We have two wonderful high school babysitters for weekends, but no one for those times when I need to get to my son's school or see the doctor without two kids in tow. Would also consider recommendations for "drop-in" daycare facilities. References would be required. Thanks for any referals or interest. I can be reached at kcejake@yahoo.com.
    - KE

  • 8/14 8:27pm   Hate to rain on the few of you at the Democratic Party but Norfolk hasn't voted for a Democrat for governor since Dukakis. Try watching some fair and balanced news on channel 41.
    - PR

  • 8/14 8:25pm   TC, I agree with you - The Norfolk Recreation department has, for as long as I can remember, been run as a first class organization. My children have enjoyed the programs and opportunities they have offered. I am convinced this was an isolated incident and shouldn't tarnish the hard work and general outstanding service they provide.
    - PR

  • 8/14 8:24pm   JGP, I have, well, actually my child has, participated in various town rec programs for 9 years, and I can honestly say that I have never run into an incident where they cancelled a program at the last minute. I cannot imagine that anything outside of an emergency situation would cause them to do this. I have found our rec dept. to be nothing short of outstanding. Before you put them down in a public forum, maybe consider that there was something outside their control that caused them to cancel.
    - CJG

  • 8/14 8:22pm   Would anyone be interested in doing a fair with all of the in-home businesses in town? Basically, we would show our products and the people who make crafts, jewelry etc. could sell them and people like myself who provide a service could show their work. A street fair of home businesses if you will. I am happy to run it and get the space and permits (if possible) if there is interest. Let me know through the web master [Use box73@norfolknet.com - Wm.]. Thanks.
    - DV

  • 8/14 5:49pm   To JGP - Did you find out why it was cancelled? The fact that there was still an ad in the paper would seem to indicate that it was a last minute cancellation, probably outside the Rec Dept's ability to control. It doesn't seem likely that they would have cancelled it 3 months in advance and only given you 1 day notice.
    I think a lack of responsibility and consideration are strong words without knowing the reason.
    - JH

  • 8/14 5:48pm   A & D appliances in Medfield will take care of you. They have been in business for many years and are local, ethical people. It is also a nice way to support local merchants rather than the big box stores.
    - CS

  • 8/14 5:47pm   Regarding Stop & Shop - the town can not force someone to build. Not sure if eminent domain for the good of the community is worth the hassle, so how about hitting them with a steep daily fine for the degrading mess they have left for us. If they are not going to build on it at least make it look presentable.
    - RW

  • 8/14 5:42pm   Regarding the Stop and Shop issue... If S&S were indeed hanging on to the property just to prevent a competitor from coming in, and never intending to develop that spot... could we potentially give them some negative PR via a newspaper article? A little public pressure and negative press for them could help move things along perhaps?
    If they own the land then I am sure some may feel it is their right to do what they wish, but in a town like Norfolk I feel it really detracts from the center to not have something in that spot that would be useful to the residents (since there are so few businesses in our town center).
    A Trader Joe's would be great... or a drugstore... or some kind of cafe. A restaurant might be nice as well. I actually think it would be preferable for something other than S&S to come into that spot since it feels as though we are inundated with Stop and Shops in this region. Regardless of what goes there, I feel it should be developed and the town should have some say in what is built. It is not fair for a huge company to buy a plot of land in a town center and then never develop it... especially in a town like Norfolk that could use a couple more businesses in its downtown.
    Does anyone know for sure whether they own the land or just have an option on the land as mentioned in the previous post? Wouldn't the town be able to force that the land be built on within a certain time frame when the land was originally sold? I assume the town owns or did own that land initially?
    I apologize if this has been explained before.... I am somewhat new to this site but I am extremely interested in this particular issue and don't know all the details (though I have read up on some of the old posts relating to this).
    I have also lived in Foxboro and am all too familiar with the old Bradlees that has never been developed. Meanwhile, as most of you know, S&S just went and opened up a new store in a different location within Foxboro. Thankfully Foxboro has other areas that they are developing despite this problem with the Bradlees strip mall. I think that development needs to be done very carefully, but if done correctly it can add a lot of value to a town. It is really nice to have some restaurants and shops in your own town... if it is done carefully. I hope Foxboro does not become over-developed.
    I think it is great that Norfolk has retained its quaint rural charm, but I do feel that there is a happy medium... and if this town had a few more conveniences it would make it an even better place to live. I would love to have a couple more stores in the downtown area.
    - TM

  • 8/14 5:41pm   I wrote to Stop and Shop and this is the reply I received:
    Thanks for your interest in the proposed Stop & Shop in Norfolk. We are in the process of finalizing our construction documents and obtaining bids for the project. Once we have an official start date, we will communicate the information to residents and local officials. We are working towards bringing a new supermarket to the residents of Norfolk, but we have no firm dates for the project that we can share at this time. As you may know, many unforeseen events can affect the progress of projects of this type. We appreciate your patience and look forward to serving you more conveniently in the not too distant future.

    Thanks, again, for contacting us. We appreciate hearing from you.

    - CJ

  • 8/14 5:39pm   Hello, Could anyone recommend a good place to go for a new carpet? We would like to give our business to a smaller local company if their prices were reasonable and they were knowledgeable about their products, had excellent service and did a good job with installation. We would prefer this instead of going to Home Depot (not that there is anything wrong with Home Depot, but I like to support the smaller businesses whenever I can).
    Would Home Depot likely be much cheaper? I always prefer to go to local companies vs. large chains whenever I can.
    Thanks for any recommendations or advice you can offer!
    - TM

  • 8/14 5:38pm   Re: 8/8 10:29pm CS - I hardly think you can crow about Norfolk being a Republican Town. If you go to the town breakdowns (not the counties) on that same website, (enroll_breakdown.pdf), Norfolk is shown as having 1253 registered Democrats (21.04%) and 1282 registered Republicans (21.52%). That looks pretty even to me. The vast majority are registered independent at 3386 (56.85%). - MD
    Thanks, MD. I'm one of the unenrolled voters, part of the thinking majority who: 1. decline to be categorized by labels, and: 2. decline to usually watch the Fox noise channel.
    After reading the definitions of red, though, I certainly would not want to be a ``red'' anything:
    Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) -


    1. any of various colors resembling the color of blood; the primary color at one extreme end of the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 610 and 780 nm.

    2. something red.

    3. (often initial capital) a radical leftist in politics, esp. a communist.

    4. Informal. red light (def. 1).

    5. Informal. red wine: a glass of red.

    6. Also called red devil, red bird. Slang. a capsule of the drug secobarbital, usually red in color.


    7. of the color red.

    8. having distinctive areas or markings of red: a red robin.

    9. of or indicating a state of financial loss or indebtedness: the red column in the ledger.

    10. radically left politically.

    11. (often initial capital) communist.

    12. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of North American Indian peoples: no longer in technical use.

    - Idioms:

    13. in the red, operating at a loss or being in debt (opposed to in the black): The newspaper strike put many businesses in the red.

    14. paint the town red. paint (def. 16).

    15. see red, Informal. to become very angry; become enraged: Snobs make her see red.

    - RH

  • 8/14 5:21pm   JGP, I'm not sure because I'm not on the Recreation Commission any more, but did you for once think that maybe there were some circumstances why they cancelled the class other than worrying about giving you short notice. Maybe the instructor had to cancel for a particular reason. I do not know that to be the case, but try not to be so negative and instead feel fortunate that you have such a strong recreation program in town.
    - TC

  • 8/14 1:18pm   MP: Re appliances - Lambco, 34 Wall St., Attleboro 508-226-1150, has always beat the competition. Usually, I review web sites, Consumer Reports, etc., to narrow down the potential choices. Then, research (on-line if possible or via phone), the different prices and delivery options. Lambco has been our choice for the last 10 years.
    - CR

  • 8/14 1:16pm   Re: Traders Joe's: Some time ago, someone wrote that they had an inside connection of some sort with Trader Joes and reported that Trader Joe's had decided that we didn't fit their market/demographic requirements, etc. etc. I would love it if a Trader Joe's came here and think it would draw out-of-towners into Town Center because it has such a devoted following (heck, I drive to Natick to get it!), but if we don't fit their requirements, I don't know how we would overcome that...
    - KD

  • 8/14 11:17am   For the first time ever I wanted to voice my disappointment for the lack of responsibility and consideration from the Norfolk Rec department. My children were signed up for science camp this week at the Freeman School from 9:30-12:30, but the Norfolk Rec department called me last Thursday afternoon to tell me it was cancelled. I think such short notice of one day lacks a responsibility in that child care and activities and planning were not even considered for the part of the parents. I was depending on the science activities as an educational activity for my children as well as 15 hours of child care this week. I could have signed them up for another camp elsewhere but I was given no notice at all and my children have been signed up for this since spring. Funny enough there was an ad in the Boomerang on Saturday for the very same camp AFTER it had been cancelled.
    - JGP

  • 8/14 11:05am   MP, While they may not be the most inexpensive in the area, A&D Appliance in Medfield has a great selection, very knowledgable staff, timely delivery and set-up. We outfitted our new kitchen (4 years ago) entirely at A&D. Ask for Mark.
    CW, If Stop & Shop has an option on the land, then that option will be defined with a certain time limit, which they might be able to extend at some cost. The actual owner of the land would be in a better position to raise the issue with them than the town. Now, if Stop & Shop owns the land, then the community and town has the following ability to intercede and/or force some change in the direction of the winds: zilch... nada... none. Personal opinion? Norfolk has been saddled with a downtown Moonscape for so long now, I'm convinced that there's nothing that the town can or will do to move the issue. If some power existed, it would have been, or should have been, exercised long ago. Safe bet is that whoever owns it is happy to just sit on it with little regard for how it impacts the downtown area of little 'ol Norfolk. If a larger grocery chain owns it, and also has many other stores within close proximity to the area... then nothin' ain't never gonna happen there in the near future, or perhaps the distant future.
    And, like you said, this has been discussed ad nauseum, and over and over again, too, with little effect.
    - TK

  • 8/14 11:01am   To CW: I totally agree with you. I think a Trader Joe's would be great! The closest ones are Natick or Needham. There are none to our south. I'm sure they'd do well here. Is there a town official who helps to recruit new businesses to town? If not, there should be.
    - JT

  • 8/14 10:57am   Ditto on Medfield Children's Center. I loved the school and for working parents, it was a great option as it's open year round and does not close for the school holidays.
    Regarding Stop and Shop: I was speaking to a Wellesley townie and did you know the same thing is going on there with the land banking. Remember the old Grossmans on Route 16; that piece of land has been sitting idle for a long time too.
    - BS

  • 8/14 10:56am   Regarding school supply kits, pick up is at the Freeman, by the main office, and notices did go home in June. These are kits that contain all the supplies your child will need for his/her specific grade level. Again, we do have extras for those who forgot to order.
    - AD

  • 8/14 10:55am   MP: We found A&D Appliances in Medfield to be very competitive, knowledgeable and accommodating to meet our complicated delivery schedule. Great service as well. We asked the same question a year ago, so if you search the Norfolknet archives from Feb. and March 2006, you will find a thread on appliance shopping and lots of ideas were offered. Good luck!
    - AL

  • 8/13 10:02pm   AD Re: school kits. I was wondering if this had been done. I never saw a notice come home in the "backpack" mail. Unfortunately, I already went and got our supplies! Could you verify for those who did order them where they need to pick up the supplies? It wasn't in the post. I'm sure it's Freeman-Centennial - maybe you could mention the door number that they should go in!
    - JM

    [It's Freeman; see the update to the post of 10:54am - Wm.]

  • 8/13 10:01pm   I'm looking to replace my kitchen appliances, which are almost 15 years old. Does anyone have any recommendations for the best place to purchase new ones?
    - MP

  • 8/13 10:00pm   AD, what are back to school kits?
    - DV

  • 8/13 9:58pm   AL, It's not in town but we loved Medfield Children's Center on South Street at the corner of 109. Our second child just graduated from there and is more than ready for kindergarten. The staff is wonderful and most have been there for a long time. The school starts at 15 mos and goes to pre-k, and I believe is open fromn 7-5:30. Robin is the director and is wonderfully flexible. For the past 5 years I was able to pick my hours, and add some on days when I needed to and you pay by the hour. The number there is 508 359 4239. I believe they still have openings for the fall. Good luck,
    - NJD

  • 8/13 9:46pm   I am sure the Stop and Shop project has been discussed ad nauseam on this message board, but I was hoping someone could fill me in on the details of the contract Stop and Shop signed. Is there a defined time limit they can hold onto the land before building? Do we hold any leverage as a town?
    I can not see how they would consider building with the number of Stop and Shops already in the area. I believe their Foxboro store has been very slow. Obviously owning the land, Stop and Shop would be wise to hold it thus preventing competitors from moving in. What are our options? It would be great to see a store like Trader Joe's move in, who Stop and Shop probably does not consider to be a direct competitor. A store like Trader Joe's would add a lot to our town and help add to the uniqueness of the town center. A small Whole Foods store like the one in Wellesley would be great as well. Are we stuck with Stop and Shop or can we convince/force them to sell the land? Thanks,
    - CW

  • 8/13 9:45pm   I have two boxes of Baquacil pool sanitizer that I can not use. Free for the taking, just give me a call. 508-647-7297.
    - CW

  • 8/13 9:44pm   The best preschool is the Norfolk Children's School if you ask me. We had two absolutely wonderful years there. I don't know if they have openings but it is worth looking into. All of the teachers there are very smart and very loving. My daughter loved it and now cannot wait for kindergarten because of her great school experience at NCS. (It is on Union Street on the left just past the second cirlce if you are leaving town.)
    - JEC

  • 8/13 9:43pm   The Nutri System food has already been taken by a couple who are both on the plan. I was suprised by so many being interested in the food. The plan does work but I would advise anyone with acid reflex or an ulcer to check with your doctor first before ordering.
    - BR

  • 8/13 10:55am   Can anyone recommend a good pre-school in Norfolk (or Wrentham)? One that is flexible and offers part-full time. Thanks,
    - AL

  • 8/13 10:54am   A reminder from the TPA: school supply pick-ups will take place Wednesday August 22nd from 10-12 and Thursday August 23rd from 4-6. We also have a limited quanity of extra kits from each grade level, if you wo uld like to purchase one and have not already done so you may contact Nancy @ 508-528-3972. During pick up times we will also be selling HOD and FC t-shirts these are 14$ each and are a back to school must have !
    - AD

    [Update 10:00pm: Sorry forgot to mention school supply pick ups are held at Freeman! - AD]

  • 8/13 10:09am   Cow Chip Bingo deed sales have started! Please help support the animal needs for the towns of Norfolk, Wrentham & Plainville! Deeds need to be purchased ahead of time. If you'd like your shot at possibly winning $500.00 or a great raffle prize, please call your ACO to set up a time to purchase your deed(s)!
    Cow Chip Bingo will be held on 9/8/07 at Wrentham Day. Norfolk Animal Control is bringing the equipment for the livestock pen and Wrentham is bringing the cow! If the weather works in our favor we may be bringing pets that are in need of homes as well. Please come and visit us on Wrentham Day and purchase your tickets before they sell out! For more information about Cow Chip Bingo please visit norfolkanimalcontrol.net
    Hilary Cohen ~ Norfolk ACO ~ 508 528 3232 ~ Norfolkk9@aol.com,
    Sue Thibideau ~ Wrentham/Plainville ACO ~ 508 384 2523 ~ Foxcroft160@verizon.net
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 8/12 10:38pm   I would like people to know that we have Nutri System Food here that we can not use. We just can't eat the meals they sent. They did substitutions and I have acid reflux so therefore can not digest these meals. They do not refund. I will give these meals free to anyone who might be using the Nutri System--they are not cheap!! You can contact me at bbrid4@verizon.net.
    - BR

    [Update 8/13 9:58am: corrected typo in click-through e-mail link - Wm.]

  • 8/12 7:43pm   Anyone heard from KP Soccer yet?
    - DV

  • 8/12 7:19pm   CS and DL - the question is not of banning a food. Naturally occurring trans-fats have not been shown to be harmful. The trans-fats in question, hydrogenated vegetable oils, are chemicals that are added to processed foods for marketing reasons. They're only food the way that food coloring or preservatives or the paper wrapper you happen to bite into are ``food'' -- swallowed with your lunch, but not there for your benefit.
    - AR

  • 8/11 9:55pm   MHC: My point about Norfolk, Dover and Cohasset is that they are all small towns that lean Republican. I am proud to live in one of those towns. I provided the link to the data, so I cannot understand the criticism about the facts that I cited.
    DL: It is a slippery slope if we ban any "non-nutritious" food. I agree that self discipline should dictate health. Sadly, this is clearly unrealistic. I do not have an answer for payment, but I think America should take care of citizens in need of health care.
    - CS

  • 8/11 10:03am   MKL - And so the behavior police step in again. While bans on smoking in public places make sense because of the direct and real impact of second hand smoke, the ban on trans fat really does smack of Big Brother stepping in to tell us what to do. Yes, you can make the argument that fat guys having heart attacks puts a strain on health care costs but if they die at 60 think of the savings to Social Security. Removing these people from the system will allow those skinny folks that retire at 65 but live to 95 to enjoy a more stable retirement fund.
    The nation's growing obesity problem has nothing to due with trans fats. It has everything to do with a lack of self discipline. People that don't take responsibility for their own health and well-being are going to be fat and unhealthy no matter what we let them eat. Hey, maybe we should ban alcohol, it certainly makes me fat. Meats and cheeses are raising my cholesterol. And what about salt, it contributes to my high blood pressure. Hey maybe if we all live in bubbles and eat a nutritious blend of boiled grains, beans, and spinach, we will all make it to 100. MKL, lighten up and live a little.
    - DL

  • 8/10 11:56pm   For DA - When President Bush came into office, he inherited a huge surplus. At that time, the Bush administration predicted a $516 billion surplus for 2006.
    The fact that Bush now considers a $296 billion deficit an occasion to celebrate shows how far we've fallen.
    As for the ban on trans-fats --- Who is to pay for the massive coronaries and diabetes these trans-fats cause? The answer is either a) "big government" via Medicare or Medicaid, or b) the employee with a healthy lifestyle who pays the same amount in payroll deductions as the person who thinks trans-fats actually make food taste better??
    - MKL

  • 8/10 8:39pm   EAG: ClearWater Contruction Pools - Steve Turk!! Has done many pools Norfolk, Millis, Medfield, Newton, etc. He is listed in the phone book. He will come out and give you ideas and estimate. Tell him Kathy sent you.
    - KTD

  • 8/10 8:30pm   Unlike the benign sightings of eagles or ospreys, beware of the mass migration of "progressives" (a euphemistic Latin derivation of "liberalis democratus") into Norfolk. They want to sink their talons into your wallet...
    - DA

  • 8/10 8:29pm   To EAG - We just put an in-ground pool in this year and used Environmental Pools out of Chelmsford - they were great, I don't have any complaints; they were there when they said they would be and the pool turned out beautifully! Please feel free to contact me to discuss them further if you would like.
    - BD

  • 8/10 8:28pm   Regarding the "progressives moving to Norfolk every day," do you mean the uninsured, unlicensed drivers stopped by the local constabulary? Surely, they must be out on a leisurely sojourn from Sanctuary City (aka Cambridge) and should be afforded diplomatic immunity despite their traffic transgressions. Does this progressive incursion mean that Dunkin Donuts will soon be under siege over its use of transfat? (No more chocolate covered sprinkle donuts for the kids!) Will "moonbat" sightings be on the rise in the coming months, and will the town's animal control officer be able to do enough to alleviate the public's fears in the face of this rabid influx? Finally, does this mean that the crowds at Barney Frank's constituent forum later this month will resemble the recent Middleboro town meeting? (Should we erect tents on the moonscape to a accomodate the hordes of liberal lemmings that will surely congregate?)
    - DA

  • 8/10 8:27pm   CS: Your premise that 'expensive towns' have a higher rate of registered Republicans than Democrats is incorrect. Only Dover and Cohasset have more registered Republicans than Democrats, and that is by a fairly slim margin. Every other town/city in Metropolitan Boston has more registered Democrats than Republicans.
    - MHC

  • 8/10 11:51am   TK, your recognition of the existence of The People's Republic of Cambridge suggests that you believe in the traditional Minutemen expression, "To be forewarned is to be forearmed". It was either Jim Broude, former PRC councilman, or one of his associates, who boasted that they have agents and staunch supporters embedded in cities and towns everywhere, ready to strike. It would appear that Norfolk has a strong, or at least a very loud contingent of that peculiar Cambridge breed.
    Don't be surprised when you see their currently proposed flag flying haughtily from the mast at People's Republic of Cambridge City Hall.
    - MT

  • 8/10 10:31am   Has anyone recently (past few years) installed an in-ground pool, and if so, which pool company did you use and would you recommend them?
    - EAG (a newcomer and a registered Democrat married to a registered Independent who is definitely not registered as an Independent due to the lack of Republican choices at the state level)

  • 8/10 10:18am   Cambridge is a city? Who knew... I always thought it was a republic... aka, People's Republic of Cambridge. LOL...
    - TK

  • 8/9 11:43pm   State Senator Scott Brown and State Representative Richard Ross, who both currently serve Norfolk, are Republicans.
    Norfolk voted Republican during the last gubernatorial election. Norfolk voted Republican during the last presidential election.
    One can call a horse a zebra if one wishes - but Norfolk has clearly voted Republican over the past several years.
    On a related note, many folks I know who are registered Independents tell me that it is due to the fact that there are so few Republican choices (for now) at the state level. That said, we should all work together to make Norfolk a place where the best and brightest choose to come and live.
    - JPB

  • 8/9 11:40pm   Free Furniture!!
    Free desk with hutch! Sauder brand laminated particle board type furniture, with a classic cherry finish and antiqued gold hardware. It's been disassembled mostly, so it needs assembly and maybe some minor repairs. It may even have a couple shelves missing, but I'm not sure. If you are creative or handy, you could have fun turning it into something really cool, and quite functional! We'll even throw in a bottle of free gorilla glue! You can also purchase replacement parts and get assembly tips and info from sauder.com.
    Free computer armoire! Sauder brand, matches the desk and hutch above. Also needs some handy work, but is a neat piece of furniture. When it's closed it looks like a traditional armoire. When you open the doors, it is like a mini office, with a whole computer station and tons of room for storing all your office stuff. It's about 6 years old, but you can still view what this piece looks like when fully assembled at [this link]. You can also purchase replacement parts for this piece, and get assembly tips and info from sauder.com.
    Free bar stools! 2 counter-height wooden kitchen stools with a light maple-ish finish, in really good shape. Slatted backs that are actually quite comfortable, so you can sit back and relax. The padded seats are covered in a pretty multi-color fruit-patterned fabric, but seats are removable and easy to recover in your own fabric.
    All free to a good home if you can come pick it up by Tuesday, August 14 from our Norfolk home. Call Sam: 508-528-6166
    - SE

  • 8/9 11:34pm   CS - Don't forget, Norfolk voted for Muffy too!
    - PC

  • 8/9 9:04pm   Newly retired and Young! Just took up violin lessons almost 1 1/2 yr ago. I am looking to start a small group of any age to try and get together and work on starting with simple and working on up to advanced music. I have an electronic piano and the house! This would be a fun evening, anyone welcome. We could meet once a month or so! Am open to any suggestions! Advanced players could help with the beginner players, etc. We could all learn something from each other!! If you haven't played an instrument in years, now is the time to take a chance and get back into playing again!! gericol@verizon.net
    - GC

  • 8/9 9:53pm   CS, Cambridge is a city. Just a little piece of information that may interest you.
    - DWL

  • 8/9 9:02pm   MD/MJD: I provided the link so you could access the statistics. I was not "spinning" anything, particularly the truth. The numbers are factual and there are more registered Republicans in town. It would also be very surprising if newcomers were left-leaning Democrats as MJD implies. Norfolk is an expensive town to live in, which normally translates into more registered Republicans (except for the Cambridges and Brooklines of the world). MJD, I completely disagree that providing the link to the data was "a mistake". It was my way of substantiating my viewpoint with indisputable facts. I realize that sometimes facts can get in the way, but they are the facts. Lastly, SO's suggestion that we have this discussion on a politics page is laughable. Politics are certainly as legitimate a topic of discussion as which species of bird is in town or who can fix a garage door well. In my opinion, town politics are an important factor in determining where to live.
    - CS

  • 8/9 12:11pm   CS: Based on MD's stats and other information provided by MJD, unenrolled voters comprise the majority of voters in our town, with registered Democrat and Republican registered voters nearly tied. I guess we can call Norfolk a purple town!
    - MHC

  • 8/9 12:03pm   CA - I did consider that it could be an osprey, but this bird didn't have a white underside and its main body was heftier than an osprey's. I pulled out my bird books and made comparisons. I also called my vet friend, who said it was entirely possible that it was an eagle, in that they don't gain their white feathers until their third year. She said that when she was working at a wildlife clinic in Saugus, people were always calling to say they'd found an injured eagle, only to find, when they brought in the bird, it was usually a seagull. Then one day someone actually did bring in an eagle in a milk crate - found in Saugus of all things! She said it was a juvenile, all brown, but as huge as an adult. When Fish & Wildlife arrived, they told her it was starving from inability to establish its own territory. I was thinking of heading back over to River Rd. today with my binoculars and my books in hopes of a re-sighting. Maybe I'll see an eagle and an osprey - that would be a banner day! CA, did you see the osprey over that way?
    Wm - Any chance of reinstating the Politics page to handle the tennis match?
    - SO

  • 8/9 12:34am   CS - Your mistake was in providing the link as many people don't have time to dig it out and some might have believed your odd spin on the truth. I have said this before, the demographic in this town is shifting and there are more progressives moving into Norfolk everyday, thank heavens!
    - MJD

    [It is never a mistake to link to supporting documentation, and I always welcome it. In many cases the additional information helps to clarify the point or place it in context. The enrolled voters may be tied, but the polling data tends to back CS; see the post of 11/2/2004 11:01pm. More data in a year and a bit, plus of course the local issues.
    11/2 11:01pm Norfolk results:
    total turnout: 5054
    Bush: 2626
    Kerry: 2281
    Badnarick: 39
    Cobb:  12
    Nader: 13
    Blanks: 64
    - Wm.]

  • 8/9 12:21am   A follow-up e-mail arrived on the Boy Scout land issue, with the SLAPP law attached, paraphrased here:
    Globe West had a story saying Jack Scott of Pine Creek Development filed plans as a resident to develop the Boy Scout Land.

    Correction: Jack Scott filed plans with the different boards in Norfolk as a developer, not as a resident. That is a big difference.

    As far as suing anyone, especially board members or residents who stand up to developers, Cheryl Jacques, our former state senator, was successful in having a law passed which protects these very people from being sued. SLAPP Law enclosed [here].

    Signed, etc. . . .

    - Wm.
    [Update 8/9 10:53am: paraphrased the original letter - Wm.]

  • 8/9 12:20am   So sad to be leaving Norfolk -- has anyone moved here recently and want to recycle their moving boxes? If so please e-mail freenorfolksailboat@gmail.com. Thanks!
    - TS

  • 8/9 12:18am   SO: Could the bird you saw been an osprey? I have seen them around here, and the first time I saw one I thought it might be an eagle. They have a wing span up to around 6 feet and do feed on fish.
    - CA

  • 8/8 11:43pm   Looking for an after school babysitter for the 07-08 year? My name is Erin and I am going to be a senior at KP. I currently work at the Gap in the outlets but am looking for a babysitting job for the week and some weekend nights. I have two years of babysitting experience and love working with little kids; one of my choices for college is Early Education. I am fun-loving and very fun! I currently am listed on the babysitting website, sittercity.com, for more information. If interested feel free to email me at ebseb08@yahoo.com. Thanks!!
    - ES

  • 8/8 10:29pm   CS - I hardly think you can crow about Norfolk being a Republican Town. If you go to the town breakdowns (not the counties) on that same website, [enroll_breakdown.pdf], Norfolk is shown as having 1253 registered Democrats (21.04%) and 1282 registered Republicans (21.52%). That looks pretty even to me. The vast majority are registered independent at 3386 (56.85%).
    - MD

  • 8/8 10:28pm   CS, You are absolutely correct and I am very much aware of this. However, the majority of the state is not Republican and, as you know, majority rules. That is why we are a blue state and that is why I choose to live in Massachusetts. Norfolk is a great town with great people but is only a small piece of Massachusetts. I did not know that we were now referring to towns as "Blue" or "Red" towns. Maybe that is just representative of how you think.
    - DWL

  • 8/8 7:26pm   Free!! Free Whirlpool washer and dryer!! About 10 years old, both work great. Full sized, white. Top loading washing machine. Front loading dryer. Free to a good home! Must pick up from our Norfolk home by Monday, August 13. Call Sam: 508-528-6166.
    - SE

    [Update 8/9 11:35pm: I have already received a call from a woman who was thrilled to take our free washer and dryer! - SE]

  • 8/8 7:22pm   I am a new mother. My son is 3 months old and I wanted to find out if there are any other new mom's out there that have a mother's group in town. I would like to meet other new moms and share the experience. Maybe there is already a play group established. If so I would love to hear about it and maybe join. I can be reached at caji74@Yahoo.com. Thanks,
    - CFC

  • 8/8 7:17pm   Does anyone know of a local food pantry and shelter that I can donate baby clothes and baby formula to? Thank you
    - JH

  • 8/8 7:16pm   For sale: Electric ceramic top range oven and an over the range microwave. These are used and selling due to remodel. Both are black in color and are GE Profile brands. $200 for the pair. Need to go by this Friday 8/10. Please call 508 498-0564 if interested.
    - KB

  • 8/8 7:07pm   DWL: Massachusetts is a democratic state, but your very own town of Norfolk is NOT. If you check the Secretary of State's website, [stparty06.pdf], you will find that Democrats are the least popular party here Norfolk. Cohasset and Dover are the only two other towns that have more Republicans enrolled than Democrats. In my opinion, Norfolk is in good company and I am proud to live in a "red town".
    - CS

  • 8/8 7:06pm   DH... Regarding the garage door person on Union Street, the number is 528-9381. I have no knowledge of his prices or work.
    - JHR

  • 8/8 7:04pm   Possible Eagle Sighting (?) - I was over on River Rd. today about 1 pm., coming from the Myrtle St. end, and as I approached the first elbow in the road, a huge, dark bird emerged from the trees just in front of my car. It flew low and slow above the road, trying to gain lift. It was bigger than a great horned owl or a red-tailed hawk, and definitely not a turkey vulture. This was a dark brown bird with a yellow-tipped raptor beak, if I remember correctly. It looked heavier than what I could hold on one outstretched arm. It disappeared up into the tallest trees. I called Stony Brook and described all this to the woman who answered. She said she'd never seen one around here, but if it was near the river, it sounded like an eagle. Please tell me someone else has seen this bird and what do you think it is?
    - SO

  • 8/8 6:57pm   We were sent the link to the Boston Globe article [article] about the Boy Scout land developer threatening to sue, and information about SLAPP lawsuits (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, lawsuits filed to intimidate or punish and stop criticism about what the plaintiffs have done or plan to do so.)
    - Wm.

