Q2 2007 Norfolknet Notes, Apr-Jun 2007

This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.

Previous Archive, 2007 Q1

  • 6/30 9:29pm   MJD / MHC: Just a set of facts I thought might be interesting to post - folks can draw their own conclusion.
    I will say, however, many citizens of Mexico do not recognize the U.S. border, including a former president of Mexico.
    Former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo said in a 1997 speech in Chicago to the "National Council of La Raza
    nclr.org, a Hispanic advocacy group, that he "proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants are an important - a very important - part of this. [article]
    - JPB

  • 6/30 3:51pm   I guess this is a plug for my business so it may not get posted but it is worth trying. A large part of my business is working with parents who have just found out they or their kids have cancer. We photograph families before treatment starts, and while this is a difficult time, we are good at it and the photos are very special regardless of the outcome of the cancer. We also have photographed many beautiful bald heads to help children feel ok about touching mom's new look... I have run into so many people lately who did not know we do this and it has been too late, so since cancer is touching so many of us, if you know someone who might want this service, it is a wonderful referral to pass along.
    - DV, Hughes Photography, Dover and Norfolk MA

  • 6/30 3:50pm   Do you, or anyone you know of in town, provide afterschool child care? We are in need of someone to get our two elementary aged daughters off the bus and watch only until about 4:30. I teach in a neighboring town and have those great "teacher's hours", however, they do not allow me to get home for the bus at 3:30! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    - NS

  • 6/30 3:49pm   I think the B.O.S. are on a power trip.
    - KC

  • 6/30 3:46pm   Living here in Norfolk for a little over 2 years and not really knowing to much about town politics and having no affiliation with either the selectman or the conservation committee, having watched that meeting and how the selectmen where dealing with these volunteers that are welling to help the town and are well qualified for the conservation committee is embarrassing. This in my mind will be one of the many reason I and I'm sure other qualified people will not volunteer for such committees. A lot of communities could only be so lucky to have qualified volunteers willing to give their time. To PC - I was one of the 800 + votes.
    - DA

  • 6/30 3:45pm   JPB - I am missing your point. Are you saying that the USA is not a nation?
    - MJD

  • 6/30 3:44pm   JPB: I am not being purposely obtuse, but will you kindly connect the dots for me? Thanks in advance~
    - MHC

  • 6/30 8:27am   Re: the daycare discussion, finding a licensed childcare provider is very easy on the web: just go to eec.state.ma.us That's how I found my daycare provider on Maple St (see prev post).
    Also (blatant plug to come), if you are a working parent, please feel free to join the Saturday Club, a playgroup for working parents of pre-K children that meets once a month at Kid's Place Playground on Boardman Street in fair weather or the Community Room at the public library in rainy/cold weather. It's a great way to meet your children's future classmates and teammates and pick up tips of coping with the work/life balance from other working parents. See you at the playground!
    - KD

  • 6/30 8:25am   Don't you just love the feigned outrage, embarrassment, and other veiled political spin that JL, WB, TC, CI are agonizing over.
    - The Election is over - payback is not necessary when you've won. (800+ chose someone else)
    - The ConComm serves at the pleasure of the Selectmen. (its not a right, job, or an anointment)
    - The Selectmen have had the opportunity to witness the rejected candidates in action.
    - The Selectmen will not kowtow to the very small group of "We Know Better" [people].
    Keep up the good work Gentlemen (BOS), there's a lot of positive and overdue changes happening.
    - PC

  • 6/30 8:22am   I was embarrassed, too, after reading yesterday's Globe West and seeing the following quote: "I don't think there's anyone in the town of Norfolk who believes this is anything but political payback."
    Huh? I don't recall anyone asking my opinion on this matter, (or anyone else that I know,) so I'm curious as to how the entire town somehow formed a consensus on what is really a singular point of view.
    - PA

  • 6/29 10:24pm   I, too, am embarrassed by the actions of the Board of Selectmen and their decision not to reappoint Jay Talerman or Larry Harrington to the Con. Comm. According to the Town of Norfolk's own website, the role of the Conservation Commission is to have jurisdiction over natural resource areas protected under the State of Massachusetts regulations, General laws and the local wetlands regulations of the Town of Norfolk. Their mission is to protect Norfolk's resource areas in accordance with these laws.
    Nowhere does it say that the Con. Comm. must make decisions that do not upset other boards. If that is the criteria for being on a board in Norfolk, then the whole Board of Selectmen should resign as they don't always get along with the other committees in town (i.e. this current controversy).
    So the Board of Selectmen, in the "best interest" of Norfolk, has decided to throw off two members of the Con. Comm. (Talerman and Harrington) who have knowledge of conservation issues and who have willingly volunteered their time and expertise for free. It seems relevant to have lawyers on a board that deals mainly with important and difficult legal issues. In my opinion, that is not in the best interest of Norfolk at all. It seems only to be in the best interest of the Board of Selectmen because they want to silence two people who have criticized them. It definitely sounds like political payback.
    If you are as concerned about this as I am, please email them and tell them. Nothing will change unless we take direct action. Here are their emails:
    - JL

  • 6/29 10:22pm   Food for thought as we approach Independence Day this July 4th:
    Guatemala 14,655,200
    Cuba 11,346,700
    Dominican Republic   8,950,000
    Honduras 6,975,200
    El Salvador 6,704,200
    Costa Rica 4,016,200
    Mexico 106,202,900
    United States
    (Est. Number of
    illegal immigrants)
    12,000,000 - 20,000,000

    CountryThe territory of a nation
    Nation 1) A large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own
    2) An aggregation of persons of the same ethnic family, often speaking the same language or cognate languages.
    State Any of the bodies politic which together make up a federal union, as in the United States of America.
    Nation-State A sovereign state inhabited by a relatively homogeneous group of people who share a feeling of common nationality.

    Happy Fourth of July!
    - JPB

  • 6/29 10:21pm   Town Pond - When I first moved here, explorer that I am, I investigated the scene, unaware of controversy. Who has actually gone down there? Please visit and consider. My previous post did not recommend it, because the bottom has an easily disturbed, milky sludge. Unscientifically, I suspect chemical residue - reminds me of the large, murky puddles at construction sites (run-off from the fields behind Freeman?). That said, as posted before, the area is a haven for wildlife - deer, turkeys, rabbits, large frogs, wild raspberries, and even an owl! It's shaggy (maybe less so post-Eagle Scout), but there are short walking trails which connect, after some effort and track-crossing, to the Standish/Old Mill trail. Two words - tick world. Not good for the faint-of-heart.
    I don't know the ins and outs, but as a casual observer, years of neglect and, perhaps abuse, have rendered a languishing, contaminated paradise. A chemical solution, if that is a consideration, sounds like lipstick on a pig.
    - SO

  • 6/29 10:20pm   To CI & WB: Thanks for that information. I am glad the Eagle Scouts are tackling that project. I assume you're right that this was blown way out of proportion. It's just so discouraging to read in the Globe about in-fighting and political payback here in leafy little Norfolk. The people who volunteer their time to help the town deserve better treatment than what Talerman is getting (no matter what you think about the pond situation). I feel ashamed that our Selectman are stooping so low. As a town we will certainly suffer if we allow a few people's unprofessional behavior scare off some smart, qualified, and dedicated people willing to serve.
    - TC

  • 6/29 10:19pm   Hey TC - Places for dogs to swim and never seen a snapper (tick levels are mine - scale 1-10):
    1) Holt Pond at Noon Hill, Medfield / Fruit to Orchard, right at Causeway, right at Noonhill Rd. OR Seekonk to South, left at Noonhill Rd. (not Ave.) / park in lot (closer to Causeway), pond "beach" is right there - very clean, good for throwing sticks / tick level 0-1, trails 2-6.
    2) Charles River, Medfield / Seekonk to South to 27 N, go past 109, through next two lights and past Hospital Rd. (right) enter quick pull-off on left / gate on right leads down shaded, paved road to small slope at river - very clean / path left out of lot leads on easy hike through woods to small side-trail to quiet, nicer opening on river - very clean / avoid tick-laden hayfields / due to nearby fields, tick level 8.
    3) Charles River, Medfield / same as #2, but take right at Hospital Rd., cross tracks, park immediately on right / cross rd. and enter path, cross field to far end and riverbank (do not cross railroad bridge - naked beneath!) / tick level 8.
    4) Rocky Narrows, Sherborn / same as #2, but stay on 27 past pull- off, just after 115 take next right on Snow (blind curve), right on Forest, right at fork, park immediately in small lot on right (if lucky) / trail to left circles field to woods, stay on Red Trail to marks 23, 22, 21, right at mark 20, next left to mark 19, canoe landing / very clean sect. of Charles / tick level 7.
    5) Pond under power lines, Norfolk / Seekonk N past Boardman, quick left through gate, park (I do) / follow trail, staying right, 1/4 mi. (?) to nice, clean, lovely pond on right / tick level 10.
    6) Hinkley Park, Medfield / Seekonk to South, cross 27, stay on South, left at 109, right no North, right on Green, parking lot down on right / clean swim spot, but probably not kosher, try after 6 if daring / tick level (?).
    That's all I can recommend
    - SO

  • 6/29 4:14pm   TC - I saw the meeting on cable, and agree there were comments (by both sides of the table) that had too much posturing. However, I did not hear any comments by the selectmen that they supported the use of chemicals in the Town Pond dispute. Rather, their concern seemed to be that there was not enough effort made to resolve the dispute amicably, and that no one from ConCom showed up for the walking tours with Rec and the state officer as the despute escalated. FYI - I believe the weeds are now a moot point as a Boy Scout Eagle Scout project is underway to remove them non-chemically.
    - CI

  • 6/29 4:13pm   TC: This whole Town Pond situation has truly been blown out of perspective. To this day the Selectmen just can't seem to get over it.
    While they are dwelling on what they think was the right solution in the past, they seem oblivious that a solution is being undertaken right now. The weeds are being removed by a boy scout for his Eagle Project.
    One thing that the Selectmen refuse to acknowledge is that the there were other options. I have to wonder - if they won't even acknowledge all the facts with the Town Pond project, how do I know that they are making the right decision in appointing board members let alone making an objective decision for anything else.
    - WB

  • 6/29 4:11pm   There are soon to be lots of animals up for adoption! Everything from cats, kittens, dogs and cockatiels. Please visit our web site to see if you would like to bring one of these guys or girls into your lives.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 6/29 10:54am   This may be for the politics page, but here goes. What on earth is going on with the Selectmen and the Conservation Commission? I was totally embarrassed on behalf of our town to read yesterday's Globe West article, which revealed a nasty case of sour grapes over the recent campaign for Selectman. Anyone in their right mind would agree with Talerman's position that the town should find an alternative to using chemicals in the Town Pond! For heaven's sake, people are getting cancer, asthma, you name it, and yet we keep pouring poisons on their lawns and gardens so they look pretty. Now we want to use chemicals to kill weeds in a pond that no parent in their right mind would let their kids swim in! Why? Talerman's caution should be applauded, and extended, not deemed "uncooperative." If you ask me, the BOH, the Concom and the entire town has not gone far enough in protecting the health of our residents. I dare not think about what poisons are put on the playing fields at Pond Street and other places, where, ironically, our children get their outdoor exercise to stay healthy. We need more people in public life who put health and safety above all else.
    - TC

  • 6/29 10:50am   Last chance to register for Norfolk Lions Soccer! Fall Registration deadline is July 1st - visit [NLS page].
    - HK

  • 6/29 10:49am   I am looking to rent a small boat to take out fishing locally. Does anyone know of a place to rent a small boat and of a local lake where we could use it?
    - LB

  • 6/29 10:15am   Since this is anonymous, I can admit that going to the dump is not just a ``guy'' thing! I join my husband most Saturday afternoons at the dump as we take in our bags and recyclables. The employees there area always friendly and occasionally, as JP said, you can find some good ``treasurers'' there. Last year I picked up a six disc CD stereo. It was older and fairly large by today's standards, but worked fine and is living in our spare bedroom and providing music for the upstairs. TM, welcome to Norfolk, I think you will find this to be a great town!
    - MH

  • 6/29 9:27am   AR - I need to hear more about these lightning bugs! I was up at 2am with my sick daughter and thought I was losing my mind when I saw a triangular greenish glow bouncing around the ceiling but couldn't figure out what it was reflecting off of! It was so ironic to read your post this morning. Maybe I'm not crazy after all?
    - NS

  • 6/29 9:26am   To EAG - Try Parrino & Sons Plumbing and Heating his # is 508-668-2936.
    - PMP

    [Update 10:13am: I put the wrong phone # it should be: 508-668-2936 - PMP]

  • 6/29 9:25am   What is an IPhone and why would anyone wait all night outside a store when only 2 other people showed up? I was curious enough to go to the guy's web site, so I guess he's not the only one with way to much time on his hands.
    - JW

  • 6/28 11:49pm   Summer's here! The stormy weather has hidden them, but the lightning bugs are out. One must have strayed into our bedroom last night, because when I looked up at the buzzing sometime after 1am, there was a bright greenish glow floating about the ceiling.
    - AR

  • 6/28 11:48pm   If anyone is thinking about getting the iphone tomorrow you should go to the AT&T store in Franklin next to the Stop and Shop. The line is not bad yet I am currently first in line and will be here all night and blogging frequently. Read about my time in the line at iphonematters.com. Or stop by and say hi!
    - GN

  • 6/28 8:07pm   EAG - I agree with you 1000%, Lawerence Street where it enters Franklin is an utter disgrace. It's been a disgrace for years. It's downright dangerous and just plain sad. If this road is not a priority then nothing is a priority at the DPW.
    - LS

  • 6/28 7:36pm   The Town Hill Concerts will continue starting July 12. The schedule is as follows:
    Thursday, July 12 Songs for Ceilidh - Foot-Stomping Traditional Celtic Music
    Wednesday, July 18 Drumming About You, an Interactive Children's concert to be held inside the Library (co-sponsored)
    Thursday, July 19 Horns in the House, Great Brass Music
    Thursday, July 26 Franklin School of Performing ArtsElectric Youth A wonderful song and dance show
    Thursday, August 2 5 Past 40, Come enjoy a wonderful Norfolk group back for their second year - Oldies
    Thursday, August 9 Summer Street Band - Classic Rock
    Thursday August 16 John Penny Band - The Classic Country Western Band
    Thursday, August 30 At Pond Street - Family Movie Night. We would love to receive title suggestions! Send to recreation@virtualnorfolk.org

    This program is supported in part by a grant from the Norfolk Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
    - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk

  • 6/28 7:35pm   On 6/25 at 10:39am, JP inquired, "Does anyone know if there will be more concerts on Town Hill this summer, or was last Thursday's a one shot deal? Thanks."
    Here's the schedule for July:
    July 12 - Songs for Ceilidh - Foot-stomping Traditional Celtic music.
    July 19 - Horns in the House - "Brass with Class"
    July 26 - Franklin School of Performing Arts - "Electric Youth"
    See you there....!!!
    - RP

  • 6/28 5:47pm   JP, I thought that was only my husband. LOL - it must be a guy thing.
    - DV

  • 6/28 5:03pm   TM -- We moved to Norfolk from the city last August and yes, the one thing we noticed was the condition of the roads. The good news is that I have seen at least two potholes eventually filled in but, umm, as you noticed there are a ton more that need to be fixed as well. (Hello out there--Lawrence St. as it turns into Mill St. on the Franklin line is a disaster!)
    We use Dover Trucking and as I mentioned in an earlier post, I highly recommend them. My husband paid the bill so I don't know for sure, but I believe it comes to about $7 or $8 a week. Since time is money, I find that amount well worth it in comparison to lugging my garbage to the dump myself (or nagging my husband to do it). However, we have friends who recently moved to Norfolk as well and they use the dump and don't seem to mind, and they find that it's less expensive than having private pick up. (We must generate more garbage than they do.)
    Also, can anyone recommend a good, local plumber? Ours never calls us back promptly the few times we needed work done. Thanks.
    - EAG

  • 6/28 4:46pm   TM: we pay about $35 a month for Dover Trucking to pick up our trash and recycling every week. They're wonderful. For us, it's a little bit less expensive than buying dump stickers, but only by a few dollars. However, even though we have private pick-up, we still have a dump sticker ($50 a year, I think) because some Norfolk men cannot stay away from that place on weekends. The second-hand bikes, golf clubs, chairs, swings, etc. that we have collected are also probably worth more than the $50 sticker at this point as well. Plus, it's nice to have if you ever need to dispose of something big or want the free wood chips.
    - JP

  • 6/28 3:53pm   Does anyone have a student model clarinet they would like to sell? Let me know via Norfolknet. Thanks! [box62@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - JEC

  • 6/28 3:23pm   TM, there are a lot of great deals on homes in Norfolk right now. We moved here last year and there are a lot more choices now. Good luck. We used BFI for a while for trash pick-up, now we just go to the dump ourselves. And the roads do not seem to get fixed much but it keeps the speeding down.
    - DV

  • 6/28 12:34pm   Hello, My husband and I are moving to Norfolk in the next couple months from Foxboro. We are very excited... we love the town and think it is beautiful. I grew up in Walpole and am very excited to stay in this area.
    We had a couple questions we thought someone might be able to answer... I am noticing a lot of the roads seem to be pretty torn up in many of the areas we have driven. Does Norfolk re-pave the roads much? I was worried about my car, even though I drive slow!
    Also we just found out that Norfolk doesn't have regular trash pickup? We were told we would have to pay a fee, dump it ourselves and pay for the bags... which sounds kind of expensive. With taxes being somewhat higher I had hoped that would be a standard service the town would offer. Does anyone know how expensive private pickup is? We were told that was an option... but I assume it is pricey.
    We really appreciate any information you can provide to us. We look forward to living in beautiful Norfolk!
    - TM

  • 6/28 8:59pm   Do you know the difference between an RCA cable and a Composite Video cable? If so, then you need to check out the Best Yard Sale Ever right here in Norfolk. Electronics, gadgets and computer equipment at Yard Sale prices. This Saturday, 21 Spring Street 9-5.
    We also have a selection of housewares, baby gear, movies, and books. And even better, we have a Raffle for a $200 Iris Scan Computer Security Camera. Check out more information at [page link].
    - GN

  • 6/27 5:05pm   Just noticed this from the National Weather Service (wunderground):
    Severe Thunderstorm Watch
    urgent - immediate broadcast requested
    Severe Thunderstorm Watch number 458
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    440 PM EDT Wed Jun 27 2007

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of

    eastern Connecticut
    much of Massachusetts
    southern New Hampshire
    northern Rhode Island
    coastal waters

    Effective this Wednesday afternoon and evening from 440 PM until 1000 PM EDT.

    Hail to 1.5 inches in diameter... thunderstorm wind gusts to 70 mph... and dangerous lightning are possible in these areas.

    The Severe Thunderstorm Watch area is approximately along and 60 statute miles north and south of a line from 15 miles west of Westfield Massachusetts to 35 miles east northeast of Boston Massachusetts.

    - Wm.

    [Update 6/28 8:11am: the storm seems to have tracked south; following on the weather radar, Long Island seems to have taken quite a pounding - Wm.]

  • 6/27 3:48pm   The yard sale originally scheduled for Saturday, July 7th will be on Sunday, July 8th from 10-2. Main Street right near Saint Jude's Church in Norfolk. Queen Sleep Sofa, Luggage, electronics, comforters, area rugs clothing/dresses/sweaters and many more items. 10-2.
    - DF

  • 6/27 12:41pm   DV, have the web master give you my contact info. I can help you, that's what I do for a living.
    - JPRW

  • 6/27 10:12am   Re: 6/27 8:55am Can anyone recommend someone for cleaning gutters? Thank you! - TH
    Housework Haters Cleaning Service, Norfolk // 520-1258. Randy Corwin.
    - RH

  • 6/27 9:57am   Norfolk Baseball's entry in the 61st Little League World Series begins play on Saturday June 30, 2007, taking on Medfield at 5:15 PM at Kelley Field in Norwood. Come out and support our team in this exciting summer event! The rest of their tournament schedule includes the following games:
    Sunday, July 1, 2007 - Norfolk versus Walpole American - 5:15 PM at Wall Field
    Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - Norfolk versus Norwood National - 5:30 PM at Wall Field
    Saturday, July 7, 2007 - Norfolk versus Wellesley North - 2:30 PM at Wall Field
    Sunday, July 8, 2007 - Norfolk versus Needham East - 2:30 PM at Kelley Field
    All games are played at the baseball complex behind the Coakley Middle School in Norwood. See you there!
    - Daniel Mason, Norfolk Baseball

  • 6/27 8:56am   JM, I am looking to get a product made, just one for now. It is an idea I have had for a long time and want to really see if it works; it is a type of dog leash.
    - DV

  • 6/27 8:55am   Can anyone recommend someone for cleaning gutters? Thank you!
    - TH

  • 6/27 12:12am   EC - I am not really familiar with Highland Lake. I assume that only residents who own property on the lake would know it is low. I have read your posts before and you sound really upset. I think you should share what other steps you have taken to figure out what is going on. Just posting here on Norfolknet may not uncover the answer to your concerns. Maybe if we know what you have already done we can suggest other options.
    - MJD

  • 6/26 11:30pm   JO, MG was right - as a licensed child care provider you are required by the state to continue education, CPR, 1st Aid classes every year. The state inspects your home for safety issues both inside the home and outside the home. Things like criminal records, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, fire drills, gated stairs, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, childproofed areas for things like knives, emergency numbers, medical files for each child, disinfection guidelines for the adults to follow, covered trash containers, appropriate referigeration of food, and more.
    The state has also begun to review curriculum plans. The days of someone caring for your child to watch TV is over. Providers and teachers take great pains in our children, to teach, have fun, and engage their minds while in a safe environment.
    If you are licensed there is nothing to hide; most providers also have additional liability insurance. To those people who care for children without being licensed, why not get licensed, perhaps there is something to hide. Providers and professionals work hard for you children, it is a slap in the face to see others caring for children who are not licensed and promote themselves as professional providers. If you care for your child call the state and get a list of licensed providers. If you want to go one step further, check to see if they are accredited; this really seperates the do's from the do nots.
    - CW

  • 6/26 11:29pm   DV: What type of small manufacturing company are you looking for? Your question was a bit vague.
    - JM

  • 6/26 8:24pm   I was wondering if anyone knows about any local July 4th festivities going on. Thanks!
    - TM

  • 6/26 6:12pm   Does anyone know a small local manufacturing company?
    - DV

  • 6/26 6:11pm   TC, I get worried about the snapping turtles in local lakes. I let mine run up a brook in my yard but would love a real doggie pond.
    - DV

  • 6/26 3:07pm   Does anyone have any good local spots to bring the dog for a quick swim?
    - TC

  • 6/26 2:10pm   The lake level at Highland Lake is way down again. It was first evident last weekend, and now the rocks are showing near the shore, and the geese and goslings are walking around in the mud. Is this ever going to end? It is so disheartening to see this. This nightmare has been going on now for at least a year and a half, at it is still not resolved. Doesn't anybody see the damage is being done?
    - EC

  • 6/26 11:28am  

    Norfolk Lions Club sponsors
    First Motorcycle Run

    DATE:   Saturday, June 30th (rain date 7/1)
    PLACE:   Outlaw BBQ Route 1 Foxboro
    TIME:   Registration begins at 8:30AM
    Ride leaves promptly at 11:00AM
    COST:   $20.00 per person

    Ride begins & ends at Outlaw BBQ, entry fee includes BBQ Lunch & Live Band!
    Also available: Raffle, Games, Bikini Bike Washers, Cigar Roller, more...

    Open to Riders and non-Riders!
    Must be 18 yrs or older to participate

    - Gail Bernardo, President, Norfolk Lions Club

  • 6/26 11:14am   Hi AL, Magic Carpet Limo in Mansfield - great service anytime of the day or night with competitive rates.
    - JMD

  • 6/26 11:13am   There will be a yard sale on Saturday, July 7th on Main Street right near Saint Jude's Church in Norfolk. Sleep Sofa, Luggage, electronics and many more items. 10-2.
    - DF

  • 6/25 8:18pm   If you were hoping to tune into the Selectmens' Meeting tonight but haven't done so yet, you are out of luck. While these meetings normally last three hours or more, they managed to wrap up in twenty minutes tonight!! And half of it was spent discussing their vacation schedules. Seems they aren't quite ready to vote, and discuss on camera, the Con Comm appointments, even though they've known the two of the incumbents for at least two years. So much for "transparancy in government," let alone getting anything accomplished in town. And their idea for progress is yet another new committee, a "Doing Things Differently Committee" with no clear objective or agenda, or responsibility for anything?
    And we wonder why it takes years to get anything done in Norfolk?? Please...
    - MKL

  • 6/25 6:12pm   Has anyone ever used those valet services at Logan airport as an alternative to parking your car or using a limo? There seem to be a couple that operate out of Logan and we are thinking of using them. If you have used them, which one have you used and how did you like it? Thanks!
    - AL

  • 6/25 2:45pm   Does anyone know what time the Board of Selectmen meet tonight? Will it be televised again?? Thanks!
    - LR

  • 6/25 2:44pm   RWD: There was an article in the Boston Globe recently spotlighting the Norfolk Prison Upholstery Shop. I don't know of anyone using them but it looks promising. Here is the link: [link to article]
    - SM

  • 6/25 2:43pm   Strawberry-picking is in full swing at Jane and Paul's, and the berries are red, ripe, and delicious! We filled a good-sized Tupperware tub in a matter of minutes this morning, and plan to head back for more.
    - VR

  • 6/25 11:46am   JP - There are several Town Hill concerts coming up on Thursday evenings. The next one is on July 12 and it looks like there is one every Thursday thereafter. We got a refrigerator schedule through backpack express a couple of weeks ago which tells you who's performing. I'm not sure if the Rec Dept has a schedule on Virtual Norfolk or if you need to call to get the list. See you there.
    - BS

  • 6/25 10:40am   To RWD: You might want to try Classic Furniture Services (90 Hayward St. in Franklin Ph: 508-528-6747; classic-furniture.com). They've been in business for many years. We used them for a set of dining room chairs and they did a very good job. However, you might want to have a seat when they give you their estimate. It won't be cheap! Apparently, no matter who you use, your love for that old chair is going to cost you.
    - TEM

  • 6/25 10:39am   Does anyone know if there will be more concerts on Town Hill this summer, or was last Thursday's a one shot deal? Thanks.
    - JP

  • 6/25 9:34am   I just wanted to say a public thanks to all who run the Lions soccer club. What a wonderful group of people, both the kids and adults. My children and I have met great people through playing this spring. We are used to travel soccer and this was such a fun way to enjoy the sport. Seeing people from town and playing with and against friends was great. I would highly recommend it for anyone, especially people new to town. A lot of hard work goes into coordinating all of it and I am grateful for the people who put the time in. Thank you.
    - DV

  • 6/25 9:33am   Does anyone know a good person to reupholster a chair? Let me know Thanks
    - RWD

  • 6/25 9:32am   Does anyone know what happened at Stony Brook yesterday? There was an ambulance and police car on route 115 near the gate entrance to Stony Brook, and another rescue vehicle in the parking lot of Stony Brook?
    - TC

  • 6/25 9:29am   WB: You have your opinion, and I have mine! That's what makes this forum so great. Sometimes the status quo can be improved upon. Tonight should be interesting.
    - PA

  • 6/24 10:23pm   PA - sorry but a "credible job" is unacceptable and completely inadequate. If the voting public used the logic exhibited by the Selectmen last Monday night, none of them would be in office. Your further comment about "infusing new ideas and energy into some of these boards, and hopefully we'll see that come about" should have about 10,000 footnotes and asterisks and qualified statements... sorry, not buying the "new ideas" spin.
    - WB

  • 6/24 10:20pm   Norfolk Police have put up a sign on Maple Street showing your speed. Should have been done before school closed as the school buses go the fastest. Police could sit in my driveway anyday and fill their speed tickets.
    I think we are now down to 4 baby swans. Size doesn't seem to matter to the turtles as the last one caught last year was almost the size of the parents.
    - BR

  • 6/24 11:40pm   Dog collar found - On Sunday morning I found an electric fence dog collar (red) on the road near Jane and Paul's farm. Call 520-6694
    - PT

  • 6/24 11:39pm   Registrations are still being accepted for the Fall season of Norfolk Lions Soccer. This co-ed league accepts players from all towns. The youngest division accepts players 3 years old by September 1, 2007 and the oldest division accepts high schoolers through 12th grade
    All games are played on Sunday afternoons in Norfolk.
    Register on line at [norfolklionssoccer link] or pick up registration forms at the Norfolk Public Library.
    Registration deadline is July 1st. For more information about Lions Soccer, call Craig at 508-520-0163.
    - CK

  • 6/23 8:26pm   Thank you for the information on college coaches. I will be looking into it to see if it is a good idea for my child.
    - TD

  • 6/23 9:29am   TD, that would be great. I am working today but will try to call in between shoots. We ended up with one bunny too many, although we do love him. They will be outside for now and on a large 3 season porch in the winter. They get lots of love and attention from my 4 girls.
    - DV

  • 6/22 11:38pm   I think our BOS is doing a credible job with these appointments/re-appointments. The best thing we can do is to infuse new ideas and energy into some of these boards, and hopefully we'll see that come about.
    - PA

  • 6/22 11:09pm   DV - I have a bunny hutch that needs a little repair. It is yours if you want it. Bunnies are wonderful pets. Our last one lived in the house. He loved to cuddle with my kids while they watched TV etc. 508-520-4057.
    - TD

  • 6/22 10:46pm   SDB - Thank you, thank you! I didn't see your post till 4:30 pm today, so I flew out the door and high-tailed it over to the Franklin Farmers' Market. I arrived as the last farmer was packing up in the rain. Ha - who was it? None other than Grateful Farm! And I was in luck to find maybe 8-10 varieties of good-looking basil, beautiful greens and other herbs. The woman was very nice and delighted to hear their farm had made it onto Norfolknet. I was delighted to find organic produce. Nice tip!
    In town, I like Gump's with their llamas, and Jane & Paul's, which is on my usual route. I went by yesterday and the strawberries and shortcakes are delicious. Also the rhubarb and the asparagus, which could not be fresher - no curly, dry tips. And they offer recipe and food-tip flyers now. I know I'm always going on, but I feel pinch-me lucky to have landed here, where we have better options than cellophane tomatoes, wimpy lettuce, and dry asparagus. One word. Corn. Can I get an "amen"?
    - SO

  • 6/22 2:09pm   Found: xbox DVDs. If lost, please respond to post with date of loss and names of DVDs.
    - JS

  • 6/22 9:42am   To the seeker of purple basil, and to all who value fresh, locally grown produce: Go to the Franklin Farmers Market on Franklin Town Common, open every Friday from 1 until 6:00 p.m. through October 12.
    Grateful Farms of Prospect Street in Franklin sells several varieties of basil plants, including at least two that are purple.
    Other farms represented include Tangerini's of Millis and Cook's Valley Farm of Wrentham, also Akin-Bak Farm of Franklin, which sells honey, candles, and bee balm, and apples later. There are more vendors than these, and each has some different offerings from the others.
    I can hardly wait until the heirloom tomatoes arrive!
    - SDB

  • 6/22 9:27am   Hi. JG. A contractor we recommend is Distinctive Creations in Wrentham who recently completed a project at our home. Charlie Fruci, the owner, worked with us to define lots of details before the work began and included those in the contract. Charlie was very accommodating and made sure the work was done as planned, on time, and at a reasonable cost. A pleasant, honest professional we would use again without hesitation. Distinctive Creations' phone number is 508-384-7023.
    - JS

  • 6/21 11:04pm   What in the world is going on with our BOS? I watched their meeting Monday night, and it was disappointing (and painful!) to watch them dance around appointments and re-appointments to the Conservation Commission for nearly 1.5 hours. They acknowledged that certain incumbents have tremendous knowledge and much needed legal expertise, something that would serve our town well as it deals with growing pains. But now they need to take if "offline" to discuss. I should have gone to bed at 9:00. I sure hope the next time around, this Monday, they make the right decision and appoint/re-appoint these volunteers who are willing to give their time and energy to the town.
    - AL

  • 6/21 9:58pm   Happy Summer Solstice! Today, the longest day of 2007, marked the first day of summer. At 2:06pm the North Pole was tilted farthest toward the sun, the tilt being the cause of the long summer daylight hours.
    - Wm.

  • 6/21 9:56pm   The concert on Town Hill this evening was great! Just a bunch of Norfolk dads who originally got together to entertain a Brownie troop, they were awesome. Great sound, wonderful weather, large turnout, terrific music, and lots of energetic fun kids.
    - AR

  • 6/21 9:53pm   Dear JG, I'm not sure what type of addition you are looking to put on, but we recently used Mike Cavallarho of MC Designs Inc. He is a certified kitchen and bath designer and is absolutely wonderful. I would be happy to talk to you more about him - I have passed on his name to 2 other families who have gone with him and were very happy. His phone number is 508.695.2155. Please contact the webmaster to get my phone number and email.
    - BD

  • 6/21 9:51pm   I'm looking for a job for the summer! Walking your dog - Babysitting - House sitting while your away - Watering plants - Getting mail/newspaper - Pet sitting
    If you are interested please call Kendall V. at (508) 528-7003 or e-mail me at kennyv11@aol.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
    -DV (her daughter KV)

  • 6/21 8:53pm   We are looking to add an addition to our house and were wondering if anyone could recommend a good contractor. Has anyone used a compay called "Complete Development Corporation?" We are looking for a firm that is reliable and reasonable. Thanks.
    - JG

  • 6/21 8:43pm   In response to RS looking for a good electrician - I recently used Robert Davis from Franklin. He was professional, courteous, neat and reasonable. I am having him back again to do more work. My neighbor had recommended him to me, and I am certainly happy to pass his name along. His phone number is 508-541-6182.
    - EF

  • 6/21 6:15pm   Norfolk Lions Soccer is presently seeking players in grades 7 through 12 for the Fall season. This is a co-ed recreational soccer league. All games are played on Sunday afternoons in Norfolk.
    Norfolk Lions Soccer accepts players from Norfolk and all surrounding towns. Players need not have experience playing soccer. We encourage players to build their own team by recruiting their friends, neighbors, and classmates.
    The early discount price has been extended for junior high and high school players. Financial assistance is also available upon request. Registration forms are available in the lobby of the Norfolk Public Library or on the website at [page here].
    For additional information, please email norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net.
    - HK

  • 6/21 11:14am   I agree. I have used Dover trucking for a couple years and they are great!
    - LK

  • 6/21 10:42am   We recommend Dover Trucking. They are very professional, reliable and dependable.
    - WC

  • 6/21 10:27am   Norfolk Lions Soccer is conducting a very unique fundraiser by offering Cape Ann Whale Watch tickets at a greatly discounted price. Tickets, which normally sell for $41, will be sold for $20 and are good anytime during the 2007 season.
    Whale watching if a fun activity for the entire family. Whale sightings are guaranteed or you will receive a free return pass - a guarantee you'll only find with Cape Ann Whale Watch.
    Their vessel, the "Hurricane II" is the fastest boat north of Boston so you'll be spending less time traveling and more time watching nature's gently giants in their natural habitat. The "Hurricane II" has over 400 feet of rail viewing space and an extra large heated indoor cabin and offers a variety of food and beverages in their galley.
    Cape Ann Whale Watch, Rose's Wharf, Gloucester, has been voted "Best Bet for Whale Watching" by Boston Magazine's New England Travel Guide. For more information about Cape Ann Whale Watches, visit their website at SeeTheWhales.com
    For information on how to purchase your discounted tickets, email norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net with your name and number of tickets you would like.
    - HK

  • 6/21 10:24am   Regarding a College Coach, I highly recommend Christa Panciocco at CollegeBound (508-660-6216 or collegeboundservices@comcast.net). She is a former colleague, student affairs professional and does some excellent work with students. I think you'll find her services outstanding. Meanwhile, if your high school or college student is looking for assistance in writing a resume and finding a job or internship, I am happy to help! You can reach me at keldred@careersinthemaking.com.
    For those struggling with mice, we were infested when we first moved in to our house three years ago. Our pest control service, Griggs and Browne, is wonderful, very reasonable, and we haven't seen a mouse since! (800-244-1012).
    Happy summer!
    - KE

  • 6/21 10:23am   AL, as a customer of Dover Trucking, I highly recommend them. We have had nothing but excellent service at what we consider a very fair price.
    - EAG

  • 6/21 10:22am   AL, We have used Dover Trucking for the past three years and are very happy with them. Nice doing business with a Norfolk resident.
    - PB

  • 6/21 10:21am   Feel like taking the summer off from moving your lawn and doing yard work? Give Chris a call at 508-541-1243. He is a hard working and dependable 16 yr old with time on his hands.
    - SM

  • 6/21 10:19am   Hi my name is Lauren, I'm 17 years old and currently about to be a senior at KP. I have many years of experience by babysitting my younger sister and many neighbors. I'm available Monday-Thursday from about any time until 6:30pm (very flexible if needed). I also have references and a car for transportation. You can email me at hellokittyy@gmail.com if you're interested or have any types of questions for me :)
    - LG

  • 6/20 11:00pm   Does anyone have information on the consignment shops throughout Wrentham and how the process works when you bring furniture to them for sale? Which one is the best? How do you go about bringing goods in and who does the pricing? Do any of them pick up? Any comments or suggestions would be welcome. I spoke to someone at the Common Market across from Dunkin Donuts several weeks ago but I misplaced the information sheet.
    - FH

  • 6/20 10:59pm   AL, Hello I'm a local resident and the owner of Dover Trucking Inc. a full service waste and recycling business. We service the town of Norfolk offering the most reliable service at the most affordable price. Check us out at dovertrucking.com or call our office at 508.541.8565. We look forward to servicing you and your family.
    - SB

  • 6/20 10:58pm   Only 5 baby swans left, but they look big and healthy.
    - DV

  • 6/20 6:26pm   KGS, I do not know the answer [pond covered with algae] but the guys at Gilmores in Walpole are great, you might ask them.
    - DV

  • 6/20 6:21pm   HESSCO Elder Services is reaching out to you to make a difference in someone's life bybecoming a Meals-on-Wheels driver within the community of Norfolk. Volunteers spend approximately one hour a week from 11 a.m. till 12 noon, Monday through Friday, delivering meals and can choose the one day of the week that works best. If you are interested, Please call Beverly Carothers at 781-784-4944, ext. 204. Thank you,
    - NS

  • 6/20 6:20pm   To BA (re: mice): We had a family of mice living in our attic and bought Black & Decker ultrasonic plug-in pest repellers. For days we heard the little critters coming down the walls and we've never heard from them since.
    - AFD

  • 6/20 6:19pm   Can anyone recommend a good waste management/disposal company for curbside pick-up? Thanks,
    - AL

  • 6/20 6:12pm   You know, there just aren't enough opportunities for kids to make a lot of noise. Mrs. Bluhm and Mrs. Durand will be making coffee-can drums with Norfolk kids as part of the summer reading program, but we will need many more coffee cans than we have right now! If you have 1-lb (read: 12 ounces or so) coffee cans with lids, we would be overjoyed to receive them at the library by the first week of August. Soon Norfolk will be echoing with the sound of drums...
    Some patrons have called to ask why they cannot log their summer reading hours online. The logging portion of the online summer reading program will not go into effect until July 8th; on that day, you will be able to start recording your summer reading hours for the prize drawings. Thank you for your patience!
    - Heather Pisani-Kristl, NPL

  • 6/20 6:11pm   Ha! I'm surprised I got a clear shot at all DV - I was laughing so hard! The little fella' was singing "I'm a rockin' an' a rollin' babba ann", as he rode across the high plains. I forgot to say "thank you" to the previous owners. I hope they get this message.
    - SO

  • 6/20 6:10pm  
    [Update 6/20 11:02pm: press release on hold pending clarification - Wm.]

  • 6/20 8:16am   SO, speaking as a child photographer... Great shot!
    - DV

  • 6/19 11:25pm   To the family who left their most excellent rocking horse ("free") on Boardman St. a weekend ago, I give you my nephew, riding with all the gusto of John Wayne, Kit Carson, and Buffalo Bill combined.
    - SO

  • 6/19 11:03pm   I just drove down King St. and then on to Union going toward Wretham. Shortly after getting on Union, and by the brook there, there was a family of raccoons (I think that is what they were, but could have been possums or foxes). There were a couple of parents and maybe 5-6 babies in the road. The babies were very light colored---hard to tell. It was dark and traffic was halted, fortunately. Finally, after someone beeped, they scampered into the brush at the side of the road. Soooooo... there's a family there we need to watch for. I hope to not see their remains at that location tomorrow moring. Thanks.
    - JHR

  • 6/19 9:01pm   We have a pond in our back yard which is murky and covered over with algae. I've heard that there are chemicals that you can use that are environmentally safe to clear the water and make it suitable for fish. I'd rather not put in a pump/fountain if I can help it. Does anyone have any experience or advice?
    - KGS

  • 6/19 8:27pm   JK - Give me a call if your still looking for a handyman. 508-517-4708.
    - TD

  • 6/19 8:09pm   A cell phone was found at the Library today. I would have called the owner but the keypad is locked. The phone is being held at the circulation desk.
    - JS

  • 6/19 8:08pm   For JK [re handyman] - Rob Abramson is the best in Norfolk. His wife owns something special in the center of town.
    - BM

  • 6/19 8:06pm   Hi - I am looking for a sitter/caretaker for the next school year for 2 mornings a week. I need someone in my house early - around 7am to get my 2 boys off to school (8:25 bus to HOD and FC) and then to stick around and watch my daughter before she gets picked up for preschool around 12:15. If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact me - I would love to have a handle on this as soon as possible. I am starting a new job and thought I would seek the help of the people of Norfolk through Norfolknet. Thank you in advance! bdambro@comcast.net
    - ED

  • 6/19 8:04pm   JP - I highly recommend Parker Sanitation out of Wrentham. He's one of the few independent contractors left out there. I'm not a big fan of Wind River. They are probably ok if you just want your system pumped, but I have heard stories of them suggesting costly repairs that were not necessary.
    - HF

  • 6/19 8:03pm   DMM - Cindi's Jeweler's in Foxboro is still open and they do great repair work. I had a diamond resized and reset and I am very happy with the results. (Re 6/18 3:30pm Can someone recommend a good place to have jewelry repaired? Thanks, - DMM)
    - JLH

  • 6/19 3:45pm   JP - I used Wind River Environmental septic service. They are based out of Walpole, I think. Fair pricing, on time for the appointment, and very professional.
    - JT

  • 6/19 3:44pm   We have had Trex since 2002 and love it.
    - DB

  • 6/19 3:05pm   Can anyone suggest a handyman? I need a 12 x 14' outside deck sanded (floor only). Should only involved sander rental and 2 - 3 hours work. Many thanks in advance!
    - JK

  • 6/19 3:03pm   Besides Bruce Scott, is there a better septic service company that you can recommend?
    - JP

  • 6/19 3:02pm   Can anyone give me insight on the teacher opening in the 2nd grade at HOD? My child just came back from move-up day and she said the adult said the teacher quit and they have a mystery teacher for next year.
    - JP

  • 6/19 2:58pm   Yes LR, just like the quote in the Boomerang that Mr. Lehan says that "voters don't have a say (in the appointments)." Isn't it the responsibility of the BOS to get a feel or reach out to what the voters want? For someone who ran on a platform touting financial prowess and who has stated that he was responsible for thousands of people ("During this time I had full responsibility for an 80 million dollar operational budget and over 2400 employees." see his website) he should be fully aware of how to select talent, but that comment last night made me think that there is something really, really, really fundamentally wrong. I have worked for managers that won't hire people that are smarter than they are, have more experience or are more motivated simply because these potential hires represent a "perceived" threat to their position of authority... these people were very insecure. I honestly believe that the indecisiveness with the BOS is something more insidious.
    - WB

  • 6/19 2:55pm   To BA regarding mice: I am usually a friend to all creatures, but when I saw that mice had been chewing on our electrical wiring, I bought Tomcat reusable snap traps. They look like big black plastic clothespins, are clean, and don't injure larger creatures. To dispose of the mouse, simply pinch the trap open. A quarter of a marshmallow is irresistable bait. This trap was a better solution for our mice than the live-catch trap that I forgot to check (hangs head in shame).
    - HPK

  • 6/19 9:01am   Let me quote Jim Lehan at 11:02 p.m. Board of Selectmen meeting; "there is concern with too much expertise on any Board." What is he talking about?? Let's make some definitive posts to Boards. Lots of babble... it's embarrassing!
    - LR

  • 6/18 9:12pm   Re: Trex decking. I don't have it, but heard from someone who is a builder that it gets really hot. Maybe if the deck doesn't get a lot of direct sun, it's not so bad. Maybe RH can attest to the temperature factor.
    - JM

  • 6/18 7:53pm   KD, I like the look of wood better but my old neighbors got Trex and it really did look great. They have had it 5 years and are very happy.
    - DV

  • 6/18 7:45pm   Re 6/18 6:28pm Does anyone have Trex decking? If so, are you happy with it? Thanks in advance for your response. - KD
    We had our pressure-treated southern yellow pine deck replaced and enlarged last year. We used Trex, Winchester Grey "Accents" with the wood-grain surface up, to provide a non-slip surface when it is wet or slightly icy. The reverse side of Trex boards is smooth, and possible slippery when wet or slightly icy.
    We used Tiger-Claw TC-3 Hidden Deck Fasteners. Refer to the Tiger-Claw website. The fasteners hold the Trex boards securely and are not visible after the job is done. Our deck is low to the ground, and did not require fencing. A good place to check out various products is an outside display at Chace Lumber in Foxboro. To look at the hardware, such as the Tiger-Claw line, check out Cape Cod Lumber in Mansfield. There are two kinds of screws used: both stainless steel. One type is used adjacent to the house, where the hidden deck fasteners cannot be used. The square-heads sink into the Trex about an eighth-inch. Another type stainless screw, a "bugle head" decking screw, #8 x 2", is used with the Tiger-Claw Fasteners, one per fastener.
    We are very happy with Trex. The boards do not "cup" as the SLP boards did.
    We had the deck modified and installed by G. F. Sullivan, 7 Garfield St., Foxboro. We wish that we had Trex installed years ago. One thing to tell the installer: be sure to get boards from the same lot-date code, otherwise there may be minor differences in color. The differences will probably fade after some months in the sun. The lot-date code is marked on the edge of the boards and is not visible after installation.
    - RH

  • 6/18 6:28pm   Does anyone have Trex decking? If so, are you happy with it? Thanks in advance for your response.
    - KD

  • 6/18 6:27pm   Just wanted to post for a resident in town: They've lost their 5 yr old tuxedo house cat in the area of Eric Rd. Missing approximately since last Thursday and her name is Mia. If anyone sees her please email or call the AC Officer. Her picture is on the animal control web page under the lost and found section.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 6/18 4:33pm   LS, A college coach is one who finds the best school that would be the best fit for your child. Something that most parents, along with their children, are very capable of doing. It's probably similar to a personal trainer, in that, you really don't need one to exercise but it is easier with one. Who ever heard of a personal trainer or a college coach 10 years ago?? They did not exist but children still went on to college and people still exercised.
    - DWL

  • 6/18 4:32pm   Anyone have a bunny hutch they want to get rid of?
    - DV

  • 6/18 3:30pm   Can someone recommend a good place to have jewelry repaired? Thanks,
    - DMM

  • 6/18 3:22pm   To JO: CW was trying to explain that the state of Massachusetts expects child care providers to be licensed. This has nothing to do with Louis Pasteur or any other great contributor. Child care providers have to be licensed to ensure that they meet all the health and safety measures to keep each and every child safe. Would you go to a doctor or dentist that was not properly licensed? Hopefully our children rank higher than our teeth. Children are the most precious and defenseless beings in our world... and, I anticipate, are the number one priority of parents.
    - MG

  • 6/18 9:28am   RC - The Buckley Mann situation did not happen becasue of one thing. The real estate market. The builder still has lots across the street and new houses that have been on the market for well over a year. I applaud the town for protecting themselves and not accepting a part of the land that has way too many unknowns. That's exactly why the current owners don't clean it, too many unknowns - they want someone else to, the risks are too high to clean it unless you have deep deep pockets.
    - LS

  • 6/18 9:27am   PD - I'm very curious as to what a "college coach" does for a student. I have small children and remember when it was my time to apply to colleges. I can't for the life of me understand what a "college coach" would do. Thanks
    - LS

  • 6/18 9:26am   In regards to the electrician: Jennifer Sweet Electric is the one I would use, she is excellent and moderately priced. Phone 508-533-0728.
    I second the motion on the Have-A-Heart traps, peanut butter works great.
    - JW

  • 6/18 8:15am   To BA with the mouse issue: We have a house up in New Hampshire and get mice occasionally (always upstairs, too). We, too, felt that we did not want to harm them, so we purchased `have a heart' traps that are like little cages and they worked well. We would then take the little mice (I have to admit, they are cute) for a ride and release them far way. We used peanut butter to lure them instead of cheese. Good luck!
    - JN

  • 6/18 8:13am   6/18 12:10am Hi, Looking for a college coach for a high school junior. Does anyone know of someone near Norfolk?? Thank you for the help. - PD
    My daughter had a wonderful experience with Cheryl Barad of Norfolk. You can reach her at gobridges@aol.com.
    - NSS

  • 6/18 12:12am   To CW - May I point out that Louis Pasteur did not have a license. Do you really believe that licensing is an affirmation of competence and capability, etc??
    - JO

  • 6/18 12:11am   I thought we already voted on the "World as J Talerman sees it."
    PS: when do I get to swim in Town Pond ?
    - PC

  • 6/18 12:10am   Hi, Looking for a college coach for a high school junior. Does anyone know of someone near Norfolk?? Thank you for the help.
    - PD

  • 6/18 12:09am   Well, as a former city dweller, I am in unfamiliar territory here - mice! Two nights in a row now my daughter has awoken in the middle of the night to one of our cats with a mouse dangling from its mouth. It was a little bit upsetting to my daughter, to say the least.
    Now, the cat seems to be an effective remedy for the mice - especially as I am sure there is no poison in the house to kill the little critters. However, my kids find the little critters kind of cute, and find it a bit traumatic to see their bloody little carcasses on their bedspreads.
    I should note that no mice have been caught in the basement or the ground floor of the house - only the second floor bedrooms and my daughter's room both times so far.
    I am a novice at this mouse thing, but I know I do not want poison in my house not for my cat's sake, or any other animal that could get ahold of a poisoned mouse. So, oh, wise and powerful Norfolknet people, what advice can you give me?
    Thanks in advance,
    - BA

  • 6/18 12:08am   RC: I would like some examples of what boards have created their own policies. If you could list specific events and attribute the event to which board and what the financial impact was to the Town, that would be swell. Thanks.
    - WB

  • 6/17 8:20pm   Maybe... Just maybe Jay won't be on the con com because of his job performance... Ever think of that? Maybe the Town (Selectmen) are trying to change the way of doing business. The (all) Boards are there to make sure that the State and Town Bylaws are followed, nothing more. However, it seems that many of the Boards have created their own policies. They end up costing the Town and everybody involved a lot of money and heartache and the Town ultimately looses. Most recent example being the Buckley Mann situation.
    - RC

  • 6/16 7:58pm   Can anyone recommend a good and reasonable electrician?
    - RS

  • 6/16 7:57pm   JHL: So Jay Talerman, who brings infinite legal and environmental knowledge and dedication to the ConComm, may not be reappointed because he was "critical of the BOS" while campaigning for Selectman?? Please tell me this is hearsay! I am sure I going to hear this is a joke, right?? Good for Jay to stand up, speak the truth and want more for Norfolk than the BOS has been able to deliver. I remember my 6 yr old acting this way, when he was not invited to a friend's party, he stomped off and said "you are not my friend." Now boys, if you can't stand the heat, you need to get out of the fire!
    - AL

  • 6/16 11:18am   Re: 6/16 10:08am Are there any updates regarding Isaac Remick and the headstone found in Bermuda? I have to believe he was buried in Bermuda. ...
    The gentleman from Bermuda said he would e-mail the Weymouth Historical Society. The NEHGS has a record of the grave of an Isaac Remick, but it is apparently the Maine branch of the family.
    The Weymouth family may have been involved with the shipping business in Weymouth or Quincy, and the headstone, if granite, may have come from the local quarries. If the stone was not wanted for use, it may have ended up as ballast for the sailing vessels of the time, or even as an anchor for a boat.
    - RH

  • 6/16 10:08am   Are there any updates regarding Isaac Remick and the headstone found in Bermuda? I have to believe he was buried in Bermuda. I cannot imagine that his headstone made it all the way from the US to Bermuda. I find this story absolutely intriguing and am impressed with the resources that RH was able to obtain to retrieve information regarding this person. I was able to pull information from Newenglandancestors.org (I am not a member) and it appears he married a woman by the name of Mehetabel Mansfield on May 5th or 8th, 1825 in Weymouth. Has the town of Weymouth been notified yet? If not, I would be happy to try to call.
    Regarding stone masons: I recommend Dave Darling in Wrentham. He has done several jobs for both myself and family members and his work is meticulous, also very fairly priced. His number is 384-3817.
    - DCB

  • 6/16 10:06am   In reference to the mention of a possible "showdown" (Norfolk Boomerang 6/8) at the Selectmen's meeting this coming Monday, I want to express my outrage and disappointment. The Selectmen are making their committee reappointments at Monday's meeting and there is talk they will not reappoint Jay Talerman to his Conservation Commission post apparently as a point to seek revenge for a hard fought race. When a person decides to run for town office they naturally have to mount a campaign that details why they think they are the best person for the job. Any criticism that goes back and forth between opponents is part of the democratic process leading up to an election. It is bewildering to me that the Selectmen would not only personalize comments made during the election, but take it a step further and consider unjustly pushing Jay Talerman from his volunteer position on the Con Comm. As a Norfolk voter, I will watch carefully what happens at Monday's meeting and hope the Selectmen do not violate our trust in them.
    - JHL

  • 6/16 10:02am   Just a note to those people who are out there caring for children who are not licensed. There are strict guidelines for child care providers: classes, training, safety inspections, curriculums. For those of you who are caring for children and are not licensed, you are jeopardizing all that you own if there were an accident. For parents that have their children in the care of someone who is not licensed,l you are jeopardizing your children. Both are very scary.
    - CW

  • 6/16 9:59am   Here's pic of Matt M. (Boomerang), Eric L. (Norfolkian Astrologer) Brian (the new NCTV Manager) + Paul G. at Guido's... Paul's Goodbye Party last Wed. evening.
    - PRR

  • 6/15 9:32pm   Regarding: speeders--Maple Street is another street that could use seem attention on speeders--it is filled with small children, has several blind curves, and people absolutely blast thru there. My kids go to daycare there, and I've been almost hit a number of times by people flying around the curve before the daycare driveway. They can't see me easing out (and I can't see them coming) and have to stand on the brakes to be able to stop on time. Amazingly enough, they are not young people, but always people that I would guess to be parents themselves...
    - KD

  • 6/15 2:13pm   I just wanted to say thank you to the members of Norfolknet who in the past recommended Heavey Plumbing from Walpole. We had a problem with our hot water heater and they had someone at the house within a half-hour after we called, and within another half-hour the problem was fixed. They were polite, professional and very reasonably priced. Thanks.
    - JZ

  • 6/15 11:57am   KLM - Life in a small town by no means should mean that a child hit by a car while riding a bicycle goes unreported to police. Do feel that it is unnecessary to report such accidents and would rather manpower be dedicated to be out ticketing any/all moving violations to increase town revenue?
    - TC

  • 6/15 8:54am   KLM - I disagree with you. I have seen many more Police "traps", have seen speeders pulled over much more. I have been pulled over and friends have been pulled over. This is new. I have lived here for about 10 years and in the past 2 years or so I have seen the increase in enforcement. You said "we didn't bother to notify the poice", that is a backhand to the dept. You infer blame and lack of response when you didn't even call them. Guess what, trying to speed to the FC school is almost impossible unless you have some top of the line heavy duty shocks anyway. Be mad at the lady that backed into your kids on their bike. No one else.
    - NS

  • 6/15 8:52am   RA: You will be happy to know that there was a police officer with radar gun this morning on North St, just beyond the Diamond St intersection around 6:30 am. Hopefully this will encourage some drivers to slow down on the dangerous section of North St.
    - TC

  • 6/15 8:51am   LB, I do honor the speed limit. When I see a child I immediately step on my brakes. So yes, I do drive the speed limit and I really slow down when I see children up ahead. Sorry, I am not the one you are seeing.
    - DWL

  • 6/14 11:15pm   DWL (re: Children's Therapy Associates) Their office is in Natick. About a 20 minute drive. Good luck with your search!
    - SR

  • 6/14 11:14pm   KLM--That is one of the most disgusting stories I have ever heard. I'm happy your daughter and friend were not seriously hurt. You know, we teach history in school and one of the things we get out of it is the opportunity to learn from our mistakes. Obviously, our society does not recall Roman history.
    - BS

  • 6/14 10:04pm   To LB: I know that contacting the police or Butch Vito is not going to solve the speeding problem, but that curve is a little bit scary. I'm a teenager myself and I don't speed around that. Every one of my friends hates that curve and always goes slow around it. I can't say the same for parents and older people but that curve needs a stop sign. I'm sorry if you don't think that will help the problem but I believe it will help in some way to prevent accidents. Also, if you have knowledge of the people who fly around the corner, why have children so close to the side of the road? Roads aren't a place to play in, or by for that matter. They are dangerous and accidents do and will happen. So let's all take safe steps this summer. Drivers, slow down, and parents, make sure your kid is not by the street!
    - RA

  • 6/14 10:02pm   Norfolk Recreation is happy to present: Free Summer Concerts 2007! Back on the Town Hill, Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Bring your blanket, lawn chairs, supper & enjoy the show !!
    THURSDAY, JUNE 21st - Grounds for Divorce featuring local Norfolk musicians:
    Steve Claypoole, guitar; Ed Freedman, drums; Dennis Healy, bass; and Gifford Campbell, vocals.
    Come on down and rock out on a Thursday night. You might know these guys!!
    - JH

  • 6/14 9:06pm   KLM - I understand and empathize with your post. However, people were up in arms when the police stopped them to explain why you don't cross a yellow line while driving through the roundabout - if you go the speed limit you will not cross the line - simple. People were furious - "who do they think they are??" People complain, yet they don't want to take on the responsibility of self control - how about people be accountable for their own actions. Slow down! People should have that common sense. There are people who believe that when their kid is in the car, it is the most precious cargo in the world, and God love you if you damage the goods!
    As for the incident at the school - if someone hit my kid in a parking lot, they better pray that I never found them. But you should have called the police, they would have filed charges if they could. I guarantee that. I don't think you'd meet any officer who would let such an incident go by.
    DV - I like the way you think!
    - LB

  • 6/14 9:05pm   I'd like to share my very positive experience with Essary & Company Roofing. They stripped and reshingled the house and shed in one day, cleaned up the yard and gardens meticulously and were fairly priced. Dan Essary and his crew worked together like clockwork, were a pleasure to interact with, and did a very professional job. I highly recommend them. Their office in Medway can be reached at 508-533-5040.
    - JS

  • 6/14 7:58pm   Unfortunately, the speeders that drive through this town have the upper hand. There is no traffic enforcement in town. We fought this battle for years at the FC school and were told over and again that there was not enough manpower to enforce the laws. They were never able to tell us what they had to do that was more pressing than ensuring children's safety en route to school. Eventually we just gave up. Last summer, when my daughter and her friend, both eight-year-olds, were struck in the parking lot of the school, we didn't bother to notify the police. The woman scolded the girls and told them they needed to be more careful! She was backing out of her parking spot and didn't see the kids as they rode past on their bicycles. She left the two injured girls with a stranger and said, "I have to go. I have a baby in the car."
    When I was younger, everyone knew that the neighboring town of Dover was one place you had better not speed. They were notorious for their speed traps. They bring in quite a bit of revenue to the town and increase road safety. In a report issued by the Registry a few years ago, Norfolk ranked 345 out of 350 towns in number of moving violations given. That's life in a small town. Everyone knows someone and nobody wants to ticket their friends and neighbors. Who pays the price? Our kids.
    - KLM

  • 6/14 3:30pm   Yes, DV, family legend has it that when my great-uncle's twin brother was struck and killed on Union St. in Franklin during the 1920s, my great-grandmother told the driver never to drive past her house again -- and he didn't. She was a small woman and spoke broken English, but I imagine she was so fierce that the driver didn't dare disobey.
    - HPK

  • 6/14 2:53pm   DWL I have heard that before; I like it better my way. "Hit my kid driving 80 mph down my street and the driver has an 80% percent chance of dying." There is nothing more fierce than a mother whose child has been hurt.
    - DV

  • 6/14 2:39pm   DWL - Being a female who drives a rather large vehicle, I have to pose this question - why do you have to wait until you see a child to slow down; how about going the speed limit... it is the times that you do not see the child and are speeding when a child gets killed!! That is the problem. If you think that I am raving and should calm down, that is an issue. I am a mother who wants to ensure that my child is safe always - so excuse me if I get a little irritated over the people who choose to use my street as a raceway and endanger all the kids who live on this street.
    - LB

  • 6/14 2:38pm   Hi folks, I still have a few openings for the June 26-29 (Tuesday thru Friday), session of the radKIDS program for children ages 5-12 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm each day. The cost of $95.00 per child includes tuition, a parent program manual and an activity book for each child. Space is limited and is filled on a first come first served basis.
    Haven't heard about radKIDS? The radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program is a comprehensive safety education, violence prevention and self-esteem building program designed for children ages 4 thru 12. Children learn to recognize, avoid, resist, and if necessary escape violence, abduction and harm. Through radKIDS training they become empowered - learning to replace the fear, confusion, and panic of dangerous situations with confidence. Curriculum components include many aspects of personal safety including home safety, internet safety, school safety including bullying prevention, out and about safety, sexual assault prevention, safety planning and realistic physical resistance options. The program is activity based, fast moving and fun!
    For more information about the June vacation week program, to obtain a registration packet, or to learn how you can get involved with radKIDS, please contact Karen Nardone at 508-314-8431 or by email at karen@radkids.org.
    If interested, please email or call me ASAP!
    - KN

  • 6/14 1:43pm   I agree. I live on Rockwood Rd. and getting my mail or doing yard work next to the street is dangerous. I almost got hit last week by speeders. I wish they would reduce the speed limit to 25mph. What will they do when a child gets hit... It will probably be a hit and run. I think we need more police speed traps enforcing the speed limits. Also, those 18 wheelers and cement trucks never get pulled over even if they tare speeding. Maybe they are in with the BOD.
    - PP

  • 6/14 1:41pm   Attention Boston workers... visitors... shoppers - Licensed hairdresser in advanced training at Newbury St. salon seeks clients with short hairstyles for supervised practice sessions... Please email Justine for further infomation, justine6107@yahoo.com.
    - ER

  • 6/14 11:16am   Thank you to everyone for the breakfast suggestions and locations of Asian markets. I plan to check them all out.
    - SO

  • 6/14 10:34am   LB, Unless we criticize that everyone person planting flowers, perhaps geraniums, is a lunatic then you should not claim that every woman who drives an SUV or mini van is crazy. I have known many people with cars who come down my road quite fast. The ratio of men to women is the same, in terms of offenders.
    Either one is a crazy driver or one is not--and, of course, people get distracted. I know when I see children playing I lower my speed in case the child would run accidently into the road. If you have ever heard the phrase "Hit a child at 30 mph they have an 80 percent chance of living. Hit a child at 80 mph they have an 80 percent chance of dying." So if everyone decided to slow down a bit when they see a child we would have fewer accidents. Maybe people will take it a bit more seriously if you calmed down a bit instead of ranting and raving.
    - DWL

  • 6/14 10:00am   KLM, they also have a white pickup and were on Day street yesterday.
    - DV

  • 6/14 8:52am   Just to let others know, there is a group of scam artists going around in a blue pickup truck. They pulled into my driveway and told me they had some extra asphalt from a job they were doing down the street and would give me a good deal to repave my driveway. They wouldn't give me an exact price, so I became suspicious and sent them on their way. Apparently, this is a very common scam and they prey particularly on the elderly.
    - KLM

  • 6/14 8:42am   This is how I spend every morning - I too am a resident of North St. - I drive the speed limit.
    To the minivan behind me flipping out - lady, start drinking decaf and leave earlier... to the Mercedes doing about 50 rounding Diamond - there are other people on the road... and if you hit me with my kid in the car, you have no idea the consequences. Now you would think given the fact that both of these vehicles, having children in both and driven by women talking on their cell phone, they would have some common sense - but no!! Being a mother has not given you any common sense that North St. and Marshall have a child in almost all of the houses. Little kids!! What are you going to say to me if you hit mine - oops I was late for my nail appointment??
    I know this is rude - however, I am out front all the time and the biggest offenders are not the teens in the neighborhood or the guys in the trucks, it is women - in SUV's and minivans talking on the phone with a coffee in hand, and kids in the car. As I was planting flowers yesterday, my son and I were out front - I was close to the street - a lady "saw" me and sped up not swerving a bit - how ignorant are you!! What would you have said to my kid as you hit me, oops... Dingbat in the red SUV two days ago, you almost took out a 9 year old - you didn't even look back as she jumped out of the way, you were looking down. And before you all start saying to call in the police - what are they going to do?? As they pull people over, those driving by speed up - are you kidding me - how [un-thinking] are you drivers!!
    It's called common sense, people, with a little bit of self control - it's not about calling in the police (I would hate to hear the "do you know who I am?") or Butch Vito, it's about having some common sense... I would like to see you do 60 down Christina Estates - yes I am referring to the one from the park complaining about speeders and then flying down my street. It's summer time - get your lawyers on speed dial and come up with a Starbucks defense in the event that you kill one of the residents of North and Marshall - or you could possibly have some self control a little common sense and slow down!!
    - LB

  • 6/13 7:36pm   I've been going to Natural Nails in Medfield (see earlier post) since it opened. Happy with the cleanliness, quality of work, and prices.
    - CI

  • 6/13 7:35pm   Re. DV's idea of a "Wanted" sub-page (6/13 9:01am), a similar section already exists at the bottom of this page. After you read this, scroll down to the "Notice Board" and post your 'wants' and 'freebies'.
    - RP

  • 6/13 7:33pm   JLH - We have had Direct TV for a year. Don't be lured by the pricing - we had a great deal for the first few months, then regular pricing, then a price increase after 12 months. We pay close to $60 a month now for extended basic (no HBO or anything), and 2 digital boxes, and that's with the $5 discount Verizon gives us for having their phone and internet service too. The service goes out during heavy rain or snow (only briefly, but it's still a pain), we can't get the Norfolk channel, and you can't order movies whenever you want - you have to start watching at the exact time they start playing.
    We are switching back to Comcast or getting Verizon FIOS TV when it's available.
    - JT

  • 6/13 4:58pm   SM - Thank you for the DirectTV info. So you are not able to get the local cable channels at all? (8 and 22, I think). I'd be bummed to miss all the kids school concerts, BOS Meetings, the fun events in town, etc.
    - JLH

  • 6/13 4:01pm   Looking for babysitters for the summer? I live in Wrentham and my name is Pam S. My twin sister and I usually babysit together or switch off so that we are most of the time we are avilabIe. We are 17 and just finished our junior year of high school at King Philip High School. We have been babysitting for four years and have done a Red Cross course. We would be available for day jobs. If needed, call us at our house phone of 1508 384 8354. Also my cell phone is 1774 210 2051 and Cathy's is 1774 210 0616. Thank You,
    - Pam S. and Cathy S.

  • 6/13 3:53pm   RA--Go for it!! Butch Vito's number is 508-528-4990. He is a really nice guy and is very willing to listen and is generally very accommodating.
    FYI--Anytime you need a town number or want to know who to contact for what--click on Town Hall under Municipal pages on the left side of this site.
    Let us know what you find out.
    - BS

  • 6/13 2:52pm   Okay so I've seen how a lot of people agree on the North St./Diamond intersection. A few of you have said to talk to Butch Vito which I wouldn't mind doing. Does anyone know a way that I can get in touch with him?
    Re: PRR about the squirrels, chipmunks, animals etc problem. I don't know if you've ever hit an animal, but I did a few weeks ago. I wasn't going fast, but the chipmunk just darted right out in front of me leaving me no time to stop and I was very upset as a result. I hate how many there are on the roadside lately as well, but it's not always due to speeding!
    - RA

  • 6/13 2:51pm   I found this site fascinating and thought I would pass it along. Your tax dollars at work: 2007 State Employee Payroll [Boston Herald link] Have at it!
    - DM

  • 6/13 1:48pm   SD, the Norfolk Food Pantry is located at Emmanuel Baptist Church in a former garage to the left of the administration building. Donations may be dropped off Saturday 9-12 or any time the church office is open, usually 9-4 Monday through Friday. If dropping off donations Monday through Friday, call 508-528-5862 first to make sure someone is there.
    - KF

  • 6/13 12:38pm   JLH: We have had Direct TV for a little over a year and we are very satisfied. We never seemed to get good reception from Comcast and our premium stations always seemed to have "snow" even after trading in our boxes twice. Be aware that Comcast will tell you of the problems with the dish - snow needs to be cleared from it, no signal during storms, blah, blah. We have only two minor outages since we signed up -- once during a bad rain storm and once during a heavy snowfall. We have never had to "clear off the dish or spray it with Pam" as Comcast warned us about.
    We signed up through Verizon and receive a $5.00 credit - if you have a total of three services through Verizon. You may want to check that out, if you are a Verizon customer. We pay approximately $90 per month (after the initial trial offer) with 3 Premium movie packages -- the price goes down per package for each premium service you order -- unlike Comcast. The only negative is that you are charged $4.99 for each receiver. If you have more than three TV's, it can get pricey. I still think it works out cheaper than Comcast. I am planning on re-upping for another year because of a nice "Thank You" offer.
    The only thing I do miss from Comcast is the NECN and the local Norfolk channel. Hope this helps.
    - SM

  • 6/13 11:46am   Re. DV's idea of a "wanted" sub-page (6/13 9:01am), it's feasible, but it's probably better to post it to the main page. It'll become part of the ongoing conversation, has a better chance of being noticed, and somebody is likely to respond if they can help.
    - Wm.

  • 6/13 11:27am   RE: Diamond and North Street intersection: I, too, live on North Street and that corner is extremely dangerous! I hate it! Years back a little boy was killed on that corner, and still no sign. I am glad others are thinking the same way. These posts have motivated me to call the town about a sign, or making Diamond one way. Great idea. It is treacherous!
    - TC (A second North Street TC)

  • 6/13 10:09am   Re: 6/13 8:59am RE: 6/11 10:02am ... I would like to see if anyone's interested in maybe trying to get a stop sign put up there? Any opinions on this? - RA
    Request police traffic enforcement at URL: [town police dept link]
    There is a Road Safety Committee; Butch Vito and Chief Stone are on it. Perhaps if you send a note to both, and to the Committee at Town Hall, a stop sign can be put up there and anywhere else that one is needed. PRR: That is a good warning about the traffic increase due to Patriot Place. Something should be done to consider all potential effects of that traffic and plan for it, before it catches us unprepared. Route 115 and Everett Street will be the most affected, but a lot of other streets may be also.
    Remember that Norfolknet is not the place to ask for action from the town; write or call the Town Hall to get action.
    - RH

  • 6/13 9:19am   I just received an ad in the mail for DirectTV for packages starting at $29.99 for satellite TV. They say they have internet service too. Does anyone use DirectTV and would you recommend it? I am tired of Comcast prices!!
    - JLH

  • 6/13 9:05am   My son took home the wrong razor scooter from FC ball fields last night. If you've noticed the same, please give me a call and we can exchange. 508-520-0470.
    - TMC

  • 6/13 9:01am   RH, thanks for responding. I just needed any type or color shingle for the roof of a little barn that my daughter was building for a school project. When I went to buy some I needed to buy a whole case, which I just could not bring myself to do. I was embarrassed to ask for it here but I am glad I did, it saved me time and money. We all should do it more as we all have stuff around our houses that we are not using and you never know the silly little things someone else might need for something. I see a sub-page... I need a....
    - DV

  • 6/13 9:00am   Hi everyone - I apologize if this has been asked before, but does anyone know of a local food pantry where I can make donations? If so, what are the drop off hours? Thank you!
    - SD

  • 6/13 8:59am   RE: 6/11 10:02am ... I would like to see if anyone's interested in maybe trying to get a stop sign put up there? Any opinions on this? - RA
    Yes RA, I would like to get involved in making the Diamond & North Street intersection safer. It is a dangerous corner.
    I must add something though. If my last posting re: this subject sounded upset, I am... I think that people who speed and drive too fast/recklessly on roads, with or without sidewalks, where other people are living, walking and driving are irresponsible and need to be reminded that their actions impact others in a dangerous manner. Talking on cell phones while driving, on top of speeding, makes this particular intersection potentially deadly. Actually, I think that there was a very sad loss of life at that intersection many years ago. And now, with even more traffic, bigger "cars"... come on, SUV's are trucks... and cell phone usage, that corner is an even more serious threat!
    Now, that said, I think I heard something about tearing down the old stone train "bridge" on the way to Route 1 to make the road wider... bad bad idea... that is a perfect traffic calming "tool", one that is really needed on that particular road! A perfect "neck down" or whatever they are called...
    Maybe we should have a meeting to talk about our concerns re: different areas in Norfolk that need traffic calming and safely measures as well as motorist awareness/education efforts. Traffic will only increase once the new Kraft mall is completed. Let's get things going now and not wait til things are totally out of control with traffic and speeding motorists. Thanks,
    - PRR

  • 6/13 8:52am   RE: 6/11 1:46pm RA - as a resident of North St. I would love to see a stop sign at the intersection of Diamond and North. I can't tell you how many times I have heard brakes squealling when cars approach this corner... Nevermind if you are trying to go out for a walk or jog along that turn! - TC
    What do we have to do to get some kind of safety/speed controls/mechanisms in place at the intersection of North and Diamond streets?? Hello, Norfolk Police Dept... how about getting a radar out here?? And Butch, how about it...? We need some help on this corner!!
    The other day, while I was driving on North St. towards the Audubon Sanctuary, I almost hit a runner who was running towards me on the road, on the inside of the curve at the intersection of Diamond and North Streets. Now, I was driving really slowly... I hate that curve. There was no way that I could have seen her coming... it is lucky for both of us that there were no oncoming cars and I was able to pull over to the left side of the road... on the blind curve... it was hairy to say the least. For all you runners, please... do not run towards the on coming traffic on that curve/corner... it is way too dangerous! Cross the street before the intersection and run on the outside of the curve.
    On top of that scare, the amount of dead animals/road kill that I find on North St. in the mornings when I try to walk my dogs down Diamond Street is awful! People, slow the .... down!! Those are living creatures "you", whoever you are, you know who, are killing!! If you can't slow down for a chipmonk or a squirrel, how do you know you could slow down for a small child that might run into the road after a ball, or someone's pet dog or cat that might run out of a yard? "You" are obviously driving too fast! No excuses... I am getting really weary of jumping too close to poison ivy in order to avoid speeding cars myself!!! If "your" lives are so stressful that killing small animals and frightening pedestrians is a fair price to pay for getting somewhere fast... perhaps "you" might want to re-assess some of your life choices... like now!
    Thank you.
    - PRR

  • 6/12 9:43pm   The Asian market on Rt. 1 has Indian specialties. The nearest Southeast Asian market with a decent selection I've found is in on Arnold St. in Woonsocket, RI. Basil, lemongrass, galangal, everything you need for Thai cooking.
    - JC

  • 6/12 3:30pm   Two items of note from the Norfolk library:
    Sign-up for "Catch the Beat at Your Library," the summer reading program at Norfolk Public Library! Register online at library.virtualnorfolk.org. Children from 0 to 11, teens from 12 to 18, and adults from 19 to 119 can register to win prizes and attend performances, movies, and craft workshops during the months of July and August.

    Mass Premier Courts will be holding a free sports and games program for children ages 3-5 years at the Norfolk Public Library at 10am on 6/14. This program is designed for kids to have fun and engage in physical activity around a variety of sports and games. Some of the fun activities include: an obstacle course, soccer, basketball, and parachute time. Pre-registration is required. Call the library at 508-528-3380 Ext. 5 to register.

    - JS

    [Update 6/13 10:01am, 10:36am: the sports program is meeting tomorrow, 6/14, and also Aug 16 - SB]

  • 6/12 2:59pm   JT - Cindi's Jewelry in Foxboro is very much open.
    After reading your post, I phoned them to verify. Cindi's is open as usual, and she was upset that we might think otherwise. She recently had a clearance sale, so perhaps some folks confused that with a closing sale.
    Cindi has done some excellent repair work for me at a fair price and with great service, so I am happy to pass along this information.
    - SDB

  • 6/12 2:22pm   I got my shingles! That's norfolknet! and thanks TEM
    - DV

    [Update 6:22pm: meant to say "thanks" - DV]

  • 6/12 2:21pm   SR, Thank you for the information. Do they have an office in Norfolk or close by? Thanks.
    - DWL

  • 6/12 2:20pm   JLH - FYI, Cindi's jewelry in Foxboro recently closed. Not sure if moving, out of business or what... but it's gone.
    - JT

  • 6/12 1:13pm   DP--If you live on the Medfield side of Norfolk, Natural Nail, on 34 Park St. in Medfield is a reasonably priced salon, where you can get a good mani/pedi. Here is a [link to the shop].
    - EC

  • 6/12 12:23pm   Re: 6/6 9:22am I am looking for a good children's speech pathologist in one of the surrounding towns.
    DWL - Children's Therapy Associates. (childrenstherapyassociates.com) One of the partners lives here in Norfolk. They have an excellent reputation. Good luck!
    - SR

  • 6/12 11:11am   Can anyone comment on the nail salon Star Nails in Norfolk? Is it clean? Friendly service? Do they do a good job? I usually go to a place in Norwood but would like to find a good place closer to home.
    - DP

  • 6/12 10:49am   To DV: I have some leftovers from our recent installation of a new roof. Contact the webmaster for my phone number if you want to come over and look at them.
    - TEM

  • 6/12 10:27am   Re: 6/12 10:08am Help! Is anyone doing their roof over? I need one or two shingles; anyone have a used one hanging around?
    Asphalt shingles? Color?
    - RH

  • 6/12 10:08am   Help! Is anyone doing their roof over? I need one or two shingles; anyone have a used one hanging around? (yes I have gotten cheap in my old age.) but with 4 kids projects are killing me.
    - DV

  • 6/11 8:57pm   SB - My daughter got her ears pierced on her 6th bday, she's now 9 and we've had no problems. We went to Clares at the Natick Mall. I wanted both ears pierced at the same time, so we had to go to their store on the first floor called Icing. I recommend having both ears pierced at the same time; requires two employees. They were great with her... I was the one crying. Good luck!
    - CLC

  • 6/11 8:56pm   LS - Get a dog. Don't have one? I'll loan you mine. Their urine alone will deter chipmunks big time. Not good enough? For less than the price of pellets and effort, fox urine solves the problem, guaranteed. Cat urine works too. Want some? We have plenty - free!
    - SO

  • 6/11 8:54pm   HPK - Irascible. I love it. You know, I had an interesting conversation with a dog-owning friend today. We met while I walked my dogs. I mentioned the biting boxer, and expressed dismay at the owner's irresponsibility. "I wouldn't come forward," she said. "You're kidding. Why not?" "Lawsuit. Think about it - your homeowners policy." "Ya, but this person has to go through the shots." "Listen, how could you possibly manage the consequences?" I haven't had those shots, but I've had some other, very painful injections, which may require unfortunate repeating. I wouldn't wish them on an enemy, not that I have any. I've also been bitten by a friend's dog (seven years ago), while extracting my own dog from a "feeding frenzy". He looked very worried, but I knew I was safe, because he and his wife are diligent pet-owners. I doubt their dog had ever been exposed to potential risk. If only the boxer's owner could assure the same is true, however, the fact that the dog was loose and unsupervised does not bode well. Boxer-owner, please just come forward. The bitee may be more forgiving, and grateful for information than you can imagine.
    - SO

  • 6/11 7:21pm   KS - Pellet gun with a scope and some time....
    - LS

  • 6/11 6:17pm   Regarding Isaac Remick, a search for his name on the home page of the New England Historic Genealogical Society found references as follows:
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - RH

  • 6/11 5:41pm   KS: We have had chipmunk problems too! We had beautiful rock walls built a few years back and now we call them the chipmunk condos. My husband bought two Have a Heart Traps and sets them out each day. He has caught 19 chipmunks and moved them to the state forest over in Wrentham. You have to deliver them at least 5 miles from your home. Our population does seem to be dwindling, but time will tell. Peanuts are good bait. We bought the traps on-line from HavaHart.com. Happy hunting!
    - VT

  • 6/11 5:24pm   To KMS - the Little White House in Franklin is great for alterations; it is located on Union Street.
    - CFC

  • 6/11 5:17pm   SB - My 5 year old had hers done at Cindi's Jewelers in Foxboro. They were fantastic. We were there buying a charm for her bracelet as her bday gift and she asked the salesperson if she could get pierced ears too. So she did. I recommend them.
    - JLH

  • 6/11 4:26pm   SB: We went to Libby Lu, in the Natick mall. They were very good about giving us instructions on ear piercing, how to clean the ears, etc. You leave with some kind of congratulations certificate and hopefully you can get out of the store without buying your 6 yr old a gift--it's right up their alley! That was 7 months ago and we have had no problems at all.
    - AL

  • 6/11 4:10pm   Attention any residents who have worked with or currently working with ELM Gunite Pools or its owner Ed Murphy. I am interested in your experience with them and any issues you may have had dealing with them and getting your pool completed. We are currently using them and have some issues we are trying to work out. Your comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    - SM

  • 6/11 4:09pm   Hi! I would like to get my six year old daughter's ears pierced. My doctor's office does not pierce ears anymore. Does anyone have any advice/suggestions for me? I am thinking of going to one of the places in the mall. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    - SB

  • 6/11 2:22pm   I propose that concerned citizens carry peanut butter with them to fend off irascible dogs. That will give their jaws something to work on, and we'll have plenty of empty peanut butter jars for Mrs. Bluhm's craft workshop at the library (see post from 6/6).
    - HPK

  • 6/11 1:47pm   RA: You are absolutely right about that intersection. It is really treacherous. I came within feet of a head-on collision at that very same spot a few weeks back. I hope you take BS's advice and follow through.
    - TEM

  • 6/11 1:46pm   RA - as a resident of North St. I would love to see a stop sign at the intersection of Diamond and North. I can't tell you how many times I have heard brakes squealling when cars approach this corner... Nevermind if you are trying to go out for a walk or jog along that turn!
    - TC

  • 6/11 1:14pm   Hi - after reading Boston.com's article about Hemlock infestation I decided to check mine out and low and behold they all have it. According to the article, not addressing this issue will result in dead trees/shrubs in 3-5 years. [Globe article] [woolly adelgid info]
    - DC

  • 6/11 12:32pm   RA, why not make Diamond St one way. You can come up Diamond St from Union St and not down from North St.
    - KC

  • 6/11 10:31am   RA--I know exactly the turn you are referring to and never even thought about flashing my brights at night. Great idea!! But as you say, the day presents an entirely different story. I would suggest you contact Butch Vito at the DPW. He is very open to suggestions and very helpful. I think he would be the best person to start with. Find out his thoughts first and then let us know how we can help.
    - BS

  • 6/11 10:11am   SO, Vermont Bean Seed Co. has Basil Thai (Siam Queen) #2373 in their catalog for $1.65--100 seeds. Call 800-349-1071 8am-4:30 pm. I grow most of my herbs in window boxes on the deck. I cut fresh as needed and then in the fall pick all that remains. Place on a paper towel after cleaning and stripping--put in micro for about 1 min. I then crush them and bag them in plastic bags for the winter. I've also bought bay leaf plants at Northland Farm and do the same with that. The bay leaf is dried but remains whole. I have catnip growing this year and pick the leaves--nice to see the cats lined up at the micro as they can smell it while it's being dried. Have you tried Hannafords or the Big Y as they both seem to carry Asian products?
    - BR

  • 6/11 10:10am   Re: chipmunks, I have many birdfeeders in my backyard which are being invaded by aggressive squirrels and many chipmunks. Just last week, I purchased a product for $9.00 called BioDefend granular animal repellent - it didn't work. I have also tried mothballs with no luck.
    Last summer, I had rabbbits eating my perenials so I tried sprinkling my cats' soiled kitty litter which seemed to work. I tried the cats' litter with the chipmunks but they kept coming back. Yesterday I tried wrapping mesh bird netting around the trunk of the tree with the bird feeders. A few attempts at trying to climb the tree and getting caught in the netting seemed to work as so far, I haven't seen any squirrels or chipmunks at the feeders. There are quite a few animal repellent products now available but it can be costly to pay for these items only to find out they don't work.
    - RH

  • 6/11 10:04am   KS, in regards to the chipmunks taking over your yard, I'll loan you my cat, she has been bringing us chipmunk presents all spring, must be a bumper crop of them this year.
    I had to have the series of rabies shots several years ago after being bitten by a feral kitten. I got them at Milford Hospital. The experience wasn't too bad, time consuming but not really painful. The first series, I think 6 shots were given the first day, then I had to go to the hospital several times the following week or so to receive the rest.
    - JW

  • 6/11 10:03am   RH's note on the Globe electricity checker is a good one. Got one a few months ago and they make you aware of the difference in consumption.
    In any case it will send you back to the formula W=EI where Watts = Volts X Amps. Gad, those clothes dryers eat up watts!!
    - JO

  • 6/11 10:02am   Just as an afterthought to SO's post...
    I don't know if any of you are formiliar with the sharp, blind curve on the corner of North and Diamond? As a 17 year old I know that I absolutely hate that corner, and at night I turn my brights on as to warn someone that I'm about to turn onto Diamond. It's worse in the day because you can't see any lights from oncoming cars. Its okay for local people, but if there's someone from out of town coming around that corner, they could be in trouble. If anyone knows the turn I'm talking about, I would like to see if anyone's interested in maybe trying to get a stop sign put up there? Any opinions on this?
    - RA

  • 6/10 11:27pm   Anyone have any recommendations on how to get rid of chipmunks? They are taking over my yard and making holes everywhere. Thanks,
    - KS

  • 6/10 10:30pm   Re: Asian groceries: I know of a few Indian grocery stores within a half hour - India Bazaar in North Attleboro on Route 1, Shiva Bazaar in Norwood on Washington Street, and Sher-E-Punjab in Milford - but I don't believe any of them carry Thai basil, since it's not used in Indian cooking. One idea might be to call one of the nearby Thai restaurants and ask where you might find it. Our favorite is Dahra Thai in Plainville, just past the 106-152 intersection; there's also Mango Thai in Milford and Siam Lotus in Norwood. Good luck, and let us know if you find any other Asian stores in the area.
    - VR

  • 6/10 10:28pm   To answer a few questions while I have a moment to spare:
    We have had several Boxer owners come forward in regards to the dog incident from last week. It is wonderful to see many of the breed owners out there willfully call in and talk through the incident to see if their dog may or may not have been the culprit. Unfortunately, to this point we have not found the dog that we are seeking, and since time is of the essence, we will be going forward with a rabies series if the dog owner does not come forward by end of the day tomorrow.
    To answer BR: To be fair and honest, I have been out straight as this is the busiest time of the year. To answer some points. I do not like to see any animals destroyed. They are a part of our ecosystem, but I do understand that some animals can cause nuisance & destructive behavior, and/or pose a threat to human safety. In those instances, the state has set up the PAC system and laws where they will come in and trap and euthanise, and in cases of disease, critical injuries or a real threat of harm myself or the PD will step in. Beavers follow a different protocol and a special permit needs to be issued by the town when it is outside of beaver season and is declared a true and real danger to property. As far as the particulars for this one situation, the Miller St. Bridge, I do not have enough information to base an opinion as I have been very busy with the summer season here. I have missed much of the print on this. If anyone has any links, or scanned the papers and could send them to me I can formulate a better answer. So if anyone has the articles handy please send them to me at Norfolkk9@aol.com and I'll read them through.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 6/10 3:35pm   Re: 6/8 5:31pm We received an interesting letter about what appears to be a mystery. If anyone has tips on how to unravel puzzles like this, it would sure be interesting to find out!
    This is another case of someone being born not in Norfolk, the Town (incorporated Feb 23, 1870), but rather, Norfolk, the county. According to the LDS Church site, familysearch.org, an Isaac Remick was born in Weymouth, Norfolk County, another Isaac Remick was born in Rye, New Hampshire:
    International Genealogical Index - North America

    1. ISAAC REMICK - International Genealogical Index / NA
    Gender: Male
    Birth: 24 DEC 1797 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts

    2. Isaac Remick - International Genealogical Index / NA
    Gender: Male
    Birth: 18 JAN 1797 Rye, Rockingham, New Hampshire

    3. Isaac Remick - International Genealogical Index / NA
    Gender: Male
    Birth: 18 JAN 1797 Rye, Rockingham, New Hampshire

    Matches: International Genealogical Index/North America - 3

    The name Remick was familiar to many in the Quincy area in the 1960's due to the presence of an upscale clothing store, Remick's, and the actress Lee Remick (1935-1991), daughter of the store owner, Frank Remick.
    Weymouth, Mass has an Historical Society with a website: weymouthhistoricalsociety.org Someone there might be interested in tracing Isaac Remick.
    A source might be:
    Massachusetts Historical Society
    1154 Boylston Street
    Boston, MA 02215

    Also, a source could be: library@masshist.org referenced in: [masshist.org page], a website about the First Church in Weymouth.
    Another source might be newenglandancestors.org, the New England Historic Geanological Society.
    - RH

  • 6/10 3:26pm   Relating to electricity costs, an article in the Sunday Globe of June 10, 2007, page D5, mentions a power cost monitor device which NStar customers can buy for $29.95 from BlueLineInnovations.com. A link there directs buyers to another site in Canada. You fill in your NStar account number, the meter type (analog or digital), and other billing info. The regular price of the device is $149, so it is a good deal. It consists of a coil which goes around your meter, an attached box containing a transmitter, and a monitor in the house which receives signals from the transmitter. By reading the current in use, the device figures that in watts and displays it on the monitor. No electrician is needed. The order-taking software hung when it took my order, so probably many NStar customers are ordering these devices. The offer is valid until June 30, 2007.
    - RH

  • 6/10 2:53pm   Thanks to all of those who stopped by The Norfolk Round-A-Bouts booth at Community Day. We got soaked, but enjoyed the community spirit over at Holmes Field. The Lions did a great job setting things up - very organized and lots of fun-filled activities.
    In case you missed the opportunity to honor someone who has been touched by cancer, we are still selling luminaria bags until the night of Medfield Relay for Life on June 15th.
    A donation of $5 per Luminaria bag entitles the donor to write a encouraging message to someone fighting cancer, inscribe a memory of someone who has lost their fight, or a salute to a survivor of cancer. The luminaria bags are lit during an emotional ceremony at 9pm during the Medfield Relay for Life on June 15th - 16th at Wheelock Elementary School in Medfield. They stay lit all night long to encourage the walkers. In addition, the inscriptions on the bags will be projected onto a screen throughout the night.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - TMS

  • 6/10 11:29am   Has the dog who bit a man been found? This question refers to Hilary Cohen's post of June 7. All best wishes to the man facing rabies shots. I am also concerned about the well-being of other area residents (my family included).
    - SDB

  • 6/10 11:28am   We are looking for an energetic, experienced babysitter to watch our 2 boys, 1 and 2 1/2, occasionally. Mostly weekend nights but could be at other times. Prefer CPR certified, non- smoker with own transportation. Please call (508) 528-1785. Thanks!
    - WW

  • 6/10 11:24am   Asian Market - I know there is one out in Attleboro on Rte1 a few blocks past the turn off to the YMCA. I don't know the name but it's in a little strip mall on the left when heading towards Emerald Square.
    Drums - I have a 6 yr old boy looking to learn drums. Is there any HS aged person interested in teaching a few 1/2 hour lessons this summer to get him started? We'll discuss schedule and a fee.
    Also, I'm wondering if any Handy"men" in town are able to pull back carpets/pads and screw down floor boards to reduce the squeaks in our floors. I've tried the tool that puts screws through the carpet but haven't had much luck. Finding the joists is a challenge.
    - LM

  • 6/9 11:14pm   I just drove through the town center at 10:40, Saturday night. I know this subject has been gone over on this site before, but I'm sure that this town can be seen from outer space due to the amazing candle power around the center. Can someone please enlighten me (no pun intended) as to why it needs to be so bright and what time they shut 'em off!! Thanks. Can Norfolk begin to be green?
    - JHR

  • 6/9 7:56pm   Does anyone know of a nearby Asian grocery? I love to cook, and often need Thai, or purple, basil. I'd grow my own, but can't find it at local nurseries.
    DF, if it's not a regular event, I'd scratch my head and go back to bed. Is it a regular event, a neighbor - probably someone who works in a trade, or healthcare, the 7-3 shift? Ask the biker and his/her family to join your BBQ, and you might find an empathetic soul.
    Not to leave you hanging, I also have a road complaint. There are three curves on the long stretch of Boardman St. Fools careen around them with no forward visibility. Kids on bikes, dogs, horses, joggers, UPS, FedEx, gardening crews - it's only a matter of time. Who wants a manslaughter conviction? Raise your hands now. Have you lost your minds? Boardman St. is not much wider than an Irish country road. I don't want to die that way. I don't want anyone to die that way. 55 mi/hr at a blind curve? Give me a break. Please try, just try to remember this post and take the curves more slowly. Please tell others. As an aside, it's the motorcyclists who truly take their time coming down Boardman. (No, I'm not a biker - I own a $4, yard sale, 1950's reject kick-brake special, which I pull out when the car's in the garage for a few days).
    - SO

  • 6/9 6:37pm   In defense of DF, it's not bike, it's the time: 5am is too early to be taking a bike with after-market pipes out for a cruise. I ride myself, but I'm also partial to quiet, peaceful weekend mornings. And I thought I had it tough because the neighbors are already mowing their lawn at 7am...
    - AR

  • 6/9 6:35pm   I agree with DF about the bikes that are being revved to make extra noise when they are passing by homes. One of my neighbors has an extremely loud truck and he drives up and down the street at any hour, revving up his engine and making a ton of noise. I dream of the day when the police would do something about.
    - PS

  • 6/9 6:21pm   To DF: I love the sound of motorcycles going by. It reminds me of nice, warm days and having the freedom to roam around our beautiful town. Maybe you should get a bike and try it out. Yes, I am in my 40's (really old) and female! It's not all men anymore! Join the fun!!
    - LK

  • 6/9 5:34pm   I'm not kidding; I have no problems with motorcycles and yes I was wrong to call people in their 30s old. But I think you know what I mean. If you have a bike that makes too much noise, and you all know who you are, next time your maturity level drops below 15 yrs old stop and think and remember that 99.9% of the population does not want to hear you or your bike passing by their house and waking their sleeping infant or start the dogs in the neighborhood barking. Give it a break along with the rest of us and tone your bikes down.
    - DF

  • 6/9 3:32pm   Reminder: Yard Sale Sunday 9:30 Rain (inside garage) or Shine! 10 Medway Street.
    - KK

  • 6/9 3:26pm   On 6/8 at 10:14pm, AL opined... "Rain, Schmain! never hurt anybody, right?" Perhaps, but I'll bet that nearby lightning strike today got your attention!! I'm disappointed that we had a repeat of last year's rainout. Maybe next year.
    - RP

  • 6/9 3:25pm   DF- Please tell me you are kidding!!
    - SM

  • 6/9 3:23pm   RE: stone mason for DMG - my brother Martin Pearson of Plainville is a stone mason with 20 years experience. Phone: 508-643-3258.
    - KP

    [Update 6/10 11:26am: add that he is my brother - KP]

  • 6/9 1:22pm   To DF, should we walk the bike by your house? [...]
    - KC

  • 6/9 1:16pm   Alas, Community Day ended early due to the heavy downpours, and we're back home.
    - Wm.

  • 6/9 9:20am   We're at Community Day. Posts may not show up on the page until later this afternoon.
    - Wm.

  • 6/8 10:14pm   Rain, Schmain! never hurt anybody, right? See you at Community Day! We have lots to celebrate living here in Norfolk!
    - AL

  • 6/8 9:05pm   Hilary -- Animal Control -- what do you have as an input regarding the beavers by the Miller Street Bridge? Actually they are further back than the bridge and not visable from the road. We have had a lot of rain that has added to the problem but do we need to kill them?? I don't think they can be relocated as other animals. They are not new to the area and I have seen them at Stoney Brook. I feel that we are the invaders. I have seen what has happened in my own area--going from a dirt road to a speedway. I'm the one that had the kit that had to be put down.
    - BR

  • 6/8 9:04pm   DF - What is going to wake me up in the middle of the night is the fact that you think 30 - 40 constitutes old age. Frightening.
    - DM

  • 6/8 9:03pm   Hi, I live in Norfolk and brought home a kitten but unfortunately my mom won't let me keep it! If anyone is interested, please let me know as soon as possible. It's orange with white stripes and just became old enough to take home! Email me at lipglosscutie33@yahoo.com. Thanks!
    - RA

  • 6/8 5:44pm   [Re mason:] As a customer for multiple services, I highly endorse Bruce Simpson. He's in town and very reliable.
    - LL

  • 6/8 5:42pm   Hi everyone, Community Day is on rain or shine tomorrow!! We hope everyone still comes out and joins us for the fun. There are many town organizations who've put so much effort into their booths, so we hope the rain doesn't deter you. Thank you for your support.
    - BS

  • 6/8 5:31pm   We received an interesting letter about what appears to be a mystery. If anyone has tips on how to unravel puzzles like this, it would sure be interesting to find out!
    Dear Sirs,

    I'm secretary to the St. George's Historical Society Museum in Bermuda. We are in possession of a marble head stone with the name of Isaac Remick born 24 Dec 1797 died 22 Mar 1871. The head stone was unearthed on waterfront property after a hurricane hit Bermuda last year and no one knows how, or why, it got here!

    There is a record of an Isaac Remick born in the year 1797 living in Norfolk Mass during the mid 1800's and we are wondering if this could be the same man. Are you able to help us in confirming this and, if so, whether anyone has an explanation as to how the headstone turned up in Bermuda.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Many thanks,

    - Wm.

  • 6/8 5:16pm   I am interested in the price per square foot for commerical real estate in town?
    - RJR

  • 6/8 5:14pm   Quiet!! Is there anything that can be done about loud motorcycles passing through Norfolk? The other morning I'm lying in bed, it's close to 5am, and some clown on his bike goes by my house making way too much noise. What type of people would knowingly do that? Don't they realize that people are trying to sleep? I just don't understand how people can be so rude. What else really gets me is it's not teenagers or people in their early 20s, because these bikes are much too expensive for them to buy; it's old people, (men) in their 30 and 40 who should know better then to disturb the peace. I'd really like to see the local police crack down on these offenders and let the rest of us considerate people get a good night's sleep and have a nice quiet Sunday afternoon.
    - DF

  • 6/8 2:58pm   Can anyone recommend a mason to put in a stone fireplace?
    - DMG

  • 6/8 2:10pm   Norfolknet will for the first time this year have a table at Community Day. So if you're out there, drop by and say hi!
    - Wm.

  • 6/8 2:08pm   An suggestions on local, or somewhat local, places to bring a group of adults for paintballing or even a shooting range?
    - PS

  • 6/8 1:20pm   Webkinz Beagles have arrived at Something Special today. We are open M-Sat 10-5. See you soon,
    - Nancy & Joan @ Something Special

  • 6/8 1:19pm   I need to order about a ton and a half of round stone for a walkway. Anyone have any recommendations for a local dealer who will deliver and has reasonable rates?
    Much obliged!
    - BA

  • 6/8 1:18pm   Are you as fast as Nolan Ryan? How about Josh Beckett? Let's Find Out! Visit the Hockomock Stallions Speed Pitch booth at Community Day. All proceeds benefit the Hockomock Stallions, a team of 12-year old boys from Norfolk, Millis and Plainville, playing in a tournament this August in Cooperstown NY. And don't miss your chance to win a signed baseball by Boston's famous Red Sox heroes of the past - Carl "Yaz" Yazstrzemski and Frank Malone. Raffle tickets available at the booth. Drawing will be at Community Day at 3:30pm. Thank you,
    - JD

  • 6/8 10:05am   Regarding beaver problems, Massachusetts Law provides specific requirements for the removal of what are referred to as 'problem' animals. If interested, the link below can provide additional information.
    [maccweb.org: Beavers and the Law]
    Removal of the animals, like beavers, isn't always the preferred method, but sometimes it's the only method that works in the long run. When dealing with beaver dams, total removal of the dam and not the animal will only lead to the beavers rebuilding, and rebuilding. They rarely get frustrated when they know they can simply rebuild. And, removal of the dam is a jurisdictional issue requiring permission from conservation and/or wildlife authorities.
    There is a device, that sometimes has success, called a 'beaver deceiver' that's basically little more than a pipe through the dam at an elevation that keeps the water lower than the animal likes, and no matter how high the animal builds the dam, the water gets no higher than the pipe. The trick with installation of such devices is creating protection of both the upstream and downstream ends preventing the beavers from simply plugging them.., which beavers are smart enough to do. Proper protection of both ends, and installation at the proper elevation can, in time, discourage the beavers and get them to move along... to someone else's property. Of course, there's the rub... And, as with dam removal, permission to proceed is required.
    - TK

  • 6/8 8:19am   It's not the fault of the bridge, a different bridge wouldn't have made a difference. In fact, even this bridge is a bit higher than the road -- when the river level rose back in Oct 2005, it was the road surface that flooded first, not the bridge! In the photo, the water flowing over the road is next to the bridge, not over it.
    - AR

  • 6/8 8:02am   CI, It did say to kill them and the fact that the old bridge was higher should have been considered when building the new one. The beavers have been there for years and the problem started with the new bridge.
    - BR

  • 6/7 11:26pm   I believe in Massachusetts the state policy is to euthanize rather than relocate 'nuisance' animals. Was surprised that the new bridge was built so flat, even without beavers it would seem prone to flooding.
    - CI

  • 6/7 10:29pm   BR--I think I saw in the paper that they want to relocate the beavers. Could be wrong. I only glanced at the article in the Boomerang.
    - BS

  • 6/7 8:33pm   I thought I would see some discussion about the fact that the town wants to capture and kill the beavers by the Miller Street Bridge. They were here before us--maybe the bridge wasn't built with the water factor in mind? I had just discussed the beavers with our grandsons and they were taking me out to see them and their "work". Please someone explaine to me why they have to be killed. Butch Vito was in favor of this??
    - BR

  • 6/7 8:11pm   At approximately 5:35 this afternoon a boxer type dog, natural set ears, brindle in color was loose in the area of Turner/Cleveland/Holbrook neighborhood. There was an altercation between the dog and a resident and afterwards the dog ran off. At this time we are searching for who owns the boxer so that we can verify that the dog has had its rabies vaccination. This is so that the person involved will not need to go for post-exposure rabies shots. I urge anyone who may know of anyone who owns a dog by this description to please contact the ACO at the Norfolk Police Department or email the ACO. Our goal is to not have this resident have to go through a rabies series unnecessarily if the dog is up to date. Thank you in advance,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, (508) 528 3232

  • 6/7 3:57pm   I'm considering some of the benefits claimed with taking Olive Leaf Extract on a daily basis. Has anyone had any experiences with OLE that they could pass on?
    - PS

  • 6/7 3:52pm   Hardworking high school boy available for mowing lawns and landscaping jobs this summer. Call Chris at 508-541-1243.
    - SM

  • 6/7 3:50pm   The Norfolk Round-A-Bouts, a Relay for Life team, will be selling luminaria bags and other goodies at Norfolk Community Day on June 9th at Holmes Field. Please stop by our booth!
    A donation of $5 per Luminaria bag entitles the donor to write a encouraging message to someone fighting cancer, inscribe a memory of someone who has lost their fight, or a salute to a survivor of cancer. The luminaria bags are lit during an emotional ceremony at 9pm during the Medfield Relay for Life on June 15th - 16th at Wheelock Elementary School in Medfield. They stay lit all night long to encourage the walkers. In addition, the inscriptions on the bags will be projected onto a screen throughout the night.
    [M o r e . . .]
    - TMS

  • 6/7 2:34pm   Yard sale Sunday, June 10th at 9:30 A.M. @ 10 Medway Street, Norfolk.
    - KK

  • 6/7 2:23pm   Don't want to beat the driving school issue into the ground but...
    The defensive driving course sounds very good. There are a few of them around. And after "only" 42 years behind the wheel myself, I am sure I could learn a few things too. Thanks for the reminder, that's on the "to-do" list.
    I find it "interesting" that the registry is more likely to pass a student who has hired any driving school to take them to the test. That sounds fishy, but after all this is Massachusetts. Anyone who knows somebody in authority uses it to its best economic advantage; or maybe I'm putting the cart before the horse. I can not agree to paying $100 to make it go smoothly, there is something inherently wrong there. As I said, sounds fishy.
    I've heard the testing lady at the NA Registry can be "tough". Thanks for the suggestion to be very familiar with the area. That's a real good idea.
    As to parents being involved with child's driving training. Absolutely!! Couldn't agree more. Parents need to be involved with all of their children's education. My concern is about a parent being the first to take a kid out behind the wheel. Driving instructors know a lot more than I do and I'd rather they make the first and most important impression. I'm happy to contribute, as I have. I've taught my child a lot about being cautious, safe, defensive, aware, and perceptive. Teaching your child also "encourages" you to reexamine your driving habits, and that's good. (I wish some of the roundabout drivers would re-examine what "yield" means ... but that's a subject for different thread)
    - BA

  • 6/7 12:53pm   The Norfolk TPA will be selling these wonderful t-shirts at our booth at Community Day on June 9th. The shirts are great year-end gifts for the students in your life. Even if you don't want a shirt, stop by our booth and have your hair sprayed orange, green or whatever color you would like. We will also be serving snow cones. Hair coloring and snow cones are compliments of the TPA. Look for us near the bouncy things.
    - LB, Norfolk TPA

  • 6/7 9:50am   Have to jump on the "Band Wagon" :) The music program in our school district is something we should all be proud of. The 7th and 8th graders won gold awards at the MICCA festival and got to play at Symphony Hall and Mechanics Hall. The FC Advanced Band is well on their way to the sound (and awards!) that the Middle school kids have worked so hard to develop... and yes... the percussion groups presentation of "Lids" is just amazing!! Who would have thought they could make a bunch of garbage cans sound so incredible! Go and listen to the results of a years worth of hard work and you will not be disappointed. Should be a great evening for all!
    - PB

  • 6/7 9:29am   I agree with BS, the band kids sure can hold a beat and blast out the sound, at such a young age. Join them on the hill tonight and kick off summer with a real treat! Not too hot, not too buggy, c'mon down!
    - AL

  • 6/7 9:13am   Speaking of concert bands, tonight is the first night of the summer concert series at Town Hill. And the performance will be by the elementary school advanced band and KPMS bands and chorus. It begins at 6:30 on town hill. These kids are truly incredible. It's amazing the level of performance given their age. As the proud parent of a percussionist, I have to tell you, the percussion ensemble is planning on performing Lids on metal and rubber trash cans. It is a great performance. See you tonight.
    - BS

  • 6/7 9:11am   SO: Ann's Lunch is a staple in Westwood. Don't be deterred by the outside appearance; if you are looking for a good cheap standard breakfast this is the place. Also, another Norwood suggestion for buttery toast and eggs is Mug N Muffin right on 1A in the center.
    JW: Thanks for the fishing spots... always looking for new places to fish!
    - TC

  • 6/6 11:27pm   SO - Regarding the breakfast places, Rick's in Franklin is owned by Rick Moore, who owned the Cliquot in Millis. He just moved the business and renamed it. Expanded menu, but same type of fare. I haven't been there for breakfast, yet, just dinner. Happy Eating!
    - JM

  • 6/6 11:26pm   SO: I just gained 5 lbs reading your post.
    - HC

  • 6/6 11:25pm   If our town ever awarded the Town Spirit Award, I would nominate the kid on Main Street that stands out there and asks people to honk. The enthusiasm and excitement of this kid brings a smile on my face every day. Even on days when he isn't out there. He was out there last weekend in the rain!
    - GN

  • 6/6 11:08pm   The Southeaster Massachusetts Community Concert Band is a no audition band. All are welcome, and the band needs additional percussionists at this time. The band rehereses every Monday night at the Community Church on Main Street in Medway at 7:30. For more information, please visit the band's website at smccb.com, or call (508)-533-5532.
    - CR

  • 6/6 5:01pm   Eggs & buttered toast. I like Nicky's (Wrentham) too. I love places where the waitress calls you "sweetie" or "hon" - signals experience to me. I've never been to Cracker Barrel (Wrentham), Rick's (Franklin), Budabings (Millis), Galante (Medway) or Murph's (Norwood), but I will. Thank you for those suggestions. I have been to Bristol Square Cafe (Walpole) and yes, they are good. I've also enjoyed James' Roadside Cafe (Wrentham), which is also good, but a bit of a wait. I've never had to wait at Bourque's (Norfolk), which makes great coffee. I used to love the Cliquot Grille (Millis), but they moved somewhere. Has anyone been to the little breakfast place in the Horace Mann Shopping Plaza/Shaws/TJ's (Franklin)? How about the Franklin Buffet? There's also a very authentic-looking "spoon" called "Ann's Lunch", I think, on 109 (across from Dunkie's) in Westwood. Anyone been there?
    When not breakfasting out, I enjoy tasty fresh eggs from Jane & Paul's Farm. I like meeting the "producers", and keeping them in corn. Speaking of eggs, while a lean-living youth, I had my cholesterol tested, and proudly announced the 124 result to my mother in a phone call. "Your father's is 120." "What?" This is a man who butters his steak, potatoes and all his vegetables short of salad, which he smothers in French dressing. Buttered bread, gravy, fried fish, chicken and eggs, beef stew, bubble n' squeak, cheese whiz and Ritz form his usual fare - all followed by whole milk in tea and a bowl of ice cream! How, on this green earth? And he's still with us, thankfully - a walking scientific conundrum, and a big fan of the full Irish breakfast - eggs, bread, butter, tea with cream, baked beans, grilled tomato, bangers (sausages), rashers (thick Irish bacon), and blood pudding (a salty, fried sausage made from the first part of its title). Just roll me home.
    - SO

  • 6/6 3:24pm   TC, I went fishing at Stony Brook today and caught a 2 lb. bass. You have to pay $4.00 for a day pass or $25.00 for a year family pass. Bush Pond on Park St. and City Mills Pond and the Old Town Pond.
    Speaking of the OTP, if any of you have kids that go there to fish, please remind them to pick up their trash, I'm finding lots of junk spread all over, empty bottles, plastic bags etc.
    - JW

  • 6/6 1:06pm   DWL - Have the Webmaster give you my email address -- I can put you in touch with a couple of speech pathologists.
    - JC

  • 6/6 12:04pm   The library needs your help! We are collecting the following empty, clean containers for use in the summer reading programs: Altoid tins (1.76 oz); plastic peanut butter jars (18 oz); and coffee cans with lids -- any size. If you can help out with any of these items, please drop the off during regular library hours.
    And speaking of summer reading programs -- Calling all children, teens, and adults! Register on-line at [library home page] starting Monday, June 11. Programs begin the week of July 8 and continue through Aug. 18. This year's theme is "Catch the Beat @ the NPL". What a great way to encourage your child or teen to read & have some fun this summer!
    - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library

  • 6/6 11:02am   Does anyone know of a reliable babysitter to watch my two boys one day a week in the fall? I would prefer at their home or location... any ideas would be great; you can email me at work, mlnelson@clair.com. Thanks,
    - MLN

  • 6/6 10:31am   Don't forget, Norfolk Community Day, sponsored by the Norfolk Lions, is this Saturday, June 9 starting at 10:30 am running until 4:00pm at the Holmes Bus Complex, 22 Myrtle Street. The day is kicked off by the Norfolk Community League's roadrace which begins at 9am. The following is a schedule of events on the black top. There are also over 30 town organizations participating in the day, running different games, selling food or beverages and providing community service information. We hope you can join us.
    [Schedule of events here --]
    - BS

  • 6/6 10:27am   Be sure to visit Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's tent during Community Day on June 9 - We will have some great raffles!
    We will also have tickets for Cape Ann Whale Watch, Rose's Wharf, Gloucester - these tickets can be used anytime during the 2007 season (there are no "black out" periods) - Sightings are guaranteed! Check out the website seethewhales.com We will be selling tickets for $20 each (These tickets normally go for $41 adults and $36 for children) For more information about Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer, visit our website [link].
    - HK

  • 6/6 10:26am   JW: Nice Bass. Can you give away some of your local fishing holes?
    Breakfast: Murph's Place in Norwood, Sunday can be somewhat of a wait, but the line usually moves quick.
    - TC

  • 6/6 9:23am   Re: Breakfast--My vote is for Nicky's in Wrentham
    - GM

  • 6/6 9:22am   I am looking for a good children's speech pathologist in one of the surrounding towns.
    - DWL

  • 6/6 12:16am   We have been having a great time fishing this spring. Catching a few nice bass. Here is a picture of one caught locally. My son was thrilled with this 5-6 pound bass, it measured 24 inches. We catch and release all fish. I caught a 2 pounder today after getting drenched in this afternoons downpour. Diehard fisherpeople are we.
    - JW

  • 6/5 10:59pm   An alert is out out for certain dishwashers that could cause a fire problem. Some were made for Sears by GE, etc. Recall Hotline is 877-607-6395 or geappliances.com/recall
    - JO

    [Manufactured between 9/1997 and 12/2001, model numbers [listed here] - Wm.]

  • 6/5 10:58pm   Does anyone know the rules in Norfolk, Massachusetts regarding outdoor fire pit use during the summer nights?
    - PS

  • 6/5 10:56pm   Re: Help Hostas - It sounds like deer. A beautiful doe wandered down the side yard, and the hosta on that side of the driveway vanished to stems. I've heard hosta is sometimes called "deer lettuce".
    We haven't done anything because they don't bother the hostas by the house - only the one on the far side of the driveway.
    - SC

  • 6/5 7:37pm   I use Liquid Fence to keep away deer and rabbits from my hostas and other yummy plants. It smells like rotten eggs (which it is!), but the smell goes away after a day or so. And best of all, I only apply it once every 90 days! Oh, and I got it at Briggs Nursery in North Attleboro.
    - JC

  • 6/5 6:42pm   DG, call Clearwater Pools. They are from Millis but service just about anywhere. They can give you referrals as well. Only they can tell you how far out.
    - KD

  • 6/5 6:23pm   Re: Rabbits (applies to Hosta question too) - We have not had many problems since getting our dog - think that made our yard much less desirable. Before that I used Dried Blood. Sounds gross, but it is a powdered fertilizer sold in Garden Centers - just sprinkle around plants - adds nitrogen too. Repeat after heavy rain. If only the soft leaf part of the Hostas is gone, could be slugs ... Google 'slug' 'beer' 'trap' - a friend used beer traps with good success in protecting her hostas.
    - CI

  • 6/5 6:22pm   Re: Breakfast - My vote is for Budabings on 109 in Millis!
    - CI

  • 6/5 6:21pm   Hilary, thanks so much for your suggestions. I will get over to Agway this week.
    - PN

  • 6/5 3:52pm   Congrats to all of the Norfolk baseball teams this past weekend! The KP Cup Tourney was a lot of fun and full of excitement! A huge thanks to the organizers for the time commitment! I loved the idea of the opposing team picking the MVP player - a great way to introduce sportsmanship at a young age. For anyone looking for a fun evening, stop by any of the ballfields and watch the fun and passion play out on the field.
    - TMS

  • 6/5 3:51pm   Help my hostas! Something is munching on my hostas, but only the ones not near the house. They were nice and lush and have been reduced to bare stalks. I suspect deer, but there are many other suspects. Any ideas on the culprit would be helpful as well as solutions to the problem. I'm not big on pesticides since we have a well. Thanks for the help!
    - TMS

  • 6/5 3:50pm   PN: you can try to discourage rabbits by putting up a step in fencing. Just polyvinyl pieces that will surround the area that are higher than what you think will be jumpable for the rabbit. Another idea you may try is synthetic predator urine around the perimeter of the area. It is easy to apply, and if the rabbit thinks that his predator is in the area he won't come back. You can find predator urine at Agway on Cottage Street in Franklin, as well as many vendors online. It's inexpensive to purchase, but you do have to re-apply in wet weather as it does wash away. They also come in stick/wand forms that you can place in the ground or off trees/shrubs. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 6/5 3:04pm   I second SO's request for decent breakfast places. They seem to be hard to find these days. Our vote is for the Bristol Square Cafe on Route 1A in Walpole (1428 Main Street), but would like to discover a few others in the area.
    - TEM

  • 6/5 3:03pm   DG - For all my pool needs I have always visited the folks at Easton Pool and Spa in Walpole. They should be able to put you in touch with someone to help you. I have had excellent luck with them in the past.
    Good luck!
    - BA

  • 6/5 2:30pm   Does anyone recommend pool repair company in or around Norfolk? We have a 20 x 40 in-ground pool and we need to replace the liner. Everyone we've called tell us it's a 4 week waiting period or better yet, no one calls us back. Any insight would greatly be appreciated. Kind regards,
    - DG

  • 6/5 1:47pm   SO, We love Galante in Medway, it's on Village Street. Great breakfast and cheap compared to IHOP et al. The crowd outside on a Sunday morning can be deceiving, the wait is not usually long. You can use credit cards to pay you bill, but not for tips. I love their sausage omelet! Enjoy
    - NJD

  • 6/5 1:46pm   To SO - For breakfast, you can never go wrong with the Cracker Barrel in Wrentham (breakfast is served all day, I think). We also really like Rick's in Franklin (in the old Friendly's on 140).
    - JP

  • 6/5 11:31am   I'd like to hear about some favorite breakfast places (fried eggs, buttered toast, home fries, coffee - the usual triple bypass), if anyone has suggestions. Thanks.
    - SO

  • 6/5 10:45am   I have a wild bunny in my yard that is eating all of my freshly planted flowers. Any suggestions as to how to discourage the little guy would be greatly appreciated.
    - PN

  • 6/5 10:42am   KMS - Since you live in Norfolk anyway, try Carol's (in the same parking lot as the old Linda's variety). I promise you, you won't be disappointed. Her prices are reasonable, she does an excellent job, and you will love her. I promise you she will be the one you will return to for many years for all of your alterations.
    - DH

  • 6/5 1:02am   On 6/4 at 6:32pm, BA wrote.... "Regarding driving schools - A number of years back, my father, brother and I went to the Skip Barber driving school out at Lime Rock, CT."
    For a similar program, check out "Skid School" held throughout the year at various locations in Eastern Massachusetts. Click here for info: skidschool.org. My grandson gets his permit this fall and I'll be sending him to Skid School to learn skills above and beyond the usual driving school teachings.
    - RP

  • 6/4 10:09pm   The first annual KP Cup for minor league baseball was held on June 2 and 3, with twenty-five teams from Wrentham, Norfolk and Plainville participating in this multi-game tournament. Games were held at several ball fields in Norfolk and Wrentham.
    After two days of play the final four included three teams from Norfolk; the Cardinals, Eastern Insurance and Norfolk Irrigation. The championship game was held Sunday night at McMorrow Field in Wrentham and saw Norfolk Irrigation and the Wrentham Diamondbacks play to a 13-9 decision with Wrentham taking home the cup.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - CAM

  • 6/4 9:55pm   I'm with you BA. I'm not too far off and I've been keeping an eye on these schools. Many of the parenting magazines suggest such a course. In fact, the Rec Dept lists a program through "In Control" in Weymouth.
    I think it might be similar to your school. Your child not only learns defensive and how to deal with challenging driving but I think it even helps with the insurance rates. I don't believe you get to drive in a Viper however!! I think it's a Camry.
    - BS

  • 6/4 9:38pm   I hope the 7 babies are still there. After I saw them on the street I realized maybe the giant (3' across) snapper had been there and maybe I sent them from one danger to another. Cars vs turtles!! The bridge seems to be the most dangerous area for them. They are beautiful.
    - BR

  • 6/4 6:36pm   After having a luncheon replete with little diced red habanero pepper pieces, I was moved to sit down and pen this poem.
    Ode to a Vegetable

    Little rotund vegetabale
    I admire how you're able
    to add color to the table
    and cause grown men to cry.

    Some find you unpalatable
    but you are simply delectable
    especially as you're capable
    of lighting my world on fire.

    To those who object to hokey lyrics, I must point out that corn is seed off an overgrown stalk of grass, and bears utterly no resemblance whatsoever to a capsicum chinense.
    Oops, I just remembered RP and MT and their sea of puns... batten down the hatches, folks, we might be headed into troubled waters, toward a stormy ocean of groaning and pain... :-)
    - Wm.

  • 6/4 6:35pm   LK - if the eggs hatch, send in a report, with photos! As for me, I'm not messing with turtles again after reading Hilary's notes, unless it's with a camera. If one's in distress, I'm calling her.
    - SO

  • 6/4 6:34pm   I second BH's recommendation of Dick Crowell and his associates at Medfield Veterinary Clinic. Our 2 year old Berner had lots of health issues as a puppy, and Dick has been amazing! Everyone there is friendly, helpful, very thorough and knowledgeable. It is easy to get an appointment - they have always been able to see us promptly, even in emergency situations at very short notice! What other vet puts his cell phone number on discharge instructions and is available by phone in case you have any concerns?? I highly recommend them!
    - PB

  • 6/4 6:33pm   LK - I'm usually all for letting nature be, but in this case I'd ensure that those snapper eggs didn't hatch, especially near a play area. We had an enormous one try to lay eggs in my garden several years ago - very carefully stymied her by putting every implement & pot in the garage around and in the bed till she gave up. Seems like more than enough in the area already, so I wouldn't feel at all guilty about digging up the eggs and exposing them to air so they wouldn't hatch.
    - CI

  • 6/4 6:32pm   Regarding driving schools - A number of years back, my father, brother and I went to the Skip Barber driving school out at Lime Rock, CT. At the time, I, the younger of my father's two sons, had been driving for 10 years and thought I was a good and safe driver. You can only imagine the confidence in my older brother and "the old man."
    Turns out, all three of us were horrible drivers! At least in terms of avoiding accidents and car control.
    The school was unbelievable! Defensive driving, emergency control, and overall driving evaluation sessions taught me more in those two days than the 10 years I had been driving up to that point. We drove front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, and all wheel drive vehicles. At the conclusion of the course, I vowed that once my children receive their licenses, I will be taking them out to beautiful Lime Rock, CT and making them complete this course before they drive a yard on their own.
    Thankfully, I am years away from my kids asking for the keys. And yes, it's a bit pricey, but I feel worth every penny (just for the hot laps in the Viper!).
    - BA

  • 6/4 1:43pm   SO - We just left the eggs in the sand. My husband did make a joke about eating them, but I don't think that will fly with my girls! I am going to have to find out how many days it takes them to hatch and keep my guys from digging in the sand in the meantime.
    - LK

  • 6/4 1:42pm   KMS: Dona's Tailoring in Franklin (just off of 140, in a small plaza behind Franklin pizza) is quite good. I have used her several times and she always does a good job. Regards,
    - SR

  • 6/4 1:03pm   KMS - I use a seamstress in Franklin who is wonderful but I can not remember the name of her shop (Donna's ??). She is located on Cottage Street. If you are on Route 140 in the center of town of Franklin, turn at the Rome Restaurant. She is located in a small building on the left across from the Rome's parking lot. All of the repairs/alternations she has done for me have been reasonably priced, timely and well done. She always seems busy, which I think is a good sign! Good Luck
    - TW

  • 6/4 1:03pm   Re: 6/4 8:45am Snapping turtles - Snapping turtles are very dangerous to anyone who attempts to move them (off the roadway, etc.) without a shovel. Some snappers can stretch their necks halfway back across their own carapace.
    Snapping turtles are aptly named, as they can snap with amazing speed and power; a full grown snapper can easily nip off a finger. They eat ducks and swans, as well as anything that they can swallow, such as birds, fish, frogs, snakes, and small mammals. (ref: [wikipedia])
    I've seen a duck pond where a chain-link barrier from the bottom of a pond to the water surface was used to isolate the ducks from snapping turtles, though it did confine the ducks to the small island and surrounding water in the center of the pond.
    I tend to think that we shouldn't interfere with nature, but I wonder if more snappers should end up in turtle soup rather than eating the cygnets. (re: 6/2 7:46pm )
    Has anyone an opinion on that subject?
    - BH

  • 6/4 12:41pm   Regarding: recommendation for a veterinarian - Dr. Richard Crowell at Medfield Vet in Medfield. He sees our 7 month old puppy and he's wonderful, as is the rest of the staff there. They are knowledgeable and so helpful. I would definitely recommend him to someone with a new puppy - he gave us lots of great advice and tips. medfieldvet.com.
    - BH

  • 6/4 12:40pm   I've included some turtle information on the web page under the link for wildlife concerns. It's just prelimary information and a link to a good article by fish and wildlife. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 6/4 12:04pm   LK - What did you do with the eggs? Did you move them? I once lifted a turtle that was heading away from some water, and returned it to the pond, thinking I was helping. Someone told me that it would probably climb back out and resume its journey - that turtles attempt to return to the same nesting sites every year, no matter the obstruction, whether that be a new subdivision or a wall. Does anyone know if that's true?
    - SO

  • 6/4 11:18am   We are new to Norfolk and just wondering if anyone has suggestions for a reasonably priced tailor to make alterations to a bridesmaid gown. Thanks for any recommendations!
    - KMS

  • 6/4 11:16am   My 3 kids had the D.T. Center. I had some issues with the weeklong classroom instruction and called in those concerns. Also, they did not receive the RMV Driver's Manual during last summer's classroom session. (I was told that the school has to pay for them but, I emailed the RMV and received my copy free).
    My kids really liked their road instructors. To save the $99 fee per child that the DT Center charges to sponsor the road test, I decided to use our car (which had the required emergency brake in the middle console) and be the sponsor. Of course, my kids were told that they would have a better chance of passing the road test if they went with the school, but who knows my kids driving habits better than their mother who has been taking them driving on a daily basis. I wasn' t familiar with the area around the registry so I made sure we spent a lot of practice hours driving the North Attelboro registry location (especially the center turn-only lane, the different school zones, and just trying to pull out in the busy traffic around there). The trooper passed them using our car.
    Now the real anxiety begins, worrying about their safety everytime they ask for the keys, esp with the tougher JOL rules and stiff penalties.
    - RH

  • 6/4 8:45am   We found this snapping turtle laying her eggs in our backyard sand pile, quite far from any water. Her shell was at least 16 inches long! The second picture was taken later as she was leaving...
    - LK

  • 6/4 8:42am   We are getting our first puppy shortly and we were wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a veterinarian. There are no listings under the recommendation section of Norfolknet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    - KGS

  • 6/4 7:48am   Re: drivers ed fees -- We had an interesting experience when I took my oldest son to the North Attleboro registry for his driver's test. We had to use my husband's BMW for the test, as my minivan didn't have the emergency brake in the center console as required. Boy, was that a mistake! The officer who ultimately took us on the road trip made a point of commenting loudly in the waiting area that she was going to be driven in "daddy's beamer, with heated leather seats." We cringed. Once on the road, she continued to make generally nasty comments, like, "Be careful with such an expensive vehicle." In the parking lot at the conclusion of the road test, she hemmed and hawed, saying, "I don't know, Mom, this boy's going to cause you a lot of trouble!" We sat in panicked silence until she conceded that he drove all right and signed off on his license. Later, when I shared this experience with coworkers, several laughed and said, "Didn't you know? They always give parents a hard time bringing their kids in for the road test. They're much more lenient with the driving schools."
    So when my next son was ready to get his license, I readily paid the extra money for him to be tested via the driving school. He was picked up at the high school, brought to the registry for his road test (which went smoothly -- no nasty comments this time), and dropped off once again at school when it was all over. Definitely a better experience!
    - JC

  • 6/4 7:43am   Speaking of bikes... If you're looking for a safe place to take your family for a pleasant day of riding, try the Cape Cod Canal. There's a flat, scenic, paved 6-mile access road on both sides of the canal which is open to bikers, skaters, & pedestrians all day every day. Take Rt. 495 South for about 45 minutes and get off at exit 3 just before the Bourne Bridge (don't go over the bridge). Go around the rotary and head toward the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Park under the elevated railroad bridge before you cross the tracks (you can't miss it). There are clean restrooms and it's monitored by the Park officials. Click [here] for info.
    Closer to home, the town of Milford has just opened the first section of the proposed 26-mile Upper Charles River Trail which will wind through Milford, Hopkinton, Ashland, Sherborn, and Holliston. Info [here]. Very 'woodsy', nicely paved and fenced with some hills to climb and some marked traffic crosswalks to get to other sections.
    And if you see a guy whizzing by in this bright yellow contraption, flag me down and say "Hi".
    - RP

  • 6/3 8:49pm   KD--We love Bicycles Plus. We just bought two bikes and had another tuned up. They are terrific and several of the guys are definitely bikers. They are in a small plaza on the left on 140 as you head towards Wrentham just past Shaws plaza. Happy biking.
    - BS

  • 6/3 7:43pm   To BA: I'm sorry you feel that way about The Driver Training Center. My experince with them (having had 4 children go through them) was that of knowing my children were getting the reqiured training as well as what the law mandates. The price is very reasonable if you compare them to other driving schools, who by the way, don't always do what's mandated. Most parents have had their license for some time, they should know the rules of the road, at least the basics to get them going. As far as Mr. T. taking them for their license & the fees, well, most people don't have the appropriate vehicle, and most will pass the first time going with Mr. T. And why shouldn't you start your child driving? Don't you want to know how your child is behind the wheel? Also with the new laws that are taking affect in September, some of you parents of firstst-time drivers will be taking a refresher course yourself. When Mr. T. finally does get them for 6 hrs. of driving & 6hrs. of observation, they go right out on the main roads, no parking lots. You can always go to the registry's web site for more info. I for one am very pleased with the driver training center, and I'm glad we have someone who really cares about how our children are going to be as drivers, as well as teaching our children how to be a responsable, courteous, and cautious drivers. I'm all for D.T.C.
    - GLZ

  • 6/3 6:26pm   No offense, but you've been driving for how long, and you don't want your child learning how to drive from you?? Maybe parents should be going to driver's ed along with their kids. The two month rule is probably there for a good reason. They probably want kids who are more experienced in at least handling a car and then when they come to lessons the instructors can fine tune the skills they have learned in order for them to pass the driver's test.
    Six hours of driving lessons is not going to teach your child everything they need to know, you need to play an active part in their driving experience also. If you were to send a child who just got their permit to driving lessons, most of those six hours would be spent in a parking lot rather than getting real experience on the road and highways. Also, one of the requirements for obtaining a license is 12 hours of supervised driving with a parent or guardian on top of the driving lessons that your child is required to take as part of their driver's education course. Plus it's not like waiting two months for lessons is going to slow down the process, you have to wait six months after getting your permit to apply for a driver's license anyways.
    I will agree that it is very unprofessional to be on a cell phone while you're supposed to be supervising a child driving, and no one likes being pressured to do things, but it's important to be active in your child's learning experience; it's a cooperative experience that involves you, your child, and the driving school. You can't expect one person to do it all.
    - JP

  • 6/3 6:21pm   KD, We like Franklin Bicycle. They are on Rt. 140 in a plaza on the left as you head towards Stop & Shop in Franklin.
    - GA

  • 6/3 5:23pm   BA -- I would contact the principal at KP and Dr. Robbat, the superintendent of the KP District. I don't know the principal but have met Dr. Robbat a few times. He is very willing to listen and is very open to suggestions. He is also very responsive with email if you prefer that route. You bring up valid points and I don't know if they'll get any further than Norfolknet. Many of our elected and hired officials do not read this board. Thanks for bringing this to our attention; let us know if you find out anything.
    - BS

  • 6/3 5:18pm   Can anyone recommend a good bicycle store around here? I would like to start cycling, but need to ask questions about what type of bicycle to buy to suit my needs.
    - KD

  • 6/3 2:26pm   Concerning the "lost "items at the Freeman ball fields... You should notify the KP Middle School because some of the players are from Wrentham and maybe Plainville.
    - ER

  • 6/3 12:45pm   I'm a little reluctant to post a note critical of a business, especially one that has dealt with many of our children, but we were exceptionally concerned with Driver Training Center that has affiliated itself with KP to teach our children safe and responsible driving.
    During the first lesson our child had with Mr T[...], he was constantly on his cell phone making appointments and doing busines. That's just wrong!
    Their "policy" is to wait two months after a child gets a learner's permit before starting behind-the-wheel training. I'm sorry, but what average parent is a qualified driving instructor? And Massachusetts drivers are not known as the best in the country. And we all know how 16 year-olds listen to parents anyway. So we have unqualified teaching, by less than stellar drivers, instructing kids reluctant to listen before they have formal behind-the-wheel instuction. Not wise, IMO.
    We felt undue and unfair pressure to pay an extra $100 to have DTC take our child to be tested for his license. It's nice that option exists, and $100 is probably a fair price, but there should be absolutely no pressure to do so. One piece of that pressure (besides inappropriate comments) was that the processing of "paperwork" took seven days longer when we took or child for the licence test.
    There were other issues we did not like, but this is getting longer than I wanted.
    I would like to see KP not "affiliated" with any one particular driving school. I think it gives an unfair competitive advantage to the one that is. After all, fair competition is what the USA is all about.
    Thanks for reading,
    - BA

  • 6/3 11:52am   Although the "early registration" discount is over, you may still register for the fall season of Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer. Please visit our website at [page here] - No registrations will be accepted after the July 1st deadline - Avoid disappointment, register today!
    - HK

  • 6/3 8:48am   Found - set of keys @ Freeman School Athletic Fields... I will leave them with the school front office on Monday.
    - PN

  • 6/2 7:47pm   Found a furry purple purse with a monkey on it at the Freeman softball fields Saturday around 4:00. It does have some personal belongs (and cash) in it but no ID. Anyone want to claim it? Let me know @ planner42@yahoo.com.
    - NB

  • 6/2 7:46pm   I saw the wee cygnets today. They were right there with their parents on the bank under the bridge. I think it was BR who wrote in about the danger posed by snapping turtles. Sure enough, while one parent dozed, a rather large snapper snuck up and got pretty close to one of the babies. Luckily the parent awoke and the turtle bolted. I was surprised at the size of the parents. They are huge! Needless to say, I stayed safely on the bridge, and moved very quietly. Here are some snapshots.
    For those who went, how was the Stonybrook event at Rossi's last night? I was unable to attend. What birds of prey did they have?
    Once again, I just want to say how great it was to see the Library art show. I am amazed that working or retired folks find the time in their busy days (unless they're full-time artists) to hone their obvious talents to such a degree. That's work and everyone deserves a ribbon.
    - SO

  • 6/2 7:41pm   JHR, It wasn't me about the bear. Must now be another BR.
    - BR

  • 6/2 7:40pm   SFM... We've used D & S Appliance in Franklin to repair both a dishwasher and a microwave, and were satisfied with the service both times.
    - GA

  • 6/2 3:06pm   Any suggestions for an appliance repair company? It is for a 2 year old dishwasher. Thanks!
    - SFM

  • 6/2 2:44pm   Lost at Pond Street soccer fields - Gold chain with cross - If anyone finds it, please email norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net - Reward!
    - HK

  • 6/2 1:25pm  
    Happy Birthday NorfolkNet!
    - CI

  • 6/1 11:54pm  
    My compliments to you and your dedicated staff, for all your effort, as you enter into your ninth year of voluntary service to the community.
    With best regards, here's wishing you many more years of continued success.
    - MT

  • 6/1 11:09pm  
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you

    Happy birthday dear Norfolknet....
    Happy birthday to you...

    For he's a jolly good fellow..

    The best darn Web Meister a town could dream for!!!!

    Thank you Mr. Web Meister!!!!
    - PRR

  • 6/1 10:53pm   Happy Birthday Norfolknet!! How we love you! Norfolknet rocks -- we just had another great Norfolknet experience -- we needed a landscaper for a time-sensitive project and of course we checked Norfolknet first -- we found Andy, aka, The Lawn King, 508-954-6658, and thank goodness we called him! We also called five other landscapers -- not one returned our call! Once again, Norfolknet kicks the yellow pages' butt! Thanks to all the readers, contributors, and of course to our extraordinary host!! Also, thanks Andy -- you did a great job, you really are the Lawn King!! :) Happy Birthday Norfolknet!
    - TS

  • 6/1 10:52pm   SO... Thanks for the info in all directions. We have a canoe but I am afraid to paddle it alone and husband wouldn't hear of me going alone anyway. But, he wiggles around too much and scares me to death. Kayaking would be only for me. We'll see if the opportunity arises. LL Bean has some for larger bottomed folk so maybe I can rent one of those. When summer gets here. Yeah right. Why is it summer when it's not even summer.
    Yoga sounds good. I'll have to check out Ch 2 and the library. I attended the Art Show on opening day, but should check it out again. Thanks for reminding me.
    - JHR

  • 6/1 10:51pm   BR... Love the bear, but that's not quite what I had in mind. ;) Very clever though. There will be a time when a "real live" bear will meander through town.
    - JHR

  • 6/1 7:10pm   "William" - Congratulations on eight years of truth, tumult and treasure.
    BR - Which one is the bear? Is that a Samoyed?
    JHR - "Crazy" swimmer means you're a good swimmer. I'd like to try kayaking too! I think I saw lessons offered in the Norfolk summer recreation catalogue. What about canoeing? I'd love to, but I drive a hatchback, and can barely lift my 48 lb. dog. Kayaks look lighter.
    Yoga. Let's just say, short of dancing (ballroom), I've never been a designated-exercise fan. I've wasted more money on false-start gym memberships than is bearable to admit. Finally, I have learned who I am. I am not my sister, health sciences teacher and personal trainer who weekly summits peaks in training for large-scale expeditions. I am not my other sister whose triathlon I will witness at 8 am tomorrow, in NH. I am neither of my other two sisters who trained for the U.S. Olympic Women's Rowing Team. Oh no. If you saw me, you would say, "No, no relation." I guess I can't concentrate on the "one thing". I like the kaleidoscope affect - hiking, dogs, birds, trees, sounds, smells; dancing, company, music, fun, learning, mistakes, etc. All exercise has that, I guess, but those two appealed to me.
    About a year ago, my parents started doing yoga ("Yoga for the Rest of Us" on Ch.2). They stayed with it, surprisingly, often recommending I "give it a go". Right. The rock-climbing sister bought me tapes (nudge, nudge). Two months ago, a friend showed me a yoga move to stretch my stiff hips. Worked. Where are those tapes? Yoga seems quite practical. You're not running up and down the road or wearing a helmet. No expensive "gear", no spandex, no religion. I'm a true beginner, so not a good one to speak, but I've done it every morning for two months now, and I like it. They have tapes at the library.
    Speaking of the library, tomorrow is the last day of the art exhibition, which is quite good. I enjoyed it immensely. No pressure - no need to know art. I was the only one there on Thurs., and thoroughly enjoyed taking my time. It's amazing to see so much local talent, quietly happening right here. I have my masters in painting, am a tough critic, and was delighted by the show! Go down tomorrow. In particular, I recommend two utterly beautiful photographs of plants, for which I donned my glasses. One is in the lobby (hosta blossoms). That guy is good. Inside, I recommend (I'm aiming for potential here) the bird portraitist down to the left, on the far wall - the chickadee and another bird. They are unusual in that they seem more portraits of the artist than the subject. Also, on the far wall, is a very small little painting of clammer's tools. It's not a pretty painting. It's dark and awkwardly composed, and impossibly lost in a sea of paintings on that wall, but it says something interesting about the painter, to whom I would recommend consulting Van Gogh's very early works, and the work of Albert Pinkham Ryder. I will look for you and the bird portraitist next year!
    - SO

  • 6/1 7:03pm   "Lie" is a charged word, and when tossed around indiscriminately can cause damage. My post should not have implied that you have lied, but was aimed at our elites who have full knowledge and intent of what their words and deeds mean.
    However, to your point, a "lie" is a deliberate misstatement of facts. You can be wrong and not have lied. The reasonable-man standard is easily maintained via the fact that multiple international sources suggested Iraq had a WMD program at that time (including the facts that it had on multiple occasions used biological weapons against its own people, invaded other countries, supported terrorists and was implicated in a plot to kill a former US President).
    Now the President can be faulted for weighing the various facts incorrectly (bad judgment), but saying he is or was wrong doesn't have the same visceral impact of "lie". I agree that if a President tells a serious lie (think Clinton, who I by the way voted for the first time) it should result in impeachment. If you still believe the President used lies and only lies to get us into war, then you should be upset at your current Congress for not starting impeachment proceedings. They won't, because it is more effective for them to use the war as a political pawn.
    - PCS

  • 6/1 1:13pm   LK -- My words have come back to haunt me; I actually posted that a while back. Because we already subscribe to all three services this time (we only had cable last time) they would not allow that. I have always thought it odd that companies treat new customers better then their existing customers by offering the special deals and such. I mentioned that to the Comcast rep, but it fell on deaf ears. When this year is up I will probably have to cancel my phone through Comcast and go with Verizon again so I can come back to Comcast as a new customer. Isn't the saying, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?
    - MH

  • 6/1 1:04pm   Congrats "William"
    - DV

  • 6/1 12:15pm   MH - I think I remember someone saying that they avoided the Comcast price increase after the first year by canceling the service (which was under the wife's name), then starting it again under the spouse's name. Don't know if it would really work but thought you could look into it...
    - LK

  • 6/1 11:31am   Early registration discount for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer 's fall season ends today, June 1st! Registration forms available at the Norfolk Public Library or visit our website [eteamz page]
    - HK

  • 6/1 10:55am   Happy Birthday, Norfolknet!   Tomorrow will make eight years that Norfolknet has been on-line and part of the community.
    - Wm.

  • 6/1 10:50am   Join us for the 4th annual Kids PMC here in Norfolk, next Sunday, June 10. This 2-2.5 mile bike ride is a great way for kids to actively work to help others, as all money is donated to the Jimmy Fund, the fundraising arm of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. We need to place our order for T-shirts early next week, so register soon at kids.pmc.org. Registration is at 4:00 and the ride starts at 5:00. Refreshments, music, and face painting after the ride so join us in the Pondview cul-de-sac for this worthy cause!
    - AL

  • 6/1 10:47am   JHR - regarding your post of 4/29 @ 11:49pm - Here's a picture of a bear (rug) seen recently off Holbrook St in Norfolk :)
    - BR

    [The cited message closed with ``But, what about bears?? I'm ready to hear about a bear in town.'' - Wm.]