    [Update 10:40pm: information was to educate but not meant as a post; reposted by Wm.]

  • 8/8 6:55pm   To DH, our garage door was stuck this weekend. I called Saturday morning and Steve from Pioneer Doors came out within a couple of hours, fixed the door, was extremely pleasant, and the charges were very reasonable. I highly recommend giving Pioneer Doors a call at 508-668-8136.
    - SCC

  • 8/7 1:59pm   Just a quick note to anyone who has trash collection. As it has been so extremely hot, every now and then I walk out and hand my pickup person a cold lemonade or $5 to get himself a coolata. These guys work so hard and I am sure they like to know how appreciated they are.
    - DWL

  • 8/7 1:58pm   Join our Bingo game! Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville Animal Control will be putting on Cow Chip Bingo at Wrentham Day on September 8th 2007. The space is limited in the cow pen so be sure to get your "plot" early! First place winner wins $500.00 (see rules for further details). Other raffle prizes will be offered as well along with the sale of Cow Chip Bingo bracelets. All money raised will be divided equally amongst the three towns and placed in their gift accounts for extra animal needs. Please see the Norfolk animal control web page for full details. Deeds will be ready to be sold hopefully by 8/10/07. If you would like to donate a prize or gift certificate, or purchase deeds please call or send an email. Sincerely
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 8/7 12:19pm   MT - Very well said. Your points are right on in my book. Just because I bought a house in Norfolk does not mean every developer that comes along has a right to develop property that they purchase in Norfolk for whatever purpose they wish, whether it be a house or something else. We have state laws and local town bylaws to protect our environment for one thing and our local bylaws should not be casually changed because some people think any development must be good and we need to make it easier for it. That was my point in my previous post. I never said I am anti-development and I am not. But I will not take it on blind faith that we should change our bylaws and cough up some big $$$ for infrastructure additions in town to aid in development. I'll demand a much more rigorous analysis to prove it is the right thing financially and environmentally for the town as a whole before I go along with it. And I suggest others do the same as concerned citizens. That is where attending town meeting and voting comes in.
    And to add fuel to my suspicions about the benefits of some of the development in town, did anyone see last week's Boomerang? As I recall from the article, a local developer wants the town to improve a dirt road (because he claims it is a public way) that leads to a parcel he has purchased that he plans to build a single house on to sell. He expects the town of Norfolk (we taxpayers) to spend several hundred thousand dollars to improve the road for the benefit of a single home he plans to build. Talk about a hit to the town's finances if that comes to pass.
    - MD

    [Update 8/8 7:10pm: corrected last paragraph - MD]

  • 8/7 11:35am   MW, Exactly my thought; let us know what he thinks.
    - DV

  • 8/7 11:11am   DV... Interesting about your yard fire. I will ask my husband if he found anything. He is a firefighter in a neighboring town and I know that he would've poked around to look for a butt. I will also ask him if he has dealt with anything like this before. Maybe in places where the mulch is deep, it creates too much heat? If that's the case, homeowners should be alerted to the possibilities of this and neighbors trained to look for any smoke or flames in their neighborhood during excessive heat/dry spells! Scary!
    - MW

  • 8/7 11:09am   Has anyone had any work done on their garage doors from the man that has a sign on Union St.? How was his work, prices etc? Also does anyone happen to have his phone number handy? I'm having trouble with my garage doors, and unfortunately I can't get my car out today. Thanks,
    - DH

  • 8/7 3:13am   TD, about your post of 8/3 @ 5:58PM: I have just returned from an extended weekend away, and read your posting. The numerous points that you tried to make in your note all beg to be fully addressed, but because of space constraints on Norfolknet and because, with all that you said, you never answered the only specific questions that I asked you, my response will be limited, albeit probably still quite lengthy because of the serious nature of the matter.
    I'm sorry if you thought there was even the slightest bit of sarcasm in my previous note; certainly none was intended. Quite to the contrary, since your thesis of 8/2/07 on Smart Growth seemed to be written with such authoritative certainty, I thought that you were prepared to back up your dogma with some substantive facts and illustrations, of which I am not yet aware. That was the sole purpose of the simple questions that I put to you; in effect I asked you justify your insistence that increasing the population density with any type of residential, commercial, or industrial development will benefit the present tax paying residents of Norfolk.
    However, instead of staying on point and directly replying to my question, you elected to respond by touching upon a myriad of topics not germane to the subject, and avoiding the only issue at hand. So, now you have instructed me on the subjects of grammar, economics, finance, the labor market, causes for the slump in real estate sales, and business administration. In addition, you've warned me that those of us who don't accept the emphatic political "develop or die" edict which is being carelessly (and/or selfishly) delivered by the pro-development faction in town will be the cause of a widespread economic depression. Your rationale seems to be that if we, as a town, don't continue to favor developers, the lack of continuous land development (apparently including the much higher density populations it will create) will cause construction workers to lose their jobs and that development companies and other related industries would not be able to realize their highly profitable ventures by building out (expanding the growth and population) our town. Are you suggesting that it's the taxpayers of Norfolk's responsibility to guarantee the financial security of land developers and their employees, by aiding them in their insatiable quest for their own profits from building developments?
    TD, usually I avoid being sidetracked while involved in a serious discussion, and refuse to be misled into debating any other issues until the ones already on the table are satisfactorily answered. I'm going to make an exception in this case, and very candidly address two or three of the references that you directed to me, personally. I'm doing this with the expectation that you will be just as forthright and with the necessary clarity when you respond to the initial questions, which I asked you on 8/3 @ 3:24pm, that still remain unanswered.
    You said, "I note that you do not address the hypocrisy regarding your developement stance when it benefitted you for your own home either. As that is the case we will move on". First of all, you have no idea what my "development stance" is, so for the record, I'll tell you. I was raised and groomed in one of the most prominent general construction companies in New England. I spent a number of years developing a broad background, through formal education and experience. There aren't many places where one can travel in Massachusetts and not find the distinct and permanent marks that I personally made on the terrain during my time in the field. Although I formally left the construction business to pursue other endeavors some time ago, I still maintain an interest and still have occasion to work with a handful developers/builders. As a former developer/contractor and because of my association with other developers, I have a reasonably comprehensive sense of the developers' point of view, the manner in which they are likely to approach the initial Application Process and how they will continue to react to various circumstances or challenges in order to prosecute the completion of their project. My "development stance" is neither for, nor against land development. However, I feel that each proposed project must legitimately stand on its own merits, without being swayed by chicanery on the part of the developer or any town officials. The proposal and plans must, without reservation or evasion, also guarantee not to cause short or long-range harm to any part of, or to any member of the community. You also allude to my "hypocrisy . . . when it benefited you, for your own home". I presume that you're referring to that old saw also attempted by others of a certain attitude that says something like, "It was OK when you moved into town, but now you don't want anyone else to do the same thing". First of all, any inference of the kind is not true when you direct it to me, but more important and on point is that it's a very weak argument at best; it won't stand up under scrutiny for a number of reasons. For example, it ignores the facts repeatedly proven over time, which are often simply expressed with applicable phrases like, "The straw that broke the camel's back"; "Points of diminishing return"; "Overextension"; "More is not always better"; and "The exponential increase of liability".
    In wrapping this up for now, I'll point out that apparently, in response to my questions, you've placed a great deal of the strength of your position on "common sense" and "basic economic tenets that can't be ignored"; as you've stated them, both terms are meaningless blind assumptions, unless you can properly justify your usage of them. Please note that I mentioned "justifiable tenets", in my original response to you--purposely using the word "justifiable" with specificity. I'd also suggest that you take a closer look at the overall picture, and study the facts, before you try to strengthen your point by comparing Boston's property taxes to Norfolk's; your contention actually works against you.
    - MT

    [Update 8/9 11:58pm: typos and minor wording changes - MT]

  • 8/7 3:01am   Someone was asking about poison ivy a few days back and there was an interesting article on Boston.com with a website on poison ivy, poison-ivy.org. It's pretty interesting but I am sure those Globe people just made the whole thing up, a kind of left wing poison-ivy conspiracy!
    - MJD

  • 8/7 2:59am   MG, For the Republicans Fox news is popular, but not for the Democrats. Massachusetts is a Democratic state. I am not pulling the wool over your eyes just speaking the truth.
    - DWL

  • 8/7 2:53am   AG, and KBC, thanks so much for your response into my bike attachment inquiry. We were able to borrow something from a neighbor. It was my first posting to Norfolknet.com and I can't believe how quickly I got a response. We just moved to town a few mont hs ago and we appreciate the friendliness of the town.
    - EHF

  • 8/7 2:48am   Evidently someone had thrown a lit cigarette out - MW
    Did you find the cigarette butt? The reason I ask is we were working on our yard this weekend and the same thing happened, we smelled fire a lot of the day and I commented to my husband that it was a funny day for someone to be having a fire, it was so hot. A minute or so later he walked over to a part of the yard and saw smoke and a large burned area. We hosed it down and put it out. He thought it must have been a cigarette also but it was too far off the road for someone to throw there. I thought it started due to the lack of rain and the heat. It was in a dry pile on sticks and pine needles.
    - DV

  • 8/6 2:14pm   For all those tomato lovers out there, our self-service tomato stand is open for the next week and a half as we clean out our greenhouse! We grow tomatoes to sell to Volante's Farm in Needham and just made our last delivery to them as they have their own toms coming in. We put surplus out on our stand for $2.00 a bag. Right now we are flush, so each bag has at least 1.5 lbs, and any 3rds are about 3 lbs to a bag. They retail for $3.99 a pound at Volante's so it's a real bargain!
    They taste good (we won 2nd place in the Mass. Tomato Contest) and we don't use pesticides, only beneficial insects. It's self-service, so if you are in the area, just grab a bag and drop your $2 in the box! (Sorry, we can't make change.) We are at 57 Miller St, almost on the Franklin line.
    - Laura and Ian Klobucher, Duckenfield Farm, 57 Miller St., Norfolk

  • 8/6 2:02pm   I would recommend Weatherproof Construction in Norfolk for roofing, and installation of gutters and downspouts. They did a great job!
    - MO

  • 8/6 1:59pm   We had a fire in our bark mulch bed this weekend. My teenager came home on Sunday to find a stranger watering our front yard! Evidently someone had thrown a lit cigarette out of their car window and it caught our mulch on fire and the fence post was just starting to ignite... it was badly scorched. My SUV was parked just a foot away!! If this kind and quick-thinking neighbor had not stopped to put the fire out (using my garden hose), it could have ended very badly! Thank you!! whoever you are!
    I also want to remind people not to throw cigarettes out the window! There is a fire danger you know! Some folks just don't have any common sense, or just don't care!
    - MW

  • 8/6 1:58pm   Ant problem?? ...We are having the same issue. We used APC out of Medfield. They are wonderful and they took care of the ants. They have a 6 month waranty... we had to have them come back and it was not an issue at all... We also use them for termites! This must be a bad year for ants. We don't usually have as much of an issue.
    - MW

  • 8/6 11:26am   Wanted to put in a plug for Steve from Pioneer Garage Doors in Walpole (508-668-8136). He was great, came out when he said he would, did the job really well and was very nice, and it didn't cost an arm and a leg. The previous owner of my house had jury-rigged the door so that while it worked, it wasn't done right. Steve fixed it and installed a new opener, making sure that it was working perfectly before he left. Thinking about all the shoddy workmanship these days I think it's important to acknowledge someone who does his job so well and takes such pride in it.
    - RG

  • 8/6 10:35am   To Willow: You are a most beautiful dog and your MySpace page just made me cry (good song!). I hope you find a loving family who can give you all the love you deserve! Best wishes!
    - SM

  • 8/6 10:34am   Any recommendations for a local exterminator? I have an ant problem this year that I can't get under control. Thanks.
    - NED

  • 8/6 10:33am   DWL, you may not be mainstream America, but Massachusetts is mainstream America. Fox news is just as popular here in Massachusetts as it is around the USA. Stop trying to convince yourself that Massachusetts is as liberal as you are!
    - MG

  • 8/5 6:21pm   For those who missed the feature on KidsRunning.com covering last September's race, check it out here - [page link]
    Registration form for this year's DARE race can be downloaded and printed here - [link]
    - HK

  • 8/5 6:17pm   Wanted: Loving family for a friendly dog. For pictures and details, see Willow's MySpace page at: [home4willow], or email Willow's extended family at: home4willow@gmail.com.
    - Willow (ME)

  • 8/4 7:04pm  
    Regarding town taxes --
    - MG

  • 8/4 7:01pm   CS, You are absolutely right that mainstream America loves Fox. However, I do not consider Massachusetts to be mainstream America. I would also like to add that I am very proud that Massachusetts is not regarded as mainstream America.
    - DWL

  • 8/4 3:37pm   An update from JL, who was inquiring into opening a bagel shop in town --
    Hi all again! Thank you for the support and feedback when I inquired about a bagel shop/cafe going in the center of Norfolk. Here is an update: The location we were striving for can not have a food business in the building due to septic. So it's not looking good for now, but I will keep looking. In the meantime, to answer some questions some folks had, I am located in Franklin, we are Elizabeth's Bagels. www.elizabethsbagels.com we do offer (besides bagels and coffee) salads, wraps, Lattes, Cappuccino's etc. And they are authentic New York style, kettled and everything. Thanks again all, and if anyone has any other location suggestions in Norfolk I'm all ears!

    - JL

  • 8/4 3:36pm   Hi, Can anyone recommend a company that could install gutters and downspouts in this area? Also can anyone give me a ballpark idea of what this would cost for a small cape? Thanks!!
    - TM

  • 8/4 3:35pm   DWL: It is typical of the looney left to cite Fox News and O'Reilly as fiction. Don't let facts get in the way. O'Reilly has the number one rated cable news program for a reason. Mainstream America agrees with many of his viewpoints and prefers his reporting and story selection.
    My preference is to get news from multiple sources (left, right and center) and form my own judgments about credibility on a story by story basis. To assume the Globe is always accurate and factual is naive in my viewpoint. It is equally ridiculous to portray Fox News as inaccurate fiction across the board. It is usually prudent to refrain from such sweeping misstatements and generalizations.
    - CS

  • 8/3 10:35pm   TD, the way I read MT's post was that "development" seems to be a matter of faith with some, but that he/she would like to see numbers - an analysis showing where and how much it would benefit. It was never claimed that expanding the tax base is not good, what was directly questioned was whether "development" would lower our taxes.
    If you ask residents to give up their peaceful woodsy enviorons for someone else's profit, you have to show how it benefits them, too.
    Your response that "it's common sense" dodged the question of which towns managed to reduce residential tax rates through planned development. To embrace the notion that development is God's gift to small towns, it would be reasonable to look at a few examples of how this has worked out in practice. You may be a true believer, but then the onus is on you to convince skeptics like MT.
    - AR

  • 8/3 10:34pm   DWL - It seems I walk different paths than you. I have to say I enjoy watching Bill O'Reilly although I don't always agree with him. And I watch Fox News because they do hold President Bush in high regard. Thankfully, I know many people who also respect our current President.
    - KF

  • 8/3 6:08pm   TMS - I believe the article stated an average of 13 students per teacher, not per classroom. These ratios include all teaching staff such as reading specialists, special education teachers, physical education, art, music, etc. as was previously mentioned. This is true of the high school as well. You will find that most academic classrooms have a minimum of 20 students per teacher and some even had 30+ per teacher last year. The better question is how many students are assigned per academic teacher. Most high school academic teachers have 120+ students spread over their five teaching blocks. It is hoped that the recent increase in staffing will relieve these numbers a bit, however, enrollment is increasing each year.
    - LM

  • 8/3 5:58pm   MT, Kudos to your advanced use of sarcasm! I applaud your efforts! I note that you do not address the hypocrisy regarding your developement stance when it benefitted you for your own home either. As that is the case we will move on.
    My quote that you attempted to use regarding development used the word "should" not "must". You chose to make the words synonymous. That being said what is wrong with controlled developement? Would developement in the moonscape be bad? I think no, but it would still qualify as developement. I will try to be assuage your fears. I am an advocate of reasonable, thougtful developement. Destroying the town's way of life by unchecked developement is just as irresponsible as a belief that there should be no developement at all. Your position ignores the rising costs (health care, wages, materials, inflation, etc.) faced by the town and would result in the continuing increase of property taxes as the town has to find the revenue to function. Your stance would simply lead to the pricing out of more people as their property tax rates would simply be too much for them to bear.
    You seem to espouse the always sensible belief of zero growth by virtue of no developement. You cannot honestly believe that an economy can continue to grow with zero developement. Think of how many industries rely on housing. Now jobs would be lost with your program. The data can be seen in jobs report that came out today. Housing starts are way down and people in the construction field are losing their jobs. Eventually that has the potential to spread to the many other areas of the economy that directly or indirectly rely on construction. While that may not concern you, I would like to think most of us would be concerned by such a possibility.
    On to your third paragraph. If I am to understand what you wrote, you do not understand how expanding the tax base beyond residential taxes is beneficial. Despite your instructions to the contrary there are basic economic tenets that cannot be ignored, try as you may. Our average property tax bill is in the top third of the state. Despite this distinction, we do not get trash service, we have limited sidewalks, we may eliminate busing for school kids in some instances, and we have to pay for all day kindergarten to name a few things we don't get. It seems clear that more revenue is needed in additional to additional cuts (a separate argument). We cannot continue to soak the homeowners as that well is dry. Therefore, a thoughtful reasonable developement plan that takes into account the revenue and the expenses associated with the growth needs to be implemented. You asked for examples. How about common sense as an example? More revenue is a good thing as additional services could be provided. Why is the property tax in Boston so low? it is because of the businesses located in the city. I know your response will be that Boston and Norfolk are too different to compare. I would suggest that is not the case as the basic economic principles still apply though and that is the key point. That same sort of thing could be done here on a much smaller scale that is relative to the size of the town and that also preserves a way of life.
    - TD

  • 8/3 4:28pm   TMS, Would you be able to post [link to - Wm.] the article on Norfolknet. I would love to read it.
    - DWL

  • 8/3 4:19pm   PR, Tell me next that you enjoy watching Bill O'Reilly. He is also very entertaining and makes for great fiction listening as he reports his propaganda. Both Fox and Bill still speak of the current president with high regards. Thankfully there are not many people who agree with them.
    - DWL

  • 8/3 4:18pm   TMS - I believe the chart ratios include non-classroom teachers - Art, Gym, Music, etc... It may also include reading and math specialists as well.
    - CI

  • 8/3 3:58pm   I just read the article in yesterday's Globe West section. The average pupils per class has me confused. While the article said the average was 13 students per class, I have not experienced this. Both of my kids have 18-20 kids per class and have since kindergarten. For the average to be 13, there would have to be a big swing throughout the district. Does anyone have any insights? I am assuming that the reporting was Norfolk Public only since KP was listed separately.
    - TMS

  • 8/3 3:31pm   Hi DWL-It's refreshing to hear such an open-minded Boston Globe reader--I guess in your home everyone is free to think and believe anything they want as long as it's what you believe. I always thought the liberal mantra was one of inclusion and love? Fox News is mainstream America. The station reports the news and their hosts always allow for opposing viewpoints. I guess it's doing it's "job well" because it's the number one cable news station in America - every hour of the day. I subscribe to the Boston Globe and find it to be very entertaining, and for the most part, the stories make for good fiction reading.
    - PR

  • 8/3 3:24pm   TD: Re your post of 8/2@ 4:56 PM. Your mini-thesis on the Smart Growth Plan, for Norfolk, was very stimulating. Insomuch as I don't recall it ever being so eloquently expressed on Norfolknet before, could you further clarify a few of the points that you made? For example, I'm puzzled about your statement, in your post, "That should not mean that some responsible growth (a mixture of residential and business) should not occur." Is it written down somewhere, as a matter of law, that "growth (a mixture of residential and business) should (must) occur"? If it's not a law, or a justifiable tenet, that a town must continue to grow until it is completely built-out (all developable spaces occupied), where is your logic?
    Obviously while some growth is inevitable, why should it be rewarded, encouraged, promoted and even insisted upon? Is there some accruable financial benefit to us, the bona fide tax paying residents, as the town continues to expand? Where and when do we see those benefits?
    My next question is about your assurance that, "It can be done and if it were done it would relieve the burden that exists currently on the tax base that is nearly all residential growth." TD, how is further development, of any kind, going to relieve our present tax burden? Please omit all the canned theoretical generic rhetoric about commercial or industrial developments consuming less infrastructure than residential, therefore contributing a positive revenue flow to the town treasury. We've all heard that doctrine consistently recited to us, as though by rote, but please explain how implementing that logic has ever been successful in any city or town. Can you name even one municipality that has ever reduced or even stabilized the residential property tax burden by continuing to grow, thereby increasing the density of the structures and other human necessities?
    - MT

  • 8/3 2:42pm   Reward: free tomatoes for recovery of our freestanding black metal sign saying "NATIVE TOMATOES" that was taken from our tomato stand on Miller Street sometime before Thursday, Aug 2. It's not the prettiest sign in the world, but we miss it. Anyone with info can email me at laurashops@verizon.net. Thanks!
    - Laura Klobucher, Duckenfield Farm

  • 8/3 2:41pm   I used A-1 paving out of wrentham (508) 384-7314. they have been around many years and do very good work. as for how much, it depends on many things such as the length of your driveway, the condition of the current driveway etc etc. mine was $3,800.00.
    re: 8/3 8:33am We are looking into having our driveway paved. How much should we expect to pay? Can anyone recommend someone?
    - TM
    - SB

  • 8/3 2:40pm   TD, TK, MD: well said; and I'd submit that we have the right balance already. Unlike many of our overbuilt neighboring communities that are chewing up open spaces and depleting water resources, we have chosen the correct blend of development and conservation by-laws. We have implemented high density, smart-growth, mixed use bylaws in Town Center, and allow for clustered projects in other areas. At the same time, our careful and diligent approach to permitting in outlying areas has enabled us to retain the bucolic character that most towns crave. Let's not screw that up.
    - JT

  • 8/3 8:33am   We are looking into having our driveway paved. How much should we expect to pay? Can anyone recommend someone?
    - TM

  • 8/2 8:18pm   To KB - my husband might be interested in selling his used bike if interested? I know it's in perfect condition. Are you looking for any particular type?
    - DH

  • 8/2 5:29pm   I'm the one whose sister just survived six days in the Mt. Olympus Wilderness, WA. If that's not crazy enough, today my brother Gerry (Portland, OR) emailed his siblings and lovely, old, innocent, Irish parents:
    "Check out this story - [msnbc article]. It's absolutely wild! So, I'm considering doing it with a buddy. Hope all is well. I'm building a pre-baby fence and playground - photos to come."
    This is a person who has entertained "Extreme Ironing" (extremeironing.com). His wife is pregnant with their third child, due this month! I don't know if he's yanking us or not. Is it in the genes and is there a cure? Do any of the rest of you suffer familial loons?
    Honestly, I've enjoyed my own past adventures, but now you know why I love Norfolk - the biggest risks are forgetting a yellow sticker, Lyme Disease, mosquitos and rotary-racers. I don't know the statistics, but I feel safer.
    - SO

  • 8/2 4:56pm   MD, Your post on residential housing has some valid points such as the propert taxes from new homes generally do not offset the expense. I accept that premise. That should not mean that some responsible growth (a mixture of residential and business) should not occur. I always find it interesting when people forget that their own home has not been there since the earth cooled. At some point, the land was pristine and unspoiled prior to your own home being built. You seem to believe in that instance the growth was fine. This ignores the fact that the revenue vs expense problem still existed. Somehow going forward, that very same growth that benefited you is not acceptable for anyone else.
    Secondly, if someone choses to buy land and then sell it that is fine as that is the foundation of the free economy. Whatever theory that you have involving developers, the town and wetlands laws being bypassed ignores the state laws that are place to protect the wetlands. I am not advocating clearcutting the town, rather a sensible strategy of smart growth. It can be done and if it were done it would relieve the burden that exists currently on the tax base that is nearly all residential growth.
    - TD

  • 8/2 4:55pm   Hi KB, Bicycles Plus Franklin - family run, great people, great prices; I've bought many a bike from there. bicyclesplusfranklin.com Regards,
    - JMD

  • 8/2 1:12pm   Thank you TK and MD for your levelheadedness and insight. We need more of you!
    - TEM

  • 8/2 1:11pm   Any recommendations on where to find a used men's bike to purchase?
    - KB

  • 8/2 10:57am   It seems like many people who post here on NorfolkNet like Norfolk as a relatively quiet, rural town. If so, people may wish to pay attention to what is going on with the BOS, the ConCom and development in town. It is widely recognized that new homes are not good for a town financially because the property taxes the new home pays to the town almost never cover the costs of the town services they require (schools, police, roads, etc.) Therefore, the town is in worse financial shape when new homes are built.
    I believe there are several people in Norfolk who own a lot of property in town that they would like to develop so they can make money personally. (I think they also post here on NorfolkNet quite frequently.) I think many of those people would like to diminish the wetlands and environmental protection bylaws in town so that they can more easily develop their properties for homes or commercial development.
    I believe that BOS supports more development in town and wants a more lenient ConCom that will more easily allow developers to develop. That is why the BOS did not appoint or reappoint the highly qualified candidates that were available because they stood for more rigorous conservation of our natural resources.
    While I recognize the right for developers to earn a living, I would not want development to be done at the expense of our open spaces, wetlands and beautiful wooded areas. So if you are a concerned citizen, you may wish to pay closer attention to what is going on and attend Town Meeting and vote... my two cents.
    - MD

  • 8/2 9:45am   DV -- I can't tell for certain by looking at the online assessor's database who actually owns the land, but it looks like Paul Borrelli, the Town of Norfolk and Norfolk Town Center LLC own quite a bit of the area on Meeting House Road. I know that is where the new condos are being built and they are listed separately with specific addresses, so they can be eliminated. The Stop and Shop land could also be on Independence Way or Main Street. There is so much vacant land in that area I personally have never been sure where the Stop and Shop is supposed to eventually be going.
    Maybe a dog park could be built there with a fenced off area for goats -- it does not get more bucolic than that! I absolutely love the idea that someone asked for help with poison ivy and the first response was to bring over a goat. What a great town!
    - MH

  • 8/2 9:44am   MKL, JT, JL, Fear not... I do not believe that the BOS can act unilaterally on abandonment or 'eradication' (interesting choice of terms) of the existing Wetlands Bylaw (Article VII - Section 2) as that bylaw would have required the approval of Town Meeting to enact. Approval of Town Meeting would, therefore, be required to delete that section from the bylaws. I'm guessing that there would be plentiful and heated public debate over that issue, to be sure. I'm also betting that the majority of Town Meeting would not be convinced that abandoning that bylaw would in the public interest.
    Understand that, even if Town Meeting and the BOS were successful in deleting that section from the Town Bylaws, the State Wetlands Protection and Riverfront Acts would remain in place to protect those lands defined as jurisdictional under the acts. All would not be lost. The Conservation Commission would still be required to enforce State Law.
    Not knowing anything beyond what has been posted here, and assuming for the moment that what has been posted has some element of truth, the most interesting part of the question to me would be why an elected official would want to travel that road, seeking the deletion of a Home Rule Amendment allowing the town to have more stringent wetlands requirements than State Law. Local wetlands bylaws can't be less stringent than State Law, only more so. Having a strong local wetlands protection bylaw is something that not all towns opt for, but once they do, going backwards in time would not seem to make much sense.
    Just another two cents...
    - TK

  • 8/2 9:42am   The animal trapping on Boardman Street has ended as of this morning. The two cats that we were trying to catch have been caught. Traps will be removed from that neighborhood by the end of the day. Many thanks to all that helped out. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 8/2 9:41am   CS, The Boston Globe leans to the left and the people that lean to the left love it. We need the news reported correctly and the Globe does the job well. Talk about leaning have you ever viewed Fox News? One channel that never is watched in my home!
    - DWL

  • 8/1 11:51pm   JT and JL - Hmmm, was this the same new Conservation Commission member who said she could hire Town Counsel to interpret any of the by-laws she didn't understand? Won't that be a big cost savings for the town!!!
    And isn't it curious that a developer with how many houses in the works? sat front and center in the audience for the meeting when this person was appointed?
    Let's let developers friendly with the BOS put a new house on every bit of open space left in Norfolk, and then underfund the schools when those houses are filled with new students for the town. Is that their plan? Sure seems so.
    - MKL

  • 8/1 10:51pm   Hats off to the courageous homeowner who chased down the misguided miscreants, and to the NPD for making the collar. It's too bad the homeowner wasn't able to grab hold of these maggots... I think they would have preferred facing the judge than his wrath.
    - PA

  • 8/1 10:50pm   JL: the future may be closer than you think. If cronies to the Selectmen have their way, this Fall's Town Meeting Warrant will include an article seeking the eradication of by-laws that protect our watershed, floodplain and wetlands. One of our new Conservation Commission members supports this backward thinking initiative.
    - JT

  • 8/1 5:23pm   MH who owns the land?
    - DV

  • 8/1 5:22pm   If you want to find out more from the real estate arm of Stop and Shop, call Bill Rernton 617-770-8637, Jim Silvia 617-770-8626 or Joe Penny 617-770-6914 or Melissa at 617-770-6914
    The consumer office knows nothing about a Stop and Shop to be built in Norfolk, and the people above will not be able to answer any questions, but put some pressure on them! What do you have to lose?
    If that doesn't work, Call the CEO of S and S, Jose Alvarez, at 617-770-6914.
    Maybe a community-wide boycott of Stop and Shop could grab their attention.
    - MON

  • 8/1 5:16pm   AWC - Glad to hear they were caught. Thank you to the Norfolk Police and to the homeowner who chased them!!
    - LS

  • 8/1 5:15pm   Could someone please clarify -- What is the difference between a complaint a couple of weeks ago about people's personal property not being maintained and the Stop and Shop land that is not being maintained? Both parcels are privately owned and operated. If you don't like it, buy the land and fix it up yourself. Perhaps enough angry taxpayers in Norfolk could pool money (using money they have saved by not shopping at Stop and Shop) and purchase the parcel? If there are so many other grocery store options that people feel we should/could boycott this particular entity, why do we need another one?
    Personally, I would rather see the wildflowers that are growing in the moonscape than a Stop and Shop/CVS.
    - MH