  • 6/1 10:44am   CI -- As I said before, we have all three services and all three have proven to be very reliable. What irks me about them is their introductory rates tend to really jump after the introductory period. We signed up originally under the ``triple play'' package. Phone, internet and cable for $33 each or approximately $105 with taxes and fees. After the year ended, we received a bill for $165 for the same services. I was told by the customer service rep that we could ``upgrade'' our cable and save about $20 per month. We had to sign into another one year agreement and are now paying about $145 per month. We now have a cable box and remote so we get more channels, but I would rather pay less and get less on the cable end. I can not imagine what our fees are going to go up to after this year is over. We don't need any more upgrades and I will refuse to pay more for status quo.
    Don't listen to any of the sales reps' promises about what the rates will go to after the introductory period. When I inquired initially I was told that after the year ended it would jump no more than $10-$15 per month. Instead we got an almost 65% increase. Though I would probably never use Verizon, I am glad they are in town so Comcast has a little more competition. Good luck!
    - MH

  • 6/1 10:40am   Some recent pics for Norfolknet.
    - PRR

  • 5/31 11:51pm   We many be seeing the end of "released balloons" at events. Several entities have pointed out that they may cause harm to the environment since the biodegradation length possible, possibly ingestible by animals, bird problems, etc. Any news from others?
    - JO

  • 5/31 11:17pm   Comcast works for us. We have had phone, cable and internet for about a year now and have had internal phone problems which they came and fixed no charge. I am happy with the service, I know it is expensive but to be able to use all three without trouble is worth it to me.
    - JW

  • 5/31 5:34pm   MH - Phone component works out to about $24 (likely before taxes) and includes all domestic long distance and local calls. What are you paying now?
    - CI

  • 5/31 5:33pm   Looking for some strong teenagers on the weekends to do landscaping and yard work. 9-$10/hr. Flexible hours. Call Jack 508-528-0875 after 6PM.
    - JFO

  • 5/31 4:28pm   CI - May I ask what they are offering for a price? We are current Comcast users (of all three services) and have had issue with what they offer as `introductory' prices, but then jack up after the year is over.
    - MH

  • 5/31 2:54pm   Has anyone had experience, good or bad, with Comcast phone service? I have received a few calls from them and price-wise it seems a good deal - would like to hear from current or former users though. Thanks!
    - CI

  • 5/31 11:41am   Missing an orange/creme cat near Lawerence St and Franklin line? Take a peek at the lost and found section on the ACO website to see if he's yours.
    If anyone is missing a pet, or is looking to place their pets into different homes: please send me an email with pictures and I will gladly post on the web. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/31 11:40am   I have to chime in on Richard Ross' office. The customer service and attention to detail in that office is something to be emulated. I too have been really impressed and it all comes from Rep. Ross. He never fails to return a phone call, is very willing to give tours of the State House and is on top of most everything. Kudos to him and his staff. He is a great rep. for our district. When he runs for re-election, I will be first in line to make a donation to his war chest.
    - BS

  • 5/31 11:34am   Re: 5/30 10:59pm To correct one of the misstatements here, (``The mainstream press does not "support the troops", because all they want to do is to publish body counts, tactical (and strategic) errors, and the lie that it was lies that got us into this conflict.)'' (emphasis added to "lie" )
    The 9/11 Commission Report, in Chapter 2.5 on Page 66, states the following:
    But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States.
    Thus the 9/11 Commission removes credibility from the belief that Iraq cooperated with the 9/11 attack, or any attack, against the United States. Although the president continued to say that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in his State of the Union speech on January 28, 2003, there were none. Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz, called the "Architect of the Iraq war", was one who continually pressed for war against Iraq, and that war began on March 20, 2003. Wolfowitz may be remembered as disagreeing with General Shinseki on the number of troops required; Shinseki was right.
    Now Wolfowitz will be remembered for his misactivities at the World Bank.
    - RH

  • 5/31 12:04am   JMB - I have to say I agree with you on one thing. Last year my mother was in a nursing home that was awful. Unfortunately, once you're in a nursing home, it's very hard to get placed in another. When all else failed, I too contacted Senator Brown's office, and also Representative Ross's office. Senator Brown's office "promised to have him call me back, and would also see what they could do." Neither was ever done. On the other hand, when I phoned Representative Ross's office his secretary said "she would see what she could do." She not only gave Mr. Ross my message but, Mr. Ross phoned me himself (while on the way to pickup his child). Unfortunately my mother passed away before she cou ld ever be moved but, I'll never forget the phone call from Mr.Ross and his willingness to help.
    - DH

  • 5/30 10:59pm   A person does not "support the troops" by being against the war, and to a lesser extent also does not "support the troops" by being for the war. One "supports the troops" by taking the time to truly think about them (dare I say pray), and honoring their service and sacrifice.
    Most people do not "support the troops" because this war is not foremost in the day-to-day lives of our country men.
    The mainstream press does not "support the troops", because all they want to do is to publish body counts, tactical (and strategic) errors, and the lie that it was lies that got us into this conflict. When was the last time they were referred to as "our boys" (though that should now be modified) or an article of valor or kindness to the Iraqi people was written.
    P.S. After weighing the odds of success, I was against the war before it was begun, but find it terrible that people are not having the discussion about which wars are worth fighting and when (if you are against this one, were you for Clinton's Bosnia adventure -- and vice-versa).
    - PCS

  • 5/30 10:48pm   I wanted to share with everyone an experience I had today with our elected representatives. Regardless of my personal political beliefs, I was thrilled with the outcome.
    My spouse and I are traveling overseas in less than two weeks. We submitted our passport applications over three months ago, yet my spouse's passport has not yet shown up. I have been hearing horror stories from other travelers about rescheduling or canceling trips because a passport didn't show up in time.
    At a friend's suggestion, today I contacted Senator Brown, Representative Ross and the Governor's office. Within an hour, someone from Representative Ross' office called me, took my information and told me she would contact Congressman Frank's office, as it is the congressmen who can speed up the passport process. In less than half an hour, I was contacted by someone from Congressman Frank's office who assured me that an e-mail would be sent and we would get our passport on time.
    Tonight, I re-checked the passport web site to check on the status, and my spouse's passport has been mailed to us and will arrive in time for our trip. I'm not sure how much Congressman Frank's influence came into play, but the response I got from both his office and Representative Ross' office was amazing.
    - JMB

  • 5/30 10:47pm   Wm, thank you for sharing that tribute. I have e-mailed it to many of our friends who have lost relatives or have relatives who have been wounded in the wars. Our family has lost some and have had many who were injured. Our own son survived the Persian Gulf War. I had not seen that before--again thank you.
    - BR

  • 5/30 5:31pm   What a suprise today to be on Lawrence Street and both parent swans and the 7 babies on the street by the bridge. The cygnets were actually having a "nap". I stopped the car and tried to get them off the road. I tried to slow down another driver coming down the road--thank God the swans were on the move back to the water. The other driver did not slow down even when I yelled that the swans were there. I have never seen the swans on the road in all the years we have been watching them. My camera was at home!! Please respect all these creatures. If my camera had been with me I would have taken the picture of the other driver--plus the swans.
    - BR

  • 5/30 5:16pm   I received a Rememberance Day tribute from a reader that I'm posting with permission. Click on the image to see the full text.
    - Wm.

  • 5/30 3:14pm   I just wanted to say "thank you" to the organizers for the very moving dedication ceremony that took place on Friday morning at Freeman Centennial School.
    The children who played the National Anthem and Taps, sang a solo of the Hero Song, the performance by the 2nd grade chorus, and those that spoke were terrific and very poised. My only wish is that the ceremony to dedicate the tree in honor of Adam Kennedy had been better publicized. It was a terrific way to honor Adam and I know that many, many more people would have been present had they known about it. The children of Norfolk did the town proud.
    - TMS

  • 5/30 1:53pm   Hi, I found a couple of snakes in my yard... both in or near the pool! Info was taken from the same UMass page an earlier poster sited. Yuck!
    This is it....
    Snakes of Massachusetts
    Eastern Ribbon Snake
    Thamnophis sauritus (18-26", up to 38")

    The ribbon snake is a very slender, striped snake, similar in appearance to the garter snake but with a much longer tail. Tail length for the ribbon snake generally accounts for one third or more of total body length. It is boldly patterned with three yellow stripes on a reddish-brown background. A distinct dark band separates each side stripe from the belly. The ribbon snake has keeled scales and a belly that is pale yellow or pale green.

    Ribbon snakes generally mate in the spring (April-May), after emerging from hibernation, and females give birth to 10-12 young in July or August.

    The preferred habitats of ribbon snakes are wetlands and the edges of ponds and streams. Amphibians, especially frogs, are their preferred food, although fish and insects are also taken. Given their preference for wet habitats, ribbon snakes tend to be most active during the spring. If summer weather dries up their environment they may become dormant until conditions improve. Ribbon snakes are comfortable both in and out of water and are adept swimmers. They may be found basking on logs, hummocks or muskrat lodges, and escape rapidly into dense cover or open water if threatened. Ribbon snakes rarely bite if handled, but they do secrete a foul musk from their anal glands when alarmed.

    - JT

  • 5/30 10:41am   Support Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary and have a great night out! Stony Brook is holding a its annual Dragonfly-Damselfly Benefit Dinner and Wine Tasting this Friday, June 1st, at Rossi's Restaurant in Millis from 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm. Come and enjoy an evening of great wine, a delicious buffet dinner, live jazz music, and a silent auction and raffle including a variety of artwork and nature photography, jewelry, a Bose Wave Radio system, golf at the Glen Ellen Country Club and more. Tickets are $50 per person and are available by calling Stony Brook Sanctuary at 508-528-3140. (Casual attire.) All net proceeds will benefit Stony Brook, so please come out and support this great local resource.
    - ST, Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary volunteer

  • 5/30 9:34am   RG--Could be worse; the Wellesley Public Schools have early release every Wednesday for the the elementary schools. Talk about a childcare issue. I actually like the 2 professional days making for a long weekend, less disruption to the week and for us transplants, it makes it easier to travel to visit family.
    - BS

  • 5/30 9:33am   Just read the Memorial Day comments about the war and I honestly can't understand why anti-war sentiments are considered to be attacks on the troops. I've not heard anyone deny that these men and women are incredibly brave people, willing to sacrifice their own lives to do the job they were assigned. When my father returned from serving his two tours of duty in Vietnam, he and and his fellow soldiers were despised and treated with blatant disrespect. Nothing like that has happened during this conflict. It would seem that people have learned to distinguish between protesting our government's foreign policy and blaming the soldiers sent to do their dirty work. Apparently not in this town.
    - KLM

  • 5/30 9:27am   JG, I would call Tree Tech in Foxboro, they provide full service tree care.
    - RC

  • 5/29 10:26pm   Any recommendations for a plumber and an arborist? I need repair work on a bathroom (most immediate need) and a kitchen sink.
    Regarding the arborist, two of my trees appear to be under attack by eastern tent caterpillars. One tree has been defoliated (last year) and did not leaf out very much this year. So I think I need someone who knows how to diagnose tree diseases before deciding to take tree down. I would really like to save it. The other tree is being eaten and may need spraying and trimming. These are very large and old trees. Thank you very much.
    - JG

  • 5/29 6:13pm   Recommendations - the Lawn King does our lawn, hardwood flooring, painted both the exterior and did some interior painting for us as well as carpentry; we have a long and happy relatioship with Andy Fuller - The Lawn King.
    In addition our cleaner is Maria Campos, who is excellent and has worked with us for at least 10 years - probably the most honest and ethical person I know. Her number is 508 879-9302. She gave me permission to distribute her number. She probably does at least a dozen homes in Norfolk.
    - LW

  • 5/29 6:12pm   To SDB: Well said! It is our duty as US citizens to voice our protest over what we believe to be wrong in our government and in our society. I don't see how anyone can accuse you of not supporting the troops if you choose to criticize the war. Thank you for your postings.
    - AL

  • 5/29 6:11pm   Dear DK, What a beautiful letter and testament to your son. Thank you for sharing that with us. I'm sure it was a difficult letter for you to read but your heart must have swelled with pride when you read that soldier's words of respect for your son. I know it brought a tear to my eye. We all need to reflect on the young men and women who give their lives to be soldiers for our country. This country would not be what it is today without these servicemen. Thank you again for sharing this letter and your son with all of us.
    - VT

  • 5/29 6:10pm   I too have recommended Keady pest control from Norwood in the past when people have called in regarding issues with pests, rodents, etc. They have been very reasonable towards the people who have contracted for their services and the owner is very reliable and friendly. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/29 4:22pm   I have a voucher for two tickets to the play "High School Musical" at the North Shore Musical Theater for Friday, July 6th, at 8:00 pm. We decided to go to an afternoon performance because my daughter is only 4. If you are interested in the tickets, I would sell them at face value ($62.50 each). Please e-mail me if interested at armours94@comcast.net.
    - MA

  • 5/29 4:21pm   I highly recommend Keady Pest Control in Norwood. We have been using them for years and the same technician, Rick, comes every year; it's so nice to see a familiar face in these times of employee turnovers.
    - JH

  • 5/29 4:17pm   Regarding a pest control company, we have used D&T Pest Control for several years - they have always been polite, professional, always call you back and honest!! I would hgly recommend D&T Pest Control; 508 359-1000 or 508 966-4470. A family owned company.
    - LW

  • 5/29 12:24pm   The towns of Norfolk, Wrentham and Plainville will be extending our D.A.R.E. Summer Camp Program registration until JUNE 8th, 2007 (Friday). No applications will be accepted after June 8th due to the final planning of the camp. Once again, the camp dates for grade six entering grade seven are June 25-29th. Grade five entering grade six dates are scheduled for August 13th-17th. If you have any questions please contact me at 541-3330. Thanks,
    Officer Steve Plympton, D.A.R.E. Officer, Norfolk Police Department

  • 5/29 11:48am   SDB -- Thanks for the clarification on your original position. I am not looking to get into a back and forth, because I don't believe anything will be solved and this road has been taken too many times. What it comes down to is that fundamentally you and I think on different planes and to be quite honest, you are no more interested in understanding my point of view than I am in understanding yours. That happens and I am ok with it. I can tell you from experience that if a family member of mine died in the line of duty, he would not feel his life was squandered. His wife would not feel his life was squandered. I would not feel like his life was squandered.
    I mentioned earlier that I am going to put together care packages for our troops. Anysoldier.com is a fantastic way to connect with a troop and help. One deployed soldier from the troop signs up and requests various as sundries that are difficult or impossible for them to get at the local PX. Supplies can be in short demand especially in the more remote areas. Some requests are for basic toiletries or snacks and some are for ways to relax and pass down time. The care package actually goes to ``any soldier'' (in a particular troop) and is distributed to a person in the troop that tends to get little or no mail. If anyone is interested in helping or getting more information, Wm has set up Box61@norfolknet.com as a way to get in touch with me.
    - MH

  • 5/29 10:24am   RG - I can answer your question regarding 4 day weekends/holidays... I am a teacher in a neighboring town that does have school today. I can guarantee I will have about 5 kids absent today! The absentee rate on the day before a holiday weekend and day after is unbelievable. Good luck with your boss :0)
    VR - Thanks so much for the Branbury VT recommendation. We will check it out!
    - NS

  • 5/29 12:29am   Does it bug anyone else that the school creates these four day weekends on Tuesdays after holidays? Does anyone else's boss think they're goldbricking when they try to get Tuesday off to watch the kids?
    - RG

  • 5/28 11:37pm   To BC: there were several recommendations for pest control companies posted recently on Norfolknet; check the archives for the May 8 postings at: [2007q2 Notes archive]
    - VR

  • 5/28 10:32pm   Can anyone recommend a pest control company that they have sucessfully used in the past? Thanks!
    - BC

  • 5/28 10:31pm   To MH, JPB, CJG, and any other folks who found my Memorial Day post objectionable:
    It is precisely because I do very much respect our men and women who volunteer for military service that I find the Iraq war so appalling. Our president and his advisors led us into this war under false pretenses. With their lies they have squandered the lives of thousands of fine, brave young Americans, also bringing unspeakable grief to the families of these soldiers.
    I do support our troops. I do not support the war.
    If enough patriotic citizens make this distinction and voice it, we might be instrumental in preventing thousands more of our brave, young volunteers from dying. I regret that my original message was unclear on this point.
    - SDB

  • 5/28 10:30pm   We've tent camped at Emerald Lake and Branbury State Parks in Vermont, and although both were nice, we preferred Branbury [VT parks: Branbury] It's got a nice lake with sandy beach, fun ranger-led activities for kids, and wonderful hiking trails; choice of either grassy sites near the lake or wooded sites right across the road. Would definitely recommend it.
    - VR

  • 5/28 10:29pm   The hot air balloons used to leave from Norfolk Airport to go to the Wrentham State School grounds... We could talk to them from our back deck and wave them on to a safe trip.
    - ER

  • 5/28 10:26pm   Any campers out there? Our family has been tent camping each summer at the Wellfleet Bay Audubon which we absolutely love, but think we'd like to try something new this year, maybe in New Hampshire or Vermont? Can anyone make a recommendation for tent camping for families... We are not into the big campgrounds with all the bells and whistles of pools, arcades, store etc. Thank you!
    - NS

  • 5/28 6:36pm   A committee at my church, (not in Norfolk), is contemplating how best to renovate the church siding. Presently it is covered with aluminum siding placed over the original 1880's clapboards which, at that time, were stained. Probably, due to the aluminum and the age, there is damage underneath so the clapboards need to come off. However, we feel that, as the sides are relatively low, much of this could be done with sweat equity for a minimum cost. We are concerned about the lead under the aluminum however, and how we can learn how best to do this in compliance with the environmental regulations. Any thoughts on who would give us this information? Thanks.
    - JHR

  • 5/28 3:43pm   BR - I remember seeing the balloons from my parents' back yard on Medway Street. I think it might have been about 15 years ago.
    - JZ

  • 5/28 12:02pm   SDB, You should say a personal thank you to every single one of the men and women who have served in the armed forces, past, and present, war time, and peace time, because it is because of each and every one of them that allows you to post your own personal thoughts on/in a forum like this or any place else. It is called freedom of speech, and they gave it to you.
    I come from a military family too, with family members that have served in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, and as MH said - and thank you MH for pointing out - each and every one of those individuals in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, are there voluntarily... they have not been drafted... they are there of their own free will. I am proud to live in a country that stands up for our beliefs, and has men and women willing to fight, and give their life for, those beliefs.
    Thank you, to anyone out there reading this, serving, or having served in the armed forces, for all you have given me. I do not forget you in my prayers. Just to give you a little perspective, how about this: "Alcohol-related deaths on U.S. roads rose to their highest level in 14 years in 2006" "The Transportation Department said that drunken driving deaths rose 2.4 percent to 17,941" Full article: [here]. Talk about useless deaths, if you want to be outraged about something, try something as senseless as this... not the people out there, keeping you safe and free.
    - CJG

  • 5/28 11:41am   Ohhhh!!! For those of you that seem to object to discussions/posts for or against the War in Iraq and our military/corporate involvement there, or anywhere else in the world, it is not about politics! We must question the need for ultimate sacrifice! It is a discussion we all must engage in, while putting aside our political choices. This is about moral choices.
    [C o n t i n u e d]
    - PRR

  • 5/28 11:41am   To BR: I remember the hot air balloons. We used to live in a townhouse in North Attleboro. They used to fly so close over our unit that it looked as if you could almost touch them. They were beautiful. I miss them too! I think they flew out of Mansfield.
    - SD

  • 5/27 10:20pm   We also received an e-mail identifying the snake as an eastern milk snake; I'm posting the letter below.

    UMass Amherst
    I enjoy your website and the insight into Norfolk that I have gained from it. I do not live in Norfolk, but I do teach at KP high. JP posted a picture of a snake today. It is an eastern milk snake not a northern water snake. He can google images to see a number of photos to help him confirm this. Since I'm not a Norfolk resident, I should not be posting myself. Would you kindly pass this information onto him for me. Thank you.
    - Wm.

  • 5/27 10:12pm   JP: That is a milk snake, Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum [see UMass page - Wm.]. Common in Massachusetts. Non venemous, although they will spray and bite if cornered or threatened.
    - AB

  • 5/27 10:01pm   On the eve of Memorial Day I would like to share with my neighbors a letter we received this week from an ordinary soldier in Adam's unit. It is very moving and describes the events of my son's death. I have eliminated the email address at the bottom of the letter but it is otherwise unchanged. [*]
    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, My name is SPC J--- F---, and I have had the pleasure of knowing your son for the last eighteen months. First off, let me send my condolences on the behalf of myself and everyone else on our team. Your son was a fine man, a leader and most importantly a good friend. I know that there is nothing that I can say that will ease your pain, but I need to write this for myself and certainly for him. Adam has helped me out more times than I care to count, he has enlightened me on a lot of subjects, and he has always been an inspiration to fellow soldiers in our unit. If I ever had a problem, Adam could fix it. If I needed a hand with something, Adam was there with no complaints. If I had a question, Adam could answer it or help me find the answer. He was definitely a workaholic and a perfectionist. I guess that working for the Colonel, he had to be. But he also went above and beyond what was asked of him. I couldn't tell you how many times back at Ft. Richardson that everybody would be out of work, but Adam and the Colonel would still be there. He was a dedicated soldier and he never expected anything in return. No matter what time of day or night, he was there for his friends. You have a son to be extremely proud of and you probably already know how proud that he was to be a soldier. This wasn't just a job for him, it was a life and it was a future. He had ambitions of being an officer, and he would have made one hell of one. He was already a good NCO, always working right alongside his soldiers, never sitting back watching them work like some others do. He was a very caring and humble leader. He definitely taught me the ropes of being a good soldier. He seemed to always know what the right thing to do was. No matter how glum the outlook was he always had a positive attitude and an optimistic view. I probably don't need to tell you this, but America lost a hero on Easter Sunday. Not thirty minutes before Adam was killed we were all joking around, throwing rocks and listening to some music. He picked out a song on my Ipod and then he sat back and listened before he got back to work. You see, we were just waiting to go back out into the city. We had gone out earlier in the morning, came back and got lunch, and were getting ready to go back out. The rockets that came in on us were without notice, no sound, just silence. Most of us were in the Humvees, but Adam was right in front of the Colonel's. The first rocket hit right beside him and four or five more followed. They were all close to us. As soon as it was over, I heard the call for a medic. I went around the front and saw Adam laying there. The fact that he did not suffer is the only thing that we can be grateful for. The other two of our guys that took shrapnel are alright. Tomorrow we will all fly back to FOB Kalsu for his memorial service. It will not be easy, it never is, but I will tell you that he will live on in this brigade. His memory is one of love, dedication and sacrifice. The chances of this happening are so slim, it is frustrating. Our first thoughts were ones of revenge and hatred toward the insurgents. Within an hour we were back out in the city but we did not find anything. I am sorry if this letter isn't something that you wanted, but I felt that I had to write it. Again I want to offer my condolences on your loss. Adam will always be a hero to me. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me at ...
    - DK

    [* I've also omitted the soldier's name pending clarification - Wm.]

  • 5/27 9:59pm   Please visit the Dunkin Donuts DARE Race Website [DARE 2 Run]
    - HK

  • 5/27 7:47pm   Does anyone remember the hot air ballons going over Norfolk on weekend mornings? My husband & I were actually out in a small boat on Lake Pearl about 5:30am one morning when they came over the lake--what a wonderful sight. We haven't seen them for years. I wonder why?
    - BR

  • 5/27 7:46pm   I need to have some physical therapy for my back (degenerated disks / pinched nerve) and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations in the area for spinal issues especially. I know there is one on 1A in Norfolk and on 140 in Franklin. Thanks!
    - LK

  • 5/27 7:12pm   JPB - I was in the same camp when I read SDB's post, but you can not blame Wm. When any topic (especially politics) dominates our webpage, I am usually happy to see it relegated to its own page. The messages get posted and anyone that wants to read them knows where to find them.
    It is very difficult for me to hear people speak negatively about our country on the auspices of honoring our troops. My minister snuck in her jabs this morning in the same way, I am ashamed to say that I did not walk out. What folks like SDB have to remember is that the troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan (and around the world) have joined the military voluntarily, many joining at a time when our country is actively involved in a time of war. I am truly awed by that.
    I come from a long line of family in the military, all branches. A member of my family has fought in every war or `skirmish' since the American Revolution. My father had just enlisted when the draft began for Vietnam. I have four cousins serving in the military; one doing his third tour in Iraq. His wife has completed a tour in Afghanistan and two tours in Iraq. The stories they have told of their time and interaction with the people in Iraq is vastly different then the negativity that is reported on the news. Our troops are fighting for what they believe in and I honor that.
    Please take time to honor those that have made the ultimate sacrifice. Rather then forming a support group to talk about whether or not war is wrong, why not invest the time in supporting those that are already there? I have a care package that I will be sending to a soldier that is serving our country in Iraq. I do not know him or anyone in his troop, but they need our help and support. Please let me know [at box61@norfolknet.com] if you would like to help.
    - MH

  • 5/27 7:11pm   DV - You can chalk me up in the dope camp too. For a very long time I read Wm as William. I remember my day of enlightenment, and still laugh as well. It is funny what odd things our mind will think and odder still to have someone else thinking it too.
    - MH

  • 5/27 7:09pm   I ran into this little guy while cleaning the garage today. I looked it up and it appears to be a Water Snake (non-venomous) but I was just wondering if someone could confirm that for me, this is the first time I have seen this type around here. It was about 2 feet long and while he didn't seem too hesitant to let me know that he would strike if provoked he was rather calm and left without incident. Thanks!
    - JP

  • 5/27 7:08pm   JPB, Sadly enough, the families are also told that their son/daughter died as a hero. What propaganda! 3,500 dead--why?? None of them would have been killed if it was not for the war. I feel more pity for the parents, families and relatives, and of course the soldiers themselves. Instead of admitting the war was a mistake, our current president calls them heroes. I just think it is awful that these soldiers died. Was it really all worth it?
    - DWL

  • 5/27 1:45pm   Speaking of the webmaster... who I think is great, I do not spend much time on computers as I run my own company and have 4 kids. I realized what a dope I am when it dawned on me that his name was not William. It still makes me laugh out loud.
    - DV

  • 5/27 1:44pm   BR, glad to hear it. I have some cute photos that I took on May 10th; I have not been back since. Hopefully I will get back soon. We just got two baby goats. They are the cutest!! My kids love them. They will also be great for some photo shoots.
    - DV

  • 5/27 12:45pm   SDB: Shame on you for perverting our solemn and historically sacred day of honoring our American heroes, of all wars, for giving their lives to protect us - for better or worst. Once again our Wm has proven his transparent bias by not relegating this to the "Politics Page."
    - JPB

  • 5/26 7:46pm   Sorry about the cygnet count at Bush Pond. I counted 7 today--so we have only lost 1 so far.
    - BR

  • 5/26 4:32pm   LAS... I have been doing home daycare for 25 years... My business card is posted on the "post your business card" page [Little People Day Care]
    - ER

  • 5/26 1:14pm   ESM - We are very happy with the people who clean our house. You can ask the webmaster how to contact me if you would like a referral. Welcome to Norfolk!
    - KL

  • 5/26 1:12pm   SO... No, I am not a crazy swimmer (whatever that is) and would really rather snorkel where the water is not deep. But I love to try new things. Would love to kayak too, but my, um, posterior, is a problem. Might not get out of the kayak if I overturned, before drowning. Must try that somewhere this summer. Have no pictures of fish yet, but next time I'll be ready for them. And I've never done yoga. Maybe it would make me into a better snorkeler?? Snorkeling at the Sr. Center perhaps?? ; )
    - JHR

  • 5/26 9:03am   DV, Moving to Canterbury Estates. Have got everything set up with Comcast per recommendations from severals notes below. Priority is on an alarm system and service providers... if you have recommendations that would be great. What are the "best finds" in and around Norfolk? Do you know if there is a kayaking or hiking group in Norfolk or surrounding areas? I am an outdoors person!
    - ESM

  • 5/25 11:26pm   Memorial Day arrives, a time to recognize our Veterans. This is our solemn duty.
    But we are having too many memorial days for sons and daughters who have died too soon, too young, serving in this awful Iraq war. In Massachusetts alone, since April we have lost Adam Kennedy, 25, of Norfolk, Anthony Palermo, 26, of Brockton, William Callahan, 28, of South Easton, Ryan Jones, 23, of Westminster, Kyle Little, 20, of Boylston, Walter O'Haire, buried on his 21st birthday, of Lynn, and Andrew Bacevich, 27, of Walpole. Alex Jiminez, 25, of Lawrence, kidnapped, remains missing. Matthew Bean, 22, of Pembroke, was shot in the head while searching for Jiminez and his missing comrades. The Boston Globe reports that Matthew is in "stable condition but unresponsive."
    US deaths numbered 81 in March, 104 in April, 7 on Monday, May 21. The total fast approaches 3500 young Americans, over 50 from Massachusetts.
    People line the streets for motorcades and funerals, waving flags and weeping, hoisting small children on their shoulders, paying their respects, honoring the service and mourning the losses.
    Is that enough? Are there others in Norfolk who are looking to do more, who believe that this war is wrong, and that working to end it is an act of patriotism? We should meet. Please contact me at box60@norfolknet.com
    - SDB

  • 5/25 11:25pm   JHR: You must be some crazy swimmer! We will surely not be in the same yoga class!. What did you see? What kinds of fish? When I was kid, adults would naturally inquire about my future. I answered, "I want to be an ichthyologist", mainly because I liked to draw fish. Do you have pictures? Send them in.
    - SO

  • 5/25 6:54pm   AL and SO... Thanks for the suggestions. Actually we just returned from Bermuda where we did some snorkeling, but it just doesn't cut it for me. I cannot wait to go someplace really terrific. I'll look into both places suggested and go next year, unless of course I find a place sooner that is a good deal. I have not tried anything more than snorkeling, but wonder about scuba. Who knows what is ahead for us. Vieques and Tortola sound perfect.
    - JHR

  • 5/25 2:15pm   Looking for day care starting for the fall for two children. Please forward name or email.
    - LAS

  • 5/25 1:31pm   EMS, welcome to town, we just moved here last August so I am still learning my way around, but we love it here and hope you do too. What part of town are you moving to?
    - DV

  • 5/25 9:52am   Relocating from Philly to Norfolk mid-June. Would appreciate recommendations for a security system/company, lawn care provider, landscaper and cleaning service. Thanks.
    - ESM

  • 5/25 8:59am   LAS, When do you need childcare? Are you looking to start in the fall? I have a friend who lives in Millis but is right over the line from Norfolk. She provides childcare I could put you in touch with her if that would work for you.
    - SG

  • 5/24 11:21pm   JHR - When I was married, back in '93, a wealthy artist friend gave us the generous gift of ten days at his "little" house in Anguilla. He called it a "cottage." We landed, took the local taxi, and were dropped off at a villa with its own private beach, veranda and gardens, and a maid! A "maid" - Violet. A maid. Trust me, I cooked for her. Violet got fat. She had the scoops and I wanted them. A maid! Cook for your maid, if you have one. Get the scoops.
    Anguilla is very expensive now. AL gave a suggestion I will save for myself. It sounds unbelievable. In the Caribbean, you can walk out a little, put your head under and mostly see the coolest fish. Watch yourself for banging into corral, which I did. It can sting. Get a little waterproof camera and have fun. You will not, just will not believe what you will see.
    - SO

  • 5/24 9:47pm   I'm looking for day care in Norfolk - teacher's hours. Does anyone know of someone for in-home day care?
    - LAS

  • 5/24 9:46pm   Yard Sale, Saturday, 5/26 from 9-1. 5 Malcolm Street (off of 115 and Geneva). Books, games, electronics, furniture, something for everyone! Hope to see you there!
    - JP

  • 5/24 9:04pm   Why we take the time to pay our respects...
    Hello there... Happy Weekend and may you and yours have a Peace-filled Memorial Day... May we all remember why we are having this time to enjoy such a gorgeous respite from the cold and dreary days.
    I would like to pay my respects and say thank you to all the families of service men and women who have served, are serving, have lost loved ones or are praying that their family members come home safe and in one piece. I am ardently against the war, any war... I truly believe the word is mightier than the sword, but we are where we are at now... and we owe our gratitude to our military men and women. They are willing to lay down their lives for us... Let's bring them home soon!! Safe and sound!!!
    Thank you!!! Sincerely,
    - PRR

  • 5/24 7:11pm   How's this for sneaky spam:
    From bounce-[bogus-address=my-domain]@emailheaven.net Thu May 24 19:02:44 2007
    Subject: **kingdomlifechurch: Please Confirm Subscription
    Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 18:48:04 -0400
    To: [bogus-address@my-domain]
    From: "kingdomlifechurch" <kingdomlifechurch-Subscribe@[...]>

    We received an email indicating you would like to subscribe the email address [bogus-address@my-domain] to the group 'KINGDOM LIFE' on [...].

    To protect your email address, we need to be sure that you are really the person that sent the request

    If you DID send this request, please confirm you membership request by replying to this email (don't change the subject line).

    If you DID NOT send this request, simply do nothing. You will not be subscribed and will not receive email from this group.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience this extra step causes. It helps us ensure that our group managers never send unwanted email.


    On the face of it, this seems legit - someone recommended me for a subscription, and they're double-checking that this is ok.
    But why three copies? Look deeper, and you notice that none came to my correct e-mail address, but to bogus, invented addresses at my server. Look again, and you notice that the message was sent not by the church who puts out the newsletter, but emailheaven.net, presumably a professional mass-emailer.
    This entire e-mail, apology and all, is spam! An advert for their newsletter that arrived, uninvited and unwelcome, in triplicate, in my mailbox. While they claim they're protecting me from unwanted e-mail, they're themselves are bombarding me with it! And of course they lie when they say someone recommended fictitious, non-existent mail accounts for their product. Aargh!
    Televangelism is over; welcome to spamevangelism. He may work in mysterious ways, but may The Lord grant me patience.
    - Wm.

  • 5/24 5:56pm   Two recommendations:
    One, for interior painting, we used Bob Shea. He is excellent. Second, for Caribbean snorkeling, the best place is Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. Spectacular.
    - JN

  • 5/24 5:55pm   In some ways it's always sad when something comes to an end. Other than the occasional fun romp, I've given up scything the yard -- it was taking too much time and leaving too little oomph left for my other sports. Over the past four seasons that I mowed by hand (all right, fess up, I know people were talking about it even on the commuter train), I've gotten to know the yard and its wildflowers, the anthills, the newt by the pine, the toad in the tall grass. We stopped with the toxic chemicals when our daughter was born, and the yard regained not only the violets, daisies, ferns, blackberries, blueberries, goldenrod and cinquefoil that rightly belong here, but also the insects and the birds that feed on them. I've watched the daisies make themselves a home, seen seedlings grow into trees.
    One of the neatest unexpected surprises was the little blue-eyed grass that showed up at the edge of the lawn one year. Just one flower the first year, but the colony grew and spread, and even though I missed the blooms the next two years running (blue-eyed grass flowers and wilts within a day or two -- must keep a very close eye on them when the buds appear), today when I went out to check I was greeted with the most spectacular display.
    - Wm.

  • 5/24 5:33pm   To JHR: If you are interested in snorkeling, you should take a look at Vieques, a small island off of Puerto Rico. It was for many years used by our military for exercises but that stopped a few years ago. The snorkeling is fantastic and the beaches are numerous and empty. There isn't much in the way of resorts; we rented a house while we were there. It is the best of both worlds: a foreign (Spanish) language and culture, but with US currency. You can fly there from Puerto Rico or take a ferry like we did. They also have a bioluminescent bay - one of the few remaining in the world. Check it out.
    - AL

  • 5/24 1:02pm   I would like to give kudos -- the Subway franchise in Millis has opened under new management. You can walk in and be greeted with a smile and a ``how are you doing today?'' I know it it is a chain and being from the South where chain restaurants are predominant, I truly appreciate the local restaurants and `town pizza' places, but this Subway is a little gem for customer service. I went into a local business (non-food) in Norfolk and spent about 15 minutes looking around -- the employees did not even acknowledge that I was there, they were too busy chatting with a friend (I was the only customer). This could be an anomaly, so I am not going to give the business name and will probably give it another chance before I make a judgment that is too harsh.
    I would like to remind/inform people that the Medfield Relay for Life (there is not a Relay in Norfolk, but several people from Norfolk are Team Captains, myself included) is coming up in 3 weeks. This is an annual event that is hosted by the American Cancer Society and is a fundraiser to help in the fight against cancer of all types. Unfortunately, cancer is a disease that will effect many people either directly or indirectly through friends and family. If you are able, please give generously and perhaps future generations will not have to face the same hurdles. You can get more information and make online donations at: www.acsevents.org/relay/mamedfield
    - MH

  • 5/24 11:47am   Does anyone have any thoughts on a really good place to snorkel in the Carribean that is easily accessible from a beach there? That wonderfully warm, amniotic fluid temperature and the ability to see and swim with amazingly beautiful fish is such a joy. I need a really good place. Thanks.
    Also, while doing the drive through at DD this morning I noticed the appearance of the back of the building that houses the Norfolk Food Mart... and the building that used to be an antique shop. Any thoughts?? Perhaps someone with art expertise could paint a lovely scene on the building... is that called faux painting?? Like tropical fish maybe... ; )
    - JHR

  • 5/24 9:23am   Just wanted to give "two thumbs up" for a Norfolknet business card - The Lawn King (508-954-6658). We had Andy in for a spring cleaning, edging and mulching of flower beds. Prompt, courtious service, fair price and excellent results. Would highly recommend.
    - KB

  • 5/23 11:51pm   TO CT: I also have had indoor painting work done by Bob Shea this year and am very happy with the results. He's very neat, clean, and even patched some of the holes that I had in the bathroom prior to painting. I highly recommend him.
    - CR

  • 5/23 11:50pm   Sorry to say that the Bush Pond swan babies are 8-2=6. This happens every year. Most years we end up with 2 except last year when we all thought they were big enough to survive another was gone.
    - BR

  • 5/23 11:49pm   Two items (a Suduko Pencil & an AquaDock to play ipods/MP3 players in the shower) were taken from the 1/2 off table in front of Something Special this afternoon. Two boys riding bikes (one wearing a gray t-shirt) were checking out these two items right before they disappeared. Just wanted to let parents know where these items came from in case they mysteriously appear in your house. Thanks,
    - KB, Something Special

  • 5/23 1:45pm   HPK, Yes, I think that is the same project. They mailed me a packet in the mail along with a contract I have to sign??!!
    - JGP

  • 5/23 1:02pm   JGP, I don't know if this has anything to do with Spectra, but on June 6th, there will be an open house at the library regarding the Algonquin Gas East-to-West Expansion Project. The open house runs from 6-8 p.m. and the contact person for the project is Jon Bonsall, 617-951-1400. I believe they are either putting in a second pipeline along the existing right-of-way, or putting in a larger pipeline.
    - HPK

  • 5/23 12:16pm   CT: as for indoor painting, I would highly recommend 'RS painting service' (Bob Shea). Bob does high quality work at competitive, and fair pricing. I have used his services on more than one occasion and have found his work to be very thorough, neat, and clean. He was also willing to work around our schedule. He can be reached at (508) 528-7363.
    - KK

  • 5/23 12:10pm   Has anyone been receiving calls from Spectra Energy about a survey being done on land with regards to gas pipes?
    Did you give them the OK to do whatever? All this paperwork makes it seem like I am signing my life away. "... to the condition that I am/we are paid for any and all damages to property or crops that my be directly caused by such"
    - JGP

  • 5/23 12:06pm   Received this note looking for info:
    James R Post b. 6 Jul 1926, d. 26 Jul 2001 in Norfolk, MA. SS#028-18-2288.

    I look for his Obit and descendants that might remain in Norfolk. Perhaps it will lead to proof that our mutual many great grandmother was born in Worthington, MA in 1802 and she really was Adeline Bigelow.

    D. C., Sarasota, FL

    - Wm.

    [Update 5:56pm: A reader has provided Mr. Post's researcher with a link to the obituary and 9 possible relatives in the Plymouth area, and the nursing home where he passed on in 2001. - Wm.]

  • 5/23 11:12am   Can anyone recommend a painter in the area? I need some indoor work done. Thanks,
    - CT

  • 5/23 10:46am   KS - A few years ago when my daughter was at preschool, I set up a Spanish Playgroup. The emphasis was on learning through preschool games, activities and stories a few simple phrases each week that we could use with our preschoolers on a daily basis, in addition to the usual numbers, colors, animal names, food item names, etc. While I'm not currently running the playgroup, I do have some materials that you may find useful. I can be contacted at 508-553-9836.
    - SD

  • 5/22 9:09pm   SO -- I knew that post was from you even before reading to the end. I knew also, after I wrote that confusing post, that I had it all wrong. Of course you are much too young for the Senior Set. No salsa dancing there and no salsa of any kind as a matter of fact... not good for the digestive tract... But a nice place to go if you are over, I don't even know - 60 maybe, I'm not even sure - but know I'm quite old enough. I would like to see some yoga there... it is supposed to do wonderful things. Incidentally, as an artist, do you give lessons? ...for seniors?? It also sounds as though you lived in a neat place growing up.
    - JHR

  • 5/22 9:06pm   To CMK: I must put a plug in for Norfolk County Dental, downtown, above Town Pizza. They have flexible hours, Dr. Iadarolla is awesome (we don't see much of Dr. Keiser), excellent hygenists, and the receptionists are incredibly personable and efficient. They also have Dr. Gamm, who is the orthodonist extraordinaire that treated all 3 of my kids. The practice epitomizes what we love about Norfolk--real people getting the job done in a friendly manner.
    - EC

  • 5/22 7:10pm   CMK - We like Chestnut Dental in Franklin. We see Dr. Beard and she's great. The hygenists are warm and good with the kids and the practice does not charge the additional $95.00 "professional fee" charged by another popular dental practice.
    - MJD

    [Update 7:41pm: Sorry everyone, it's Chestnut Dental in Franklin, not Acorn. Acorn is the vet not the dentist. I do that all the time! - MJD]

  • 5/22 6:44pm   JHR - Sorry, this is going back a bit. Thank you. I'm not "seasoned" yet - still working on the mix. I'll dance in the streets if I make it! Congratulations, by the way - you must have done something right. When my mother doesn't answer the phone at night, I leave the same message, "Senior Salsa? Paintin' the town red again?". "You never know", she answers later. I tell her I'll be teaching "Senior Salsa Saturday" when I'm 99, knock wood. She says I'm fresh. Hey, retirement will be out the window by then, so I better brush up (actually, I can salsa)!
    I was curious about the Senior Center because it looks nice and I wondered what went on there. Salsa possibly? If so, can anybody join in? I bet they have a yoga class I could manage. Maybe not. Like you, I'm also not a card player, unless food's involved. Recently, a friend talked me into a game of poker with her fellow attorneys. I'm an artist - who would you bet on? Ha - I cleaned up (pennies, nickels, dimes) and had dinner!
    You know, here's the thing - it's very hard to meet people of different age groups. At my old house, we had a sidewalk, and the houses were so close, you knew more than needed. I watched babies grow and parents retire. I saw crops rotated on miniscule plots by neighbors with leathery Sicilian faces and sturdy constitutions. Can you imagine what they thought of me with my weedy patch and "Irish pasta"?
    From the outside, "senior citizenship" looks like an exclusive club. You can't join because you don't have the chops. Well, I'm working on it. About a week ago, I emailed my sister (personal trainer, health sciences teacher, 3-time summiter of Mt. Rainier, vitamin proponent extraordinaire...). "Mary, I know this is pointless, but do you ever get aches and pains. My hips are sore." Nothing. Two days later, "Started about four years ago. Wake up you loon." And she's younger than me.
    - SO

  • 5/22 6:42pm   CMK--Chestnut Dental in Franklin is awesome. Very good with kids and soon to be teenagers. The phone number is 508-520-6660.
    - BS

  • 5/22 6:40pm   CMK: We have been very happy with Mitch Pasenkoff in the center of town. He is great with our kids (8 and 10), his dental assistants explain everything, he has Saturday hours which has been very helpful to us, and they seem to take many different insurance plans. All good in our book.
    - AL

  • 5/22 4:26pm   I know this question has been asked and answered in the past, but I didn't need the info then, so I'll ask again - can anyone recommend a dentist nearby. I am looking to make a change for my 10 and 12 year old children. Thanks in advance for your help!
    - CMK

  • 5/22 3:45pm   KD - this might be it: kidsclubfunland.com
    - LK

  • 5/22 2:33pm   King Philip teacher searching for a 3-bedroom house for rent in Norfolk. agim@quik.com
    - MFA

  • 5/22 2:02pm   Someone told me about a great new indoor play place for young children in the Dedham/Norwood area, but I've forgotten the name and can't find it on the web. Does anyone know the place I'm referring to? Many thanks in advance for the help!
    - KD

  • 5/22 1:33pm   HC, Isadore would be a gender-appropriate alternative to Isabel. I hope the little guy is ok. I know if I brought him home, my cat would just flatten him.
    - HPK

  • 5/22 1:32pm   KS, for a young child is should be easy to find a teen who would start him/her on colors numbers, animals etc. My daughter, 14, has been taking Spanish since 2nd grade. I will ask her if she would like to help your child for the summer if you would like, or you could ask up at KP.
    - DV

  • 5/22 1:31pm   LM, what does he like to do? For fun?
    - DV

  • 5/21 6:13pm   LM - We went to a 40th bday party at the Milky Way Lounge in JP a few years back that was a lot of fun. It's very funky/retro... It's part restaurant, part dance club, part bowling alley (they have like 5 old lanes or something) The bowling lanes are surrounded by couches and cafe tables, and the hostess had drinks and h'ors doeuvres set up by the lanes. Everyone hung out for a while in the lounge/lanes area, and those who wanted to bowl a bit for fun did. Later everyone headed into the other part of the club for dancing, where they have live music 7 nights/wk. Check out milkywayjp.com/party.html
    - KL

  • 5/21 3:58pm   Hilary -- the website is fabulous; thanks for taking the time to educate our town! Perhaps you could add a page of the needs/wants of our animal shelter? I think about donating this or that, but never know what is actually needed. I am sure the question gets asked all the time and I am sure the needs change depending on circumstances. I would love to take little Izzy in. Our last addition (a tortie cat named Annie) came from an animal shelter with all sort of health issues, and though more than a little spoiled, she is flourishing now.
    - MH

  • 5/21 3:40pm   I am looking for Spanish language lessons for my preschooler but am having a tough time finding anything around here - any recommendations? Thanks.
    - KS

  • 5/21 2:42pm   Hilary, Great website for the animals! Thank you for taking the time to create it.
    - EF

  • 5/21 2:12pm   I'm so glad Norfolknet is back to normal - kittens, stump grinding, and 40th birthdays. That little kitten looks so cute I can hardly stand it. I'd love to have him, but we've reached critical mass.
    40th birthday suggestions: Adult-size moonwalk (use the coupon, 911 on speed-dial), twinkle lights, grill, iPod, and invite us all for cake! No? How about a catered, candle-lit, "al fresco" at home? Or dinner at L'espalier, if you're flying high? Or Clio? How about a volleyball party a la Revere Beach, followed by fried clams and lobster rolls at Kelly's (guaranteed to be entertaining)? What about a fiesta - catered by a Mexican restaurant and salsa lessons from a local instructor - all in your own back yard? Piñata, cerveza, famillia. What's not to love?
    The best birthday I ever had (27?) took place at a dive in the South End, back before billionaires. We had a rollicking good time! Fried alligator and catfish, soul-food sides, and my mother sent her dense, rich chocolate cake, which even the chef (Chef Chandler, who's face appeared next to the definition of "chef" in the American Heritage Dictionary, if I remember correctly) enjoyed with us. Sometimes less really is more.
    - SO

  • 5/21 1:28pm   For anyone interested in Webkinz - Something Special just got in an order of Spotted Frogs and Beagles.
    - Joan and Nancy, Something Special

  • 5/21 1:27pm   LM, I had my husband's 40th at Doc's in Milford. They have a great party room that has glass walls so you are segregated off from the rest of the place. They have a ton of TVs all throughout the place and huge flat screens. On Saturday they have a live band right in front of the glass window of the party room. Food was good and plentiful and affordable. I would do a party there again.
    - JP

  • 5/21 1:24pm   To the residents of Norfolk:
    Due to the overwhelming calls on wildlife, dog laws, services that we provide for the town, calls for adoptions, and so many questions that people have... I have learned how to build a productive web page for people who have questions upon questions! This is the first time that I have ever built a site so please be patient with my new explorations, as I'm sure I'm bound to hit the wrong button once in a while. In the meantime, please go browse around! norfolkanimalcontrol.net
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/21 8:26am   In the Valupak advertising envelope that comes in the mail had a coupon for affordable rentals for tent and moonwalks. There is also two $10.00 coupons on the back, one for tents and one for a moonwalk rental. They are located in Norwood but only give a telephone number. Tel: 781-762-7076.
    - MG

  • 5/20 10:12pm   LM - A friend of mine's husband took her out to dinner at Incontro's in Franklin, then surprised her by having us all meet them there afterwards for drinks and pool. You can reserve some pool tables and have a tab for drinks and appetizers. People came and went as schedule/sitters allowed. Was a lot of fun. Great place.
    - LK

  • 5/20 8:48pm   LM - I rented a limo and took my hubby and a bunch of friends to Medieval Manor in Boston for his 40th. Lots of fun even though I was pregnant; at least the king didn't make me do weird and crazy stuff. Just a thought... Have fun!
    - BS

  • 5/20 6:20pm   Found: Lexus key, on Sparrow Road near Robin Road, on Sunday 5/20 at 5:30 pm. Please email: shop36@comcast.net.
    - JS

  • 5/20 6:18pm   Early Registration for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's Fall season ends June 1st - Visit our website [eteamz link] to print off a registration form or register on-line. Registration forms are also available at the Norfolk Public Library.
    - HK

  • 5/20 6:17pm   SV - If you are still looking for a someone to do stump grinding, Rich Watson in Norfolk does it. He has done about 5 stumps in our yard. Great job. He's right on Rte. 115 after Cliff's Cylces. His number: 508-528-7824.
    - SC

  • 5/20 6:16pm   Hi - Does anyone have a fun idea for a 40th birthday party for my husband??
    - LM

  • 5/20 6:15pm   Found a remote door opener for an automobile at the Foxboro Federal Bank in town today. If anybody lost it, please email me at pubhired@verizon.net.
    - PL

  • 5/19 11:31pm   Attn JC - If you are considering a well for irrigation only, wouldn't a shallow well (eg, 25 feet) do?
    Driving a pipe if you can ascertain that water is present is not a big project. It would seem a lot less expensive given your irrigation use (and if you can determine what the ground water level is).
    Where you live is important and if I can help let the Wm know. Regards,
    - JO

  • 5/19 8:23pm   Hi, I'm Rachel and I'm 17 years old looking for a weekly babysitting job over the summer. If interested, please feel free to contact me at lipglosscutie33@yahoo.com. Thanks!
    - RA

  • 5/19 11:47am   Any info on the sidewalks on Main Street?
    - KM

  • 5/19 11:46am   AP, we used Jump Around Rentals a few times. I forget where they are, but google them. the owner is very nice and set it all up.
    - DV

  • 5/18 9:57pm   AP - Try Norfolk Grand Rental on Rt. 1A. I believe they have them. Also, you can try Just for Fun Events (you can Google the address). They deliver but are pricier. Good luck.
    - BS

  • 5/18 9:53pm   This evening around 8pm a bunch of Norfolk children found this cute kitten in an unlikely place. They named the kitten Isabell but unfortunately that name will not fit because she is a he. In any event, this kitten has a slew of issues that will need to be checked out. If he does pass a health exam after 10 days of rehab, Izzy will be up for adoption. We estimate his age at 7-8 weeks. He's being treated for hypothermia and malnourishment and being monitored to see if his neurological symptoms improve. If anyone is interested in adopting Izzy please contact the Animal Control Officer at (508) 528 3232. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/18 8:57pm   I need advice on where to find rent a moonwalk for a birthday party. Help!
    - AP

  • 5/18 3:09pm   Norfolk Community Day is just around the corner. The Norfolk Lions are busily making the final arrangements for their 15th year of organizing this community event on Saturday, June 9 at the Holmes' Bus Company Complex at 22 Myrtle Street in Norfolk. Many organizations come out to celebrate Norfolk and to host an event. Events planned for the day include Perfection on Wheels/Bike Demo, Ed the Wizard, RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon (weather permitting; first come first served), all sorts of bouncy things, moonwalks, mazes and slides), lazer tag, a dunk tank, pie eating contest, games, performances by our own award winning KP Jazz Ensemble, Kathy Ryan Dance Studio and Denise's Dance Academy. Come out and join us for the fun on Saturday, June 9 from 10:30 until 4:00. If you have any questions contact Barbara Snead at bsnead@comcast.net or Carol Green at castlebldr@yahoo.com.
    The day is preceeded at 9:00 am by the Norfolk Community League's roadrace, also starting at the Holmes Complex. For questions or information, contact Melissa McCloskey at mtm0509@comcast.net.
    - BS

  • 5/18 1:47pm   RC: It's better to get the windows cleaned in July anyway, as the pine pollen peaks in June and makes a mess out of everything. You could also try Patriot Window Cleaning in Walpole. They've done a fantastic job for us in the past.
    - JC

  • 5/18 1:46pm   MT: It's difficult to give a ballpark estimate on digging a well for irrigation purposes, as there are many factors involved, such as the depth required to hit the water table in your particular yard, how rocky the ground is, etc. Once they dig and "find" the water source, they then have to determine if there is enough pressure (i.e. gallons per minute of water flow) to support your irrigation system. If not, they have to do a process called hydrofracturing, which optimizes the speed at the water flows through the bedrock. On average, I would estimate that it would cost about $8000-9000 to dig an average 300-400 foot well and install a well pump. If they need to go deeper and/or they need to hydrofrac, it will be even more expensive. Then, you have to consider the cost of installing the actual irrigation system, which is probably another $4000-$5000... definitely not an inexpensive project.
    - JC

  • 5/18 11:01am   CR, Thank you for the lead on ML Window Cleaners. He is coming Sunday to price the job. Looks like a July date to clean, he must be good.
    - RC

  • 5/17 5:37pm   I am looking for a reference from someone in-town who has had an irrigation well installed. Does anyone have a cost estimate? Thank you,
    - MT

  • 5/17 4:02pm   Mandy Washington, King Philip - I am interested in some volunteer help, let me know what you need. gericol@verizon.net
    - GC

  • 5/17 3:33pm   King Philip Music Association General Meeting: Annual Election of Board Members on Wednesday May 23rd 7:30pm in King Philip High School Cafeteria, Wrentham.
    Be in the know about the 2007-2008 Music Program. Meet the officers of the KPMA and learn about future plans.
    If you have a student at KP Middle School, get involved with the KPMA, so that you can promote your child's music education!
    - Mandy Washington, King Philip Music Association

  • 5/17 1:42pm   Do you have a caring heart and an hour a week to give? VistaCare, a hospice care provider, is in need of caring individuals to provide friendly visits and companionship to patients and families in your community. Visit near where you live or work. Flexible training schedule and hours and ongoing support is provided.
    For more information call Melody Horgan at 781-407-9900 or via e-mail: melody.horgan@vistacare.com.
    - Melody Horgan, Manager of Volunteer Services, VistaCare

  • 5/17 9:33am   RC -- Be sure to read the fine print and ask about fees; we have all three services (phone, internet and cable) through them and I know they can be a little sneaky about fees and other charges. From my experience, getting the box will upgrade you from basic to digital cable (we had digital, changed to basic and then changed back to digital). There are more specialty channels (Discovery, History, HGTV, etc) but the box is somewhere around $10 per month (per box) and then they will charge $5 per month (per remote) to ``rent'' the remote control that controls the box. We only have one TV in our house so the per box and per remote may be off. The digital cable will also give you OnDemand where you can get movies for $4 and not have to go to the rental store. I personally love this feature because I am terrible about returning movies and wind up paying late fees. Unfortunately, they will reel you in with their introductory package and then jack the price up after a year. I am actually a big fan of Comcast -- they are more expensive (I think we pay around $140 per month for all three, including taxes and fees), but it is worth it for me to have reliable service. Good luck!
    - MH

  • 5/16 11:17pm   To MH: You asked about Bevilaqua Paving... I haven't used them, but A-1 Paving did our original home fifteen years ago, and then an addition to our current home's driveway, eight years ago. They did excellent prep work (to prevent settling, and cracks), which I am not sure all these companies do, and their price was competitive. You might want to get a quote from A-1. They are on Rt. 1 south in Wrentham, near Lucianos.
    - EC

  • 5/16 11:16pm   I am also fairly new to town and would love to see sidewalks installed on Main Street. That would allow me to walk to the T each morning and my kids could walk to school. Sadly, the lack of sidewalks forces us to drive for each of these daily necessities. Many residents would get more exercise and it seems that any town should put sidewalks on its "Main Street". In reality, though, if it will take at least four more years to open a supermarket here, sidewalks should be expected about 2020. Please excuse the sarcasm, but it is probably not far off. Can any of the town's master planners share their insight? If so, thank you in advance.
    - CS

  • 5/16 11:12pm   Comcast called with an offer to send me up to three digital boxes that will enhance my picture and add channels. Free for the next 12 months. Anyone else get the call? I held them off for a few days.
    - RC

  • 5/16 5:55pm   I'm informed that there will also be some bunnies from the Sunny Rock 4-H for sale and for petting at Community day.
    - Wm.

  • 5/16 5:44pm   Have nothing but praise for the way Bevilaqua Paving . They were about $1800. less thean two other quotes and did an amazing job. They are one of the largest in New england.
    - PB

  • 5/16 2:48pm   Does anyone know if the town will put sidwalks on Main Street? I live about 1/2 mile from the school and was hoping that sidewalks would be going in soon?
    - KM

  • 5/16 2:31pm   I know this has been discussed many times in the past, but does anyone have any experience (good or bad) with Bevilaqua Paving? We are looking to have our driveway paved and received quotes from three different companies. The Bevilaqua quote was a couple thousand dollars less than the other two that came in at exactly the same amount. I always wonder why and I know in most instances you get what you pay for. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    - MH

  • 5/16 1:26pm   [Ellen], thanks!
    - DV

  • 5/16 12:42pm   The Sunny Rock 4-H Club, over at Wards Berry Farm in Sharon has plenty of bunnies for sale right now. You can call 508-660-2289 to set up an appointment.
    - Ellen Sebastiano

  • 5/16 10:47am   SV, Chris Gallasso out of Walpole. He had been in business for over 15 years and is very reasonable.
    - DWL

  • 5/16 9:59am   I'm looking for someone who does stump grinding. Local preferred. Thank you
    - SV

  • 5/16 9:48am   DV--try the Bremlists or Joe/Ellen Sebastiano. They are associated with 4-H here in town. Good luck and have fun with the bunnies.
    - BS

  • 5/16 9:42am   Bay Colony Productions at the Orpheum Theatre, Foxboro will be presenting the final weekend of the musical Oklahoma! by Rogers and Hammerstein. OKLAHOMA! marked a revolution in musical drama, setting standards still followed today. Set in Western Indian Territory in 1906 and based on the play Green Grow the Lilacs by Oklahoman Lynn Riggs, Oklahoma! [...]
    Music and dance blend into one with such popular melodies as Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, Surrey With the Fringe on Top, I Cain't Say No, People Will Say We're In Love and of course, the rousing Oklahoma.
    [Friday-Sunday, May 18th - May 20th -- More Info]
    - BC, Orpheum Theater

  • 5/16 9:18am   Hi all, we are looking for baby bunnies. I can't believe how hard they are to find this time of year. I am shocked
    - DV

  • 5/15 7:21pm   A few weeks back, someone posted looking for bicycle training wheels. If you still need them, we have a set if you are interested. You can get my email address from the Wm.
    - MHC

  • 5/15 7:15pm   PRR - I've had good luck with Comcast; however, Apple Computer is no picnic. The waits aren't long, but the attitude is frustrating. Thankfully, I don't need them very often. Their products are mainly trouble-free. My Dell-owning friends, on the other hand, regularly threaten murder.
    The closest I've come to your experience involved Cingular Wireless. At their Walpole Mall store, I bought a car charger which damaged my phone. I returned and spoke to the manager. The defect was obvious upon close inspection, but he insisted I consult Cingular. "We are independent contractors and it's not our problem." I called Cingular, was put on hold, disconnected, disrespected and denied. I learned to ask for the supervisor at the first hint of insurmountable resistance. Stay calm. Stay firm. Climb the ladder. Invoke the Attorney General, the Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce, if necessary. Two months later, I received a new phone, car charger, three free months and the Walpole store was investigated for misrepresentation of franchise.
    Get a phone with the "hands-free" speaker option. You can do loads of chores while waiting.
    - SO

  • 5/15 7:14pm   Bravo to Norfolknet! A rarity occurred today. I had the pleasure of returning the cat from last week's rescue to her owner because she had looked on the web page. Thank you Andras for such a great resource! Sincerely
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/15 1:57pm   About Verizon's internet - now I understand the big price difference in Verizon and Comcast... I guess you get what you pay for.
    - ER

  • 5/15 10:16am   PRR - P.S.: I haven't gone to the Needham Trader Joe's, so I don't know how long it takes to get there, but we frequently go to the Natick TJ's on Route 9 Westbound and make a point to go to a great Indian restaurant on the other side of Rte. 9 about a mile away. It's called "Welcome" and is near St. Bridget's Church and the Edgell Road exit.
    - HPK

  • 5/15 9:44am   PRR, thank you for your hawk photo.
    Re: Trader Joe's: I wrote to them about 5 years ago to recommend a modification to their cardboard cat scratcher (I know, crazy cat lady) and asked them if they would consider putting a store in our town. They replied that they would forward the suggestion within the company, but there were no plans to expand in our area at the time. Location-wise, we are probably a hard sell to retailers - no other stores to attract shoppers, just a bit too far from Rtes. 1 and 495.
    - HPK

  • 5/15 9:40am   PRR - I feel your pain, I have been there. Verizon does not know the definition of customer service. Once every 6 months or so, my DSL will not work. This may sound silly, but static electricity builds up in the Verizon router. I do un plug everything, shut the power off, let the capacitors discharge, turn everything on and then re-boot my computer and cross my fingers. This works every time for me. I guess I don't notice it much anymore because if I do have a problem, I switch my WiFi to one of about 4 neighbors that do not secure their Comcast connections over the air.
    - LS

    [I've noticed this, too. I fix mine by ending and restarting the DSL connection via the modem's built-in configuration web page. - Wm.]

  • 5/15 8:51am   Hi SD - My son takes guitar lessons in Medway at Barnstorm Music. He has had four lessons so far and he loves it. They can be reached at 508-533-9833.
    - MG

  • 5/15 8:48am   Re: Verizon's terrible customer / technical service.
    Just wanted to put this out there... I have just spent, all together, in the past few days, more than 15 hours trying to get my internet service back on line. My provider is Verizon. I was hung up on at least four times, first after getting connected twice to technicians in India, both of whom kept asking me to repeat my questions... and after having finally gotten them to understand what I was needing - as in getting back on line - I got disconnected. Twice this occured!! Then, after calling back a third time, holding for 20 minutes or so, I got connected to a young woman who apparently was reading prompts and was new on the job. She had no idea at all how to help me. After talking to her for over an hour, disconnecting, reconnecting and climbing behind and under my desk over and over agian, she told me the problem was my router... okay, then she informed me that I had to talk to Linksys... because Verizon "didn't support Linksys routers anymore..." Funny thing about that, since I bought the router from Verizon less than 6 months ago. Okay, I called Linksys... and again, got disconnected just as a technician got on the line... after I had been on hold for a Linksys technician for over 25 minutes. I called Verizon back, was on hold for another 15 minutes or so, had to go through all the prompts again just to ask them to get me through to Linksys. After another 15 + minutes on hold, guess what? I was disconnected... again. So, today I called Verizon, asked for a supervisor and proceeded to be on the line for another 4 + hours. They offered to give me one free month of DSL service... all of $29.95 off my bill!! Finally, I am back on line, but was told it is probably only temporary since Linksys never really supported Mac users and that I would have to get another type of system!! Now they tell me...
    Grr-rrr... after 15 + hours of this "you know what"... I am furious and disgusted and angry enough to sit here and waste more of my precious time just to let you all know that if Verizon tries to wangle a deal here in Norfolk that might possibly cause us to lose our Cable Access stations I am going to go nuts!! I have never had such bad customer service in my life... There must be some other way, besides Comcast and Verizon! Ohhhhhhhh!!! I have to go breathe! Or take a walk.
    - PRR

  • 5/15 8:44am   Sitting Hawk By Mirror Lake
    Photo: Pamela Ruby R. 5/14/07
    - PRR

  • 5/15 8:41am   Re: 5/9 8:40am RE: The continuing Stop & Shop saga.
    I know I am relatively new here in Norfolk and not privy to all the "goings on" about Stop and Shop, etc... but, is there any possibility that we can get a Trader Joe's here? I know that Whole Foods is not that far away, over in Bellingham, but the closest Trader Joe's is all the way in Needham... to have another one here in Norfolk, that would make sense for them.
    As far as Stop and Shop taking so long to break ground, let alone start building, has anyone sat down and discussed other options with their management? Just curious. They might very well not really want to continue with their original plan. Thanks.
    - PRR

  • 5/15 8:39am   RE: Guitar Teacher for 11 Year Old. In regards to finding a guitar teacher for your 11 year old, I recommend Masashi Nakamura. He is a wonderful teacher from Japan. Very patient, professional, dedicated, kind and dependable. He teaches all over: Boston; Wellsley; Newton as well as out this way. His email address is: roocat@hotmail.com. You can google his name and read all about him if you want to.
    - PRR

  • 5/14 10:41pm   Does anyone have a recommendation for someone who could provide guitar lessons for an 11-year old? Thanks.
    - SD

  • 5/14 9:24am   Speaking of cell phones, if anyone finds a cell phone near Bush Pond, would you please let me know. My son thinks he may have lost it down there. Thank you!
    - SD

  • 5/13 1:24pm   Our Middle Schooler has a T-Mobile Pay-as-you-go phone. Reception is quite good - gets a better signal in our house than my Verizon phone. Looked at several pre-paid plans, liked this one due to cost per minute, and there are no monthly service fees at all. Comes in handy!
    - CI

  • 5/13 1:22pm   Re 5/1 6:04pm Hello All: I just received notification that I can sign up for Verizon FiOS. Does anyone have any experience with it? Would you recommend switching from Comcast for it? Thanks! - ALL
    I just had Verizon FiOS installed and also had my phone put on it which runs off a battery which is good for 10 years. I was having a lot of trouble with my phone not being able to receive calls getting only a busy signal but able to call out. I have the internet now on FiOS and it is cheaper than Comcast.
    - MG

  • 5/13 9:10am   To PB: I just got my daughter a trac phone so that she could call us to pick her up from the HS. I seems to work great!
    - DN

  • 5/12 10:03pm   The swans at Bush Pond are not staying near their nest but have gone under the bridge to the other side of the pond. This is actually not good as the snapping turtles are in the area. A large snapper was seen by the bridge today. Please don't feed the swans bread, etc.; they have to learn to survive on their own. There were still 8 babies today but maybe not tomorrow as they will return to their nesting site for the night and will go under the bridge. Out of 8 babies last year only 1 survived. They are adorable and it really hurts to see them gone 1 by 1.
    Regarding my being a senior--yes there are other things offered. If you belong to the Norfolk Seniors you get a discount on your BJ's card; also the Hallmark Stores offer senior discounts, but each store has their own day so you have to ask first which day is senior discount day!
    I still miss Ames.
    - BR
  • 5/12 10:01pm   Does anyone have experience (good or bad) with Trac phone or Go phone programs available in the area? I am specifically looking for service reliability locally in the vicinity of the Jr. High and HS. Any experience with any of the services would be appreciated.
    - PB

  • 5/12 2:28pm   Piano for sale [see notice of 4/25] - Asking price lowered to $1600, or will consider donation to a charitable organization.
    - LK

  • 5/12 2:20pm   The WorthWear Summer Trunk Show is here in Norfolk for one week only! This is your chance to see this beautiful collection... including cute tops, adorable skirts, gorgeous jackets and versatile pants. You are welcome to come with friends!
    As a reminder, there is a special fund-raiser day for NCL members. On Tuesday, May 15th, 5% of all proceeds will be given back to the NCL. You are welcome to come with friends.
    Please call or email for your no obligation appointment today. Whitney Finch Weinberg at 617-797-6452 or via email at wweinberg@worthwear.com. You can also view the entire collection at www.worthwear.com.
    - WFW

  • 5/12 11:16am   SO... Love your entries--always so uplifting and humorous. I'm a "senior" (hate that word), and have avoided the Center like the plague because... well, just because I am very age conscious and really needed some talking to (by myself). But, have recently braved it, and went to 2 events, lunches as a matter of fact as I liked what was on the menu those days. Very nice, small but adequate meal!! Sadly, there are really very few people there, though they were friendly. Lots of card playing and cribbage among the folks who frequent the place. (I don't play cards). I think the place has great potential, but think it is not as "busy" as Wrentham or Plainville, though not sure why that is. And of course, as I recently learned, any senior can attend a center in any other town. Try it out...
    - JHR

  • 5/12 10:14am   RC - ML Window Cleaners, #401-710-9797. Great window cleaning service. I've used them often and they are fast and prices are reasonable.
    - CR

  • 5/12 10:13am   A yellow lab was turned in late last night to the Animal Control Department. If you are missing your dog, please contact the Animal Control Officer at (508) 528 3232. This dog has a black collar and flea collar but no identification. Sincerely,
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

    [Update 8:08pm: dog has found his owner - HNC]

  • 5/12 10:08am   KP, thank you for the updates on the swans :)  I have watched them from afar for years, it's nice to know that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can still find the beauty in nature's every day life. I look forward to your updates.
    - GLZ

  • 5/11 3:45pm   I am looking for a firm to clean my windows that is thourough and dependable. Current business owner retired. TLC too expensive and miscalculated the price. Any help would be appreciated. Lots of windows.
    - RC

  • 5/11 3:44pm   MH: This cat's eyes are equal color. I will show the Medfield ACO later today just to double check as she will be stopping in. Sincerely,
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/11 2:35pm   A plea to all... please remember this warm weather brings out motorcycles! My sister's husband was hit last night - hurt, but ok - and my other sister's brother-in-law hit badly last week; he is in a bad way. Both of these men have been riding for years, and both accidents were from cars that overshot stop signs!! Look twice. Also, a lot more kids are out there, please slow down!!!
    - DV

  • 5/11 11:53am   LS and AB: The Highland Lake situation was brought to the Conservation Commission's attention last year. As a member of the Commission, I can assure you, we have very real concerns about the lake. The lake, however, is privately owned, as is the outlet structure that may (or may not) control flow. Thus, we have limited control over it unless there is evidence that someone (or some entity) is doing something that directly affects the lake, in which case we could (and would) initiate enforcement. While the problems at the lake do not appear natural, we have been unable to determine the cause and have only limited rights to go onto the site to conduct a study.
    The DPW has also been interested in trying to sort it out. We will continue to look into the issue. The next Con Comm meeting is May 23rd. Note too that the CPC is also reviewing issues at the lake.
    - JT

  • 5/11 11:52am   Hilary -- I was waiting for a picture, but the one posted does not show it. Does the newly found white cat have one blue eye and one green eye? This is probably a stretch, but when I was out walking on Wednesday I noticed signs all over Medfield about a missing cat very similar to this one. I know they can stow away and get places you would not expect them, so I figured it was worth a shot. Hopefully she finds her humans soon, I know I would miss my kitties terribly!
    - MH

  • 5/11 10:24am   Here is the photo of the cat from yesterday's rescue. She is out of the hospital and resting now. Again, she is an all white, 2-3 year old short-haired cat. If anyone in the area of Grove, Bridie, Mountain Rock are missing this girl please contact the animal control officer. If no one claims her she will be up for adoption on 5/20. Sincerely,
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control (508) 528 3232

  • 5/11 8:09am   LS: You can contact the Conservation Commission in Town. I wrote a brief technical paper that looks at the turnover rate (meaning how much water flows through Highland Lake on a given day). I've measured the flow from Highland Lake and I can assure you that the amount of water that the Waste Water Treatment Plant treats is a drop in the bucket compared to Highland Lake (pardon the water pun).
    As for your questions. Questions I would ask, does Highland Lake flow into the same discharge area that the plant flows into? The answer is No. The plant has a discharge point that is 3,550 feet away (downstream) from the outfall from Highland Lake.
    What supplies Highland lake?? Highland Lake is a result of the Stop River being dammed. The head waters of the Stop River and the Horse Stop River (which flows into the Stop River) originate in Wrentham and Foxboro. The dam was constructed in the 1800's so that the George Campbell Box Company could turn a water wheel. There are two spillways for Highland Lake. The original one was plugged up in 1930 when the elevation of the Lake was raised by about 3 feet. I have access to survey plans from 1935 and have made copies of these and gave them to the the DPW.
    Could the state be filling it from across Main Street near the prison, from the prison? I'm not sure if "it" is the Lake or the sewer line. The sewer plant discharge point is downstream of Highland Lake. The sewer line from the prison goes down Main Street into Walpole, left on to Highland Lake Drive to Campbell to Old Campbell then down the access road on Old Campbell. The DPW has plans if you want to look at them.
    - AB

  • 5/10 10:21pm   Wm: love the forsythia photo at top! Spring has sprung!!
    - AL

  • 5/10 10:10pm   KM: I'll be at the D&D drive-thru at 7:10 AM tomorrow! :-)
    - JPB

  • 5/10 8:58pm   AB - Thanks for the post. I'm not willing to concede just yet. I still suspect the close proximity of the WWTP (very large water user), and the fact they must be discharging vast amounts of treated effluent (almost potable) still leads me to believe that I would rule them out first.
    Questions I would ask, does Highland Lake flow into the same discharge area that the plant flows into? What supplies Highland lake?? Could the state be filling it from across Main Street near the prison, from the prison? I would take a bike ride down to the plant and walk into the office and ask them what they think is going on.
    - LS

  • 5/10 8:01pm   Multi-family yard sale, Fleetwood Drive, off of 115, Saturday, May 12th, 8 to 12. Kid's Red Sox jersey, jewelry, Lizzie High dolls, porch rocker, boy's 16" bike, and lots more! Day care closed, toys galore! Come on over!
    - CR

  • 5/10 7:17pm   BR: If you're a senior citizen, you may be amused by my mother's description of herself as a "seasoned citizen".
    You are full of interesting information. What a dope I've been - your snapping turtle approach is so obvious! I helped a snapping turtle on Causway St. last year - not very big, but with a sizable snap. I managed it awkwardly, "chop-stick" style. Foolish.
    I love Hannafords. The day I found grapefruits (my thing) for half the price of any other market, I was hooked. I've also cruised the aisles of Job Lots and found good deals. I didn't know about the web coupons. Thank you. I just emailed a friend about the golf ball special. I know golfers are particular about brands, so who knows. What else do you know? Come on, you're holding back. I know it. What are the scoops? Spill the beans. If you are a senior, do you ever visit the senior center? How is it?
    OK, the picture of the cygnets is so cute, it's painful. Fluff-buckets. Anyone interested in more cuteness, visit Jane and Paul's. They have three baby goats that are pinch-yourself cute. They also have a neutered male goat (I'm just an animal lover who visits the farm and have no financial interest), who has not been integrating well with the other goats. Jane hunched her shoulders and indicated he may need to be sold. I know there's a goat meat market in parts of Boston. I wish I could take him. Maybe someone can help. Goats are often used to calm horses. Am I off on this? He's a nice looking-goat.
    - SO

    [Update 5/11 10:43am: cleared up wording - Wm.]

  • 5/10 5:38pm   Fast-paced miltry contractor [located in Norfolk] seeks dependable, organized, detailed self-starter to support VP Field Sales, Sales Mgr-Key Accts, & Team. Track product and promo programs, enter data, create spreadsheets.
    [Details on Notice Board]
    - AI

  • 5/10 4:57pm   I just had to share my experience last weekend with you all. I was struck with a random act of kindness! When it was my turn to drive up and pay for my purchase at the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru in Franklin last Saturday morning, to my pleasant surprise, the cashier announced that the car in front of mine paid my bill! What a great way to start a 5 hour road trip to NY! Thank you to the generous Dunkin Donuts patron--you made my day; I look forward to making someone's day very soon!
    - KM

  • 5/10 4:41pm   If anyone is missing a beautiful, female, short haired, all white, 2-3 year old cat from the areas of Bridie Ln, Mountain Rock Ln, Grove St please contact the Animal Control Department. I don't have pictures as of yet but will post them in the next day or so.
    - Hilary N. Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control (508) 528 3232

  • 5/10 1:50pm   Has anyone switched from Comcast to Verizon FiOS, and what do you think so far in terms of pricing, speed, etc?
    - AL

  • 5/10 12:25pm   Here is a shot of the swans from today. The parents let us get very close, with bread in hand, to take some photos.
    - KP

  • 5/10 12:13pm   Mark your calendars! Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts' Dare to Run 5K Road Race & 1K Fun Run is scheduled for Sunday, September 23rd - More information will be coming soon.
    - CK

  • 5/10 11:32am   BR - There is also a Hannafords in Milford, which may be closer or less traffic for some folks in town than going to Norwood.
    - LK

  • 5/10 10:17am   I don't know how many people realize that Job Lot has coupons every week if you go on-line. You print out what you might be interested in. There is usually a limit on the amount of an item. The coupons change every Wed. Go to oceanstatejoblot.com. This again is great for us seniors on a fixed income.
    - BR

  • 5/10 10:13am  
    Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project


    To: Boards of Health
    From: John J. Smith, Director
    Date: April 2, 2007
    Re: Notification of Early Morning Aerosol (ULV) Applications

    Please be advised that the Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project will begin the 2007 early morning ULV aerosol applications on or about May 29, 2007, weather permitting. This program will be a continuation of the procedure, which has been used in past years:

    May 29, 2007 through September 30, 2007 - Adulticide aerosol (ULV) applications.

    (2:00 AM to 6:30 AM, Monday through Friday)

    If any resident wishes to know when the spray program may be conducted in their area, they should go to the Projects website at http://www.massnrc.org/ncmcp , or contact their local Board of Health. If an individual would like to see a map and/or street listing of the areas to be treated they should click on the following link, and then click on their town.
    Current early morning aerosol application schedule and maps massnrc.org/nmmcp/sparsch.htm
    Please note that the ULV map and/or street listings will be posted on or about 3:30 p.m. the day before the scheduled application day. Residents may also contact the Projects main telephone line (781)762-3681 after 3:30 P.M. the day before the scheduled treatment to hear a recorded message detailing the streets/areas to be treated in the town.

    The purpose of the adulticide application is to control nuisance and/or virus carrying adult mosquitoes. The control product being used is Anvil (EPA Reg.# 1021-1688-8329) applied in ultra low volume (ULV) sprayers at a rate of approximately one half ounce per acre of finished spray.

    Process to Exclude Property From Public Area Wide Pesticide Applications State Regulation 333 CMR:13:04 provides a method for homeowners to exclude their property from public area-wide pesticide applications. The regulation requires that residents send a certified letter to the town or city clerk by March 1st of each year. The certified letter should specify: your name, address, telephone number, the names of all abutters, and the spray program for which the exclusion is requested. In addition, the boundaries of the property must be marked every 50' by tin pie plates or other appropriate means. Questions regarding the regulation can be answered by calling the Massachusetts Pesticide Bureau at (617) 626- 1781. To have a property excluded from spraying, please contact Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project at (781) 762-3681.

    - Betsy Fijol, Board of Health

  • 5/10 10:11am   Went by Bush Pond at 6am this morning. Looks like we have 8 adorable swan babies. Both parents stay near them and they are in the water.
    - BR

  • 5/10 10:10am   LS: You owe me a buck. The DOC Waste Water Treatment Plant is over 22 feet lower in elevation than the Highland Lake water Levels. Using your theory, if the water levels were at a "normal level" for Highland Land, and as you claim the Plant controls the water level the homes on Lincoln, Old Campbell and Campbell would be under water that are at elevation 125 to 131. The water level of Highland Lake is at elevation 138 per the USGS topo maps. Campbell Street directly below the dam is at elevation 129. It just does not happen. Send the dollar to the Town Hall in care of the Selectmen....
    - AB

  • 5/10 10:09am   Bush Pond is by Park Street & Lawrence. The nest can be seen from Park Street. You can get pictures from Park Street.
    Hannafords is on 1A in Norwood. There is an Ace Hardware there and a Dollar Store. Ace Hardware also gives a senior discount every day. As I said, Tues. is senior day at Hannafords. Sign up for their flyer.
    - BR

  • 5/9 11:13pm   EC - I have read your posts about this lake and it just dawned on me. I never knew where it was and just found it online. I think I have your answer... I would be willing to bet a buck the level fluctuates dramtically because of the Commonwealth of MA Norfolk/Walpole MCI Prison Waste Water Treatment plant located at 10 Old Campbell Road in Norfolk. It's the only logical reason. It's a stone's throw from the lake. Call the plant 520-3313. Call the norfolk Conservation Commission and get on record as to the fluctuations. And while we are on the subject of treatment plants, could this be a logical solution to the recent needs of a mini-plant at Town Center.
    - LS

  • 5/9 9:18pm   BR, where is Bush Pond?
    - DV

  • 5/9 9:16pm   MJD, we also have a budding ballerina. Ours just turned 4 in February. She's been going to the Norfolk Recreation "Pre-Ballet" classes given once a week in the town hall. You can see the listing on the Norfolk Recreation web page (choose Programs from the menu on the left and then choose "07 Spring Under Age 5 - Drop Off").
    Our daughter did Level 1 (3-4 years old) and is now doing Level 2 (4-5 years old). The teacher, Kathy Simon, seems to work very well with the little girls. It's very low-key and our daughter loves it. She does her ballet moves around the house and it's unbearably cute.
    - SJP

  • 5/9 8:40pm   When I shop at Roche Brothers, I simply inform the staff that I am comfortable handling the cart myself. They are always fine with that and I do not feel badly about the tip situation. It is a nice service, but I prefer self-sufficiency.
    - CS

  • 5/9 8:38pm   I did mean to mention my thanks in my last note to the young man on Miller Street yesterday who helped a snapping turtle cross the street. He knew what to do. He held his glove by the turtle's mouth who grabs on to it and then can be pulled. It took him a few tries but he got the turtle safely across the street. Please be careful of these turtles as they can take your hand or fingers off--but don't hit them please. We are already losing so much of our wildlife. I will check tomorrow on the number of new cygnets.
    - BR

  • 5/9 8:09pm   BR... Thanks for the tip. Where is the closest Hannafords? Thanks.
    - JHR

  • 5/9 8:00pm   MJD, My 4 year old has had lots of fun in the Rec Dept Pre-Ballet class. We started going when she turned 3. They are inexpensive, no recitals, and mostly, all Norfolk kids, so your daughter (and you) will meet others her age. We also went to the YMCA in Franklin. Also inexpensive, although they do a recital a few times a year, costumes are all almost no money, or things you already have around the house. She had fun there as well.
    - EAS

  • 5/9 7:28pm   Re 5/4 4:07pm Can anyone recommend a good, reasonable weekly lawn maintenance company? Thank you - RMS
    Best landscaper around is Peter Ferrara at Oak Knoll landscaping - I've tried three different companies, and there's no comparison. It's a Norfolk business if that is important to you. He is at oakknoll@comcast.net
    - RJM

  • 5/9 6:54pm   Baby swans today at Bush Pond. Hannafords has Tuesday as their senior day - 5% off the groceries. I'd take a Hannafords any day over a Stop & Shop. Seniors, speak up!!
    - BR

  • 5/9 6:24pm   KD: I never tip the baggers at Roche Bros. I tried years ago and the person told me they weren't allowed to accept them. If the store posts a sign I would follow that. I have never seen anyone tip anyone either.
    - VT

  • 5/9 6:23pm   KD, We do not tip at Roche Bros. I was under the impression that the handlers could be fired for accepting a tip.
    - ML

  • 5/9 4:25pm   Do you tip the cart handlers at Roche Bros or not? The sign at the store says no tipping, but I overheard one handler gleefully reporting a $5 tip to another handler. What is the custom? Many thanks in advance.
    - KD

  • 5/9 4:24pm   We have a budding ballerina in our house and I am looking for a ballet program that is low key. I am not interested in all of the glitz and glam. I am not interested in the costumes and the expensive recitals. I am interested in a program that teaches 3 and 4 year olds the basics of dance and expects that they will have fun learning. Any suggestions?
    - MJD

  • 5/9 3:36pm   Online registration is now available for the Kids PMC in Norfolk!! Visit kids.pmc.org and register for this fun family event on Sunday, June 10! The PMC Norfolk Kids Care Ride is a 2-2.5 mile bike ride for kids 2-14. All money goes to cancer treatment and research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. In its third year, the ride has raised almost $10,000 for the Jimmy Fund, the fundraising arm of Dana-Farber. For information, email davidlutes@comcast.net.
    - AL

  • 5/9 1:49pm   My parents have recently put their house on the market and I'm looking for someone to mow their lawn (1x). The house is located in Dedham. Conveniently located off Rte. 109 or Rte. 128 - approximatley 1/2 hour from Norfolk. Would consider dependable high school or college student.
    Looking for recommendations or interested person(s) please e-mail me at glynn99@comcast.net. Thank you.
    - KG

    [Update 2:28pm: oops, typo in signature - Wm.]

  • 5/9 11:50am   Well, I guess a miracle took place at Highland Lake overnight. Last night there were large rocks completely exposed, and a lot of mud. This morning lo and behold, the rocks are back under water. The level must have gone up at least 4-6 inches. Those speculating that the lake is "silting up" clearly haven't looked at what is going on around here. Let's just hope that the god of lake water levels stays happy for a while and stops playing with it.
    - EC

  • 5/9 8:40am   RE: The continuing Stop & Shop saga. There's 12 Stop & Shop stores within 12 miles of Norfolk Center. The Walpole & Franklin stores are each only 4 miles away. The Foxboro store is only 6 miles. Plainville is 7 miles. And Norwood and Bellingham are only 8 miles each. Simply use the Stop & Shop online store locator to see how many there are close to Norfolk.
    There's really no reason for the company to build in Norfolk. I think the whole thing is a sham. Building here isn't something I think they'll ever do. The demographics don't seem to make sense for that. It seems to me that this is simply a case of territoriality. The land in Norfolk Center might make an ideal location for a competitor, like Hannaford, and protecting their 'turf' isn't really out of the question. I think the moonscape in the center of town unfortunately still has many years to sit idle, until someone makes Stop & Shop an offer they simply can't refuse and they sell, because they'll never build. Just my two cents... been in the business for a while.
    - TK

  • 5/8 11:03pm   Hi to all, I have started a babysitting group and I am filling up fast for the summer. If you are looking for a couple of extra hours a week to yourself , try dropping your kids off with me from 9-1:00 M,T,W,T. The price is $35.00 a day which includes a snack, lunch and some sort of fun craft. I have a well-equipped private back yard with lots of room to run in the sun and have fun in the sprinklers and kiddy pool. We also have a large playroom to romp around and dress up. All ages are welcome. Please call Karen @508-520-2920 or email clemenka@comcast.net. I am First Aid and CPR certified.
    - KC

  • 5/8 9:58pm   Looking for a convenient tutor for your child this summer? I'll come to you! Grades 1-6 certified teacher working towards Masters of Education in Literacy and Special Education. Currently working in grade 2 in Medfield. Will tutor in all academic areas. Please contact me at josborn366@gmail.com.
    - JO

  • 5/8 8:18pm   Wednesday May 16th 7pm at King Philip High School Field House, Wrentham, The King Philip Jazz Program, including three Jazz Ensembles will present an evening of Jazz and Swing.
    Jazz Ensemble I having just returned from the Essentially Ellington Festival in New York City, will be playing a number of selections to include new music not heard at their recent rally at the Tavern at Tower Square, including: Moanin from the Charles Mingus Library, as well as Sweet Georgia Brown from the Count Basie Library
    Jazz II and the Middle School Jazz Ensemble will present an exciting repertoire to include: music by Count Basie, Neal Hefti and Duke Ellington
    Admission: Adults: $8 Students and Seniors:$5 A reception will follow.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 5/8 7:39pm   KAS, et. al.: You might try stopping by or calling Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary (508-528-3140). The staffpeople there may have some additional suggestions for the robin problem.
    - TEM

  • 5/8 7:38pm   My husband and I were driving through the center of town and saw a man changing the Stop and Shop sign to read 201. Can you believe it?
    - TG

  • 5/8 5:58pm   To KAS, regarding your problem with the robin: I stopped at Wild Birds Unlimited in Medway, looking for the decals because we have the same problem. The owner told me that the decals are only good for preventing crashes by highlighting the solid surface of the window, not for keeping the birds away. She said that the robin is on a mission to fight his rival "reflection" to the death, literally, and will keep at it until he loses the territorial urge. Her best suggestion is to hang a sheet over the outside of the window, until he stops coming around. Not a great solution, but better than nothing! My husband and I have also had pretty good luck with just putting the screens in the windows, but this can't be done with all windows.
    - EC

  • 5/8 5:56pm   HPK, we use F&W Pest Control and have for years. They did find a nest once, and since then we do quarterly visits where they spray outside and check inside for problems. You'll find them in the Yellow Pages. I believe they have an office in Wrentham.
    - VT

  • 5/8 4:40pm   KAS, we had the same problem with a robin pecking at our window a few years back. Turns out he was seeing his reflection and attacking the "rival" bird. Putting a blanket on the window probably just makes it easier to see himself. Maybe you could try something on the outside that would cut down on the reflection--the previously mentioned stickers or some other decorative covering... good luck!
    - LK

  • 5/8 12:51pm   Just a reminder, Town Meeting starts tonight at 7:30pm at KP Middle School.
    - Wm.

  • 5/8 11:02am   HPK--I can sympathize. I remember the year I interned in Wash, DC and lived in a studio apartment. I hated seeing all those cockroches everytime I came into the kitchen area. But, I really lost it when they got on my bed.
    Anyway, try Eco Systems. I have used them several times. Generally, I've only had to call them out every 2 years. Phone number is 508-520-3737.
    Good luck.
    - BS

  • 5/8 10:28am   KAS: I don't know if this will work for you, but it works for me. Wild Birds Unlimited on 109 in Medway sells clear plastic stickers (not actually adhesive) that have a UV coating to reflect light the birds can see. I have the maple leaves. You place them sporadically on your windows to indicate a solid surface to the birds. Most people don't even notice them. Up close, it looks like I have windows with frosted glass leaves floating down. Try it. Since I put them up, no crashes.
    - SO

  • 5/8 10:27am   HPK - I recently used Keady Pest Control of Walpole to treat our perimeter for the prevention of termites, etc. They came highly recommended from a realtor who has worked with them for years, and they were very thorough and professional. I would trust them to be honest and work with you. Their number is 508-668-0070.
    - JT

  • 5/8 9:44am   Help! Can anyone suggest an honest pest control contractor to help me get rid of carpenter ants? I prefer someone who will try to find the nest, not just one who sprays the perimeter and calls it a day. I used Colonial Pest Control from Milford several years ago, and they forged my signature on a twice-yearly, scorched-earth, "kill everything living" contract that I specifically told them I did not want (they rescinded the contract immediately when I challenged them, but I would never use them again). I coexist with spiders, since they aren't eating my house, but when I found a carpenter ant inside my electric toothbrush, I decided that enough is enough. Thanks!
    - HPK

  • 5/8 8:57am   RP: I too am having a robin problem. My guy has been around everyday for the past month banging at my windows. He's berserk! It starts around 5:30am and he'll go for hours. I've covered his favorite windows with blankets but that doesn't slow him down a bit. My new weekend chore is to power wash window sills. I feel like I'm under siege!
    - KAS

  • 5/7 10:47pm   RP--Yes, I have noticed the robins and the mess too. I've loved watching them.
    CS--Welcome to town! I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone reading your post regarding the moonscape. Let's just say there's a long story and you might want to peruse the archives of Norfolknet or maybe someone else has more energy than me to summarize. Suffice it to say, if you've read the recent stories in the Boomerang, Stop & Shop is coming. Again, welcome to town.
    - BS

  • 5/7 10:46pm   CS: Welcome to Norfolk! I hate to be the one to break this to you, especially since you are new to town, but the area to which you refer has looked that way since we moved here -- in 1998! Actually, the ground has been leveled and the town homes have been built in the last year. Norfolk is a good town and a great community. I think you will be happy here if you like things to stay the same.
    - MHC

  • 5/7 10:45pm   RP: No problem with robins here, but I once heard an expert recommend shifting the plastic owl around the property. The birds grow savvy to the scene, so you need to keep "yanking their shorts".
    - SO

  • 5/7 10:44pm   Hello, I am working on a benefit for KP lacrosse. I am looking for a golf pro to donate a golf lessons to help raise money for a silent auction coming up this Saturday night. Please contact me at 508-520-3815. Thanks.
    - LB

  • 5/7 6:07pm   Recently I noticed the sign near town hall announcing that Stop and Shop will be coming to Norfolk. It says that we can expect a store in 2011. Is this a joke, or is it really going to take four years to put up a store? I ask because I drive by the eyesore we call the center of town every morning on my way to the T. Any development would be an improvement on the current mess. As a new resident, I am curious. What is the plan?
    Thanks in advance,
    - CS

  • 5/7 5:18pm   Hi, My name is Lauren; I'm a twelve year old girl in the sixth grade. I am interested in a babysitting job. I have experience and have also taken the 4H Babysitting Course. If you are interested please contact me at dgmartel@msn.com. Thanks,
    - LMM

  • 5/7 5:15pm   Do you remember the great Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds"? Well, I'm being attacked by robins...!! With the recent warm weather, the annual northward migration of robins has brought an exceptionally large population to my yard. I'm surrounded by them although I can't find any nests in the shrubs and trees. There are so many that skirmishes are frequent as they fight for food and territory. But the worst part is the mess which they're making. My deck, lawn furniture, driveway, walkway, steps, railings etc. are covered with their droppings. They perch atop my car roof and mirrors causing me to have to leave the house earlier in order to wash the car before I can see out of the windows to drive it. Long white streaks cover the glass and sides of the car each day. I'm a lover of Nature as much as most people, but I'm not pleased with this situation. Over the weekend, I purchased a large plastic owl and stuck it on a pole near the car. I'm hoping that with "Hootie" on patrol, he'll keep them at bay. It was the last one on the shelf which leads me to believe that others may be having a similar situation. Have you noticed an abundance of robins in your yard this year?
    - RP

  • 5/7 2:30pm   The King Philip Music Department will present its popular annual Spring Pops Concert, on Saturday May 19th at 7pm, in the Field House at King Philip High School, Wrentham.
    The concert will feature the Chorus, the Concert Band, the Symphony Band, Jazz Ensemble I and II.
    It will have a traditional Pops theme, where the audience will be seated around tables. Light refreshments and beverages will be available. There will be a limited number of tables available, so plan to arrive early to reserve your table. Doors open at 6 pm.
    Admission price: $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 5/7 12:49pm   AR, Thank you for the photo from the recital on Saturday. My children take music lessons at Acorn Music as well, but were not able to attend on Saturday due to a family event. We think the world of Ludmila and of all of the children and families who participate in her program -- the older kids are a wonderful inspiration to the younger ones!
    - ES

  • 5/7 12:06pm   Do you have any room in your heart and home for these little love bugs! Sophie and Petey are best pals and in need of a new home. They are such sweet and lovable cats! Petey is 3.5 and Sophie is 1.5 years old and are both up to date on all their shots. Please let me know if you'd like to meet them! hbellwin@verizon.net
    - HB

  • 5/7 9:58am   NP, I could go on for days about them [vaccines]. If you have a specific question pleasee mail me.
    - DV

  • 5/6 10:31pm   This illustration could be of use to departments in Norfolk who may wish to know what frequencies are in use at present in the Amateur Bands. Regards,
    - JO, Amateur Radio W1NJI

  • 5/6 5:01pm   The Federated Church of Norfolk, Union St, Norfolk, is having a giant Flea Market, Silent Auction, and Plant Sale on Sat, May 19 9am-2pm. Also featuring home made candy and baked goods. Muffins, coffee, lunch will be served. Come see all the wonderful perennials for your garden and the special silent auction items.
    - DB, Federated Church

  • 5/6 4:51pm   EC, We have always for the last 31 years used Heavey Plumbing in Walpole and found them prompt and reasonable.
    - PB

  • 5/6 2:03pm   Replying to: 5/4 4:07pm Can anyone recommend a good, reasonable weekly lawn maintenance company? Thank you - RMS
    Our teenage sons are now looking for spring/summer lawn jobs in our area (Noon Hill - anything past Jane & Paul's farm off of Fruit St). Please contact us if you're in this area. jjpbdaly@comcast.net
    - JD

  • 5/6 11:24am   EC--Have you contacted the DPW? I would think this falls under their jurisdiction.
    - BS

  • 5/6 10:11am   I got up this morning and the level of Highland Lake was much lower than yesterday. There are a lot of exposed rocks and mud. Does anyone believe that this tampering has no effect on the ecosystem? When is this going to stop? I thought there were laws that protect our lakes and wetlands.
    - EC

  • 5/6 10:10am   Can anyone recommend a plumber for a number of minor fixes around the house?
    - EC

  • 5/6 10:09am   With my second cup of coffee this morning, I read Dean Manning's suggestion that the Selectmen and School Committee join in a retreat "to work out how we can improve the cooperation between our two boards." It's seems a useful idea. Now "retreat" means to me a private gathering where a group often literally goes away to focus on issues or planning. If that's what Dean has in mind it is not remotely possibly under the Open Meeting Law. So if we can't have a private "retreat," let's have a public one. Let's have the two boards meet with an agenda that not only covers how to improve relations, but also addresses how to handle the challenging issues--especially budgetary--that lie ahead. I would further suggest an outside moderator (or, in the current jargon, "facilitator") to help things along. Perhaps someone like Kerry Healy, who currently hangs her hat at the Kennedy School of Government.
    - HRB

  • 5/5 6:28pm   The violin recital went well today. I had the opportunity to go and listen, and the kids are getting really good! We've known some of them for years, and watched them get better and better as they've grown up in front of our eyes. Eric, Lexi, Edith, Lee - congratulations! A big hand to you.
    - AR

  • 5/5 3:52pm   Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer now accepting on-line Registration for the Fall - go to [active.com link]
    - HK

  • 5/5 10:21am   To all those who might be interested--the hummingbirds have returned. I thought it was too early when my husband put the feeder out. What a nice pick-me-up for another hectic day, to sit for a few minutes and watch those wonderful little birds. Mrs. Swan at Bush Pond should have her babies any day now. The nest is easy to see from Park Street.
    - BR

  • 5/4 11:09pm   GDL, the other night I was driving up Main Street to the roundabout and a person in front of me took a left into it and banged a U turn. The guy coming through the roundabout the right way almost got hit head-on. (shaking my head)
    - DV

  • 5/4 9:01pm   The roundabouts. Simply, vehicles that are already on the roundabout have right of way. If you decide to pull out in front of a car that is on the roundabout, you are in the wrong. To the mini-van driver who almost caused an accident tonight about 7:30 coming north on Main Street, read the rules of the road pal!!
    I was most of the way through the roundabout, he pulled out and then had the audacity to tell me that I should have yielded to him. Number one, you are in the wrong; secondly, nice minivan!!
    Rotary Traffic Rules

    Traffic moves in a counter-clockwise direction around a rotary. You must always yield the right-of-way to vehicles already in the rotary (unless directed differently by local signs or police officers) and to pedestrians. You should use your turn signals in the same way as any other intersection: travel through the rotary and, when you are ready to exit, use your right turn signal.

    Roundabouts are used on high volume streets and their small size requires vehicles to reduce speed to 25 miles per hour or less. When entering a roundabout, you should follow the same general rules as for a rotary.

    For more information on Massachusetts Rules of the Road see the following link. [mass.gov/rmv pdf]
    - GDL in the Jeep

  • 5/4 8:29pm   I am a true dog lover and never thought I would even consider banning a dog. I do think that owners generally bear most of the responsibility for the behavior of their dogs. However, when our lab was a puppy and in training classes, we had a pit bull puppy in the class. Boy, was he cute.
    However, when the instructor was demonstrating how to dominate your dog to keep him down in a prone position, using our sweet lab as the example, the pit bull puppy got loose and attacked our dog, latching his jaws onto his neck. The instructor had to kick the poor puppy off our dog. This dog was acting on pure instinct to attack what was helpless at the time. He was too young to have been treated badly and was obviously being trained. From that day forward I have been more wary of pit bulls.
    Does that mean we should ban them? I am not sure. Just some food for thought.
    - KE

  • 5/4 6:51pm   For an excellent example of well-socialized pit bulls, please watch "The Dog Whisperer" show on the National Geographic channel (#210) if you have cable. It is revelation to any dog owner, including those with Chihuahuas, pugs, poodles and Australian shepherds (me). Every breed and mix is "rehabilitated", while the owners are "re-trained". The next time you see a bad dog, you may say, "Ah ha!".
    - SO

  • 5/4 5:56pm   Re: "Do we need to ban dogs like pit bulls in Norfolk? I think we should" I felt the same way about pit bulls until 5 years ago, when a good friend adopted one through pitbull rescue. In most news stories, the incidents are the result of owners who get pitbulls and either neglect them, or encourage their aggression; rarely are these dogs licensed or seen by a vet (let alone taught good manners). Often these dogs are in high-crime neighborhoods, where the owner thinks it is safer (or 'cool') to have an aggressive dog. My friend's first pitbull was a rescue from a fighting operation - she was used for breeding and baiting (training) the fighting dogs - and passed a temperament test with flying colors.
    Norfolk is right to enforce existing laws (e.g. licensing and leashing) but doesn't need to ban any particular breed. The problem is usually the owner, regardless of breed.
    - CI

  • 5/4 5:41pm   DV: I'm curious to hear more about what you think about vaccines. If you'd like to, please contact me. (Maybe the Wm can give you my email). Thanks,
    - NP

  • 5/4 5:21pm   DF, you cannot place a blanket condemnation on the pit bulls. Some have been trained the wrong way, while others can be sweet and docile. It all adds up to a witch hunt. Give the animals a break.
    - WC

  • 5/4 4:07pm   Can anyone recommend a good, reasonable weekly lawn maintenance company? Thank you
    - RMS

  • 5/4 4:06pm   Connor's Fun Run (5K Run/Walk) to fight Spinal Muscular Atrophy will be held at the H. Olive Day School this Sunday, May 6, 2007 with registration beginning at 11:00 AM. The walk begins at 11:30 and the road race begins at 12:00 PM. There are refreshments and a raffle held after the race. I participated for the first time last year and had a really great time. It was absolutely amazing to see our community pull together in the fight against this disease! Visit www.connorsfunrun.com to get more information and see a course map.
    - MH

  • 5/4 3:02pm   It's time for spring cleaning at the Norfolk Library... the contents of our lost & found bin will be donated to charity on Friday, May 11th. Stop by our lobby before then to find your child's lost hats & mittens, stuffed animals, sun- and reading glasses for all ages, etc.
    - Heather Pisani-Kristl, NPL

  • 5/4 2:25pm   There seems to be talk about banning pit bulls in certain parts of Boston. Do we need to ban dogs like pit bulls in Norfolk? I think we should. All I hear about these dog is how much damage they can do to a person and how they can be tame and playful one minute and then tear into some poor passer-by out for an afternoon walk. I don't really think we have much of a pitbull issue here in Norfolk today, but it's somthing the town might consider as the town grows.
    - DF

  • 5/4 9:15am   No takers on someone to rake and mow yard? Contact if interested Glass1971@aol.com. Thanks
    - PB

  • 5/3 11:17pm   JPB writes "Once again our gracious Wm has chosen to edit conservative thoughts, ideas and suggestions."
    As a conservative myself, I have to admit that my first thought after reading CB's original post was that he lost me with the Tax and Spend Liberals line. Up to that point, the poster had made a rational convincing argument, supported by thoughtfulness and fact. To then descend into the muck and mire of epithets - no matter how such the term is "understood" by partisans on both sides, was, I felt, an unworthy way to end an otherwise excellent post.
    As to Wm's editing, I feel that CB's point of view survived the edits very well indeed. Not having an intimate knowledge of Wm's political stances (but being able to draw some conclusions from posts and edits), I do not think him guilty of trying to censor a point of view, but rather of attempting to elevate the discourse to a more intelligent and yes, courteous level. I think the majority of the posts on Norfolknet have shown people's willingness to debate in a civil manner. I remain confident that had someone from the other side included "facist, or "right wing pig" in a post, the Wm would've swiftly used his virtual pen in the same manner he did with CB.
    - BA

  • 5/3 11:09pm   Ok, I was going to start pissing and moaning about . . .
    JPB, are you a doctor? 'Cause we could start a whole new sub page about vaccines and how bad they are. My vegetarian, drug-free children are very healthy (with the exception of the child they gave me drugs with when I was pregnant). How many kids had this many problems before vaccines. Americanchildren are sick and no one is looking at it.
    One more thing that we as a country will overlook until it is too late. It already is too late for many.
    - DV

  • 5/3 9:35pm   CB: Once again our gracious Wm has chosen to edit conservative thoughts, ideas and suggestions. I suspect most of us understand what you meant by the term, tax & spend liberal. Your suggestion that liberals tend to (increase revenues & create expensive programs) at a rate greater than conservatives is generally accepted as fact - with exceptions of course.
    Even if it were not fact, you have a right to your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and opinions. Let us not forget that if it were not for individual toughs, ideas and suggestions, the world would still be flat, America would not exist, we would not have vaccines that save millions, there would still be a wall in Berlin, and of course we would not have the internet.
    If Norfolknet is to be a place of only facts it has fallen far short of its goal - now that's a fact!
    Respectfully submitted,
    - JPB

  • 5/3 8:41pm   Re Does anyone know how I could contact the Norfolk Garden Club?
    You can contact the President of the Garden Club of Norfolk (Gail) at (508) 520-6624.
    - DEC

  • 5/3 5:58pm   Does anyone know how I could contact the Norfolk Garden Club? Thank you!
    - MA

  • 5/3 5:56pm   It sounds like there is a desperate child at the high school, and quite frankly, I as a parent am scared. I have children at KP Middle, not the high school, but no one responded to my post weeks ago about how many kids have been taken by ambulance from the middle school because of drinking!! and drugs. Guys - drugs, drinking and bullying is what causes this. This is scary!! What can we do?
    - DV

  • 5/3 3:58pm   What would happen if the kids had to make up the time that is missed in the classroom due to ``bomb scares.'' Treat them like a snow day that have to be made up at the end of the year. Every two hour delay for a threat would mean a half day at the end. Yes, the non-miscreants (including teachers) would be punished along with the miscreants, but it would put pressure on the few that are already making a school day difficult for the many. It would also put pressure on the students that know who wrote the note (I would be willing to bet someone other than the writer knows) to make sure this does not happen again. Right now there is only accountability if you are caught.
    When I was in junior high school (a very different environment than today) bomb threats were called in quite regularly on test days. There was a bank of pay phones right across from the glass encased school office that were typically used (this was the 90's before cell phones and caller id). They took out the pay phones and suddenly we were back to full days again. Just an idea that is probably full of holes, but I would love to hear what others think.
    I applaud the school and the police departments for their handling of these situations - nothing seems to be taken lightly and parents are kept well informed.
    - MH

  • 5/3 2:58pm   Just wanted to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who supported me in this year's election. From those who held signs to those who posted to this site to those who just spread the word, I am in your debt. Thanks most of all to the 600+ brave souls who came to the polls to vote for a change.
    - Jay Talerman

  • 5/3 2:56pm   Mass Youth Soccer and Picturehouse have invited all Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Spring 2007 participants and their families to an advance movie screening of the newest inspirational soccer film, Gracie!
    Stars Andrew Shue, Academy Award-nominated actress Elisabeth Shue and Carly Schroeder will host a Q & A session immediately following the film on Sunday, May 6th at the AMC Loews Boston Common.
    This is a free event but seating is limited - For information to reserve your seat visit [NLS link] For more information about the film visit graciemovie.com.
    - HK

  • 5/3 2:48pm   Another bomb scare at King Philip today, as noted by the attached email from the high school. In this case, the students and teachers lost over two hours of valuable classroom time. It's a real shame that everyone's time and concern is being misdirected by the actions of a few miscreants! Principal Hanson is doing a good job at keeping the communication lines open, at any rate...
    May 3, 2007

    Dear Parents and Guardians:

    This morning a custodian reported to the administration that a message about a bomb was written on the wall of a stall in one of the boys bathrooms. The message referred to the perception that KP didn't take bomb threats seriously. We immediately notified the Wrentham Police, who sent several officers to investigate. Although this message was classified as a bomb scare because no specific threat was made, we made the decision on the recommendation of the police to evacuate and search the building. The school and district administration, with assistance from the police and fire departments, then searched all common areas, classrooms, backpacks, and lockers. Nothing of concern was found during that search.

    As a result of this incident, we are restricting the presence of backpacks in the building. Students may still bring their belongings to school in a bag or backpack, but we have instructed all students to store their backpacks in their lockers during the day.

    We are informing parents and guardians about this event today by both letter and e-mail. I also plan on meeting with high school staff this afternoon to review the incident and protocols with them.

    In addition to the assistance that is provided by our staff, we request students and parents to be vigilant in reporting any activities, conversations, or messages that may be of concern. The high school administration will continue to work with the local police departments to ensure the safety of students and staff within the school.


    Elaine M. Hanson

    - EC

  • 5/3 2:46pm   DV - there was a discussion of the water levels in Highland Lake several months ago, as archived at [2006Q4 Notes archives]. In a post dated 11/9 4:43pm, a reader said that: "A well intentioned citizen, believing that he was doing a good service to the town, was adjusting the sluice gate to prevent flooding of property in close proximity to the lake. He has since become more familiar with the broader impact of his good deed to the community. He is now relieved that he no longer has that responsibility and gladly leaves it to the DPW. I don't believe that a final determination has been made about who or what authority will ultimately control the sluice ..."
    From WC's post this morning, it sounds as though the sluice gate is being adjusted once again.
    - VR

  • 5/3 12:22pm   WC, what is that from?
    - DV

  • 5/3 11:37am   Can you believe this?? The level of Highland Lake is now very low. From my observation, other lakes, ponds and streams in the area seem to be on the high side. Here we go again - back to the yo-yo syndrome. DPW, please take notice.
    - WC

  • 5/3 11:36am   Any teen or college student looking to do some raking and grass cutting this weekend? I live in the vicinity of the Middle School on King Street. Contact me at Glass1971@aol.com
    - PB

  • 5/3 8:47am   King Philip music students will present Percussion Night at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 9 in the Field House of King Philip Regional High School, Wrentham. The public is invited, free of charge.
    The evening will feature high school students, including ensemble and solo players in classical, jazz and original works. The nationally acclaimed Indoor Percussion Ensemble will present their show "Systematic."
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 5/3 12:10am   Yes, there you go again... I pose a few simple questions in reply to a post.
    I get directly attacked for "bashing"... and when I defend myself, rationally, intellectually... and with less emotion than the person accusing me... What do you do? You edit out my post... interject your own biased interpratation, and relegate it to the [...] politics page!
    Good luck to you and your one sided love fest. I have much better things to do with my time.
    - CB

    [But you were bashing, and I don't see how being asked to stop is being "directly attacked." Inserting gratuitous slurs into otherwise unrelated comments is bashing. I edited out two sections of your reply which I found to be rude - cute, but rude - but left your rebuttal intact. My reasoning on why it was bashing is right there at the bottom of the footnote.
    Since you wrote that you're "perfectly prepared to defend myself intellectually with anyone who enjoys debating the facts," and I very much prefer argument based on facts, I pointed out that your "facts" were not factual, but rather were... well, biased interpretation.
    By the way, I felt and still feel that the point you were making, both in your original post of 5/1 10:52pm and in your reply to TIS on 5/2 11:41pm, was a very good observation: there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. I encourage everyone to read them and think about the implications.
    - Wm.]

    [Update 5/6 8:07pm: restored inadvertently omitted first sentence - Wm.]

  • 5/3 12:05am   BS and DLJ... Thanks so much for your help. I had no idea that it was so inexpensive. Tomorrow I'll be on the phone to Comcast.
    - JHR

  • 5/2 11:41pm   TIS, your turn: Yes, I do know the current model is not working. We are in agreement on that, for sure. But, you fail to recognize my basic premise, and that is this: When you turn over control of money (school money, in this case) to the state, you also turn over control of that money. What does that mean? Does that concern you? It concerns me!
    Let's say, for the sake of argument, that I pay $10,000 in property taxes (it's higher than that, unfortunately)... and of that $10,000, $6,000 goes to Norfolk Public Schools - just for the sake of argument; make the numbers any number you choose, that doesn't matter. Now, if we take that $6000, and say we're moving to a model where the state finances education, then on the face of it... it sounds like maybe I'll save $6,000? You don't believe that, right? I mean, the teachers still must be paid... and the state surely doesn't print money (although it probably would, if it could). So... the state needs to raise $6,000 somewhere... and that is just my share of it... so, let's assume that they raise it in the most fair way, and they get it from me... through... oh, I don't know.... an increase in the income tax.
    Ok, so far so good... no complaints from me yet.... Now, the state has in its possession this big pile of education money (that's a scary thought in and of itself)... and they need to decide how to split it up among the towns.
    From Norfolk, they got $6,000 from me, right? But.... from Lynn... and from Lowell... and from New Bedford... and from Springfield.... well, it's a different story. The tax bases their are completely unlike Norfolk.... and the schools there (I would bet you) reflect that. Ok... that's bad... I feel for them. Truly, I do. But... that doesn't mean I would want to deprive Norfolk Public Schools of that $6,000, so as to benefit those poor schools in Lynn, and Lowell, and New Bedford.
    But TIS, that is exactly what will happen.
    If you think that will not happen, if you think Norfolk will make out better than it currently does... where do you suppose the "extra" money is going to come from? Tax payers in Lynn? I don't think so...
    On the other hand, if you feel that they will give us exactly what they collect from us... then I ask you this: What is the point? If the point is simply to circumvent Prop 2 1/2, then the way to do that is through ballot initiative... exactly the way it was first established.
    No bashing, no name calling, just the facts :)
    - CB

    [I feel CB is making a very good point, both here and in the original post of 5/1 10:52pm. If you don't like to read long posts, let me summarize:
    The state is unlikely to restore the previous level of educational subsidy, not without a large windfall in revenue. The funds for the "new model" thus are likely to be funded through new taxes.
    Any "new model" that the state adopts for funding schools will have to address the budget issues in all towns in the commonwealth. Since less affluent towns will be seen as being less able to provide a quality education for their children, money is likely to be redistributed from the taxpayers in the more affluent towns to help them out.
    Norfolk was already shown to be one of the wealthier towns in Massachusetts (the statistics were posted on Norfolknet). The most probable outcome is that Norfolk taxpayers will contribute more into the state education fund than they will receive from the state in return.
    Now a few thoughts of my own. The reason why such a "new model" is nevertheless interesting to consider is that it would shift some of the cost of educating children from homeowners to higher-income wage earners, thus alleviating the property tax burden shouldered by the retired and other lower-income households.
    And the specifics will matter a lot - Norfolk has a disproportionately high number of SPED kids in the schools, and a SPED-specific subsidy may tip the balance in Norfolk's favor. As with all things, the devil is in the details.
    - Wm.]

  • 5/2 11:02pm   [reply by CB to DWL, including copious footnotes by Wm, on Politics.]

  • 5/2 10:57pm   Seeking excavator to demolish and fill in inground swimming pool (concrete block walls, sand bottom) and surrounding concrete apron. Must be familiar with Norfolk town services regarding permits and other requirements. Please contact sams_6@yahoo.com.
    - SS

  • 5/2 10:48pm   CG, The only information I got was from the Walgreen's Corporate Office and a manager a couple of months ago. I really can't tell you any more than that. When I do find I out, I will be more than happy to put it on Norfolknet.
    - DH

  • 5/2 10:47pm   In regards to cable, about 30 years ago my husband ordered "Star," the new way to watch TV. The company came and installed this thingy on the roof. So for $10 a month, we had cable. I was very unhappy about it, as $10 was too much to pay just to watch TV.
    Now we pay Comcast $240.00 a month to watch TV, have fast internet connection and use the telephone. Now, that's too much to pay for watching the boob tube, squandering hours and hours on the computer and listening to telemarketers; where did I go wrong?
    - JW

  • 5/2 6:22pm   TW, I agree - To my knowledge CHB [Children's Hospital Boston] doesn't have any official list of towns that provide better special ed programs than other towns... this is how rumors start. I believe the post on Norfolknet months ago stated that while at an appointment at Children's, a clinician told the poster that they heard that Norfolk provided good special ed services... so a physician or nurse saying she heard Norfolk was good (she could have been told that by another parent, etc.) is translated into a booming Children's Hospital endorsement of the services Norfolk provides!
    When my child was evaluated for potential services here in Norfolk, I was told by the director at that time that the services here were so exemplary that people were moving to Norfolk to take advantage. Wishful thinking on her part maybe? After dealing with them, I find that quite hard to believe! There is nothing exemplary in mediocrity.
    - PB

  • 5/2 5:59pm   TIS, do not worry, we parents with children that have special needs are fast learning that people who make coments like you made are here in town. God help you if your child or grandchild ever needs help. [...]
    Wm., where do I send the $10.00
    - DV

    [6:12pm: I was only paying the $10.00 for the [...] part... LOL - DV
    6:13pm: Well, if it were that easy to get content up on the page, what would be the point? Now, if you snuck your mischievous message past me by, say, starting posts with a different letter each time so that two weeks from now the initial letters formed a sneaky message, now that would be on the house :-) - Wm.]

  • 5/2 4:34pm   My daughter is going to hatch chicks for a science project. Does anyone either have an incubator we could borrow for a few weeks, or want the chicks after we have hatched them? I can be emailed at knrh1@aol.com. Thanks.
    - KB

  • 5/2 3:58pm   TW, I am not sure if there is an official list at Children's Hospital indicating Norfolk as one of the top towns for SPED, but I have heard this from some of newcomers to town. This is a distinction we can live without.
    - TIS

  • 5/2 2:46pm   What was the spill in the main rotary today? A fire truck, multiple fire fighters, that spooky yellow tape, a Clean Harbors Environmental Services Team wearing white haz mat suits and respirators... such excitement for a Wednesday in little Norfolk!
    - MJD

  • 5/2 2:34pm   PC, bravo, well said. You left out "15 yrs preserved the Moonscape." Let's go a step further, assign the septic inspections to the DPW, have the contract engineer report to the Building Committee and disband the Board of Health and the Planning Board!!
    - MC

    [Oh, did I mention that there is a new Politics page, just aching for content? - Wm.]

  • 5/2 2:26pm   Re 4/4 7:37pm To all who want to know what's going in at the corner of 1A & 115, Walgreen's Drug Store is going in. I heard by the Fall of 2008. One less thing we have to drive to another town for. - DH
    To DH, Do you have any more information on the Walgreens for 1A & 115. I have seen nothing in the papers or on the web about it. While I think it would be great, it seems unlikely. Thanks,
    - CG

  • 5/2 2:14pm   Just a few potential "thinking outside the box" suggestions... Years ago I worked in the health care industry. At that time (and possibly still), each hospital had to contribute to a state run "Free Care Pool" based upon each hospital's annual revenue. At the end of each fiscal year, the state would analyze the free care services provided by each hospital and those which provided an excess of free services were reimbursed from the Free Care Pool.
    I'm curious if something like this would work for special education needs. The education of all children is the responsibility of all of the residents of the state. Each city/town would be required to contribute to a Special Education Fund, then the towns which provided a greater amount of special education services, would be able to apply for reimbursement from the Fund. If it is true, as previously stated on this site, that Children's Hospital lists Norfolk as a good town to live in for special needs services, I believe other towns should assist in the education of these special children. It may take more than a village to raise a child... maybe the neighboring villages too!
    Another thought, can the state legally charge rent to inmates? Could the state receive Welfare and Social Security benefits for these individuals to offset the cost of providing 3 meals per day plus a roof over their heads? Perhaps this is already happening, but if not, why not? I don't want to create a bigger problem by having funds taken from the families of the inmates, but there must be many inmates who can surely pay their own way.
    Just thinking...
    - TW

  • 5/2 1:50pm   Route 115/Pine St. - can someone tell me if this stretch of road is going to be completely paved or are they just going to do a patch job like they are doing now?
    - DF

  • 5/2 1:49pm   SM, RH - The planning board has contract engineering services. An elected engineer is not a loss for the Town.
    Fifteen years of dictating policy has produced one building in the Town Center. (Municipals and 40Bs don't count). During an incredible building boom, not a real good track record. The zoning, planning, and master planning efforts by the Planning Board has obviously not satisfied what the taxpayers want. The voters spoke... loudly.
    - PC

  • 5/2 12:45pm   JHR, To get local access you can call 1-800-Comcast and request the very basic service. This should include channels 2 through 23. Expect to pay one installation charge and then less than $15 per month. Currently Comcast is the only company authorized to provide local access cable in Norfolk.
    - DLJ

  • 5/2 12:27pm   RH, Art Spruch was not "one of the most qualified people to serve on that board" he was the most qualified. There is a concerted effort within the Town to weaken this Board and develop without any careful review. Residents of this Town will eventually regret replacing more qualified Board members with less qualified.
    - SM

  • 5/2 11:58am   CB, You know the current model is not working. I cannot imagine our schools surviving without any budget increases for a very long time. Every year we fire teachers and other staff, what is eventually going to happen? It will implode. I have two kids in the school system and a third one going in fall. I believe the teachers/staff do a great job; unfortunately it is an underpaid and underappreciated profession.
    The governor is thinking of an out of the box solution. We should give it a chance, before declaring it dead on arrival.
    - TIS

  • 5/2 11:57am   Congratulations to everyone who won, and also to the folks who didn't. I hate town elections because it's usually two people I know pretty well and I feel bad about picking one over the other. I much prefer state and federal elections when I can just blame everything from bad weather to another October Red Sox collapse on the democracts ;).
    Frankly, anyone who takes the time and effort to run for office isn't doing it for self-aggrandizement and they are an asset to this town. Jay, Mark and Art have all contributed to this town in various important ways, and I hope they continue to do so.
    And now: election's over. Thank goodness. Whomever we voted for, we're all Norfolkians (Norfolker? Norfolkites?), and it's time to pull together and run this town productively and efficiently.
    (Until nomination papers are ready next winter, of course!)
    - RJG

  • 5/2 11:54am   CB, Do you really have to begin the bashing again in the statement "the liberals on Beacon Hill." Why does it always go back to that. Someone will now come back and bash the Republicans, and it will start a whole feud again. You can constructively make your comments without insulting the the so called "liberals." Yes, I am one of those Democrats, but I will take the high road.
    - DWL

  • 5/2 11:05am   Re 5/2 9:23am Losing Mr. A. Spruch was a real mistake for this town. - DV
    I agree. As a former planning board member, I know that Art is one of the most qualified people to serve on that board. The plans that the board reviews are all prepared by Civil Engineers.
    Art is a civil engineer, and is familiar with all of the elements to be reviewed, and all of the concepts and calculations involved in drainage calculations, etc., items which might be overlooked by a non-engineer. He has been on the Board for a long time, and it is a real shame to lose his expertise on such a critical board. I hope he will run again in the future. Thanks for your service, Art.
    - RH

  • 5/2 9:24am   Hi - I am looking for a new home for 2 guinea pigs (a dad and son). The dad is about 2 years old and the son about a year old. They are very friendly and love carrots! You can email me at box56@norfolknet.com if interested. Thank you!
    - NW

  • 5/2 9:23am   Losing Mr. A. Spruch was a real mistake for this town.
    - DV

  • 5/1 11:37pm   Congratulations to Jim Lehan for a decisive victory. I look forward to another 3 years of your leadership
    - PC

  • 5/1 10:52pm   TIS: At the risk of being accused as discussing politics, but following your lead, I have to ask:
    Do you really believe that looking to the State for education money is a better model the relying on local revenue? Exactly where should the state obtain this money to give us? When the state is allocating education funds, we (the taxpayers in Norfolk) lose control over those tax dollars. We cede that control when we pay those taxes to the state, rather than to our own town, hoping then to get only a portion of that money back.
    Will the state look at Norfolk and deem it more needy than, say: Milford, or New Bedford... or Boston? Or might the state decide to take some of the Norfolk revenue and divert it to those more needy locales? When the money stays in Norfolk... it stays in Norfolk. It's as simple as that.
    We don't need state bureaucrats taking control (any more than they already do) of our tax/education money... I think we can decide, better than they, how much of it should go to own school system.
    There ain't no free lunch... and Patrick, along with all the other tax and spend liberals on Beacon Hill, doesn't have a magic cash machine from which he can tend to all our financial needs.
    - CB

  • 5/1 9:48pm   To TD looking for tile floor installation: I recommend Morrison Construction, 781-389-2443, who installed my bathroom ceramic tile floor and did a great job.
    - GB

  • 5/1 9:40pm   Attached are the official results of todays election. The total number of votes cast was 1491.
    M. Waldman 432
    D. Winslow 1029
    J. Lehan 837
    J. Talerman 625
    D. Putt 1043
    Board of Health:
    J. Palumbo 1024
    Housing Authority - 5 year:
    E. Dupont 989
    Housing Authority - 1 year:
    S. Dittrich 1013
    Library Trustees:
    K. Nelson 1015
    Planning Board:
    T. Burke 752
    A. Spruch 575
    D. Roche 860
    Recreation Commission:
    D. Mastro 855
    B. McCarty 931
    Norfolk School Committee:
    D. Rochefort 932
    - Gail Bernardo, Assistant Town Clerk

  • 5/1 8:51pm   Election results - Lehan for Selectman, Winslow for Moderator, Roche and Burke for Planning Board.
    - VR

  • 5/1 8:43pm   JHR - No need to be embarrassed. We are actually considering getting rid of cable. In any event, I think you probably want the most basic of packages. We use Comcast. I don't know if anyone else services our area. You can either go to Comcast.com to research what their basic package includes or you can go to their office/store in Franklin. It's on 140 just before Acapulco's on the right. Good Luck.
    - BS

  • 5/1 8:42pm   Many thanks to those of you who stopped by the TPA Election Day Bake Sale and Raffle today. We sold out by 4:30, and your generous donations will help us to continue to fund programs for the kids in Norfolk. Thanks again, everyone!
    - KEM

  • 5/1 8:30pm   I received excise tax bill for one car this past month... do all of the bills go out at the same time? I ask because I thought I should have received two bills for my two cars, and did not. Thanks for the info!
    - CMK

  • 5/1 8:29pm   Thanks Wm for all you do. I have researched appliances, gotten rid of computer equipment, advertised events, found an orthodontist, learned how to deal with woodpeckers, and tonight, maybe found a bathroom tile man, all through Norfolknet! I am a fan for life!
    - AL

  • 5/1 6:05pm   TD I do tile floors in any size bathroom and anything else you may need for finish work. 508-517-4708. I too am TD.
    - TD

  • 5/1 6:04pm   Hello All: I just received notification that I can sign up for Verizon FiOS. Does anyone have any experience with it? Would you recommend switching from Comcast for it? Thanks!
    - ALL

  • 5/1 6:00pm   As I mentioned in my last post that the current model -- where real estate tax pays for school system --is flawed, I glad to hear that Governor has recognized the core problem and is working to fix. Here is the snippet from Boston Globe:
    Gov. Deval Patrick hinted Tuesday that he'll propose changes in the way Massachusetts pays for public education, saying the heavy reliance on local property tax is "not working."

    Patrick, addressing a meeting of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, declined to offer specifics, saying his education reform package will be released soon.

    "It seems to me the time is at hand, and the appetite is right among you and the folks you represent and so many others, to get back to basics and figure out how to do this right," the governor told the gathering. "The property tax is not working."

    "And there's an urgency, it seems to me, we ought to have about this, too," he added.

    Communities, in addition to using local property tax, also receive state aid for education called "chapter 70" funds.

    - TIS

  • 5/1 4:01pm   Does anyone have a recomendation on a company to install a ceramic tile floor in a small bathroom and room? Thanks,
    - TD

  • 5/1 2:08pm   I know there was the inquiry about roofers a while back, and also to answer the gravel driveway post.
    I have used Rob Cain for plowing, re-grading, digging, etc., and he has always been fantastic, prompt and fairly priced.
    As for a roofer: I know he doesn't advertise as a roofing specialist, but I've posted before that Dave Smith (also in Norfolk) does a great job with his crews roofing. He did our house two years back and we have not had a problem with it at all. He was quick, cleaned up and was priced fairly.
    - HNC

    [Update 2015-12-20: Rob Cain is no longer doing snow plowing or tree work - Wm.]

  • 5/1 1:35pm   The Soccer Club of Norfolk is accepting registration forms for its fall 2007 travel soccer season now through Monday, May 7, 2007. Register online by going to the Club's web site at norfolksoccer.com.
    [Details on Notice Board]
    - DM

  • 5/1 11:16am   I hate to admit this to the public out there, but... we do not have Cable!!! Now that you have taken a deep breath, I will say that we don't know where to start, but would like to have local access and only the bare minimum of whatever else we need. Can anyone tell this dinosaur where to begin. And stop laughing. : )
    - JHR

  • 5/1 10:05am   What a beautiful morning in Norfolk! The forsythia is out in full force, and so many other flowering trees are close behind. Winter 2007 is becoming a distant memory... Happy May Day!
    - AL

  • 5/1 8:43am   Happy May Day! May Day celebrates international Labour Day, Walpurgis Nacht, and the ancient Celtic fest of Beltane.

  • 5/1 7:78am   LR - I used Rob from Norway Farms for drainage and foundation work on our home renovation. It was a great experience. He was honest and did things on time!! I would highly recommend his services. I think he also does snow plowing and irrigation work...
    - JPRW

  • 5/1 12:00am   Please visit the Norfolk TPA Bake Sale and Mother's Day Gift Raffle election day (today!)
    Tuesday, May 1st, at the HOD, 8:30am - 8pm.
    All proceeds will go to our schools Curriculum Enhancement programs, scholarships,Teacher Grant requests and more!
    - KS, Norfolk TPA

  • 4/30 11:58pm   JPB: I can't seem to find a link to the NOGO site which I had visited once before. Was it the Blogspot address I just found in the NorfolkNet archive? If so, it looks like it requires an invite. Could you send me a email, I'd be interested in talking: Clay@BeattyHome.com
    - CB

    [That should be it. It is also accessible through the address no-go.org, which goes to the same blogspot page - Wm.]

  • 4/30 11:28pm   To Paul Guertin and NCTV:
    First off, Paul, thank you for your more than humble apology re. the recording snafu last week at the Candidates' Meeting. As someone who has just begun to realize how very important NCTV really is to our community, I took it for granted that I would watch the meeting on our local cable access station because I didn't make it to the meeting.
    Voila! Look what happened!! Now I am totally committed to doing whatever I can to make sure that other people realize how crucial it is to get involved in making sure the "Verizon Bill" does not pass! Your "error" just re-enforced the fact for me that if we didn't have our local TV stations, we wouldn't even have the option of recording and viewing all the town meetings, soccer games, children's performances, town festivals, artists, writers and other informative interviews, emergency broadcasts, etc., etc.
    So, thank you for your error. Now folks like me, who weren't able to make it to the meeting have been made to see how essential our Local Cable Access stations really are to all of us here in Norfolk!
    And thank you for your tireless efforts and dedicated work! You are great! I really don't know how you could possibly be replaced! By the way, I did the same thing once when I was dubbing a really important recording for someone!! ...it happens!
    - PRR

  • 4/30 11:25pm   In regard to: 4/26 7:51pm Does anyone know anyone in the area who gives piano lessons? We are looking for someone over the summer who is "low key." Thanks, - BS
    To BS RE: "Low key" piano teacher: If you are looking for beginner piano lessons, I would be happy to speak with you. I am a performing and recording songwriter/singer as well as vocal and piano coach. And I am "low key" in that I am just getting back to teaching after moving and recovering from an injury. As far as my "teaching style" I believe that the most important lessons we, as children or adults can have are the ones that teach us the basics. I believe that (I also teach voice) good posture, hand/body positioning and breath, attention to emotional content and what the player/student wants/intends to "say" as well as rhythm are key elements to beginning piano study. And, it has to be fun! No matter what the age of the student, they must want/need to practice... it cannot be just something someone tells them to do, or, ultimately, they won't do it. The act of studying music becomes something to love if the teacher is inspiring and the work leads to visible progress, like anything else one endeavors to learn.
    So, if you are interested in speaking with me, just send me an email and I will be happy to inform you as to my prices, hours and scheduling. I have a 24 hour cancellation policy as well as a paid four lesson commitment. If you are close by and have a tuned piano, I would be happy to teach you or your child in your home. Thanks. Rubytunes@aol.com
    - PRR

  • 4/30 11:24pm   I can't wait until Gumps opens again... the couple who own it are so sweet and it will seem like Norfolk again when they are open!
    - DV

  • 4/30 11:23pm   AR: I checked my apple trees (and other trees) last week and again today and still no tent caterpillars!! Yeah! They were terrible last year and hopefully they won't return this year. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and checking my tree's every few days. Good luck with yours!
    - LK

  • 4/30 11:22pm   LR, And anyone else... I could look at your driveway. My name is Rob Cain from Norway Farms, Medway Street. We ended the tree nursery a couple of years ago and I have been taking on jobs like yours. I will also be available to do small tree and shrub pruning and pressure washing. I have a small dump truck, backhoe and loader for driveway work or small excavating jobs, pulling stumps, installing drainage, etc. References available. Rob 508-560-8899.
    - RC

  • 4/30 6:18pm   To EAG, Please call John Peterson Masonry At :
    Home phone: 1-508-346-3677 // Cell phone: 1-774-571-0357
    John is my nephew and he does all of my masonry work. He just completed a beautiful stone wall using large and small rocks. He also did patio work and sidewalks for me. He is very reliable and a great worker.
    - MG

  • 4/30 4:57pm   I just want to thank every single person who baked for the Friend's Book and Bake Sale. People outdid themselves this year with the pies, cakes, brownies and on and on. Everything sold, everything was delicious and it all helped toward the best sale ever. I'm thanking all of you bakers because I'm the one who called you and hounded you to volunteer and bake; and I'll probably do it again next year, but I wanted you all to know how much it is appreciated. Thank you - Thank you.
    - BB

  • 4/30 3:20pm   We are looking for a recommendation for someone to deliver and spread stone/gravel for our driveway. We're looking to get this done within the next few weeks, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy the sunshine and don't forget to vote tomorrow!
    - LR

  • 4/30 3:17pm   The Animal Control Department has an all-white male cat looking to find a home. He is litter trained, neutered, and has received his shots today. His ten day hold is up and he's ready to find the perfect family. He doesn't seem to mind other animals around him and overall he is just an absolutely happy cat with an outstanding personality. If anyone is interested in adopting, please contact the Animal Control Department and leave a voice message at 508 528 3232. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 4/30 11:27am   I want to express my thanks to the many volunteers who made the Friends of the Library Book & Bake Sale such a huge success this weekend! A new record was set -- the Friends netted $14,800! Whew! What a lot of books were sold and what a fun event this was for all of Norfolk's avid readers! This money will be used to fund library programs and services that are not included in the regular operating budget, such as the summer reading program, adult and children's performances, museum passes, technology, furnishings, bestsellers, and seed money for new collections.
    Besides earning the Friends some much needed revenue, there was another tremendous benefit to this weekend's sale. Hundreds, if not thousands, of books got into the hands of children who are eager to read them. As a librarian and a former teacher, it is gratifying to see so many young people excited about books and reading. Despite the intrusion of computers, electronic games and plasma televisions, reading is alive and well in Norfolk! Kudos to all the parents who took the time to drop into the sale and stock up on summer reading for themselves and their children!
    My thanks & appreciation to the Book Sale Committee: Mary Jo Gothorpe, Maureen & Conrad Buck, Marion Graham, Beverly Baldoni, Trish Sutton, Patti McCarty, Jen Lafond, Margaret Lange, Joann Sueltenfuss, Thayer Olson, Denise D'Entremont & Judith Meixner; thanks also to the Boy Scout troop who unloaded all the books out of the trailer; to Butch Vito and all the guys at the DPW for loaning us the use of the garage and all their help, to the Lions who cooked lunch, and to all the volunteers who baked and helped set up, alphabetize books, break down, and assist Friday night and Saturday. Your efforts paid off with the biggest and best book sale yet!
    I'm already looking forward to next year's sale... can it get any better?
    - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library

  • 4/30 10:25am   Amen.
    - SO

  • 4/30 9:44am   Webmaster - no need for you to apologize, but a great big "Thank You" to you for your efforts and talents. For many of us, Norfolknet is a valuable resource for a great deal of what goes on in our little town. It's only a matter of time before someone in town is going to have to initiate a self-help group for "net" and "Boom" addicts. Too many of us can't go a day without clicking onto your page, or checking out the Boomerang. Hard to imagine how dull things would be around here if we didn't have you and Norfolknet. Thanks again.
    - KEM

  • 4/30 9:25am   Another thank you to the Wm for having the guts to put a stop to all the bickering of late. It seemed as if the town took an ugly pill. I would rather hear about the positive and human interest stories we can share in our town; we have newspapers for the other stuff. The last couple of days has been like a breath of fresh spring air when visiting this page. Ahhhh, peace reigns.
    - JW

  • 4/30 9:24am   I have also skipped over all the candidate vs. candidate. I think I read one -- an it was not very pleasant. Thanks for putting an end to it.
    - DWL

  • 4/30 8:51am   BR - Ditto! I'm dealing with nursing homes and could drive to MGH with my eyes closed. Norfolk is a great place and I've made many wonderful friends here. We really do have a great community here. Webmaster, Thank You for providing this forum for us all, but I too have been less inclined to read lately because of the negativity. I appreciate your putting the politics to rest for now, as I too have been skipping over those discussions. I look forward to continuing to know what is going on around town through our Norfolknet "community" !! Regards,
    - EW

  • 4/30 12:14am   TPA Hosts Election Day Bake Sale! 8:30am - 8:00pm.
    Don't forget to vote on Tuesday May 1st. While voting please stop at our table to purchase delicious baked goods and help support our school programs!
    - KS, Norfolk TPA

  • 4/29 11:58pm   Kudos to the School Committee and Selectmen for working together, getting input from the community, considering future budgeting needs, and making the correct (in my opinion!) decision not to implement a bus fee at this time. Regards to All,
    - SR

  • 4/29 11:49pm   BR - Loved reading about Mr. and Mrs. Swan. I seems like only yesterday that I read about last year's babies. Time does fly (no pun intended). But, what about bears?? I'm ready to hear about a bear in town. Does anyone think there is a chance?
    - JHR

  • 4/29 11:48pm   Wm... It was wonderful to read about your thoughts and feelings. We can all learn much from you that has nothing to do with politics, but about kindness and compassion. Thank you for all you do.
    - JHR

  • 4/29 11:47pm   The Board of Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer is pleased to announce that the youth soccer program will now be part of the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association. Mass Youth Soccer is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the task of promoting and enhancing the game of soccer throughout Massachusetts. Established in 1977, Mass Youth Soccer has quickly become the second largest state youth soccer association in the United States.
    Mass Youth Soccer and Picturehouse have invited all Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Spring 2007 participants and their families to an advance movie screening of the newest inspirational soccer film, Gracie!
    Stars Andrew Shue, Academy Award-nominated actress Elisabeth Shue and Carly Schroeder will host a Q & A session immediately following the film on Sunday, May 6th at the AMC Loews Boston Common. For more information about the film visit graciemovie.com.
    This is a free event but seating is limited - For information to reserve your seat visit [NLS link].
    - HK

  • 4/29 11:36pm   Wm provides an outstanding service to the Norfolk community and I respect his decision to limit more political discussion. I have personally e-mailed Wm to thank him for the time he devotes to the betterment of Norfolk. We may not always agree, but the service/forum that Wm provides is invaluable and it does promote positive change within the community. I hope that people recognize how much work Wm must do to keep this forum as relevant as it is. Clearly there is no compensation involved, so let's be realistic. Wm, my family thanks you for the service you provide to Norfolk. I hope others join us.
    - CS

  • 4/29 4:53pm   Wm., thank you. My husband no longer went onto the net. I went past all the political info - I get that elsewhere. Please, people, enjoy what you have!! Mrs. Swan is expecting within 2 weeks. Did anyone else witness Mr. Swan adding mud to the nest during the heavy rains? He feeds her and at times sits on the nest for her to have a break (they mate for life). The heron is close by but so far no conflict that I have seen. I leave the house before 6am and see many deer - yes, some are eating people's bushes, but we have taken over their territory. I still have to find the picture of the kangaroo mouse and now the cowbird who laid an egg in the finches' nest by our front door.
    Please just enjoy what is offered to you. I'm dealing with nursing homes, hospitals, etc.; if you think you have problems, go visit a nursing home or a VA hospital. Be glad that you are able to sit at your computer and add your info as many no longer can do that but wish they could. Money is not everything!! Sorry, but this has been another bad day here, but we have to keep going for those who no longer can. We are tired but must go on - and yes we will be out to vote. Haven't missed one yet.
    - BR

  • 4/29 1:23pm   Bravo, Wm! I was personally delighted when I read your post last evening that postings for the upcoming town elections were over. In the last few weeks, I stopped checking in regularly because I felt the same few things were being said over and over, with the voices getting more heated, angrier and insulting. At most points, it became a tit-for-tat bickering between four or five people. That was getting pretty old, and quick.
    - MHC

  • 4/29 12:15pm   Thank you all for your kind words this week.
    - DV

  • 4/29 12:10pm   To Wm: Your decision not to post any more posts for the political page, is the best news that I have heard in a long time. Good for you! That was a great decision! : )
    - SD

  • 4/29 11:54am   Why I felt I owed the community an apology? I don't know how to explain it very well. Because I feel bad that I let people down by not having provided a more pleasant experience during their visits over the past two weeks.
    If I host a get-together, and a heated argument breaks out making people uneasy and upset, I will have failed as a host to make my guests feel welcome and comfortable. I can't let them just drift home, embarrassed, in awkward silence. Because it was my house and my party and my friends and it happened on my watch. Because somebody owes them an apology for the discomfort they've been put to, and that's my duty.
    It's not just about free speech. Free speech is a powerful force, mightier than the sword, but more dangerous and hurtful, too. With free speech comes responsibility, and on Norfolknet I'm the responsible adult who has to keep an eye out so people don't hurt one another.
    I guess it's the difference between free speech and community. Norfolknet provides a place where people can speak their mind, sure, but that's not why I started it; it's not the reason I spend the hours that I do managing the page and helping people post and editing their images and fixing their typos and formatting their paragraphs and trying to present their comments in a favorable way.
    To me, Norfolknet is not just a forum, it is a gathering of friends. When people post, they are sending me a letter -- me, a real person who reads and listens to what they have to say. Only then do I add their comments to the page for others to share in the joy or pain or aggravation.
    Ultimately, I want to help people connect with their neighbors to forge relationships, build something to be proud of. I want people to be able to speak with pride of what we have here, to be proud of our unique little town, and yes, to be proud of being part of something as special and as rare as the Norfolknet community.
    - Wm.