  • 8/1 5:14pm   Since a dog park is such an awful idea... how about a goat park??? Heeeheeeheee
    - DV

  • 8/1 3:51pm   Is the Planning Board the proper board to contact regarding concerns about Stop & Shop? Does the board have any authority to ask them to at least make the sight more pleasing until building begins? If the the Planning Board cannot do anything, who would we contact at Stop & Shop?
    - CJ

  • 8/1 3:31pm   In regards to the Stop and Shop boycott, every time you shop for groceries elsewhere, save the receipt showing how much you spent and at the end of each month send them to the corporate development office. Until they know how much money they are loosing, the moonscape will remain until they get around to it.
    - LM

  • 8/1 1:28pm   TC - totally agree with you. We, as residents, should come up with signs to not give Stop & Shop our business. The least they could do is some landscaping, seed and loam to make the area look nice (instead of the weeds we all have to look at) or put a park there - that would be nice...
    - AL

  • 8/1 12:33pm   I would first like to wish all of the new and remaining ConComm members the best of luck. You are volunteering your precious time and I appreciate and respect that. However, after taking some time off for vacation and reflecting on the process, I still remain annoyed.
    Regardless of who was appointed or not appointed or not re-appointed (in my opinion that's not the real issue), my real concern and distaste is for the process. From my discussions with folks in town and repeated viewing of the June BOS meeting, it is apparent that all along the existing BOS wanted a new regime on the ConComm. Whether or not I agree with that is a moot point. The BOS members were elected and they have the right to appoint commission members (which is another reason why we must think carefully about who we vote for).
    However, why jerk around with people who are looking to volunteer their time to the town? It is clear that the BOS did not want to appoint two ConComm members looking for re-appointment and another ConComm applicant who ideally qualified. Thus they "mulled", refused to make motions, asked for one on one meetings, then didn't ask for one on one meetings, continued to kick the can down the road, then let terms expire, then nominated other members. That's an embarrassing process and does not speak well for the decision making process of the group that we have entrusted our town. You can't please all the people all the time but you can speak your mind with candor and honesty and not work with a hidden agenda.
    Let's all watch carefully over the coming years. The natural, bucolic, rural and relatively undeveloped nature of our town could very well be at risk.
    - JL

  • 8/1 12:05pm   I need to dig a hole for a sump pump in my basement and install a pump. Does anyone know a local contractor who can help?
    - DMG

  • 8/1 12:04pm   Finally just found the time to read the article in last week's Boomerang about Stop & Shop being delayed - again. Isn't it time for some citizen's action? I believe the town officials are doing all they can, but that Stop & Shop is in fact land banking at the expense of our town center development is sinful. I suggest a town-wide and highly visible boycott of Stop & Shop. A few well-placed signs to that effect may not get the project built in the end, but they should know how reprehensible their devious strategy is to our town. I personally don't feel they deserve any Norfolk resident's patronage. Shame on them for stopping an entire town from moving forward on important plans. We have countless other options nearby, so please don't feed the coffers of a corporation that is willfully operating against the interests of our town!
    - TC

  • 8/1 12:03pm   AL, Although this probably won't fit your definition of 'reasonable', the Harraseeket Inn in Freeport is about a block north of LL Bean's main store and across the street. It's very nice (personal experience), but can be a little on the pricey side. It's the only lodging I can think of that one can walk to Beans from. All of the others I know would require a vehicle, and are on the south side of town, not within walking distance.
    - TK

  • 8/1 10:28am   Hi JT, we exterior pressure wash. chickspainting@aol.com
    - SD

  • 8/1 10:20am   Lock your car doors in Norfolk! This past weekend on Overlea road several cars were broken into. Two 17 year old boys from Wrentham were going into cars and stealing expensive sun glasses and I-Pods. They hit about 8 cars and were chased by a home owner into a house and then fled on foot. These kids moved quickly and efficiently and seemed to be looking for open cars. The Police did a wonderful job responding and catching them. They were unbelievably responsive, hats off to Norfolk's finest. This is a quiet town and I have never locked my car on my property for 18 years.
    Unfortunately my car will be locked from now on. Lock your cars! P.S. they were in front of the judge Monday morning.
    - AWC

  • 8/1 9:51am   Regarding the post by "Name withheld," I just thought that "those fine gentlemen who occupy the high posts in our town" were just leading by example and reinforcing the belief that expertise is a bad thing and not needed for any Town board.
    - WB

  • 8/1 9:49am   Recently I needed to have the interior of my nursery school painted and had a very short window of opportunity to get it done. I found Chick's Painting advertised here on Norfolknet and decided to give them a try. After meeting with the owner at my school I was confident that she had the knowledge and skill to get the job done. I hired them and I have to say that I was thrilled with the completed project. They finished the job quickly and the walls look beautiful. They also did more than what was asked in terms of wall prep and repair and thouroughly cleaned up after themselves.I would highly recommend them for any painting/odd job large or small!
    - SG

  • 7/31 11:35pm   Rather than use Round-Up, I use vinegar 5 % solution to kill weeds in edgewalk and for poison ivy around the mailbox, as well as smother them with lawn clippings. Qt of vinegar cost $1, applied with a a small left over hair sprayer. As you can suspect I don't have a lot.
    - JO

  • 7/31 11:05pm   POH - I have done other window jobs in the area so I can give you references. Tom, 508-517-4708. Free estimates!
    - TD

  • 7/31 9:58pm   SO: Your stories are always much more interesting than any book on my bedside table. Thank you!
    - AL

  • 7/31 9:14pm   AL, the Harraseeket Inn is a great place to stay and it is just steps from LL Bean. The Inn has two restaurants which are very good. Hilton Garden Inn is new, but is not within walking distance to downtown Freeport.
    - KR

  • 7/31 9:13pm   Hi, If anyone has a copy of TurboTax for Windows for tax year 2005, I'd be very grateful to borrow it from you, or take it off your hands for a reasonable price.
    I have my tax file which needs amending, but no longer have the installation software.
    Many thanks,
    - JH

  • 7/31 8:07pm   I think we should have a Norfolknet picnic. I will bring the goats for trash detail!
    - DV

    [DV, just let me know when and where, and I'll be there! - Wm.]

  • 7/31 8:06pm   Wm be nice LOL.
    - DV

  • 7/31 7:40pm   SO, I am so glad she is ok.
    - DV

  • 7/31 7:03pm   DF, what does the vinegar do to the PI? Kill it, or render it harmless? I love the idea of apple cider vinegar (as opposed to Ortho) since I get deer coming in to the back yard to munch every now and again. I'm sure they'd rather have vinagriette than agent orange.
    The news has carried quite a few stories about the virulent nature of this year's poison ivy. According to the stories I've read, global warming is being blamed.
    Thanks one and all for the ideas!
    - POH

    [Maybe the vinegar attracts goats? - Wm.]

  • 7/31 7:02pm   Here's a very cool Norfolk story: Last week, I was at Jane & Paul's, telling Jane the story of my missing sister - the hiker lost in the mountains of Washington State, who walked out after six days, miles away. While we were talking, a friend approached with her blueberry bucket. I'd met this woman through my very first Norfolk friend, and of all things, it turns out she'd actually lived in this house, two families before me! She said hello to Jane and gave me a big hug. "I have something to tell you. I know your sister." "What?" "She led a hike I went on. She's also in my Cambridge yoga class." "What?" As if that wasn't crazy enough, we walked back to our cars, after she paid for her blueberries, and I opened the hatch so she could see my dogs. A man, who had just pulled up, said, "Are those Australian Shepherds?" "Yes." "Are they from around here?" "No - one's from Missouri, one's from western Mass." Turns out his mother was a champion "Aussie" breeder and judge. We chatted for a bit and found our professions overlapped. He, very nicely, gave me his business card (didn't have mine). I emailed my western Mass. breeder and she immediately sent her praises of his mother, which I forwarded, and indeed, they share mutual admiration. It's a web.
    - SO

  • 7/31 7:01pm   I just got off the phone with the owner of a place called Training Wheels.... it is a road and dirt bike school for kids and adults; it sounds great... I am signing my kids up; anyone else interested in signing up their kids? He is calling me back with some dates for August.
    - DV

  • 7/31 6:58pm   The poison ivy eating goat sounds like the kind of feel good local color story that The Boston Globe could run about Norfolk (it sure beats the scandalous Sherborn sheep story!). This could be coupled with the harmonious scene of an ebony and ivory pair of canines just chillin' in the shade at the playground (Caption: "Unleashed on the Dog Days of Summer: Footloose and Fancy Free").
    - DA

  • 7/31 6:57pm   JHR: I'm right there with you - goat rental. I too, would be willing to hold the leash. We could set up lawn chairs and shift ourselves as grazing progressed. Iced tea, floppy hats, sunblock, interesting conversation or a good book, and of course, lunch. While the goat solution is more colorful, DF's suggestion will dispatch me for cider vinegar.
    DV: Have you owned goats before? What is the lifespan of a goat? Do you keep them as pets?
    - SO

  • 7/31 3:59pm   Buy apple cider vinager and spray it on the poison ivy. Works every time. Use a tank sprayer, the type you pump up manually; they hold about 2 gallons. You can buy them at any home store -- Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Walmart, etc. ~ $20
    - DF

  • 7/31 3:58pm   AL, downtown Freeport is a pretty small town and doesn't have many hotels right there. A quick look at Google maps shows two that are within a couple of blocks of the LL Bean store (approx. at the intersection of route 1 and Bow St.)--Hilton Garden Inn and Harraseeket Inn--I don't know anything about the hotels, but you can go to maps.google.com, type in Freeport Maine, then click on the Find Businesses link and type in hotels. Zoom in to see how close things are and you can click on links to the hotel websites. You might also consider searching for bed and breakfasts in the area. Good luck!
    - LK

  • 7/31 3:55pm   Hi... I have a NordicTrack Child Trailer that I'd be happy to lend to you for your trip. It looks a bit like this one here: [link] but has larger wheels - not sure about the cover shown. If you are interested in borrowing it, please give let me know at norfolk@nbanorfolk.com Hope you enjoy your trip!
    - AG

  • 7/31 3:54pm   I just came from the H. Olive Day School where I saw two little dogs, one white and one black (Dachshund) hot and tired and hanging out in the shade. No human companion was in sight. I just wanted to post in case someone is looking for them.
    - MJD

  • 7/31 3:52pm   AL: Your father sounds like a real character. Go to freeportusa.com and you'll find barrels of info. Jeez, I'm looking at the Bean's Freeport site right now. Holy cow! When I was a kid, we used to get the 20 (?) page catalog, mainly consisting of duck boots, pork pie hats, and red, "trap-door", long underwear. One time, I think I was about 13, we drove up to the asbestos-sided, wood- porch building, open 24 hrs., with all the ragg socks, hunter-plaid hats, and Bronco Nagurski skivvies a soul might desire. The floor boards creaked, and the ceiling leaked, but it lived up to the legend. I think we bought a box of wool socks, some Coleman lantern mantles, boot liners, and a copy of Colin Fletcher's "The Complete Walker". Gore-Tex hadn't been invented.
    - SO

  • 7/31 3:51pm   To the person who is going to Freeport, Maine... We just went in April and stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn. It was in walking distance of everything. It is right across street and down a little hill from LL Bean. There is a pool, a wonderful buffet breakfast, and they have coffee, tea, etc. every afternoon in the lobby. We loved it and can't wait to go back. Have fun!!
    - SD

  • 7/31 3:50pm   DV: Bummer. I was seriously imagining a leashed goat in the "weedy patch", and the babies would probably fit in my hatchback. Seriously, does this not sound like a solution - Rent A Goat "The Perfect P.I. Purge" - sort of like those border collies hired to rid golf courses of Canadian Geese?
    - SO

  • 7/31 3:49pm   HK, what goes on at [Lions Youth Soccer] opening day?
    - DV

  • 7/31 3:48pm   DV... I have a feeling that you could have some very well fed goats. You could rent out the goats according to the amount of poison ivy and save on goat food at the same time. What a deal!! But my yard is not fenced in either. I'd be happy to hold a leash, though, to be rid of the PI. I read that it is rampant this year for some reason... green house, maybe?... and perhaps that explains why we have a field totally overgrown with a grapevine for the first time ever. What is going on? How do goats feel about grape leaves??
    - JHR

  • 7/31 11:55am  
    Recently, someone suggested getting a goat - a terrific idea for getting rid of poison ivy. Goats eat PI with no ill effects.

    There are some downsides: they will also eat everything else they can reach,

    SO, I copied that off of a PI website. My goats are still learning to walk on a leash as they a just babies
    - DV

  • 7/31 11:18am   DV: Are you joking about the goats and the poison ivy, or do they really love it? How would a goat do on a leash, and will one fit in a hatchback?
    - SO

  • 7/31 11:17am   Does anyone know the Freeport, Maine area and can suggest a reasonable hotel to stay in? My 83 year old dad would like to be within walking distance of LL Bean, so he can shop at 4:30 am when he wakes up.
    - AL

  • 7/31 11:14am   Didn't there use to be a link to the Recreation Department on this website?
    - JGP

  • 7/31 9:33am   EHF, I have a Rhode Gear bike seat that you are welcome to take for free. It is about 10 years old but in good condition. If interested, please contact me (redbud3@verizon.net).
    - KBC

  • 7/31 9:32am   POH, we have pulled poison ivy by hand -- our property was a big mystery when we bought the place because the poison ivy was so thick. We wore long-sleeved shirts and old pants that we were planning to throw away, old sneakers and socks, and suede welders' gloves (they're cheap at Ocean State Job Lot). We bagged the brush and threw it away with the regular trash at the transfer station (wore gloves for that, too). Treated any dermatological mishaps with Super Ivy-Dry. Now, my husband walks around the property once per summer and sprays any new growth with Round-Up. But the goats are a more entertaining option.
    - HPK

  • 7/31 9:05am   Hi JM, I don't know your budget or time of year, but if you are thinking out of the box, here's a few suggestions:
    Rent a pavilion at a State Park and hire Woodman's of Essex to cater one of their clambakes. They did a phenomenal job at my sister's wedding. If you are into the medieval era, the Higgins Armory museum in Worcester is wonderful (higgins.org). Functions can also be held at the New England Aquarium, the Rhode Island Zoo and a number of local art museums. We attended a wonderful function at the Tennis Museum in Newport. Keep those little ones in mind when setting the time and have things for them to do. My grandparents insisted on having my kids (2 and 8 months) at my Grandfather's 80th birthday and dinner wasn't served until 8:30 pm in a restaurant after traveling from Boston to Miami all day. No amount of Cheerios and activities is going to help an overtired two year old. It was a disaster. Also, I believe Stony Brook rents out space but you will need to check with them about catering and alcohol rules. Oh, one more thought, the Warren Center in Ashland does a great job with functions. Enjoy.
    - LM

  • 7/31 8:59am   For POH: Here's some info from the FDA [link]
    Getting Rid of the Plants

    Poison ivy, oak and sumac are most dangerous in the spring and summer, when there is plenty of sap, the urushiol content is high, and the plants are easily bruised. However, the danger doesn't disappear over the winter. Dormant plants can still cause reactions, and cases have been reported in people who used the twigs of the plant for firewood or the vines for Christmas wreaths. Even dead plants can cause a reaction, because urushiol remains active for several years after the plant dies.

    If poison ivy invades your yard, "there's really no good news for you," says David Yost, a horticulturist (specialist in fruits, vegetables, flowers, and general gardening) with the state of Virginia. The two herbicides most commonly used for poison ivy-- Roundup and Ortho Poison Ivy Killer--will kill other plants as well. Spraying Roundup (active ingredient glyphosate) on the foliage of young plants will kill the poison ivy, but if the poison ivy vine is growing up your prize rhododendron or azalea, for example, the Roundup will kill them too, he says.

    Ortho Poison Ivy Killer (active ingredient triclopyr), if used sparingly, will kill poison ivy but not trees it grows around, says Joseph Neal, Ph.D., associate professor of weed science, Cornell University. "But don't use it around shrubs, broadleaf ground cover, or herbaceous garden plants," he says. Neal explains it is possible to spray the poison ivy without killing other plants if you pull the poison ivy vines away from the desirable plants and wipe the ivy foliage with the herbicide, or use a shield on the sprayer to direct the chemical.

    If you don't want to use chemicals, "manual removal will get rid of the ivy if you're diligent," says Neal. You must get every bit of the plant--leaves, vines, and roots--or it will sprout again.

    The plants should be thrown away according to your municipality's regulations, says Neal. Although urushiol will break down with composting, Neal doesn't recommend that because the plants must be chopped into small pieces first, which just adds to the time you're exposed to the plant and risk of a rash. "It's a health issue," he says.

    Never burn the plants. The urushiol can spread in the smoke and cause serious lung irritation.

    The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that whenever you're going to be around poison ivy--trying to clear it from your yard or hiking in the woods--you wear long pants and long sleeves and, if possible, gloves and boots.

    Neal recommends wearing plastic gloves over cotton gloves when pulling the plants. Plastic alone isn't enough because the plastic rips, and cotton alone won't work because after a while the urushiol will soak through.

    -- I. B. S.
    Isadora B. Stehlin is a member of FDA's public affairs staff.
    - LK

  • 7/31 8:58am   My family is going to the Cape for vacation August 11th and we are wondering if anyone has a bike attachment for our 3year old that we can borrow or buy? Thanks.
    - EHF

  • 7/31 8:52am   DV, I'd love to have your goats come and visit, but there is no fence. Maybe I could host a birthday party for a 70 year old with an ivy picking contest. Last one with a rash wins!
    - PH

  • 7/31 8:50am   TO, DA, AR: or perhaps the negative press has something to do with the fact that those fine gentlemen who occupy the high posts in our town have forgotten the golden rule and have lashed out against anyone who doesn't agree with them. The most recent example is our Town Administrator's parting shot (in Sunday's Globe) for Marie Chiofolo, who after years of distinguished service received a backhanded compliment followed by a nasty and innaccurate critique of her work ethic. Ah, good times.
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 7/30 10:30pm   Any suggestions out there for a fun place to have a 70th Birthday party? Approximately 30-35 people, aged 2-70. I've been to Rossi's, Sky and the like, but wanted to see if there were some other options besides the basic restaurant function room. Thanks!
    - JM

  • 7/30 10:05pm   DA: I would not go down so easily. The Boston Globe is clearly a left leaning publication. The examples are too numerous to count. I doubt the Globe has an agenda regarding Norfolk, but I am convinced they have an agenda overall.
    - CS

  • 7/30 9:09pm   To AR - Mea culpa on my unfairly painting The Boston Globe as a paper with a particular political agenda. Such a tactic didn't resonate when Hillary Clinton cited the existence of "a vast right-wing conspiracy" during her husband's embattled second term as president, so I shouldn't resort to a comparable strategy now.
    - DA

  • 7/30 8:15pm   POH, if your yard is fenced in I will send my goats over... they love it.
    - DV

  • 7/30 8:02pm   Are there any wise words of wisdom out there for getting rid of some poison ivy? The plant, not the rash. The home we bought has a yard that hasn't been taken care of for years and the ivy has found it's way in to nearly every corner. I'm not wild about spraying chemicals on all of the ivy since I'd like to avoid that when I can. But if that's the best way to get rid of it, then I will.
    Also, can anyone recommend a local handyman to replace my windows?
    - POH

  • 7/30 8:01pm  

    Applications are now being accepted for temporary help in the Town Clerk's Office. The position will provide administrative and clerical support to the Acting Town Clerk until the next Annual Town Election in May, 2008.

    Position performs responsible administrative duties assisting the Town Clerk in the daily operation of the office. Duties include, but are not limited to: Maintenance and administration of the municipality's records including confidential files; issues a variety of licenses, certificates and permits, and provides for adequate maintenance of associated records, preparation of reports and the collection of fees; remits fees to the Town Treasurer; process bills for payment; process department payroll; provides information requested by town officials; assists in the preparation of Town Meeting materials; assists in the coordination of all Town, State and Federal election proceedings; receives and verifies nomination papers for all Federal, State and local elections; conducts the annual town census, updates and maintains the VRIS (Voter Registration Information System); administers and maintains oaths of office to all town officers and monitors the Appointments file; receives and files decisions of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and Planning Board and monitors time table for response to applications and decisions, keeps log of Land Use filings and decisions current; answer questions from the public, directly by telephone, and by email, providing information and making referrals to other offices and agencies as appropriate; other duties as assigned by the Acting Town Clerk.

    A candidate for this position should have an Associate's Degree in Business Administration, and five (5) to seven (7) years of responsible administrative experience, five (5) of which are in a municipality; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

    Resume may be submitted to: Gail E. Bernardo, Acting Town Clerk, One Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA 02056 by 5:00pm on Monday, August 13, 2007.

    Equal Opportunity Employer M/F
    Posted: July 30, 2007

    - Gail Bernardo, Acting Town Clerk

  • 7/30 1:11pm   Re 7/29 7:58pm could it be that our little bucolic burb contains a pocket of conservative minded folk ... who are an anathema to the paper's political agenda?
    I don't know if we need to look at grand political cabals as the cause for unflattering articles on Norfolk -- let's reflect for a second. The Globe reporters check this page for story ideas. They read gripes about all the bad things happening in town. They write about them. A rather different attribution of causes, certainly :-)
    - AR

  • 7/30 12:48pm   I have two toddler beds to give away to anyone who wants to come pick them up. White frames, no mattresses. Also 5 year old Graco twin stroller. 508-553-0499.
    - SM

  • 7/30 11:52am   Did anyone else happen to notice the soggy brown paper bags that read "Yard Sale" stuffed in between the flowers in the roundabout this morning? Please.....remove them and perhaps with your yard sale earnings, place an ad in the Gazette next time!
    - MS

  • 7/30 11:50am  
    Town Hall Meeting with Norfolk's Congressman, Barney Frank,
    Saturday, August 25, 3 p.m.- 5 p.m.,
    at Norfolk Public Library.

    Please join your neighbors to discuss Federal legislation and programming and how they affect you, your family and our town. There will be a speaking program as well as a time to address your questions to the Congressman. Light refreshments will be served. Please contact Peg Drisko-Johnson with questions about the event at 508-528-0326.

    Sponsored by the Norfolk Democratic Town Committee

    - MJD

  • 7/30 11:38am   Small air hockey table to give away. 508-520-7241.
    - DL

    [Update 12:30pm: air hockey table -- gone. - DL]

  • 7/30 9:58am   I had read a posting about someone looking for fulltime daycare in Norfolk in September. I run a great home daycare. I am open 7:00 am until 5:30 pm, Monday - Friday. I have a few full-time, (as well as part-time, before and after school care) spots available. I offer a great program providing learning activities, outdoor play, and nutritional meals. I have a great group of kids that already attend. I am a former teacher and have been providing daycare for about ten years (4 in Norfolk). Send me an email at pos4tct@verizon.net and we can talk. I can provide great references for you. Thanks,
    - CL

  • 7/29 9:12pm   Kevin D., Keenan's Crossing is a veteran's memorial in honor of Artie Keenan. Artie, as Officer of Veterans' graves, was instrumental in researching and honoring town vets with memorials all over town. Artie's homestead is just up the street from the crossing. Artie was tireless in his efforts to honor all deceased veterens in town. If I remember correctly there were two Keenan families in town. Artie's family, and Dick Keenan's family who lived on Boardman street. I hope this info helps.
    - TB

  • 7/29 7:58pm   Note to TO regarding Globe treatment of Norfolk - could it be that our little bucolic burb contains a pocket of conservative minded folk (remember all those "wrongheaded" locals who voted for Kerry Healy in last fall's election - I still remember one poster to this board who was incredulous that anyone in Norfolk could even contemplate voting for a Republican) who are an anathema to the paper's political agenda? Rep. Barney Frank holds court here in August (a constituent forum per posting at Dunkin Donuts) - perhaps then the town might get treated to some positive press.
    - DA

  • 7/29 7:57pm   We received an e-mail with an interesting question:

    I hope you can answer this or tell me where I can get an answer. While looking for a yard sale on Saturday, my cousin saw a sign that said "Keenan's Crossing". Can you give me any info on this. Without going into a long story, we had relatives named Keenan who lived in Norfolk, so of course it got us wondering. Anything you can tell us or lead us in the right direction would be great.

    Thanks so much for your time,

    Kevin D.

    - Wm.

  • 7/29 6:50pm   I have an alternative to Governor Patrick's misguided initiative to give state employees up to 8 hours paid time off per month to volunteer. Let's cut state employee required work hours by that number. They either have enough work to fill a month or they don't. In the latter case, we could save money, and those who desire to volunteer may do so.
    - JPB

  • 7/29 6:49pm   On Friday not only was Horseneck State Park awash with seaweed, but I could hardly find a spot on the beach due to all of the state employees who had "volunteered" to aid in a beach reclamation project - a sandcastle contest ironically dubbed "The Big Dig II"! The undertow of tax dollars going out to sea makes it hard to tread water in Massachusetts. What other "progressive" ideas will come from the "Together We Can" crew?
    - DA

  • 7/29 6:48pm   Just a quick thought: can someone explain why every article that has hit the Boston Globe in the last 5 years that mentions Norfolk as a town has a negative slant? This is a great town. Like my mother always told me: "If you can't say anything nice....." Some positive news would go a long way.
    Hey EH! Didn't have your email, but was so happy to see your post! Hope all is well!
    - TO

  • 7/29 3:12pm   In response to JG needing a licensed electrician, you can try Tom Petze. His cell # is 781-690-1717.
    - LP

  • 7/29 10:02am   Is it really volunteering if you're paid? Our Commonwealth can't afford it either!!
    - JPRW

  • 7/29 10:01am   Can someone recommend a licensed electrician? I need work done as the result of a home inspection so need someone fairly soon at least for an estimate. Thank you!!
    - JG

  • 7/29 10:00am   In response to this message: 7/27 9:13pm Has anyone been to Horseneck Beach this week, and how was the seaweed?? It was real bad in early July. - AL
    Yes, I was at Horseneck Beach this past Friday and the seaweed was very bad. You had the green seaweed washing up all along the coast and in a few spots, the brown seaweed was washing ashore and in the water as well. Just thought I'd share...
    - AG

  • 7/28 11:04pm   RH: I'm with you. Let them volunteer as I do... on my own time.
    - PA

  • 7/28 10:10pm   Regarding the new post concerning the town puddle, sorry - pond, I am reminded of the scene from one of the Rambo movies where Sly Stallone emerges from leech infested waters. In short it's not a viable swimming hole. Note that Choate Pond in Medway had a huge pollution problem - high bacteria levels rendering it idle for the better part of a summer. The last I heard, the town (known in these parts for fiscal mismanagement) had initiated a clean-up program including dredging the pond and installing a filtration system. Norfolk cannot afford to entertain such amenities when essential infrastructure issues like sidewalks in school zones aren't addressed.
    - DA

  • 7/28 10:09pm   Can someone out there remind me about what happened the night that the town pond was ok'd at TM? There was not a discussion, there was a rules issue, an attempt to revisit and a bit of a tense disagreement between a citizen and the former Moderator, Mr. Gross. I remember thinking that it was a shame that we never got to discuss this project.
    - MJD

  • 7/28 8:28pm   Fellow Taxpayers:
    On page 11 of the July 20 Boomerang, there is an article titled: "Give State Employees 12 Paid Days Off Annually to Volunteer." Please read that article, folks. It talks about a new executive order by Governor Patrick to expand the State Employees Serving as Volunteers (SERV) program, which was started under Governor Weld.
    That order, or "initiative" as they call it, gives a day off a month to an estimated 50,000 state employees to volunteer at a public entity, including public schools or an accredited non-profit organization, while still collecting their full state salary and benefits.
    The article refers to a website: [doc here] which has details, paperwork, and a list of approved organizations.
    Supporters say the program includes a strict system of safeguards to prevent any abuse.
    Critics say it is unfair to pay state workers to volunteer while collecting hard-earned taxpayer's dollars. (I agree!)
    Some say the program invites abuse and predict that a lot of workers will volunteer on Mondays and Fridays. (I agree!)
    Can the Massachusetts public afford giving away as many as 50,000 employees X 12 days/year/employee = as many as 600,000 days per year with pay and benefits?? Will more state employees have to be hired to make up for the employees out on paid leave?? 600,000 days divided by 240 work-days per year equals 2500 more full-time people, with pay and benefits, essentially hired by the stroke of this governor's pen. I would rather have the money that these salaries and benefits represent sent to the cities and towns that desperately need it.
    If you agree, please write to Governor Patrick and ask him to please rescind his magnanimous executive order. We cannot afford it!!
    - RH

  • 7/28 8:27pm   Can anyone recommend a powerwashing business to clean the exterior of our house? Thanks.
    - JT

  • 7/28 8:19pm   Re:
    7/19 5:16pm The funny thing about the "Town Pond" is that the Conservation Commission turned the whole thing into a swimming issue. It has never really been a swimming issue. If I remember correctly, the Recreation Department that I was part of recommended it as a component or an option for future use because at one time it was a very viable option for swimming in this town. There was much support behind this initiative from people that actually swam there as children. Believe it or not the town approved it at town meeting. The Recreation's goal was to clean up a very nice recreational area that the Conservation Commission is suppose to be the overseer of. Thank God they don't oversee my property. The reason the "Town Pond" looks so bad now is because they have done nothing to maintain this piece of property. Ask how many of them have actually visited it. They didn't even go on any of the site visits with all the other officials from town. I believe the Recreation Department was trying to be proactive and make this location into a nice recreation location for fishing, walking, picnicking, and maybe down the road swimming. They had a vision and were actually proactive and met with the Wildlife and Fisheries Division from the State. The State was actually going to fund a good portion of the project and stock the pond for fishing. I believe there was going to be walking trails and benches by the pond to sit.

    - Todd Chisholm, Former Recreation Commissioner.