  • 4/29 11:44am   Wm: with all due respect, I could not believe my eyes when I read this: "Everyone, candidates and committee members and Norfolknet readers, please accept my very sincere personal apology for the free-for-all that the Politics page has devolved into."
    Whatever happened to the concept of expression? Why do you feel the need to apologize to anyone, for other people's thoughts and words? To the extent that you were willing to give them equal voice with contrary thought (their banishment to the politics page not withstanding), you should take pride, not shame.
    I do realize that this site is a private venture, and you are free to do with it as you please... but in so much as you are fostering (or so I thought) an environment of discussion, your recent words and actions (closing the politics page) are disappointing.
    [ . . . ]
    P.S. Don't foget to vote on May 1st [...]
    - CB

  • 4/28 7:53pm   [Replaced with post of 4/30 6:05pm]

  • 4/28 4:04pm   As of last night, the Politics page is closed to new posts. All sides have made their positions known, we have heard the arguments and counter-arguments, and I have heard the majority of the readers wish that the whole thing would just go away already.
    Everyone, candidates and committee members and Norfolknet readers, please accept my very sincere personal apology for the free-for-all that the Politics page has devolved into. What may have started as cute, partisan one-upmanship seems to have turned into an out-of-control fray that brings credit to no-one, myself included.
    Several people have commented that too much accountability is lost by allowing anonymity in campaigns. Perhaps they're right. For next time I will seriously consider other approaches; a personally moderated sub-page with one outmatched person trying to keep the factions apart did not seem to be very effective.
    To those who have offered a friendly ear or suggestions or words of encouragement, I offer my heartfelt thanks. Running a web page would be a dry, technical detail activity; hearing that it's part of people's lives and knowing that it knits people into a community of neighbors is what adds spirit and brings it alive. Thank you all.
    - Wm.

  • 4/28 10:34am   JN - I wouldn't call JPRW's post regarding the sprinkler systems particularly "venomous." He/she is, however, stating fact. I have seen on many occasions several of those systems watering on very rainy days! Perhaps they should check to make sure their rain sensors are working! Maybe they are not aware that there is a problem with them.
    - JD

  • 4/27 11:28pm   What a night of activities to support Norfolk!
    First, the Friends of the Library book sale preview at the Highway Department was absolutely wonderful - my son and I came home with both a tote bag and a box full of books for the family. The new location was especially appreciated with the rain falling outside - we were warm and dry, and no mud puddles!!
    Next stop was the "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" show at HOD -- lots of fun, laughs, and working the grey matter to remember items such as subtraction of negatives & the name of the ocean around Antarctica.
    Hats off to all the Friends of the Library for their hard work prepping the thousands of books, and to Kris Porell and all the school volunteers for their wonderful show!
    P.S. If you are out and about Saturday the book sale is open to the public till 4 -- on Medway Street, across from the transfer station. Thousands of kids and adult books was not an exaggeration (videos too)!
    - CI

  • 4/27 9:09pm  
    ``Last night at the Advisory Board meeting the Selectman offered the School Committee an additional $30K of the expected $90K that the bus fees would have generated for the schools. This $30K represents the amount of money that would be generated from the anticipated bus fee that presently offsets our operating budget. The School Committee accepted the Selectmen's offer and rescinded its vote to implement a bus fee in FY'08.''
    [Full post in Politics]
    - PB

  • 4/27 7:25pm   I am taken aback by DWL's post - Who are we to judge someone else's sufferings? Be it from a loss of a dog, child, parent or doll - everyone's feelings are their own and how can anyone take those feelings away from someone else.
    - DN

  • 4/27 7:24pm   I'm looking for a used, quality aerobic step board/bench - something similar to the Original Health Club Step Bench - where risers can be added to adjust the height. I'm also interest in beginner step videos or dvds. Thank you. Email: jentech00@yahoo.com (Please note, the email address is jentech ``zero zero'', not oo).
    - JS

  • 4/27 7:16pm   JL, Regarding the need for sewerage in the downtown, please take a look at Summary of Norfolk's Master Plan that was just completed in April 2007 by the Master Planning Committee. The Master Planning Committee was comprised of a group of highly qualified individuals who spent a lot of time (thanks all for your service)in analyzing data and formulating and drafting a well written plan [4/6/07 draft summary PDF] The Plan has a major goal of promoting business and attracting commercial development within the Business Commercial Development zones. The benefits are a) tax revenues will increase which lessen the burden on families with homes and b) we get more retail services. To achieve this goal the Master Plan Summary on Page 7 states the following "Capital Improvements will be needed to permit the non-residential growth objectives." The first Capital Project listed in the Master Plan is "Town Center Waste Water Treatment Facility." The Master Planning Committee's conclusion is quite simple and straight forward, if we want more commercial development we will need to build a sewerage treatment plant. We will receive payback from the plant in terms of increased tax revenue in services. We all the deserve the opportunity to hang out in a Starbucks and drink coffee.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - SM

  • 4/27 4:12pm   To JPRW and others: We live ``in the new houses'' at the end of Barnstable Road that you referred to in your post. For the record, all the irrigation systems here have a rain sensor.
    Please give us a break. We are all as concerned about the environment as everyone else.
    Norfolknet is starting to become a source for mean spirited posts that offer nothing but anonymous individuals pontificating about nonsense. If you all want to fight with one another, may I suggest going on the Jerry Springer show. That may be the best avenue for your particular venom.
    - JN

  • 4/27 4:08pm   DMG - Give Norfolk County Lawn a call at 781-603-7172. They perform all the services you need.
    - MGW

  • 4/27 2:42pm   Hi, I am looking for a landscaper to do a spring cleanup, mulch, plant some flowers and cut lawns.
    - DMG

  • 4/27 1:30pm   When I was 21, I held my 20 year old brother as he died from a long, slow illness. We said "good-bye." I've lost all my grandparents, three uncles, three aunts, a best friend and another beloved uncle who died last week. "For anyone who has lost a family member this is quite an insult" is unworthy of my further response. I am sorry that simple commiseration over the loss of a dear companion has been sullied. DV, please continue through your unfortunate, abundant grief in peace.
    - SO

  • 4/27 1:16pm   To DB, re: Sweet House. Very well put!
    - PP

  • 4/27 12:26pm   Sorry all. No, I am not grieving, but most people will agree that there is nothing that compares to the loss of a human life, not a dog or a doll.
    - DWL

  • 4/27 11:01am   DWL - I can only assume based on the underlying anger in your post that you yourself are grieving. For that I am sorry. However, physically and psychologically, a five year old's grief over a favorite lost doll can equate to that of a mother grieving for a child - and a teenager's heartbreak over the loss of a boyfriend can equal that of a divorce. Life is relative to what we have experienced. You can never discount a person's grief, regardless of what you yourself have been through.
    - LMB

  • 4/27 10:49am   DWL, in fact I lost my mother, my aunt, and my uncle, and my dog in the past year and a half, and I am not insulted by SO's post in any way. To many of us our pets are part of the family, and I do not think any of us would grieve more over the loss of a pet than a human part of the family, but we do have real grief when our pets die. This person was just reaching out being kind; there was no need for your remark. Thank you SO.
    - DV

  • 4/27 10:48am   DWL, SO said this about losing a pet "I'm very sorry for you on the loss of your dog. It's a painful experience. It takes time, as with the loss of any family member."
    There was nothing wrong with SO's statement. I, and many other people, agree that it is very painful and it can take a good amount of time to recover from losing certain pets. Have you ever had a horse that you grew up with who passed away, or a dog that you owned for nearly 20 years? Well, I'd thank you to not decide how painful a death is for one person to the next - no matter who or what it is that passed away.
    - ES

  • 4/27 10:17am   SO, Please do not equate the time to recover from the loss of a pet could be anywhere near the same as the loss of a family member!! I would think that anyone who has lost a family member would not equate it to the same kind of feeling with of loss with a pet! Let's keep it in perspective. For anyone who has lost a family member this is quite an insult.
    - DWL

  • 4/27 10:16am   The Sweet house was on the market for over 6 months and every person had ample opportunity to purchase it for very little money. The key was that the house had to be moved. As we all know now, no one was willing to save this old house.
    The house was to be torn down, so the current owner offered it as a training house to the fire department, so should you ever have a problem... the fire department stays sharp in their skills.
    The current owners followed the letter of the law to a T and still no one wanted the house. For all the people who are complaining, you had ample opportunity to buy and move the house to a new property, yet you never did a thing to accomplish this. May be next time, "All the carpenters" who wanted to move the house will step up.
    All you do is complain, and I am personally tired reading this.
    - DB

  • 4/27 10:15am   Looking for someone to do some yard cleanup this weekend (weather permitting). Contact me at GLASS1971@aol.com. Thanks,
    - PRB

  • 4/27 10:14am   Has anyone noticed or cared about the fact that all of the new houses at the end of Cape Cod estates (and I'm sure other places, I just drive through there often) irrigation systems turn on and water while it's raining (and everyday)? I have a system at my home but it has a rain sensor. It won't come on while it's raining, and if we got enough rain it does not come on for days. Rain sensors should be a building code, just like the back-flow prevention device you have to have installed (code).
    - JPRW

  • 4/27 10:13am   DV, I can empathize with your loss.
    "Yet all things must die,
    The stream will cease to flow,
    The wind will cease to blow,
    The clouds will cease to fleet,
    The heart will cease to beat,
    For all things must die."

    - Lord Tennyson

    For every tear you shed, is a tribute to the bond you shared with your canine friend.
    - CF

  • 4/26 11:31pm   [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    Let's vote!
    - PR

  • 4/26 11:23pm   A set of car keys was found in Room 124 of Town Hall late tonight. They can be picked up at the Public Safety building any time.
    - JH

  • 4/26 10:36pm   BS and DF, Thank you for the info about Pella windows in response to Thursday's posting. My husband and I are still wavering between Andersen and Pella. We were wondering if we could take a quick look at your installed Pella windows to help with our decision. Please email your contact info if you wouldn't mind us stopping by for a few minutes. jillandjohn1@verizon.net
    - JHL

  • 4/26 9:59pm   LK, check your apple trees tomorrow! I went out today, and even though the tree is barely leafing, I found three active caterpillar colonies. One in the tent still, one empty tent, and two groups without a tent! all busily scouting the branches. Luckily, most buds haven't opened yet, but the few that have already have holes through them.
    I tried the latex glove and soapy hot water method, that seems to have killed the nest. I didn't know how to collect the other two groups, so I crushed them as best I could against the twig and brushed them off the branch. Ick. I should have gone early.
    I hope the tree flowers this year. It flowered the first year, skipped the next. I never realized, but Cortland apple blossoms smell wonderful.
    - AR

  • 4/26 9:13pm   I wanted to let you know about my experience with Mr. Sweet's home. We were walking through his back yard and we noticed smoke coming out of the top two windows, so we called the firestation about 3:45 to report it. A firefighter came and checked out the place about 20 minutes later. A man was jogging by and yelled "FIRE" to us all. Soon after the smoke really started pouring out of the attic. Then all the firemen came and tried to put it out. Too much had already burned so they decided to let the house burn to the ground. It was unbelievable to see a house on fire that close!
    We are sure going to miss Mr. Sweet and his house.
    - CK

    [Note - the above is from a youth who happened to be right there to watch it all. Apparently lots of people are upset that the house was not saved and moved. - Wm.]

  • 4/26 9:11pm   Tent caterpillars: I, too, use the twirly stick method. Mostly I just destroy the nest - usually see birds hopping around the site soon afterward taking care of the 'leftovers'.
    Rhododendrens: I always assumed it was winter sun scald - the bushes that got it worst were on the south side of the house. Experimented a few years ago and moved one to the east side of the house and that took care of the problem. Draping cheesecloth (mummy style) around the remaining southern exposure bush worked too - but it is cumbersome and I did not get to it this fall, now have lots of brown leaves... will relocate that one this spring before it gets impossibly big.
    Anyone have a quick and simple remedy for those 'doggy circles' of dead grass? Have an interesting mosaic when I look down from the 2nd floor!
    - CI

  • 4/26 9:10pm   DV: I'm very sorry for you on the loss of your dog. It's a painful experience. It takes time, as with the loss of any family member. Go easy on yourself and cry. Cry without apology. I still mourn my first dog who died in 1995. I don't know who said this (maybe Oscar Wilde - sounds like him), or if I even have it right, but it makes me smile:
    "There are only two true loves in life - that of a mother and that of a dog. I trust the dog."
    - SO

  • 4/26 8:42pm   AR - I too have tent caterpillars in my apple trees. A couple years ago they stripped the leaves from all my apple/fruit trees. I looked on the internet for ways to get rid of them and the following method worked for me.
    Go out to the nests early in the morning, while they are not active. Take a thin stick and poke it into the nest. Twirl the stick around and amazingly the nest wraps around the stick. (kind of looks like cotton candy). Take the nest and empty it into a bucket, bag or whatever. Get all the nests and then I put them into a bucket with water and bleach. This kills them. Cover the bucket with something so they don't crawl out. Once I did that, I didn't have any more tent caterpillars for the rest of the season.
    I haven't seen any this year so far... but it's still early. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Good Luck!!
    - LK

  • 4/26 8:38pm   Given the interesting questions about the proposed sewage treatment plant for downtown, let me re-post a message originally posted last fall. Ties in with the discussion about Town Pond, too, as well as the school septic issue. Anyone have more information?
    11/5/2006 7:38pm   TD and NS - The town pond will never be cleaned to use as a swimming area. The reasons for this is that all the drainage problems from a certain area in the center of town was the real reason for us, the tax payers, having to pay the Potters of Geneva Way $80,000.00 (and this water was blamed on the new bridge on main street just above the Wayside complex). This was a lie to the tax payers, for if you go back to the Town Report for the year ending December 31, 1962, you will see on page 19, the last paragraph, that article 17 was voted to appoint a committee to study the water and drainage problem and $200.00 was also voted to finance the report. In January of 1995 a special Town Meeting was held and a new drainage system was approved but it included a more dangerous water problem that was making people in the Ware Drive area sick. And guess where all this polluted water was sent?
    That's right, the town pond. But that is only half right. The drainage was too big to all go to the town pond, so the other half went to the Freeman-Centennial School. When the infiltrator broke down, the sewerage came up in the ball field. Suddenly we were told that the school needed a new septic system, which of course we don't for the septic system for the school is on the other side. Another lie.
    Now that all towns cannot have their runoff water go into ponds and streams etc, we have to institute a way to correct this. And the answer and most realistic way would be to install a treatment plant. This was bought up by a private citizen to the town administrator and that is why we were not allowed to talk on article 29 at the town meeting (which asked for $85,000.00 to clean the town pond etc). Don't forget the matching funds; and also it was announced in the newspaper after town meeting that $110,000 was really needed. Politics as usual.
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

    [Attached references:
    Norfolk OKs Drainage System, 1/11/1995 Sun Chronicle article
    1/11/1995 Sun Chronicle article continued, and town pond drainage map
    Selectmen Accept Bid for Northside Drainage Project, 3/7/1996 Norfolk Suburban Press
    Ware Drive Residents Claim Flooding is Making Them Sick, 2/23/1995 Norfolk Suburban Press ]
    - Wm.

  • 4/26 8:27pm   The following is a letter composed by several of Jay Talerman's supporters. We urge you all to vote on May 1st!
    Dear Citizens of Norfolk:

    We are a group of Norfolk residents who would like to take this opportunity to express to you why we are supporting Jay Talerman for Selectman and bring some clarity to the issues he supports.

    As a public interest attorney working for the past 10 years for cities and towns across Massachusetts, Jay has attended countless Town Meetings, Selectmen's meetings, and meetings of Planning, Zoning and Environmental Boards. He has seen good and bad town government in action, and he knows the difference. Therefore, Jay would bring unique and valuable expertise, which currently does not exist, to our Board of Selectmen.

    Jay is concerned about our entire community and all the issues we face whether it is getting our town center and Route 1A areas developed properly and more quickly, improving our schools, providing tax relief for our seniors, or preserving valuable open space.

    Jay wants our Board of Selectmen to become proactive in planning our future, rather than reactive. He also wants the community to have a more active voice in determining Norfolk's future.

    He believes the Selectmen must act as leaders to bring all our boards and committees together to work in a productive and professional way. This does not mean that there won't be disagreements and differences of opinion. But the Board of Selectmen must be a positive guiding force in the community and must act professionally at all times, not allowing divisiveness and bitterness to seep into our town government, as it has during the past few years.

    Currently, Norfolk is very limited in its ability to generate new revenues without raising property taxes. Jay will work hard to explore new ways to bring in revenues. He will look more diligently for grants to provide funds for our schools, our roads, and our open space. He will work with other towns similar to Norfolk to explore new ideas and form alliances to demand more aid from the state. He will work closely with our legislators to bring more local aid to Norfolk and more state funding to our public schools.

    Norfolk should not sit back and accept its fate as a bedroom community burdened by high property taxes and mediocre services. The Board of Selectmen can and should do more to help Norfolk excel.

    These are some of the reasons we are supporting Jay Talerman for Selectman. We think he can lead Norfolk toward becoming a better community for all. If you agree, please join us in voting for Jay Talerman for Selectman on May 1.


    John and Candace Lavin
    Jay and Jen Murray
    Michelle and Dave Daigle
    Andy and Pam Bakinowski
    Lisa and Jay Roney
    Ross and Lynn Gilleland
    Karen and Tim Fruci
    Dave and Alison Lutes
    Allan Shaw

    - CL

    [I've posted the above on the main page as an "equal time" opportunity for a formal recommendation - Wm.]

  • 4/26 7:52pm   MG, About 20 of us Norfolkers went to the statehouse yesterday to participate in a Stand For Children rally to advocate for more state funding for our public schools. The Governor was one of the speakers.
    Then we met with Senator Brown's Chief of Staff and Rep. Richard Ross inside the statehouse to talk about how things are going with the state budget and school funding issues.
    Our team had met with both of them a few weeks ago and discussed several issues with them. One was to help Norfolk with our special education reimbursement costs and special education transportation costs. Another item we requested was for more regional school transportation funds (for KP our regional school). They both listened to our concerns and Richard was instrumental in securing some additional funds for our KP regional school transportation costs yesterday.
    Also, while we were at statehouse yesterday Richard introduced us to Rep. Patricia Haddad who informed us that the House has approved expansion of a program that might help with our special education transportation costs. So we are happy that some progress is being made.
    Richard Ross was wonderful. He took us on a tour of the statehouse, up and down the beautiful staircases, out past the Governor's office and onto the balcony overlooking the Common. He even took us into the House Chambers just before a vote and had us introduced to the other Reps. on the floor.
    Our local team of Stand for Children in Norfolk began forming only about 7 months ago. We currently have over 25 Norfolk members and we are growing. We will probably have a meeting next month that anyone is welcome to attend. Look for our meeting notices if you are interested.
    - MGD

  • 4/26 7:51pm   Does anyone know anyone in the area who gives piano lessons? We are looking for someone over the summer who is "low key". Thanks,
    - BS

  • 4/26 7:49pm   I have several concerns and questions regarding the warrant item proposing that we spend $55,500 on a feasibility study for the construction of a "Package" Treatment Plant (sewer system) for downtown Norfolk:
    1. Where is the detail as to how the Selectmen, or other appointed committees, came to the conclusion that we should appropriate tax dollars to study if a "Package" Treatment Plant should be built for the Town center?
    2. The cost of $1 million dollars has been publicly stated for the Package treatment plant - does this cost figure include shipping, installation, as well as the installation of pipes from the treatment plant to properties that "choose" to hook up to the plant?
    3. When the recently installed town center roads are ripped up to install the pipes will they only pave the trench they create or will they be repaving the whole roadway to restore it? Is this cost included in the stated cost of the plant?
    4. Was this idea brought to any Town boards for their input?
    5. It was stated in the Globe recently that the sewer system could serve the new school, but we don't know what size school we will have so how would a feasibility study gather facts that are not available?
    6. Why can't the school have an onsite septic system? They have room for it in the fields. Why does the KP JR High have an onsite system and not a treatment plant?
    7. It was stated that the public service building has a failing septic system - has someone of authority reported this to the Board of Health? Is there a current public health issues for the occupants of this building? Has anyone done anything about taking measures to repair it?
    8. Have three estimates been obtained to repair the system? If so, are they available to the residents and where could one go to get a copy of the three estimates?
    9. Why would the Town school and public service building want to hook up to a treatment plant and pay expensive maintenance, operational, chemical and equipment upgrade cost for the life of the system?
    10. When the treatment plant is put on line the operation and maintenance cost are fixed, so, if there is not enough revenue committed via contracts, who would pay the additional cost to run the system? The Town?
    The lack of detailed cost for the proposed warrant items brings back memories of the golf course. Why haven't we heard more about this proposed treatment plant? Where is the public input? As a candidate said at Candidate's Night, wouldn't the feasibility study fee of $55,000 be better spent on bus fees?
    - JL

  • 4/26 6:20pm   DV I, too, lost a pet two years ago. I had her for fifteen years and loved her dearly. Even to this day, I look at her picture and the sadness is overwhelming. My heart goes out to you at this time.
    - WC

  • 4/26 5:48pm   AL, I attended Candidates night and am very sorry that the tape was lost for all to see.
    . . .
    BTW at Candidates night Talerman claimed that he had only recently become familiar with members of the SC which confirms for me that he very much indeed is the SC's Trojan Horse Candidate since the core members of the SC and the PTA have been sending around emails supporting Talerman for some time now.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - SM

  • 4/26 5:36pm   To EAG -- Try calling Paul McKechnie regarding your patio and landscape plan. He is the brother of a friend and does some beautiful work. His website is: mckechnieinc.com. Also, a quick thanks to the webmaster. You really are doing a great job, and I am sure it is often thankless!
    - KE

  • 4/26 4:40pm   DV... My sympathy to you on the loss of your beloved family member - as that what a pet is. It is just so painful to lose an animal... but the love and devotion they give and show us is something not to be missed. Try to keep busy and don't worry about the tears.
    - JHR

  • 4/26 4:15pm   Please post this email for all the school parents to read. I am always fighting for our children.
    From: Ross, Richard - Rep. (HOU)
    Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 3:29 PM

    Dear Mary Ellen,
    Your bus fee issue has been on my mind during this entire budget week. Yesterday, I successfully proposed and received support for the $192,000 that I have been able to get for Norfolk both last year and this year. Also we were able to bring Regional School Transportation from near 80% funding to nearly 90% with an additional 2.3 Million dollars.
    I appreciate you keeping me in the loop with the issues that you know are of concern to you and many other Norfolk residents. Thank you so much, I really appreciate you!

    Sincerely, Richard

    - MG

  • 4/26 4:10pm   DF: You are right to be concerned about the water situation and I think it is good that you are speaking out about it. I have friends on Medway Street (where we also live) and when Cape Cod Estates were being built and the irrigation wells being set up, my friends frequently had no water available to them from their well (they're not hooked up to town water.)
    Aside from the fact that subdivisions of large homes with irrigation wells can (as demonstrated) effect the drinking and use-water supply of nearby homes, it is just plain wasteful. Combined with the pesticides and fertilizers used on many of these lawns, there is a negative impact on the environment, and on peoples' and pets' health.
    I know that many wonderful and caring parents live in these homes, and perhaps this issue is just not on their "radar screens." (Let's face it--none of us can attend to every "issue".) But I do wonder about what this practice is teaching our children? My kindergartener has come home every day this week excited about what he learning about Earth Day and the environment. If I don't reinforce what he is learning at home, he will think it's not important.
    I really hope some of you reading this will reconsider your irrigation practices or your use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. We used to get NaturalLawn, and I can tell you in all honesty that our lawn looked better than our next door neighbor's, who uses ChemLawn. (The only way in which the ChemLawn was "better" is they did have fewer "weeds.") Our lawn also held up much better to drought. In any case, in a town with so many wells, why are we dumping so much of this poison into our yards?
    Sorry-I know I got off on a rant. DF-- Some of the people here on the forum posted some excellent suggestions. I support you and your neighbors 100% and will try to keep abreast of the issue. Regards,
    - SR

  • 4/26 4:08pm   A letter from Helen Cleary, ex-selectman of Norfolk, was in the handout section at Candidnates Night which bears being shown to those not in attendance.
    To the voters of Norfolk: As you know Tuesday, May first, is election day in Norfolk. When we vote, we will choose between two good candidates for Selectman. On what basis do we make that choice? I believe it should be based on the Town's neeeds. Which candidate has the knowledge and skills essential at this time in the Town's history?
    As an observer of the political scene in Norfolk for many years, sometimes in an official capacity, sometimes as an ordinary citizen, I believe Norfolk's financial stability is the critical issue of the day. Unless we are able to strike a reasonable balance between operating expenses and income, we cannot take on new capital expenses. We do need a new elementary school, we do need an expanded police and fire station, we would like to further develop the recreation complex on Pond Street. None of this is possible until we are able to balance our operation budget. We encounter situations similiar to this with our own budgets. If we can't pay our day-to-day bills, we can't put a new room on the house.
    For the past three years, Jim Lehan, who has thirty years experience in corporate finance, has used his knowledge and skills to the benefit of the Town. As Chairman of the Board of Selectmen's Budget Committee, he, with the Board, brought in a balanced budget last year and this year. This was accomplished because Jim spent up to twenty hours a week combing department budgets - eliminating some items, consolidating and/or coordinating others. Hence the balanced budget.
    There is more work to be done in this regard. Jim's opponent for the Selectman's seat is a lawyer. Much of his practice is municipal law. This is useful background on a Board of Selectmen. But, it is not what Norfolk needs at this time. From his writings, it is clear that finance is not his specialty. Please vote for Jim Lehan on May first. The polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM at H Olive Day school.
    Note: do not believe the rumor floating around that Jim is "against" the school. No one in Norfolk has worked harder for the past twenty years to promote the needs of the school than Jim Lehan.
    (Original signed by Helen Cleary who has approved this reprint.)
    - NC

  • 4/26 3:51pm   To all of you who have lost a pet, I am sorry. People who do not have pets do not understand. I had to put my beloved dog to sleep today, I do not think the tears will ever dry.
    - DV

  • 4/26 3:50pm   RM - General raiking and cleanup. I can be reached at 508 528 1971 after 5 PM. Thanks,
    - PB

  • 4/26 2:54pm   Re: 4/25 11:28pm I've noticed that on some of my rhododendrons either most of the leaves are still shriveled up and are not opening or leaves are turning brown/rust colored and the branches seem to be dying. Thought it was something I'd ask about, then as I was driving to work I saw the same thing on a lot of my neighbors' rhodys and many throughout town.
    I beleave what has happened is that during the extremely dry cold snap last February, the moisture was sucked out of the plant via the leaves. This is most noticeable on the large leaf Carolina rhodys. Not to fret! they will recover and grow a new set of leaves next June. This has happened to us as well for the last couple of years. I don't know which is worse, this problem or the deer.
    - GWC

  • 4/26 1:49pm   To AR re: tent caterpillars. In the past, I've boldly donned a pair of latex gloves, pulled the webbed nest (with the baby caterpillars in it) from the tree, and plunged it into a plastic container of hot water and dishwashing liquid. Then I put the cover on the container until they were quite dead. But I discovered that if I leave them on a sacrificial fruit tree (a wild pear-ish thing in the corner of the yard), they'll eat that and not bother our crabapple.
    - HPK

  • 4/26 1:07pm   SJ, I would be happy to dog sit for you while your on vacation at your home where the dog is comforable. If you would like to get in touch with me call 508-662-0333. References available.
    - JW

  • 4/26 12:42pm   PB, What kind of yard work do you need done?
    - RM

  • 4/26 12:25pm   Does anyone in town dog sit in your home? We will be on vacation for a week this summer and am looking for a dog sitter.
    - SJ

  • 4/26 11:04am   DF: I am sorry to hear about your problem. What people often forget is that, to quote former water superintendent Jim Martin, we're all sticking our straws into the same orange.
    There's nothing better than enlightened self-interest at getting someone involved in town government, so I suggest you do a little homework on the possible solutions with an eye toward educating the rest of us. I found a paper [mass.gov PDF] about similar issues with private wells in Westwood prepared for the state three or four years ago which talks about some of the potential solutions for watershed problems.
    (One of the recommendations is new bylaws regarding private irrigation wells, but they punted the issue as beyond the scope of the study. Bummer.)
    For my own part, I'd hate to tell people they can't have irrigation wells to feed their lush lawns (which used to be nice water-conserving little stands of trees before someone clear-cut the lot and threw up 7 or 15 cookie-cutter houses), but one's right to swing their fist ends at another person's nose. If private irrigation wells are causing "cones of depression" in the water table and endangering other water supplies, particularly potable water supplies, well, that seems to be an appropriate place for the town to step in.
    Happy hunting!
    - RJG

  • 4/26 10:44am   BS, Thank you for the advice and the info about the DPW board member on Park St, I was not aware of that. This is the grassroots approach that I will be taking in the near future.
    - DF

  • 4/26 10:29am   DF - Have you spoken to the DPW about your issue?? You have a DPW Board Member who lives on Park St, have you spoken to him? It would seem to me that the water link is there and you would need to find out what it would take to get the betterment down the rest of Park Street. We had an issue in our neighborhood several years ago where there was an oil leak and there was concern the oil would leach into our ground water (we are all on wells). We took the issue to the DPW, got their support to bring water to our neighborhood, then went to Town Meeting to get the votes. We paid to have the betterment brought down our street and in neighboring streets. If we wanted to link up to town water, we could and paid for the hook up. The betterment cost us around $6500 or $7000 and it can be paid over 5, 10 or 20 years. The cost to hook up depends on how much the excavators need to dig.
    If you are not getting water, I would think this would be a strong case. You would need to rally your neighbors to get this done, to get the support of all of you and then bring it to town meeting for a vote. It took work including emails and phone calls to neighbors to explain the expense to them but in the long run it improved the values of our homes (even w/o regard to the potential oil contamination) and reduced insurance rates in some instances since water was now available for fire.
    Good Luck.
    - BS

  • 4/26 10:27am   Here's a question about insect control - we planted a few apple tree saplings a few years ago. Every spring, the Cortland has at least one nest of tent caterpillars, which, if left alone, will eat the leaf buds off half the tree (it's a small tree!), resulting in very poor foliage on that branch. (These are the native eastern tent caterpillars, not gypsy moths. We also get them on the wild cherry bushes in the yard; cherry and apple are their preferred trees.)
    The question is: what's a good way of removing the baby caterpillars before they emerge to devour the greenery? How do others handle it?
    - AR

  • 4/26 10:25am   Paul, we all make mistakes and anyone who wanted to see the debate could have gone. Sure, it is very nice to have the ability to watch from home, but sometimes "stuff happens." You have done a great job for all these years; do not stress over this mistake, life is too short.
    - DV

  • 4/26 10:24am   I'm sorry I missed Candidates Night. I would have wanted to ask each candidate about his 3-5 yr plan. The way I see it, the Selectmen are the CEOs of town government. While they should certainly have a business-like attitude toward bottomline results, they should also have remarkable vision and foresight; they should forge partnerships with local organizations; they should build teams and not intimidate or micromanage employees; and they should spend 75% of their time on strategic and visionary work, and only 25% on day to day operations, handing over these functions to other managers. ...
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    Lastly, just a reminder to all to vote this Tuesday, May 1. If you will be out of town, absentee ballots are available at town hall.
    - AL

  • 4/26 9:59am   I'd like to set the record straight before rumor and innuendo warp it beyond any recognition at all. I am the person who taped the Candidates Night several days ago. I have been the Station Manager at NCTV for almost 8 years. In all of that time I have done the very best I could to provide interesting and informative programming to those who watch NCTV channel 8 or 22. At Candidates Night I made the error of setting the recording deck incorrectly, resulting in recording a blank tape. As back up, I did have the first twenty minutes on a DV tape but it is useless without the entire presentation. I have called most of the candidates and offered my apologies and they have graciously accepted it. I'd like to offer my apologies to our viewers as well. Many folks have come to rely on NCVT for information and the taping and airing of events like this. In this case, I have let you down. Please accept my apology.
    No one is unhappier about this than I am. In spite of this very unfortunate episode, NCTV will continue to be a place for information, entertainment and school events. I hope you continue to watch. Thank you,
    - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager

  • 4/26 9:58am   Any teenage or college student looking for yard work this weekend?
    - PB

  • 4/26 9:57am   I agree that it is a shame that NCTV is unable to show the candidate's night. The candidates had a chance to descuss some important issues. I was struck how Mr. Talerman explained ...
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - DL

  • 4/26 9:52am   I live on Park St. and all of my neighbors (including myself) are not on town water. The town water stops at the intersection of Eric Rd. As I understand it, there are no plans to extend town water down Park St in the near future. Many of my neighbors and I frequently run out of water in the spring, summer and fall seasons. Quite a few of us have had our wells hydro fractured, pumps replaced, etc, to try and introduce a fresh and healthy water source to our homes (to no avail). Without this water, our homes are basically useless piles of wood. And, if we want to sell our homes, our ability to do this may be hampered by our ability to pass the well test.
    As more homes in the beautiful neighborhood behind us are being built (and are on town water) they are adding wells to handle their monstrous irrigation needs. (I understand they are saving large sums of money on irrigation needs by doing this.) However, because these homes are using incredible amounts of water on their lawns and gardens, very frequently the homes on Park St. suffer with either low water pressure, no water for hours, or we need to adapt our lifestyles to taking very short showers, managing laundry chores to only the late evenings, running dishwashers late at night and god forbid we use any water to water the plants or lawns for fear of not having drinking water at dinner time. All of our modern day "luxuries" are sacrificed. Please don't get me wrong, I do everything I can to keep my landscaping beautiful. However, it seems wrong to me that my family should suffer without water or decent water pressure in the spring and summer months while the families behind us have no concerns with regard to where their water comes from... after all, don't you just turn on the faucet and the is water there? But at least their lawns are perfectly green so that when I go for a walk I can have nice scenery to look at.
    Does anyone have any creative suggestions about what can be done to help mitigate this? I do understand that a private well is exactly that, private. However, when certain homes in town don't have the option of being on town water and the homes that are drying up my water source do have the option, then I think it becomes a very public matter. I would appreciate any and all opinions regarding this very real issue as I intend on bringing it to the town in the near future.
    Kind regards,
    - DF

  • 4/26 9:51am   Has anyone used Essary & Company to replace a roof and If so would you recommend them?
    Also, has anyone recently used a roofer that they have had a good experience with and would you kindly refer them to me? Thanks
    - DF

  • 4/26 9:13am   KL - That's so funny! My spouse attended Candidate's Night and walked away changing a vote for Talerman to a vote for Lehan. I'm so disappointed that the tape was detroyed. I would have loved to hear what they both had to say.
    - JMB

  • 4/26 9:12am   In response to JL's question about windows, Has anyone had either Andersen Renewal Windows or Pella Architect Series Windows installed recently or has anyone done a comparison of the two? - JL
    I have installed the Pella windows in my house. I compared the two and, in my opinion, for my application the Pella windows are superior. Not only have I saved a ton of oil over the prior 6 years average... (nearly 275 gallons this year), but they came in exactly the style that I was looking for. I am a strong proponent of the Pella products over the Andersons. I used the Andersons in a Victorian house 10 years ago, and I am having issues with them opening and the tilt in pivots have broken in a few places. I won't use Anderson again.
    - DF

  • 4/26 9:11am   JL - We installed the Pella windows when we did a major house renovation 3/4 years ago. The achitect had spec'd Anderson and the contractor suggested Pella. The R value was the same(the retention of heat, etc) and it all came down to aesthetics. I wanted wooden muntons, and white locks....We looked at the Pella and they were great. They have a show room in Wellesley. The contractors price was also $20k less than the Andersons. That clinched it. Good luck.
    - BS

  • 4/26 9:09am   Seven more clear-cut lots? I still miss the lush forest that used to be where Cress Brook Rd. now is...
    - AR

  • 4/26 9:07am   Below is a write up taken from Norfolk Historical Commission's website regarding the home burned on Main Street...
    The Robert Ware House / Cook Farmhouse 260 Main Street The house at 260 Main Street has been the subject of one of Norfolk's longest running historic legends, right up there with George Washington staying at our local tavern and his soldiers camping out under the pines on Town Hill - that is - it is one of the earliest houses in town. The original home on the site may have been constructed during the late 1600s and later burned but the structure replacing that was purported to have been built in the early 1700s. Although it may not appear to be that old to the casual passer due to more recent reservations in the 1800s. The interesting aspect of the tale that has been past down is that the current second story was actually the original structure. That at some point in the past the decision to expand the house was made and instead of adding on the structure was raised vertically and a new first floor constructed under the original house - the old first floor and roof became the second story in the new house. We have heard several reports of this having been done in the 1700s on other structures, whether to conserve on lumber, allow for increased height for the new first floor walls and ceiling or to build a more secure or useful foundation is not clear but in any event apparently in rare cases this may have been done.

    If the tale is true - it is believed the original structure on this lot may have been raised by Robert Ware or one of his relatives. Robert Ware was one of the 10 original settlers coming out of Dedham to settle the Wollomonopoag Plantation - lands which encompassed among others, the present towns of Wrentham and Norfolk and was purchased from the local Native Americans in 1662. He arrived in the Wrentham/Norfolk area in 1660 and completed the building of his first house in 1661. The house was later burned to the ground as a result of an Indian attack in 1676. If this was the Robert Ware House the upper portions could date as far back as 1670 or from a later rebuild in the early 1700s.

    The building later became the main farmhouse of the Cook Farm, one of the largest commercial agricultural enterprises in the history of Norfolk. We do know for certain that Josiah Ware, born in 1812, a descendent of Robert Ware, spent his early childhood in this house under the guardianship of his uncle Daniel Cook - after his mother had passed away in 1819. Josiah was appointed the first agent at the Norfolk Railroad Station and had a large lumber business in town in partnership with C. J. Murphy. A generous man, Josiah, helped pay for the repair and remodeling of the old church on Town Hill installing a large clock in the East tower at his own expense, helping to convert it into our first Town Hall which was later destroyed by fire in 1922.

    The Cook Farm supplied all of the beef, dairy products and vegetables for the well known Cook Restaurant in Boston. The huge barn that supported these operations was located across the Main Street in the present day Sweetland Farms area where there was easy access to the railroad, as the farm even had their own siding used to transport the farm goods to Boston. During Prohibition the barn went out with a bang when allegedly (cause undetermined), an illegal still exploded and the resulting fire destroyed this magnificent structure. Some versions of the story even attribute a second still to the property.

    Important Update To The Legend

    In early Dec 2006 our NHC Associate Member Sam Ziegler was able to examine the interior of the house with his friend Jack Silvernail and surprisingly enough was able to give some credence to the legend.

    Per Sam - It does look like the story of an older house being raised and built under could be true. The first floor deck is all sawn lumber and beams probably mid 19th cent. The roof structure is hewn pine 6x6 common rafters joined at the ridge with a lap joint, without a ridge beam, also you can see vertical oak sheathing boards in the attic eves, all indications of an early 18th cent. building. The first floor doors and stairway are mid 19th cent while the second floor doors look like they were recycled from the old house for use in the renovation, one has the shadow of a bean style thumb latch now removed. The third floor attic has the original early 18th century door openings and room layout intact. The doors have all been removed but there are shadows of the H-style hinges on the jambs. The two first floor parlors have the original ceiling fixtures from when the house was first wired. The house has a full cellar which may be the original Cape stone walls that may have been topped off with brick during the renovation. The exterior is sided over with shingle but the clapboard may be underneath. The brackets under the eves and rakes are ornate with turned drop finials. The building seems very solid and would be a good candidate for restoration/renovation, needs updated wiring, plumbing, windows, etc. According to Jack Silvernail, Mr. Borelli has plans to build 7 houses along this stretch of Main St. I don't know if the building would fit on one of the proposed lots where it is or if it would have to be moved but maybe he would offer the lot with the house for sale to someone who would renovate it.

    - DCB

  • 4/26 9:02am   Attention Norfolk! If you happen to be an early riser on Sundays and like your coffee from Dunkin Donuts, be sure to purchase the Boston Globe - if you wish - from the paper girl who stands at the drive-through sign. It's simple, just roll down your window in the line and she will take the paper right to your car. She will be selling the papers from 7:30am to about 11:30am on Sundays. They are in limited supply and sell fast! So don't miss out!
    - RMM

  • 4/26 9:01am   Also following up on the KP threat today, to the student who wrote it, I hope you understand how disrespectful it is to do such a thing ten days after the Virginia Tech shooting. Threatening an entire school and putting everyone in fear is terrorism and should not be looked upon as a joke or something to do to get out of taking a test. Imagine if someone you knew was killed in an attack such as that, would you want a student at another school to mock what had just happened and take it so lightly. It's the ultimate disrespect and an extremely selfish act. So next time you post a threat, take into consideration the number of people you are putting in fear and offense due to your act of stupidity!
    - RMM

  • 4/26 8:08am   Has anyone had either Andersen Renewal Windows or Pella Architect Series Windows installed recently or has anyone done a comparison of the two?
    - JL

  • 4/26 8:02am   EW, I agree.
    - JW

  • 4/26 8:01am   For those who were not able to attend the meeting Tuesday, the tape from Candidate's Night was ruined so it will not be shown on NCTV. It's very unfortunate since there was a lot to be learned from this debate. Stay tuned.
    - LR

  • 4/26 12:03am   I am disgusted to see our town openly accept and watch the appreciated historic aspects of our community be burned to the ground. Especially when there was a list of carpenters interested in moving the home. I think it's shameful for something dating back to the 1600's be burned down in a matter of minutes for a mere practice session. I'm sure many of the neighbors are mad, as some were told efforts were being made to preserve the home and move it. It is as though this burning session snuck up. I heard the Historical Commission did not even know about it.
    - EW

  • 4/25 11:53pm   Two deer enjoying the afternoon sun on the street outside our house on Tuesday.
    - SJP

  • 4/25 11:51pm   The Norfolk and Plainville Fire Departments participated in a live fire burn training program at the Sweetland property located at 260 Main Street on Wednesday, April 25. The training started at 9am and concluded at 2pm. A second training program was scheduled for Saturday, April 28th with the Millis Fire Department and concluding this training, the structure would be razed by the Departments.
    Prior to leaving the property the Departments checked the building for hidden fire probing concealed wall spaces and using a thermal imaging camera. Norfolk Fire personnel also checked the building at 3pm and 4pm with no problems observed. These added precautions were taken as the type of building construction, balloon type whereby the walls do not have any means for stopping fire travel in concealed spaces, allows for fire to smolder undetected.
    Unfortunately, the best laid plans sometimes go astray. At approximately 5pm a passing motorist advised the Communications Center of smoke coming from the structure. Lt. Mark Kantzer, the shift officer, who was returning from an emergency medical call, was dispatched and upon arrival found heavy smoke visible from the attic area. A general recall of all off-duty career and call members was dispatched. Given the extent of the fire, mutual aid, following our protocols, was summoned from Wrentham and Millis.
    The Norfolk command staff met to discuss options and a decision was made to let the structure burn. This was done to remove a potential danger, as the fire was creating an unsafe structure. Allowing the building to burn undoubtedly inconvenienced those who travel Main Street at this time and neighbors. I would like to offer a sincere apology for any inconvenience created.
    In the end, the fire did allow for additional Departmental "training" as the new ladder pipe, a nozzle which attaches to the end of the aerial ladder, was used.
    The Department wishes to thank the Police Department for their assistance with traffic, the Building Commissioner, Bob Bullock, who responded and assisted with the demolition of the building and Mr. Matt Borrelli, the property owner for having excavation equipment on site to complete razing the building.
    - Coleman C. Bushnell, Fire Chief, Norfolk Fire Department

  • 4/25 11:43pm   Looking for a convenient tutor for your child this summer? I'll come to you! Grades 1-6 certified teacher working towards Masters of Education in Literacy and Special Education. Currently working in grade 2 in Medfield. Will tutor in all academic areas. Please contact me at josborn366@gmail.com.
    - JO

  • 4/25 11:30pm   I would urge everyone to watch the tape of Candidates' Night on NCTV.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - KL

  • 4/25 11:28pm   I've noticed that on some of my rhododendrons either most of the leaves are still shriveled up and are not opening or leaves are turning brown/rust colored and the branches seem to be dying. Thought it was something I'd ask about, then as I was driving to work I saw the same thing on a lot of my neighbors' rhodys and many throughout town.
    I am not sure if there was some type of bug/beetle that is causing this, if it was weather related because of the mild then very cold winter, or if there was something (fungus or disease) that started on a few plants and we are seeing it locally because the cause is being carried in the wind (not joking).
    Does anyone have an answer for what this might be and how to treat it? Or have a recommendation on who to use to potentially fix it. Thanks,
    - JPS

  • 4/25 11:19pm   Hi, there. I am interested in looking for driving instructing schools in the local area. Any recommendations?
    - CH

  • 4/25 4:13pm   Thought people would like to see the Norfolk Fire Dept Training Session burning Bill Sweet's house on Main St. this morning. It will be sad to see it go.
    - JC

  • 4/25 3:23pm   To follow up on the KP threat, I spoke with a detective in the Wrentham police, who told me that there will be limited access to the school in the morning (only two doors open as school begins). These entrances will be monitored by police and administration as the students arrive, and random backpack searches will be done. Security within the school will be tight during the day, as a further precaution. They are treating this seriously, but do not consider the threat to be credible.
    - EC

  • 4/25 2:28pm   Here is an announcement from King Philip H.S., regarding an alleged threat to the school for April 26th, tomorrow:
    April 25, 2007

    Dear Parents and Guardians:

    This morning a student reported to the administration that a message which concerned him was written on the wall in one of the boys' bathrooms. The message threatened that somebody would die if school were held on April 26. We immediately notified the Wrentham Police, who sent several officers to investigate. The consensus among the administration and the police officers was that this message was not a credible threat.

    Before the end of the day, we informed the staff and parents of this message by e-mail. In addition, we notified the students over the public address system and distributed a paper copy of this letter for students to bring home.

    Since we do not believe that this is a credible threat, the high school will be in session as usual on Thursday, April 26, 2007. In light of recent events in Virginia, however, we have asked teachers and students to be vigilant in reporting any activities, conversations, or messages that may be of concern. The high school administration continues to work with the local police departments to ensure the safety of students and staff within the school.


    Elaine M. Hanson

    - EC

  • 4/25 2:18pm   I agree with you that teachers are important but if the cost exceeds the town's ability to pay then we end up paying for raises by cutting teachers.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - SM

  • 4/25 11:28am   Just an FYI - I have just seen my first fisher cat this morning walking though my yard on Campbell Street.
    Therefore, if you live around the Highland Lake area, you may wish to keep your small pets inside.
    - SB

  • 4/25 10:16am   From SM's post of 4/24 6:18pm (on Politics page) - SM wrote in this post: "the Town is going to face a budget shortfall in FY 2009, mainly due to an over-rich Teacher Contract granted by the SC to the Teachers that doles out on average 6.75% raises."
    I'm not sure if SM has friends that teach and live in Norfolk-but I do. They struggle to make ends meet in their 40+-year old house. Teachers' jobs are NOT easy, require a relatively high level of education, and they deserve every penny they get.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
    - SR

  • 4/25 10:09am   DEM -- I hope your employer doesn't call you out on the carpet in front of the entire company. If you have questions for Jane, contact her at Town Hall. The poor woman is just trying to do her job without being tarred and feathered in front of the whole town.
    - JMB

  • 4/25 10:04am   Update on the potential School Bus Fee...
    The School Committee will attend a meeting with the Advisory Board on Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 7:30 PM At the Norfolk Town Hall - Room 124
    As I understand it, the SC will be discussing with the Board alternate ways of dealing with the bus fee as it has previously been proposed. I will be attending the meeting an encourage others to as well.
    Also, I have contacted the person at the MA Board of Education who oversees safety concerns and am waiting to hear back.
    - SR

  • 4/25 9:07am   SM, I see you can't let the teacher contract drop, so here I am again to counter your claims with facts.
    To state that the looming townwide fiscal crisis in FY09 is due to the teacher contract is downright silly. First of all the contract is up for negotiation next year so we do not know what the increases will be beyond FY08. Second, I urge you to look at the school bugets and town warrants as voted by town meeting for the past few years.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .   (including reply to JBP)]
    - DM (School Committee member, voicing my own opinions and not speaking on behalf of the full committee or any other member)

  • 4/25 8:53am   Jane, I have a couple of questions for you regarding town finances resulting from your posting on 4/24 6:34pm to DD:
    - the audit report that will be issued shortly is for what period of time (fiscal 2005? or 2006?)
    - Once the audit report is issued and if an internal control letter exists how do citizens obtain a copy
    [M o r e . . .]
    - DEM

  • 4/25 8:46am   Does anyone know when and if the Sweet farm house on Main St. is scheduled for a firefighters' training burn? I have seen the fire dept. set up there on a couple of occasions and now see writing on the building. I also wonder if the doorframes, window casings, etc., have been taken out; it seems a real shame to burn woodwork that old. I had thought it was being readied to move to another location.
    - JW

  • 4/24 10:06pm   Providing safe school buses for our children should have been the 1st thing funded out of the Norfolk School budget, not the last. It seems to me that without kids we have no need for the staff. If a parent made such poor choices they would be turned in to the Department of Social Services (DSS). The safety of our children was used as a political football to be kicked into the hands of Jim Lehan at the 11th hour.
    - JPB

  • 4/24 9:47pm   Hi there folks,
    Re: Upcoming "Verizon Bill" and the need for grassroots involvement on your part!
    Thank you for reading this. I feel it is important to take immediate action on this upcoming Bill. I have included two links:
    #1 - The Mass chapter of the Alliance for Community Media site with a very clear explanation of the Verizon Bill.
    #2 - An online i-petition for you to hopefully sign and pass on to others.
    It recently came to my attention, via our wonderful local community access TV station, that the Community Access Cable stations in our state are at immediate risk of annihilation!! This is for real and must be addressed if you care about having Community Access. In theory, we own the bandwidth, but things have changed, as we all are aware, what with the ever rising costs of telecommunications.
    I did my research and this is not spam, a hoax or a waste of time for you to read!
    It is important for all Massachusetts communitites to have unbiased use of and access to cable television. At this time, when only a few mega-corporations own and manage even fewer media outlets on network television as well as cable, it is imperative that a grassroots movement is created and stays involved regarding the "Verizon Bill".
    Please contact: The "Joint Committee On Telecommunications" at the State House in Room 473 - B. Their telephone # is: 617-722-2263
    Also contact your House representatives and senators!!
    When the below petition speaks of "build out" requirements, that eventually will mean that the funding for community cable access will disappear. More specifically, it means that when Comcast begins its very predictable "price war" with Verizon, if the Verizon Bill, which is now before the Senate and House, does pass, Comcast will be able to discontinue funding for Community Access Cable stations around the state as their individual community contracts expire... there will no longer be a "monopoly" and Comcast will no longer be required to renew Cable Access contracts, also known as PEG contracts... and then, say, within two to ten years depending on each individual town or city in Massachusetts, Community Access Cable TV will be no more. This is for real!
    And I quote from the Mass Access site:
    Existing Comcast licenses all provide that if Verizon (or any cable competitor) does not match what Comcast is providing, Comcast may seek relief and reduce what it is currently providing, going down to the competitor's level of local support. As the new bill would result in Verizon providing less than Comcast (in terms of service area construction and Institutional Network), the new bill (if adopted) could result in Comcast being able to seek relief to reduce its existing obligations to go down to the new lower level.
    (see url below to read in complete text please) Etc....
    Please feel free to forward this to others... this is important. Thank you! Please read on!!
    [D e t a i l s . . .]
    - PRR

  • 4/24 9:34pm   I would really appreciate if no one else bashed the web master. He is the only person in this town who reaches out to this community. Norfolknet is a big problem for this town hall, in that it seems it is the first time we have had a voice (do not give me "voting is our voice"). Ok maybe some would argue that a web site is easy because no-one knows who you are; well, I do not know who you are, but everyone seems to know who I am! Even on a field trip today, someone said something about a post. I find it funny. This is a great tplace, if we could appreciate each other's differences it will be very powerful for us as a community.
    - DV

  • 4/24 9:17pm   For those of you who are doing some spring cleaning, I want to share a great community resource, freecycle.com. It's a Yahoo group and the purpose is to find new homes for the good usable stuff you no longer need. There is a Plainville, Norfolk, Wrentham group that I belong to and I have had a blast with it. I have given away all of my baby stuff, outgrown toys, craft supplies that I no longer need, boxes of fabric etc. I have received a pair of size 8 toddler tap shoes (that fit for about 1/2 an hour), a beautiful antique dresser and a ton of sheet music for the piano. Just join the group and post your stuff, people respond if they are interested and you make pick-up arrangements. There is also a Blackstone Valley group but it covers much more area than the Plainville group. I hope to see more Norfolk posts soon.
    - MJD

  • 4/24 7:56pm   The webmaster has seen fit to place my post of Tue 4/24/2007 6:20 PM on the lesser viewed Politics page.
    This after two days of allowing open discussion on a pending election that will affect a plethora of issues important to our community at large. He/she has allowed several Talerman supporters to post against and in response to me by using my initials. I have received several emails stating that the webmaster has done the same to other individuals who support Jim Lehan.
    It seems he/she can not resist the urge to suppress. I urge you webmaster to allow the discussion to continue in a place where readers need not dig down to find Lehan supporters, or any others.
    - JPB

    [Of course I can resist the urge to suppress! As evidence, I present the fact the Politics page exists at all. However, I very much reserve the right to choose what goes onto the front page that everyone, interested in the elections or not, has to see. Today I posted two lengthy messages by SM in support of Jim Lehan that I found thoughtful and educational, a worthwhile read for anyone.
    You receive e-mails, I receive e-mails. Some of mine suggested ditching the whole topic and refusing to post any of it. I haven't done that, either. - Wm.]

  • 4/24 7:55pm   Ok here I go again... I have not been here long enough to know how long we have been talking about a new FC school but... hello... isn't it the teachers within the building that count? We all know now that my kids have Woessner and Pizzi who I think are the best, but, more to the point, my concerns are about what they are learning each day. My kids never come home with a complaint about the "look" of the building or that the rooms are small. If we are in financial crisis, shouldn't we be happy with the building we have and be worried about how safe our kids are getting there and how good the teachers are? Am I missing something? I would much rather have a well-paid teacher in an old building than an under-paid teacher in a fancy one.
    - DV

  • 4/24 7:54pm   I'm trying to follow the exmple with the ambulance, used to contrast the budget processes - if instead of a-la-carte overrides a single override is submitted and the public says NO and votes against it, isn't the fire department left with the same one ambulance on call? And if we have two ambulances, isn't there still a possiblility that three will be needed? And don't we have reciprocal arrangements with neighboring towns so if there are more emergencies than we can handle they can come and help us out?
    Maybe a different example would have worked better.
    - Wm.

  • 4/24 6:34pm   DD, Some of your remarks are factually incorrect.
    First, the Department of Revenue released the $1 million on April 4, and the funds were received on April 6. If there was an actual cost to the Town it was nominal.
    Second, Norfolk has not lost its eligibility for SBA money. FYI, the audit report will be submitted shortly.
    Third, Jim Lehan had nothing to do with my reports having been late. That was due to my inexperience, and it is not likely to happen again.
    Fourth, I was hired because I was the best qualified candidate and because I was willing to accept the position for the salary offered. Jim Lehan and I never met before I came to work here.
    - Jane Wall, Norfolk Finance Department

  • 4/24 6:18pm   PL, The outcome of this election is important because no matter who is in the Selectman seat, the Town is going to face a budget shortfall in FY 2009, mainly due to an over-rich Teacher Contract granted by the SC to the Teachers that doles out on average 6.75% raises. The voters need to understand how each of the candidates will deal with the budget shortfall because Lehan and Talerman have dramatically different philosophical views as to the Selectmen's role is and thus how they would approach to the problem.
    Based on my interpretation of the interviews, Lehan believes that the Selectmen's job is to balance the budget with the goal of no reduction in services. In order to do this Selectmen must have strong knowledge of finance and they must have the leadership skills so they can effectively push back and get each department to give something up and share equally in the pain. Lehan stated that "the town only has one checkbook" and that we collectively work together through the process. Jim Lehan is Chairman of the BOS and they have balanced the budget without the need for overrides for two years in a row. Second, they have done it without reaching into savings (free cash), so in my book hats off to Lehan and the BOS because they have gotten the job done.
    Talerman's approach, on the other hand, is what I would call the lawyerly "Socratic" approach. In Talerman's view nothing is off the table and budgets don't matter ("Policy dictates budgets") and all departments should make their case to the BOS as to why they need additional money. If Talerman believes that the department made a compelling case for more money and the money is not available in the overall budget, Talerman would put the question to the voters in the form of a "pocket override" for that department. Talerman made the statement "Overrides are a way of doing business." Talerman's definition of a pocket override is that rather than have one large override, there would be separate overrides for each department. Thus each department and Town Board would make their case and then the voters would decide "a la carte" which override to support. Sounds kinda good on the surface, democratic and all. However, as you think it through, pocket overrides could be devastating because the process would pit special interest groups and Town Boards against each other; all of them fighting for limited resources. The end result would be one department cannibalizing resources from others and we would have a situation where essential public safety services would be compromised.
    Thus it swings full circle back to the role of the Selectmen. In my view the Selectmen's job to take a business approach to the budgets and derive the greatest value of service possible from the given expenditure. (Yes Mr. Talerman, the business analogy does apply - we the taxpayers are the Towns' shareholders and it's the Selectmen's job to get he greatest value of services possible for our tax dollars.) After completing this process, if an override is necessary then the BOS should propose an override that takes into account all of the public services required by the public and recommend one override that covers all of these needs.
    Imagine for a minute a Talerman-led budget process where the Schools got their money but the fire department did not and as a result they can only have one ambulance on call. Then some day they receive two 911 emergency calls at same time and can only respond to one and as a result a resident dies. I know the example is extreme, but it points to how important the Selectman's job is and why Jim Lehan is the better candidate. Rather than abdicate the Selectmen's responsibility to the voters via the pocket override, Lehan understands that we are all in the same boat together and that its Selectmen's job to make sure that all essential services are provided to residents. Thus voters shouldn't be fooled by the Talerman's [Deval] Patrick type campaign; promising nothing, dreaming of everything.
    - SM

  • 4/24 6:13pm  
    Riding for the Blind

    Proceeds to benefit: Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund

    The Lions Club is a worldwide organization whose charter is to provide aide to the visually impaired through its fundraising activities. The Norfolk Lions Club is holding their first motorcycle run to promote awareness of the need for more research in the area of blindness prevention.

    Riders (and others) are invited to join the fun and support the research that may one day prevent blindness!

    June 30, 2007 (rain date 7/1/07)
    Registration: 8:30am - 10:30am
    Bring your old eyeglasses to recycle
    $20/per person
    Ride leaves at 11:00am sharp!

    O u t l a w B B Q
    Route 1
    Foxboro MA

    Ride followed by: B B Q   Live Band
    Raffles Games/Prizes
    Free Eye Screening

    - Gail Bernardo, Norfolk Lions Club

  • 4/24 4:41pm   In response to SM's post of 4/24 at 12:13...I really got a good laugh at your post SM. I can't believe you said this... "while Jim Lehan our seasoned and experienced Selectman clearly demonstrated that he understands how to manage the Town's finances in order to balance cash inflows and outflows." Jim Lehan may know how to manage some things but finances is not one of them as proven by our latest debacle by our very own finance department consisting of Jane Wall and Jack Hathaway. As was widely reported in both the Sun Chronicle and the Boomerang, our stellar finance department, under Jim Lehan's watchful eye, failed to submit not one, but two very important financial reports recently. The first was to the state Dept. of Revenue (DOR) and was almost 6 months late. That little error cost the town dearly. Our quarterly local aid payment from the state, worth over $1 million, was held and delayed as penalty to Norfolk. The second report was an audit report that was to be submitted, not by the School Committee, but by our finance dept., and was also not submitted in time. Apparently, the required paperwork still has not been submitted which means Norfolk is not eligible to get into the new state School Building Assistance program. (This program would provide the majority of the funds to fund our new Freeman-Centennial school or its remodel.) And don't tell me the finance dept. is not under Jim's responsibility. Jane Wall was brought in and recommended by Jim Lehan as she and Jim worked together at Aetna. Maybe this little mess is why Jim Lehan has cut the words "Fiscal Responsibility" off the bottom of his old election signs. Check them out. They have been cut off at the bottom. So please spare us your Jim Lehan and his fiscal responsibility. I certainly hope he has other redeeming qualities because sound finance in the public sector is not one of them.
    - DD

  • 4/24 4:40pm   Yes, MON, it is our duty. Those who are more fortunate must help the less fortunate. If we do not, then what is it all for?
    - DWL

  • 4/24 3:35pm   LK: I am so glad I didn't offend you about the piano. It looks like a real beauty, and clearly worth an excellent price. I'm sure you'll have good luck finding the right buyer. Maybe this message will help. Thank you, though - you're kind to say you'll keep me in mind.
    - SO

  • 4/24 3:34pm   Sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide - not just the stuff of fiction any more! They discovered the mineral in a mine in Serbia. Previously it has only been seen in movies -- this is what was identified as Kryptonite in the movie Superman Returns.
    "The new mineral does not contain fluorine (which it does in the film) and is white rather than green but, in all other respects, the chemistry matches that for the rock containing kryptonite."
    - Wm.

  • 4/24 3:33pm   Be the bluebird? I thought the bluebirds were the ones dead on the ground under the nest! What's the incentive in being the bluebird?
    Or is this a more subtle suggestion, perhaps, that I should abandon my home so higher-income newcomers can tear down the building and put up a proper mansion in its place?
    Sell, Sell, Sell - the chant of the nouveau riche. Everything is just a matter of money; no sense of legacy, heritage, place, home ...no heart.
    - AR

  • 4/24 3:32pm   DWL, next time read my words more carefully. No one said the police and foreman pay wasn't deserved. I said you and others wrap 40B issues around the American flag as though it were a patriotic duty to give away tax money to 40B homebuyers.
    I do not agree with that liberal philosophy or Talerman's. Now that Norfolk taxpayers are threatened with Talerman's election, you should expect a fight.
    And, there have been no twistings of the facts or otherwise since this "rant" began.
    - MON

  • 4/24 2:54pm   Certified K-6 teacher has openings to tutor students in all academic areas. Presently working for Medfield Schools, I am available to tutor out of my home in Norfolk. Please contact me through Norfolknet [box54@norfolknet.com].
    - ED

  • 4/24 2:53pm   KC, I am sorry to have left you out. I did mention in my post that I am sure I forgot someone. Thanks for all the hard work you people do and you certainly are the meat and bones of the town as well.
    - DWL

  • 4/24 2:51pm   MON, Oh, stop it. I do not send my children to the schools either, but I do vote in any override for the schools.
    As for your Brownie troop not being able to use the Senior Center, there is a reason for that. If you did your homework, you would realize when they built the center there was a clause that it could not be used for events other than the seniors. You see, MON, it is a residential area, so you must respect the residents around.
    As for the Brownie troop, why don't they use the church basement. I hear they welcome people with open arms. Hopefully we can turn Norfolk into a lovely democratic society so the residents will care just a bit more about the people that work so hard to keep our town together. Yes, MON they do deserve every penny they get, overtime and all. Would you want to be plowing at 3 am? I do not think so. Do you want to go into burning buildings?? Do you want to enforce they law? Or do you want to teach at our schools where everything is being cut on a daily basis?
    Hopefully I answered your questions.
    - DWL

  • 4/24 2:26pm   To DWL - check the D.P.W.'s yearly pay. Now that's a department that can't buy in Norfolk. It's always fire and police that's talked about. Love them, but they need the D.P.W. All the time we talk police and fire, never the highway department. That department is the backbone of this town.
    - KC

  • 4/24 1:17pm   DWL - One last thing. Have you ever seen how much a firefighter or policeman makes in Norfolk with overtime? I have. I would be happy to share the data. Most make more than enough to afford homes here in Norfolk. So don't pull the patriotism flags and sacred cows with me. Many make over 6 figures of your tax money. Farmers? The are land wealthy, no tears here, so Sell, Sell, Sell!
    The Boards need to focus on how to keep growth up with costs. Talerman wants to flood the landscape with 40B's and stick it to the wealthy and everyone in general.
    And, you want expensive homes built and homeowners like me. I do not even send my kid to the schools here, so you are saving on schools on top of extracting high taxes, and I get no services other than police, fire and plowing - which is all I expect. My kid's brownie troop can not even use the Senior Center for a meeting! What's up with that? Another Sacred Cow!
    The Boards need to focus their Short Attention Spans on positive growth-not some idealistic-feel-good-euphoria-40B-induced vision of supplying others with homes- I thought this Town was Republican?
    Only You Can Prevent Talerman! Be the BlueBird!
    - MON

    [Please, do share the data! Otherwise all we're left with is one subjective impression. Must be pretty good data, if it gives a person-by-person breakdown of overtime pay for the town. - Wm.]

  • 4/24 1:14pm   Then there is the cow bird that lays its egg in another bird's nest and when it hatches, it pushes the other eggs or baby birds out of the nest and is then raised by the mother bird tending the nest.
    Went to the Old Town Pond this past week and fished, good times.
    - JW

  • 4/24 12:26pm   BR - thanks for the Bird information.
    So, invaders (sparrows) can move in and redirect resources from an indigenous species (the bluebird), one that spent time and effort building a nest? Sounds to me like the bluebird should protect its territory better.
    DD and DV, Let me know where to send the check.
    - MON

  • 4/24 12:13pm   JL, here is a little more substance for you regarding the Talerman interview with Matt McDonald.
    Talerman demonstrated an amazing naivete and lack of knowledge of municipal finance that is requisite for any Selectmen Candidate while Jim Lehan our seasoned and experienced Selectman clearly demonstrated that he understands how to manage the Town's finances in order to balance cash inflows and outflows. On the topic of capital needs, both Candidates properly recognize the needs for a new school to replace the Freeman Centennial and a new public safety building.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - SM

  • 4/24 11:28am   JL, I watched Talerman's interview in detail. One topic that I am very interested in is the use of Community Preservation Act funds for recreational projects. Talerman is a member of the CPC. To date no CPC funds have been used for recreational projects. Talerman is also a member of the ConCom and was responsible along with the ConCom for blocking the use of CPA funds to improve the town pond for swimming that was approved by voters at town meeting (See minutes ConCom meeting April 26, 2006 [town hall link].)
    When asked by Matt McDonald about the CPA act, Talerman stated that he was a proponent of using the taxpayer CPA funds to building more affordable housing. Talerman stated that there is not enough affordable housing in town. Talerman stated that he would like to see affordable housing built at the Buckley and Mann property.
    What are Talerman personal views on 40B and affordable housing? Does he believe in the principle of local rule or is he in favor of 40B? Check out Pre-Candidate Talerman 40B views as a panelist at a 40B Symposium held at a Harvard University School of Government in October 2003. [Daily Free Press link]
    At this symposium the panelists noted that 40B only established a vague definition of what constitutes affordable housing. The panelists noted that under the 40B law affordable means a median income level of 80% of a city or town. The panelists noted that 80% of the income is nowhere near affordable for those earning the minimum wage. Talerman stated "mend it, don't end it," arguing that while the law is flawed and outdated, it still provides a necessary incentive for developers who otherwise would not invest in low-income housing. Talerman said he is frustrated with cities and towns that do not devote their own resources - land and money - to creating affordable housing in their communities.
    So Talerman wants to amend strengthen 40B so that affordable truly means low income and then he wants to use your hard earned tax money so you can have low income people living next to you. Oh and remember he is also a 40B lawyer so he will gladly take town's money to fight off the wanted effects of 40B. This form of creeping socialism at the local level must stop. Vote for Jim Lehan.
    - SM

    [The relevant section from the ConCom minutes seems to be the portion indicated 10:15 p.m. Town Pond Discussion, that concludes with:
    Mrs. Terrio, a member of the Advisory Board, stated that the Advisory Board was looking for a consensus on this matter. Mr. Talerman stated that the Commission would be supportive of uses at the Town Pond. The discussion closed at 11:00 p.m.
    - Wm.]