    In the Norfolk Recreation Town Pond Proposal by the Norfolk Recreation Department (20 pages, no date) there was a PowerPoint slide #31 on page 16 reading: "Norfolk has neighboring towns that currently offer a town pond for fishing and swimming to their residents. *Franklin - Beaver Pond *Wrentham -Sweatt Pond *Medfield - Hinckley Pond *Medway - Choate Pond >Fees and programming vary between towns."
    Slide 24 on page 12 read in part: ">DESIGNATE POTENTIAL/FUTURE SWIMMING AREA."
    On slide 34 on page 17 the total requested funding was listed as $109,995.60 from the CPA account.
    On slide 37 on page 19 the annual maintenance budget is listed as $9,775. for portable toilets, beach sand, water testing (for swimming? - BH), and electricity. This annual cost is 8.89 percent of the initial cost of $109,995.60 Note: No salary is listed in the annual cost for an attendant or lifeguard. No cost is listed for stocking the pond with fish.
    On slide 38 on page 19 anticipated revenue is listed: Membership: $75/Family - $15/seniors per season. Daily $2/$5 per person (2 and under free)
    Anticipated memberships 125= $9,375 150=$11,250
    Estimates of annual revenues at the Norfolk Town Pond are +$10,000. for this fishing pond.
    Comment: 125 or 150 family memberships seems like a very high number, either for the pond as it was in the 1960's or for this small facility in the future. Twenty might be more realistic for a pond where swimming is not provided.
    Comment: On slides 31, 32, and 33, information was provided about Neighboring Town Ponds in towns that currently offer a pond for fishing and swimming. I would expect the cost for Norfolk would be less, if indeed no swimming was to be provided. Franklin is $75/family; same; Medfield is $50/family, $25 less than the Norfolk projected cost of $75.
    Question: Did the Conservation Commission have any plan or budget for maintenance of this property as part of their Land management program? I would not expect them to designate more than a couple hundred dollars for maintenance of this pond as it is or as it was, in these frugal times. That reasonable amount of money would not go far in maintaining 7.5 acres of land, and it would not be expected to. Their charter is to conserve, not to improve.
    - BH

    [This message was originally sent 9 days ago, but was caught up in the system's email filter. My apologies for the delay in posting it. - Wm.]

  • 7/28 6:24pm   RC... Thank you for your input. If indeed the snowplow issue is the driving force behind the sidewalks on Medway branch Rd (which would make sense to me), It would've been nice for the town to clarify that when I expressed my concern a few years ago. Instead, I was left to stew on the thought that the town didn't care if my son was killed on King street. I would like to invite any resident who doesn't think that this is a dangerous situation to come on a school day when the buses are coming or going. I dare them to walk on that road. It is very scary. A few times in the winter there was no room for the bus to pass my son on the street. The busdriver had to tell my son to get on the bus, in order for her to safely pass him. He was one house away from the school at this point in his walk.
    I read an article in the Boomerang a few years ago that really set me off. People interviewed (one of whom I believe was a resident of Cape Cod estates) were expressing their concern over the necessity of a sidewalk so that he/she could walk to the park. Well, I think that walking to school is a much more important issue... So, speaking of that - once the sidewalks are in, will that mean that the children of Cape Cod estates will be able to walk to school instead of being bused if they are in the 2 mile radius? When I was growing up, our town didn't have many buses. If you lived within a 2 mile radius, you walked to school. No exceptions. Maybe that is why school kids were alot thinner and healthier back then?
    I am not saying that Cape Cod estates should not have sidewalks linking them to town, merely saying that the town needs to prioritize. It would be nice if we could all have sidewalks! Think of the possibilities that would open up to our children to be able to walk to friend's houses and parks!
    - MW

  • 7/28 6:23pm   Can anyone recommend a local swimming teacher/enthusiast who will do a private lesson (in their pool or a public pool/pond) for an 8-year-old?
    - TC

  • 7/28 6:22pm   There's a rabbit on the run. He/she is all black and domestic. If anyone is missing their rabbit please call the ACO, and I will furnish a more exact location. It is in the neighborhoods of Cleveland and Meadowbrook.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control (508) 528 3232

  • 7/28 9:24am   On the sidewalk issue on Medway Branch... One possible reason for the necessity of a sidewalk here is to [provide] the Town's side walk snow plow equipment a sidewalk to get to the rest of the sidewalks in Town. The sidewalk equipment is small in size compared to the rest of the snow removal equipment, or any vehicle for that matter. This also holds true during the day when there is increased traffic in general. This also connects new and old Cape Cod Estates side walk system to the Town Center system.
    - RC

  • 7/28 9:23am   Yard sale today at 12 Ridge road. 9am start rain or shine (if it rains it will be in the garage.) Lots of books, baby euipment, toys, furniture etc. Low prices!
    - BD

  • 7/28 9:20am   AR: Apparently there's a judge in Dedham Superior Ct. who thought that Mr. Scott's bluffs weren't empty and that his case had a legal basis. I'm sure we'll be reading about that soon, too.
    - PA

  • 7/27 9:13pm   Has anyone been to Horseneck Beach this week, and how was the seaweed?? It was real bad in early July.
    - AL

  • 7/27 9:12pm   Neighborhood yard sale!! and it's a good one! Tons of young boys clothes, toys, sports equipment, household items. 9-2 Sat. 7/28, 33 Pennacook (off Chicatabut, Stillwell, Mass. Ave).
    - AL

  • 7/27 8:49pm   MW: thanks for the explanation. I have to confess I didn't understand your original reply to my sidewalk question, but now after your second post what I think you're saying is that if it were up to you you'd use the put-aside money for sidewalks near the middle school instead of on Medway Branch. I hear ya. I live on Main Street. Nuff said!
    - JP

  • 7/27 8:47pm   PA: perhaps that's one of the benefits of ConCom members with a law background -- they can recognize and ignore an empty bluff with no legal basis that others might take seriously.
    - AR

  • 7/27 8:02pm   Did anyone see yesterday's Globe West? [article] Why would a former member of the ConComm (or anyone, for that matter) antagonize someone who is threatening the town with a major lawsuit by saying he's "all talk." I don't get it, and comments such as those may only be adding gasoline to the fire.
    - PA

  • 7/27 7:08pm   HK, is there any truth to the rumor that Ahab the cat purchased whale watch tickets from Lions Youth Soccer? Glad to hear that this free spirit of a feline has finally come back to port after his odyssey.
    - DA

  • 7/27 3:45pm   Does anyone know of a music teacher that would teach an 8 year old guitar?
    - JGP

  • 7/27 2:03pm   I just wanted to share with the readers of this board a happy ending story. Ahab, the older angora cat that had gone missing has been found. After a quick trip to Acorn Animal Hospital for fluid re-hydration he was reunited with his young owner (9 yr old boy who missed him very much). To make the story even more wonderful, the family that found him hiding under their deck wants the reward money to be donated to the animal gift account to help others in need. Thanks to everyone one cat made his way home and another can receive extra care.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 7/27 11:13am   Attention: Feehan students - I have three textbooks for sale that were used by my son who was a sophomore at Bishop Feehan this past school year. The books are:
    The History of the United States ISBN#0-13-053624-5
    Conceptual Physics ISBN#0-13-054254-7
    Basic Geometry ISBN#0-395-50120-2

    If you are interested in these books, please e-mail me at mcappuccino@comcast.net
    - MC

  • 7/27 9:14am   If you were one of the Franklin School of Performing Arts singers or dancers that performed last night on Town Hill, thank you!! What a great night!
    - AL

  • 7/26 11:57pm   DV: stay tuned. By midnight (my days have been running very late due to summertime calls), the web page will be updated in the what's available to adopt space... Lots of cute cats looking for homes!
    - HNC

  • 7/26 11:56pm   JP... I was told by the town that Medway Branch is getting a sidewalk as part as a long time agreement with a developer/builder. Evidentally funds were put away for this quite awhile ago? At least this is what I was told. This is what I don't really understand about government. Couldn't the town say... "well, we have an emergency in another part of town. The sidewalks would be better served there?"
    - MW

  • 7/26 11:55pm   I am looking for a ballet school (not the Rec. Dept.) for my 4 year old. I am hoping to find a school that does not go for the sexy costumes and overdone makeup for the preschool set and if I pay a fair price for lessons I do not want to buy a ticket to my child's recital. I think that is tacky, at best. I would rather pay a higher fee per lesson than to be nickled and dimed by a dance school. Any thoughts? Are there any newer lesser known, less flashy schools out there that perhaps don't advertise?
    - MJD

  • 7/26 7:30pm   Hilary, I hope you do not mind this post, but I just read the donations part of your web page [link - VR] and I really wanted to bring it to everyone's attention. It is well written and I do believe that this town, if made aware, would help a lot. Please read it.
    - DV

  • 7/26 7:07pm   DA - That is one of the best posts I've ever read here! Rocking hilarious! I actually called a friend and read it over the phone.
    I used to go to one of the biggest dog parks north of Boston, and the way we handled non-scoopers was to whip out a bag and offer it, saying something like, "Hi, do you need a bag? I have an extra.", to which the owner would usually respond, "Oh, did he/she go? I missed it. Thanks." The best follow-through is, "That's a really cool/cute dog. What mix/breed is he/she? What's his/her name?" More flies with honey and you make a friend. I even pack bags when I'm out on the lawn with my two dogs - never know when "duty calls".
    - SO

  • 7/26 7:06pm   DA - Brilliant....
    - LB

  • 7/26 7:05pm   My response for the globe was good and I was able to pass it on to a Norfolk teacher who needed a new one for her kids. Speaking of, are there any other items (educational or craft related) that teachers made need donated for their classrooms?
    - ES

  • 7/26 3:51pm   Bravo DA! Bravo!
    - KD

  • 7/26 3:51pm   I adressed the Medway branch sidewalk issues a few years ago with the town. My son was walking to the middle school down King street every day. Every day he put his life in danger to walk to school with no sidewalks. I don't know how the town can get away with forcing kids to walk to school if they don't provide sidewalks!! I know people that have complained about this for the past ten years... or even since the school was built. The town and the citizens whose children are bused to school don't care. It is always swept under the rug for some other project. I have another son getting ready to attend the middle school. I think it is absurd that I should have to pack up all my younger children every morning to drive him to school about three houses down the road...
    - MW

  • 7/26 2:48pm   Can anyone recommend a mason to do chimney repair and install a chimney cap?
    - DA

  • 7/26 2:47pm   Can someone enlighten me as to why Medway Branch is getting sidewalks? I don't want to open up a can of worms or start a debate as to whether they arewarranted - I am genuinely curious as to what the reason is. It doesn't seem to be that busy of a street, seems plenty wide for people taking a walk and a passing car, etc. But, I figured there had to be a reason. Just curious. Thanks.
    - JP

  • 7/26 1:59pm   I know this has been asked before, but does anyone know what time the concert starts tonight on Town Hill? Thanks
    - JP

  • 7/26 1:56pm   As a former dog owner and founding member of the Norfolk Anti-Defecation League, I empathsize with those who seek to establish a dog park in town. You see, neighborhood dogs (no horses yet!) consider my front lawn "tres poopular" (sic). (In the spirit of fostering bilingualism in our little Anglo burb, that's French for "very attractive.") I had been seriously considering transplanting some of the poison ivy that lines North Street along my property boundary to act as a natural barrier to the offending canines; however, I have concluded that it is too rash a solution.
    Instead, in the interest of public health and safety, I would welcome a dog park. I mention public safety because I fear that my front lawn may have been a contributing factor in last week's property damage on Bridie Lane. I hypothesize that the speeding car that took out mailboxes and trees down the street may have lost traction due to coming in contact with a slippery substance on my lawn (extrapolating this to the equine situation on Standish, the implications for drivers are obvious). I would nominate the "moonscape" in the center of town as the best place for the dog park - it has a built-in provision for its own septic system, and as everyone knows it looks like the object of every scatologist's quest. Indeed, this veritable field of dreams (build it and they shall come), which is supposedly the future site of a Stop and Shop supermarket, could be renamed "Stop and Plop Field." Finally, the park could be staffed by those over-caffeinated traffic scofflaws (those who speed or violate roundabout etiquette) who need to slow down and smell the er.... roses.
    - DA

  • 7/26 1:52pm   Does anyone know if they are going to pave route 115 from 1A to the Foxboro line? That stretch of road is a mess since they laid the water lines.
    - DF

  • 7/26 1:50pm   There are no horse regulations for waste. The by-law that we do have (under Article XIII) is an agricultural based by-law where in it is included that horses are not to walk down sidewalks or graze on private or public property. I have never in my 10+ years cited a rider for going down a sidewalk for the reason that I too have braved walking the roadways on my horses. It can be (on some roads) extremely hazardous due to the actions of some drivers and having no safe shoulder to walk along. I will say though, that if there was traffic on the sidewalk, the rider should yield.
    Herbivores (on the majority) create a waste that is earth friendly. Horse and cow waste is used in many composts/fertilizers on the market. I have not heard of health hazards with horse waste as you may from dog or cat waste. The only time horse waste has become an issue, in my memory, is when it has built up and becomes a hazard to those who are directly impacted or if it's a case of animal neglect.
    As with any pooper scooper law: You have to catch the offender "in the act" and know who it is to be able to take action on it. In some situations people have submitted pictures and I have found the dog owners, in other cases they knew who the dog and the owner were. In those types of situations usually talking with the animal owner is the best way to handle the situation. Most owners are embarrassed when approached and it curbs the problem. It's usually when that step between neighbors fails that I am asked to step in.
    If there were an ongoing issue, where (as example) someone repeatedly brought their horses upon private property, it may be considered trespassing against the animal owner.
    On a side note, I believe I have found the equestrian that offended you. They should be by with a pitchfork and a muck bucket if it is the case. The contact at the barn stated that she would ask the rider to be more courteous in the future.
    If anyone has any further questions please contact me via email, and I'll be happy to reply. I'm not sure if the general readers of this board wish to read about this topic!
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolkk9@aol.com

  • 7/26 12:10pm   I am looking for a Graco Pack N Play Sport. The one you can bring to the beach with the tent top on it. If you are all done with yours and want to sell it I am interested. You can email me at sbj83@msn.com.
    - SJ

  • 7/26 11:31am   Hilary - Thank you.
    Out of curiosity though, I infer from your note that it's ok to leave horse poop on public property. Why would we have pooper scooper laws for dogs but not horses?
    - JH

  • 7/26 11:15am   JH, I've emailed both horse farms that I know on Boardman that may walk their horses past your house. If it was either of theirs I'm sure they will be by. I've explained that if it's on private property then it needs to be picked up. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 7/26 9:39am   It would be great if whoever let their horse poop all over Standish Road came back with a shovel to take care of it. Or just let me know where you live and we can return the favor on the same place on your driveway apron as it is on mine. Thanks,
    - JH

  • 7/26 9:35am   Mark your calendars - Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer's Opening Day is scheduled for Sunday, September 9th - this is a free event for all NLYS players and their families.
    - HK

  • 7/26 9:34am   The discounted whale watch tickets offered by Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer are all sold-out
    - HK

  • 7/26 9:33am   Pick-up registration forms for Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run 5K & Kids' 1K Fun Run at Dunkin Donuts or visit the website at www.norfolkdare2run.com to register on-line.
    - HK

  • 7/26 12:00am   Does anyone want a nice size, mature, flowering crab apple tree?? We have one in our yard that is getting pushed over by some pines and rather than just pull it out and trash it, we thought we'd offer it to anyone in town willing to come and get it! Let me know. Erin H. 541-6986.
    - EH

  • 7/25 11:59pm   Hey, TO, great to hear from you!! I think about you ocassionally as I've taken to selling on Craig's list and eBay!!! I'n determined to clean out my barn!! By the way, anyone reading this, if you're looking for some nice antiques, mostly victorian, but very nice quality, I've got what you're looking for! Call me, Erin Hughes 508-541-6986!! Take care, TO, hope you come back someday!
    - EH

  • 7/25 11:58pm   One more thought on the language discussion. French immersion doesn't work, because their heads are never held under long enough.
    - PA

  • 7/25 6:41pm   Does anyone have an interest in a plastic globe (of the world)? It is in perfect condition from a non-smoking home. Very colorful. Free to anyone who wants to pick it up. [Contact ES at box71@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - ES

    [Update 7/26 7:05pm: spoken for - Wm.]

  • 7/25 5:13pm   The Estate Sale on Naugatuck post included a closing paragraph that I dropped by accident:
    No early admittance and noting will be sold before 8:00 AM. All purchases must be removed by 3:00 PM on the last day of the sale.
    - Wm.

  • 7/25 12:23pm   It must be the weekend for yard sales! Here is another one: Saturday, July 28 at 9am at 12 Ridge Rd! Everything must go - low prices!
    - BD

  • 7/25 9:48am   Notice to all pet owning residents on Boardman Street between Rockwood Road and the Freeman Centennial School: Starting today we will be trapping. We are asking that you keep your pets indoors, or on a leash, or restrained to your yards. Any animal running loose and caught will be held until rabies vaccination status is confirmed. Any animal not found in compliance may be subject to a 6 month quarantine at owner's expense or even euthanasia. Please pick up all sources of outdoor food for your pets and feed only indoors. If you have any questions feel free to contact the office at 508 528 3232. We will be sending fliers to mailboxes in the neighborhood today and setting up for trapping this afternoon. The trapping will cease when the animals involved have been caught. This may take several days. We appreciate your patience.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 7/25 9:47am   I also saw a cat that looks just like the seal angora that Hilary posted about. It was on the corner of King and Union St. I have never seen the cat in the neighborhood before. If it's the same cat, he/she is doing some serious miles! Can't remember what day is was but I will keep my eye out for it again.
    - MW

  • 7/25 9:45am   Correction: the Norfolk Public Library jewelrymaking workshop for teens will start at 6:30 on Thursday night, not 6:45.
    - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Norfolk Public Library

  • 7/25 9:44am   Police Concert Tickets - 7/28/07 - Fenway: My husband and I have two tickets to the Police Concert this Saturday evening, July 28, 2007 7:00 pm at Fenway Park and we are not going to be able to make the show. The 2 seats are in section 8 Row 7 Seats 21 and 22. The cost for both tickets totals $222.35 (ticket cost $190.00 and handling charge $32.35) If anyone is interested please e-mail me at mcappuccino@comcast.net.
    - MRC

  • 7/24 10:11pm   To Hilary, My kids were out bike riding at about 8:15 tonight and said they saw a furry black cat on Sweetland Farm Rd around house number 23-25. Not sure if this is the cat you are looking for, but wanted to let you know as there are no black cats in our neighborhood. Good luck. We will keep our eyes open.
    - LBK

  • 7/24 8:30pm   TO DG: What time is the Estate Sale on Friday and Saturday?
    - SD

    [Update 7/25 5:13pm: My fault, I lost a paragraph; it was: No early admittance and noting will be sold before 8:00 AM. All purchases must be removed by 3:00 PM on the last day of the sale. - Wm.]

  • 7/24 8:09pm   I thought I would add my two cents with regards to the language issue. My family and I moved from Norfolk to Luxembourg in January for a two year assignment. It is a small country located between France, Germany and Belgium. While English is the "corporate" language, all Luxembourgers speak (at least) French, German and Luxembourgish. While we fumble with our French and add bits of English, we have found the people here warm and helpful. Because they have taken languages from a very young age, and all through school, they are able to better understand most other languages as well. It is amazing how much German sounds like Dutch and Italian like Spanish. Our world is growing ever smaller and if you have learned at least one other language, the others become easier. No matter what your child chooses to do in their life, another language will only augment the skills he/she has to offer an employer.
    The mind is an incredible machine. Learning a language and improving your English at the same time is entirely possible. One does not exclude the other. And yes, Holliston does (or at least did) offer a French immersion program and I know of two boys who attended it and have had much success in their lives. Holliston, being a pro-active school system, also attempted to offer an International Baccalaureate program which was not passed by the town. A real shame! The IB degree, which is more strenuous than a HS diploma, allows students to apply to colleges and universities throughout Europe and is a degree recognized by the European system. School isn't just about reading, writing and arithmetic anymore and neither is our world.
    - TO

  • 7/24 7:07pm   We had burrowing bees (wasp colony) in our yard one year, and read up on-line on ways of eliminating the nest. Apparently, it's possible to cover the entrance with a clear glass jar, which will trap all the insects inside, and they will starve. The cover has to be transparent, otherwise they will realize they're trapped and will dig a new entrance. I would cover the entrance at night when the bees are all inside and dormant -- catch them all and less chance of getting stung.
    I ended up mowing around the entrance and leaving them alone, however, and still the nest was empty next spring. They haven't been back since.
    - AR

  • 7/24 6:56pm   DM: I had a bee hive that we discovered near the septic system last week. As another person stated, you should wait until at least 11:00 p.m. before spraying the nest. By this time, the bees will have returned to the hive. I eradicated the problem by spraying a can of Raid for hornets, bees, etc. down the hole and quickly covering it with a bucket covered by a ten pound weight. I left the bucket over the nest for 48 hours. When I removed it, the bees were gone. I have not seen one since. If the hive is on the exterior of your home, you might be able to spray it at night, but I would dress carefully. If it is inside, I agree with another person, call in the professionals. Best of luck.
    - CS

  • 7/24 6:43pm   Reward if Found: a seal colored (mostly black) long haired angora cat has gone missing from the Medway Street area by Cape Cod Estates. He is an elderly cat that has lived his life indoors until this incident. He apparently has no street skills. He is vaccinated for rabies and friendly. He is declawed in the front. If anyone sees him please contact the animal control officer at (508) 528 3232. This is a picture of him before he was adopted out prior. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 7/24 6:38pm   I have a brand new bullfrog Webkinz for sale ($13.50) with Ganz heart tag and the tag that gives you your very own bullfrog on line! If you would like to buy it call me at 508-553-9836.
    - MD

    [Update 6:52pm: corrected signature - Wm.]

  • 7/24 5:43pm   RV - Cool! I hope you ordered a big fat whopping joe with cream and sugar, but even if you ordered a small, it's still a great story.
    - SO

  • 7/24 4:53pm   Attention middle- and high-schoolers: how much time do you think you have to finish your assigned summer reading? If you attend King Philip, you have only six weeks left to read those books! Don't procrastinate -- come to the Norfolk Library now for the best selection of titles. Sure, you'll miss the heart-pounding experience of shaking the library's locked doors on Labor Day weekend, shouting for a kindly librarian to take pity on you and let you in, but you will get your first choice of assigned titles. Of course, the more daring among you will take your chances, searching Netflix on September 2nd for a cinematic version of "Dombey and Son" (hint: there isn't one), but if you are risk-averse, then come on down to the library and we'll set you up with a good book.
    The library is hosting another free teen craft on Thursday night at 6:30 p.m.: "Heavy Metal: Necklaces from the Hardware Store." Using metal tubing, beads, colored thread, and nuts (not the edible kind), we'll create necklaces that will appeal to all teens. No previous jewelrymaking experience is required, but please register by calling the library's circulation desk at 508-528-3380.
    - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Norfolk Public Library

    [Update 7/25 9:45am: Correction: the Norfolk Public Library jewelrymaking workshop for teens will start at 6:30 on Thursday night, not 6:45.]

  • 7/24 4:09pm   Yesterday, after I had gone through the first round-a-bout out of Union Street, I proceeded on Union and then I yielded and stopped at the Union/Main round-a-bout. I started to make a right onto Main when . . . whooooooosh . . . someone to my left did not yield and came through the round-a-bout just as I started to make my turn. With a little power surge of adrenaline, I quickly stopped and let her by. Once she passed, I made my turn and followed right behind her to, what was both our destinations, the Dunkin Donuts.
    Hmmm... Perhaps she may have either seen some sort of a face I made, or maybe she recognized me, (or maybe both) because when I followed behind her to the DD window to get my coffee, the cashier told me my coffee had been paid for by the lady in front of me. So, on that note, thank you and "I forgive you"... :-)
    - RV

  • 7/24 3:49pm   To DM ...Yellow jackets. Depending on what kind of yellow jacket, orange juice in a container will kill them. The acid in the orange juice kills them. Maybe give it a try.
    - PMP

  • 7/24 3:48pm   This was copied from the previously recommended link:
    "How is rabies spread?

    The rabies virus lives in the saliva (spit) and nervous tissues of infected animals and is spread when they bite or scratch. The virus may also be spread if saliva from an infected animal touches broken skin, open wounds or the lining of the mouth, nose, or eyes. In caves crowded with many bats, it may be possible to inhale the virus floating on bat saliva in the air."

    Questions for Betsy or Hilary - If a vaccinated dog's nose or mouth comes in contact with an infected animal's saliva on an object, or the tissue of a dead, infected animal, what is the risk of transmission? What is the survival time of the virus outside of the body on any surface? My dogs are vaccinated and supervised, but I do take them into the woods off-leash.
    - SO

  • 7/24 2:33pm   The Animal Control Officer has reported that a racoon found on Boardman Street on July 23, 2007 has tested positive for rabies. This is a reminder to all pet owners to check your animal's vaccine expiration and revaccinate before its expiration to have optimal coverage. The following are steps you can take to protect yourself, your family and your pets from rabies:
    * Make sure your pets are vaccinated against rabies and that their shots are up-to-date. By law, all dogs, cats and ferrets must be vaccinated against rabies.
    * Avoid wild animals, especially bats, skunks, foxes, and raccoons. Do not feed or pet strays. Avoid any animal--wild, farm or pet--that you do not know. Report any animal that behaves oddly to your local animal control official.
    * Teach your children to avoid wildlife, strays, and all other animals they do not know well.
    * Do not handle dead, sick, or injured wild animals yourself; call the police or animal control officer. If you must handle the animal, use heavy gloves, sticks or other tools to avoid direct contact.
    * Feed pets indoors and keep them indoors at night. If they are outside during the day, keep them on a leash or fenced in so they cannot wander. It is possible for vaccinated pets to get rabies. Pets allowed to roam freely are more likely to get rabies and possibly expose people and other pets in your home.
    * Fasten trash can lids tightly. Garbage attracts animals (like skunks, raccoons, and strays) looking for an easy meal.
    The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) has information on rabies available on its website at ( www.mass.gov/dph/cdc/epii/rabies/rabies.htm ). If you have any questions, please call the Norfolk Board of Health at 508-528-7747 or Norfolk Animal Control at 508-528-3232.
    - Betsy Fijol, Administrative Assistant, Norfolk Board of Health

  • 7/24 2:30pm   Estate Sale on Friday, July 27 & Saturday 28th at 14 Naugatuck Ave. in Norfolk
    This is a nice big clean house with a good mix of quality newer stuff, vintage and antique stuff. Large leather wing chair, mahogany Gov. Winthrop desk, two oak commodes - one with serpentine front, nice modern computer desk and work station with executive chair (another of the same chair), Duncan Phyfe dining table, antique rocker, several antique chairs-sabre leg-harp back-shield back, vintage mahogany china cabinet, several hand knotted Persian rugs-Sarouk-Hamadan etc. (semi antique), student desk, drum table, maple bedroom set, nice pair of early antique portrait miniatures, inlaid mandolin, autoharp zither, classic Baume & Mercier 18k gold wristwatch, mother of pearl opera glasses, Copeland, Spode, Wedgewood Jasperware inc. basalt & rare cobalt on lava, Haviland, Irish crystal, Bavarian, sterling candlesticks, silverplate tea set, serving pieces, Towle flatware, vintage & contemporary Christmas decorations, mix of newer & vintage clothes inc. mink, iron toast rack;
    Artwork: old well done unsigned oil on board of sailboats at dusk, oil on canvas of sailboats moored at sunset signed Fred Ariel 67, a nice Painting signed McLeod, file cabinets, household china, kitchen stuff, lawn, garden & house tools, grill, etc.
    No early admittance and noting will be sold before 8:00 AM. All purchases must be removed by 3:00 PM on the last day of the sale.
    - DG

    [Update 7/25 5:13pm: restored lost last paragraph - Wm.]

  • 7/24 1:30pm   To DM Get a professional exterminator for your house ASAP. Bees are destructive - they are probably in the walls and/or ceilings at this point and could come into the house.
    - TK

  • 7/24 1:11pm   DM: contact this website, norfolkbees.org. On their Contact Us page there is a link for an Ed Karle. He came into the police station a few months back and passed his card. Hopefully he can help you out or know how to handle the problem more thoroughly. Please give feedback to me as this is the first time I've passed his information along.
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control   (508) 528 3232

  • 7/24 12:55pm   DM ...Spray the bees' nest at night after they are all in for the night.
    - ER

  • 7/24 12:06pm   OK, I'm having problems with yellow jackets around the house this year. I have a huge nest in the ground at the base of a tree; last year I had the same problems in the same location. I sprayed the hole several times last fall and thought I had the problem solved, however, last night my wife and little dog stepped on the nest and were stung several times. I looked at the entrance hole of the nest last night - the nest looks huge; I'm thinking there could be several thousand occupants in the nest. I am thinking of using a shop vacuum placing the hose on the edge of the entrance hole and running the vacuum for several hours. Does anyone else have any other suggestions to get rid of the nest?
    I also have a nest in the eves of the house. I have been spraying for several days; now the activity has slowed down around the area that I have seen the yellow jackets entering, however, I can't seem to get them all. Does anyone have any suggestions to deal with this? Is there a local bee guy in town that deals with this sort of thing?
    - DM

  • 7/24 9:55am   Creative Playthings recently sent me the wrong (Hamptons style) green canopy for our swingset. Any Norfolk resident can have it for free ($60.00 value). Call Kevin @ 528.0929
    As a business plug, I do residential house cleaning and will gladly accept new clients.
    - KD

  • 7/23 11:29pm   For those interested in the band practice schedule--there is a link under the HS web site for the schedule. Look under music. As a parent of a percussionist, I know the practice is from 5:30 til 8:30 on Tuesdays with a couple of Mondays as an alternate. They also meet during the day at random times. I believe the winds practice on Wed. Pre band camp practice will be at the middle school starting 8/13 til 8/17 from 1 until 8:30 each day . They then leave for band camp in Maine on 8/19 for a week. When they return, I believe practice will be at the HS assuming construction/grounds are finished. Happy listening.
    - BS

  • 7/23 11:02pm   DV: Due to the exposure's situation the Animal Inspector will make a determination regarding those animals. In many situations they would be euthanised or placed on a 6 month quarantine (if the animal(s) could be done so successfully. Many animals cannot emotionally handle the isolation). Each incident will have to be taken on a case by case basis. But it does show how serious the situation can be. I do not have the answers to this one situation at hand yet as this case is still ongoing and the final call will be made by the Animal Inspector.
    I can mention that early in my career, close to ten years ago, we had a skunk test positive for rabies that was a proximity exposure. The skunk had entered into a yard where there was a litter of yellow lab puppies. Due to them being left alone in the pen, the skunk being there, not knowing who had touched the skunk, the state mandated that they all be euthanised. That was one of the hardest days of my job. So examples like this is what brings it home for me, and hopefully for those who love their animals. Please vaccinate.
    This year, Wrentham has had a good number of rabies positive cases. In some cases I have helped when she has needed it so I have seen it first hand. Franklin/Bellingham (shared jurisdiction) had a cat that tested positive and had attacked several people before it was euthanized. This was just one incident of many rabies positive cases. In Millis/Medway in the past week over 9 bats were submitted to the State Laboratory Institute for rabies testing as they were found in living areas of houses.
    I try hard to reinforce to people that rabies is a fatal disease and needs to be taken very seriously. There is no such thing as a "mild case" of rabies. Rabies is predicted to be on the rise again for this year and the next few so the best course of action is to protect all animals that can be protected.
    Again, if anyone would like more in depth information they may contact me via email or by phone and I'll try to answer all information that I can.
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, Norfolkk9@aol.com or 508 528 3232

  • 7/23 11:02pm   DV: As others have pointed out, the Commonwealth does require Norfolk to provide 1/2 day kindergarten. People may not use it, but it is required. Also, I meant that Norfolk has many beautiful parks. Why do we need one specifically for dogs? The upkeep and liability costs seem unnecessary to add to the tax burden. If people want a dog park, there is nothing stopping them from creating one, privately.
    - CS

  • 7/23 11:01pm   To MW who posted about a turtle laying eggs in her garden - my recollection is that the incubation period could be 60 days or longer, but temperatures play a role. If eggs are laid late in the season, the babies can overwinter in the ground. Moms never come back to the nest, so the babies have to fend for themselves; for aquatic species, this means finding water before being scooped off the ground by birds of prey or other predators (which can unfortunately be children looking to keep a pet turtle--not a good idea--very stressful for wildlife and enough to kill them).
    You could help to protect the nest. I have known people to put a wire covering over the nest - like a dome, or to put a tire around the nest (covered with wire), being sure, however, not to entrap anything beneath it which is why a wire dome only might be best. My brother did this and was successful and helped escort baby snappers safely to an area pond near where he lives. Without his help they likely would not have made it. Snappers lay dozens of eggs. It is very cool to watch a turtle digging and laying eggs. I wish I had been at my brother's to see this. He and his family watched the garden below from a living room window. Turtles often go back to the same spots to lay eggs each year. Good luck.
    - EF

  • 7/23 7:33pm   Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts 3rd Annual DARE to Run 5K Road Race & Kids' 1K Fun Run is scheduled for Sunday, September 23rd. All proceeds to benefit Norfolk's Drug Abuse Resistance Education program.
    The race starts and finishes at Dunkin Donuts, 134 Main Street, Norfolk. Walkers and Kids' 1K begin at 9:30. The 5K runners begin at 10:00. Entry fees are $15 for pre-registered, $20 day-of race registration. Senior runners (60+ years old) and high school track/cross country runners are $10 and 1K Fun Runners are $5. Free T-shirts to the first 100 pre-registered.
    Awards to the top three in eight age group categories. Special prizes to the top three male and female finishers in the category of Norfolk DARE students, Norfolk school employee, and law enforcement. There will be a post-race cookout and party.
    To register, or for more information, visit the website at norfolkdare2run.com.
    - HK

  • 7/23 6:47pm   There were unvaccinated animals with proximity exposures - Hilary, what does that mean for those animals?
    - DV

  • 7/23 6:46pm   WS, no need for thanks, we are all in this together. I have a hearing impaired child and if she were to be playing outside without her hearing aids, a speeding car could be fatal. We also have to look at the other side - this could have been a one-time stupid mistake by someone who is feeling as bad about it as you are. It could also be one of the neighbors you love so much who may be in need of some help. Just some thoughts.
    - DV

  • 7/23 4:15pm   I would like pet owners to take a look at their animal's rabies vaccination status when they have a minute. A call I responded to yesterday is a sobering reminder of the possibilities of fatal diseases.
    7/22/07 10:25am I responded to Boardman Street on a report of a sick looking raccoon. Upon arrival and quick visual exam it was determined that there were enough neurological symptoms to warrant euthanizing the animal. Animal Control euthanized, prepared, and submitted the animal for rabies testing and was informed this afternoon that it was indeed positive for the rabies virus.
    There were unvaccinated animals with proximity exposures.
    Please all check your animal's vaccine expiration and revaccinate before its expiration to have optimal coverage. If anyone has any concerns regarding this please give me a call or send me an email at Norfolkk9@aol.com.
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control // (508) 528 3232

    [Update 6:44pm:
    Steps you can take to protect yourself, your family and your pets from rabies:

    Make sure your pets are vaccinated against rabies and that their shots are up-to-date. By law, all dogs, cats and ferrets must be vaccinated against rabies. Good idea to vaccinate horses and other livestock that are applicable.

    Avoid wild animals, especially bats, skunks, foxes, and raccoons. Do not feed or pet strays. Avoid any animalwild, farm or petthat you do not know. Report any animal that behaves oddly to your ACO.

    Teach your children to avoid wildlife, strays, and all other animals they do not know well.

    Do not handle dead, sick, or injured wild animals yourself; call the animal control officer. If you must handle the animal, use heavy gloves, sticks or other tools to avoid direct contact.

    Feed pets indoors and keep them indoors at night. If they are outside during the day, keep them on a leash or fenced in so they cannot wander. It is possible for vaccinated pets to get rabies. Pets allowed to roam freely are more likely to get rabies and possibly expose people and other pets in your home.

    Fasten trash can lids tightly. Garbage attracts animals (like skunks, raccoons, and strays) looking for an easy meal.

    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 7/23 3:34pm   ER - the reason Franklin doesn't charge for full day Kindergarten is that they only offer one choice. If it's the only offering, the town must pay the whole cost. Norfolk is able to charge because they offer both half and full day. Even though there is only (1) half day class this year, that is their initial offering and what is covered at no cost. The numbers change year to year based upon enrollment numbers and what parents want for their children - next year could see more than one half day and fewer full day classes.
    GDL - the boys would have loved to see the hatching - any chance you caught it on film and I could send them over to watch it?? We have several of the exoskeletons that I. found at the Audubon during camp.
    - JM

  • 7/23 2:20pm   Languages in the schools?? Just wanted to to say that my son transferred from KP to another public school district in the area last year. It was for personal reasons and his father has an address in that town. He started his freshman year at the new school.
    Supposedly the school he transferred to was not ranked as high as KPHS. In fact, much lower. Anyway, my son, who was always a high honor student at KP, found himself behind in Spanish class because the other kids at the new school had already had two full years of Spanish in middle school. He had only a half year in both 7th and 8th grades. Whether we like it or not, our kids need to stay academically competative. That means taking a foreign language in school and starting earlier than HS. When I was in school in the 80's I took both French and Latin starting in the 7th grade. It's necessary, and I have used my French extensively in Canada. Latin helped me score high on the vocabulary portion of my SAT's. I am not sorry I took them.
    - MW

  • 7/23 12:33pm   KD... I hear the band most nights after dinner. They practice outside on the fields, usually in smaller groups. We will walk around the outside of the building and see everything. First we hear the percussion... then we walk and move onto the wind instruments. Etc. It is a nice thing for a small child to kill a half an hour or so. We can walk there, so it's a nice activity for us after dinner time. We can stretch it to an hour with the walking. I believe they are also there during the day. I am not sure of the exact hours and I do know that they do band camp at some point. So they might not be there. You may want to check their website, maybe there is a schedule. I don't usually pay attention to the schedule... I just gravitate towards the middle school when we hear the music. My teenager does not enjoy it. He finds it annoying. So I understand how some neighbors feel. It is very loud at times... But I still feel that it is a small inconvenience.
    - MW

  • 7/23 12:31pm   KD, we had a large family event 2 years ago, and recommended the Hampton Inn in Franklin, on King Street, by 495. Everyone liked it, was quiet, had coffee in the morning, and is an easy, quick drive back to Norfolk. Also, if you go there ahead of time, they have direction cards you can send your guests.
    - EAS

    [King is Chestnut is Norfolk's Main St; it changes names. Right by exit 16 on the other side of 495 - Wm.]

  • 7/23 12:22pm   Re: languages in schools and PA - My children who attend the H. Olive Day had a 1/2 year of Spanish (kindergarteners). So our town does promote teaching a second language, and I think it is wonderful for the children to be exposed to other languages. The only problem is that due to budgets, they had to cut the art program for 1/2 the year in order to accommodate the language programs. It would be nice to have full year art programs and 1/2 the year French, and 1/2 the year Spanish, but obviously, we can't have it all. I commend the schools for doing the best they can with their budgets to expose the children to the languages, even if it is only for 1/2 the year. My children learned a lot of the basics of a second language... it was terrific to hear them counting in a different language.
    PA, your comment about mastering the English language first is a tad bit [ill-considered]. Why should anyone have to master one thing in order to be exposed to another? Diversity is key, PA...
    - KM

  • 7/23 12:22pm   DV & MW - Thank you for understanding my position. I will continue to work to find the person who did this. It's not the money, its the principle . . . they should be held accountable for their actions. The fact that I witnessed the crash haunts me. We do not want the town to become a problem town and I'm willing to step up and be an active person, starting in my neighborhood. I have a lot of great neighbors and NEVER want to see anything bad happen to them, their children/families or their property.
    - WS

  • 7/23 12:21pm   Franklin has full-day kindergarten at no extra cost.
    - ER

  • 7/23 12:19pm   MW - Thank you for looking out for our neighborhood! You don't seem one bit nosy. This is why Norfolk is such a wonderful town to live in. If there is ever a problem, we're not afraid to speak up and people listen and watch out for one another. Norfolk residents sincerely care about one another and I don't think you find this in every town.
    - DCB

  • 7/23 9:44am   Good morning! I have 2 questions: (1) the band practice mentioned in earlier posts - is the public permitted to go watch? I have a music-loving 3 year old who would get a huge kick out of that; (2) can anyone recommend a decent hotel in our area? We have a family event coming up at our house and not enough accommodations for the relatives coming in from out-of-state. I'm looking for clean, nice service, and not filled with partiers. Thanks in advance for your responses.
    - KD

  • 7/23 9:41am   PRB, there was no misinformation posted and I wasn't trying to make the town "look bad," what I was simply doing was trying to alert everyone in the town to look out for a car with some serious damage. I heard the crash, see the skids marks every day and spoke to the police, and they said that by the looks of the skid marks, the car ended up skidding on its side due to excessive speed! Where is the misinformation? We have a lot of small children in the neighborhood and cannot afford the type of speed on that or any street in Norfolk, whether it's during the day or at 2:15 a.m.!
    - WS

  • 7/23 8:43am   The state does require towns to provide kindergarten, but children are not required to attend. So far, full-day kindergarten is not required.
    - CJ

  • 7/22 11:16pm   DWL, I said that we should master the English before we start learning other languages. Get your facts straight before you belittle me. Auf Wiedersehen.
    - PA

  • 7/22 10:11pm   Bridie incident - Just wanted to tell folks that I drove by Bridie the morning after it happend. No, I didnt make a special trip. I have to drive there on my way to Franklin. Anyway, I saw the destruction. It was a tree and a few mailboxes on both sides of the road. It looked as though someone hit a mailbox and then overcorrected and ended up on the other side of the street... It did happen, and I would be very upset if it happened to my property and went unreported. As neighbors we need to look out for each other without feeling that big brother is watching us. Get to know your neighbors! It is also a great crime deterrent. I know the "patterns" of my neighbors' comings and goings and I would not hesitate to call the police if I saw something fishy. Maybe I look nosy to some, but I care about the people that live near me.
    - MW

  • 7/22 10:03pm   Hello all... wow! Seems like it's been a busy weekend on the board! A couple of people responded to my dog park post... so here are my thoughts.
    I respect and understand that many people enjoy dog parks. I myself have visited the park in Medway and was not truly impressed. It only takes a split second for something to happen between two dogs. Many times I have driven by and people are socializing in a tight group and not even paying attention to what their dogs are doing.
    I truly do not want to offend any vets in the area, but how can you say that the benefits outweigh the risks? The risks change each time a new dog comes into the mix. In a public dog park, the mix can change by the day, hour or minute. My own vet (my brother) will be the first to tell me that he is not so much an expert of canine behavior as he is an expert on canine health. He usually calls my other sister (the trainer) who holds a masters in animal biology and canine behavior when he has a behavioral or nutritional issue and he refers patients to her for training, aggression problems etc. No vet - or doctor - knows everything about all areas of animal health and behavior... That's why they have specialists in all medical professions. Anyway, I'm not trying to start a heated debate, or trying to sound like a know-it-all. Just explaining my logic because I was asked.
    The truth of the matter is... no matter how well-meaning, educated or dog smart the "regulars" are (I am sure that there are many great pet owners in town, myself included), there will always be that one idiot dog owner, either a local or a transient, who thinks his dog is "fine" socializing with other dogs etc. As experienced as I am, a dog I once owned was attacked by another that was off leash in a public place. My dog was leashed. Obviously this person thought that their dog was "just fine" and well behaved enough to be off leash in public. I believe that there is a leash law for a reason. FYI... My son was attacked a few years back by a dog in Norfolk while walking home from school one day. He is physicaly scarred for life. You just don't know, and it happens more than you hear about.
    I am wondering what the statistics are on the dog park in Medway? Have there been any incedents? has anyone been bitten breaking up a dogfight? If something were to happen would the town be liable? How does that work? Isn't it easier to just form a dog club and meet at different people's homes with fenced in yards? I myself used to belong to a dog training club. My German Shepherd loved it! But it isn't just a free-for-all. My sister runs a puppy playgroup (out of state) where people can bring their dogs for socialization in a smaller group and a more controlled enviroment. Her entire yard is matted, so if someone gets sick it can be easily disenfected.
    Maybe I am biased, but I would rather bring my dog to a place that I knew was going to be safe and clean. Monitored by a trained professional if anything were to happen suddenly. As a matter of fact, there is such a place in Franklin. Masterpeace Dog training on Fisher street has a great facility. My sister has frequented their events with her agility dogs. Also, what happens when the volunteers move on or lose interest in our dog park? Who takes over the maintenance? These are all questions that I think should be answered before we all go gung ho.
    I am not an unreasonable person. If people have better arguments... go for it! I am opened to hearing everyone's thoughts.
    - MW

  • 7/22 9:23pm   What about a dog park on town land, with all maintenance and set up costs from outside donors? Would that be ok?
    - KL

  • 7/22 9:22pm   Just to update all who have asked me privately: the swan is doing well. It's still in the hospital. A few more days will determine infection and hopefully it will return in the near future.
    GDL: I've seen one of those before on my property. Somewhat prehistoric looking.
    - HC

  • 7/22 8:11pm   Hi - We have encountered a small bathroom problem. The toilet seal apparently had a small leak which went unnoticed, and now we have a rotted floor board/joist.
    Can someone make a recommendation for a contractor to repair the floor board, replace floor tile, replace toilet, etc? Thanks
    - JH

  • 7/22 7:59pm   Re: Asking the town to fund another park dedicated to dogs is absurd. Just my two cents. - CS
    Another dog park?? Where is the first one?
    And by the way... the state does not even require kindergarten!! (as most know).
    - DV

  • 7/22 7:42pm   DV: I seem to have hit a nerve with you. Let me be clear. I am happy to pay for all three of my children to attend full day kindergarten (even the busing fees). The state only requires that Norfolk provide for the first half of the day (as most know). The second half is paid for by families with children in full day kindergarten. Currently, the cost is $290.00 per month. Any other questions about this? I have already submitted my first payment of $290.00.
    My statements have been rational and on-point. I do not support the town creating a dog park. If you would like to create a dog park as a private group, I wish you well. We live in the USA, where I can state my opinions freely. Clearly I do not support a park dedicated to a certain type of pet. If you do, find mutual friends, buy some land, create some rules and there you go. Fido can play all day! This is not Boston or Brookline folks, there are plenty of open spaces. Asking the town to fund another park dedicated to dogs is absurd. Just my two cents.
    - CS

  • 7/22 6:41pm   PA, You are able to master most languages if you can speak more than one. You are [short]sighted to think that because we live in America we only need to know English. I hope you never travel or live in Europe as only then will you see that English is not the only language. Once you travel abroad I am sure you will take a different stance on being bilingual. Good luck.
    - DWL

  • 7/22 6:06pm   DWL - You're missing my point. Take a good hard listen to people today, not just kids, but adults. Then if you have a chance, look at how today's youth happen to be writing... 'OMG' you will either 'LOL' or have concern. Let's master English first.
    - PA

  • 7/22 6:05pm  
    I agree that the cost of full day kindergarten should be paid for by consumers of full day kindergarten. We have three children under six, so I will be paying the fee three out of the next six years. As another person pointed out, $2,900 is still less expensive than day care or pre-school. I am not aware of any town in the area that pays for full day kindergarten classes through town-wide taxes. Norfolk is wise to keep the service fee based.
    - CS
    IS this the same CS?? Oh my, I am taking a break from posting here because, well just because..... by the way, I had 4 under 5 and 2 with special needs.
    I may get thrown out of town if I respond how I want to!!
    - DV (That's all Folks)

  • 7/22 6:03pm   CS, I have gotten supportive e-mails and phone calls since this posted. From what I understand, full day is funded by parents not tax dollars, so what is your point.
    - DV

  • 7/22 6:02pm   I simply do not support a publicly funded dog park. It is that simple
    ...once again ...no one even suggested that!
    - DV

  • 7/22 3:21pm   I guess my point is, lighten up.
    Re almost exclusively - CS are you saying that tax dollars go to most kids in full day but not all? Or is the full day funded by parents who pay for it?
    - DV

  • 7/22 2:42pm   DV: Actually, Norfolk is almost exclusively full-day kindergarten. There is only one half-day class and I am not sure it is fully enrolled.
    I am also not of the mind-set, "if I don't use it, then I don't support it" either. I simply do not support a publicly funded dog park. It is that simple. Nothing else has been implied.
    - CS

  • 7/22 2:24pm   CS, Please read my post again. What I said was offensive was the attitude "if I do not use it, My taxes should not be used for it" and the only person who mentioned tax dollars being used for it was you! It is amazing that we can't brainstorm about ideas without someone getting their back up! I agreed with you that it was not something that taxes should go to. I certainly would not want my tax dollars to go to an oversized playpen either. Maybe that's why we only have half day kindergarten.
    - DV

  • 7/22 2:22pm   On the matter of appearing to be "ugly Americans," spreading Democracy, and what languages should be taught in our schools:
    All of Europe, Israel, Kuwait and Lebanon know well what ugly neighbors who seek to spread their particular brand of governing look like - the symbol of which is not an American flag. By the way, teaching our children French is about is as useful as trying to sell ice to an Eskimo; the language has become mostly irrelevant in today's global economy. English and Chinese are far safer bets for the future - English because we Americans have a responsibility to ensure new immigrants learn it quickly and well.
    PRR, next time you are in France please let them know that all Americans don't view ourselves as you do. Nor do all French, who just elected a conservative president; who has already visited the United States and seeks to better U.S - French relations. With comments like that yours, I will quickly turn the channel the next time I see Ruby's Round Up.
    - JPB

  • 7/22 1:02pm   DV: I don't think that I have a "bad attitude" because I don't want tax dollars to support one type of pet's oversized playpen. Comparing the educational needs of children to the concept of a town supported dog park is a realistic viewpoint. People who consider moving to Norfolk will pay for good schools, as a result property values remain high. This is good for the entire community. People do not care about a dog park in the same way. I am all for "community", but Norfolk sponsoring a dog park seems to be going down a slippery slope. What is next?? I'd prefer the town spend any available time and money researching a fix to that moonscape near the MBTA. Surely that would benefit us all.
    - CS

  • 7/22 12:32pm   CS - by the way, I was a strong supporter of if we had to pay a bus fee it sould be paid by all bus riders. I live outside the 2 mile mark.
    - DV

  • 7/22 12:31pm   GS, you are right, we don't need a dog park. But if the dogs want one, on top of the old land fill would be free land for it. That old land fill is just sitting there. Now who is going to take care of it? Not the DPW, they have their own work to take care of. Who is going to clean up after all thoes dogs? Who is going to be liable if someone is hurt or bit by someone's dog?
    - KC

  • 7/22 12:26pm   I am interested in starting or joining a small book discussion group -- 4-5 people. Any interest?? Or thoughts? I've never been part of a book group but would like to give it a try. Maybe start with a book that has discussion questions at the end? It also would be a good way to meet a few people. You can contact me through the webmaster. Thanks. [Contact JHR through box70@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - JHR

  • 7/22 12:25pm   CS I do not believe that a dog park would be supported by taxes. As a dog owner I would not even support that.
    With that said, it seems your words about not using it so you shouldn't have to pay for it and comparing it to paying for full day kindergarten is a very bad attitude. It opens up the debate as to why should people who do not have children have to have their taxes go to the schools. This is a community, people work together; if I was only willing to pay for what I use, most of my taxes would go to Medfield or Millis . There is plenty of town-owed land that could be used without having to purchase it. Dog owners who take the time to go to a dog park are usually very responsible, great people.
    And to whoever it was who posted about the poop in their neighborhood, we have it here too; I am the only one who picks it up. I am going to start returning poop to their rightful owners. It should thrill the lady up the street whose dog constantly poops in my yard. I do not understand how people can just walk away. There is a bylaw in this town about picking it up.
    - DV

  • 7/22 12:24pm   CS - I agree, this talk of a dog park started from people asking about Town Pond and escalated to this. Why does anyone need an offical dog park in Norfolk?? You can take your dog today to the unoffical dog park called Town Pond. Again, it costs everyone zero. If you want an offical one, drive 5 minutes to the one in Medway.
    - LS

  • 7/22 11:01am   My son and I observed this in our backyard yesterday. We researched it and believe it is a Dogday Harvestfly, a member of the Cicada family. Every summer we find 50-100 empty exoskeletons attached to our house and fence. This is the first hatching we have witnessed.
    - GDL

  • 7/22 10:55am   If folks would like a dog park, I support the idea. On the other hand, Norfolk taxpayers should not have to provide any financial or land assistance to make this possible. All town monies should support essential services first. In my opinion a dog park is far from essential. What is next, a "cat park"? I will be paying separately for full day kindergarten this year, because I am a consumer of it. I do not own a dog, so I am not interested in supporting a dog park with my tax contribution. Let the dog owners find and buy the land and manage the facility as a private endeavor. Good luck.
    - CS

  • 7/21 9:48pm   Hilary - Thanks for helping the swan. I 've not been there for a few days but someone must have called you. Fishermen please be more careful.
    - BR

  • 7/21 9:47pm   GLZ - unfortunately you are missing the point. A second language as part of a high school curriculum often is too late to be of value once they become adults. Many countries, notably Western European, will start their children out with a second language in lower/middle school giving them a substantial base as they approach adulthood.
    And to PA - have you ever thought that learning a foreign language at an early age can possibly enhance the English skills of our children?
    - DWL

  • 7/21 3:30pm   Just drove down Bridie Lane and saw one little tree knocked down and every mailbox was in place. Don't know why misinformation was put on this post to make the town look bad.
    - PRB

  • 7/21 2:35pm   JHR, I applaud your daughter. How fortunate her children will be later in life. I know Holliston has a similar program where French is taught in the early years up until sixth grade, then is taught in the middle school. I wish we could be so fortunate here in Norfolk. Norfolk is a great town and I would never leave because the elementry school does not offer a second language, however, I am envious of the public schools that do.
    - DWL

  • 7/21 2:33pm   MW... It was so good to read that you enjoy the band practicing in your neighborhood. Our daughter, who now lives in Framingham, (see recent mailing regarding the Spanish program), and her brother, were part of the KP Marching Band back in the 80s. An amazing organization to say the least. It is heart-warming for us as parents to know that that wonderful program is still intact. Innumerable hours of work by parents, not to mention the kids, has given the Regional system something to crow about. I didn't know they are now practicing at the Middle School, and will need to go and listen and watch. Peter Tileston has been there since, well, maybe if my memory serves, since our daughter was in 8th grade, so that would be 1984?? or so? Enjoy the opportunity that we are afforded. Nothing lasts forever... and support, support.
    - JHR

  • 7/21 2:32pm   Oh, one more thing... about "rude Frenchmen" - while in France, we were treated like royalty. From my experience, if you make an effort to speak French, no matter how badly, you will be appreciated... It is when Americans go abroad and act as if they are in just another "theme park," that is what turns people against "Americans" on the loose. We can as a nation appear pretty "ugly" especially as we bully our world neighbors... what are we calling it, spreading "democracy"... ohhhh...
    - PRR

  • 7/21 2:30pm   Hey folks... my new NCTV show, "Ruby's Round Up" is on NCTV now. The first interview/ show was aired a few weeks ago. This week there is a documentary about yours truly on "Ruby's Round Up." It was filmed by a wonderful video artist named, check this out, James Brown, from Boston from a BNN TV series called "About the Arts"... The documentary is being aired at 2:00 PM and 9:30 PM each day this week. Check it out... I bare my soul.... and introduce you to the life of an artist... me. Eeek! The voice lesson part is a little much for me... but, hey, the video tells it like it is... the whole truth and nothing but the truth....
    The next "Ruby's Round Up" show will feature an interview with wonderful watercolor artist, Jeffrey Hunter. If any of you have fascinating life stories that inspire you to do amazing things and your would like to share your passion for life with your neighbors, let me know!!! I would love to speak with you about having you over to chat on camera. It is fun... it is real!
    Ciao for now,
    - PRR

  • 7/21 2:27pm   RE: The need for a dog park + slow down folks!
    I had put a posting up a while ago about the need for a dog park here in Norfolk... Sorry I dropped the ball, I was sick for a few weeks... Now, let me jump back in. Okay... a dog park will do several impotant things for the quality of life here in Norfolk. Also, check out the dog park in Sharon... it is perfect! We could do the same here!
    Now, one, dog parks are a wonderful place for people to congregate and chat with their neighbors while their furry friends run and play with each other... and, it would give our dogs a safe place to run without the fear of them becoming some hormonally challenged, over-caffeinated driver's next road kill...
    Sorry if I sound embittered, but here on North Street, it is truly pathetic the way my fellow Norfolkians drive... what is the problem?? Coffee in one hand, phone in the other, what hand holds the steering wheel, that is what I would like to know? What's the hurry...
    Please folks, slow down!! Imagine it's your kid walking along the road... would you want someone to drive that fast two feet away from them?? No sidewalks here... got it? Slow down! Grr-rrr... I really don't get it... what is the hurry, we live in a beautiful, could be bucolic, town... with SUV's careening around... it is like, well, pretty incongruous if you ask me.
    And, besides that, in the summer we have poison ivy by the sides of the road here on North Street... you just can't jump into that to avoid speeding cars... Have pity folks.. again, slow down! Ohhhhh!
    - PRR

  • 7/21 11:17am   DWL: I have heard the term 'ignorant Americans' and it's usually uttered by a 'rude Frenchman!' I'm all for culture and worldliness, but if you listen to the way so many Americans speak today, I truly wish we could reinforce the English language before we try to start mastering other languages.
    - PA

  • 7/21 11:15am   GLZ - I'm interested in the foreign language discussion going on. Our daughter attended Norfolk Elementary and graduated from KP. She now lives with her family in Framingham. Our grandson will enter 1st grade in Sept. in a public school. His parents have chosen to enroll him in a "2-Way" program. This means that his whole day in 1st grade will be in Spanish and only his reading class will be English. What an amazing opportunity. We are thrilled for him!! His younger sister will enter kindergarten in 2 years and her entire day will be spent with Spanish - she will learn to read first in that language!! I can't imagine a better head start. There are other public schools in Framingham that offer a more traditional program, but this is what my daughter and her husband have chosen for their children. Because there is such a large number of non-English speaking people in Framingham, they also offer the total immersion in English, for those children. A wonderful experience not to mention the diverse population in the schools. Our son-in-law, a physician, and our daughter have chosen to live in Framingham for the educational opportunities it offers to their children.
    - JHR

  • 7/21 11:13am   PJL: I am sure a dog park fee pales in comparison to what we paid for the fence. My story wasn't putting a dog park down, it was just our solution for having the opportunity to let our dogs run free. We have lived in Norfolk "foreva" but have enjoyed the outdoors 100% more this summer than ever before. I know us, we are not the types to get the dog in a car and drive somewhere to watch them run. Now we can bring them out play with them, the pup can play catch for hours, cook on the grill, read a book, talk to each other etc. My daughter gets home at around 6 and can spend quality time with her dog for some really needed down time after a busy day.
    On another note, a cousin in the mid-west has 2 dogs that got their collars tangled up the other day, and while trying to get them free she nearly lost her hand - somehow it got sliced from one end to the other. Maybe this is a warning to take off the collars when in the house.
    - JW

  • 7/21 11:10am   Regarding the incident on Bridie Lane - I do not believe the recent break-ins and incident on Bridie Lane have any correlation. I really think speed and alcohol were involved - this person literally could have killed themselves. However, this individual caused extensive damage to our neighborhood and needs to be held responsible. Bridie Lane is often used as a cut-through to neighborhoods off King St such as Berkshire, Maple, Chickadee, Robin, etc. Although it was dark and I was half asleep, it looked and sounded like a sports car (possibly high end) that caused the damage. Be aware of anyone in this area that might be hiding this vehicle in their garage!
    - DCB

  • 7/21 11:09am   Just read the Boomerang... here we go again with the tax override talk. The strategy again is to start with the scare tactics, schools will decline, police and fire will suffer, roads need repair (didn't we already have an override for this) blah blah blah
    No Operational Overrides (or debt exclusions)!!
    - MG

  • 7/21 12:35am   MW - I too have a vet in the family, and he has assured us that as long as the dog is up to date on vaccinations, the pros of socializing your dog at the dog park outweigh the minuses. I think if you visited the Medway park you'd be presently surprised -- no one would ever dare to not clean up after his or her dog, or let his or her dog display any outward signs of aggression. The dog owners I have encountered there are just as protective as any school parent, only the "parents" there have absolutely no problem with calling someone out on the carpet should his or her dog be guilty of even the most minor of offenses. I see a lot of rolled eyes and eye contact between parents if a child misbehaves at a playground, but for some reason at the dog park, no dog "parent" has any trouble speaking up if he or she thinks another dog isn't behaving. And if a dog is naughty and the owner doesn't respond appropriately, they are banished.
    And JW -- I don't know what you spent to fence in your yard, and I am not saying that a dog park would replace your need for a fence around your home, but I would bet that a yearly dog park fee would pale in comparision to what a fence around your yard costs.
    - PJL

  • 7/21 12:30am   Just wanted to let the swan lovers of Bush Pond know: Another swan baby has not disappeared from "fowl" play. I had to take it away today to have some surgery. It had entangled itself in fishing line and lure. If all is well, the little one will return after rehab. Here's the picture of why it needed medical intervention. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 7/21 12:25am   WS, I am so sorry to hear that. If this is the same kids that were breaking into cars, they are getting bored and on to more stupid things. I certainly hope we do not find out who is doing it because of a car accident. Kids do not understand that they can die from this stuff. One mail box with a granite post and lights out! Parents, please look at your kids' cars and the cars of the kids who pick them up to go out.
    - DV

  • 7/21 12:18am   BC, Try Basil's in Medfield. 43 Frairy St.
    - TK

  • 7/21 12:13am   GLZ, Have you ever heard the phrase ``ignorant Americans?'' If we do not teach a second language early on our children believe that it is not necessary. Telling our children that Americans speak English so why learn a second language just enforces this. The point is that there is no money in the budget for this, and I fully understand this. However, to say it is not neccessary because we are American and we speak English is really a sad statement.
    - DWL

  • 7/21 12:05am   Neighborhood Yard Sale! Saturday, July 28th, 9am-2pm. Pennacook Street, Pockumtuck and more! [See the Notice Board for details]
    - DC

  • 7/21 12:03am   I know it has been asked many times before... but I'm in need of some dog sitting in early August. Please contact the Wm for my contact info. Thanks,
    - JPRW

    [Use box69@norfolknet.com to send mail to JPRW - Wm.]