  • 4/24 10:50am   The beautiful and active community Jeanne D. Hill Room of the Norfolk Public Library located at 139 Main Street in Norfolk, MA, will be the setting for The Franklin Art Association's "Spring Awakening" art exhibition on view from May 12th through June 2nd. The exhibition features original artworks using a wide range of creative styles and techniques created by the Association members. Viewers are encouraged to attend the free Opening Reception which will be held on Saturday, May 12th, from 1-4 pm, and meet the participating artists.
    [M o r e . . .]
    - RC

  • 4/24 10:02am   AC - I don't have an inside track, but the helicopter could have been related to the mosquito spraying that is going on this week. See John J. Smith's announcement posted 4/18 4:21pm.
    - MH

  • 4/24 9:56am   Because of the number of municipal meetings this week, DPW, Candidate's Night, Affordable Housing, ConComm and Advisory Board/School Committee, the NCTV/Boomerang candidate interview times have changed. Starting today, Tuesday, April 24th, they will be as follows:
    Moderator-Marc Waldman 7am, 5pm
    Moderator-Dan Winslow 7:45am, 5:45pm
    Selectmen-Jim Lehan 10:30am, 6:30pm
    Selectmen-Jay Talerman 11:15am, 7:15pm
    Planning Board-Tom Burke noon, 8pm
    Planning Board-Dave Roche 1pm, 9pm
    Planning Board-Art Spruch 1:45pm, 9:45pm
    It is possible, given the other meetings schedule for broadcast, that these times may, on a particular day, be incorrect, but in general they should remain at these times until the day before the election.
    - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager

  • 4/24 9:55am   MKL - totally agree with you. When is Town Hall going to tighten their belts - the budget from Town Hall is still showing increases, what happened to level funding or reducing by 1%.
    - AL

  • 4/24 9:36am   SO, it never hurts to ask! :-) We have had interest in the piano, but no takers so far. We are going to give it some time, but will keep your kind offer of a good home in mind....
    - LK

  • 4/24 9:35am   Why was a helicopter flying so low near Medway Street this morning?
    - AC

  • 4/24 9:15am   Without any disrespect to JPB's 4/23 post (4/23 9:41am I recommend that folks watch the interviews with Jim Lehan and Jay Talerman on Channel 22. ... Jim Lehan espouses the fiscal prudence that town residents have demanded since 2005. Jay Talerman plans to fill the ballot with override questions. )
    - let's eliminate ignorance from these posts. It seems to me that this may be a close race. That is good. It shows that the citizens of Norfolk care. Hopefully they are understanding the pros and cons of both candidates and will make educated voting decisions.
    JPB - your post lacks [depth] and credibility and frankly does you a disservice as well as to the candidate that you are clearly trying to support.
    - JL

  • 4/24 9:14am   This affordable housing problem is occurring on the Cape. No longer can teachers, firefighters and policemen afford to live in the desirable towns on Cape Cod. So what happens... they leave. How can a town run without these 3 vital professions. I am sure there are many more people that give to the community that also need affordable housing. What snobbery of anyone to say that they prefer "no more affordable housing in Norfolk." Perhaps they are the ones that should find another town to go to. Again, for anyone who feels this town is too affluent for affordable housing, just remember, at one time the town's major population was farmers, policemen, firefighters and teachers. Let's remember the town functions because of these people.
    - DWL

  • 4/24 9:10am   I voted "no" on last year's Vehicle Stabilization Fund (VSF) override because the Selectmen misjudged my priorities when they only allowed me the opportunity to weigh in on that one issue. As you recall, last year was the same year that librarians, art, and Spanish were being reduced in the schools (without our input). To vote yes on an otherwise sound proposal was a vote to perpetuate the notion put forth by the Selectmen that Norfolk values cars over schools. I do not. To force cuts in school programming while asking voters to spend more on cars was a miscalculated and poor strategy by our Selectmen and a decision that does not reflect my values and priorities. In the end, however, the Vehicle Stabilization Fund does make perfect fiscal sense and should have passed.
    However, the No-Go group's opposition to the VSF reveals the group is misguided in its claims to be stewards of fiscal responsibility. Rather, No-Go's only apparent interest is in keeping money in their own pockets, not in making the best decisions for our town. My claim is further supported by the following four observations: No-Go fails to realize that a continued commitment to investing in 1) strong schools and 2) that paying less in simple interest car loans are both fiscally responsible. 3) No-Go attempts to argue that building more residential homes will increase our town's tax base. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every house is cash negative. And 4) I recall No-Go, along with the Selectmen and the Advisory Board, blasted the School Committee for paying off long-term debt which is now saving tens of thousands of dollars each year for many years, thus keeping teachers in the classroom. (Later, interestingly, several members of the Advisory Board and Selectman said that the pay-off made perfect sense fiscally. Of course it does. Paying off the copier leases is exactly what the Selectmen were hoping to do on a grander scale with vehicle leases/loans (VSF). Apparently, they weren't interested in the best interests of the town; they just would have rather had that money for their own one-time use).
    My "No" on the VSF should not be interpreted as support for No-Go and its misguided nonsense.
    - RG

  • 4/23 11:04pm   To JPB - One failed override regarding vehicles in town does not constitute a clear message about anything, except that people did not want to vote an override for a vehicle stabilization fund. Most people in this town want to evaluate each potential serious service cut to our schools or our public safety or elsewhere, evaluate the costs to maintain, weigh the pros and cons, and vote at the ballot box on it. That is the way we want it and that is the way it should be. Just because you are afraid that people may not vote your way does not mean that voters should not be allowed to vote. You can say all you want, but the Selectmen cannot raise property taxes more than 2-1/2% unless the people vote it so. You and MON should stop complaining so much about allowing the voters the right to vote on basic services in this town and start spending your energy complaining to your Governor and your legislature that they do not send Norfolk enough local aid. That would be a much more productive use of your time.
    And I concur with DV that MON needs to pay up $10, actually they should pay double - $20.
    - DD

  • 4/23 10:57pm   JPB - What the Selectmen fail to realize, and what you don't [address], is that the last override failed because the schools were faced with all sorts of cuts, and Town Hall has done nothing to tighten their belts.
    Those were the votes of many angry parents.
    - MKL

  • 4/23 9:52pm   Has MON paid the $10.00?
    - DV

  • 4/23 9:10pm   The last override attempt failed by a 4:1 ratio. Now, one need not live in a complicated and convoluted world to conclude that a 4:1 ratio is a clear message; unless one chooses to insult one's own intelligence. The last time I checked, NOGO did not consist of anything approaching 1,400 people. All types of voters came out to say NO to the unbridled spending of their hard earned money, and implicitly, YES to fiscal prudence.
    The Selectmen and [town administrator] Jack Hathaway, I suspect, receive a large number of emails and phone calls from voters expressing their opinions on matters of town finances. It seems they - to include Jim Lehan - have been listening. Not yet posted here is the fact that Jim Lehan expressed during his recent interview on NCTV that he feels the town has taken just about every belt-tightening measure it can; and that we have come to the point were we will need to raise revenues or reduce services. It seems to me that we have reached a calculated point of fiscal equilibrium. Kudos to Jim Lehan and others who lead us here!
    Jay Talerman on the other hand bragged during his interview of a Norfolk that is becoming increasing affluent and demands a higher level of services. His leadership will leave behind those with fewer resources to pay for these services - ironically the opposite of polices proposed by Gov. Deval Patrick. Who are these people? They are part of our community. Women and men who worked very hard to get where they are now, but still are not independently wealthy, the older folks who can least afford an onslaught of overrides, and younger folks with young families just getting started.
    - JPB

  • 4/23 8:52pm   JPB, thanks for the info on the interviews! We watched them tonight. We were uncertain as to how we would vote, but it's abundantly clear now. We are all for fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets, but we are also for choice. If we want to vote for an override so that our schools stay competitive, our kids stay safe on sidewalks, our neighborhoods stay peaceful with more patrols, and our elderly and sick get the best EMT/ALS support, then we vote yes. If we want none of the above, we vote no. It's actually quite simple. No one, not Mr. Talerman, not Mr. Lehan, not Superman, can raise our taxes beyond the 2.5% cap without it being put to a town vote. What we like about Mr. Talerman is that he is open to letting us, the voters, decide.
    - AL

  • 4/23 7:03pm   JPB, thanks for the heads up on the interviews. I would not have known they were on if you had not posted. And after watching both... Jay has my vote hands down!
    To be be fair, Lehan lost me a week or so before Presidents Day, when they were on T.V. and there was some question about which week Presidents Day was and the person next to him (whose name I do not know but is, I would guess, of Indian descent) said that it was the next week and Jim said "maybe your president's" or something like that. I do not care for the man. That showed me an ugly side that I do not want in my town leadership; and please look at old tapes because maybe I misunderstood as there was no town uprise which there should have been!!
    - DV

  • 4/23 6:38pm   Dan Winslow's interview times are 12:45pm and 7:45pm. It has run right along with all of the other interviews. My apologies if it was not listed on the schedule. These times will change tomorrow so check the channel 22 bulletin board or the NCTV schedule found on Norfolknet.com or nctv-norfolk.com Thanks,
    - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager.

  • 4/23 6:32pm   JPB - Isn't it lovely that you can reduce 45 minutes of questions and answers to [partisan] little phrases. It must be wonderful to live in such a simple little world.
    Like you, I encourage people to watch the two interviews. While both candidates do acknowledge the looming need to address a number of big ticket items in town, I hear Mr. Talerman offering possible solutions and choices for Town Meeting voters to make, but more importantly, he is recognizing that the time to act is now. Mr. Lehan takes credit for avoiding overrides for two years running (kow-towing to the NOGO'ers in town), after he worked to shepherd through the largest tax increase in town history. He also conveniently forgets that he brought another override to town meeting last year, after the voters voted it down the year before. Whatever.
    - DL

  • 4/23 6:31pm   To the person with the upright piano for sale on the "Notice Board": I won't call because I can't afford it, but if, for any bizarre reason, you are unable to sell the piano, and would like it to have a good home, please keep me in mind. I know it's entirely ridiculous.
    - SO

  • 4/23 6:30pm   MON, sparrows will do that to most birds. They will take over a whole area and they have about 5 hatchings a year. So you add another 12 or more sparrows to the area.
    We are watching a nuthatch family in our yard and they are very close to the sparrows. Watched a hawk flying with a snake in its claws Saturday. The snake was still alive. This is the second time I have seen a hawk with a live snake. I just have to remind myself that it is nature and you can't interfere.
    - BR

  • 4/23 4:53pm   EAG, Call me, Tom, at 508-517-4708. I am doing alot of work in Norfolk - I may be able to do it.
    - TD

  • 4/23 4:52pm   Our flag is flying! Our thoughts are with the Kennedy family and our gratitude with their son. May he rest in peace.
    - KD

  • 4/23 4:51pm   I noticed that the NCTV broadcasts the candidate interview times, and there was no time for Daniel Winslow. Will there be a time for him? I know there's a lot of people who would be very interested in hearing what he has to say, not just reading about it in the paper. I thought it was wonderful that he would take the time away from his busy schedule (as an attorney) to ride his bike door to door introducing himself (not that everyone doesn't know who he is), meeting people in town, and asking their opinions. I guess it only goes to show who our new moderator should be a lawyer not a money collector. And, one that's "prepared with a ready supply of jokes during the down time."
    - DH

    [Update 6:39pm: 12:45pm and 7:45pm, but about to change, so double-check (see post of Mon, 6:38pm) - Wm.]

  • 4/23 3:46pm   The other day I saw a mother bird - I believe a bluebird - feeding its young chicks - what a beautiful sight!
    The next day, however, the chicks lay dead at the bottom of the tree, and the nest taken over by a family of sparrows How could this happen? Is it normal for a Bluebird nest, with its young, to be taken over by sparrows? It seems there are so many of them these days. And what will happen to the bluebirds?
    Can anyone out there tell if bird nest can be overtaken by other birds?
    - MON

  • 4/23 3:19pm   Can anyone recommend someone to install a patio? We currently have just an enclosed porch so there is no existing patio to remove or to work on top of. We will need someone who will be extremely helpful with the layout planning and design stage, as we need help envisioning what will look best with our yard. Thanks!
    - EAG

  • 4/23 2:16pm   Does anybody have a set of training wheels they took off a bike and no longer need? We unfortunately tossed our last set out not realizing we would need them again. Thank you
    - BD

  • 4/23 9:41am   I recommend that folks watch the interviews with Jim Lehan and Jay Talerman on Channel 22. Both state that there is an urgent need for a couple of new buildings or renovations of existing ones. However, the differences are clear beyond that:
    Jim Lehan espouses the fiscal prudence that town residents have demanded since 2005.
    Jay Talerman plans to fill the ballot with override questions.
    Jim Lehan-Selectman-10am, 5pm
    Jay Talerman-Selectman-10:45am, 5:45pm
    - JPB

  • 4/23 8:42am   Wednesday May 2nd, 7pm the King Philip Jazz Ensemble will perform at a Community send off Rally at The Tavern at Tower Square 119 Washington Street, Plainville, before heading off to The Lincoln Center, New York City to compete with 14 other finalist bands in the prestigious Essentially Ellington Festival on May 4th.
    The King Philip Jazz Ensemble will be performing their selections for the Essentially Ellington competition, as well as other numbers from their repertoire
    Admission is by Pre-sale only; $15 includes a delicious variety of Appetizers and bottomless soda. Please send checks to "KPMA" PO Box 508, Wrentham, MA 02093. Please include name, address, telephone number and email. There is a limited capacity - don't be disappointed.
    Call 508 384 2108 with any questions.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 4/23 8:38am   To RH: Thanks for the suggestion, but I plan on helping as well and thought I would give some kids a chance to earn some money. Plus, I find, kids are very honest and I will provide for breaks and snacks, hydration and what not. It is good for kids to be able to make their own money as it teaches them a lesson about real life!
    If I were looking for a professional to do the work, then I agree with you 100%.
    - JN

  • 4/22 8:21pm   Re: 4/22 7:45pm looking for some teenagers interested in making some money by painting my white picket fence. I am willing to pay 10$/hour.
    I would like to suggest to JN and anyone else that it is much better to specify piecework (so much money for the whole job, preferably a written and signed agreement, saying what is to be done, how, when, etc. rather than so much per hour. I have seen really simple jobs cost several hundred dollars, because the worker kept his own records (with break time, lunch time, travel time, etc) and the employer kept no records, therefore he had no basis for disputing the cost.
    - RH

  • 4/22 7:47pm   I'd just like to voice my support for naming the Pond Complex for Adam Kennedy, or any other similar ideas. Great suggestion!
    - KD

  • 4/22 7:45pm   Hi, I am looking for some teenagers interested in making some money by painting my white picket fence. I am willing to pay 10$/hour.
    If interested, you can contact me through box55@norfolknet.com.
    Thank you.
    - JN

  • 4/22 6:32pm   BH, where do I send the check?
    - DV

  • 4/22 3:28pm   NCTV has announced that the funderal Service for Sgt. Adam Kennedy is being aired every day this week at 7am and 7pm.
    - Wm.

  • 4/22 12:34pm  
    If You are Grouchy,
    Irritable, or just Plain Mean,
    there will be
    a $10 Charge for
    Putting Up with You.
    - BH

    [Update 6:36pm: suggested new sign for Floyd's - Wm.]

  • 4/22 12:07pm   DG: Very nice. Affordable housing = druggies. Remember, "affordable" in the metropolitan Boston area is somewhere near $180K. And a mortgage to cover that in Norfolk (because of our property taxes) is something close to $1500 a month. If you're a young family just starting out, you and your wife can earn $52K and qualify for 40B. Assistant district attorneys start at $35K. A young ADA and his teacher's aide wife would qualify. And once they have a kid, they can make almost $60K between them and still qualify for 40B housing.
    40B developments like the ones Norfolk attracts are "home ownership" developments. These are people buying a house, mostly first time buyers, ending the cycle of renting and putting money into someone else's hands; building equity and a hopeful future.
    SM's comment on the Politics page about The Preserve in Walpole, in addition to being the kind of close-minded diatribe against affordable housing you all to often see, shows the typical "kids are toxic" mentality of people who move into a town, typically bringing their own 2.5 kids, and then want to shut off development so other people can't move into town.
    There were plenty of folks who lived here in the 1980's and 1990's who felt the same way about Pheasant Hill and Cape Cod Estates and all the other "cookie cutter" developments that sprung up when the town population exploded and we lost six of the seven dairy farms.
    As for RD's comments, I understand your anger, but if you rue the day you moved here, there are plenty of 40B developments in other communities, feel free to avail yourself of them. There are plenty of folks in town, folks who paid three-quarters of a million bucks for a house on a one acre lot (If I'm paying that much, the place better have a moat...) who are also living pretty close to the edge; worried that if their job disappears they don't have anything set aside to cushion the fall. And while I risk that the webmaster may censor this quote due to the source, ``turn the other cheek.''
    Which might be decent advice for everyone posting here lately.
    - RJG

  • 4/22 12:04pm   To the Kennedy Family: So sorry for your loss. Mr. Kennedy, your post was ubelieveable. What bothers me was your comment about that maybe the town went over the top - No sir, and I hope no one in your family heard such a comment. It is not true. We live right around the corner from you; we have never met. I never got to meet Adam. Most of what occureed on Adam's funeral (locally) was by word of mouth, phone calls and emails. Norfolk wanted to be there! I work at Hanscom AFB and went in late that day. So many people asked me, "how was it?" I said sad but very well done! My 79 year old mother walked from our street with us to Grove to show our suppot. The world is full of evil. Your son, Adam stood up against it. My son is graduating high school and he's going in the Army. He knows where he's going and I know where he's going. God bless Adam, your family and America.
    - DG

  • 4/22 12:02pm   The Southeastern Mass. Community Concert Band is beginning rehersals for the summer season. If you are in middle school or up, have an instrument, and would like to play in a band (even if it's been awhile), please join us tomorrow night at 7:30 at the Medway Community Church, Main Street, Medway. All players are welcome, there are no tryouts. For more information, please visit the band's website at smccb.com, or call (508)-533-5532.
    - CR

  • 4/21 11:49pm   To RD: I am a Norfolk resident for 19 years. I too am against more "affordable housing" in this town; I grew up in Dedham and lived in Norwood for 3 years. I am not rich. I do not live in a mansion. We live in a nice house and struggle every month to get by. I do not care if you wear bikie T-shirts and have tatoos. As I tell my children... Remeber, people will judge you by how you dress, speak and act. Now your wour words will be used against you. Why was a shotgun shot through your husband's grandmother's window to try and kill him?
    - DG

    [Update 4/22 12:16pm: speculative comment about gunshot removed - Wm.]

  • 4/21 11:47pm   JPB - I think that the webmaster has given your conservative "nogo" zeal plenty of space on this page. This is his/her forum which s/he allows you to post to and I think your observations are unfair and unfortunate. If you host your own page, you can decide what you will and will not allow to be posted or quoted. I feel the webmaster is fair, kind and considerate of all users. I also think s/he takes criticism well and has often reconsidered a decision when asked to do so.
    - MJD

  • 4/21 10:02pm   KD - I highly recommend Dave of "A Cover Up" for slipcovers. You can find the ad and phone number in the Country Gazette classifieds. He does an amazing job, his price is more than reasonable and the turnaround time is quick. He can also get you a discount on fabric.
    - JT

  • 4/21 9:59pm   One more comment about this town... I grew up in Wellesley Hills, moved to Needham, then to Aspen where my first two children were born, back to Needham, then to Norfolk. I have lived in some nice places - sometimes I think I should never have left Needham due to the schools - and then my daughter who has Mrs. Pizzi comes home and tells me about her day and my daughter who has Ms. Woessner comes home (although she is tough, she is fair) and we sit and are grateful as we watch the deer in our back yard.
    I call this my little Aspen and I am glad I found it. We have yet to meet people here and make good new friends, but as spring turns into summer I am sure the parties will start! Please enjoy this town, it is one of the very few last country towns.
    - DV

  • 4/21 9:51pm   It should come as no surprise that our webmaster's editorial decisions tend to favor those with liberal opinions and marginalize conservative thoughts, ideas and suggestions. He tends to be particularly restrictive on those with opinions based on faith, more so, if one attempts to quote the Bible, which continues to be the #1 selling book in history.
    One can dance around such issues when posting, especially if they are framed as a social event, charity or what one would consider the socialist elements of Christianity. But bedrock principals that have true meaning and power are seldom allowed to be explored or flourish.
    "If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan
    - JPB

  • 4/21 11:13am   Can anyone recommend a reliable teen or college student to do yard work and grass cutting? I live near the Junior High right off King Street.
    - PB

  • 4/21 10:59am   Norfolk's recently established Affordable Housing Committee invites residents to participate this week in a forum on affordable housing. Residents may attend in person or watch the forum live on NCTV and call in on the dedicated phone line. The forum will provide background information on affordable housing, present highlights from Norfolk's state-approved Affordable Housing Plan, and will include discussion time for questions, comments and suggestions. Further information on affordable housing and the Affordable Housing Committee is available on the [Affordable Housing Committee page] of the [town's website.]
    Public Forum

    Affordable Housing and the Affordable Housing Plan.

    Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2007
    Time: 8 p.m.

    Attend the meeting in Room 124 at Norfolk Town Hall.

    Tune to Norfolk Cable Channel 22 and call 508-528-1408 during the question and answer portion of the forum to provide comments, ask questions, and make suggestions.
    - SDM, Chair, Affordable Housing Committee

  • 4/21 10:57am   I would like to re-upholster or slipcover my furniture due to wear & tear by pets & children. I contacted some of the big stores and yowza!, the prices were so high, it would be cheaper to buy new furniture. Does anyone know anyone local who does this sort of thing? Many thanks!
    - KD

  • 4/21 10:56am   Sigh.... Should I be surprised by this?
    I made a simple post; a tongue in cheek one-liner, identifying one aspect of life in Norfolk which I (personally) find attractive. I took no stance on any issue of politics; I simply made an observation, and reflected on an uncontested fact. That fact just happens to be one aspect of living in Norfolk; an aspect whis, yes, I take joy in observing.
    I have no doubt that some people, having read that same post, might not enjoy the recognition of that fact the way I do. Does that mean that my post should therefore be banished to the obscurity of the politics page? When we solicit thoughts from each other (about things like which aspects of town life we find enjoyable), shouldn't we be prepared to entertain all reasonable thoughts and observations? Can't we withstand some simple exposure to anything other than that to which we so lovingly subscribe? Are we so wrapped up in our own way of thinking, that a simple post like mine causes us to complain to webmaster to have such a post removed?
    Out of sight, out of mind?
    Take a look through the main page.... A large (very large) portion of the posts are politcal in some way. My own post took no political stance. And yet, "poof"... away it went... to the chorus of thought which sang out "Begone uncontested fact. Such a reality has no place in the world of my pristine liberal mind; notwithstanding the fact that I always espouse tolerance and inclusiveness in all my liberal ideas."
    Now I guess if I quoted a Democratic president...
    Or if spoke in favor of a certain candidate for selectman...
    Or if addressed the benefit or problems associated with the application of pesticides...
    then my post might still be on the main page.
    But those things mean little to me. So, when I honestly sat back, and reflected on (what I perceive to be) the overwhelming stance of politics on this page, and then considered the things I enjoy about Norfolk... One simple observation came to mind. I had no idea, at the time, that such an observation would be so objectionable as to be discarded as not worthy of being available for reading on the main page.
    Do we all feel better now?
    - CB

    [The post being referred to is [this one] - Wm.]

  • 4/21 10:49am   GN, I am with you. Sure, there are things wrong with this town, what town doesn't have problems, but when we all compare our town to others... as often has been done here, tell me one that is as beautiful. All the surrounding towns have beauty of their own, I am sure, but everywhere here, that is everywhere that has not been flattened here, is beautiful.
    - DV

  • 4/21 10:46am   I just read the post from Dave Kennedy [4/19 11:53am] buried among the other commentary and questions, and wanted to thank him. What a remarkable family - a son who was willing to serve his country and gave his life in that service, and a father who, in his time of grief, was still able to thank his neighbors for their support and encourage them to be a part of this community by participating in it. Mr. Kennedy, my condolences to your family and a thank you for your thoughtful words.
    - MFZ

  • 4/20 10:56pm   In the words of the late, great JFK, ``Our most common basic link is that we all inhabit the planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.''
    It takes a village, folks. Let's try to remember that and treat each other with respect. Since when did civility and common courtesy go out of style?
    Also, I saw a lovely bird at my feeder this morning....
    P.S.: Another great thing I like about Norfolk is our Web-master
    - JBN

    [Thank you, you're very kind :-) I've cross-posted this message to both the main page and Politics, because the main page benefits from it more, but it's likely to be more needed in Politics. - Wm.]

  • 4/20 10:36pm   Hello Norfolk Residents, Below is a direct link to the Norfolk Community League's April issue of the newsletter. Direct link: [4/07 newsletter DOC here] website link: norfolkcommunityleague.org
    Thank you,
    - ES, NCL Editor

  • 4/20 10:23pm   Dear Mr. Kennedy, You had a very eloquent post, and as hard as these times must be for you and your family, you all must be so proud of what Adam was, is, and always will be - a hero.
    Over the past week, I never, ever, heard anyone suggest that anything being done in remembrance of Adam was 'over the top;' and even if it was, he deserved it.
    - PA

  • 4/20 9:31pm   As an FYI, Norfolk County Lawn provides mowing, fertilizing, mulching and all other aspects of property maintenance. You can reach us at 781-603-7172 or mowing@comcast.net. Thanks,
    - MG

  • 4/20 8:27pm  
    "The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program."
    - Ronald Reagan
    NOGO urges residents to vote on May 1st and at Annual Town Meeting May 8th.
    - JPB, Founder, NOGO

  • 4/20 8:21pm   Another great thing that is happening in this great town of ours tomorrow is the performance of the 7th grade band at Symphony Hall. The 7th graders won a gold medal at the MICCA competition earlier this month and they won a spot to perform. They will be performing on 4/21 at 11:30 (possibly earlier) if you have any inclination to head downtown on what is to be a sunny day. Many of these kids rearranged family vacations in order to perform, at what could be a chance of a life time performance at Symphony Hall, so come on out and support them if you can.
    The 8th grade band and HS Symphony bands also won gold and will be performing at Mechanics Hall in Worcester next Sunday, April 29. The middle school will be performing midday and the HS will perform at 1:30. Mechanics along with Symphony Hall is a great concert hall and the sound is beautiful. Another great place to perform.
    Congrats to all these great artists.
    - BS

  • 4/20 8:20pm   [Update 9:42pm: comment about Republican electorate moved to politics - Wm.]

  • 4/20 6:26pm   One of our family's favorite days in Norfolk is coming tomorrow - The Opening Day parade! Come and see all of the baseball and softball players march with their teams from HOD to Freeman at noon. It is a classic small town slice of American! We will join the players for the National Anthem and think about Adam Kennedy. Thanks to Norfolk Little League and Norfolk Girls Softball for a wonderful event!
    Play ball!
    - TMS

  • 4/20 3:41pm   A good time and a good deed: one of the famous Irish Tenors, Anthony Kearns, will appear at the Foxboro High School Auditorium April 27, 2007 at 8 pm for the benefit of Felines of Foxboro Shelter Fund. Call 508-384-0799 or email dmpierce50@comcast.net for admission. Premium seats go for $50, General seats for $40, and Balcony for $30. Hope to see you there.
    - RG

  • 4/20 3:39pm   To SCS, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss landscape design ideas for your backyard. My company, Landscape Solutions, specializes in designs and installations, and we're located in Norfolk. Please call me at your convenience: 508-641-8242 and ask for Cecilia.
    - CS

  • 4/20 2:26pm   To MJ: There is a fantastic chiropractor at Pallis Chiropractic in Norwood, MA, pallischiro.com.
    - KAB

  • 4/20 2:22pm   GN: I'm loving life in Norfolk these days, as well. We'll be spending tomorrow morning with some local girl scouts, cleaning up the Charles for Earth day. A parade is coming to town! We can get flowers tomorrow from our local farms! Maybe we'll celebrate an opening day win with ice cream from another local farm! We can walk across our quiet road and go for a canoe ride on the pond!. The flags are flying high! The sun is out! There is hope for change with an upcoming election! I'm with you, it's a good day, but unfortunately there will always be [those] who need to tell us how they have been wronged, how "eco-Nazis" have cheated us, that conspiracies are lurking around every corner, with every town committee. Paranoia, will destroya... But I digress... enjoy the April sunshine everyone.
    - AL

  • 4/20 2:14pm   The female tabby cat that was listed before is currently up for adoption. She is very sweet and friendly to people. She is litter trained and roughly between 2-3 yrs old.
    Also, picked up today is an all white short haired domestic cat. He appears to be middle aged, late neutered, and very sweet as well to people. Doesn't mind being picked up and held. He looks as if he's been living on his own for a while but acts as though he was a very much loved house pet at one time. He will be monitored over the next ten days for health due to severe tick and flea infestation. If he is unclaimed by his owner he too will go up for adoption after the ten day hold.
    If you own either of these animals or wish to inquire about adoption of either of these cats please contact the animal control officer at the Norfolk Police Department. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control (508) 528 3232

  • 4/20 1:57pm   GN, you are correct.
    - I like that we can walk at the Pond Street complex, the Freeman Centennial fields, Stony Brook and many other nice places in town.
    - I like that there are qualified candidates that are professionally competing for volunteer roles that help run our town.
    - I like seeing the numbers of children that lined Main St. last Tuesday morning.
    - I like that I can pay my town bills and sign up for recreation activities online.
    - I like seeing our police cars roll through our neighborhoods.
    - I like that we're not too close to Rt. 495 or Rt. 95.
    And much more.
    - SP

  • 4/20 1:10pm   SCS For landscaping design and work, I would definitely recommend Mark Ahronian out of Holliston. We had him in for some landscaping suggestions, and he came back with 3 or 4 hand-drawn, color layouts and sat with us one evening to share his ideas. His crew did a great job with our project. May be a bit more expensive, but for a big job done right, it's worth it.
    - KB

  • 4/20 12:29pm   Thank you to all of the Norfolk residents who took the time and called me for work in and around their homes. I am a very detailed carpenter who does decks, cabinets, bathrooms, lattice, shelves, mantels with the extra finish. My prices are fair and I do my best to beat anyone's price. Thanks again, Tom at 508-517-4708. Local references as well.
    - TD

  • 4/20 11:36am   JL, The problem I have with the ConCom is that both Jay Talerman and Larry Harrington right from the get go said they were personally against treating the pond with chemicals to clean the water for swimming.
    [C o n t i n u e d - politics]
    - SM

  • 4/20 10:50am   It's a shame that the people who are the angriest tend to be the people who take the time to write.
    For the record:
    - I am not looking forward to paying the bus fee but I understand it and I will pay it.
    - I am incredibly grateful for the sacrifice Sgt. Adam Kennedy made for our country and for our freedoms.
    - I have seen a Fisher cat in my yard :)
    - I hope Stop and Shop comes soon
    - I would love a cafe in town
    - And I am not "GN", I am "G[******] N[***]", a resident of Norfolk for the last 3 years
    I love this town. The people. The land. Who is with me in talking about what is good about this town?
    - GN

  • 4/20 9:48am   The Town Pond was nice enough years ago when it was open. There was sand on two sides, the church side and the Main St. side. When it first opened, it had a kiddie slide, a big kid slide and a dock with a diving board. Then it was decided, rightly enough, that the slides were very dangerous. They had cement posts at the bottom of them and the posts were at the surface of the water.
    I dove off the diving board and never hit bottom. I don't know why they removed it. The problem with the pond was that in late July and August it got pretty nasty. Know folks would take their horses and other animals there plus just the natural elements in the water. I am sure that by today's standards, it wouldn't make it past June.
    The town had swimming lessons in the morning and many families spent the day there. All three of my kids learned to swim there. Another factor to consider is that it is secluded. I wasn't afraid to go there alone back then, but wouldn't do it now. Sad to say, but times they have changed. This picture was taken 25 years ago at the pond.
    - JW

  • 4/20 9:31am   To JM who is looking for a camp for her daughter - my daughter has enjoyed time in camps at the Adirondack Club in Franklin and the Hale Day camp in Westwood. Hale Day camp has a bus that goes there from Medfield. The only problem is that I am not sure you can go just 2 days/week. Most run a full week and charge that way regardless of how often you use it. But perhaps I am mistaken.
    Good luck in your search.
    - JBN

  • 4/19 9:27pm   Can anyone recommend a good landscape designer in the area? I am looking for someone (with a lot more creativity than me!) to develop an overall design for our backyard, one that I can slowly build towards over time. Thanks.
    - SCS

  • 4/19 9:03pm   We are advised of a network problem preventing Comcast customers from reaching Norfolknet. Comcast is aware of the problem, hopefully they will resolve the issue soon. Files smaller than 1000 bytes will load ok, files bigger will hang forever.
    We are currently receiving widespread reports of difficulty reaching sites hosted on our network from the Comcast network. We are attempting to address the issue with Comcast, as there appears to be no problem on this end. This is at least the third recurrence of this type of problem this year; we remain hopeful that Comcast can resolve the difficulty.
    - Wm.

  • 4/19 5:43pm   re: Town Pond - My son and daughter swam in the town pond about 30 years ago. Typically both would get ear infections there and would have to go to the pediatrician.
    They were not alone; the pond water was not safe enough to swim in and could not be made clean enough to swim in. Although the bottom was cleaned with a front-end loader, and the water was tested periodically, the ear infections continued in our family and others. We quit going there.
    I missed the recent vote in town meeting; had I voted I would certainly have voted against trying to rehabilitate that unclean, contaminated little pond, where the bottom could not be seen even around the edges where the water was only a few feet deep. I certainly hope that the town will not waste any more time and money on that bad idea of having a town swimming pond in that location. The Board of Health should veto the idea. I would rather dump money into a real pool, with ceramic tile sides or even a plastic liner, elements which can be cleaned and sanitized, and a filter and chlorinating system.
    Meanwhile, if I had young kids now, I would go to a YMCA or other facility where the water is really clean. or to the ocean where there is a lifeguard on duty.
    - RH

  • 4/19 5:36pm   The NCTV/Boomerang sponsored candidate interview broadcast times for the contested offices are as follows:
    Jim LehanSelecmen10am, 5pm
    Jay TalermanSelectmen10:45am, 5:45pm
    Marc WaldmanModeratornoon, 7pm
    Dan WinslowModerator12:45pm, 7:45pm
    Tom BurkePlanning Board2pm, 8:30pm
    David RochePanning Board3pm, 9:30pm
    Art SpruchPlanning Board3:45pm, 10:15pm
    - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager

  • 4/19 3:07pm   This website is not what I thought it would be when I signed up for it. Although many good things are debated, there is much hate being spewed back and forth. For that reason I no longer intend to bother with Norfolknet. I'll just watch the 6 o'clock news if I want to be a witness to constant chaos.
    - BH

  • 4/19 3:06pm   Re: The Town Pond - I thought it sounded like a grand idea to clean up the town pond and have families go there in the summer to picnic and have kids swim through the water... That is, until my family and I went and took a look at it. Have you actually checked out the Town Pond? We did about 6 months ago, and were very disappointed. It is very small, looks very shallow and murky and does not really look like a place where many people would want to hang out. Am I missing something? If you haven't looked at it yourselves, please check it out. Park in the Old Town Hall lot then walk down the dirt path at the back until you arrive at a little pond. I'd like to know what others think of it as a future swimming site.
    - MD

  • 4/19 3:04pm   SM - identify yourself. (here's your post... 4/19 12:46pm PL, At the last town meeting the voters approved the use of Community Preservation funds to re-establish the town pond as a facility were families could swim and picnic. ...)
    Just to get some facts straight. Jay T. doesn't have a pool. He lives down the street from me. I wish he did have a pool because my family and I would use it. We don't have one either. Jay and his family actually gave my family their kiddy pool (in case you were interested), so now he doesn't even have a kiddy pool to swim in.
    Anyway, as to the town pond, paramount to all of our future survival (even you SM) is a clean environment with drinking water sufficient for all of us. Dropping chemicals into the town pond to kill off weeds, wildlife and other living organisms would not only be short-sighted, but also irresponsible. So, thanks Jay for the words of caution. If you expand out the words con-com, you get Conservation Commission, the charter of which is to protect natural resources (see [description here]). Let's not criticize someone for upholding the duties of the commission he is charted to represent. Let's also hope that he does as good of a job upholding the duties of our next town selectman.
    - JL

  • 4/19 2:10pm   To RD - I sympathize with your disgust at some of the insulting posts made on NorfolkNet by certain people. You have every right to be dismayed by what you read. I was very dismayed also and let the webmaster know, and several others have noted that we think certain people hide behind their anonymity, using intials-only to say very demeaning things as well as make baseless accusations. It is a shame. However, I do believe that most people in Norfolk do not hold those views. At least I hope. I know my friends and acquaintances do not. This town could use fewer new McMansions and a lot more sense of community. I too am embarrassed by our fellow citizens but am hopeful that it is a small group that holds such beliefs. Maybe change will come sooner rather than later here.
    - MD

  • 4/19 1:34pm   Only a complete self-absorbed [person] judges someone by the dollar amount in their bank account or material possessions.
    RD - Are you not doing the same thing? Do you realize that you are looking at people with the same disdain you claim they are looking at you? How hypocritical. I am sorry Wm, but with this posting, I have lost complete faith in Norfolknet. I will ask again how this could have gotten posted.
    - MH

  • 4/19 1:08pm   RD, Welcome to Norfolk where people think they are affluent - but, if they were, they would be living in Dover, Wellesley or Weston. We have been here 17 years, and you have a right, tatoos and all, to live in this town as much as anyone else. It is very nice to hear that you have landed a place to live in this community. Trust me, the same people who are giving you the looks are the ones who will not shell out a dime more for anything including the schools in this town. They are the same ones that are complaining because of a small bus fee that they may have to pay. You are welcome here, and it is the ones staring at you that should leave. Enjoy the community; you are as much a part of it as everyone else. Congrats on the housing and I am glad we as a community were able to help out with that.
    - DWL

  • 4/19 12:59pm   The ironic part of RD's post is that he/she is critical of people for being judgmental. How could this have possibly gotten posted? Talk about spewing hatred and being uncivil.
    - MH

  • 4/19 12:46pm   PL, At the last town meeting the voters approved the use of Community Preservation funds to re-establish the town pond as a facility were families could swim and picnic. Unfortunately Mr.Talerman has used his position on the Conservation Commissions to block the will of the voters. He doesn't want the pond to be used for swimming because Norfolk would have to "Develop" the pond and add some chemicals to the water. Jay thinks there is no need for a town pond because everyone in town is well off like himself and has private pools. This is a good example of Talerman using his position of power to advance his personal agenda with blatant disregard for the will of the voters. Good thing Talerman is so loquacious at the Con Con meetings he bothers to attend so we can see the "real" Jay Talerman, in action promoting his personal "green" agenda. Picture this, while Jay is lounging by a fancy pool all cool and refreshed on a hot and humid 95 degree day this summer, the less fortunate residents will be spraying down their kids down with hoses instead of spending a nice fun day swimming at the town pond. There will be no swimming and "Cheeseburgers in Paradise" coming to the town pond anytime soon. If he get's elected as Selectman watch out for the ultimate power grab.
    Excerpts from June 28, 2006 Con/Con Meeting
    "Ms. Proto stated that the Recreation Department wants to re-establish town pond as a swimming facility.' ''Mr. ... Talerman stated that he supports the idea of the cleanup of the town pond area but questioned the use of swimming at this site. He noted that he was not sure if this was the ideal location for swimming. He noted that he would support the facility for fishing and passive recreation. Ms. Proto stated that this project was resurrected because of a survey. She noted that over 1/2 of the 400 responses to the survey mentioned swimming facilities. Ms. Proto stated that this project was presented to the Community Preservation Committee as a fishing and swimming project. Mr. ... Talerman stated that he is concerned with the potential overuse of the town pond. He noted that much of the town has private swimming pools. Ms. Proto stated that a swimming pool was voted down by town meeting approximately seven years ago. Mr. ... Talerman stated that Mirror Lake is a great swimming resource. Ms. Proto stated that there is no public access to Mirror Lake."
    - SM

  • 4/19 12:42pm   I am searching for a camp for our daughter who is 6 years old. We are looking for a camp for two days per week for full day (until 5 - 6 p.m.) that is preferably east or north of Norfolk (commuting direction).
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    If anyone knows about/can recommend/not-recommend the YMCA camp in Franklin, we like to know that too.
    - JM

  • 4/19 12:41pm   Check out Channel 22 (local access cable), Selectmen Interviews at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. I caught some of the interviews this morning. Extremely insightful and valuable, necessary for making informed decisions on both candidates. Watch for it tonight, you won't be disappointed.
    - LR

  • 4/19 12:29pm   Ok, I've sat idly by and listened to you rich people spout off long enough. Oh, boo hoo, you're gonna have to pay a few more dollars in taxes on your multi-million dollar mansions for a young family (such as mine) to be able to afford to live in this town. I'm not, never have been and never will be (god willing) poor, but if I were, so what!! Are you all really that shallow! Would you or do teach your children and were you taught yourselves to be that [short-sighted]. Only a complete self-absorbed [person] judges someone by the dollar amount in their bank account or material possessions.
    Oh, what am I saying, of course you are - because I and some very good friends of mine have experienced it personally. I can't tell you the amount of dirty looks, looks sideways and whispers behind my back I've gotten at HOD and Freeman because I wear T-shirts from bike week in Laconia and have tattooes. I grew up in a very nice part of Norwood after moving from Florida when my parents divorced, and rue the day I ever left. I've lived in the place you don't wanna use the proper terminology for (ghetto), and believe me, Norfolk is nothing like that. I wonder how you'd take gun shots in the night, murders in the frontyard in broad daylight and constant muggings as your norm. My husband wouldn't be alive right now if he had been home the night a shot gun was shot through his grandmother's house.
    I wonder how many of you would use the terms you use and think the thoughts you think if you had your precious millions taken away and had to live within a budget as we that you like to call "poor people" do. What would happen to Diamond Jim without his Rolls or his Jag or 100's of other cars and Mrs. Fancy Pants without her furs - for which she should be ashamed of herself for wearing - or her credit cards to shop herself silly, or her many other useless items.
    I have lived in Norfolk since 1997 and rue the day I ever moved here. I came here with hopes of giving my kids a better life than we had in Hyde Park, and we haven't achieve that. We've been trying to buy a home in this town for 4 years; we finally have the chance to do this because of the town center project, and you have the nerve to deny us that right because you don't want our kids in your schools. I hate to tell you this, people, but my kids have probably been here longer than some of these people spouting off in here so, whose kids have what rights now. The only reason we don't leave and go back to normal people in Norwood is my kids have roots here, and who do you think you are denying them the right to live whereever they want because of your warped twisted sense of values? This is a free country, or so I thought, and how dare you spout off about 40b projects obviously knowing nothing about them, and "poor people"; and have the audacity to send condolences to the Kennedy family in the same post.
    Your day will come and I hope he gives you exactly the kind of treatment you deserve... [...]. I hope someday you know'll what it feels like not to be able to afford something - but who are we kidding, that won't happen, people who haven't had to work for anything in their life will never know what I mean, or understand why what they said was wrong and insensitive [...] .
    - RD

    [Update 6:30pm: upon consideration, Biblical reference also omitted - Wm.]

  • 4/19 11:53am   To the members of my community, the Town of Norfolk, thank you. Your magnificent tribute to my son Sgt. Adam Kennedy will be long remembered and many will hold these events of the last week in their hearts as long as they live, I know I certainly shall. The outpouring of love and respect we received from all of the members of our community causes me to weep anew with pride for the town we call home.
    My son Adam belonged to many communities, The Army, Corps of Cadets at Norwich University and Xaverian Brothers High School. All of which responded to Adam's loss with huge outpourings of heartfelt support for my family for which we are eternally grateful.
    The Town of Norfolk however outdid all others. Not only was every town official and employee involved in some significant way but so many fellow citizens of the town came forward in a show of support and to honor my son that it was astounding. I can't even guess how many came through the line at the wake and started the conversation by saying "you don't know me but I live in town and wanted to pay my respects". At this point I tried in my inarticulate way to say that just by being a resident they were members of a very important community in Adam's life and they did honor not only to Adam but to the community in which they live by their presence. Thank you all.
    We tend to ignore the bonds of community in our daily lives or to exacerbate our differences through politics or other differences of opinion. This shouldn't be so, we have much more in common than in division. We all chose to live here after all.
    So many of us take thankless time-consuming jobs by serving on committees or boards or by attending town meeting or by doing volunteer jobs in the schools. The town could not function without you - thank you all.
    To those of you who do not currently participate I say come to town meeting and help make the decisions that determine the direction of our town. Town meeting as it is practiced in Norfolk and other communities, is, other than the franchise, the last truly democratic institution we have in this country. Everyman has a vote and all may be heard. All the rest of our institutions are representative in nature. It is a wonderful freedom among the many that my son died to protect. Honor him by making the most of your opportunity to participate in our community.
    The tribute this town paid to my son may be seen by some as "over the top" and maybe it was, a little.
    This does not decrease my family's gratitude to my wonderful neighbors. Perhaps if more communities reacted as Norfolk did and make every soldier's death a major event in their community, there would be a groundswell of revulsion against war which would make it much more difficult for our elected leaders to take us into war. If Adam's passing helps trigger such events, he will certainly be smiling as no-one hates war more than the professional soldier that Adam was well on his way to becoming.
    Thank you again Norfolk for honoring my son in the manner you did and the next time you say" I'm from Norfolk" add a modicum of pride.
    - Dave Kennedy

  • 4/19 11:49am   GB, thanks for the information on the upcoming master planning meeting, April 25. Will there be a summary of the committee's response/consideration of public input to date? I attended one of the public meetings in the library last year, so I most curious how that feedback has been incorporated into the committee's subsequent work. Thanks,
    - RG

  • 4/19 11:48am   I need a good chiropractor. By "good", I mean one who is gentle and does not use great force. I had one years ago who was great, she just sort of lifted my head and repositioned it. No grunting or groaning.
    Anybody know of one like that in the area? Thanks. Please let me know.
    - MJ

  • 4/19 11:46am   Can anyone recommend someone who does Ceramic Tile?
    - PB

  • 4/19 11:40am   For JGP & KB, Try Handyman Carpentry. They do both jobs big and small. From kitchen and baths to painting and trim work. You probably have seen his truck around town. Give Scott a call at 508-272-1050. He is a local.
    - MP

  • 4/19 11:39am   Need an electrician, try calling Pat Hazlett 508-400-0780
    - PC

  • 4/19 11:38am   To BS - I don't know who wrote the poem. All I know is that it is native, American. I feel that it is very appropriate - just because someone is gone in physical life - I believe that they are still with us - that there is no loss - that whoever is always with us.
    - DN

  • 4/19 11:22am   A remembrance of Adam Kennedy is one that I think we all have thought about. Rather then the main roundabout in the town center, what about naming the Pond Street Complex to the Adam Kennedy Recreational Fields. Every news story mentioned that Adam was an athlete.
    It just seems that this young man and his family gave so much to us, that we should not forget it and for generations to come.
    - CF

  • 4/19 12:36am   Does anyone know of a good electrician? We had one come out, and he never got back to us with a price.
    - DH

  • 4/19 12:27am   Sgt. Adam Kennedy should always be honored and never forgotten by the town of Norfolk. We can ensure this by naming the main roundabout in town after Norfolk's hero who chose to defend this great nation on our behalf.
    Proud recognition of Adam's unselfish sacrifice, which towers above all of ours collectively, deserves a special and conspicuous place in the very heart of his hometown.
    May God comfort and bless the Kennedy family for raising such a fine young man.
    - JPB

  • 4/18 9:32pm   DN - Thank you. Who wrote that? You? It's beautiful. My heart has been heavy this week; it's been a very sad week here in Norfolk and Virginia. We stayed totally uncommitted this school vacation week and I can't tell you how sweet it's been; rain and all. You never know what tomorrow will bring and certainly your poem reminds us all of what we have, each and every day. Thank you again.
    - BS

  • 4/18 9:22pm   KB, call me, Tom at 508-517-4708. I am a finish carpenter. Have local references. Can do all the work you mentioned.
    - TD

  • 4/18 8:52pm   Hi - we are looking for any recommendations for someone to do some light(?) carpentry work - replace trim boards around our garage doors, as well as some built-in shelves/cabinets in our family room. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,
    - KB

  • 4/18 7:52pm   My heart goes out to the Kennedy Family and their loved ones and friends. .
    I am not there

    Do not stand by my grave and weep.
    I am not there. I do not sleep.
    I am thousand winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glints of snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain
    I am the gentle autumn's rain.
    When you awaken in the morning hush,
    I am the swift, uplifting rush
    Of quite birds in circled flight
    I am the soft stars that shine at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry,
    I am not there, I did not die.

    - DN

  • 4/18 4:48pm   Free Health Fair at the Norfolk Senior Center April 24th 1 to 4 p.m. There will be free screenings from the Walpole Visiting Nurse Association - balance and blood pressure, Dr. James Orphan chiropractor, computerized spinal analysis - Keven Blanchette- Miracle Ear, Dr. G Violin Medical care Assoc- cataract & glaucoma.
    Information Tables - Accupuncturist, Betro Pharmacy, Caritas Norwood Hospital, HESSCO, Lifeline, Massage Therapist, Neighborhood Diabetes, Norfolk Board of Health, Norfolk District Attorney, North American Orthotics, Legal Services, TRIAD, VNA Care Network. These people are experts in their field and are here to answer any of your questions and they all all under one roof. There will be samples given from the appropriate tables along with handouts. Do not miss this opportunity. Transportation for seniors is available by calling the Senior Center 508 528 4430. The Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road.
    - RC (the other RC)

  • 4/18 4:21pm   The upcoming Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project Aerial Helicopter Larval Control Application is due to begin on Friday, April 20, 2007 and will continue into the week of April 23 - 27, 2007. Thank you.
    From: John J. Smith, Director, Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project
    Date: April 2, 2007
    Re: Notice of Aerial Larval Control Application

    In accordance with 333 CMR 13.05 (2) (a & b), please consider this as notification of the pending aerial applications targeting mosquito larvae in the larger floodplain wetlands of the county.

    The Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project will be conducting helicopter applications of the biorational larvicide Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) to control mosquito larvae. Go to the Projects website for wetland locations. The summer wetland locations will be posted before the application begins. These applications will be conducted over specific large wetlands in the Towns of:

    Bellingham, Braintree, Canton, Dedham, Dover, Franklin, Holbrook, Medfield, Millis, Milton, Needham, Norfolk, Norwood, Quincy, Randolph, Sharon, Walpole, Westwood.

    These applications will commence on Friday, April 20, 2007 and will continue into the week of April 23 through April 27, 2007, from dawn until dusk, weather permitting.

    The trade name of the granular formulations of Bti to be used is VectoBac G (EPA Reg. #73049-10). For further information contact John J. Smith, Director at (781) 762-3681 or the Boards of Health in the towns listed above. Information is also available on line at massnrc.org/ncmcp

    Respectfully submitted,
    John J. Smith, Director

    - Betsy Fijol, Board of Health

  • 4/18 12:49pm   From Town Hall:
    Town of Norfolk
    Update to the Master Plan

    A subcommittee is working at the direction of the Planning Board to update the 1992 Master Plan for Norfolk. The Master Plan provides the "What and "Why" for Norfolk's future growth and development with recommendations through use of goals and objectives to be used by Town Government in implementation programs during the next ten year period. There will be a Citizen Forum in the Town Library on April 25, 2007 to insure that citizen input on future growth in Norfolk is current and inclusive.

    Please join us and be part of Norfolk's future.

    Master Plan citizen forum at the library on Wednesday, April 25th from 7:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M.

    - GB, Town of Norfolk

  • 4/18 11:50am   The rain seemed appropriate for the occasion.
    - JW

  • 4/18 10:58am   Does anyone know of a good estate appraiser who will go to the home - catalog & pack everything for auction? This would include furs, jewelry, Lenox ,silverware, Waterford, old American cut glass, Llardo, etc.
    - BR

  • 4/18 10:52am   Tuesday was a sad day here in Norfolk, MA. The town said goodbye to Sgt. Adam Kennedy. May his parents, his siblings and friends find solace and peace in the knowledge that their son was loved and honored by so many.
    After hearing all the loving things that were said about Adam at the service in St. Jude's Church today, I felt angry, cheated, sad and resigned... I will never get to meet this remarkable person.
    In the words of a very wise man:
    "War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children."
    - Jimmy Carter (1924 - )
    I could only stare, tears slowly escaping from my eyes in the rain as I watched the procession of motorcyles and cars slowly leave the church, carrying Adam to his final resting place. I snapped a few photos, my way of paying my respect and saying goodbye...
    as into the Light he rode.....
    (Photos: prrussell April 17th, 2007)
    - PRR

  • 4/17 8:42pm   The Friends of the Norfolk Library Book and Bake Sale is scheduled for the weekend of April 27th and 28th. We still have openings for volunteers at both the set-up of the sale and as cashiers at the actual sale itself. If you can help, please call Beverly B. at 508-528-9725.
    We are most in need of help on Wednesday afternoon, April 25th, from 3-5. This is when we set up all of the tables. There are 85 tables that need to be organized, and they are heavy. Don't be overly alarmed, because at last year's sale, three woman of a certain age did all of this set up. This year we need help, because we're of a certain age plus one!!
    Another volunteer opportunity occurs that same evening at 6:00 pm. At that time, we move the stored boxes of books from the trailer behind the DPW Garage into the garage. Lifting of boxes is involved in this part of the project, but we have plenty of hand carts to make the job easier.
    The unpacking of the books begins on Thursday, April 26th at 9:00 am. We've broken the day into four three hour shifts. During this phase of the set up we'll be unpacking the boxes and arranging the books onto the tables. We still have openings on the 12 - 3:00; the 3:00 - 6:00 and the 6:00 to 9:00 shifts.
    The sale begins on Friday evening and continues on Saturday. We especially need help from junior high or high school kids in what we call the Book Holding Area. As patrons shop and fill boxes or bags, an area is set aside to store the books until the patron is ready to check out. The kids will mark the boxes with the patrons name and then help with transport to the cashier and then to the car if the patron requests help. It's a busy but essential spot, and in the past, the kids have had a great time. If service hours are required at school, confirmation, scouts or any other organization we'll be happy to sign the form in exchange for a couple of hours of using the strong arms and legs of teenagers.
    This is a busy time for the Friends of the Library, and we appreciate all of the help we've received in the past from the Norfolk Community. In addition to the Book and Bake Sale committee, who do all of the advance planning, this sale requires the help of over 150 volunteers. If you've already signed up to help then thank you very much. If you're available, and can spare a few hours to assist please call Beverly B. at 508-528-9725.
    The sale is being held again this year at the DPW Garage at 33 Medway Branch. We're very excited to be back there again. If you shopped at last year's sale, then you know what an improvement the garage is over the tent we used for many years. There is plenty of room to shop, there are bathrooms, and plenty of parking. So please help if you can, and definitely plan to shop.
    The Friends Only Friday-Night Preview and Sale is Friday, April 27th from 6-9 pm. If you're not a Friend, you can join that night before the sale beginning at 5:00 pm. The next day Saturday, April 28th the sale is open to all from 9:00 - 4:00. Hope to see you there.
    - Mary Jo Gothorpe, Friends of the Norfolk Library

  • 4/17 6:32pm   [post removed by request]

  • 4/17 6:30pm   The King Philip Music Association will be holding its semi-annual can and bottle drive on Saturday, April 28th, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. There will be collection locations in Wrentham at the center town parking lot, in Norfolk, in front of Main Street Hardware, and in Plainville at the Wood Elementary School. Students will also be going to some neighborhoods collecting cans and bottles. All proceeds go to benefit the music programs at King Philip High School and Middle School.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 4/17 6:08pm   As I stood and watched Adam Kennedy's casket go down Grove St. today, I couldn't help but think how wonderful it was for so many Norfolk residents to come out and show Adam's family just how proud we are of him for serving his country. May he rest in peace forever.
    - DH

  • 4/17 5:06pm   Does anyone know of any local function halls or public spaces available for renting that can hold approximately 120-140 people? It would be helpful if the rental included tables and chairs in the price. Thanks!
    - HN

  • 4/17 5:03pm   Attention Friends of the Norfolk Library: you've got a date next Friday night, April 27 from 6-9 pm at the DPW garage -- as a friend you get to preview the Book Sale! We'll have over 25,000 books for sale, $2 for hardcover, $1 for paperbacks, children's books are $1 for large sized hardcovers and $.50 for smaller books. Friends of the Norfolk Library pay no admission for their immediate family members on Friday night. Not a Friend? No problem, you can sign up today at the library or at the door on Friday night (minimum $15 donation), otherwise, join the general public at Saturday's sale (free admission) from 9-4. For more information visit: norfolkbooksale.com.
    - PCS, Friends of the Norfolk Library

  • 4/17 1:05pm   Has anyone ever had a bathtub repainted, or "porcelanized" is probably a better description? Anyone you could recommend?
    - PB

  • 4/17 11:02am   JGP, if you're looking for someone to gut your bathroom, call Tom DeMarzo, 508-517-4708. He does everything right down to the trim work. He's a carpenter, he does bathrooms, decks, bookshelves, just about anything. Local references. Tell him KD sent you.
    - KD

  • 4/17 9:21am   To JGP, In response to your post for renovating your bathroom. I would highly recommend Terry J. Dexter Custom Building. Extremely professional and fair. You may reach him at 978-500-2212. Terry just completed work on our home and we are very happy with the results. Good Luck.
    - LR

  • 4/17 9:20am   Our condolences to the family and friends of Sgt. Adam Kennedy. And... Thoughts for us all. With our deepest respect and gratitude.
    My husband and I would like to offer our condolences to the Kennedy family and friends. Unfortunately, we never had the priviledge of meeting Sgt. Adam Kennedy. After reading the Boomerang today, Adam sounded like a wonderful human being, someone with so much to offer and to share with others. There has been a tear the fabric of this town... sadly.
    May Adam rest in Eternal Peace. May he be guided towards the loving Light.
    You Are Not Alone
    Lyrics By Pamela Ruby Russell

    Life's too short for the ones we love
    And the road's a bit too long
    Take my hand so you won't get lost
    If the darkness steers you wrong

    Candles burn to light the way
    Thru places in the heart
    Memories and the friends we've made
    Only years keep us apart

    You are not alone dear Adam
    Just wish upon the stars above
    You are not alone
    We will cradle you with love
    You are not alone
    Way up high in the stars above
    You are not alone dear Friend
    We will remember you with Love

    May God bless you Adam And keep you safe in His arms May you never be alone again. May your family be gifted Peace in the Healing Light of Love.
    Also, I wanted to say something else... and I mean no disrespect. It is with respect and my deepest gratitude that I thank the Kennedy family for their profound sacrifice in the loss of their beloved Adam... And I mourn his ultimate sacrifice for our Nation. I have some experience in this... my first love was killed in Viet Nam, by "friendly" artillery fire. His name is inscribed upon the Wall in Washington, DC.
    I think greater men and women than I have said this far more succinctly...
    "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." -- Mother Teresa

    "There is no way to peace, peace is the way." -- A. J. Muste

    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." -- Jimi Hendrix

    "What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?" -- Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948), "Non-Violence in Peace and War"

    "Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind." -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    "Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it." -- Thomas Jefferson

    "Vietnam presumably taught us that the United States could not serve as the world's policeman; it should also have taught us the dangers of trying to be the world's midwife to democracy when the birth is scheduled to take place under conditions of guerrilla war." -- Jeane Kirkpatrick, 1979

    "More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginning of all wars -- yes, an end to this brutal, inhuman and thoroughly impractical method of settling the differences between governments." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    And finally.... a very evil man probably said it best of all. I guess he really knew what he was talking about.
    "Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." -- Hermann Goering   [See footnote]

    (Photos by p.r.r. and e.l.)
    - PRR and EL

  • 4/16 9:21pm   A reader sent this anonymous tribute to the Kennedy family:
    An excerpt from ``The Truly Great'' by Stephen Spender

    Near the snow, near the sun, in the highest fields
    See how these names are fêted by the waving grass
    And by the streamers of white cloud
    And whispers of wind in the listening sky.
    The names of those who in their lives fought for life
    Who wore at their hearts the fire's center.
    Born of the sun they traveled a short while towards the sun,
    And left the vivid air signed with their honor.

    - Wm.

  • 4/16 7:14pm   Does anyone know what part of Main Street will be closed tomorrow? Daley's down to the church? Park Street to the church?
    - RJP

  • 4/16 6:09pm   We received an update about the services for Sgt. Kennedy:
    Information regarding the services for Sergeant Adam Kennedy as well as parking alternatives during the services are available at the website: [virtualnorfolk.org/kennedy.html]

    The Kennedy family has arranged for a horse drawn caisson to proceed from the family home on Grove Street, to Park Street, to Main Street to St. Jude's Church on Tuesday morning. The caisson will depart the family home at approximately 9:00 A.M Tuesday morning. The Norfolk Fire Department has small American flags for families who can stand along the route.

    - Wm.

  • 4/16 3:07pm   I am looking for referrals and recommendations for a contractor to totally gut and renovate my only full bathroom.
    Any positive or negative comments welcome.
    - JGP

  • 4/16 1:49pm   To Adam Kennedy's family and the people of Norfolk, we only knew Adam for such a short time before he headed off to Iraq with our son. My son was there when Adam passed away and our hearts grieve for the family and for those who are still left in Iraq to deal with this loss.
    To the town, thank you for such a wonderful show of patriotism for one of our fallen soldiers. We in Alaska, who saw 3,500 of best paratroopers leave to do their mission, have felt the sorrow of all 31 who have fallen thus far. Our prayers are with the Kennedys and for the town of Norfolk.
    May God bring you peace and may he bring our soldiers home soon. Please know that Adam will not be forgotten by our family.
    - Spc. Chris Pinkerton and Sarah Pinkerton and Dan and Kim Pinkerton, Eagle River, Alaska.

  • 4/16 11:26am   HF's post from this weekend has given me a great deal to think about, and I think it would be swell if we all had a moratorium on the nasty posts from midnight tonight until midnight tomorrow out of respect and tribute to Adam Kennedy. Ten years from now it won't matter who said what about whom, and few of us will remember who held office in this town, let alone who ran. But I do think many of us will remember Adam Kennedy's sacrifice, and I hope that memory will keep us humble. Thank you.
    - KEM

  • 4/16 11:26am   Anyone looking for childcare at my home or if you know someone please contact me. Teachers hours and schedule would be perfect. I would also offer babysitting on weekends and/or off-hours if needed. Fenced in yard, childproof home and lots of experience. Great references. Starting now or in the Fall. Thanks for your time.
    - KD

  • 4/16 10:56am   I don't follow - how does building an $800,000 house on an acre result in a larger tax base than building it on 1/5 an acre, and leaving 4/5 acre undeveloped?
    Growth is a funny thing. Growth means I give up something I hold dear (open space, fields, farms, woods) so others can have something they want (an investment within commuting distance of Boston). Personally, I don't find the exchange advantageous.
    - AR

  • 4/15 9:11pm   Re: 4/15 3:38pm, JBN:
    Regarding "smart development": your comment: "Sounds good; however, lots of people with kids living in affordable housing in this type of scenario could mean more kids in our schools and less of a tax base. So all of you applauding this better get ready to write bigger tax bill checks and look to pay even more for other services such as busing. You cannot have it both ways. No one is suggesting that people are not entitled to more affordable housing. Just remember who is making up the difference."
    I believe that you are looking for a downside to a planning term that is simply a concept; your conclusion does not necessarily apply. For instance, about a month ago there was a meeting held by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and the Walpole planning department plus the Town of Norfolk regarding future development along the Route 1A corridor, particularly in Walpole but including the Southwood hospital property in Norfolk. This meeting, at the Freeman/Centennial School, was taped by NCTV and was shown for a few weeks afterward.
    Although paid for by a "Smart Development" initiative from the state, awarded to Walpole, this planning was basically to review with the towns what their options are: to review their current zoning, their stormwater regulations, water and septic systems, transportation needs, traffic, and what might be need to be changed for potential uses to meet their expectations or concerns for this area. Some bylaws might need to be revised to strengthen them and some might need to be relaxed.
    In any case, the result will be a well-studied report which will form the basis for possible town meeting zoning articles at some future point. Any resulting actions will be up to the towns; nothing will be dictated to anyone.
    See the MAPC website, mapc.org and also [MAPC Smart Growth] See the HUD website: [hud.gov smart growth]
    - RH

  • 4/15 6:45pm   Thanks for all of those facts, RLG. I wish we had more members of various boards who would correct the misinformation from some people.
    - RH

  • 4/15 6:31pm   To AR: Correct on almost all counts, except that by decreasing the larger homes being built on large lots (suburban sprawl) and adding condos or townhouses with little land/small lots, you still decrease the tax base, affordable or not. And if there are a lot of kids (no offense, I love kids) then they will add to the ever-increasing pupil population, thus adding more financial burden to already financially burdened school system. That's all. No argument that urban settings aren't great (I would personally love to be able to walk to the grocery store!), but most of these postings have been upset about the bus fee, let alone the thought of another override. It is simple math. There has to be some balance, but in all fairness, I love seeing new, larger homes being built. It is good for our town. We don't really want to stop the growth, do we??? It is not like we are smashing down little Capes and replacing them with huge homes on 10K lots. I don't see huge traffic jams either.
    By the way, every town is facing many of these same issues, we are most certainly not alone. Seniors everywhere are having a hard time paying ever-increasing property taxes. Many tell them to sell, but they want to stay in their homes. In Wellesley, when I delivered meals-on-wheels to these folks, it was really sad. Here they were in their dilapidated homes surrounded by multi-million dollar McMansions, Range Rovers and well, you get the picture. But they were offered no tax relief. Many worked off their taxes at the town dump!! And I don't think too many teachers, firefighters, etc... live in town anymore. And even if they could, most would choose not to. These are small towns and sometimes privacy is golden.
    - JBN

  • 4/15 5:41pm   Not "rest" of the moonscape - the 40B housing in town center was lovely woods before the mining then development started. Over a million dollar's worth of gravel was trucked to Tresca Bros; the developer could afford to yield on the cosmetics. The moonscape proper predates the 40Bs.
    - AR

  • 4/15 5:37pm   MON - Re your antipaty toward 40b. What are you talking about? As a member of the Zoning Board I am actually very proud of what we were able to accomplish with Borelli with respect to the downtown 40B. The developer came in, as developers are wont to, with a soulless and aesthetically mortifying Stalinesque block of apartment buildings. Jay, who was the town's attorney on this one, had a lot of experience working with bad 40Bs and turning them into good 40Bs and suggested to Borelli the win-win solution that he's building now.
    For the record: I've worked with the Department of Housing and Community Development. I've worked with the Citizens Housing And Planning Association. I've worked with MassHousing. I know 40B advocates. Jay Talerman is no 40B advocate. Jay Talerman is the guy the town hires when a crappy 40B comes knocking. You've got your facts all wrong.
    As for SM's fantasy of using the $400,000 in eventual payments to the town for generic town purposes: that would not be allowed under state law. You can't shake down a developer for money to go to whatever you want. There is a legal cap on profit-making by 40B developers, and additional profits may be legally directed to other affordable housing purposes in town, not buying paperclips or a new SUV for the cops.
    SM and MON, your antipathy toward 40B is troubling to me. I get the sense that it's not rooted in the typical concern about 40B, which is the loss of town control over development, but rather a snobbish feeling about those who live in 40B, i.e. your quote about "people who can't afford to live here". Well, let me tell you something, we're not all mortgage brokers or mutual fund managers or insurance executives. There's a lot more people in town than that 33% reporting more than $100K in income last year (according to today's Globe).
    Some of us grew up here, or married folks who've lived here for years and see a town where it's getting harder and harder for a young couple to buy a house, unless they're loaded and working 120 hours a week. Where are our kids going to live? You know who qualifies for 40B? A firefighter. A teacher. The law is far from perfect, but the obscene run-up in housing prices have created the need for this kind of housing.
    As for the rest of the moonscape, well, that's in the hands of a single developer. How does 40B drive that developer away from developing in the center? It's actually guaranteeing them a built-in clientele... oh, yes, I forgot: it's **those people**, those **poor** people who live in 40Bs...
    - RJG

  • 4/15 3:53pm   But isn't urban-style housing development unrelated to affordable housing? There is no reason that urban-style housing has to be affordable or be town houses; they can be expensive single-family homes, just on small lots. Having grown up in Europe, I'm partial to wall-to-wall adjacent brownstone-style buildings.
    The ``urbanization'' idea seems like it could work and without a heavy tax burden, as long as the corresponding amount of acreage is made non-buildable. So if a complex of 100 units is built, 100 house lots worth of land would have to be put aside as unbuilt land (forest, park, as long as it's unpaved, I'm happy.) The idea is to build urban-style housing instead of sprawl, not in addition to.
    Where 40B comes in is that developers will want to build more units than the land is zoned for, so they will use 40B to get around the zoning. More units is more profit - and 20% is a quite healthy profit margin.
    - AR

    [Update 4:26: Oops, mis-read the 20% cap - AR]

  • 4/15 3:38pm   After reading the various posts regarding 40B, I realized that I really did not know that much about it. So I did a search and educated myself. As far as the impact on developers, this is what the Boston Globe had to say in March of this year:
    There have been many critics of 40B even though these developments are typically constructed with little or no public funds. Affordability is typically attained by the market rate units cross-subsidizing those reserved for the less affluent households. Most recently, a report released by the inspector general disclosed that a number of developers of 40B housing had realized inappropriate profits. Of course, in market-rate housing, developers have no limit on their profits. Under 40B, however, any profit in excess of 20 percent of total development costs must be returned to the towns for affordable housing purposes.

    The inspector general's review of five 40B homeownership developments found that three exceeded the 20 percent profit limitation and that two did not. However, in each case the developers are disputing these findings, arguing that the inspector general is retroactively applying new rules to these older developments and that they therefore do not owe money to the towns.