  • 7/21 12:02am   JW: The photo is from a 2005 fly over, the database says it was in April.
    - AB

  • 7/20 9:34am   DWL - it is mandatory to take a foreign lang. in either Jr. or High School, at least 1 term And while we're opening our children's world to society, then how about teaching them about the little things and the unforseen things.
    - GLZ

  • 7/20 9:32am   We have 2 dogs, one is 11 years old, the other 2 years. The 11 year old had never been off his leash outside until recently. The 2 year old escaped out the door a couple of times and was hell-bent on chasing cars. Imagine running down Main St. trying to catch a small dog. We did take her to a friend's house with a fence a few times, but then decided to fence in our own back yard. We have enjoyed our back yard more this summer than ever before. The older dog just stands there, not knowing what to do if someone isn't walking him, a riot to watch and the pup still chases cars. She stands at the fence on one side of the house, picks a car to chase and races to the other side of the house to see if she can beat it. Norfolk Fence did a wonderful job and it was done in 2 days. I'm sure this isn't a solution for all but it sure was for us.
    - JW

  • 7/20 8:57am   PA - Loved your idea! I grew up in Medfield in the 70's and at that time the pond at Rocky Woods was a hotspot for ice skating! I have the greatest childhood memories of seeing all my friends with their families, music playing from large speakers, drinking hot cocoa and warming up by a stone fireplace in a small log building. Something like this would be perfect to have in Norfolk.
    - NS

  • 7/20 8:56am   The dog park is a great idea - we go to the one in Medway all the time. It's volunteer run and it's always clean and well maintained. Something similar in Norfolk would be great. You just need a group of volunteers dedicated to running it.
    - BH

  • 7/20 8:54am  
    W A N T E D

    Last evening around 2:15 a.m. 1 to 2 cars came down Bridie Lane at a very high speed, taking out mailboxes, trees, damaging stone walls and lawns. It's amazing they walked or even drove away. The car(s) would have serious front end damage and definitely damage to the undercarriage. If anybody has any information, please contact the Norfolk Police Department. Thank you!

    - WS

  • 7/20 8:53am   MW, your concerns make sense but have you ever been to one of the local dogparks? I have been to Medway many times as well as to the wonderful park in Sharon. Both are surprisingly clean and well managed. Yes, people do pick up after their dogs - because if they don't, they're embarassed and asked to leave. I have never seen dog messes at either of these parks. Dogs without collars and tags are also asked to leave. I actually got a call from Sharon Animal Control once because my dog wasn't wearing his tags in the park. I believe that both of these parks are managed by a committee of townspeople who use the park and care for it, in conjunction with Animal Control. Anyway, I just wanted to throw it out there that dog parks can be pretty positive thing IMO.
    - JP

  • 7/20 8:52am   BC: I haven't been there, but lots of people like Zebra's. If you can drive a little further, one of my favorite places to eat is Sweet Basil's in Needham. It's cash only, BYOB, and has excellent food.
    - MP

  • 7/20 8:51am   Like JW said regarding the Town Pond (Puddle) "go see for yourself and decide after you do". The aerial photo is just that, an aerial photo. The thing is laugh out loud small. No one is stopping anyone from bringing their dog, skating, fishing, swimming, etc., and as of this very minute costs zip to do those things. You can even drive out to it if you like. The fact that someone in their right mind wanted to spend serious tax money on that thing is scary. Ditto to a dog park, I have a solution - your back yard, that costs zip.
    - LS

  • 7/19 11:36pm   Ew... I am an absolute dog lover, however, I am against a dog park. As a person that has grown up in a family of vets and professional dog trainers... dog parks are a disaster waiting to happen. Not all dog owners know how to handle their dogs in a dangerous situation. Especially off leash. Not to mention the spread of all kinds of nasty doggy diseases. Eww... No!!! And do you really think that people will actually pick up after their dogs? Dog owners in my neighborhood can't even manage that!
    - MW

  • 7/19 11:20pm   Folks, if this pond is now a puddle, here's an idea. Let's clear out an area around the perimeter, install some lights, build a small garage, and buy a Zamboni. Who needs a pond to swim in during the summer when you can have a rink to play hockey on during the winter. Start puttin' the foil on! Old time hockey.
    - PA

  • 7/19 10:52pm  
    [Post pending confirmation - Wm.]

  • 7/19 10:19pm   DV - Love the dog park idea. I can't tell you how many Norfolkians I see at the Medway Park!
    - KL

  • 7/19 10:08pm   The 4 libraries are H.O.D., Freeman Centennial, Norfolk Town & K.P. Jr. High.
    - GLZ

  • 7/19 9:35pm   The Black Stallion and the Webkinz Trading Cards are in at Something Special.
    - Joan and Nancy, Something Special

  • 7/19 9:33pm   Can anyone recommend a nice place for dinner in Medfield. Looking for upscale casual. Thanks!
    - BC

  • 7/19 9:03pm   GLZ, We are the only country where a child does not learn a foreign language as part of a school curriculum. Yes we do speak English in this country but is a big world out there. We should expose our children to as much as we can[.]
    - DWL

  • 7/19 8:19pm   GLZ, where are the 4 libraries you referred to?
    - EAS

  • 7/19 7:37pm   PC, do we even have a Con Comm any more? I thought the BOS were still mending their boo-boos and hurt feelings so we do not have a full board yet.
    - DV

  • 7/19 7:36pm   SS, if you see my 12 year old at your door at 9 PM she either is in need of help or doing something wrong - either way you should have answered the door or called the police. Doing nothing does not help you or them.
    - DV

  • 7/19 7:35pm   Thank you AB. Is this town land? and why don't we make it a dog park - swim... we could have a donation box and/or a membership fee... think out of the box here guys!! I think a lot of people would just love that idea. Anyone with me?
    - DV

  • 7/19 7:32pm   So O.K. the town pond has been closed for many many years, swam there as a kid myself; in fact, that's were I took swimming lessons (I'm now 46).
    And what is all this about wanting to do K-12, and who is going to pay for that? We just did overrides for the schools, as if you don't notice in the tax bills. I'm all for education, but let's leave some things up to the parents to teach, like health ed. (or should I say sex ed) and foreign lang. We live in America, we speak English, if you want to learn a different language take a night course. I'm sick to my stomach every time the new tax bills come out. And who pays the electric bill for the center lights? That whole center project was a waste of tax payers dollars. And the Library? We have 4 in town now. What more are they going to approve for this small sleepy town - pretty soon it will look like a small city. How about getting some industry or buisness revenue approved instead of driving them out. How many years are we going to wait for Stop & Shop? They keep building homes, and they are still empty, and those who want to get out can't sell. In the mean time they are disrupting the wildlife, as well as making a small city. I say enough is enough!!
    - GLZ

  • 7/19 6:43pm   It's interesting to note that 5 of the 6 break-ins which are posted here on Norfolknet plus the graffiti at the airport have occurred within walking distance of the Airport. NPD take note.
    - RP

  • 7/19 6:10pm   The picture of Town Pond certainly doesn't make it look like a puddle!!
    - TC

  • 7/19 5:57pm   How old is that aerial shot of Town Pond?
    - JW

  • 7/19 5:18pm   DV: Here's an aerial photo. The Pond is in the upper right corner. The cleared area in the upper left are the fields at the Freeman. The linear feature in the upper left is the commuter rail, St. Jude's Church and their parking lot is in the lower right.
    - AB

  • 7/19 5:16pm   The funny thing about the "Town Pond" is that the Conservation Commission turned the whole thing into a swimming issue. It has never really been a swimming issue. If I remember correctly, the Recreation Department that I was part of recommended it as a component or an option for future use because at one time it was a very viable option for swimming in this town. There was much support behind this initiative from people that actually swam there as children. Believe it or not the town approved it at town meeting. The Recreation's goal was to clean up a very nice recreational area that the Conservation Commission is suppose to be the overseer of. Thank God they don't oversee my property. The reason the "Town Pond" looks so bad now is because they have done nothing to maintain this piece of property. Ask how many of them have actually visited it. They didn't even go on any of the site visits with all the other officials from town. I believe the Recreation Department was trying to be proactive and make this location into a nice recreation location for fishing, walking, picnicking, and maybe down the road swimming. They had a vision and were actually proactive and met with the Wildlife and Fisheries Division from the State. The State was actually going to fund a good portion of the project and stock the pond for fishing. I believe there was going to be walking trails and benches by the pond to sit.
    - Todd Chisholm, Former Recreation Commissioner.

  • 7/19 5:15pm   How many cars have been broken into this summer? It looks like quite a few. I hope that everyone has informed the police of their break-ins and they are keeping a watchful eye. One question: are the criminals just opening the car doors that are unlocked or are they doing damage to anyones' cars to get inside?
    - ES

  • 7/19 5:13pm   "... Leave the town puddle to the rats. - AL"
    AL - just because the Con Comm has jurisdiction over the Town Pond is no reason to call them rats.
    - PC

  • 7/19 5:12pm   On par with the attempts to "clean up" town pond is the Norfolk School Committee spending $2500 of "unused" funds to "explore" the idea of Norfolk withdrawing from the King Philip School district. Absurd.
    - SR

  • 7/19 2:05pm   I wonder if the same person/people breaking into cars, over by the airport, are also responsible for the racial epithet spray painted on one of the airplane hanger doors a few weeks back?
    - DM

  • 7/19 10:03am   We second KB's recommendation of Steve at Pioneer Doors. The doors he helped us choose and installed are much more energy efficient and quiet compared to the ones installed by the builder - and his prices were cheaper with installation than the local home improvement stores. He didn't like the way the gasket fit against the cement floor (it was warped during shipping-to be honest, I never would have known if he hadn't pointed it out) so he ordered a replacement and came back a few days later to fix it. For honest, quality work - give them a call.
    - PB

  • 7/19 10:02am   My car, on Priscilla, was broken into last night.
    - NG

  • 7/19 10:01am   Where is town pond?
    - DV

  • 7/19 9:56am   MKL: [...] [R]ealize this town is not swimming in money, and that we have other priorities, like figuring out how to get through the next few budget cycles. There are a number of nice ponds (clean ones!) that are within a 10 mins. drive. Leave the town puddle to the rats.
    - AL

  • 7/19 9:45am   Just wanted to let you know that the crime spree in Norfolk continues. Our two cars were hit for about twenty dollars out of the consoles last night. We live on Hunter Ave.
    - DF

  • 7/19 9:44am   To KB - Thank you! I will give Steve and Liz a call today!!
    - SD

  • 7/18 11:31pm   Good to hear that I am not alone to think that the Town Pond is really just a puddle and swimming in it isn't a realistic goal no matter how much it is "cleaned up." It is nice spot to fish but swim, no thank you. Those of you who think differently - go see for yourself and decide after you do.
    - JW

  • 7/18 11:20pm   Re Can anyone recommed a company who would sell and install new garage doors?
    Someone on Norfolknet recommended Pioneer Garage Door Co, and we used them and they were very good. Steve came out to take a look, made some recommendations, installed with improvement over old doors, and the price was very resonable. Steve & Liz can be reached at 508-668-8136.
    - KB

  • 7/18 11:19pm   The past few days, I've had numerous people that I don't know ringing my doorbell... I know one person says he's selling books, the other 2 times, I haven't responded. Tonight, 3 girls (looked about 12-ish) rang my doorbell at 9pm. I don't know who rings someone's doorbell at 9:00 at night. I couldn't hear what they wanted, but with all the break-ins and everything that's been going on, I wasn't going to answer it. Has anyone else had their doorbell ringing more than usual lately and, if so, what is it regarding?
    - SS

  • 7/18 11:14pm   PC - Maybe if the Town Pond was open to recreation there wouldn't be a war in Iraq. Kind of ironic, isn't it... My statement has the same validity as yours. Can we assume you were joking??
    - LS

  • 7/18 11:09pm   More creative current events:
    NORFOLK (AR) Disaffected Norfolk youth, deprived of constructive outlets for their recreational urges, lashed out at the Con Com in this quiet suburban town by by robbing cars in the neighborhood. ``If the Town Pond was open to recreation there wouldn't be a crime spree,'' a resident was heard saying.

    Our intrepid reporting airs at 11:00. But no, wait -- Those ruffians broke into our news van! Our documentary video tapes are missing!! Really, this is too much!!

    The lack of a Town Pond is creating a public menace and endangering the moral compass of the darling children of our nation. When is enough enough? The Town Fathers must crack down on that ne'er-do-well Con Com, else we'll never be secure in our possessions!!

    - AR

  • 7/18 5:23pm   I think a town pool would be great but only if there is going to be a diving board. I grew up in Walpole and Walpole has 2 pools. When I was a kid both pools had diving boards but they are there no more so all you can do for fun is just float around; very boring!
    - DF

  • 7/18 5:20pm   RH, DV, MJD... Thanks for bringing your collective voices of reason... I got a chuckle out of PC's post correlating the crime spree to the fact that the town pond is not "open". The irony is... he was serious!!
    - PB

  • 7/18 5:19pm   Re: "Swimming" in Town Pond: My husband and I went to check out town pond a few months back and I am pleased to report that our dog thoroughly enjoyed her swim there! The only downside was that we had a really hard time getting her back on her leash, as she was far more interested in swimming after a rat than she was in obeying us.
    - MKL

  • 7/18 4:33pm   I am at a loss, I walked back and looked at the Town Pond. It's not a pond, it's a puddle. Will someone who supports reopening it please tell me what they envision and what the benefit is to the town? Who would use it? For what exactly? I don't see the point in investing in a puddle for swimming unless you are a duck!
    - MJD

  • 7/18 4:29pm   I do not even know where town pond is, but it seems to me that there is no money for a cleanup of that type. If there is money, it would be better spent on a town pool. God knows we could build it in the Stop and Shop space until they build! Maybe they would fund it to hold up the space for a while... just a thought.
    - DV

  • 7/18 3:00pm   Re: 7/18 11:41am ...My husband grew up here and said he wouldn't want to swim in the pond if it were as bad as it was when he was a kid in the 60's and 70's.
    I agree. Our kids swam there in the 1960's, got ear infections, and we took them to Dr. Brown, their pediatrician. We finally gave up on that pond; it could not be cleaned up despite the claims that it could. I hope the Town does not go down that path again; it will be a waste of money.
    - RH

  • 7/18 11:44am   My co-workers and I are part of a team at a company that is "asking" us to participate in an "Iron Chef" outing. Each team has to choose a different country and make cuisine from that country as well as decorate. We chose Italy. If anyone has any empty Chianti bottles (for burning candles in) or can suggest anything else cheap to decorate with (we have the food covered), please e-mail me at pulmoneria@hotmail.com and I'll come and get the bottles -- I only need a couple. Thanks!
    - KB

  • 7/18 11:42am   Can anyone recommed a company who would sell and install new garage doors? Thank you!
    - SD

    [Apropos garage doors, I saw a sign in a yard at the south end of Union; anyone know more? - Wm.]

  • 7/18 11:41am   That comment about town pond not being opened and Chickadee went over my head (I don't think I want to know)... But I was wondering what happened to the plans to open it to swimming? Can someone fill me in? When I talked to someone at the rec dept two years ago, they said it was in the works. What happened?
    A side note: My husband grew up here and said he wouldn't want to swim in the pond if it were as bad as it was when he was a kid in the 60's and 70's. His brothers and sisters got a lot of infections from that pond. What are the plans to clean it up... are they going to circulate the water?
    As far as the kids breaking into cars - I grew up in a wealthy city with a stellar Rec program. We still had the usual petty crimes... None of these activities would be opened in the middle of the night when these things happen. I also believe that the pond had a lot of criminal activity around it many years ago. Isn't that why it was originally closed to the public? My husband tells me that there was a lot of drug activity going on there when he was a teen.
    - MW

  • 7/18 10:22am   AP - we have been extremely happy with Villari's of Franklin. Very supportive staff and a great bunch of kids. They are just over the line if you go down Main Street - between Acorn Animal Hospital & Adirondack Club. They usually have a low-cost deal for a 30 day trial. webpage
    - CI

  • 7/18 8:50am   I grew up in a town that had a public swimming pool for summer recreation, and guess what, cars were still broken into at night, small items were stolen, and the kids also went "garage shopping" for beer. This is an age-old problem in suburban communities and it is something that a town pond (which would be a nice option to have, however the reasons for which this is not a viable option have been listed in previous weeks' posts) will not solve these crimes. People who leave cars/garages open should be more cautious about leaving doors unlocked/open, and protect their valuables rather than making them available to all passers-by, rather than unfairly pointing the finger at all of the kids in town.
    - TC

  • 7/18 8:49am   Does anyone have suggestions on where to take a child for karate? Also, looking for a landscaper... Thanks!
    - AP

  • 7/17 11:06pm   PC, Not sure about the connection to Town Pond and Chickadee, but what a shame that after almost two years since the citizens approved the town pond project nothing has been done!! Then again I shouldn't say that, because two Conservation Committee members have not been reappointed. I guess progress has been made.
    - TC

  • 7/17 11:04pm   In regards to car break-ins, I have also heard that kids are driving around Norfolk looking for refrigerators in open garages. My guess is they aren't looking for just soda. While you are locking cars you should also lock your garage or at least hide the fridge.
    - TD

  • 7/17 11:03pm   Responding to JL - I would love something in the center of Norfolk. I think something like Blue Moon in Medfield or Perks in Norwood wood be good examples of something we would love in Norfolk.
    - TD

  • 7/17 8:45pm   JLH: Try Missy at the Village Groomer on Route 1 in Walpole. They have done many cats for the Animal Control Department. I highly recommend them. They have days which are set up strictly for cats (no dogs = less stress) and their prices are very reasonable.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 7/17 8:06pm   Does anyone know of a groomer who can groom (shave) a long haired domestic cat? I procrastinated in making my annual haircut appointment w/ Acorn who always does a great job but, now I can't get him in until end of August. Any suggestions (and at a reasonable cost?) BuddyO thanks you ahead of time - he's roasting in his winter coat...
    - JLH

  • 7/17 7:11pm   I was suprised to get a mailing from the KP school district. It was a letter to the abutters of the middle school from the music director, apologizing for the inconvenience to neighbors of the noisy band practices?? I just want to say how lucky we are to have such an amazing and nationally acclaimed music program in our town! It is an honor to have them with us!! My family looks forward to our nightly walks to see them practice. My three year old will miss them, if and when they ever move back to the new HS. Yes... sometimes it is hard to put my son to bed, since they practice many nights until 8:30pm and we don't have AC... so the windows must be kept open. But I really feel it is a small price to pay for such an amazing program to be available to the kids of this town! Do people realize what they have actually accomplished? I believe that they are National champions several times over!
    - MW

  • 7/17 7:10pm   TW; I am very interested in your house cleaning job. Please feel free to get my information though the webmaster [use box68@norfolknet.com - Wm.]. I am a Norfolk resident and have many wonderful references.
    - JD

  • 7/17 7:07pm   SFM - I'm working with the [Herald] to get permission to air that segment on NCTV. Could you pull some strings? Any additional videos we could air?
    - BA, NCTV

  • 7/17 7:05pm   Maybe if the Town Pond was open to recreation there wouldn't be a crime spree on Chickadee. Kind of ironic, isn't it.
    - PC

  • 7/17 12:17pm   Could there be a correlation between the new crime spree and school being out? It seems to be localized to a particular area of town. What is the saying about idle hands...
    - MH

  • 7/17 11:28apm   Just an fyi for everyone, there were also 2 cars broken into on Leland Rd a few weeks back. It happened the same night that the 2 cars on River Road were hit. Looks to me like we have a crime spree in our sleepy little town of Norfolk.
    - ML

  • 7/17 9:31am   Hi All, Our cars were broken into on Chickadee Drive last night. They took some money and sunglasses but left the wallet and cell phone.
    Our cars will be locked from now on.
    - KM

  • 7/16 8:55pm   JW, One party videotaped the coyote and went down to the police station. The Sergeant on duty watched and it looked to be that he was just catching some "easy meals." Not uncommon in that area. When the hay is mowed there are a lot of mice left scurrying.
    - HC

  • 7/16 8:54pm   On the Boston Herald website, there is a video essay about our KP Jazz Band at the Ellington Festival. Very impressive! We are lucky to have such a fantastic music program at KP.
    - SFM

    [Update 7/17 8:32am: URL: [article link] - RH]

  • 7/16 8:52pm   NT, regarding PC usage: I am a local college student home for the summer, and I have extensive computer skills. Give me a call at 508 560 3937 to set up an appointment. I can do house calls after 4 on most weekdays.
    - CE

  • 7/16 8:48pm   Hi TW - I use K.D. Cleaning for my office, but I know he does homes as well. He is local and a does a great job at reasonable rates! His info is posted on Norfolknet in the business section. He is a member of the Norfolk Business Association and a nice guy. He will be the one that actually does the work, which I think is a big plus.
    K.D. Cleaning Co.
    Norfolk // Kevin at 508-528-0929
    Owner is the Cleaner. Weekly, Bi-Weekly. Dust Management.
    - SFM

  • 7/16 10:46pm   On Sunday, my family and I went on a whale watch from Gloucester using the discounted tickets we purchased through Norfolk Lions Soccer. It was an adventurous voyage due to the choppy seas and winds, but a great time. My two kids loved it and we saw lots of active whales that were putting on quite a show. I would definitely recommend it!
    - Ishmael (SFM)

  • 7/16 8:37pm   Sunday afternoon around 5 PM we were driving past Holmes's field on Main and Myrtle. Two cars had pulled over in front of us and when we went by, there was a large coyote in the middle of the field. I wonder if it was there because the field had just been plowed - it seemed strange to see it in broad daylight.
    - JW

  • 7/16 7:59pm   Cat found on Main Street. Black and white. Black face, white chin, white front legs. About 6-7 pounds. No collar. Please reply if this is your cat so I know it has a home.
    - ES

  • 7/16 7:58pm   To JT & BH, Thank you so much for your recommendations for dog sitters. We appreciate your comments and look forward to using them in the future!
    - LR

  • 7/16 5:52pm   Hello, my husband and I are looking for someone to clean our Norfolk home twice a month. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thank you,
    - TW

  • 7/16 2:23pm   LR - We highly recommend Carin Cohen of Critter Visits. Not only does she have a great rapport with our dog, she has also proven to be excellent with her human clients. She is responsive, reliable, and very experienced with training and handling dogs. Her website is crittervisits.com.
    - JT

  • 7/16 2:11pm   NT: regarding PC training - I took a computer class a couple years ago that bulked Microsoft Excel, Word, and Powerpoint together. The books used for the program were fantastic: very short, easy to use, and had practice exercises. However, you do need to have Microsoft Office 2003 installed on your computer to use. If you don't, perhaps the library does. The ISBN number for the excel book is 141884294x. Just plug it into Amazon.com and you can purchase it for under $20.00. Also, Mass Bay Community College in Framingham offers the three booklet set (including Excel, Word, and Powerpoint for around 35.00). Just go to the bookstore and tell them you are taking "Computers and Technology" I would lend you mine but I already have a friend borrowing them. Good Luck!
    - DCB

  • 7/16 12:13pm   We received a message from a reporter, so if you wish to be interviewed, here is your opportunity:

    My name is Richard Lewis. I'm a reporter with the Boston Globe, and I'm doing a story about home sales in the region that includes Norfolk. I'm looking for someone in Norfolk who is either trying to sell a home or who has recently sold a home to speak with for the story. I can be reached through this list-serv or at richclew@gmail.com. Thank you.

    - Wm.

  • 7/16 12:13pm   In response to dog sitting - Catherine Flynn of AnimalWorks in Norfolk and her husband Ken have been helping to take care of our puppy since he was about 10 weeks old. Very reliable and great with our dog. They offer a variety of services- walking and pet sitting. Her # is (508) 528-1351.
    - BH

  • 7/16 11:28am   JW - There was a large group of Boy Scouts working on the Eagle Project at Town Pond on Saturday. There was trail clearing, weed eradication, mulch spreading, and some planting (the plants you saw are probably those). From what I heard, it was hard, mucky work - and there is more to come.
    - CI

  • 7/16 11:27am   Teens and parents of teens: time is running out to sign up for Thursday's teen craft workshop at the Norfolk Library. This week's project is the Pop-Tart Pouch, a decorated felt pocket that looks like a toaster pastry and is sized for an iPod, cell phone, or sunglasses. If you want to see what it looks like, visit [click page] The workshop runs from 6:30-7:45 p.m., is free, and no sewing experience is required. To sign up, visit or call the library's circulation desk at 508-528-3380.
    - Heather Pisani-Kristl, NPL

  • 7/16 10:40am   I read the AC note about the kitten and I checked her page and remembered the story about the turtle eggs in the sand box in the spring. Is there an update on that? Did the eggs hatch?
    I was at the Town Pond yesterday and someone has planted 4 bushes near the rock. I was wondering why and what is going on there, I read an Eagle Scout was going to be removing weeds from the water, is there an update on that?
    - JW

  • 7/16 10:39am   We are looking for recommendations on a reliable dog sitter. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    We are also in need of references for someone to do our roof, we prefer to have someone do the work themselves rather than sub it out. We look forward to all recommendations of those you've been happy with and those you would recommend to not hire. Thank you!
    - LR

  • 7/16 10:38am   Earlier this summer we watched a turtle dig and lay eggs in a spot in our garden. My kids were fascinated! Every day they go out and check the spot to see if they see evidence that they had hatched and moved on... I was wondering if anyone knows the incubation period of the turtle eggs. I read about the turtles on the Animal control website, but was wondering how long they would take to hatch if they survived. Does anyone know?
    - MW

  • 7/16 10:19am   I need to get some pc training. In particular I need to be able to use Excel in the fall for a new job. I'd prefer to have someone come to my home to teach me. I've looked into local schools but most of their training programs start in the fall. Does anyone know a high school, college-age student, or adult that would do this? I'd pay big $$ for this last-minute training!
    - NT

  • 7/15 11:39pm   It's kitten season: Check the web page for the newest addition "Stormy". He'll be up for adoption in ten days (if no owner is found) and he passes a health check. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, norfolkanimalcontrol.net

  • 7/15 5:31pm   Our family is considering a membership at the Adirondack Club in Franklin... any feedback from present (or past) members is greatly appreciated.
    - PN

  • 7/15 5:27pm   Attic fan? If the fan itself is working properly, how about looking at the discharge (outlet) vents. Are they opening or clogged? Are they of sufficient surface area for the fan? Do you have sufficient windows open to allow air to pass through?
    To get the fan to do its job you need to have unrestricted air flow on both sides of the fan.
    - RC

  • 7/15 5:26pm   Re JL and bagels: I would enthusiastically welcome a bagel and coffee shop to town! As long as they do one simple thing--when I order a bagel with cream cheese, it is so much better to receive it with the cream cheese actually on the bagel and not in a separate little tub! What do you think?
    A good local bagel shop opened a few months ago in Millis in the Roche Bros. plaza that sounds very much like what JL described for Norfolk. They seem to be doing well whenever I go there.
    - DL

  • 7/14 9:26pm   JHR - Our Town Transfer Station, it's free and it will be recycled.
    - LS

  • 7/14 9:25pm   JHR, regarding aluminum siding -- check out the Norfolk Transfer Station website. They should be able to take it.
    - CR

  • 7/14 9:24am   To JP, regarding quick Christening invitations: If you are comfortable with using a computer, I have used vistaprint.com for many invitations/business cards/christmas cards, etc. with great success. You design them yourself, from all of their many choices, and they will overnight the product. This route saves from having to trudge to a store, and you get exactly what you want. Good luck.
    - EC

  • 7/14 9:23am   WRB, 2 cars got hit on River Road a little over a week ago (friends of mine) and the thieves got an Ipod, cell phone, change/bills ect. Locking cars is a definite now.
    - CJG

  • 7/13 11:42pm   To JL et al... Re: bagel shop! Well, if you are from New York or Brooklyn and really know how to make bagels you might do quite well... but I would like to see a cafe that offeres nice sandwiches and small salads (well made with fresh ingredients, perhpas even organic... not just iceberg lettuce, a wedge of tomato and cucumber), soups in the winter and some live acoustic music a night or two a week/weekend. Visit the Koo Koo Cafe in Brookline Village, across from the MBTA stop on Station Street... interesting place. I used to own a place on the Cape years ago... it can be very lucrative if you make going there a "happening," not just a place to buy coffee and bagels... or just another more upper scale "Dunkin' Donuts" thing. Norfolk needs destination places in town. More power to you... good luck!
    - PRR

  • 7/13 11:41pm   Re JL and bagels. Believe it should do well, expecially on a cool day! Good luck.
    - JO

  • 7/13 11:40pm   Does anyone have an idea of how to discard aluminum siding after the removal from a house? I understand that it can be recycled. Any thoughts?
    - JHR

  • 7/13 11:35pm   Lock your car doors! We just moved here from Vermont 3 weeks ago and I left my car unlocked on our driveway on Grove Street. I went out this morning and noticed my car door a little a jar. A pair of sunglasses and my change - about $3 - were missing. I filed a report with the police and someone else in our neighborhood had just called in to say their wallet was missing from their car. The police said this is very unusual for Norfolk. A lesson learned for me.
    - WRB

  • 7/13 11:31pm   Re: 7/13 6:26pm I need to get some Christening invitations printed ASAP, does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, - JP
    OfficeMax at the north end of the Walpole Mall is fast and inexpensive. Or you could do what we did: Using a Print Shop computer program, we printed the invitations ourselves. We ran each envelope through the printer also, to get a good-looking addressed envelope for each guest. The lettering was not raised, but it looked quite good.
    - RH

  • 7/13 11:28pm   Yard Sale Saturday, July 14 at 9am, 12 Ridge Road. Furniture, baby equipment, toys, books, accessories for the home, dishes, lamps and much more.
    - BD

  • 7/13 11:27pm   JL - please!! I think a bagel shop, with nice (non Dunkin) coffees would do very well in town, particularly with the train being nearby. There is a spot for rent (a couple actually) and I was just saying to my husband that someplace to meet a friend for coffee, pick up a baked good, etc would be so nice. The only other place that I can think of along those lines was in Franklin center and is no longer there. I can guarantee I will be there!
    - NS

  • 7/13 7:13pm   I have a small job to be welded, steel onto steel, by arc welding; not torch welding or TIG welding. Can anyone suggest a welding shop in the area that does arc welding? Thanks.
    - RH

  • 7/13 7:12pm   Re: 7/13 10:36am Attic fan: Suggestion: Is the fanbelt loose? Remove the fanbelt, and turn the fanblade by hand; if it turns slowly and has a lot of friction, try oiling the bearings. Ditto with the fan motor; the shaft should turn easily. If it does not, try some light (3-in-one) oil at both ends. Now examine the fanbelt: if it shows a lot of wear, go to an auto parts shop and get a new one. If the pulleys are loose from their shafts, tighten the setscrews onto the flat part of the shafts. Clean the pulleys where they contact the fanbelt. Adjust the fanbelt tension so that the belt is tight and does not slip when the motor pulley is held and the fan pulley is rotated. Now keep your hands away from the fan, carefully turn the fan on, and check for proper operation. If it doesn't work well, Lowes' or Home Depot might have a replacement. Check on-line for details and stock.
    - RH

  • 7/13 6:28pm   An interesting question from a non-resident:
    Hello everyone,

    I currently own a bagel shop and was looking to open a 2nd location, and thought Norfolk near the train station would be nice. I was wondering if I could get feedback. Would a cafe with relaxed atmosphere selling bagels, coffee, cappuccinos do well? Is there anything else in town already like that? (except D&D of course, I don't count them. Ha!) Thanks all!

    - JL

  • 7/13 6:26pm   I need to get some Christening invitations printed ASAP, does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks,
    - JP

  • 7/13 6:25pm   Thanks KC - Tried cleaning the blades and tightening the belt - but it just barely pulls in that cool air.
    - SG

  • 7/13 1:29pm   Re attic fan - clean the blades, that may be all it needs.
    - KC

  • 7/13 10:36am   I have a whole house attic fan that no longer functions well. Does anyone know who repairs these, or has any suggestions on where to purchase a new one?
    - SG

  • 7/13 10:30am   I've asked for and received details on what work exactly the person saw at the prison driveway, this was the reply:
    The Highway Department was jackhammering the driveway to the parking lot across from the Norfolk Prison.

    There were 3 men, 2 town trucks and a loader in the parking lot across from the prison where guards, etc., park and hang out. There are several areas in lot that are jackhammered up.

    I asked one of the men I saw about it. At some point today they are going to be hot topping those areas. I am sure that someone besides me will drive by there today to see what I saw.

    - Wm.

  • 7/13 10:26am   A while back someone asked if anyone has tried the nail salon in town. (Star Nails on Main St.) I don't believe anyone responded so I finally decided to try it out myself and thought I'd share that I found it very clean and was very satisfied with the end results. For comparison, I normally go to the Grettacole in Boston and I have now decided to save myself money and go to the place in town. The people who work there seemed very nice and were very friendly. Check it out!
    - EAG

  • 7/12 11:10pm   MW, I'll keep you posted if anything happens and with what agency.
    - BR

  • 7/12 11:03pm   We have Comcast and our phones are down yet again, but the computer is working. We have what I would call an open line... no dial tone and it sounds like a phone is off the hook. We have had this problem since we moved in last August and they do not seem to be able to solve it. It mostly happens after a rain.
    By the way, is there a Mr Bugbee soccer coach out there who is reading this? If, so please contact me though the Wm. Thanks,
    - DV

    [Update 7/13 10:38am: Mr Bugbee saw the post - Wm.]

  • 7/12 10:45pm   Update on the prison driveways:
    I confirmed with the Norfolk facility that this person saw the Town testing the backflow preventer where the Town water connects with the Prison system. This location is in the front of the prison and next to front driveway. This is Town equipment on State property.
    - Wm.

  • 7/12 3:58pm   We received a correction regarding the prison driveways:
    I was over at the two prisons in Norfolk today and there was no paving done as of 15 min utes ago, the pot holes I drove through this morning were still there.
    - Wm.

  • 7/12 1:50pm   Food for thought - I drove past the Norfolk prison and saw town highway department trucks fixing the driveway of the prison. Isn't the state responsible for the prison roads, driveways etc.? The town of Norfolk has enough of their own roads that are in bad shape, shouldn't the highway department fix those and let the state of Ma. fix their own?
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 7/12 1:48pm   Thank you to everyone who responded about pet sitting for our golden retriever puppy. We had such an overwhelming response! The job has been filled, but for those who responded we'll keep everyone's emails as back-up. Thanks again!
    - KS

  • 7/12 8:42am   RS--We've used Derry's Hardwood Floors several times and were always satisfied. They have a good reputation in the area.
    - GA

  • 7/12 12:19pm   And because the animal kingdom doesn't believe I work 8-4, this little guy came in late this evening. For that we are calling him Midnight. He is a bi-color tabby kitten approximately 7-8 weeks old. He is so friendly that you'll want to take him home. In ten days if no one claims him then he will be up for adoption after a health check. He is a real find if anyone is looking for a super affectionate cat. Please check the animal control web page for more pictures.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control   (508) 528 3232

  • 7/11 10:59pm   If you have experience with Derry's Hardwood Floors or Brilliant Finishes, please let me know how satisfied you were with their work and whether or not you would recommend them. Thank you!
    - RS

  • 7/11 10:58pm   Black & white tuxedo cat was picked up late today on Main Street. Appears to be a neutered male, friendly, well kept. If you are missing him, or know who may own him, please contact the ACO at 508 528 3232.
    His picture and full description are on norfolkanimalcontrol.net under the lost and found section. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk ACO

  • 7/11 6:12pm   The Norfolk Lions Club would like to thank the following sponsors who helped make our first annual Riding for the Blind Motorcycle ride a success:
    Outlaw BBQ, Foxboro
    MOMS, Foxboro
    Eagle Brook Restaurant, Norfolk
    Dunkin Donuts, Norfolk
    - Gail Bernardo, Norfolk Lions Club

  • 7/11 4:51pm   JM, thanks for the tip, he is a cutie. My husband feels with a shepherd we really need to start as a puppy to make sure he/she is well treated and not aggressive. But we still might look at him, he is a beauty.
    - DV

  • 7/11 4:35pm   Does anyone know of a technician that can install my new reciever on my home theater system? Thanks.
    - PB

  • 7/10 9:45pm   BR... I used to model once upon a time. The first thing that you should know is that you should never have to pay for classes or modelling pictures. If the agency is interested in your son, they will pay for everything. Classes and expensive portfolios are a big scam! If they like you... they will send you to have head shots done, etc. They should take care of practically everything in exhange for signing with them and letting them represent your son. The Cameo Agency in Boston is a good place to start if they are still around. You can call any agency and make an appointment, or some also have open casting days where you can go and wait in line. Good Luck!
    - MW

  • 7/10 9:31pm   DV: If you are still looking for a new dog, there is a German Shepherd / Lab mix on the Medfield Animal Shelter website (www.medfieldshelter.com). He's up for adoption through his current owner. He's neutered already, so breeding is out of the question. But, he looks really cute. His name is Rudy. Good luck!
    - JM

  • 7/10 9:01pm   POH - Norfolk Hardware for your screens. We use them all the time.
    Does anyone out there know how to contact a modeling agency?? This would be for a teenage boy. Many people have suggested it for him but I don't know who to contact.
    - BR

  • 7/10 8:58pm   We are looking for a pet sitter for an eight-week old golden retriever puppy. She is very friendly and loves people. She is still working on training and needs someone to come in during the work week, preferably twice per day. We are using positive reinforcement techniques/rewarding with treats. Great opportunity for student looking to make summer time cash. Location close to town center. Dog lovers only need apply! [Contact KS at box67@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - KS

  • 7/10 8:56pm   MD: I agree that the cost of full day kindergarten should be paid for by consumers of full day kindergarten. We have three children under six, so I will be paying the fee three out of the next six years. As another person pointed out, $2,900 is still less expensive than day care or pre-school. I am not aware of any town in the area that pays for full day kindergarten classes through town-wide taxes. Norfolk is wise to keep the service fee based.
    - CS

  • 7/10 8:52pm   To JT, regarding your perennials: Spring or fall are the best times for transplanting perennials. I would love to adopt some! How can this be done, Wm?
    - EC

  • 7/10 7:08pm   MD: I either didn't make myself clear or you misunderstood what I wrote about the full-day kindergarten fee. I don't think the town or schools are making money, nor do I disagree with paying for the option that isn't standard. I merely thought it interesting and thought others might too that the town may need to eventually find the funds for and provide full-day kindergarten since a huge majority prefers the full-day option.
    - MHC

  • 7/10 6:48pm   Thank you to the folks on this forum that recommended Dover Trucking for trash removal and Essary Roofing for my roof work. My husband and I just moved to Norfolk from Foxboro and this forum has made it so much easier to find excellent local talent.
    Can anyone recommend a place that will make window screens? I need a couple of windows re-screened (which I think I can get done at a local hardware store) but some of my windows are missing screens.
    Thank you for your help!
    - POH

  • 7/10 6:39pm   JT, I would love to come look. We have a photo studio here in Norfolk that we are setting up, althought we go by Hughes Photography, we call it photo farm - we have goats and bunnies and we have just cut out a lot of grass to grow gardens. We work with all people but specialize in children with special needs and would love any donation of plants; it would be great! 508-528-7003 or e-mail through the Wm. [use box65@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - DV

    [Update 9:47pm: oooppps my phone # is 508-528-7003 - DV]

  • 7/10 4:32pm   Reading the posts about the full-day kindergarten, I want to chime in before everyone assumes that the schools are raking in $250,000 to $450,000 a year in extra fees, (per what others have posted). I don't have a child attending kindergarten this year, but one of the posters says they are paying $290 per month. I assume that is for about 10 months which works out to about $3000 per child for the year. According to the DOE website, Norfolk spends about $6500 per year to educate a regular ed. child and about $8500 per year on average for all students including special ed. children. So, the monthly fee of $290 does not seem unreasonable to me. If residents want the schools to offer full-day kindergarten for no fee, then somehow the town as a whole will need to find a way to pay for it. The costs for full-day kindergarten would be quite high.
    - MD

  • 7/10 4:30pm   Attention Gardeners/Garden Club: our yard has some beautiful perrenials we'd love to share. They need to be moved or discarded due to a landscaping project. Not sure what they all are, but there are irises, lillies, and many others that we don't know the names of that are quite lovely. Wondering if anyone is interested in transplanting these. Also what time of year should we do this? Any advice/interest is appreciated. Please respond via webmaster or posting. Thank you.
    - JT

    [Update 8:54: you can reach JT directly through box66@norfolknet.com - Wm.]

  • 7/10 9:07am   Could folks holding yard sales try to remember to take their signs down afterwards? It's easy to forget and I've noticed a couple signs for yard sales that happened a few weeks ago around town. Keep Norfolk beautiful and please get those signs down as soon as you have a chance. Thanks!
    - KD

  • 7/10 9:06am   Thank you LS. I feel a little better knowing there is someone else out there in the same boat. I think that the Water Dept would be unreasonable to ask people to renovate their homes in order to install the new meters. I think the statement in the letter that Norfolk has mandated a 12 inch clearance around such meters for their convenience is ridiculous... and even more ridiculous to make Norfolk residents acquire a plumber to perform costly work to accomodate this regulation. Hopefully, we will not run into any problems from the town.
    - MW

  • 7/9 11:20pm   MW - My meter is in the basement, in the corner. That area of the basement is finished, and we did install a "door" that gives access to the meter. I have plenty of room above and below the meter and about 12" from the meter to the door. Its impossible to give 12" of space from the foundation to the meter. One would have had to be a fourtune teller as the existing meter sits adjacent to the foundation (about 4 inches away and as such that's where it will stay. I'm sure the company installing the new ones have run into this 1000 times and I would be willing to bet the 12" is a very conservative number. The meters themselves should be very very similar in size (if not smaller) so it cant be that much of an issue. No need to worry.
    - LS

  • 7/9 11:19pm   MHC - I agree that full day should be the norm now, as 7 of the 8 classes are full day. When the numbers came back from registration for September's incoming class, I think only 18 or so kids were signed up for 1/2 day, compared to the 140-150 who wanted full day. But I doubt the town will ever assume the cost of a full-day program. At $290 a month per student, I think they're bringing in much more than $250K for the year - approx. 150 students at $2900 per year is around $435K! Can they really claim that it costs this much extra to run the full day programs? But in the end, it's the only option right now. On the positive side, it's less than I'm paying for full day preschool!
    - JM

  • 7/9 11:18pm   Hi MW... I think it is wonderful how much you did and it sounds like your home is beautiful. I am sorry to hear what you dealt with in the process, and that people actually said something to you after how much you had already done on with your property. I really have a lot of respect for people that come in and try to make there home a little nicer.
    I love that this town is semi-rural, quaint and pretty... and I hope it stays that way. I think this town is lovely and overall most people seem really great about keeping up their property. I am looking forward to living here and getting to know people.
    - TM

  • 7/9 10:33pm   Hi RC and DV, In reference to your posts of last week, pertaining to the wiring of Town Hall for television purposes, I believe it was Comcast that incurred those costs. As far as meetings being 'aired publicly for all to see,' we at NCTV have been trying our best to get the Conservation Commission, ZBA, and the Planning Board to utilize Room 124. That would allow us to televise their meetings live, and then re-air them at later times.
    I can promise you this, if either of you want to tape a meeting for us, it will make it to air and receive a solid rotation on channel 22. We will provide you with the equipment and the training (which is quite easy.) We can use more volunteers, and this will be a way for you to help us get much needed programming, and at the same let our viewers see what goes on with their local government. Feel free to call our new Station Manager, Brian Alves, at 508-520-2780 and he'll be delighted to help you get involved.
    - Paul C. Altmeyer, President, Norfolk Cable Corporation

  • 7/9 9:55pm   PN & KM: You are correct that there is no fee for half-day kindergarten in Norfolk. However, it is important to note that 8 of the 9 (it may be 7 of the 8) kindergarten classes this fall at HOD are full-day. There is only one half-day option. It is in the afternoon in a room that preschoolers will use in the morning, not an optimal situation. Norfolk, like Franklin a few years back, might need to look at assuming costs for full-day kindergarten since 89% of families in town have opted for it. But, then again, maybe not. Full-time kindergarten for this upcoming school year will raise nearly $250,000.
    - MHC

  • 7/9 9:43pm   TM... I think that your posting struck a nerve with many people that have had issues with their neighbors. I wouldn't get too bent out of shape by negative responses. Of course we all have these concerns. I suppose that how we act on them is the real issue. Believe me, I have put up with some quirky neighbors in my time. I am originally from the city where we lived on top of each other.
    I bought my second home in Norfolk about 5 years ago. It was a bank owned dump! We put so much money, hard work and old fashioned sweat equity into this house! We did extensive landscaping ourselves; it was backbreaking. I had people in the neighborhood, that I didn't know, stop their cars and tell us what a fabulous job we have done and thanked us profusely. Ours is one of the first homes in our subdivision and it is the first impression for many of the more expensive newer homes in the area.
    Anyway, a few years ago we had a big pile of loam in our front yard becuase our friend with the bobcat couldn't get to us for awhile. The house and yard looked fabulous in comparison to what it was... but a neighbor actually made a comment that the pile was there a little too long. My husband was very offended. Here we are, trying to do something good by lanscaping, and the neighbor was giving us a timeframe? It was only there for a month or two! Well, how would they feel if the house were still a dump?
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - MW

  • 7/9 9:32pm   Over the weekend of June 29th-July 1st, the Norfolk Storm U14 Fastpitch Softball team traveled to Uxbridge, Mass. to participate in the ASA Fastpitch State Softball Tournament. After a long weekend of very competitive games they ended up finishing 4th in the state and earning the privilege to participate in the ASA Fastpitch Regionals in Pawtucket, Rhode Island over July 13th-15th.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - TC

  • 7/9 9:27pm   KC, I have no idea how it works. My husband seems to think that they mean that there has to be 12 inches clearance on the inside of the house... I am confused. If they are referring to the outside of the house... then I don't understand the 12 inches of clearance and the plumbing comments. Of course we got the letter when the town offices were already closed.
    - MW

  • 7/9 9:26pm   JL... Regarding your post "At least I now know that PC and RC should never be on the Con Com." - JL
    You kill me ! I never made mention of my opinion of conservation issues and that's what the con com is there to deal with. The issues. Once again, that's all they are supposed to be dealing with. For your information I have spent my last 34 years working in the outdoors and in my free time I hike and fish with my family and friends. Oh, buy the way, when I fish I use barb-less hooks too.
    - RC

  • 7/9 9:01pm   MH - I am sorry that you feel my concerns show a lack of character just because I am bothered that others don't take pride in their property. I am the kind of person that doesn't care what kind of car someone drives, how big or small their home is, what someone does for a living or anything else materialistic. The only thing that bothers me is when people don't take pride in their property. I think any home no matter how big or small should be something people take pride in. If people have money issues then that is something I sympathize with, so the circumstances do matter... but I think there is a difference between people who just do not have the resources to fix up their property and those that just don't have any pride in their property or desire to keep it up. I do not worry that friends or family will somehow look down on me... because anyone I have in my life is there for the right reasons. What I worry about are homes values in the area possibly being affected by eyesore properties and the fact that these homes look in need of repair.
    I am sorry that some of you took offense to my comments, I certainly wasn't trying to stir up any controversy. I think whether people choose to admit it or not... these are concerns that many people have.
    - TM

  • 7/9 8:57pm   Won't the meters be put on the out side of the house? With wires runing to the meter?
    - KC

  • 7/9 8:56pm   PB: TV audio not working, but stereo does: Before paying someone to come in... try going through your TV Setup Menu... you'll probably find your audio set to "off" (typically done when people initially set up with stereo systems).
    - PN

  • 7/9 8:55pm   MW, if what you are saying is accurate, it is absurd! There must be a "grandfather" type of out for you. Boy, I am glad I have a well.
    - DV

  • 7/9 7:10pm   Hello DV... I understand the 12 inch clearance to be for the "ease of access and safety"... My husband runs a water system in another local town and tells me that this is not a safety requirement for water meters. The one we have now has only a few inches of clearance. We would need a plumber to repipe and move our forced hot water boiler system and tankless hot water. We have no other spot to locate the boiler, which is in the same place that it has been in since the 1970's when the home was built. This would seriously reduce the square footage of our home and change the dynamics to make it one less room than was advertised when we bought it. Not to mention the money that we just spent in renovations that would have to be completely reworked. The water dept states that the install of the meter is free. However, we would be responsible for all other work to meet compliance. If you have ever been in a raised ranch... we don't have a real basement. Our utilities are located in a tiny closet.
    - MW

  • 7/9 7:08pm   As the initiator of the post regarding the Kindergarten billing issues, I would like to update the situation. The Chairperson of the School Committee, Kim Williams, e-mailed me back promptly (Friday night at 11:30 p.m.) to let me know that she appreciated the input and would follow up. I received a follow-up call from the school today acknowledging the problems with the on-line payment system and tardy invoices. More importantly, the woman I spoke with politely apologized for the inconvenience and told me that parents wishing to pay through the web tool should now be all set. The school department is to be commended for their prompt follow-up.
    - CS

  • 7/9 6:08pm   What is the 12 inch clearance for? And why would you need a plumber?
    - DV

  • 7/9 5:36pm   NS, after one bad experience I too have found the Norfolk schools great. Next year I will have 1 in the high school, 1 in the middle school and 2 in FC. The teachers at FC that we had this year were wonderful.
    - DV

  • 7/9 5:19pm   Water Meter Replacements?? I just recieved my letter from the water dept stating that I am required to have a new water meter installed. The town is requiring 12 inches clearance around the meter and states that residents shall "make plumbing arrrangements prior to the appointment."
    I do not have 12 inches to play with. I might only have 3 or 4 inches at best. Accomodating this new system will require tens of thousands of dollars of plumbing work combined with a major home renovation. We just installed a new boiler and now the whole boiler... which, located in a closet of our family room, would have to be relocated to accomodate this new requirement? Basically we would have to totally remodel the lower level of our 1970's raised ranch (which we just remodelled prior to recieveing this letter)... losing a window and possible our entire family room. I know that I would also have to hire a piano mover to move my mother's heirloom 1900 upright piano... and I do not have another spot in the house to put it.
    Any thoughts on how the town is going to deal with older homes that don't conform to the standard?? I don't think that they can legally require us to major renovations to our home!! Anyone know??... not to mention that we would never get our money back in this real estate market.
    This new policy will create a serious financial hardship on us. We may be forced to leave town rather than to spend the money on the house that we will never recoup.
    - MW

  • 7/9 5:18pm   On my entertainment center the audio to the TV doesn't work but the stereo does. Can anyone recommmend someone that makes house calls for this?
    - PB

  • 7/9 5:07pm   TM - I am young and also grew up in this area. I have empathy for you regarding the difficulties of buying into this market as I only have a handful of friends who have stayed around here. However, having grown up in this area, I also am aware of the locations that one might not consider aesthetically pleasing, and you should have been too. These areas have not changed since I was a kid. That's why "location, location, location" is emphasized in the real estate market.
    This is the United States of America and if one feels like letting their lawn get shaggy and not paint their "cottage" for 15 years - they have that right. You also have the right to choose the neighborhood you want to purchase a home in. My opinion is "love thy neighbor." Try having a beer with them and get to know them.
    - DCB

    [Update 5:27: oops, missed second paragraph - Wm.]

  • 7/9 5:05pm   CS & DH - I felt the need to send along a quick post after reading yours. Sorry to hear of your not so positive dealings with the Norfolk Public School system. I have had the exact opposite experience. My family's communication and experiences with 4 excellent classroom teachers, several aides, as well as specialists, administrators etc. could be described as nothing but extremely positive. My children were enrolled in full day kindergarten and all of my payments were done online - Luckily, I never had any problems with making a payment, other than the month I completely forgot to pay, and I was called by a very pleasant, understanding woman to remind me. I'm sure I was not the only call she had to make that day, and appreciated her kind and understanding tone.
    However, having said this, this technology era we live in that is supposed to make our lives so much easier, isn't always foolproof - I don't think we can blame that on Norfolk. When my daughter was evaluated for speech services at HOD, I was very satisfied with the communication I received from all specialists on the team who evaluated her, her classroom teacher who managed to not miss a beat after 35 years of teaching and the very organized team meeting to discuss their findings. I have to say I was not expecting this after hearing so many negatives from people on Norfolknet and their dealings with the SPED department. I guess my family has been very fortunate so far - I am not unrealistic because I know not every educator in any school system is the "cream of the crop". I just hope the many people who read Norfolknet who are new to town, or considering moving to our town, don't go into it only hearing the negatives!
    - NS

  • 7/9 3:18pm   Registration is now being held for SC Norfolk's 2007 MLS Soccer Camp! Any child (from any town) entering grades 1 thru 8 this fall is eligible for the program. Registration will be open through Tuesday, July 31, 2007.
    The camp has been a resounding success in our soccer program the past few years and is a great way to get your child ready for the upcoming fall season. The camp counselors are experienced players from Europe and run drills and scrimmages in a very fun and engaging way for the players.
    The camp runs from Monday, August 20, 2007 thru Friday, August 24, 2007 from 4-7 PM at the Pond Street Recreation Complex in Norfolk. The cost is $105.
    To register, go online to www.norfolksoccer.com, click on "online registration" and follow the instructions.
    If you have any questions, please contact Kendra S. at 508-528-5278.
    - DM, SC Norfolk

  • 7/9 3:16pm   KM: Kindergarten costing: To my knowledge..., Half Day Kindergarten is free (paid through taxes). This is required by law. The "costs" being discussed are those for people who take advantage of the Full Day Kindergarten. Full Day is optional and therefore has a cost associated with it.
    - PN

  • 7/9 3:07pm   TM - I will say up front that your post struck a nerve with me and I was just going to ignore it, but I just don't have it in me. People who visit my house have to come by the house on Sleepers Corner. Currently it has no roof; only a blue tarp which has been in place for well over a year. Yards are disorganized and messy on several houses directly on our street (I am pretty sure our yard falls into that category when we have several busy weekends in a row). I have never once worried about what my friends or family thought about our neighbors houses as they drove by. In my opinion, it shows a lack of character when when you worry about your friends basing their assessment of you on something you have no control of.
    Where I am from in North Texas, there is actually a city bylaw that your grass could not be longer then a certain height. If it reached that height (yes, there were city employees that actually went around measuring people's grass) the city would mow the area, charge a fee for mowing the area and give a hefty fine as a deterrent. I know from first hand experience. Shortly after my father had a massive heart attack, the yard went un-mowed for over a month. We had other things to worry about that were just more important.
    Perhaps if people do not like the neighborhood they live in due to unsightly neighbors, you could organize a neighborhood clean up weekend. It could be a great opportunity to meet your new neighbors and come together as a community, something that is not done often enough in my opinion.
    By the way, (since we seem to have to qualify everything in order to have an opinion), we are a young couple (early 30's) that bought our house four years ago at what is turning out to be a peak market and we are weekend warriors that do all of our own landscaping.
    - MH

  • 7/9 2:33pm   We are moving to Norfolk in late September and are looking for full-time daycare for our baby. He will eight months then. If anyone has recommendations, please let me know! Thank you,
    - MS

  • 7/9 2:16pm   I wrote to the BOS about a run-down yard and house 3 months ago. A house on Ash Rd. looks very run-down, nobody lives there. The bank must own it but they don't care. Never heard a word from the BOS.
    - KC

  • 7/9 11:56am   We received a kindergarten-related question:
    I have a question. As a potential homebuyer in Norfolk, I am just reading the posts out of curiosity. I am confused as to why you need to pay for kindergarten; I thought the school systems in Norfolk were public?
    - KM
    - Wm.

  • 7/9 11:56am   KM & JO - I think a support group is a great idea. You may have seen my posts re: the Saturday Club, which I started for working parents of young children in the area (we also welcome stay at home parents, but none have joined so far). We have a really nice group, which does include single parents, and the support really makes a difference in terms of sharing tips, coping strategies, etc. You are welcome to join us (see prev posts for info [7/6 11:07am]), or if you get a group going, I'd be happy to send your info to the single parents in our group. Good luck!
    - KD

  • 7/9 11:11am   There's still time to sign-up! The summer reading program - Catch the Beat @ Your Public Library - officially starts today but it's not too late to sign up! The library has reading incentive programs for children, teens, and adults. Register on-line at library.virtualnorfolk.org then come to the library to pick up your program packet. Packets include a detailed listing of all programs & activities offered this summer. This is a great way to keep kids and teens reading over the summer. You won't want to miss out on all the fun! Programs run July 9 - August 18.
    Calling all Families -- tonight is Family Movie at the Library & the feature movie is "High School Musical" - rated G - 98 minutes. Join us for a movie and popcorn. All movies begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is not required.
    Calling all Harry Potter Fans -- Order your copy of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows today & pick it up at midnight on July 21st! Join the fun & come to the Harry Potter book release party Friday night, July 20 at 11:00 PM & receive your copy at the stroke of Midnight! Prepay price is $25.00 + tax (Lists at $34.99). Proceeds will benefit the Friends of the Library. Only 8 copies left, so don't delay in ordering your copy!
    [This and other library activities on the Calendar - Wm.]
    Calling all Recyclers --- Bring us your empty 17 oz. plastic peanut butter jars, coffee cans (any size), and Altoid tins. They will be used for craft programs this summer!
    - Robin Glasser, Library Director

  • 7/9 11:10am   To TK... you seem to be very sensitive to this issue and my question... I am not sure why. I think most people want to live in an area where people take care of their property, I don't think that is an unusual concern. I think this town is beautiful. I grew up in the area and that is why I chose to purchase here.
    As a young person trying to get into this market and buy in a nice town it is often difficult to find the ideal situation. I don't know your personal situation, but it is difficult for younger people to buy a home in Massachusetts... that is our situation. That is why many leave this state in droves.... unless they want to live in a dangerous area with crime, it is very challenging to find an affordable home in a nice town. Maybe you bought back in the day when everyone who worked could afford to buy a nice house. I am not making any assumptions, but I do find people who are not in this particular situation do not really understand the financial burden younger couples are under in this state.
    To live in a nice town as new buyers, we were aware there were going to be trade-off's , and this one we felt ok with in order to get into a nice town. As I mentioned, it is not on my street or across from me directly. If that was the case I would not have purchased. It is on a street that connects to ours. I think I still should have the right to question whether the town does anything to enforce this, regardless of the fact that I knew about the situation prior to buying.
    As JT mentioned, you don't have to be rich to have pride in ownership. JT thanks for your post. I appreciate you understanding my perspective... I am glad you were able to stay & find another home in town that you love.
    - TM

  • 7/9 11:09am   Does anyone know of a good hairdresser that comes to your house? Thanks,
    - JP

  • 7/9 10:27am   I do not know where to post this but I would like to give away a twin bed light pine about 4 years old perfect for boy or girl. Pick up within the next three days. Ask webmaster for my email address. [Use box64@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - DWL

    [Update 7/21 12:16am: Twin bed now gone. Thanks - DWL]

  • 7/9 9:32am   To CS in regards to your payment to the school, all I can say is good luck, this is just the beginning of things you will be dealing with in the Norfolk School System. Trust me, it doesn't get any better.
    - DH

  • 7/9 9:31am  
    "I am curious as to people's opinions and I hope no one takes offense to this."
    Well, as you're curious as to other people's opinions, I guess mine would start off with... Knowing that there such eyesores existed and would be seen on the way to your new residence, why did you still opt to buy there? Did you think that you could change the world after you moved in? With all due respect, and no offense intended, this does sound very much like the fellow who said... "Yeah, well we knew there was a rod & gun club next door before we bought the place..., but..."
    "Does the town enforce any general requirements for the condition of homes?"
    Enforce what? Condition of homes? Well, unless a health hazard can be found, I doubt that local governments are in business to enforce the height of one's lawn, of the color of one's house, or the number of refrigerators in a line in the side yard (oh, that's more of a Northern New England tradition, I think). The number of junk cars in one's yard can, and is in some localities, a subject of enforcement, but only if spelled out in the bylaws. A falling down shack with old cars and stoves and chicken coops and piles of trash spilling out of the garage onto the driveway may be call for the local authorities to investigate, but unless a health hazard can be found, I doubt there'll be any 'enforcement' employed.
    Remember that your perception of unsightly and that of others will most likely always be different to some degree. Buyer beware....
    - TK

  • 7/9 9:29am   TM: I feel your pain. I just moved from such a neighborhood to another one within Norfolk. Unfortunately, the town cannot enforce such a rule. If there is more than one unregistered car you can drop a dime on them. Other than that, no such luck. I totally agree....most of us work very hard and take great pride in our homes and yards. It has nothing to do with income. I cannot afford professional landscapers and such. It doesn't cost much, if anything, to pick up your trash, leaves, etc. Good luck, TM. I had to move across town to solve my "eyesore" dilemma.
    - JT

  • 7/8 10:11pm   Hello... I was hoping someone could answer this question. I want to preface this by saying that I am not a nitpicky person! I am very easy going, and I understand some people have different circumstances. I know that everyone has their own financial situation and we all go through challenging times in our lives... but I do get worried when I see properties that really seem in disrepair. Is there anything that the town can do to prevent people from allowing their homes to become run down?
    Are there any town ordinances that are enforced to ensure people maintain their properties to some degree? I am sure this is not a huge problem in this type of town... but I have found a few homes in the general area where I will be moving to that just do not seem kept up. The street I am moving to is very nice and well kept and attractive, but the street off ours has a couple of somewhat run down cottages/homes that I am concerned about. Everyone I know will have to drive down this road to get to my house and unfortunately it does bother me. Maybe that is my problem to contend with... but I am someone who will take pride in my property and wish others to do the same. Since we are first time buyers we are fortunate to find a lovely home in a wonderful community... but we are also probably in a more affordable part of town where we are more likely to encounter these issues here and there.
    I do feel badly if there are elderly people living there or just people in general who can't keep up the property financially, but I also worry about property values.
    I am curious as to people's opinions and I hope no one takes offense to this. Does the town enforce any general requirements for the condition of homes?
    Thank you!!
    - TM

  • 7/8 9:48pm   JO: I was a single mom for 3 1/2 years with two small children... there are not any support groups for people in that situation, at least none that I could find when I needed them. I would be interested in helping you start a support group/and or help you try to find something that can offer some support for anyone in similiar situations. I do know of a few single parents with small children who would also benefit, and do think it is a well needed support group. Please post your email so I can send you an email.
    - KM

    [Update 9:50pm: you can contact JO at box63@norfolknet.com - Wm.]