    Interesting. But what really caught my eye was the Jay Talerman website that talked about ``smart development''. That is different. It is more the ``urbanization of the suburbs''. Natick has done this. It seems to me it means providing dense living near public transportation and decreasing suburban sprawl. Think about the development of townhouses we have now above the ``moonscape''. The idea is pack them in so we lessen the environmental impact on our towns (by walking, using public transportation, etc..) and conserve open space.
    Sounds good; however, lots of people with kids living in affordable housing in this type of scenario could mean more kids in our schools and less of a tax base. So all of you applauding this better get ready to write bigger tax bill checks and look to pay even more for other services such as busing. You cannot have it both ways. No one is suggesting that people are not entitled to more affordable housing. Just remember who is making up the difference.
    I also respectfully disagree with the poster who claims we are similar to Dover, Wellesley, etc... We are not in the same ballpark tax revenue-wise at all!! You are kidding, right??
    So I hope that I have added some thoughts and questions that will provide for meaningful and respectful discussion on both sides. I know that I would like to learn more about this before the election. Anyone else agree?
    Also, our hearts go out to the Kennedy family. Thank you for your great sacrifice.
    - JBN

  • 4/15 12:59pm   Please forgive me for the lateness of this response regarding rabbit care. I am a licensed House Rabbit Society Educator. Rabbits, like cats and dogs are domesticated animals (unlike their cottontail and hare "cousins" ) and belong indoors. Spaying/neutering is critical to their long-term health as well as their mental well-being. A female that is unspayed faces a nearly 85% chance of developing reproductive cancers by the age of four, and males face a cancer risk as well, although it is smaller. One of the main reasons why rabbits are set free (worst thing you could possibly do since wild rabbits rarely survive more than 3 years in the wild) or offered free to a good home (check out the fate of these full grown rabbits in You Tube videos being fed to large snakes--very graphic and disturbing), is that unspayed/unneutered rabbits can become aggressive, spray urine, become destructive, etc. Rabbits live from 10-12 years and are pretty phenomenal pets. They usually get along well with cats, and if introduced slowly and properly to dogs, can get along well with them as well. Rabbits that live in outdoor hutches face a host of problems with the most serious being death from fright or fly stike (they can and do get maggots because they cannot easily escape flies). Even the safest of hutches is not usually safe enough. I have so much information to back what I am saying, and any good rabbit-savvy veterinarian will advise you to spay/neuter and keep your rabbit indoors always. And a proper diet (90% day, approx. 8% healthy green and limited pellets) goes a long way toward a long and healthy life.
    If anyone chooses to learn more, please e-mail me at ellen.sweetbinks@comcast.net or learn more at the House Rabbit Society website: www.rabbit.org
    And by the way - there is no difference between a house rabbit and a hutch rabbit in terms of its needs. All domesticated rabbits should be given the opportunity to live indoors where they can be a part of a family.
    The rabbit that was found wandering on Boardman Street is a perfect example of why not to house rabbits outdoors, or why to spay or neuter. This was either an escapee or a set free rabbit, and it is lucky to be alive. Hopefully people will do the right thing with this rabbit and have a wonderful companion animal for many more years to come.
    - EF

  • 4/15 12:47pm   Connor's fun run (connorsfunrun.com) is seeking individuals to help out on race day, Sunday May 6th. We are looking for people to help out with race day setup, putting mile markers out on the course, working at the registration desk, working out on the course at water tables, handing out give away items as runners/walkers cross the finish line, and looking for someone to work the food tables. If you need hours for community service or just looking to help out at a community event, we would love to hear from you - please give us a call 508-520-1582! Thanks
    - KR

  • 4/15 12:39pm   CB posted: I think I'll write in George Bush for Selectman... (No, I'm not serious)
    Hmmm, but wouldn't there be some merit in this? We could invade Dover!
    The thoughts of our entire family are with the Kennedy Family. God bless you and your son.
    - BA

  • 4/15 12:03pm   MON--You might want to take a look at the front page of Globe West today. Norfolk is not a poor town. Granted, not as wealthy as Dover or Wellesley, but one of the more affluent with 33% of our towns folks having income of more than $100k (in 2004). Also, as was posted here in prior messages, median (not mean or average) income is $104K (more than Medfield). 40B housing is so that our children, teachers, firemen and police officers can live here.
    - BS

  • 4/15 11:40am   It was always my impression that the 40B law was a deliberate loophole put in to help out developers; leverage they could use with which to bully towns. It's made little overall difference, the affordable housing rate in towns is what, 3%? The law says 10 - a nice, comfortable limit sure to never be reached. In fact, the only way Norfolk can possibly reach 10% is if nearly every new development from now until complete buildout is a 40B development. Not a meaningful target - leverage.
    I must admit, I fail to see how 40B has anything to do with our Town Center - are you suggesting that were it not for 40B, we would have housing there instead of the moonscape? Who'd build houses in a commercial zone in a prime location in the center of town?
    As to home-building being our salvation, isn't that how we got into this situation in the first place? Each new house built brought more kids into the schools than the taxes it generated paid for. Now, if we could build $5 million houses on 5 acres instead of $750K houses on 3/4 acre, that might make a difference.
    - AR

  • 4/15 11:03am   I think I'll write in George Bush for Selectman... (No, I'm not serious)
    - CB

  • 4/15 11:02am   HF ...and the others who commented on his/her very articulate and moving letter. Thank you for your posts regarding Norfolk's hero that we honor on Tuesday. There are so many other heroes as well serving us in their special way in dangerous locations around the owrld.
    I am a senior and this is the first time in my life that I can say I feel a real connection to a serviceperson being brought home in the way that Adam Kennedy is. I was too young to remember casualties of the Second World War, and for whatever reason, knew no one in subsequent wars. And... I do not know Sgt. Kennedy or his family, at least not personally. But, I feel a connection this time... perhaps because my son is safely grown, and my grandsons too young. Whatever, I have so much grief for the Kennedy family. "There but for the grace of God"... I feel blessed and also feel compelled to attend the services on Tuesday at St. Jude's. I will be outside honoring this young, brave man and his family. I hope there will be many, many people with me. Sincerely,
    - JHR

  • 4/15 11:00am   I reitierate to the Norfolk public, Mr. Talerman is one of the most forceful advocates of 40B Subsidized Housing and Socialistic policies in the State of Massachusetts. This policy also harms responsible and efficient development, not unchecked development.
    40B, the ``Anti-Snob'' policy, is a good policy for wealthy towns like Wellesley and Dover. For Norfolk, it drives developers away from projects like the Town Center and from projects that will generate badly needed revenue to keep up with the increasing Town costs due to personnel and health care. That's why the Town Center is empty.
    I am sure Mr. Talerman's policies are good for some towns, and environmental law is important, but if development, defined as new businesses and homes, doesn't happen and flourish soon in Norfolk, services will continue to be cut. First the school system gets hit-witness teachers aides, Spanish and busing. Then on to other cost centers-such as The Senior Center, Senior busing and other non-essential services.
    For the record, Mr. Lehan is the lesser of two evils running for Selectman. I wish there were a third candidate.
    - MON

  • 4/14 10:34pm   RG: I noticed that, too. I visited Mr. Lehan's web site just today, trying to figure out his vision for our town for the next few years. I saw very little, just a mention that he will soon share his ideas on "how the community can work together to meet challenges." So far, all I can tell is that he is hung up on carrying a black book around, marking attendance, and blaming others for the lack of progress on the "moonscape." I am not trying to be disrespectful; I am genuinely interested in the plans Mr. Lehan has. I don't want to hear about Aetna, I want to hear about Norfolk!
    - DL

  • 4/14 9:32pm   HF, BS, RM, TEM: Thank you for the posts about Adam Kennedy, and thanks to Jim Lehan for the words before the last Selectman's meeting. I believe that Adam and all who have served will be in our minds and prayers always.
    - RH

  • 4/14 8:31pm   It is quite revealing that Jim Lehan's Town Finances web page is still "under construction" with only 15 days until election day. When a candidate's only platform and claimed strength is empty, it makes me worried, especially on the heels of the recent late filings of key financial paperwork. I, therefore, find it laughable that MON, SM, and others attempt to prop up their candidate by relying so heavily on Mr. Talerman's web site www.jaytalerman.com. Give us a break. At least Jay Talerman is continually updating his site, thus providing us with an opportunity to learn about him, his ideas, and his accomplishments.
    - RG

  • 4/14 8:08pm   I would also like to salute that extraordinary and thoughtful post by HF. I don't think it presumptuous to state that her (his) beautifully written sentiments are shared and held by us all. My deepest sympathies go out to the Kennedy family at this very difficult time. The ultimate sacrifice made by this fine young man will not be forgotten.
    - TEM

  • 4/14 6:22pm   I come onto Norfolknet only on the weekends. As a consequence, I have to read many accumulated posts. Some I scan, some I read. Many leave me wondering what on Earth the writer was thinking. HF's recent post about Adam Kennedy stopped me in my tracks. A couple of years ago, on Thanksgiving Day, Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby wrote a beautiful piece about the value of being thankful. The gist of it was that if you are not thankful for what you have, you will be forever doomed to unhappiness. A person who cannot realize why he is fortunate to live in the United States or fortunate to live in as nice a town as Norfolk will find fault with everything instead of savoring the great things about our country or town. Did the readers of Norfolknet serve their country in the Armed Services or the Peace Corps or other opportunities? Do they have children serving today? Do you as a reader feel sorry for people whose children choose to serve our nation? Today's Globe had a disturbing column stating that exactly one US Congressman has a child in the Armed Forces.
    Adam Kennedy deserves to be remembered as someone who wanted to serve and did so with distinction. I applaud his parents for instilling in him a sense of values and allowing him to make his own choices. Our children should all outlive us, but wars don't always make that possible. We may blame the politicians (sometimes correctly), but we must honor the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines who serve every day.
    - RM

  • 4/14 5:40pm   HF - Thank you. Your son is lucky to have you. Peace to you too.
    - BS

  • 4/14 4:27pm   I just tucked my three year old son in for a nap. As I lay with him trying to get him to fall asleep, I told him that Tuesday was going to be a very special day for him because he was going to salute a hero. As I spoke, I was twirling his brown curls between my fingers and embracing his innocence while my thoughts travelled to Mrs. Smyth. I imagined how many times she had tucked her young Adam into bed and kissed him goodnight. My heart breaks for her and the entire Kennedy family because I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they are going through.
    I came out of his room in a melancholy mood, as I know Adam came back to Norfolk today. I decided to sign onto Norfolknet.com for probably the first time in my life. I think I was looking to find pages and pages of expressions of sympathy and words of comfort to his family, and I wanted to add to that. However, that is not what was there. Although there were some kind thoughts scattered here and there, the majority of the entries for the week centered around numerous spirited conversations on being a "Moonbat", disliking George Bush, Spanish being cut and fees for students who choose to ride the buses. I became immediately disheartened and aggravated. I could not believe that at least for a few days, these conversations could not be avoided and instead replaced with those messages for the Kennedys.
    As I sat for awhile longer, I began to realize the appropriateness of those hearty back and forth discussions about people's different preferences regarding the President or the various input about our candidates for town office. I smiled at the irony of it and let me tell you why.
    This past summer my best friend forwarded me an email that I would like to share with the residents of Norfolk. At a time like this, I think its message is so important for us as a community to remember. The email speaks about where we as Americans really derive our rights from. I took the liberty of paraphrasing some of it and I'd like to share it with you.
    The next time you walk into your church, synagogue or mosque to pray, please know that it is not the priest, rabbi or iman that has unlocked the door that day, but rather the spirit of young men and women like Adam, who have afforded us the opportunity to worship freely.
    In the next couple of weeks, many of us will go to Town Meeting to vote. As you walk through that door, please reflect upon the unselfish acts of heroes like Adam who fought so courageously to give you the freedom to vote.
    If you are opposed to the war and voice your opinion by posting a message on Norfolk.net or by participating in a protest march, make sure to think of Adam and others like him who have defended your right to freedom of expression.
    The next time I walk into a courtroom, I will make it a point to carry the memory of Adam with me. It is because of his sacrifice and that of so many others like him, that I live in a land where justice is always freely administered and liberty is not for sale.
    Like so many of you, I never had the honor of meeting Adam, but in reality, we have all known Adam our whole lives. You see, it is young men and women like Adam who allow you and me to live the lives we have grown accustomed to as Americans.
    So, as heartbroken as we are as a town that Adam's visit to Norfolk will be his last, I hope that the Kennedy family will take comfort in the fact of knowing that Adam will always be a part of Norfolk. Although his life was cut far too short, his legacy and gifts of freedom will endure.
    To the Kennedy family and all of Adam's friends and loved ones, as a community and as a nation, we are indebted to your for your sacrifice.
    There is a saying at the entrance to the Police Memorial in Washington D.C. that I find appropriate for this tragedy. It simply states, "In Valor There Is Hope". Sgt. Adam P. Kennedy, thank you for giving hope to my sleeping little angel in the next room, as well as all the generations of children that will benefit from your valor and sacrifice.
    God Bless You Adam, God Bless Norfolk and God Bless America!
    - HF

  • 4/14 1:59pm   If I recall correctly, my original Wm annotation was "how about cutting back on Moonbat-isms" - a perfectly neutral, non-overbearing Wm request, which prompted you to start arguing ("I don't think I called anyone the 'm word'"). Well, I can argue as well as anyone; it wasn't my intention to pore over your comments word by word to point out the put-downs or to analyze why they're insulting and unacceptable, but when publicly contradicted, I was willing to document my case.
    I'm surprised you'd mind the Webmaster's unfair advantage in a fight you yourself picked. All I wanted was the name-calling to stop. You don't want a public fight, ask me off-line, not take your case to the page. On Norfolknet the cleverest insult does not win the argument.
    As to the rest (thick skin, insults arguments, better silent than rebutted, everything irrational Bush), I can't put it any better: "Oh, please..."
    Now, can we get back to the merit of continuing to fund elementary school programs like Spanish and Computer Ed, argued to be non-essential and non-performing? I'm actually interested in that subject, unlike this whole "Bushbat" diversion.
    - Wm.

  • 4/14 1:13pm   I just had to look up the "Fells" issue that MON brought up. In short, what of it? I read the court decision; I read the archived newspaper articles; I read the newletter put out by the "Fells." MON, you must be obsessing on the part:
    "(Judge) Nonnie Burnes dismissed all three counts of a legal Complaint filed by the Friends of the Fells, and the Cities of Melrose and Medford in February of this year." "Those in attendance at the hearing said that it was clear from the Judge's statements that she had no interest in looking at the merits of the case made by the plaintiffs challenging the Stoneham Zoning Board of Appeals approval of a vastly oversized development project in the Fells."

    "The Judge openly stated her opinion in the courtroom that all environmental appeals are simply filed as delaying tactics."

    You are clearly one of the few in Norfolk that have a complete and total disregard for [...] common sense approach for development. Oh, regarding the project that was part of the court case, Stoneham Executive Center /Langwood Commons was in fact scaled back due to the efforts of other parties. If you are going to try and drop "bombs" like this, you might want to remember to light the fuse.
    - WB

  • 4/14 11:30am   According to recent polls Bush's approval rating is hovering somewhere around a whopping 30%. [...] it would follow that up to 70% of the nation's population are "moonbats."
    [Hey wait, is this politics? On the main page? On moonbats and Bush again, of all things?! Eek! Begone to Polics! :-) - Wm.]
    - TEM

  • 4/14 11:24am   DM: As I mentioned in my earlier posts, I do in fact find value in Spanish and computers. I don't think I ever said that we should charge for Spanish, which (as you point out) would not be possible. I simply pose the question to make a point. That is, if we can't afford free busing, then why (as a town) can we afford free Spanish or free computers?
    Perhaps one solution would be to eliminate Spanish, or computers. Would that be desirable? Probably not, at least not to many... but in terms of which services are most important to elementary schools, I would say that busing is more critical than either Spanish or computers. The fact that we are referring to elementary schools should not be lost in this argument. If we were speaking of high school students, my opinion might be different. For a high a high school student (old enough to walk or ride safely and independently... and being mature enough in their education/career path to actually determine whether or not a foreign language might be beneficial to them), I would most likely side more on funding foreign language or computers, rather than free busing. But that is a separate argument, not completely relevant, given the fact that we have a regional high school.
    Now when I spoke about eliminating safe transportation, I was not creating a misconception. I said, in fact, "safe, free transportation". We (you) are suggesting we eliminate safe, free transportation... all the while, still finding money for Spanish and computers. Nothing has changed that. That is simply a fact. Please correct me if any part of that is wrong.
    But DM, while I have your ear (eyes), and in all seriousness: Would you be able to share your thoughts on a couple related points? I realize that your thoughts are your own, and I really do appreciate your participation in this forum.
    1. If a fee is due in May, and someone decides in August that they need bus service (within 2 miles), should the service be available to them?
    2. If a fee is paid by a resident in May, who in August realizes that they no longer want the service (personal choice, employment status, moving out of town), should the fee be rebated?
    3. What about mid year changes? Should sufficient portions of the funds be set aside for rebates during the year?
    4. Busing is funded in the school budget for 2006/2007. If a bus fee is collected in 2007/2008, should the school budget be decreased by the amount collected from the fee?
    P.S. I love when we stay on subject! I didn't have use the "m" word once! ;)
    - CB

  • 4/14 10:08am   Re: Clarification on Town Pond - The ConComm has been encouraging the Rec Dep't to come up with a full plan for use of the pond, but the Rec Dept came in last year only for removal of weeds by use of invasive chemicals. The ConComm denied the proposal, seeking, instead, a full plan and, if possible, avoidance of the use of chemicals. Then it was the Rec Dep't, not the ConComm, that appealed to the State Dep't of Environmental Protection even after Jay Talerman urged the Selectmen not to let the appeal go forward as it was a colossal waste of town money. Indeed, perhaps they should have heeded the advice of Jay Talerman because the State DEP upheld the ConComm's decision and rejected the appeal.
    - PL

  • 4/14 10:07am   I am looking for ideas for entertainment for a child's outdoor party in the summer. I am open to ideas on entertainers or other activities. Thanks!
    - AP

  • 4/14 10:06am   MGD: May God bless your relative in Korea, and keep him safe. I am very much thankful for their service.
    - CB

  • 4/14 10:03am   Wm: Got it..
    If LD didn't pose the question (if it wasn't edited after the fact)... then I originally misread their post, and for that I apologize. In the future, I will try to remember to quote the original post, so as to save myself from such a public gaff. I never would have began with that answer, if I hadn't read (or thought I read) the question "Am I a moonbat?".
    As for your other points; oh please... When people join into a politically charged conversation, and proceed to grow tangents which direct ad hominem attacks on George Bush (and the "Gang"... give me a break), they ought to be able to find comfort in a certain amount of thickness to their skin. If my simple queries about local funding issues are to be redirected to George Bush and Iraq (in the way that defines the state of being a moonbat)... then the people doing the redirection ought to be prepared for an honest reaction to that redirection. That is only fair.
    When the Wm comes in to chide me over a silly word like "moonbat", while ignoring the inquiries which were tantamount to calling me ignorant (asking me if I had ever been to Canada... and then commenting: "how embarrassing")... That is not fair, that (not commenting on the inferences to me being ignorant) is simply a cheap shot, thrown with the unequal wait of coming from the 1st person Wm; not as simply another poster, but as the authoritative figure behind this forum. So much for free expression!
    Personally, if a post of mine offends you, I'd rather have you not post it, than have you post it, only then to then come back and beat me up over it in public. When posted and replied to by other posters, my posts have equal footing against all others. The back and forth argument which then ensues between them and I brings a level of equality to both sides. However, when the response comes from Wm, that equality is thrown off balance by his (your) position in this forum.
    In the future, having now understood that the term "moonbat" is not an acceptable way to describe those who redirect any given argument to George Bush; I will refrain from using it. Instead, I will coin my own term: Raat-B (Redirects All Arguments Towards Bush). So that a response might come from me to read: "Oh please, why must you be so Raat-B?" How is that? Is that offensive? Or is there just no acceptable way for me to refer (in a simple term) to the large number of people who consistently and irrationally direct every single argument back to George Bush?
    - CB

  • 4/14 10:02am   I really love Norfolknet, but sometimes I wonder if the use of initials allows participants to feel comfortable using stronger language than they would if their posts were signed with their names. We've still got to live together -- big houses and small houses, near the school and far from the school, well-traveled and homebodies, multilingual and monolingual -- no matter what we feel. I find it hard to believe that some residents could proudly repeat in person what they've written in their posts.
    That said, I'm proud to come from a long line of moonbats. Heck, I don't think anyone in my family has trusted a president since Kennedy was in office. Remember, anyone who WANTS to be a politician must have a hidden agenda supported by Big Oil, the military-industrial complex, lawyers, the CIA, etc. The only person who could be uncorrupted is the poor slob who rises to power through the write-in vote. And I know at least two generations of us have voted for Ronald McDonald at some point. ;-)
    - HPK

  • 4/14 10:00am   Looking for something to do today with the family? In Foxboro, 6 Bird Street/Route 140, from 12 -2PM: join the National Day of Climate Action. Fun, games, earth-friendly snacks, music, information. [Foxboro StepItUp]
    Foxboro's is part of over 1377 actions in 50 states. Stepitup2007.org
    - RG

  • 4/14 9:51am   CB, Regarding charging for Spanish, Computers, or any other program you may not personally find valuable for the children of this town, legally we could not charge for these classes even if we wanted to-which we don't. I'll also reiturate my earlier point that I don't want to charge for bussing but legally it is an option (for those that live within the 2 mile limit set by the state of MA) and we may have to do so now or in the future.
    I do want to clear up a misconception that the opponents of this proposal like to spread. We are not eliminating safe transportation to school for any child. We agree with Chief Stone that the best, most efficient, safest, and most environmentally friendly method of getting children to and from school is to use the bus. I realize household budgets are tight-it is no different in my home-and that charging a fee of any amount may cause some families to stop using the bus. I hope that our efforts to work with town leadership (which we initiated last fall on this topic and only last week gained traction) bear fruit and we are able to avoid having to charge a bus fee next year.
    - DM (comments made above are my own and do not necessarily represent those of other SC members or the board as a whole.)

  • 4/14 9:48am   DD: You think Mr. Talerman is only about 40B Subsidized Housing?
    The major thing that is scary is the thought of a litiginous environmentalist, managing our Town, further driving away developers that could add badly needed dollars to our budget, or suing the Town if he does not get his way.
    Keep reading about Dover and dreaming, as the multimillion dollar homes and their tax revenues shape their Town's financial future, which can afford 40B measures.
    Then think of Mr. Talerman, 40B Subsidized Housing, a plummeting Town budget and the school children packed in classrooms like sardines.
    Developers have a hard enough time dealing with the Norfolk Boards and Commissions as it is. Call some up and ask them. I did.
    Mr. Talerman will only make it more difficult. Ask him about the ``Fells'' - he conveniently left it off his resume.
    - MON

  • 4/14 12:13am   CB, selective quoting there - I said "same as" calling them stupid. Which it is. I stand by my comments; however, let me explain.
    The expression "so simple even a {put-down} could understand it" is used specifically to both condescend and to imply that even such a dim-witted {put-down} as {target audience} must have understood it. It's as close as one can come to calling someone stupid without actually uttering the word.
    The argument that "none of my words said it therefore it wasn't said" doesn't fly. Arguments constructed to posit only two valid scenarios, your way and the moonbat way, with a clear understanding that the moonbat way is the irrational nutcase way, are thinly veiled insults; framing the discussion thus automatically calls anyone who disagrees with you an irrational nutcase, by direct implication.
    Also, since "moonbat" is an insult and not an adjective, to ponder whether someone is a moonbat "without a definitive stance either way" is not possible: the very act of evaluating or considering the suitability of an insult is insulting. ("Do I look fat?" "Well, let's see...")
    The line by LD that I assumed you were referring to is "Oh ... and I'm hardly a Moonbat;" it's the only post by LD on the page, and the only reference in it to moonbats. Still up there, in its entirety; the context for your reply must be there as well.
    And sorry, words do not mean what one chooses them to mean, they mean what others understand them to mean. Going by the Wikipedia definition and your usage, "moonbat" has less to do with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Abramoff, Cunningham, Delay, or any other member of the Gang (those Little Rascals!) than with juvenile name calling and condescending insults. And that's what's wrong with the word. It's not "moon" and it's not "bat," it's the application.
    What seems like clever wordplay to some will seem like offensive rudeness to others, and it's not ok to ridicule others for sport and amusement. The public scolding was because you were letting your "cleverness" get the better of you, and failed to heed my first suggestion that "Moonbatisms" are not appropriate.
    - Wm.

  • 4/13 11:38pm   This is for all those nice readers that MON and his buddies are trying to scare about affordable housing and 40B. I just googled it and this very recent article about affordable housing in Dover, MA came up. Here is the link so you can read it for yourself. [Dover page].
    Here are a few key facts stated in the article verbatim:
    "Affordable housing in Massachusetts is aimed at high school graduates who want to remain in their hometown, college graduates and retirees who are ready to downsize." "Under Chapter 40B, all towns and cities within Massachusetts must provide 10 percent of residences as affordable to low and middle-income families, although few small towns ever reach that goal. Developers who build under 40B can bypass local zoning bylaws so that towns sometimes have developments forced upon them." "Dover presently has 56 units of affordable housing compared to around 2,000 residences, which leaves the town far short of the states' required 10 percent, or 200 units. Some residents expressed a desire to make a pre-emptive strike and direct the growth of affordable housing instead of having affordable housing forced onto the town, but there was no agreement on an appropriate site or developer for such a project."
    So, it seems to me that Jay Talerman is not forcing 40B housing on anyone in Norfolk because it is required by law that 10% of our housing be 40B. In fact, he seems to be doing just what Dover is trying to do - direct the growth so that developers who build under 40B cannot bypass local zoning laws.
    The article states that 40B is directed at high school graduates, college graduates and retirees who want to remain in their hometowns. Personally, I have no problem with that and I bet others who take the time to understand it will not either. And maybe we should thank Jay Talerman for doing what Dover wishes it could do.
    - DD

  • 4/13 10:06pm   SM: I must correct a section of your post of 4/13 -
    "Jay has just recently used his municipal legal expertise as a Conservation Committee member to prevent the town pond from being built, ignoring the will the taxpayers who liked the idea of building a recreational faculty and approved the construction of the pond at the last town meeting."
    First of all, the Town Pond is already built. I don't think the taxpayers expected to be building a recreation facility and there was no construction of any pond. Like I said, the pond is already there. The project approved at Town Meeting was Article 29 of the Annual Town Meeting in May 2006.
    ARTICLE 29 Submitted by Community Preservation Committee To see if the Town will vote to allocate from the Community Preservation Fund an amount not to exceed $85,000 for the purpose of restoration on the Town Pond located behind the Old Town Hall on lower Main Street.
    It says nothing about building anything. Just restoration.
  • "Jay Talerman (...) unilaterally filed a lawsuit with the Commonwealth of Mass to block this project without even first consulting the Recreation Department and attempting to work out their differences."
    OK, I'll make this simple. The Rec Commission filed plans with the Conservation Commission; after a few meetings and for whatever the exact reason(s) the project was denied by the Conservation Commision - not just one indvidual. The Rec Commission appealed the decision to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), not the courts. The Conservation Commission did not file any lawsuit. The decision by the Conservation Commission to deny the project was upheld by the DEP. One fact that you missed is that the project was denied without prejudice. Do you know what that means? The Rec Commission can come back with another plan or the same plan and it will be heard.
    - AB

  • 4/13 9:51pm   MGD: Thank you :) Although we probably would disagree on many things, I certainly appreciate your thoughtful post. I too, my sarcasm aside, see the benefit of foreign language education. I simply feel that if we are in a situation where we need to deny safe transportation freely to all children of Norfolk, then I would argue that the benefit of Spanish language or computer instruction (in the first grade) would be far outweighed by the benefit of safe transit; and yet, we certainly aren't considering a foreign language fee, or a computer learning fee... Why not? Because the SC knows darn well that such a fee for Spanish or computers would be largely unfunded by parents... whereas a busing fee is very hard for many families to pass on, simply because both parent might be working. That sort of political shenanigans really gets under my skin. Can you tell? ;)
    Fortunately, my wife and I decided 11 years ago (when my first was born) that a full time mom was a better option than a second paycheck. So, come September (fortunately for us), Mom will be available to make the twice daily rounds to HOD and Freeman. :)
    Wm: Regarding your post script to my last note... You indicated (directly, not an inference) that I had been "calling those who have chosen to ignore a particular question stupider than a moonbat". That, Wm, is simply not true. I don't know where you pulled that out of, but it certainly wasn't a post of mine. I have never used any form of the word "stupid" on this site.
    In terms of quoting me as saying "``LD: You very well may be a moonbat, I don't know", that is correct. But it was a direct answer to a question, posed to me. LD asked me, if they were a moonbat. I replied accurately, and without a definitive stance either way. Now, as I look back, it seems as though the posting of that question is no longer present.... effectively editing the context of my response out of existence.... Sigh....
    Finally... I'd like to know what aspect of the term moonbat is offensive... or derisive... or insulting... to such a degree that a public scolding, simply for an indirect inference, is in order? Is it the "moon" part, or the "bat" part? Or is it simply that the term gives name to the irrational, all consuming hatred for anything at all which can be linked (however obscurely) to the sitting President of the United States?
    - CB

  • 4/13 9:50pm   MON: Thanks for the insight.... :)
    - CB

  • 4/13 9:20pm   MKL, DD and 40B Fans, SM and others question Mr. Talerman's motives, acts in the past, and the lack of comprehensive data on his website (missing info/ years on his resume) and you say we do a disservice? Nice Karl Rove tactic.
    Read this quote from the Boston University Newspaper from the year 2003.

    Talerman said ``he is frustrated with cities and towns that do not devote their own resources - land and money - to creating affordable housing in their communities''

    There lies the problem. As the leading proponent of Subsidized Housing in the Massachusetts, Talerman will attempt to increase 40B housing with your money, as stated within the comments of SM.
    How will the Town budget survive this? I think Mr. Lehan would agree that the Conservation Commission, the Planning Board and the Dept. of Health all need to work together to build a Tax Base in Norfolk instead of wasting a lot of their precious time thinking about 40B and if people can buy affordable homes. After all, they are volunteers.
    Also, who has friends on the Hill? I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to understand this town and its circuitous finances and political system, raising points against anyone who spends my taxes with the hopes our taxes do not rise and are subsequently wasted. Remember 3 years ago?
    You vote for Talerman and Development Will Take a Back Seat with 40B Driving!
    Ask me what the Local Realtors and Housing Buyers think about the 40B Housing on the Hill. You would be surprised.
    - MON

  • 4/13 8:21pm   MON, PC, RC, SM , PN - Next time you're chatting with your friends on the hill, ask them where the budgets are, not to mention their meeting notes from July 2006 forward. (Yeah, I know, timeliness seems to be a bit of an issue for them.) Ask them why there isn't "transparency in government?"
    And what exactly are all these supposed commercial projects that have come before Con Comm? Do tell us about all those wonderful revenue-generating projects that have come before them, only to be squashed by Con Comm. (Is that the best you can do to defend the moonscape??)
    - MKL

  • 4/13 8:01pm   I am the one who originally brought up the subject of Spanish in our schools (elementary level) - I speak both Spanish and French and have lived overseas - I was one of the parents who dragged my kindergartner out for Global Child classes until they did away with the program in Norfolk, and was so happy to have Spanish in the schools.
    However, I have been very disappointed with the quality of the language program - my son in now in 6th grade, and I don't feel he knows any more Spanish than he did when he was 6 years old. I support paying for language classes for our children, but I believe the program needs to be reevaluated and better organized - does anyone agree with me? The program as it stands is just wasting everyone's time.
    - CMK

  • 4/13 7:51pm   To PN: Why don't you email Mr. Talerman and ask him yourself since you seem to know so much about him? His website has a very easy way to email him. In fact, I'll give you the link www.jaytalerman.com. Or why didn't you go to his Meet and Greet on Monday night at the Public Library that was open to the entire public and ask him? Everyone was invited, supporter on not. You do a disservice to this forum and everyone who reads it to make baseless accusations against someone who truly wants to do good things for this town.
    Rather than spend all your energy, and this includes SM, MON, PC, and RC, trying to insinuate conspiracies and half-truths, why don't you start talking about the real issues and real positions that each candidate stands for. I would think even Jim Lehan would agree with that.
    - DD

  • 4/13 7:24pm   Regarding peeling back the onion, I have only one question regarding Jay Talerman - whom, by the way, I have never met and would not know if I ran into him on the street - why on his resume/bio does he not indicate that he worked for another law firm (which I believe was Edwards & Angel) between when he left Kopelman & Paige and started at the new firm? From what I understand it was only for a couple of months, but still, it was a place of employment that does not appear on his resume/bio? Was he let go, was it a bad career choice, why not mention it? A resume/bio is supposed to accurate and factual. Why the omission? It does not portray the truth so what other facts are being manipulated that the voting public may want to know? A lot of people have been fired for not representing the truth on their resumes.
    - PN

  • 4/13 7:23pm   To CB: Thank you for your last post, and I'm glad we can clear up our misunderstandings. I thought SO was using those examples to answer your question regarding the importance of Spanish in the classroom. But that may just be my inference. I agree that he/she did not take a stand on which is more important. I was not addressing that question myself and I am not sure which one is more important. I think busing is very important as a community, but I also wish we could fund a better Spanish or other language program as I believe it would be wonderful for all our children and would enlighten them in many ways, beyond just the language. It could expose them to other cultures and traditions and religions and lead to better understanding between the US and foreign countries. Maybe it would improve our image on the world stage, which I think is a bit low these days.
    On another note, it looks by the photo and your comments that your served our country in the past. Thanks to you and to all our troops that serve our country. Any disagreements about the war are not directed to the troops that are serving. Our family has a young relative in Korea on his way to Iraq or Afganistan.
    - MGD

  • 4/13 6:25pm   SM, At the next School Committee meeting I'll let John Olivieri know that you believe he's hatched a diabolical plot to take over the town. I realize he is a very well travelled and smart man, but I know John and yes, he is a Senior, but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. I think you need to rethink your conspiracy theory.
    He, like all volunteers that make up the School Committee, are consistently trying to do what is best for the children attending our two elementary schools and the town as a whole. Personnally I think you should lay off picking on John, he's a good man with a pure heart.
    - DM (School Committee member speaking on my own behalf, not under the mind control of John or any other SC member for that matter)

  • 4/13 6:01pm   MGD: I'm not angry. Frustrated, yes, but that is to be expected, given my age ;) Our geo-political differences notwithstanding, I harbor no ill will for anyone on this forum, in this town, or well... after that, I can't be sure. President of Iran? Yeah, I have ill will. Kim Jung Il? Yeah... But you, or SO, or anyone else who thinks I need to spend a timeout in Canada.... Naaah. Life would be much less interesting if everyone agreed with me on anything! :-)
    I don't think I called anyone the "m word" (I can't believe I just phrased it like that) directly. I just went back and re-read my postings, and I can't find the case where I did. I use the term "moonbat" to generally address people (and their rambling) who are so pre-occupied with hating George Bush, that everything else falls by the wayside when they confront almost any subject... Certainly any political subject.
    All of this arose because, when I posed questions about allocating the limited monies which we have to one program (busing) over another (Spanish or computers), the responses I received (from you and from SO) were not at all related to the bussing issue, but rather to George Bush, and his lack of visiting Canada before being elected. Where did that come from? I never mentioned Bush, or Canada, or Ambassadors.... I simply was asking about the priorities of spending limited funds on bussing versus other programs such as Spanish or computers.
    - CB

    [Very well, here are a few cases where it was pretty clear to me from the context that people were being called "moonbats" or worse:
    ``LD: You very well may be a moonbat, I don't know. Your inclination to follow the lead in these posts... [...] might qualify you'' and ``So simple in fact, I'm sure even a lost moonbat could understand it. But, for those who strive for moonbat status, '' (4/13 5:18pm)
    ``the standard moonbat talking points: George Bush this.... Iraq that....'' (4/13 5:09pm)
    ``Sounds to mean like a moonbat talking point.'' (4/13 9:57am)
    In my book, creating an inference that a comment or an opinion voiced by someone is tantamount to a "moonbat talking point" or calling those who have chosen to ignore a particular question stupider than a moonbat is the same as calling them a moonbat and calling them stupid. And only a moonbat wouldn't see that. (I'm making a point, I didn't call anyone a moonbat! But it aptly illustrates the point :-) - Wm.]

  • 4/13 5:21pm   For the record, the tem moonbat, as I use it, can be found in Wikipedia at: [here] Specifically, I use the term is the same light as a local Boston Herald columnist, Howie Carr.
    Boston commentator Howie Carr has been using the term in his Boston Herald columns and on his radio show since July 2005. In September, 2006, Carr ran a number of segments called "How do you spot a moonbat?" on his daily radio show, and described a moonbat as "A left-wing nut who probably suffers from Bush Derangement Syndrome."
    - CB

    [Having listened to Howie Carr's program (he always struck me as a liberal hosting a show for conservatives -- he seemed to be laughing at some of his callers), I gather Moonbat would be a term of derision and insult. So how about cutting back on the Moonbat-isms? - Wm.]

  • 4/13 5:20pm   CB - Getting a little angry, are we?? I was responding to your post where you brought up all the points that you did. And I would imagine liberals and conservatives and all those in between would agree more with me and SO than you. Sorry if that makes you upset. But if you want to have an opinion and call people moonbats, don't expect others not to disagree with you.
    - MGD

  • 4/13 5:18pm   LD: You very well may be a moonbat, I don't know. Your inclination to follow the lead in these posts... that is to say, addressing not the issue at hand (Busing versus Spanish - allocating money for 1st graders), but rather the vitriolic flaming of George Bush, very well might qualify you for an honorary membership in "Obama-Osama-Clinton-Oh-Mamma" moonbat club.
    One more time... I did not bring up George Bush, or Iraq, or any other such nonsense. SO did and MGD did and you did.
    I raised a very simple question. So simple in fact, I'm sure even a lost moonbat could understand it. But, for those who strive for moonbat status, but aren't quite there yet, let me pose it one more time.
    Faced, as we are, with limited funds... Faced as we are with having to cut an expense, if funds can't be found....
    Does it make more sense to cut safe transportation, or Spanish for first graders?
    You see...that is, after all, what we are doing: cutting a service (free, safe bus rides), for lack of funds.
    Simple question folks!! And guess what? Your answer will surely reflect the state of your moonbatness, or not.
    - CB

    D'hran Air Base, Saudia Arabia - Thanksgiving Day, 1990.
    Two months prior to the start of Gulf War I

  • 4/13 5:09pm   MGD: Serious? Yes, I'm serious... And yes, I've been to Canada. I've also been to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, with an M-16, and an M-203 in my hand. Is that global enough for you?
    Would care you explain why, when I pose a simple question, like:
    Which is more deserving of the limited funds we have available for education?
    ==> Spanish Language education for six years olds, or
    ==> Safe transportation for six years olds
    Why is it, when I ask a straight forward question like that, the non-answer comes back in the form of a whine about how George Bush never visited Canada?
    Perhaps it is because [liberals] simply can not address the facts in any rational way... and therefore, they change the subject and pile on with the standard moonbat talking points: George Bush this.... Iraq that.... Cheney this...
    Get over George Bush already! I was speaking about bus fees, and the prioritization of limited education dollars. Do you get that?
    - CB

    [To be fair, I believe there are two parallel discussions going on now, the old one about which school programs to fund, and the one about the merit of a broader world view in a globalized economy. They don't seem to me to be connected - Wm.]

  • 4/13 5:04pm   I would Agree with SM. Jay Talerman is wrong for this town. The Conservation Commission lags in efficiency and is one of the real reasons our tax base is so pathetic. They drag their heels repeatedly on potential business expansion.
    A Vote for Jay Talerman is a Vote for the "Moonscape" atrocity you drive by in the Town Center.
    Vote for him and you can expect the same.
    - MON

  • 4/13 4:31pm   CB ... wow .... since you took the time to draft such a long e-mail, I feel someone should comment in kind.
    1. Pre-election travel itinerary. Abraham Lincoln? You're kidding right? The international landscape is a little bit different from how it was in 1860. We had a thing called the Civil War and slavery in our own country to deal with. We also had the benefit of essentially being an isolated country. You may remember a certain president named Washington who actually said "beware of foreign entanglements". Oh ... and it did matter to a few people who voted. You may recall that more people voted for Gore than Bush.
    2. Take a look at how many businesses have failed going to Canada because they thought it "was just like us (or is it U.S.)". It also has two national languages and a socialist based government. Not exactly the "same".
    3. "Languages of our opponents?". Wait ... I thought we were fighting for the Iraquis??
    4. It's pretty well settled that younger children learn foreign languages easier than teenagers. We should take advantage of this predisposition. As a child of two young children, I'd drive my kids to school every day if it meant the quality of their education was better (and yes learning a foreign language contributes to this).
    5. Not to speak on their behalf, but it's not a matter of SO wanting our leaders to be like him/her. It's a matter of wanting our leaders to have the context and experience required to serve an international role in the proper context. Having travelled, SO obviously understands the importance this context provides. Unless of course your argument is that our leaders should ignore the rest of the world (I know it's not).
    As you say ... I could go on and on. Oh ... and I'm hardly a Moonbat.
    - LD

  • 4/13 4:13pm   KP, Regarding Jay Talerman, you need to ignore all his hand waving and boastful claims that he makes on his glossy web site and peel back the onion a bit more.
    Jay has just recently used his municipal legal expertise as a Conservation Committee member to prevent the town pond from being built, ignoring the will the taxpayers who liked the idea of building a recreational facility and approved the construction of the pond at the last town meeting. Jay Talerman [...] unilaterally filed a lawsuit with the Commonwealth of Mass to block this project without even first consulting the Recreation Department and attempting to work out their differences This sort of divisive power play comes right out of the SC's playbook. We are tired of the SC and Talerman's divisive power plays and expect more out of our elected town officials.
    Put aside your own hidden personal agendas and work together for the common good of the town. We don't need more power plays such as when the SC cancelled a long standing Library Shared Services agreement without any discussion or even having the courtesy and decency to inform the Library Trustees before they made their decision. I have been around town long enough to see candidates like Talerman get elected based on fancy slogans and it's only after they are in power that we learn about their hidden personal agendas. So I repeat again beware of Talerman the "Trojan Horse" Candidate. This analogy has more levels than just his strong affiliation with the SC and their common ideology.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - SM

  • 4/13 3:31pm   SO - You are right on with your latest post. You understand the importance of understanding other parts of the world, not just the good old USA. Maybe if Georgie Bush had ventured beyond Texas before he became President, he might have understood what is really going in the Middle East and has been for centuries. And maybe we could have avoided this horrible war.
    I gotta say to CB - are you serious? I mean are you really serious? Have you ever even been to Canada? How embarrassing.
    - MGD

    Sgt. Adam P. Kennedy, 25, of Norfolk, Mass

  • 4/13 1:56pm   This invitation is specifically for Hanscom AFB personnel only, not the general public. I'm forwarding it just for general information to my fellow Norfolk residents. Access to the base is restricted, you can not get onto the base unless you have a military ID card or are sponsored by someone with a military ID card, or special arrangements have been made, and I know of none.
    Subject: Return of a Fallen Hero: Army Sgt Adam Kennedy, 14 Apr 07

    The remains of Army Sgt Adam Kennedy from Norfolk, MA, will arrive at Hanscom AFB via aircraft at 0955 tomorrow, Saturday, 14 Apr 07. Sgt Kennedy died on Sunday, 8 April 07 in Diwaniyah, Iraq, of wounds suffered when his unit came in contact with enemy forces using indirect fire. We expect Sgt Kennedy's procession to traverse Barksdale Street on its way to the Hartwell Gate shortly after 1015 tomorrow. If there is a significant change to the itinerary, we will post updates on the COLD line -- 781-377-2653. Military members are encouraged to wear a uniform ... UOD (BDUs/Flight Suit) is acceptable.

    Route in Blue...

    - HM

  • 4/13 11:34am   From KL: (it bears repeating)
    "I hope everyone will take the time to find out more about Jay Talerman: His municipal experience, his long range vision, and his global understanding of all of these issues would make him a huge asset to this community, be you old, young, with children in the school system (or not), concerned about the moonscape and its frustrating lack of progress, or concerned about Norfolk's dwindling open space.
    Other towns pay lots of money for Jay's expertise; you know that old saying about the cow and milk?
    Please take the time to learn more about Jay Talerman.. "
    Agreed... I find it very amusing to picture Jay Talerman as anyone's "Trojan Horse" (SM). If anyone has ever met Jay or heard him speak intelligently on how he wants to improve Norfolk for everyone, they would know that no one is "using" Jay Talerman. There is no conspiracy, SM. Jay is an intelligent, experienced individual and, IMHO, the best candidate for Selectman. Things need to change in Norfolk, and not just in the weeks before an election. Vote for Jay Talerman and Norfolk will surely benefit.
    - KP

  • 4/13 11:28am   On behalf of the King Philip Sports Boosters Club I would like to thank all the runners/walkers, volunteers, and sponsors that helped make the "1st Annual Rabbit Ramble" road race a huge success. The weather was perfect and everything went off perfectly. There were over 265 runners/walkers that participated in the 5k event and over 50 children in the kid's races. The King Philip Sports Boosters Club exceeded our fundraising goals for funding 5 scholarships for graduating students from King Philip High School. Thank you again to everyone that participated. We hope to see everyone at next year's event.
    - Todd P. Chisholm, President, King Philip Sports Boosters Club

  • 4/13 10:41am   PB - I can't say enough about Costco. I do not use their pharmacy but as far as a wholesale club, they are so much more superior than BJ's. The quality of their meats, fruits and vegetables is outstanding. Also, they have a signature brand, called Kirkland, which I find is higher quality than any name brand. In addition, they have a photo processing department with high quality developing - you can even upload from home and pick up at Dedham. I just ordered a 7.2 MP Costco digital camera from Costco online for under $200 (free shipping). Costco rocks!
    - DCB

  • 4/13 9:57am   SO: Hmmmm... treading lightly (hoping not to aggrevate your blood pressure), perhaps it would be best for you to take a seat before reading this reply? :)
    I find comfort in my argument, when my opponent's best recourse is to divert the subject away from the critical points at hand (grin), and so I must ponder what these thoughts have to do with the proposed busing fee, or first grade foreign language instruction:
    • The pre-election travel itinerary of a president who is now into his 7th year in office
    • Sounds to mean like a moonbat talking point. Can you please tell me how many countries Abraham Lincoln visited? Well... don't bother goggling for the answer because my question is rhetorical. Who cares! Their vacation history means nothing to me... and it seemed to mean little to the Americans who voted Bush into office, over a host of worldly contenders, twice.
    • The travel history of a person appointed to an ambassadorship of a country as far away and as culturally alien to us as.... Canada
    • Canada? Are you serious? We are talking about the same Canada, right? Just how different is Canada, in that it should require some prior acclimation to the culture? American ambassadors represent the USA, they don't represent the host nation. Do you have data on the ambassadorships of Clinton, and how many might have also lacked such critical prior qualifications? If so, let's do a comparative analysis, just to be fair (and balanced), ok? Or, is this simply another moonbat talking point, thrown like most political bombs, with the intent of diverting the argument away from the points at hand.
    • The expectation for our soldiers, fighting a war in a foreign land, to necessarily speak the indigenous languages and dialects of the opponent. Do you understand how ludicrous this expectation is? Do you honestly expect that the brave men and women who get on a plane in the dark of night to put their lives on the line four our liberties, only to get off in a foreign land, should have to be fluent in the indigenous dialects of the lands into which they are placed to fight? So that, yesterday they must have spoken German, today they must speak Arabic, and tomorrow they should speak Chinese, Spanish, Russian, or some tribal dialect from Sudan?
    Regarding "I have traveled fairly well, and am decent in a few languages..." Well, good for you! I now see your point... "Everyone, from the President to the foot soldier, should be like me" I understand that... I don't agree with it, but I understand where you are coming from.
    Look, I could go on and on, but having the Wm slice my post in half (linking to another page) is frustrating, so let me get back to the subject at hand: the busing fee.
    The school department has a budget.
    The school department has many costs.
    One of the costs is teaching Spanish to first graders.
    One of the costs is transporting children safely to school.
    Given a budget which is not sufficient to cover the costs, which of these two costs (above) would be more important to fund? Which, then of those two costs should be more dependent on the school departments ability to raise additional fund?
    It is as simple as that!
    And you know, I have to ask (since you have such an obvious exposure to language diversity): At what age/grade did you first encounter a structured language instruction? Was it first grade? Was it Junior High? High school? Was it a public or private school.
    Seriously, I would be interested in your answers, unless your blood pressure now is begging you to cede the argument. ;)
    (Wm: I know this is long... but please, at least initially, leave it intact, so that they have a chance to read it without having to leave the page. Thank you :))
    - CB

  • 4/13 8:50am   We were forwarded the following information about the Adam Kennedy scholarship fund:
    A scholarship fund has been created in Sgt. Adam P. Kennedy's memory that will benefit a Xaverian Brothers High School student who wishes to pursue a career with the United States military or continue his education at a military college.

    In lieu of flowers the Kennedy family kindly requests that donations be sent to:

    Sergeant Adam P. Kennedy Scholarship Fund
    P.O. Box 100
    Norfolk, MA 02056
    Thank you.
    - Wm.

  • 4/13 8:48am   Registrations for the Fall 07 soccer season are now being accepted - NLYS now has convenient on-line registration - [active.com link]
    - HK

  • 4/13 8:47am   "High School Musical" tickets! - This theater production by Steps Off Broadway in Bellingham, has had 10 sold out performances! ... But I have 4 tickets available for this Sunday - April 15th for a 7:00 p.m. performance. Take your kids and plan a fun evening out to launch their Spring vacation week! Tickets are $15.00 a piece (normally $20 at the door.) Call me 508-541-8657 or email me: lisab223@comcast.net. Thanks.
    - LB

  • 4/13 8:45am   KL - Where do you get that info? The BOS can suggest a budget % increase but the School Committee can still propose their own budget to the Town Meeting.
    - PC

  • 4/13 12:10am   Happy Friday the 13th! Any excuse is good for a celebration :-)
    - Wm.

  • 4/13 12:08am   CB: I know you like to argue for argument's sake. You know I don't, so please go softly here for the sake of my blood pressure.
    I wasn't addressing the national debate on our mother tongue - whether we should accommodate immigrants, use multi-lingual ATMs, etc. I was thinking of our children becoming teachers, executives, legislators, or President of the United States (did you know President Bush never left the U.S. prior to his presidency (not sure on Mexico)? If I am correct, he appointed a Canadian embassador who had never been there, let alone studied French! French is the second language of Canada (please correct me))!. I think learning other languages is essential. Whether you resent the Spanish speakers among us, or not, it's not a bad idea to learn the lingo and figure out what's going on.
    I have travelled fairly well, and am decent in a few languages, less so in others, but I find that fair command of a language, sans interpreter, is far superior to asking, "Do you speak English?", or worse, demanding "they" speak English. Learning one foreign language flexes the brain for another. If my child were President, I would at least want her/him to speak French and Spanish quite well. We hear every day about India and China as growing commercial forces. Can we not benefit from linguistic flexibility? We have troops in Iraq. How many can speak the language?
    - SO

  • 4/12 10:54pm   For PC - The Selectmen tell the School Committee what percentage increase their budget needs to come in at, based upon the year before. This year, the Selectmen told the School Committee to come in at 0% (level funded). The School Committee came in at 0.8%. (Keep in mind that energy costs, salaries, etc have been rising at a rate between 6-8%, and last year the Schools came in at 2.something %, again, essentially a 5% cut)
    The taxpayers have no idea of what the other departments have come in at, as the Selectmen have yet to publish any other Department's budgets.
    And SM, it's no secret that Jay Talerman supports the schools; it is right there on his website for the whole world to see at jaytalerman.com. Jay is campaigning with the following goals:
    [C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
    - KL

  • 4/12 10:54pm   I thought people whoul like to know how the report system works on KIA and the outpouring of feeling - [patriotguard.org topic]
    - JO

  • 4/12 10:02pm   Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't the School Committee propose any budget amount they want? The Selectmen don't decide what gets spent, Town Meeting does!
    - PC

  • 4/12 10:00pm   SM - You know, for a person who seems to think that the School Committee are Norfolk's own version of the Keystone Kops, you give them an amazing amount of credit for being able to manipulate people. They can't balance a budget, they are being abused by their vendors, but they have gained control over DM and now they have managed to pull a Jedi Mind trick to get a guy into running for Selectman so that they can run the whole town from their ivory tower. Talk about a conspiracy freak! [...] With citizens like you I am surprised we can get anyone to run for what are essentially volunteer jobs.
    - DCL

  • 4/12 9:09pm   SM and RC, you guys are like Mutt and Jeff. Everyone knows that the School Committee would support anyone or anybody except Jim Lehan. No big secret there. Many people think it would be a refreshing change to replace Mr.Lehan with the hopes that the divisiveness and bickering subside between the Selectmen and all the boards.
    Maybe with a change the Selectmen would actually produce some revenue for Norfolk for a change. And by the way, Jay Talerman can't raise anyone's taxes more than 2-1/2%, same as Jim Lehan. The difference is, Jay Talerman might actually allow us the right to vote again on important matters in this town!
    - PB (the other)

  • 4/12 8:16pm   On April 25, please join 29 of your fellow concerned Norfolk supporters of public education.
    We urgently ask you to hold our legislators accountable now by clicking here to Get on the Bus for the 2nd annual Stand for Children Rally in Boston. The free bus leaves Norfolk at 10:30 and will return by 3:30. This is Norfolk's first year. Many of us will also visit Sen. Brown and Rep. Ross in their Boston offices, in followup to our meeting with them on April 1 & 2 in Norfolk. Help send our legislators this message: make public education a priority in Massachusetts. If you can't attend, but want us to represent your concerns, please email us at box51@norfolknet.com.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - RG

  • 4/12 8:11pm   SM, if the webmaster allowed us to be snarky and personal, I would say you need to increase the dosage, your paranoia is getting out of control.
    I'm against extravagent spending from the schools to the Taj Ma Library to the DPW, and I'm supporting Jay because I've had the pleasure to work with Jay both in town, and in his professional life, and I've found him to be a straight shooter who tells it like it is and has a wide breadth of experience in other communities to draw from which will help him avoid many of the mistakes other towns have made.
    It's the grand conspiracy theories and balkanization of town government that's dysfunctional, and I think Jay is the best candidate to break through that.
    - RJG

  • 4/12 5:13pm   The Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate's Night on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 7:00pm. It will take place at the King Philip Junior High School in the school cafeteria. Bring your questions for the Candidates. Refreshments will be served. Contact Gill B. at 520-0145 or Janet C. at 528-3741 for more information.
    - AC, Norfolk Community League

  • 4/12 4:26pm   RC, I too hear that SC members have been openly supporting Jay Talerman. I also heard that SC members have been sending out emails supporting Talerman. Yet Jay Talerman doesn't openly acknowledge their support on his web site even though his web site contains testimonials from other town Boards .
    Thus it would seem that Mr. Talerman is the School Committee's "Trojan Horse" candidate for the Selectmen. This is very disconcerting because we need fiscally prudent selectmen that will make the tough decisions. Otherwise we will be facing overrides every year. Can you imagine what a financial mess we would have if the "Senior Members" of the SC were using Talerman as a surrogate and were secretly running the town government? Instead of cheering another year of no overrides we would be suffering through another year of our annual overrides. Talerman has made it already made it known - spend more money on everything and then send the bill to you the taxpayer. This guy Talerman and his School Committee puppeteers are scary.
    - SM

  • 4/12 3:23pm   The Kennedy Family has asked that in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a scholarship fund that is being set up in honor of Adam. Details on where to send donations will follow shortly.
    - JT

  • 4/12 3:01pm   You're welcome, RS! Was your hot air heating system hard to fix?
    - LJK

  • 4/12 2:42pm   PB, Next time try Wal Mart, I believe they have the lowest prices.
    - TS

  • 4/12 2:35pm   PB, I have heard this too. A while ago someone forwarded to me a circulating email that described the results of an investigative reporter from somewhere, don't remember where, who discovered that certain popular generic drugs are routinely marked up by 3,000% or more by most major drugstore chains, discount chains, and independent pharmacies. The reporter said that Costco was the only company that charged little over the actual cost of the generic drugs. Too bad there's not a Costco nearby. Talk about paying for convenience!
    - GA

    [This happened to us, too -- years ago we used to pay $6 and change for pills for our dog, then one day CVS suddenly had a new price - $22. When asked, the explanation boiled down to "because we can" - Wm.]

  • 4/12 2:09pm   PB - Good for you! You should send this information onto our legislators as a demonstration of what a mess our healthcare system is and the greed that is involved.
    - BS

  • 4/12 1:20pm   Yesterday after shopping around I went to Costco in Dedham and picked up a prescription for 400 pills, little over a year's supply. $68.66. Stopped at the Stop & Shop in Norwood, $1140. Stopped at the big Y, $1470, however was entitled to a 10 % Senior discount. Yes, 68.66 is not a misprint. Hope this is helpful to people with no insurance and on a fixed income.
    - PB

  • 4/12 12:58pm   Regarding the software for the bus riders: Could someone who knows please elaborate on that? Exactly what does it do? Why so much, both to buy and to update? Is it all custom software, or is off-the-shelf such as Exel or one of the relational data bases? Can the street names and kids names be imported from other programs? That would be a big plus, a cost-saver to update every year.
    Do we need a panel of software-expert parents to advise the school as to which software to buy? Does the bus company have similar software, and would they provide the printouts, etc, as a service to their customers for far less money, or free?
    I am not trying to take employment away from programmers, but I wonder if those involved in this effort have looked at the most cost-effective way of getting the job done. I seem to recall having done a similar program years ago in a now-obsolete computer language for a DEC mainframe. Nowadays it should be much easier, faster, and the program should be portable, to run on any personal computer.
    - RH

  • 4/12 12:42pm   Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's first game of the spring season is April 22nd (weather permitting!) All coaches should have contacted their players by now - if anyone has not heard from a coach, please email norfolklionssoccer@verizon.com
    Registrations for the Fall 07 soccer season are now being accepted - NLYS now has convenient on-line registration - [active.com link]
    - HK

  • 4/12 12:37pm   DD: It seems to take years for our present selectmen to make a move on things, and now we have them walking Boardman to discuss safety issues, we have development committees being formed, we have money being found! This is our lucky month! Did I hear that Stop n Shop, IBM, 2 manufacturing plants, Gap, Outback Steakhouse, BJs, Kinkos, a carwash and a bakery will all be jumping on the Norfolk bandwagon by end of April as well? Nah, I'm not cynical about the timing of all this!
    - AL

  • 4/12 11:26am   Anyone looking for childcare at my home or if you know someone please contact me. Teachers hours and schedule would be perfect. I would also offer babysitting on weekends and/or off-hours if needed. Fenced in yard, childproof home and lots of experience. Great references. Starting now or in the Fall. Thanks for your time.
    - KD

  • 4/12 11:09am   Politically motivated or not, at least someone is looking out for my kid... and it is not Jim Lehan... I am definitely voting for a better community... I am voting Talerman!
    - DD

  • 4/12 10:55am   Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer presently has an opening on the board for a Referee Manager. The Referee Manager's main responsibility is the scheduling of referees for all U7, U9, U12, and U17 NLYS games.
    Anyone interested in joining the board should contact Helen K. at norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net for more information
    - HK, Norfolk Lions Soccer

  • 4/12 10:51am   The Norfolk Public Library is gearing up for its summer reading program, "Catch the Beat at Your Library," and you can help when you make purchases at any Barnes & Noble bookstore on Friday, April 20th and Saturday the 21st. Fifteen percent of the net sales made on those days will support materials and services for Massachusetts libraries (including Norfolk) that are participating in "Catch the Beat." Before you go, print out a booksale voucher at [cmrls.org link] or pick one up at the NPL Circulation Desk and present it with your purchase. Vouchers may be used for books, CDs, DVDs, toys, and even snacks or coffee in the cafe! (Gift cards and Barnes & Noble Memberships are not included.) Be sure to write in "Norfolk Public Library" on the voucher - the library that brings in the most vouchers will win a $500 gift card! Thanks for your support.
    - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Norfolk Public Library

  • 4/12 10:48am   The Norfolk Community League will be reviewing scholarship applications for non-King Philip Regional High School seniors from Norfolk who will be attending college in the Fall of 2007. Those who attend King Philip can apply for a similar scholarship through their guidance office.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - AC, Norfolk Community League

  • 4/12 10:45am   Politically motivated or not, at least someone is looking out for my kid... the SC sure isn't. Jim Lehan's got my vote!!
    - RS

  • 4/12 10:44am   Anyone out there looking for summer childcare? I have several years of experience in the field of Early Childhood Education and many great references plus CPR and First Aid certification. Please contact me if interested.
    - SG

  • 4/12 10:43am   The beautiful and active community Jeanne D. Hill Room of the Norfolk Public Library located at 139 Main Street in Norfolk, MA, will be the setting for The Franklin Art Association's "Spring Awakening" art exhibition on view from May 12th through June 2nd. The exhibition features original artworks using a wide range of creative styles and techniques created by the Association members. Viewers are encouraged to attend the free Opening Reception which will be held on Saturday, May 12th, from 1-4 pm, and meet the participating artists.
    Over 75 works of art will be exhibited and available for sale. "This is very exciting to be collaborating with the Norfolk Public Library to showcase the work of many of our talented artist members," states Janyce Conklin, Exhibition Chairperson for the show. To date, there are over 100 members at the Franklin Art Association. "The FAA is a wonderful forum to exhibit, sell work and meet new artist friends" said Jean Blake White, President of the FAA and a resident of Franklin.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - RC, Franklin Art Association

  • 4/12 10:29am   Wm., thanks for your post on the perils of dieting. Now I don't feel so bad about eating all those malted milk eggs.
    - HPK

  • 4/12 12:14am   SM - You really should get out more. Bus fees were discussed with the public well before April 3. They were discussed clearly at their February 6, FY 2008 Budget Presentation to the public. I know because I was there. I guess you weren't. And to prove it, go to the Norfolk Public Schools website and click on the link to the FY 2008 Budget Presentation right there in the middle of the page. Then go to slide (page) 3 and see transportation fees listed at $30,000. They explained verbally that $30k was an estimate of new busing fees that they were planning to impose rather than make further cuts to programs or staff. (They also disclosed at that meeting that they were cutting 19 teacher aids to reduce costs to maintain a level funded budget required by the Selectmen.)
    Prior to Feb 6, there had been a lot of talk about potential bus fees. But the Selectmen never offered to bring it into the town side of the budget for all those months. And like I said, implementing or not implementing bus fees does not change the fact that Boardman St. has been unsafe for cars, buses, children, seniors, pedestrians, neighbors for years. Why didn't the Selectmen improve Boardman St. before? Why are they suddenly now concerned with safety? ... right before the election... hmmmm...
    - DD

  • 4/12 12:12am   Hi LJK, Thanks so much for the web site on doityourself.com for fixing my hot air heating system. Very nice of you give me the info.
    - RS

  • 4/12 12:08am   My prayers are with Adam Kennedy and his family. May God rest him in peace.
    - TG

  • 4/11 7:16pm   TIS--Yes, there is a fundamental flaw in the way we fund our school system and it is not going to be fixed by our town. The bottom line is that the system is broken and this needs to be reviewed at the state level. Five years ago, in 2002, Massachusetts led the nation in cutting funding to public education. Those cuts have yet to be restored. In order to be funded at the 2002 levels, $492 Million would need to be pumped back into the system and that is adjusted for inflation. Further, you should know that MA relies more heavily on local taxes to fund public shcools than almost every other state in the country. Most school systems in other states receive a greater percentage of funds from state sources. Also, MA spends less, as a percentage of personal income, on public education than every other state in the Northeast, ranking MA 38th out of 50 states. Bottomline is that MA needs $1 Billion to be funded at the national average.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
    There is a rally at the State House on 4/25. We'd love to fill the bus from Norfolk. I think we have 25 so far and have space. We'd love to have you join us not only at the rally but working at the local level to bring more money into the district.
    Please note, all statistics have been gathered from the DOE web site or provided to us by Stand for Children a nat'l as well as state organization.
    - BS

  • 4/11 7:15pm   SM - At the public hearing on the bus fees, Jack Hathaway flat-out refused to offer any aid to the schools. And now, two weeks before the election, the Selectmen "find" an extra 30K?? Call me cynical, I guess...
    But you know what? Maybe I'd be a lot less cynical if Mr. Hathaway and the Selectmen showed the town the other Department's budgets. Why is it that only the school budget is public at this point?
    And how 'bout certifying the free cash? Hear they still have yet to comply with the Commonwealth. And the Selectmen talked about how "Jane Wall really burned the midnight oil" to comply with these requests. If Jane Wall has a year to complete the process, and needs to "burn the midnight oil" to get the job done six months after the fact, maybe the taxpayers deserve someone more qualified, no? And where was Jack Hathaway through all of this?
    How can you defend this administration?
    - MKL

  • 4/11 7:14pm   I would like to thank the people who made full day kindergarten available to everyone who wants or needs it. As a parent of three children (and living within a mile of HO Day School), I will potentially be paying for three kids to ride the bus. Although I would rather not have to pay over $400 for this service, I am willing to do so. Frankly, I am somewhat surprised that this is such a hot issue in a fairly wealthy town. I don't think it is unfair to charge the consumers of the school system a fee for transportation and it has become common practice in most towns. Families that are experiencing a financial hardship due to the fee should be able to apply for a waiver. If anything positive comes out of the dialogue, I hope it is a proposal to add sidewalks.
    - CS

  • 4/11 7:13pm   If you are looking for a great pastry/candy shop head on over to: Mmm Marcia's Sweet Pantry in Wrentham center!! It is a great little shop, where the owner is very friendly, and welcoming. She makes her own sweets right there in her shop! It has the charm of an old fashioned bakery . She also sells handmade doll dresses, and one of a kind gifts. I would like to thank Marcia for supporting the Norfolk Girl Scouts by graciously donating a handmade "American Girl" doll dress and an American Girl doll cowgirl hat to the Norfolk Girl Scouts father/daughter dance. Her generous donation made an excellent door prize for our western themed dance! We are very grateful! MMM Marcia's Sweet Pantry is located at 38 South Street in Wrentham. Stop in, you won't be disappointed!
    - NG

  • 4/11 7:11pm   I was a little surprised when I had to listen to a SC member on the phone, trying to get Talerman votes and room for a Talerman sign in my yard. With all the issues (criticism) that is being laid at the door of the SC one would think that 1) their time could be better spent and 2) politicking for a Selectman seems to me to be a little incestuous.
    On another note with the cost of the software. Hypothetically speaking, if you need approval for capital outlay for a purchase above (lets say) $5000, one might tell a vendor to invoice us now for (lets say) $4000, and over the next couple of years add the additional purchase price, interest and maintenance fees into a yearly contract (62% of the original cost). Typically a business would not incur an expenditure until there was a need for it (busing software). Now it looks like we own software and a maintenance contract and there are second thoughts about charging a busing fee. Where does that leave us with our software. School Committee, your responsibility is to The Children of Norfolk. Nobody Else.
    - RC

  • 4/11 5:36pm   SM - Hi, You posted "all of the Selectmen support this proposal not just Jim Lehan who is running for reelection." You posted that in reference to putting the bus tax in the General Fund. Where are you getting this information from? I re-watched the selectmen's meeting and the only one who offered their support was Selectmen Lehan. Please inform us how you came to the conclusion the other selectmen support this. Thanks!
    - LS

  • 4/11 5:35pm   DM (SC Member) - The one thing perplexing to me is why "road repair" is in the School Budget. If the SC is bent on putting something in the General Budget then this should be it.
    SM - the Selectmen have not offered anything, so don't jump to any conclusions. Watch the meeting. Are SM and DM related? Find other ways to bring in 16K in revenue to the schools.
    - LS

  • 4/11 5:10pm   Bad news if you're on a diet: not only do diets not work, but they're unhealthy, and you're actually more likely to gain weight that way. Go figure, but that's the latest medical study.
    US scientists conducting a comprehensive review of dieting research have concluded that dieting does not work.

    They discovered that it would have been better for most of them if they had not gone on a diet at all.

    "Their weight would be pretty much the same, and their bodies would not suffer the wear and tear from losing weight and gaining it all back," explained Dr Mann.

    Their findings show that:

    -- People on diets typically lose 5 to 10 per cent of their weight in the first 6 months.
    -- But 33 to 66 per cent regain more than what they lose within 4 to 5 years.

    "Exercise may well be the key factor leading to sustained weight loss. Studies consistently find that people who reported the most exercise also had the most weight loss."

    The researchers are of the opinion that weight loss programmes are not good value for money in the treatment of obesity.

    "The benefits of dieting are too small and the potential harm is too large for dieting to be recommended as a safe, effective treatment for obesity," said Dr Mann.

    Between 1980 and 2000, the proportion of obese Americans has doubled, from 15 to 31 per cent of the population.

    - Wm.

  • 4/11 4:50pm   TIS & DV: Excellent points.
    Related: I thought that I had read in the Boomerang that tonight the subject will be discussed again in a follow-up meeting. Now, having re-read the article, it looks like the meeting I was thinking of is in fact a budget subcommittee meeting. Is that correct? Does anyone know here and when that meeting will be, and if it is open to the public?
    - CB

  • 4/11 4:47pm   TIS, Unfortunately I don't have an answer for where we go from here. That doesn't mean we can't stop looking. The best solution that I do know to help alleviate the problem is to get involved with the state funding of education. For a state known as "Taxachusetts," it is embarrassing how little is spent on education.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
    Regarding the bus fee, contrary to some posts I am not looking at this as a source of funds other than to offset a huge liability that we are not legally obligated to pay for. I have said this before and will do so again here: I do not want to charge a bus fee, however we cannot continue to fully subsidize over a quarter of a million dollars for busing every year that we don't have to at the expense of classroom instruction. This is the case whether the budget is part of the school line item or moved to the town in my opinion.
    - DM (School Committee member-speaking on my behalf and not that of the SC or any other members)

  • 4/11 4:01pm   WB and DD, I don't see how you can claim that the Board of Selectmen's offer to absorb $30k into the town budget to cover the bus fees was politically motivated. First, the Board of Selectmen couldn't act on this issue until after the School Committee held its public hearing on 4/3 so they could see where things stood. Second, all of the Selectmen support this proposal not just Jim Lehan who is running for reelection. Third, both the SC and BOS recognize that in order to solve our financial challenges they need to work together and this offer by the BOS is the type of teamwork that Norfolk needs.
    DM, a SC member, recognizes this and to his credit in his last post he stated "I'm glad that Jack and the Selectmen have taken up the proposal discussed at the School Committee public hearing on 4/3. Several parents suggested this, and we requested that Jack bring this back to the Selectmen for them to discuss and decide upon. This recent interaction is a great example of how we can work together to solve tough problems we face as a town."
    - SM

  • 4/11 3:59pm   I think that everybody discussing the bus fee issue needs to put things in perspective. I do not care whether the decision to not charge a bus fee comes from the school committee itself or the Town Selectmen, as long as it comes, and we do not have to pay this bus fee, and people can start talking about things that really matter in this world like the loss of lives in Iraq including one from our own town. Pray for the family of the lost soldiers and stop ripping each other apart over $150.00. In the end, it really doesn't matter...
    - SD

  • 4/11 3:58pm   KG & KM--My son is on the purple team and is in the U12 division.
    Organizations on Norfolknet, find Lions Soccer. The schedules are posted for each division as well as the coach. My bet is that whoever is supposed to call you is on the road or hasn't gotten to it yet. If all else fails, call Helen Koch or email her at lionssoccer@norfolknet.com. Good luck and see you on the fields.
    - BS

  • 4/11 3:27pm   Even if the school drops the busing issue this year nothing will prevent them from bringing it up next year. They see it as a potential revenue stream; with the crunch they are in, you can't expect them to ignore this stream for very long.
    The way the school system is set up, they need 400K-500K every year to keep the same service level. This model is essentially flawed, the town revenue doesn't grow this amount every year, and with the real estate market in a slump. The town would be lucky to pull the current level of revenue for the next few years.
    So my question for DM is, where do we go from here? The current model is unsustainable, every year we spend six months wondering how we will fill the budget gap. Perhaps we should also start thinking about a long-term solution to this chronic problem.
    - TIS

  • 4/11 2:41pm   Finally some good news: there will be no lottery for kindergarten. They have added another full day K. Breathe a sigh of relief.
    - ND

  • 4/11 2:40pm   ND: I just received an e-mail from HOD - no full-day kindergarten lottery!!! They added another kindergarten class. Thanks to the administration for working it out.
    - MA

  • 4/11 2:39pm   I may be wrong here, but if the town took over the payment of the bus fees and wrote it in to the taxes, wouldn't that be a way to sread it out to all of us, not just the families within two miles? I would think that would be a way around the law. Again, let me state that I live outside the 2 mile limit.
    - DV

  • 4/11 2:29pm   Kudos to WB for seeing the "selectmen's generous offer" for what it really is - an 11th hour grab for votes. The busing fee issue has been discussed and considered for months, even years now. Why didn't the Selectmen decide to step up to the plate months ago to avoid the bus fee issue for the good of the community? Let us count the reasons why:
    1) As WB pointed out, it is no secret that Selectmen and the school committee have been at odds for a long time now.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
    - DD

  • 4/11 2:29pm   The bus fee: I know that we always want the very best education for our children. Who doesn't? I know I do. The fact of the matter, however, is that we also have to live within our means. Now, I have heard it mentioned in previous posts, how dreadful it is to have had this particular program or that cut from the school's curriculum. One example of this would be the fact that in HOD (where I have a first grader) Spanish language education is now only taught for half of the year. But I ask you, is this really all that bad?
    Don't get me wrong, I find it adorable that my little seven year old can count in Spanish, and I understand completely how such a skill will undoubtedly become more and more of an asset to her as we lose our national identity to ever growing waves of illegal immigration... But I digress.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
    - CB

  • 4/11 12:50pm   Again, another Vendor taking advantage of the Norfolk taxpayers - 62.5% annual fee for a $4K software package? Nice going DM and the loose money cannons of the School Commitee. How many other bids did you get on the software?
    All of Norfolk needs to wake up here. The town vendors are ripping us off, overcharging us because they get away with it. All major purchases must go out to bid. It's time for the BOS, SC and the individual department heads to stop wasting our money with preferred vendors. Didn't the 30K requote for the school roof mean anything to you people? You would save a lot more than 30K per year if you questioned the town leaders and their purchasing practices.
    You all do not get it.
    Meanwhile, there are sacred cows at the public trough. Eating your hard-earned tax dollars.
    - MON

  • 4/11 12:29pm   Subject: KPMS Announcements
    Good Morning.  Students will be bringing home the following letter today.

    April 11, 2007

    Dear Parents/Guardians:

    Two live rifle rounds that were determined by the Norfolk Police Department to be blanks were found in a corridor this morning at approximately 9:00 am.

    The school was put in immediate lockdown and the Norfolk Police Department was notified.  The entire building was searched by members of the King Philip Middle School staff and the Norfolk Police Department.  There was nothing found as a result of the search and classes resumed at 10:15.

    This incident reinforces the value of our previous lockdown training.  Norfolk Police Chief, Charles Stone, complimented the staff and students in the matter the lockdown was handled.