  • 7/8 8:21pm   We are getting ready to get a new dog after the loss of ours. I have looked at all the shelters and just have not fallen in love. We are looking for a shepherd mix; we also have a black lab female that we are thinking of breeding but I really would just want mutt puppies. Anyone have puppies or a nice shepherd male?
    - DV

  • 7/8 8:20pm   Thanks AL, sounds great; we will have to try it. Our vegetarian children should love it.
    - DV

  • 7/8 8:19pm   EAS: The letter from the Norfolk Schools regarding Kindergarten states,
    "The first payment is a non-refundable deposit that reserves your child's place in the program. The deposit is due by July 15, 2007 and will be applied to your September Tuition." The next sentence begins with, "Once this deposit is paid, your child's place in the Full Day Kindergarten Program will be secure."
    Maybe it is me, but I think this wording implies that if payment is not rendered by July 15th, there are no guarantees for your child's spot. That is why I raised the issue. I think that the school department should extend the deadline. Ten calendar days for payment (announced during July 4th) is going to create problems for people. I don't mind paying the bill, it is the communication that I perceive as lacking. It is similar to the debate about whether or not we would all even have full day kindergarten. Seemingly, that could have been handled better too. Just my opinion.
    - CS

  • 7/8 8:18pm   I am a single mom with four young children. I was looking to start a support group for people in a similar situation. I have looked around but can't seem to find one locally. If anyone is interested or knows of someone who is struggling through this, please let me know. Thanks,
    - JO

    [Update 9:50pm: contact JO at box63@norfolknet.com - Wm.]

  • 7/8 1:43pm   DV, Congrats on your $100 win. Sad to say, I didn't buy a lottery ticket, so I lost out. Did you notice the Wm's post? How interesting.
    - WC

  • 7/8 12:18pm   There's been a lot of press about how well the Norfolk Legion baseball team is doing. And I see signs in the town center roundabouts announcing games. But nowhere can I find where or when the games are played. I've searched the Internet using all manner of search terms, but can't find a website for the team or the league. Do you have any links as to where I can find their schedule and the locations of the games? Thanks...
    - RP

  • 7/8 12:14pm   Too weird... ok DV and WC, how many times would you guess the page was visited (refreshed) on 7/7/07? Yup, 777 times.
    - Wm.

  • 7/7 10:24pm   7/1 4:39pm Registration for the Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Fall Season is officially closed. ... We have, however, extended registration for our 3 year old (U4) division and our Junior High and High School division until July 10.
    I would like to sign my daughter up for the Lions Youth Soccer. She is 4 years old and so eager to play! Where do I need to go to do this, and what is needed? (i.e., doctor's note, etc.) Please email me at emailforlaurie@aol.com. Thanks!
    - LH

  • 7/7 10:19pm   How is your garden coming along? When you have tomatoes and basil, this is a delicious recipe to try. We made it tonight, had it by itself, but would also be great with some fish or steak. Enjoy summer's bounty!
    Tomato-Basil Tart

    1 Pillsbury unbaked pie crust (in the yogurt section)
    1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
    3-4 med. tomatoes
    1 cup fresh basil
    4 garlic cloves
    1/2 cup mayo
    1/2 cup parmesan
    1/8 tsp. white pepper

    Place pie crust in 9" quiche pan or tart pan and pre-bake accd. to directions on box. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup mozzarella and cool on wire rack.
    Slice tomatoes thin and drain on paper towel. Arrange on top of mozzarella. Combine basil and garlic in Cuisinart and then sprinkle over tomatoes.
    In medium bowl, mix remaining ingredients (mozz., parm., mayo and pepper).
    Spoon over basil mix (just plop it on). Bake 375 for 35-40 mins.

    - AL

  • 7/7 10:18pm   WC we were 1 minute apart in our last post... it was a good luck vs. bad luck thing - LOL. I went with 13. It has always worked for me; thanks for the lobster!
    - DV

  • 7/7 7:13pm   Hey WC, we went to the beach today and I thought of you! so I bought a #13 scratch ticket and won $100. Thanks! I swear that is true!!! I am still laughing
    - DV

  • 7/7 7:12pm   DV: Isn't it all about the 7's? Get goin'
    - WC

  • 7/7 2:37pm   But WC, do I play 1313 or 0707?
    - DV

  • 7/7 1:09pm   DV Play the lottery without delay.
    - WC

  • 7/7 10:37am   CS, I'm just wondering, did the initial paperwork, and information about the full day program, mention that the payment was due by July 15?
    - EAS

  • 7/6 11:39pm   Yesterday we received a letter stating that we needed to pay tuition for full day kindergarten by July 15th. The letter was dated June 28th, but was postmarked July 3rd and received July 5th. Essentially, this leaves ten (10) days for families to pay this bill. People tend to go on vacation this time of year; sometimes for two weeks. I work in Higher Education and that industry would never send out invoices so late. I find it more troubling that I tried four (4) times to pay my bill on-line and was unsuccessful each time. The account and pin number combination provided in the letter to parents did not work.
    I am going on vacation and now I have to write a check to save my daughter's spot in school. Fortunately, I have the financial resources to pay this bill without adequate notice. What happens to those who do not? I am very disappointed that the website does not work as promised. Are corrective measures being taken to avoid such a "black-eye" in the future? Does the school system also plan on providing people with the normal thirty (30) days notice that invoices normally afford? How are the folks on vacation for the first two weeks of July going to be treated? I post these general questions on Norfolknet.com so that parents who share my concerns can anticipate the response.
    Thank you,
    - CS

  • 7/6 11:31pm   How cool is this... for the kid in me, I am the 7th child ofa 7th child, and this year my birthday is 07-07-07.
    - DV

  • 7/6 11:21pm   Congratulations to members of the Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer U10 team who recently participated in the Medway Cup Tournament on May 26th and 27th for their very impressive showing.
    Front row left to right: Marcus C., Jack D., Ariana L., Sebastian L., Alexi F., Molly A..
    Second Row: Will M., Cameron K., Richie B., Colby K., Matt D., Will G.
    Last row: coaches Nick L., Craig K. and Rich C.
    - CG, Norfolk Lions Soccer

  • 7/6 11:07am   Just a reminder that the Saturday Club playgroup for working parents will be meeting at Saturday, July 7, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. at the Kid's Place Playground on Boardman Street. If you would like more information, please see the Organizations page or email workingparentsnorfolk@hotmail.com. See you at the playground!
    - KD

  • 7/6 9:35am  
    They should be aired publicly for all to see. The new Buildings we have are wired for this purpose, this would allow all see the proceedings
    I am too new to town to get involved politically yet, but I am wondering if that statement is true and if so how much did that cost the tax payers and what has been its use so far? Also, were we ever able to return the $4000 busing software?
    - DV

  • 7/5 5:39pm   At least I now know that PC and RC should never be on the Con Com.
    - JL

  • 7/5 1:44pm   TK -- well said. I'd vote for you in a heartbeat! Having come from a legal background, I'd like to point out that having attorneys serve on your Boards is a wise investment for any town. Take advantage of the experience and legal expertise offered (for free!), and avoid having to pay future legal fees to undo the damage that has been done by well-meaning lay people on your boards. People (some members of our current BOS included) often slam lawyers, but think about it: people (or Towns) often have to go to an attorney, and pay them money (a lot of money), to get them out of trouble that they might have avoided if they had only sought legal council before accepting an endeavor.
    And let's not be naive. Developers are businessmen first, out to make a profit. If they come into a town with a Con Comm devoid of legal/environmental experts, do you honestly think they won't take advantage? I don't buy into the ``maybe we have too much expertise on our boards'' mentality. That opens up too many doors to too much liability. (Sorry, BOS, that's a legal term). ``Smart development'' ought to include legal foresight.
    - KEM

  • 7/5 11:57am   My two cents...
    "Maybe the con com and the planning board would see less "High-Priced" lawyers in front of them if they based their decisions upon the facts."
    Admittedly, I've not been a close follower of the ConComm or BOS, or any board in town, but well over 30 years in engineering and construction shows me that more often than not, the 'high priced' lawyers referred to go hand in hand with commercial, industrial, or large-tract development than they do with Joe Homeowner's plan to build a house or an addition. Simple reason is deep-pockets or not. That doesn't mean it can't happen, but more often than not it occurs when deep pockets are present, and town boards know it and understand that a legal challenge might be more difficult for the town to fund than the developer.
    "With these Boards you are guilty until you can prove your innocent and pay for that proof along the way."
    Well, there's truth to that, but it should be viewed more in terms of laws, bylaws, and regulations being black and white, not shades of gray. Laws, whether they be state or local, require and attend to certain standards, and there's usually very little wiggle room when applying those standards. One either conforms, or one doesn't. One can't 'almost' conform and be considered in conformance without the judging authorities committing themselves to unwittingly setting unwanted precedents by which others will want to be judged in similar fashion. The ConComm, BOH, Planning Board, and others must stick to strict standards without wavering so that all who wish to build or develop are treated fairly by the same standards. Sidestepping those standards and requirements at any time can set a board up for future legal challenges. If the process of proving that one has conformed to the requirements is viewed as being guilty until proven innocent, then so be it. That's the way the process works... prove conformance in order to obtain permission. And there's always a cost associated with proving that, as there is with reviewing it on the town side.
    "As far as bulldozing acre after acre, The Town has brought that upon themselves with their restrictive subdivision bylaws. The bylaws that have been passed in town under the guise of many things were for the sole purpose of limiting the amount of homes that you could fit on a tract of land. When you look at build factors, road width requirements, utility easements, drainage areas and the rest (including application process) it is based on one thing, driving the cost of doing business up and reducing the number of lots. Eventually builders won't build and we won, yeah (this policy is a joke because look at the financial situation we are in)."
    Well, I suppose if one was entirely pro-development, the statement above might be true. But, can any of us deny that the reason we came to and stay in Norfolk has much to do with the lack of large-tract development as seen in neighboring communities? Would we want Norfolk to suddenly resemble places where development has gone unrestrained? My guess is that the 'restrictive subdivision bylaws' have quite a bit to do with the local environment that so many here have expressed enjoyment of. The financial situation that we might find ourselves in has more to do with spending controls and costs of town business than it does with allowing wall to wall development in order to cover costs.
    Yes, the subdivision bylaws established by most communities are, in fact, set so as to limit development to a standard set by the community. And that's done so as to protect the community from over-development, not, as some seem to think, in order to drive up costs. By comparing development in surrounding communities, it's fairly easy to see who has been more successful than others in that effort to protect. Can that protective attitude become one of over-protectiveness? Of course it can. Personally I think that more could be done to attract business development along the Route 1A corridor. But I'm fairly satisfied at the moment with the rate of residential development.
    Key to all of this is having board members who work in strict conformance with the requirements of their position, fairly with all, without succumbing to the 'fiefdom' mentality that can so easily find its way into the public forum. I have no knowledge of whether the subject boards have failed or succeeded in this part of the job.
    "This Town has missed out on many wonderful opptournities by the prevailing attitudes of these boards."
    I'd be interested in seeing a list of those.
    "We have many things that are new in this Town. It's time for new attitudes to prevail, the BOS is leading the way and it seems that some don't like it."
    Attitudes. Interestingly, the Town Administrator was recently quoted in the paper as saying...
    "People seem to forget that the Conservation Commission is not intended to be a completely independent body. The Commission is appointed by the Selectmen to carry out the business of the town and to protect the environment as an agent of the Selectmen."
    If one spends some time talking to Conservation Commissioners in other towns, and folks at the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissioners, one would understand that the original intent was, indeed, that these commissions would be independent, and not 'agents of the Selectmen'. The laws that the ConComm is charged with enforcing are State Laws. Even if there are local bylaws regarding wetlands, they can only be 'more' restrictive than the state laws, so the state laws are the base from which the ConComms start their work. Commissions need to have the 'space' in which to interpret and enforce the wetland laws without undue influence from outside entities. Commissions are appointed to carry out the business of enforcing state law first, not the business of the town. Protecting the environment, as set out in the Wetlands Protection Act, is the primary order of business. And not really as anyone's agent.
    The reality is that, as the legislature gave the power to appoint commissioners to City Council members and/or Town Selectmen (MGL Chapter 40, Section 8C), there is, among many commissioners, the unspoken understanding that their longevity on a board may count, in part, on how their interpretations and enforcements are viewed by others, who play no part in the process other than knowing they wield a power to change a commission at will. None of this makes the news, for interactions between the boards aren't usually newsworthy, except when personalities get in the way, or when reappointments are due and changes are brought about by the BOS or City Council. Then fingers are pointed and suspicions are raised. Unfortunately, the process, as set by law, makes this all too possible. Only one town in the state, so far, has opted to make commissioners an elected position rather than appointed. That's probably because few understand that the option is available to cities and towns.
    Just my two cents...
    - TK

  • 7/5 10:47am   Is the transfer station open today?
    - JGP

  • 7/5 10:30am   Well put RC, I could not agree with you more
    - KG

  • 7/4 6:03pm   JAS, Maybe the con com and the planning board would see less "High-Priced" lawyers in front of them if they based their decisions upon the facts. As I posted before, these boards should base their decisions upon this fact, "does this application presented fulfill the requirements set forth by our Town and State bylaws governing this application." These laws are availably at the Town Clerks Office for all to read. With these Boards you are guilty until you can prove your innocent and pay for that proof along the way.
    You have indeed spoken for all who are tired of the old way of doing things when you state "the town has a say in how it is developed thru the protection of natural resources". What the con com should be doing is looking to see if what is presented to them complies with the current wetland resource laws applicable, not to shape development of the Town. As far as bulldozing acre after acre, The Town has brought that upon themselves with their restrictive subdivision bylaws. The bylaws that have been passed in town under the guise of many things were for the sole purpose of limiting the amount of homes that you could fit on a tract of land. When you look at build factors, road width requirements, utility easements, drainage areas and the rest (including application process) it is based on one thing, driving the cost of doing business up and reducing the number of lots. Eventually builders won't build and we won, yeah (this policy is a joke because look at the financial situation we are in).
    And my point is, people come to the Planning Board and Con Com, placed on the defensive, treated with arrogance, financially assaulted, and left with the only possible solution and that is to hire an Attorney. This Town has missed out on many wonderful opptournities by the prevailing attitudes of these boards. We have many things that are new in this Town. It's time for new attitudes to prevail, the BOS is leading the way and it seems that some don't like it. After all this reappointing settles down the BOS should mandate that all public meetings be on cable TV, including the School Committee, Planning Board, Conservation Commission, and open Space Committee. These Boards shape the future of our Town. They are appointed to do right by the Bylaws and Charters that they are responsible for. They should be aired publicly for all to see. The new Buildings we have are wired for this purpose, this would allow all see the proceedings.
    - RC

    [Update 7/5 10:28am: reworded last line - RC]

  • 7/4 6:02pm   Raven Computers in Franklin across from CVS on Rt. 140 fixed our laptop. Very reasonable.
    - JW

  • 7/4 10:35am   Looking for someone to take a look at our desktop Dell computer--any recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you.
    - KG

  • 7/4 9:01am   Here's a link to the Boston Globe paper that lists all the local 4th events. [article]
    - LM

    [Update 10:34am: oops, the link did not click through correctly - Wm.]

  • 7/4 8:59am   Happy Independence Day!

  • 7/3 11:09pm   TC - Thank you! We just got back from Walpole; enjoyed the show.
    - VR

  • 7/3 9:12pm   VR: Norwood's 4th of July Parade is pretty good. It's long and there are a lot of good acts. There's a unicycle family I always remember - the Traveling Someone-or-others. There's always a lot of kids and candy being thrown around. However if you do have little kids the beginning is fairly loud for about 10 minutes with all of the sirens from the police and fire trucks.
    - JP

  • 7/3 10:26am   VR - Walpole does excellent fireworks on the eve before the 4th.
    Fireworks: Walpole - 7/3 - Joe Morgan Memorial Field - 9:30p.m.
    - TC

  • 7/3 10:12am   Does anyone know of parades in neighboring towns tomorrow? Or concerts or other Fourth-related events? Thanks
    - VR

  • 7/3 10:10am   Like JL and a few others, I too am disappointed by the actions of the BOS in not reappointing Jay T. to the Concom. I have been a volunteer in town (so don't throw that one at me) and fully understand the requirements to be a productive member of the Concom. A good percentage of the people that appear before the committee are not individual applicants, but high-priced lawyers for big developers looking to bulldoze acre upon acre of land. When a Board lacks volunteers with professional knowledge of legal and environmental issues, these lawyers taste blood and will try to maneuver in the best interests of their clients. In listening to the BOS hearing, I can tell that Jay has the technical knowledge that this town needs. Of course, people have a right to develop their land, but the town has a say in how it is developed through the protection of natural resources.
    It boggles me that people in this town cannot take a hard look at themselves and ask "why do I like living here?" For most people, the answer will have to do with its small town feel and natural beauty. In other towns that have this same character, they guard that to the tenth degree. Because once it's gone, its gone. I, like Jay, believe we should be buying up more open space when we have the opportunity (i.e. Marshall street). As far as Town Pond goes, I would imagine 95% of the residents have never seen the place. I have and, believe me, there are much better alternatives within 10 minutes of Norfolk.
    I think the BOS made a big mistake. Their decision was not in the best interest of the town but served their own personal power trips. I would suggest the BOS rethink their decision. As of now, the next BOS elections will be an easy decision for me.
    - JAS

  • 7/3 10:09am   MHC/AB: One last submission on the matter for now. Thus far, I have submitted articles or documents from the Associate Press, La Voz De Aztlan (The Voice of Aztlan), and the Mexican Government. The key is in fact to connect the dots - even the ugly and un familiar ones that are on fringes.
    The following is a New York Times article describing a Government of Mexico pamphlet that instructs Mexican citizens on how to cross the US border undetected and safely - it also explains to them how to remain in the US undetected after crossing the border. Please ensure you scroll down from the article to view the actual pamphlet produced by the Mexican Government. [article]
    - JPB

  • 7/2 10:49pm   Mr. Blue Eyes, Slingshot and the older American Staffordshire Terrier need homes. They are all available now to the right homes. If you think you can help them, please contact me as soon as possible. They need the right new family! On their heels is the possibility of a blue merle Dane and a St. Bernard. I cannot however take the stage away from Slingshot and Mr. Blue until they find homes! Please read their descriptions on the web page. Feel free to forward the link to any and all who may be looking for a great pet! Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, norfolkanimalcontrol.net

  • 7/2 9:36pm   Well I don't know about anyone else, but I'm just on the edge of my chair waiting to hear more from JPB. I was hoping that we might hear about The Flat Earth Society, Loch Ness, Bigfoot, Moon Landing Conspiracies, where Jimmy Hoffa is and a whole plethora of things that people want (and need) to know about.
    - AB

  • 7/2 9:35pm   DMG: Bay State Stone and Landscape in Norfolk - John Aplin(owner) 781-727-9155... He did our front steps, walkway and stone walls in both our front- and backyard. The men who work for him are polite, courteous, respectful (says my wife), and above all, the stone work they do is amazing.
    - SM

  • 7/2 9:23pm   I just want to clarify about a posting I made on 6/29 concerning the BOS controversy and resulting Globe article. My embarassment and outrage about the unnecessary power struggle is not at all "feigned." I truly feel that Norfolk has lost out by not reappointing those two attorneys to the Con. Comm. I am not connected with any town Board - I have never served the town as a volunteer. I just watched the entire BOS Reappointment Meeting and am genuinely disappointed with the lack of fairness in this process. The BOS has completely lost my trust. I, too, am hopeful that Jonathon Smith will speak up and voice the reason and fairness that he seems capable of.
    - JL

  • 7/2 9:21pm   Grackles! Help, please. I feed throughout the summer, per advice of a bird expert, who, contrary to Audubon recommendations, supports feeding throughout the breeding season. Last week, one grackle arrived, then two or three. This week, the flock has intimidated the woodpeckers, bluejays, finches, catbirds, cowbirds... mercilessly, and eaten me out of house and home. They don't like my presence or that of my dogs, but I cannot be out there all the time. Here is my dilemma: I don't want to concoct a scenario which blocks larger birds like cardinals, cowbirds, bluejays, red-bellied woodpeckers, etc. just to deter the grackles. I have six seed feeders and two suet feeders. I've stopped peanut feeding because it's better in winter. I'm wondering if corn in the mixed meal is causing the problem. Help.
    - SO

  • 7/2 9:13pm   You are correct, JPB, none of the countries listed in your 6/29 post are in South America. That point is immaterial though, given the countries you chose to highlight in relation to national figures for illegal immigration. Had you used populations from countries worldwide to coincide with the numbers you quoted for illegal immigrants within the US, your original point may have been more clear. From what you've written and websites to which you refer, you really don't need to write any more on the subject to clarify your point. We get your picture loud and clear.
    - MHC

  • 7/2 4:26pm   LS: I first heard of Aztlan when I moved to Tucson, Arizona in December of 1992. Over a six-year period I had many conversations with Mexican-Americans, Tucson Police and even a Border Patrol Agent who were very aware of Aztlan. I even worked side-by-side with a Mexican-American who talked openly and often about it with me. He was a hard working and bright guy who pays his taxes and votes. Clearly, the more militant groups, such as the one on the website have extreme beliefs and goals. They view themselves as the Palestinians of America. They also do not discount any means of reestablishing Aztlan - though simply overwhelming the area with like minded individuals and applying pressure on elected officials is their preferred method for now.
    However, more formidable advocates such as former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, have called for a seamless border with the US as recently as his last visit here in the US with President Bush; he too envisions a day when there is no border. In fact, he created a cabinet level committee with the sole purpose of caring for and protecting his citizens in Aztlan. And, under his leadership a pamphlet was created that provides Mexican citizens facts of how to safely cross the border. [Acuerdo CNCME] In addition to that, a movement is currently underway to pass a law in Mexico that would allow Mexicans to have dual-citizenship. [aztlan.net/homeland.htm]
    PS: Much of the information on the linked site is extracted from organizations such as the Associated Press (AP). (The link appears to be down at the moment)
    - JPB

    [Update 9:07pm: Please replace the 1st link I included below (2nd Paragraph) with [...]. It is the actual document that I reference. - JPB]

  • 7/2 4:00pm   Hi! We are looking for a responsible high school student to paint our picket fence - it should be a 1 to 2 day job. Any suggestions? - GH
    Regarding the above request - hi my name's Kyle L. I'm a jr. in high school and have done paint projects before. I would like to talk to you about painting your fence. I can be contacted at jcwlash@comcast.net.
    - KL

  • 7/2 2:23pm   MHC: None of the countries that I listed are in South America. They are in North America, Central America and the Caribbean - perhaps this will help clarify things a bit.
    - JPB

  • 7/2 2:22pm   JPB - First I ever heard of this so-called Mexican owned land. I would say that 99% of the Mexican illegals coming into the US have no clue about Aztlan. Why is that? I hope you don't spend too much time on the site you posted. It contains links to sites claiming 9/11 was an "inside job" by the US Federal Govt, among many other laugh-out-loud posts I read on the site. I would suggest that anything from this site to be questionable at best. Another of the site's theories... [aztlan.net article], Can you say anti-Semitic.
    - LS

  • 7/2 1:58pm   Re. before and after school child care - call me - 508-528-3235 - licensed provider.
    - ER

  • 7/2 12:19pm   I wanted to comment also on the article in the Globe last Thursday. I too am surprised that two qualified volunteers from Norfolk are not going to be reappointed. Any time I was involved in getting projects completed, I was thrilled to have knowledgeable volunteers. It looks like there is an unnecessary power struggle here. I am happy to see that it is not all three Selectmen involved in this and I am hopeful that Jonathan Smith will step forward and be a stronger, louder voice of reason.
    - CWB

  • 7/2 12:18pm   RP - you are incorrect. JPB did not post populations from around the world in his unusual post about immigration and the celebration of Independence Day; he quoted populations from Central and South America. I think the fact that he didn't include populations from other parts of the world is one reason why his point was so muddied.
    - MHC

  • 7/2 11:26am   I think the decision by the Board of Selectmen not to appoint the candidates for the Conservation Commission was ok with me. I feel that we have a conservative group of selectmen, and that they should appoint people they know they can work with towards the betterment of the town. From what I have seen in my five years living here in town, there seems to be many different agendas among the boards and commissions in town. The selectmen seem to at the least have a plan to get the cost of town government under control, and to get the boards and commissions on the same page towards solid responsible government.
    - KG

  • 7/2 10:46am   We received a letter praising a local business from a non-resident, and while we don't normally post messages from out of town, I thought that in this case an exception would be acceptable.

    I live in Foxboro, and I hope you don't mind someone from the next town to praise someone from your town. But, I have to tell you I am very impressed with Andy Grachuk's work.

    I would like to recommend Andy Grachuck's photography. I met Andy about a year ago and he has taken some beautiful pictures of children, landscapes and jewelry as well as anniversary parties and weddings. Andy is a very talented man with a camera.

    Andy helped me with my books of poety, putting in some really awsome pictures to match my poems. I have also seen his pictures of some jewelry that a woman was trying to advertise. I have seen many, many of his pictures and he does a fantastic job. And, each time I see his new pictures, I find something more beautiful in them.

    Thank you so much for considering him

    Yours truly,
    Harriet R.

    - Wm.

  • 7/2 10:41am   I need to replace a brick walkway and steps and want to put in some pavers - does anyone know of a good local contractor?
    - DMG

  • 7/2 10:40am   Attention Wolf Cubs (Cub Scouts) and parents: if you displayed a rock collection in the library during this past winter, please come to the library's circulation desk and claim your collection as soon as possible. We need to move it along. Thanks.
    - Heather Pisani-Kristl, NPL

  • 7/2 10:38am   PS: The problem is - that many people don't understand how deep the problem is. Not recognizing a border between the United States and Mexico is not merely a matter of ignorance or individuals choosing to break US law. It is a widely held belief among Mexicans, both in the US and in Mexico that a large portion of the US Southwest is still part of Mexico. The area is known as Aztlan, or El Republico Del Norte (The Northern Republic). It includes California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and parts of Colorado. Aztlan is a large area that crosses both borders (much like the Kurds on the Iraq-Turkey border) and is believed by some to be the birthplace of the Aztecs. The former President of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, espouses this concept in the article I cited in my earlier post (his words). The stated goal of many groups in the US and Mexico, is that Aztlan will ultimately secede from the US and at some point become a part of Mexico. aztlan.net.
    - JPB

  • 7/2 10:32am   Hi! We are looking for a responsible high school student to paint our picket fence - it should be a 1 to 2 day job. Any suggestions?
    - GH

  • 7/2 10:31am   Yard Sale Sunday, July 8th from 8-12. Main Street in Norfolk across from St. Jude's. Queen Sleep Sofa, rugs, comforters, electronics, clothing with tags still on and much much more.
    - DF

  • 7/1 10:41pm   On 6/29 at 10:22pm, JPB posted a list of some populations around the world. Along those lines, here's a website showing some very interesting data. Note that the figures are not exactly in real-time, but are based on census data reports and projections. Although not completely accurate, some of the info is quite startling especially the 'Health' section. Click here... worldometers.info.
    - RP

  • 7/1 10:41pm   JPB - Everyone already knows that "many Mexicans do not recognize the US Border". Hence the problem.
    - PS

  • 7/1 10:40pm   If you want to check out more "facts" on the website that JPB cites in his post dated 6/30 9:29pm, you can also read articles with headlines such as "In Defense of Ann" (Coulter), "When Teachers Lie", and "Not even Baseball Safe from "Gay" Promotions."
    - KL

  • 7/1 4:39pm   Registration for the Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Fall Season is officially closed - We will not be accepting anymore registrations for divisions U5, U6, U7, U9, or U12.
    We have, however, extended registration for our 3 year old (U4) division and our Junior High and High School division until July 10.
    - HK

  • 7/1 4:38pm   No Job Too Small - Interior / Exterior Painting & Handyman Services, Plumbing, Electrical, Carpentry, Landscaping, Home & Pet Sitting... Chickspainting@aol.com
    - SD

  • 7/1 4:33pm   We still have a limited number of tickets available...
    Norfolk Lions Soccer is conducting a very unique fundraiser by offering Cape Ann Whale Watch tickets at a greatly discounted price. Tickets, which normally sell for $41, will be sold for $20 and are good anytime during the 2007 season.
    [For details, see the post of 6/21 10:27am - Wm.]
    To purchase tickets, send checks payable to Norfolk Lions Soccer and a self-addressed stamped envelope to NLYS at 27 Barnstable Rd, Norfolk, MA 02056.
    - HK

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