    William A. Rice
    Principal (Interim)

    - SB

  • 4/11 11:56am   Glad to see the Selectmen step forward and offer to pick up the $30k so we can avoid more user fees in the form of the bus fees. User fees are inherently unfair and regressive in nature. It will be interesting to see if the SC accepts the Selectmen's offer. My guess is they are going to reject the offer and stick the parents with the bus fees because they see the bus fees as a legal mechanism to permanently increase their revenue base. Just because other towns have resorted to bus fees doesn't make it fair or equitable.
    The SC will come up with a nice spin for their reasoning but at the end of the day it means they will be reaching deeper into your pockets.
    - SM

  • 4/11 11:52am   I just want to say how much we are enjoying doing business in Norfolk. This is our second spring on Rt. 1A as Village Green Nurseries. Stop in this weekend and say hi. We have many pansies, tulips, mulch (bags or delivery) and much more. Here's the website, VillageGreenNurseries.com. Thanks!
    - JM, Village Green Nurseries

  • 4/11 11:50am   LS: I did watch the Selectmen's Meeting and noted the same as you. However, I saw this more as a political ploy by someone running for re-election. Putting recent events into context - the BOS and School Committee have had a less than great relationship. The constant and repeated comments by the BOS - we will find a way to make it work - is an effort to make someone look like the white knight riding in on the white horse to save the day (that should be translated into "How many votes can I get?) You have to seriously ask why now? The bus fee issue has been ongoing more than 6 weeks. I personally object to the connections being made of making things safe for children and delay the bus fee and making the BOS look like they are the ones making this happen for the common good. Again, you have to ask why now? Just so it is clear, it is my opinion, that both the BOS and School Committee have to share the blame equally on the poorly thought out decisions that got us where we are today regarding the bus fee. The only difference I now see is how low some people will go to get a vote.
    - WB

  • 4/11 11:48am   Lost: Please Help - I left my Expensive sunglasses in church on Sunday and hope you can help me find them. [see the Notice Board]
    - JFM

  • 4/11 11:43am   I am shocked that we have to pay an annual "maintenance" fee of 62.5% for a $4,000 software purchase. Is that really correct? Typically when you buy software it might come with 15 to 20% annual maintenance, but not 62.5%. Does anyone know what the "true" cost will be over the life of this application? I hope I am missing something.
    - SB

  • 4/11 10:59am   DM, You missed it. We already paid $4000.00 to get the software. The maintenance fee comes next year $2500.00. Since we have no "fee" I mean "tax" this year, then next year when this proposed tax (that the school board with their vast knowledge and infinite wisdom came up with without fully investigating all possible options to avoid it) is started we will have spent cumulatively $6500.00 on this issue before one bus rolls.
    Maybe we should spend the $30k on hiring a consultant to oversee the school board. It would be nice to have a trained professional negotiating millions in contracts.
    - JPRW

  • 4/11 10:39am   BS & KG - Funny, I was just wondering about the date of the first soccer game! We also have not been contacted as of yet. My son is in the U5 division.
    - KM

  • 4/11 10:19am   Hi BS - by any chance is your child on the Turquoise team? The reason I ask is that I have talked to one other parent who did receive a letter and their child is on the Turquoise team. Just wondering because that is the only team that I've heard that has been contacted. Thanks!
    - KG

  • 4/11 10:13am   Regarding the costs for the potential implementation of the bus fee, my understanding is that the cost of the software including first year maintenance is $4,000, every year after that it is $2,500 so the first year cost is $4,000, not $6,500 (obviously this cost would only continue should a fee be necessary).
    Also, the money set aside for road repair and extending the sidewalk in front of FC is for work that needs to happen and will happen regardless of the final outcome on the bus fee. This was discussed at the 4/3 School Committee meeting by Butch Vito and we have been working very closely with his department on improvements to the traffic flow around FC. The proposal that will be pursued is the culmination of three years of study and planning.
    I'm glad that Jack and the Selectmen have taken up the proposal discussed at the School Committee public hearing on 4/3. Several parents suggested this, and we requested that Jack bring this back to the Selectmen for them to discuss and decide upon. This recent interaction is a great example of how we can work together to solve tough problems we face as a town. I'm not sure what the ultimate outcome on the busing issue will be but I am encouraged that we are starting to work together better than in the past. Regards,
    - DM (School Committee member voicing my opinions only - not necessarily those of the other committee members or those of the full committee)

  • 4/11 10:03am   Hi KG - I've been contacted by Lions Soccer about a week and a half ago. First game is on 4/22. I would contact Helen Koch from Lions Soccer to follow up.
    - BS

  • 4/11 9:40am   LS, Don't forget the $2500.00 per year maintenance fee for the software! So if the fee "tax" is started next year we will have $6500.00 into the software before 1 bus rolls!!
    - JPRW

  • 4/11 9:37am   RH (regarding energy prices):
    Remember: the cheapest electricity is that which you do not use. I can't tell you the number of people I talk to who are ticked off about their energy prices, yet their usage is over 900 kWh a month.
    The profusion of electronic do-dads, so many of which consume kilowatts of electricity even when they're "off" is creating an enormous drain on our system. A couple of interesting points: That little clock on your microwave? If you use your microwave less than 8 minutes per day (and that's a decent number for a microwave), the clock uses more power than the microwave. VCRs and DVDs and Satellite TV receivers and TVs? Anything that uses a remote control uses "standby power" which sucks up energy whether or not you have it on. Typical VCR: 18 watts when it's running a tape, 12 watts when it's on, and 5 watts when it's "off".
    Your cell phone charger? Even when your cell phone isn't attached it's using energy. Anything with a little black box (transformer) is using energy 24/7...
    And Plasma TVs? Fuhghettaboutit... Might as well have two refrigerators...
    (Oh, forgot, "everyone" has two refrigerators now, that old one in the garage for overflow, and one in the kitchen...)
    Here's an interesting exercise: turn "off" everything in your house that you can, then run outside and look at the meter: it's still turning at a fair clip, isn't it? That's your energy vampires at work. We get these things under control and we control our power bill.
    - RJG

  • 4/11 8:18am   Did anyone watch the Selectman meeting from 4/9? While not on the agenda, the Bus issue was brought up by Selectman Lehan and he is supports "finding" money in the Town Budget to make sure the School receives the $30K in revenue they anticipated by the bus fee. Safety was his main issue. Selectmen Advani brought up some good points.
    The School has in their budget both a $4k and $10K expense related to the bus issue. The $30K estimated revenue will be offset by $4k in software to administer the bus program as well as $10K in Road Repairs around the school. The road repairs were not well known, but the Selectmen and Town Administrator did mention the Superintendent met with Butch Vito regarding repairs to the bus turnaround and there was also talk about a sidewalk in front of the school. End result would be $16K, and this is before you tie in expenses related to someone using the software, etc. Watch it and correct me if I'm wrong.
    - LS

  • 4/11 8:17am   I was wondering if anyone has been contacted by coaches for Norfolk Lions Soccer?
    - KG

  • 4/10 6:46pm   I saw that KP was looking for a window cleaner. Mark Harrington does window cleaning. You can reach him at 508-250-4659. He used to work for a window cleaning company, and now does it part time as a side job.
    - MH

  • 4/10 6:07pm   I saw that someone said an announcement would be made about Kindergarten today and I've been checking the website and there is nothing there. Anyone know any more?
    - ND

  • 4/10 5:59pm   Does anyone have suggestions for a local tile dealer? We'd like to tile a small area, behind the stove, and hope to find a place that can help us put something fun together.
    - AL

  • 4/10 5:09pm   JHR - Thanks for the encouragement. I am a big believer in "paying it forward", and I can't help but think that if the Kennedys are driving around town and see these tributes to their son, the pride might eventually outswell the dismay. Let's get this going, folks. If you don't have a flag, make one out of felt, construction paper, anything. Just pay it forward.
    - KEM

  • 4/10 5:08pm   Our heart is out to the Kennedy Family. We give our thanks to his family who gave him to our country to protect all of us!
    - GC

  • 4/10 5:07pm   My prayers are with Adam Kennedy and his family. May God rest him in peace.
    - TIS

  • 4/10 4:53pm   KEM - A wonderful idea. Thank you for the suggestion. Fly those flags and pray for Adam Kennedy and his family.
    - JHR

  • 4/10 3:35pm   According to an article on Page D9 of the Sunday Globe (Deregulation Burns Out) , N-Star residential customers paid the second highest electricity rates in the nation. It quotes nearly 20 cents per kilowatt hour. Among the dozen or so states that have deregulated electricity, we paid the highest rates of all.
    I added up the shopping list of "delivery services" including the 0.73 for underground surcharge (burying the wires in the downtown area) and got $36.98.
    That, plus the "supplier services", the generation charge, came to $93.19, the Total Cost of Electricity. That cost divided by the number of Kilowatt Hours used, gives a cost of 0.1966 per KWH, almost 20 cents per kilowatt hour.
    The point of the article is that there may be a push to bring back regulation, since the DPU will be reorganized as noted in the article and as shown in URL [mass.gov page].
    "Because electric power is a necessity of modern life, power providers need to be accountable to consumers through democratic governance. Before deregulation, state utility commissions provided that accountability. They must do it again."
    We should all keep an eye on this matter and keep our electric rates as low as possible.
    - RH

  • 4/10 3:27pm   As a volunteer co-chair for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Medfield and as a Norfolk resident, I am posting this note looking for members of the Norfolk community to get involved in this fun and meaningful event. I am hosting an information session in the Norfolk Public Library Community Room on Thursday night, 4/12, at 7:30 pm. Please join me and learn more about how you can get involved and help the American Cancer Society help those struggling with cancer. The Relay for Life of Medfield will take place Friday, June 15 - Saturday, June 16, 2007. To reach me outside of the meeting, please send a message to btragakis@msn.com. Thank you!
    - BT

  • 4/10 2:13pm   To the Kennedy Family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May Adam rest in peace.
    - DH

  • 4/10 12:34pm   I live outside the 2 mile zone, I do not have children and although I can sympathize with parents on the safety issues and a bus fee, assessing my house at a higher tax rate (which is not a wealthy neighborhood) is not a solution.
    - KB

  • 4/10 11:46am   I'm looking for someone to help me spread mulch around the yard ASAP. Email me at laura_bot@yahoo.com if you're interested. Thanks,
    - LM

  • 4/10 10:32am   JEC - I second the motion!
    - MS

  • 4/10 10:31am   Solution? Houses outside the 2 mile radius now have a potential benefit, therefore could be assessed slightly higher, increasing their taxes.
    - JAB

  • 4/10 10:26am   CB: Thanks for your interest in continuing to address the tax-for-busing issue. I will add you to my contact list. And on that note, I suppose it's time to out myself-anyone else who is interested in organizing or just getting more information about the steps we will be taking to address the busing issue can contact me (Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert) at suzanne@alpertfamily.net. I would like to specifically state that my goal in this endeavor is to be part of a solution - to work with the residents and town committees/officials. I'm not aiming to just "whine" and then "do nothing," or to make "make trouble." I'm truly invested in the safety of Norfolk's children; and the impact that this issue has on the community as a whole. Regards to All,
    - SR

  • 4/10 10:25am   NA, My brother and sister-in-law have two cats that need a new home. Sophie is 1 1/2, black with bright eyes. She is very small and super cute. Petie is 3 1/2, gray and a bit bigger then Sophie. They are wonderful cats and best friends. I would take them myself but have two dogs that would torture the poor things. I have pictures of these cute cats on my camera at home and will download and post them on the site. Please let me know if you or anyone else out there is interested in these cats. They are litter box trained and up to date on their shots! Thanks!
    - HB

  • 4/10 10:23am   NA - I would highly recommend the Purrfect Cat Shelter in Medway to adopt a kitten (or cat). They are a great organization and unfortunately have many cats & kittens that need good homes. We regularly support their efforts and have adopted one of their cats into our family. Their website is purrfectcatshelter.org
    - TP

  • 4/10 10:22am   I'd like to suggest that as a gesture of our appreciation and regard for the Kennedy family, homeowners in Norfolk take out their American flags and display them for a period of time. It won't cost any of us anything, it might just make us feel a little more like a "community" than we have lately, and it might also remind us of what's really important to us.
    - KEM

  • 4/10 12:01am   The Norfolk American Legion Post 335, along with many, many other Norfolk residents, note the profound sorrow felt by the members over Adam Kennedy whose life was halted at such a young age. How does one try to fathom why many of us survive for years and others are not so fortunate? Our deepest sympathy is extended to his family; mere words will not fill the void.
    - JO

  • 4/9 11:17pm   MJD, I loved your post on 4/6 about the newly hired superintendent's salary in Milford and all of the schools that person oversees. Is everyone really happy that we are overpaying C A-S for her job here (overseeing two schools) and talking about the safety of our kids getting to school as an optional thing in the same breath? I really wish we could revisit this woman's contract and get our values in order... our children being top on the list of priorities!
    - JEC

  • 4/9 9:51pm   If you've tried but were not successful in adding your business card to our on-line Business Card collection, it was just brought to my attention that the e-mail address listed on the Cardlist Info page was not working (turned out to have a typo). My profound apologies; please, try again.
    When submitting content, no matter what type, it is always safe to mail it to the main address, webpage@norfolknet.com, with a note attached letting me know where it should go. If you don't see it acted on and you haven't received a reply from me, assume I didn't receive it; it happens even under normal circumstances. I typically update the page no later than 24 hours after something arrieves, and often much more frequently :-)
    - Wm.

  • 4/9 9:46pm   SM, DM here trying once again to correct the inaccurate statements you are making. I'm posting my own views and not those of other School Committee members or the committee as a whole.
    Seems there is no pleasing you. I posted information on the insurance costs the town pays for school employees, incorrectly attributing that decrease to the school administration. The health insurance costs for the school employee population dollar for dollar will go down from this fiscal year to next. This is because of the hard work of the Employee Insurance Advisory Committee. I attempted to correct my mistake and reveal that I too am human and can err. As soon as I heard from Julie Siewko about my error (she is the Chairperson of the committee who completed this work) and was able to ensure I had all the correct information I posted again to be sure I wasn't spreading mis-information. So I disagree with your assertion that I'm "again disseminate(ing) false and misleading information." There are three plans next year, not just the current one you seem hung up on, and the fact remains that part of the reason the town total health insurance cost increase for next year is only 1.7% is that the school portion of the increase is actually negative since the cost is decreasing.
    Our full budget has been online since January 9th, 2007, every page of it. So I'm not sure why you claim we haven't shared the detail. By the way, as a committee we have requested copies of the town budgets but have yet to receive them in any format, I'm wondering if you have had better luck. If so please let me know I'd love to see the other groups in town share information the way we have - for all to see.
    The Assistant DA did find that in one instance on 2/7/06, the prior School Committee did violate the open meeting law. We have re-addressed the issue decided in that meeting in a public session and it was a positive education for all of us, especially new members such as myself. In this instance, as in my post incorrectly attributing the FY08 lower health insurance costs to school actions, a mistake was made, it was corrected and publicly addressed, and we've moved on.
    It appears we have come full circle since my original post was to address your twisting of the figures and spreading incorrect information that the current teacher contract would double the town budget in 9 years. Mathematically it is not true and is a blatant attempt to inflame the public against the schools.
    - DM (School Committee Member)

  • 4/9 8:53pm   NA: I highly recommend getting a cat or kitten from an approved animal shelter. We adopted a cat through the North Shore Animal Rescue League; a Maine Coon cat no less. The only expense is for routine shots that must be administered, but even those are inexpensive. We also felt that saving an animal from the shelter was the best way to adopt a pet. Good Luck.
    - CS

  • 4/9 8:17pm   Regarding the notice on Adam Kennedy - I don't know how to even start except to say how sorry we are. Our son is a retired Navy Chief and served in the Persian Gulf War. He is still working for the Navy and I pray every day that God keeps him safe. He at this time is not in this country but out repairing aircraft carriers for the Navy. I can not go into further info.
    God help them all and may God help his family. Our flag will be lowered.
    - BR

  • 4/9 7:59pm   I'm beside myself, now having read about the loss of a local soldier, a local hero, Adam Kennedy. May God welcome him into the enteral peace of heaven. May the Lord of love grant his family the strength to carry on, and cherish all that Adam was able to share with them, is his heroric life.
    My most appreciative and heartfelt gratitude and sympathy are yours at this time,
    - Sgt. Clayton Adam Beatty, U.S. Army 1979 - 1995

  • 4/9 7:58pm   SR: Sign me up. My wife will be driving our kids come September, but if I can help add my voice to the protest in some way, then I'm happy to offer my support. My email is: Clay@BeattyHome.com.
    I did record some of the meeting from last week (it was on cable)... and I was thinking of edditing out the best moments and putting them into a streaming file on the web for folks to review... Do you think others might be interested in see it?
    - CB

  • 4/9 6:42pm   Elementary School Tutor available - I am a ceritified teacher working in the Medfield Schools who is currently available to tutor ages K -6. I live in Norfolk and tutor out of my house. Please contact me through Norfolknet [box54@norfolknet.com].
    - ED

  • 4/9 5:43pm   May Adam Kennedy rest in eternal peace. Thank you for serving your country with pride and dignity. My prayers are with Adam and his family. God bless this man.
    - CT

  • 4/9 5:42pm   HB - We just purchased a bike at Bicycles Plus the other day. They were awesome--very helpful with the fitting and decision process. We are going back this week to get a bike for our daughter.
    - BS

  • 4/9 5:31pm   The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2007 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station). The cost is $10.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify for a three-year vaccination. All dogs must be leashed and cats must be confined to a carrier or pillowcase. Town of Norfolk dog licenses will be available from the Town Clerk at the clinic. For more information, please contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508-528-7747.
    - Betsy Fijol, Norfolk Board of Health

  • 4/9 5:31pm   I am wondering if anyone knows any places that give away free kittens.
    - NA

  • 4/9 4:57pm   Just wanted to give a big thank you to Rob and Scott at Bicycles Plus in Franklin! I recently purchased a bike from them for the PMC in August and they were so helpful! I hadn't been on a bike since the late 80's and so far I am very happy with my new wheels! What a difference from my old pink huffy :-) If anyone is in the market for a new bike I highly recommend Bicycles Plus - it's right on 140 in Franklin across from the Jeep dealership!
    - HB

  • 4/9 4:56pm   Heartfelt condolences to the Kennedy family. Sincerely,
    - JW

  • 4/9 3:59pm   Topic: Busing - (You've been warned! ;-))
    As I said in my last post, I can't just let this issue of taxing some students for busing drop - and I think it's indicative of other areas of concern here in town, as many of you have pointed out. The Compliance Officer for Norfolk (from DOE) returned my call late Friday and gave me a contact I could continue addressing my concerns with. I will do so. A few other things:
    1) I am willing to try to organize a group of townsfolk who want to pursue the issue. Feel free to provide your thoughts on how we may do this. (Should we start with an e-mail list?)
    2) I believe there is a SC Budget sub-committee meeting this Wednesday? I think I read that the busing issue will continue to be discussed. Unfortunately, we will be out of town for a family wedding. Is there someone here on Norfolknet who is planning to attend? If so, would you be willing to read a statement from me and/or report back on what has transpired?
    - SR

  • 4/9 3:58pm   To FG: This notice just went out via the school district e-list:
    [see letter also quoted in post of 3:48pm]
    Sad news. My heart goes out to this soldier's friends and family. Sincerely,
    - SR

  • 4/9 3:54pm   4/9: FG - I am sorry to say, but the rumor is true that a young man from Norfolk was killed in Iraq yesterday.
    - RH

  • 4/9 3:51pm   This post just came from the school's email list.
    [see letter also quoted in post of 3:48pm]
    We join Dr. Scott is expressing our prayers to the family.
    - TMS

  • 4/9 3:48pm  
    Dear Families,

    It is with regret that I write the community about the loss of a local son, Adam Kennedy, a U.S. Marine and previous NPS student. In his honor, the flags are at half-staff. He lost his life this weekend while serving his country in Iraq.

    Our deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends.

    Yours sincerely,
    Chris Augusta-Scott

    - CI

  • 4/9 11:12am   Now is a great time to start thinking about Spring Portraits! I am a Norfolk resident and local photographer who would love to capture memories for you and your family. I have been recently scheduling portrait work for senior, prom, communion, graduation and family beach/park photos. Please contact me if you too are interested at Andy@jingothecat.com or by calling me at (781) 696-9174. References are available and glady provided. Thank you
    - Andy Grachuk, Photographer

  • 4/9 10:56am   Has anyone heard any news concerning a Norfolk man killed in Iraq over the weekend? I sincerely hope this rumor is not true.
    - FG

  • 4/9 10:08am   RD, We've had Dover since we moved here one year ago and been very happy with them. The owner, Stephen Bassett, has been responsive and professional. His son Cliff drives the truck and seems like a very nice person.
    - SJP

  • 4/9 8:47am   I've looked in Recommendations and Town Businesses but have come up empty trying to locate a reliable window cleaner. Anyone know of a reasonably priced competent window cleaner? Thanks!
    - KP

  • 4/8 7:12pm   We have been here since '83. Never worked at Chaner's Publishing.
    - BR

  • 4/8 3:41pm   To the other BR - we've been in town since March 91 - both my wife and I growing up in nearby towns - how about you?
    - WBR

  • 4/8 3:40pm   Hey SO! This is now the BR, or shall I say the WBR, that you worked with years ago at Chaner's Publishing. A.K.A. Connor's Dad! The other ex-Chan in town, AL, apprently has the same problem as me with duplicate initials out there - LOL! Just to let you know, I have only recently started reading Norfolknet and have only posted in regards to the run... although the other BR shares my same interest in bird watching! Hope to see you all at the event this year!
    - WBR

  • 4/8 8:13am   Happy Easter!

  • 4/8 7:18am   Thank you Wm., it was getting to be too much.
    - BR

  • 4/8 12:15am   The recommendations that appeared on this page during the month of March of this year are now also grouped on a separate page (thank you VR!!); it's linked from the left as Recommendations.
    - Wm.

  • 4/7 10:19pm   I've prematurely retired all but the last three days' posts; this gets the page back to the size at which I like to keep it. All the earlier messages on the busing and school committee topics are now in the 2007-Q2 archives.
    I've kept on the main page the other posts that arrived during the week, to make it easier to skim them to see if you've missed any.
    - Wm.

  • 4/7 9:25pm   SO, if you are going by your initials I don't know you! We have lived here for many years and I think the only way anyone would know me is by our huskies. ??
    - BR

    [Note: we have lots of posters who share initials, sometimes posting on the same subject. A little confusion should not be unexpected :-) - Wm.]

  • 4/7 6:38pm   I do not have children in the school system but have read postings, pro and con. JBN brings up a couple of points. I would have to guess that if you were to drive your student to and from school every day, your annual gas cost would exceed the bus fee. In fact the bus probably gets better mileage than some of the behemoth vehicles driving around town, so what's the fuss about? Basically, change is bad.
    Here is another thought to raise $30,000 for all the posters who are complaining. Get off the bashing wagon and become pro-active. Approach Rodman Ford (I understand that Fords aren't selling anyway, perhaps you can get a deal. Just some humor to lighten all of you up) then cross the street to MOM's motorcycle and make another deal. Now go sell raffle tickets for 50.00 each and the winner gets their choice of a bike or a car. I bet the town would let you insert a nice postcard into the tax bill envelope when it goes out to reach all homeowners. I would purchase one! Set up a booth at stadium events and local grocery stores. Make this an annual event. No need to stop there, many manufacturers give product away (or at low cost) for charity drives. Weekend getaways, free flight within US - several raffles all at one time going on.
    Good luck, I will look for the postcard in my tax bill.
    - RW

  • 4/7 2:20pm   To DV - Thanks for contacting Senator Brown about the school funding issues. When we met with him earlier this week, he said he had spoken to you. Thanks for your help. Those phone calls and emails to your legislators work and are very easy to make. Here are addresses again for all concerned with our public school funding crisis in Massachusetts. Massachusetts spends less as a percentage of personal income on public education than every state in the Northeast, ranking us 38th nationally. Also, Massachusetts relies more heavily on local and property taxes to fund our public schools than almost every other state in the country. Mass. needs $1 billion more to fund our schools at the national average (source: mass budget and policy center):
    Scott Brown, State Senator
    State House, Room 520 Boston, MA 02133
    Phone: 617-722-1555 email: Scott.P.Brown@state.ma.us

    Richard Ross, State Representative
    State House, Room 237 Boston, MA 02133
    Phone: 617-722-2305 email: Rep.RichardRoss@hou.state.ma.us

    Governor Patrick
    State House, Room 360 Boston, MA 02133
    Phone: 617-725-4005 email: go to mass.gov and click on Gov. and contact us

    - MD

  • 4/7 2:19pm   We are getting rid of our Childlife swingset, 18 years old but in surprisingly good condition. Free for the taking. Contact Brett at 520-1186.
    - JC

  • 4/7 12:58pm   CB: That's actually a great outlook. I try my best to do the same, although I'm not a fan of arguing, which is probably better for my high blood pressure. : )
    - SO

  • 4/7 12:05pm   Looking for high school student to rake lawn, must be able to work unsupervised. I have rake, shovel and wheelbarrow. We are located on Union Street, if you know someone interested please have them email: kantzer@virtualnorfolk.org Thank you,
    - MK

  • 4/7 11:02am   We have had our share of rabbits in our household. We had one in an outside cage for years and then had 2 in the house. Dwarf bunnies are smaller and ours got along fine with the cats and dogs, the ferrets on the other hand, not so much. Our last bunny, Garth Bunny, lived an unbelievable 14 years. Their normal life span I believe is about 8. Garth was housed in metal cages. I heard that they could be litter trained, so years ago I put in a corner litter pan and sure enough he never went anywhere else after he found it. Much easier cleaning. We used to put him on a harnessed leash and he loved being outside. They love dandylions - no pesticides please - alfalfa and rabbit kibbles. Hope this answers some of your questions.
    - JW

  • 4/7 10:56am   I have two big thank-yous that I owe for yesterday.
    The first is to the Good Samaritan from Franklin who pulled over to ask why I was stalled on the side of the road in Medfield. Himself the owner of a 68 Triumph motorbike, he was concerned that I needed help. Turned out I was out of gas, but neither one of us knew that at the time.
    The other is to the UPS driver who tracked down the parcel that was to have been delivered Friday, transferred it to his truck, and brought it out to my house after his scheduled rounds. The first driver left a "delivery attempted" notice even though two of us were right here at home at the time. I called the office, they got in touch with the driver, but he was already out of town and couldn't schedule a second trip. I was hoping I got lucky when I saw a UPS truck in front of Cliff's Cycles but when I asked after the package, turned out my house wasn't on his route. He had helpful suggestions of what I could try, though, but all he could do was commiserate. However, when I returned home, to my amazement the package had changed trucks, was brought back for a second delivery, and was waiting for me inside the house.
    Fellas, you have my heart-felt gratitude. Hats off to you!
    - AR

  • 4/7 10:54am   SO: You ask "Can one differentiate a face from a post?" Well, despite the fact that there is some sense on anonymity to posting under one's (presumed to be) initials, many posters (myself included) make no effort to remain anonymous. But in terms of the real world social interactions of people who post (or simply read) thoughts, expressions and often criticisms here, I would suppose that there isn't much to differentiate as far as most people are concerned. By that, I mean simply this: I have pretty strong ideological views on many subjects. I also have friends and associates who are diametrically opposite of me on most of my views. I know their stance and they know mine. When we do interact on such subjects, the verbal debate is often heated (as are the posts on our beloved Norfolknet); and yet, friends and associates we remain! Our friendship and our relationships are simply not defined by our political viewpoints on this or that subject. I know that this is not always the case fr everyone... some folks just aren't comfrortable associating with people of extremely differing viewpoints. As for me, I thrive on the arguements, for the sake of the argument. :)
    - CB

  • 4/7 10:53am   RD: We use BFI, out of Auburn. They pick up in town weekly, and I think the current rate is about $115/quarter (billed every 3 months). About 5 years ago it occured to me that after paying for a "transfer station sticker", plus all those bag stickers every week...It was actually cheaper to have BFI pickup my trash. They provide a big dumpster, and their invoices can be paid by check/credit/debit cards. Oh, wait, I think they changed their name.... Now they are Allied Waste Management. I think Tony Soprano runs it. (Just kidding on the last line!!)
    - CB

  • 4/7 10:52am   RC, Can't go wrong with Dover Trucking. Local people and excellent service. Had Allied and had no complaints, but doing biz with local people seems nice.
    - PB

  • 4/7 10:51am   TC, there may be kittens available through Franklin Animal Control. I feel very strongly about spaying/neutering kittens as soon as they're old enough, and making them "indoor-only" cats for longevity. My now-indoor cat was found wandering the streets of Jamaica Plain as a youngster and is still lively at age 12.
    - HPK

  • 4/7 12:43am   MJD: Your field card is the data recorded at the Town Hall that lists specifics about your house and property. This information is used to determine your taxes. I can second what EF said about checking the data. My shed was listed as 50% bigger than it really was. I checked the field card after the building permit was signed off and found the error.
    You can also check some of the information at the Town Hall Website. The property viewer function (left side of the Home page) has a summary of your property but not all the details. You need to go into the Town Hall to review that. There is a self service terminal at the Assessor's that you can pull up more detail by owner or street name.
    - AB

  • 4/6 11:04pm   Can anyone explain what it takes to own a rabbit - details and considerations? How does rabbit ownership mesh with cats and dogs? What is a rabbit's lifespan and likely medical concerns? Outside hutches, inside living? Socialization? What is their connection to humans?
    - SO

  • 4/6 11:03pm   Familiarity & Conflict - One Person's Dilemma:
    I would not be surprised if the posts that rattle me the most are from those I know and genuinely like. Herein lies the dilemma: SM and like-minds may have graced the same cookouts - disconcerting on one level, interesting on another. Can one differentiate a face from a post? How would we merge in a congenial setting, where confrontation is ungracious? Measuring personality, decency and honesty is difficult, if not impossible, online. I post in near anonymity, but, am amused that at least two of my neighbors have sussed me out, and are thankfully tolerant of of my posts.
    - SO

  • 4/6 10:45pm   EF - What is a field card? I really don't know but assume I should based on your previous post.
    - MJD

  • 4/6 9:58pm   We just moved to Norfolk and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for trash pickup service. I've only talked with Pat's, Dover, and Allied Waste. Any good/bad experiences? Anyone else I should call? Thanks!
    - RD

  • 4/6 8:08pm   BR: Hey!!! I just figured out it's you - I kid thee not! It's me, SO, fellow ex-cahn! No wonder I like your posts! I just can't believe it took me this long! A certain fellow poster (hmmm) didn't clue me in (rightfully respecting privacy), probably figured I knew and is laughing right now. So, it's you - with the hawk on the porch, the blazing nightlights, suet and bluebirds, and illness in the family? Save me from myself. I hope I treated you decently on this forum. You've earned it my friend.
    - SO

  • 4/6 7:58pm   If anyone is missing their rabbit, one was picked up in the Boardman Street neighborhood yesterday. Hopefully his owner will see this before the "other easter bunny" comes on sunday. If he is yours please call the Animal Control Office at 508 528 3232. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 4/6 7:56pm   KLM, I also interpreted Chief Stone's comment to mean that he is concerned for children's safety walking to school. It is merely a logical (and maybe somewhat obvious) concern given that there are so few sidewalks in town. I'm assuming you are trying to inject some humor by suggesting that it "opens the door to legal action by parents." Given the hourly rates that lawyers charge, I think it would cost a family more than the proposed bus fee cap of $405 to take legal action.
    - EW

  • 4/6 7:54pm   GZ - The cleaners was the Post Office. Art was at the meat counter and Fred was at the pharmacy. Tom was at his gas station--now all are gone. Only woods were where the bank is now. The town hall in the old house seemed to be fine. Nothing remains the same except memories. We stood in line for hours at Tom Daley's funeral and the snow had started to fall. His wife was concerned about the people waiting in line. I was fine until I saw he was being buried in his gas station uniform. The new people in town don't know this and I don't think some would care. Let's keep the memories.
    - BR

  • 4/6 7:51pm   Since my daughter does not attend HOD (I drive her to her school each day), I have read the posts regarding the busing fee with mostly emotional detachment. (By the way, if she were to attend, we would have to pay as we are in the ``2 mile zone''). My first thought was, what is all the fuss about? After thinking about that some more, I was reminded that, for many, this is an added financial burden that may make or break a limited budget. Understood.
    It is obvious that by simply not picking up students, you will not save $30,000. So the fee is what is essential, not the elimination of stops. But why not have a fee for everyone? It would be nominal. Maybe this was discussed at the school committee meeting, but if not, why isn't this a consideration? It could be voted on. I mean, if it is necessary for the school to have the money to keep our children's education at a higher level, shouldn't everyone pitch in? What other legal way can we raise $30,000 to off-set this? There must be something. Have we thought outside of the box?
    Also here is an interesting snippet of an article regarding this from 2003 (yes, it has happened before in many communities.)
    More Districts Charging Bus Fees

    Lawmakers and school officials have a stark message for parents who think their taxes already pay for school-bus transportation: no more free rides. Cash-strapped public schools trying to hang on to their teachers are increasingly turning to busing fees to raise money. The move has angered parents and raised concerns that children may be forced to use more dangerous means - like walking - to get to school. About a third of all school districts in Massachusetts already charge middle- and high-school students for busing. On Cape Cod, for example, the town of Barnstable raises $350,000 per year by charging $200 per child in grades 7 and higher. Communities in other states, including California, Texas, New Jersey, Montana, Hawaii, Kansas, North Dakota and Utah, also make parents pay for pupil transportation to and from school, with exemptions for the poor. California districts, required to provide free transportation only to special-needs students, are scrambling to raise money with the state facing a $34 billion deficit, the nation's largest. The Capistrano Unified School District has proposed eliminating busing altogether. School buses are the safest form of school transportation, according to a National Research Council report last year. Buses are the way one-fourth of all students get to school but account for only 2 percent of child deaths in school-related traffic accidents. While unpopular, busing fees have withstood legal challenges in California, North Dakota and Massachusetts.

    Ken Maguire, The Associated Press
    "No free ride? Districts turning to bus fees"
    The Seattle Times, April 23, 2003

    - JBN

  • 4/6 7:48pm   Last night on Greater Boston (if you have digital cable, you may be able to view the show On Demand) hosted by Emily Rooney there was a segment about combining/regionalizing municpal services. The guests were the town administrators for Franklin and Walpole.
    Since nearly 90% of the communities in Massachusetts are struggling to meet finanicial committments, this may be a solution.
    Mr. Boyton and Mr. Nutting (sp) made the point that the hurdle to exploring regionalization of services is the State Constitution. The constitution requires each community to be sovereign. Hence the duplication of chief of police, chief of fire, town assessors, town clerks, health agent, superintendent of schools and then there are the building and vehicles.
    They also discussed the pension plan, which truly needs to be reformed. My personal opinion is that active public employees should be "rollover" to a 401K plan. This would insure that once the employee retires that tax money no longer would be required for that individual. The current system, a defined pension plan, taxpayers pay until the death of the employee (with COLA increases periodically).
    Of course, it would not be ethical to change the plan for those who are presently retired, although it has been done by the private sector (i.e. Polaroid).
    The defined pension plan was a good idea to offset lower wages. In the past two decades the finanical compensation packages have grown to that of the private sector, so a 401K should be implemented.
    It seems foolish to discuss such things as a bus fee, when "real change" is needed to fully fund community services.
    Governor Patrick, Rep. Ross and Senator Brown need to start thinking "outside the box" for solutions... Prop. 2 1/2 overrides are not cutting it.
    - CF

  • 4/6 7:46pm   Does anyone know of anyone that is renting space to store a car? I have a friend who is looking to rent space for his old car and if anyone knows... How much per month? Also, garage or barn will suffice.
    - PMP

  • 4/6 7:44pm   Does anyone know of any kittens available for adoption? We would like to get one, and are having trouble getting a response from local shelters. Any information or leads would be appreciated.
    - TC

  • 4/6 7:44pm   KLM - Perhaps those that can afford to pay the bus fee and ``choose not to'' should try to be part of a bigger solution.
    As for those who can not afford to pay, is there any way to establish a grant that can be given for these families? Perhaps though an organization that has already been established? I would give to that fund before I voted for an override to pay for busing. What happened to the days of car pooling? Can one parent pick up several children that live near one another and then alternate the days or weeks with the other parents? It could work something like the babysitting that the NCL has arranged.
    Would the fine officers that serve the Norfolk Police be willing to train parent/community volunteers to serve as crossing guards at the schools? Could this be arrange perhaps with the Seniors? Is this possible? There has to be another way and with to many kind, bright, generous people in this town we will get through this, we as a community may just need to be more creative. I am not saying that I have the solution, but complaining at this point is not going to get very far, it sounds like the decision has been made.
    Does anyone else have ideas?
    - MH

  • 4/6 7:43pm   Here is the solution to Norfolk's school budget problems (tongue firmly inserted in cheek):
    • Make families within two miles of a school pay a fee for computers
    • Make families more than two miles from a school pay a fee for Spanish
    • Eliminate half the buses and have a lottery to determine who gets to ride
    • Offer full day kindergarten only to those children willing to walk
    • Locate wealthy relatives in neighboring towns who like to gamble and have a raffle to offset the bus tax
    • - ADA

    • 4/6 7:42pm   DM, In your 4/6 post you again disseminate false and misleading information regarding the health insurance plan that continues the untrue statements made in your post 4/4/2007 in which you attempted to give credit to the School Committee for being responsible for a savings in health insurance premiums for school employees as compared to other town employees.
      In your 4/6/2007 post you state "It is the efforts of these hard working individuals on this committee (Employee Insurance Advisory Committee) that has resulted in this year on year savings (for the school's portion) and much smaller increase for the town."
      DM this statement is simply untrue. There is only one health insurance plan for the whole town and all town employees have the same health insurance rates i.e. no one department has a different rate or benefits. For the current year health insurance premiums went up 1.7% for all town employees, therefore your claim that the schools had year on year savings is simply untrue.
      Your attempts to portray the SC as being responsible for health insurance savings in the schools follows an ongoing pattern of deceptive behavior by School Committee. At budget meetings the SC has provided high level budget overviews but has neglected to provide the taxpayer with any detail. At other times the SC has claimed savings that aren't really savings because the costs were pushed back to the town budget. Further the SC has been censured by the Massachusetts Attorney General for withholding information from the public by going into a closed session meeting when the meeting should have been conducted as a public meeting. The SC twists and spin facts in way to reinforce what the SC wants taxpayers to believe just like you have done with the health insurance.
      Btw, my son is thrilled with your comment in the 4/6 post "Make no mistake though that I was elected to serve the interests of those that cannot vote, the children of this town." My son wants you to know he would like an XBox and plasma TV's playing Nick TV shows in every classroom. Next he would like free candy served for lunch. Finally he would like to see homework abolished. Your constituency has spoken!
      - SM

    • 4/6 6:04pm   I, too, encourage everyone to look at their field cards. For the first 10 years I was in my home, my house meausrements were wrong, costing me about 1200$ over that period of time. You can only file for an abatement when you discover the problem, but you are not entitled to any reimbursement for the past error. I am not sure how my problem began because my house plans stated the foundation size properly, but it is corrected now. I check my field card annually to make sure it is correct. You can get your card for free, but will pay for any others you care to compare with yours.
      - EF

    • 4/6 12:58pm   I have liked in Norfolk my whole life. I can remember when the center of town wasn't so high-end, but cozy and inviting. There were no roundabouts ($$$) or a $20,000 clock, or a Dunkin Donuts, or an oversized town hall. (Note: the reason we supposibly needed a new town hall was that the old blue one was just not workable and dangerous to work in. They now hold children funtions there; does anyone see something wrong with that?) There was a 4 way stop and people did just that. Now I'm scared to go through the center of Norfolk, people listen to stop signs, they don't listen to yield signs.
      We have invested so much for what? So our town is prettier then the next. And it just seems like eveyone/or someone had these great ideas to make our town better. My question is, what was wrong with our town before?
      - GZ

    • 4/6 12:57pm   Today's Country Gazette had an article about the bus fee controversy that included a quote from the chief of police. "The safest, most cost-effective manner (to get to school) is for children to ride the school bus, no matter what, even if a fee is the only way." This sounds like an acknowledgment that walking to school in this town is not safe. Given that fact, it seems completely unreasonable to expect that a certain unfortunate segment of the population has to pay up or risk their children's well-being. I believe his comment opens the door to legal action by parents who can't afford (or choose not to pay) the fee.
      - KLM

    • 4/6 10:09am   CM, Thank you for your post, I think I have said this before but I do want to clear up any confusion. I welcome any reasonable and respectful question, comment, inquiry, or criticism. Going back to my youth as a Boy Scout, I believe it is every citizen's right and responsibility to ensure their representatives, either elected or not, are making sound decisions on their behalf. We are all neighbors in a small town and need to work together as a whole to solve the tough challenges we all face. I want everyone to work together better than we have in the past (not necessarily criticizing here; it's just there is always room for improvement). I believe I (and all members of the community) deserve basic human respect and therefore I will no longer address any post that does not meet such a basic standard, no matter how incorrect or off base the information is. As I have said earlier this week, oversight and a questioning public is a welcome and necessary part of well run governance. I believe the School Committee is receiving such scrutiny. That doesn't mean we will always agree, and at times will have to agree to disagree.
      As a citizen of this town I hope of others will join me in holding the other groups that have an even bigger influence on how the town is run to the same standard, as I don't believe this is happening at the moment. Again these are my opinions only.
      - DM

    • 4/6 9:11am   Preparation for the 5th Annual Connor's Fun Run/Walk being held on Sunday, May 6th, is well underway. If you have a business and are interested in sponsoring this local event, or if you are a student looking for volunteer/community service, please contact the Reillys at 520-1582.
      For more information on the event, please visit www.connorsfunrun.com. Free t-shirts to the first 100 registered participants!
      Thank you.
      - BR

    • 4/6 8:36am   CS - Mrs. Balfour said that an announcement would be made on Tuesday April 10 regarding the full day Kindergarden and it would appear on the school website.
      You can sign up for automatic updates on the schools via email by going to: norfolk.k12.ma.us/subscriber
      - JG

    • 4/6 8:34am   Milford has just selected a new Superintendent of schools. Now they have a larger, K-12, system, significant issues around ESOL and SPED funding. According to the Milford Daily News, "Tremblay's (the new super) two-year deal pays an annual salary of $127,500."
      They have 4 elementary schools, a middle school a high school and a pre-school. The population of the Town of Milford is 26,000. Total school enrollment, about 4,500. The average home price is $425,000 according to several real estate web sites. Interesting to compare Norfolk's stats.
      - MJD

    • 4/6 8:33am   I recommend Jolicoeur Overhead Doors. They are located on Pulaski Blvd. in Bellingham. Very nice to work with, quick, clean, honest and reasonably priced. They have been recommended on this board before. I don't think you can go wrong.
      - MJD

    • 4/6 8:32am   Have you heard about Google's new map customization feature? It allows you to customize your own mpas, marking points of interest, etc. Unfortunately, it looks like the sattellite images are from early 2005... My guess would be April or May of 2005, based on the state of construction of my home, which can be seen right here: [goole maps link]
      Hmm... wonder if a line to HOD might stretch to be two miles? ;)
      - CB

    • 4/6 8:31am   KB: Pioneer Doors in Walpole. We did the research, checked prices and they were significantly less than anyone else with the exact garage door that many installers use. Steve has the ability to get many styles and makers, not just the typical "Home Depot" brands.
      Steve Barrows
      Pioneer Garage Door Co.
      (508) 668-8136
      - AB

    • 4/6 8:19am   On 4/4 DM responded to my request for information regarding the proposed "busing fee". Thank you DM.
      I originally asked why the SC was implementing a busing fee when the cost of busing is already fully funded in the School's budget. DM's response, "there is a line item of $361,500 for the cost of busing which is an expense." There is also, "a line item for $30,000 on the revenue side for "offsetting the costs of busing". His facts are correct and the SC has every legal right to raise revenue to cover the cost of busing.
      However, I believe it is important that all parents reading this discussion, understand that our children will continue to be safely bused to school next year even without the $30,000 in new revenue. The budgeted $361,500 covers the costs to pay Holmes Transportation to transport our children "in town" to and from school on a daily basis.
      We as a community have said in the past that we do not want "busing fees" and I believe this sentiment still exists with a majority of parents. Raising revenue through "user fees" to offset the busing expense will obviously free up monies to be used elsewhere in the school's budget. I for one, don't want "busing fees" used to raise revenue. Before the SC moves forward with implementation of the "busing fees" I believe a town-wide discussion needs to take place, and every aspect of this studied fully. There are too many issues and concerns of parents unanswered, from safety to additional town costs that may make this program ultimately unacceptable.
      - MK

    • 4/5 11:49pm   Hello - We're looking to replace our garage doors; would appreicate any feedback, both good and bad, from anyone that recently installed new doors. Thanks,
      - KB

    • 4/5 11:29pm   JHR - Checked the living room - yep, still there! Went to get the screwdriver/key to open the case, but it wasn't where I thought... have a few other ideas, but may take a while till I can get a search going. If this sewing machine is as old as yours (late 1800's you said) she must have either inherited it or purchased it secondhand (she was born in 1905). Will post serial number when I get the case open!
      - CI

    • 4/5 11:22pm   Does anyone have an update regarding full-day kindergarten? I was not able to make the school committee meeting. Was it discussed there? The school website has not changed, so I am assuming that nothing has been announced. Thanks in advance for any input.
      - CS

    • 4/5 11:20pm   re: 4/5 3:40pm ...false and misleading information ...your hip shooting ..intentional or is attributable to inexperience. (SM)
      These words and their intent remind me of Senator McCarthy at the Army-McCarthy hearings back in 1954. Most of the viewers of that hearing were on the side of Atty Joseph Welch, the counsel for the Army. Sen. McCarthy's (SM's) words and intent were meant to insult and obfuscate, without adding material facts. Finally, when the rogue senator from Wisconsin insinuated that a young lawyer from Hale and Dorr, Welch's firm, was a communist sympathesizer, Atty. Welch said these memorable words: "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" When McCarthy tried to continue his attack, Welch cut him off and demanded the chairman "call the next witness." At that point, the gallery erupted in applause.
      A senate committee released a unanimous report calling McCarthy's behavior as a committee chairman "inexcusable," "reprehensible," "vulgar and insulting ". On May 2, 1957, McCarthy died of acute hepatitis, attributed to heavy drinking.
      Any resemblance of the historic quote to the referenced post may be coincidental.
      - BH

    • 4/5 9:29pm   To SJP, looking for a painter in Norfolk: John Marland, 508-528-7681, last painted our house a few years ago, and he was very reasonably priced. The job was done competently. He doesn't usually advertise, but goes by word of mouth. I plan to use him the next time we paint.
      - EC

    • 4/5 8:08pm   The Southeaster Massassachusetts Community Concert Band reherses every Monday night from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Community Church on Main Street in Medway. The band is going to be beginning a new set of music this coming Monday for the summer concert season. The band welcomes new members, this would be a great time to come to a rehersal. All ages, from middle school up, are welcome. All instruments are welcome, there is a particular need for additional percussion players. There are no auditions, the only requirements are an instrument and a love of music. For more information, call (508)-533-5532, or visit the band website at smcws.org or smccb.com.
      - CR

    • 4/5 8:06pm   Can anyone recommend someone to paint the exterior of our house this summer? (I'd be eager to hear both the good and the bad...) Thanks,
      - SJP

    • 4/5 8:04pm   DM states regarding SM, "(T)here are a few unfortunate people such as yourself that cannot get beyond their own prejudices and work towards positive change. Based on your past comments and more recent posts, I am convinced that no matter what the facts show or how much evidence is presented you will always be convinced that the SC is doing something wrong....I challenge you to get involved and put yourself out there for all to see. Why isn't your name on the ballot for any public office this year-you have so much to say?"
      Those words are your opinion. How do you know what SM contributes to the community other than income, sales, real estate and other taxes? Just because you chose to run for and win a position as an elected official does not imply that those who disagree and who do not desire to serve in an official capacity are taking "pot shots" when they are critical of public officials. If any comments regarding the board/committee that you are elected to do not meet your standard of decency result in your being unapproachable or not discussing public matters, then you should reconsider your elected duty to the town.
      I appreciate any elected official, such as yourself, who will engage in civil discussion of the issues facing Norfolk.
      - CM

    • 4/5 7:59pm   (Wm: Sorry about my last posting, regarding the 2-mile radius! I searched a bit for that info before I wrote the email, but I guess I just didn't look well enough. I would not have been offended (actually, thankful!) if you'd just suppressed the posting...)
      My two cents on the bus fee issue: We don't mind paying the fee for our children. We're only concerned about the safety and environmental issues. (Not a princpled analysis; just our sentiment.)
      I'd like to add that we are incredibly happy with the education our 5-year-old son has been getting at HOD. His teacher Mrs. Derderian has done a fantastic job. Our son has learned how to read and to do basic arithmetic, which he loves. He also loves the Spanish (he does know how to count to 10 as well as the colors). I set him up on our laptop with the same password as they have at school and now he plays around on it--creating Word docs and drawing pictures in Paint. On top of that, they've taught a healthy amount of respect and discipline.
      We cannot think of anything the school could have done better.
      - SJP

      [No problem at all; in fact, you're not the only one who thinks that it's two miles as a straight line. I only added the footnote to help clarify the situation - Wm.]

    • 4/5 7:57pm   The Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate's Night on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 7:00pm. It will take place at the King Philip Junior High School in the school cafeteria. Bring your questions for the Candidates. Refreshments will be served. Contact Gill B. at 520-0145 or Janet C. at 528-3741 for more information.
      King Phillip Junior High School is located at 18 King Street, Norfolk. For directions please go to kingphilip.org/kpnorth
      - JC, Norfolk Community League

    • 4/5 7:56pm   Great post DM! Like a good friend in town told me, it's so much easier for people like SM to coach from the sidelines instead of getting out on the field.
      - AL

    • 4/5 5:55pm   CI -- Hmmm. Have you checked your living room lately for the Singer? It sounds like the one hubby brought home yesterday. Round case, wooden, key hole on side? Ancient singer inside? In one of the books I picked up at the library, there is a chart. If you can tell me the numbers on your's I'll be able to tell you the age. We have the quite new Kenmore that we have been trying to repair today. Seems to be a clutch problem. Who knew that a Singer has a clutch. At any rate, no luck with repairs on that yet.
      SO -- Thanks for your response. The school bus issue is getting old but I know how important and critical it is for the town.
      - JHR

    • 4/5 5:32pm   SM, DM here, posting as an individual and not speaking for the rest of the School Committee. My information came from the fact that the schools' portion of the health costs for next year's budget is actually going down due to the changes (a negative increase). I remembered this and mistakenly attributed it to this year and not going from this year to next which would be more accurate. In addition, I do want to correct a misstatement in that post and ensure the group that created those extra plans gets proper credit.
      I have spoken with Julie Siewko who is the Chairperson of the Employee Insurance Advisory Committee. This group consists of one member of each collective bargaining units (such as the teacher's union), a non-union employee, a member of the school's clerical staff, and a retiree. This group makes recommendations for changes to the Town's insurance offerings, which are then considered and acted upon by the Board of Selectmen. It is the efforts of these hard working individuals on this committee that has resulted in this year on year savings (for the school's portion) and much smaller increase for the town as a whole.
      I have refrained from posting on Norfolknet with a few exceptions in the past year since there are a few unfortunate people such as yourself that cannot get beyond their own prejudices and work towards positive change. Based on your past comments and more recent posts, I am convinced that no matter what the facts show or how much evidence is presented you will always be convinced that the SC is doing something wrong. It is so much easier to sit on the sidelines and take pot shots than to be directly involved and have to make the tough decisions we must face. I always make all decisions and work for the betterment of the schools, while doing my best to balance what is also best for the town. Make no mistake though that I was elected to serve the interests of those that cannot vote, the children of this town. I challenge you to get involved and put yourself out there for all to see. Why isn't your name on the ballot for any public office this year-you have so much to say?
      My attempts at making myself more approachable and get the facts out (yes there will be the occasional mis-statement but these will be corrected as quickly as possible) have largely been met by your derision. If there is anything that will cause me to stop visiting the site or trying to inform others in such a public forum it will be snide and uncalled for insults on the part of people such as yourself.
      - DM

    • 4/5 5:26pm   Here is an interesting idea that has made one pass a few years ago. How do you feel it might work doday?
      [ncsl.org: 4-day school week]
      (These are my personal views and do not represent positions of Committees of which I am a member.)
      - JO

    • 4/5 5:25pm   Following up on what JC wrote (why are we teaching primary schoolers "computer skills"), how many kids are there in town who don't have access to a computer at home? Why must we spend money, time, space, and personnel to make available something that they already have?
      For the few who don't have already own a computer or two, a town this size junks hundreds of them every year. We could recycle some of the many discards and give them to families who would like one -- problem solved, universal computer access. None of the educational software that I've seen required anywhere near the processing power of even a 10-year-old system.
      It's much more useful to learn to write and do sums and to enjoy a good book than to point and click and drag icons around. I'm appalled at how many high-school aged checkers at the store can't make change without reading it off the display -- but they've all been properly grounded in essential high-tech computer skills in school.
      Think about it -- there is more high-technology in the kids' cell phones today than in their classroom computers, and anything that we teach them is already obsolete compared to what they're doing on their own. If we want computer skills, just get them IM accounts in 7th grade, they'll be up to speed in a week. Whatever we do at the grade school level will be like a High-Tech 101: Proper Care and Keeping of Vinyl Music Albums.
      - AR

    • 4/5 4:49pm   JHR/SO - I have my Grandmother's sewing machine, purely for the sentiment. It is an old Singer in a beautiful curved top wood case - I have it in my living room as a decorative piece. There was no key for the round lock on the case, then my cousin was cleaning the closets and found a box of sewing machine attachments with an ancient screwdriver that fit the hole - guess that is how my grandparents opened it. Never though of looking for a key on Ebay (though I am there often!) Problem is I don't know what I am looking for - any advice on search terms?
      - CI

    • 4/5 3:42pm   I believe that technology is critical for the future success of our children and our country. With that said, I don't believe what are providing our children at the Freeman should be considered "technology".
      My 5th grader came home a few weeks ago and told us that she learned how to select an "appropriate" chat room user name that day in "computer" class. Is that what we really need to be teaching in our schools? What's next, selecting My Space as a favorite? As for Spanish - by 5th grade they should not be singing the days of the week with finger puppets anymore. I'll leave it at that. Bring back Art on a full year basis.
      - ES

    • 4/5 3:40pm   DM, I am responding to your post of 4/5 to correct false and misleading information that you disseminated. I don't know if your hip shooting [...] is an intentional or is attributable to inexperience. On 4/5 you stated "Since you mention health care costs, I'll address that as well. Through creative thinking (offering a variety of plan options) the SC and Administration of the schools had the lowest increase in health care costs of any department in town (not the double digits other departments had to endure), so again your own argument works against you."
      When I originally read your response I said to myself this is totally wrong because at town meeting last year I noticed a very large budget increase in the town budget for health insurance and asked Jack Hathaway about it. I learned that the town only has one health care plan for the entire town and these costs are in the town budget. To be sure I called town hall and it was confirmed that yes the town has only one health care plan administered by Jack Hathaway and that the SC and the Superintendent of Schools have absolutely nothing to do with overseeing the plan.
      I was very pleased to hear that that the town had successfully renegotiated the renewal and that for the upcoming year the town's health insurance cost will only go up by 1.7% versus 14% in the prior year. Way to go Jack!
      So fess up now and tell us how your information could be so off base. I bet the more "Senior Members" of SC have not kept you well informed of how the town's finance and administration operate. That's not surprising since the SC seems to be disconnected and isolated from other town Boards and its operating its own little Fantasy Island. You might want to be a little more careful otherwise the more "Senior Members" of the SC might shorten your leash some more and we won't be seeing DM on the Norfolknet anymore.
      - SM

    • 4/5 3:39pm   I think I have a solution to the busing question. Remember the bus which will be coming to town (eventually) to serve mostly seniors? Well, we could expand the schedule during school hours, and the kids could ride it as well, paying per ride or purchasing a bus pass. All kinds of good things could accrue from this! Respect for elders, proper deportment on a public vehicle, independence, ability to get to sports/band practice without bugging mom and dad...
      - HPK

    • 4/5 3:38pm   CK - I don't have any history with the elementary Spanish program in Norfolk, but I have experience with Spanish programs and extensive experience with children. I personally have taken 5 years of Spanish - three in high school and two in college. While I am not fluent, I have a fairly large vocabulary and can understand written text. My husband who grew up in a town near Norfolk also took Spanish in high school as a requirement. He struggles to remember anything.
      What I am trying to get to is: What is your child's appetite for learning Spanish? If he is interested in other things (my husband is brilliant in math and English) then foreign language may not be his bucket of monkeys. My teenage niece is in the Spanish program in Millis, and has been for a couple of years. While helping with her homework recently, I was surprised at what she did not understand or know (it seemed pretty basic to me). She has no interest. My 9 year old niece in Texas has absorbed everything she has been taught (partly because she has to in order to be able to communicate, but mostly because she loves learning languages). Any thoughts?
      - MH

    • 4/5 3:36pm   BR: When you bought your homes did you have sidewalks? ... I'm sorry, but I don't think some of you will ever be happy no matter what... Ha-ha! I'm still chuckling a day later. I always enjoy your unique and interesting posts. Being guilty of verbosity myself, I will endeavor, if unsuccessfully, to heed your call for brevity.
      JHR: We call it the "dump" too - carries more weight, if less gravity, somehow. I loved hearing about that old sewing machine. I've enjoyed your posts too. We need more like that, especially now. Speaking of sewing, my cranky, practical, ex-navy, Irish father taught us to sew (mum had arthritis) on an old Singer. Saving money trumped sexism, and thus, my brother Gerry inherited that old machine and hauled it off to Portland, OR. He found replacement parts on eBay, and sews better than I do, dare I say it, much to his wife's amusement.
      CK: Please don't call for elimination of the Spanish program. Call to improve it! Fluency in Spanish and/or Chinese will absolutely improve your child's options for college and employment, and if you're patriotic, enhance this countries position on the world stage.
      - SO

    • 4/5 1:52pm   I like that some people are questioning the "perqs" that go on in our schools. Here's another couple of questions for y'all -- would you prefer to have your kids bused to school or have a half year of Spanish ? Does your kindergartener through second grader need computer class every week, or would you prefer the safety of the buses?
      My kids didn't have computer classes early in their school careers, and they seem to be just fine in high school, college, and beyond in using their computers. Why are we spending such great amounts of money teaching a primary schooler computer skills? They should be learning to read and write at that age, not to access computers! We could probably get rid of the HOD computer classes altogether; the kids could pick up the necessary skills with computer classes in fourth or fifth grade, when they can absorb the concepts faster.
      - JC

    • 4/5 12:58pm   Two quick comments:
      1. my cousin in Sharon, MA pays $500 per child to bus to the public school system! (as far as she knows there is no family limit)
      2. this is going to open a can of worms, but is anyone else with elementary aged kids disappointed with the Spanish program? My son has had Spanish since kindergarten, and he struggles to count to ten (in Spanish) and can't tell me the colors... either this program needs to be tweaked, or, in my opinion, it needs to be eliminated...
      - CK

    • 4/5 12:57pm   There are two issues regarding busing, and many posters on norfolknet are confusing the two. The two-mile limit deals with the distance from the school; even if it were safe to walk the entire way, the law provides for transportation to those further than two miles away because it is too far expect a child to reasonably walk to school, not because it is inherently unsafe.
      The real issue that needs to be discussed is the safety of the walking conditions for those within the two mile limit, as there are exceptions written in the law for unsafe conditions at any distance from the school.
      - JC

    • 4/5 12:56pm   I am pleased to see the posting on the bus fee continues. The safety of our children is at stake here. My daughter and her friends at the Freeman are discussing walking as a group to school. I said absolutely not. There are no sidewalks and the streets they would walk on have high traffic volume. If I drive them the traffic would be even worse. What about those of us that have children at both schools? I drove my children to school on Tuesday and it took 25 minutes round trip. I sat on Boardman St for 10 minutes which resulted in my HOD child being late for school.
      Many people have raised great arguments for how this is to be handled. Now how do we organize as a group to get the SC to listen to us. Norfolknet is great but let's get our concerns finally addressed by the responsible parties.
      - PRB

    • 4/5 12:16pm   LD said: My point was that the eligibility requirements that were posted by SR did not relate to the bus fee but rather the requirements for busing generally.
      There is no requirement that busing be provided to those within 2 miles unless there are safety concerns. My point is that by currently providing busing to residents within 2 miles, they already determined that walking is not an option for safety reasons and it would be difficult for them to justify otherwise.

      That is my point exactly. The reason that kids within 2 miles do currently take the bus is because walking is not safe! So why impose a fee on a subset of families when it's just as unsafe to walk 1.8 miles to school as it is to walk 2.2 miles to school??
      JB said: As a side note, instead of charging people who actually take the bus, why don't we impose a fee on those who choose to drop their kids off at school? Now that's an idea that makes more sense! (although still not perfect) For both traffic & safety reasons, and for pollution considerations.
      To those of you who criticize the debate about this on Norfolknet: I disagree that respectful debate here "does nothing." It is a first step toward raising awareness and gauging what the community thinks about this issue (I know-it's not a representative sample-it's a self-selected sample-I've taken advanced statistics.) I also personally do not plan to "just let it drop." Regards to all,
      - SR

    • 4/5 10:59am   CG: According to the School Committee, crossing guards and police presence is not required by law. So, it seems unlikely we will have them.
      - TIS

    • 4/5 10:57am   Yesterday my husband picked up an ancient Singer sewing machine at the - ummmm..., transfer station that we call the d***. I am thrilled with it, not to use of course, but just to have for nostalgia's sake. It is even older than the one I learned to sew on back in the 40s. I have no idea what I will do with it, but... if there are people out there who have old machines they hate to part with but have been hanging around for a while, I'd be happy to have them. Please don't take to the d***, Heaven forbid! 528-0941. I might even consider paying :-)
      This old Singer has made my day. I have done a bit of research and figure it is from 1865 and perhaps my grandmother sewed on it as a young girl living on an island in Maine. What a lovely thought!! I have another newer machine, probably 30 or so years old, that I plan to try to fix today and give to my future daughter-in-law. My first repair job and I'm so excited. I even ordered repair books through the library system. I hate to buy new as the quality is not the same. Thanks.
      - JHR

    • 4/5 10:35am   Just wanted to clarify my somewhat confusing post from yesterday in response to SR. My point was that the eligibility requirements that were posted by SR did not relate to the bus fee but rather the requirements for busing generally.
      There is no requirement that busing be provided to those within 2 miles unless there are safety concerns. My point is that by currently providing busing to residents within 2 miles, they already determined that walking is not an option for safety reasons and it would be difficult for them to justify otherwise.
      - LD

    • 4/5 9:48am   The busing question, also raises another question, and it needs to be answered... if the school stands to make 30,000.00 , what are the costs to the town going to be for crossing guards and other expenses? Is the SC even considering that, or do they not care because it will no longer be their problem? Has the BOS made a recommendation to the school on the issue? Has Chuck Stone made a recommendation on the issue? Is this something that the SC can just do without a town vote, making it mandatory without any consideration what so ever about the safety of the kids? I would think the SC should be for our children, not against them. When the first kid gets run over, who can we say "I told you so" to?? There are way more issues to this discussion that people have hit on so far.
      - CG

    • 4/5 9:46am   To BR: I agree with you 100%. It is the same subject over and over again. Enough with the bus issue! Norfolk has problems as does every other town in the area right now. Let's change the topic and move on.
      When my children were in elementary school, they could have taken the bus, but I just drove them anyway because I enjoyed that extra fifteen minutes with them every morning. Norfolk schools are good schools and for those of you who complain about them and talk about going private, wouldn't you have to drive them to school everyday then? I realize the bus fee must be annoying to those who may have to pay it, but going back and forth about it on NorfolkNet is not going to change anything.
      - BH

    • 4/5 9:28am   MJD: Regarding: Mr. Hathaway does not want your vote. He is an employee of the town (Town Administrator) not an elected official, so you can't "vote" him out.
      I am properly chagrined ;-) Truthfully, I am just starting to try and gain an understanding of town politics. The town where I grew up did not have this governmental structure. Even though we've been here for several years, that time has mostly been spent in the haze of sleeplessness that comes from having young children.
      BH: Thank you for your concrete suggestions on steps that I and others interested in this issue may take.
      Regards to all,
      - SR

      (non-school-related posts from 4/4 to 4/1 repeated)

    • 4/4 11:22pm   Do you need my address for the coupon, or will it be emailed? :-)
      - CI

    • 4/4 10:42pm   Ooops! Through a small administrative change on the server I knocked Norfolknet off the air intermittently for a half hour or more before I understood what was happening and fixed it. The management is profoundly apologetic, and wishes to make amends -- to atone for our mistake we are offering coupons for one medium-size post or one small rebuttal, completely free of charge!
      Offer limited to topics related to Norfolk. Free post shall not be interpreted to mean that the time taken to compose or type the message or to read the responses will be compensated. Other restrictions may apply in your community or if the phase of the moon is wrong. Offer void where prohibited. I should probably think of more conditions because I've never read fine print that was this short, but it's late and I have other things I have to finish.
      Thank you for your understanding :-)
      - Wm.

    • 4/4 7:37pm   To all who want to know what's going in at the corner of 1A & 115, Walgreens Drug Store is going in. I heard by the Fall of 2008. One less thing we have to drive to another town for.
      - DH

    • 4/4 6:42pm   To JO: Thanks for the links to the Nellis Air Show. Seeing those old planes brought back great memories of sitting at my grandparent's kitchen table building models of all of them.
      All I needed was a SPAD XIII and a Fokker D7 to make the scene complete!
      Very much appreciated!
      - BA

    • 4/4 5:33pm   DH, I too am wondering what is going in at 1A & 115. That whole area needs development.
      - CG

    • 4/4 4:58pm   This very sweet tabby Cat was picked up three days ago in the Overlea Road neighborhood. If you are missing her please contact the Animal Control Officer at (508) 528 3232. If she is not claimed in one week she will be going up for adoption. She is a very sweet and sociable cat, around 2-3 years old, very clean, and litter trained. Sincerely,
      - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

    • 4/4 12:41pm   Does anyone know what's happening at the corner of Rte 115 and 1A? There appears to be some digging going on in preparation for something.
      - DF

    • 4/3 12:07pm   Perhaps some may enjoy this [Nellis Air Show highlights]
      - JO

    • 4/3 2:58pm   Men's (Over 30) Softball League still has a few openings for players - The season consists of 24 games plus playoffs. This slow pitch league plays all games on Monday and/or Wednesday nights (at either 7:00, 8:00, or 9:00). (There's a pavilion w/ tables serving beverages and food for players and fans.) Anyone interested in playing should call Craig K. at 508-369-1948 or email kpsoftball@verizon.net as soon as possible. Practices start next week with the season officially opening May 1st.
      - CK

    • 4/3 1:43pm   Sorry, JC! My note was actually a cut and paste of an email to KPMS parents from the KPMS office. I was not at the HS performances so was unclear on the outcomes of their performances. Yes, congrats to the High School and their parents!
      - BS

    • 4/3 1:23pm   BS - you forgot to mention that the KP High Symphonic Band earned a Gold Medal at MICCA on Friday night as well, and the Concert Band earned a Silver Medal. The adjudicator who gave the clinic to the Symphonic Band after their performance asked if King Philip was a fine arts high school, because their level of musical skill was so high! He told the students to be sure to thank their parents for choosing to live in the KP school district. Thank you, Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville, for continuing to show such support to your outstanding music program - people notice!
      - JC

    • 4/3 12:52pm   For RS re: heating system fan belt. Try this website: doityourself.com. I've found that you can usually find an answer Searching the forums, but there are also many knowledgeable people waiting to help if you post a question. Nice site.
      - LJK

    • 4/3 8:57am   A happy piece of news....
      Congratulations to our 7th & 8th grade band! Congratulations to all of the students who are part of the King Philip Regional School music program. This past weekend was a very busy week. On Friday evening both the 7th grade band and 8th grade band performed in the MICCA Concert Festival held at Hopkinton Middle School. Both groups had fantastic performances and each earned a Gold Medal earning them the opportunity to perform at either Symphony Hall or Mechanics Hall later this month. The 7th and 8th grade chorus had a wonderful performance at MICCA Choral Festival in Norwood and earned a Medal of Merit. The Winter Percussion and Winter Color Guard both performed the NESBA Championships at the Mullens Center at UMass Amherst.
      The Winter percussion came in first place in their division and The Guard performed in exhibition and earned a Gold Medal. Best of luck to the Winter Percussion and Winter Guard at WGI finals later this month. Again congrats to all of the students in the King Philip Music Program on a wonderful weekend.
      Congratulations to these kids! They work really hard. Their performances were awesome.
      - BS

    • 4/3 1:16am   This news item has caught my eye, and I've been chewing on it for some weeks now. Anyone have any insight as to what's going on and where this is headed?
      There has been a 60 percent drop-off in the number of students who say they are interested in majoring in computer science since 2000. [link]
      Computer science used to be one of the top jobs -- now out of favor? What does this mean for our nation's future as the intellectual workers in an era of globalized design and production?
      - AR

    • 4/2 10:54pm   NOGO urges all residents of Norfolk to vote and attend town meeting this May.
      Your voice is important but only your vote is counted!
      - JPB

    • 4/2 10:47pm   My drive belt for the fan in my hot air heating system has failed, a lot of smoke as I turn on the system. Has any homeowner done this type of repair? Seems easy, but, should I hire a mechanic or do it myself. My system is a Dayton oil furnace. The motor does not get hot at all, I think it is the belt causing the smoke that is driving the fan. thanks
      - RS

    • 4/2 4:45pm   Three cheers to Den and Jan Healy for all of their hard work making the Girl Scout Father-Daughter dance such a rousing success. As an attending dad, I have no trouble thanking them on everyone's behalf. They deserve an enormous amount of credit.
      - EMF

    • 4/2 2:16pm   If anyone is looking for a reliable and honest handyman, call Scott Heine. Scott and his crew just finished up at our house and we couldn't be happier. Scott started work a day or two after I called him, finished all of our inside jobs within a day, then worked on our exterior for another day or so. His Norfolk-based business is called Handyman Carpentry and his number is 508-272-1050.
      - KP

    • 4/2 2:13pm   We also want to add our thanks to the H. Olive Day staff for their support on Saturday afternoon for the Second Grade Chorus. Mrs. Madden has prepared these young children beautifully. They were, by far, the youngest group to participate at the MICAA Choral Festival. Most groups were high school aged. The "Singers of the Day" were very well behaved as they waited for their time slot in the warm up area. They looked like seasoned professionals as they entered the auditorium and proceeded to the stage. The selections they sang were quite complex and they did a terrific job with each of the three songs. They were applauded loudly by all of the audience members and received some great advice from the judges at the post-performance clinic. They are a great reflection of the great things that can happen with support and enthusiasm. Thanks to making it available to these kids. It's wonderful to see the progress after a year with Mrs. Madden. Thanks also to Mrs. Balfour for her support during the year and for coming on Saturday to support her students. She truly cares about all of them and their endeavors. Hat's off to the Rec. Department who sponsors this program as well! It's a gem!
      - TMS

    • 4/2 12:37pm   Thank you for the suggestions on plumbers. I appreciate your recommendations.
      - MO

    • 4/2 12:22pm   At 7 p.m. Tuesday April 10, the King Philip Varsity Indoor Color Guard and King Philip Indoor Percussion will present their shows at a Send-Off Rally in the King Philip Regional High School Field House. The public is invited at no charge.
      Both groups will be heading out to Dayton, Ohio to compete in the Winter Guard International (WGI) world championships.
      The Guard has twice before headed out to the world championships, and this year performing their show: "Streams of Consciousness", featuring music from the movie "The Hours" they once again are striving to make it into the finals. The show has already garnered them top marks at several regional shows.
      Winter Percussion, having an exciting season performing their show: "Systematic", featuring music from Jim Bonney's "Chaos Theory", have attained first place in their group in all the regional shows in which they have competed, including first place in this past weekends New England Scholastic Band Associations Championships held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
      - MW, King Philip Music Association

    • 4/2 11:18am   I would just like to say congrat's to the second grade chorus for such a wonderful performance on Saturday and a special thank you to Mrs.Madden for taking our children under her wing.
      - SM

    • 4/1 10:50pm   Get ready to read! The Friends of the Library Book and Bake Sale is Saturday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or shop early at the Friends Preview Sale on Friday, April 27 from 6 - 9 p.m. (Note: Friday night admission requires a donation of $15 or more). With over 25,000 books sorted and alphabetized the Friends of the Norfolk Library Annual Book and Bake Sale is no ordinary book sale. Norfolk Department of Public Works garage, 33 Medway Branch, Norfolk. We are alway looking for volunteers to help with the sale or to bake goodies, e-mail Tricia @ croninsutton@yahoo.com or visit our website at www.norfolkbooksale.com for more information.
      - PCS, Friends of the Norfolk Library

    • 4/4 11:22pm   Do you need my address for the coupon, or will it be emailed? :-)
      - CI

    • 4/4 10:42pm   Ooops! Through a small administrative change on the server I knocked Norfolknet off the air intermittently for a half hour or more before I understood what was happening and fixed it. The management is profoundly apologetic, and wishes to make amends -- to atone for our mistake we are offering coupons for one medium-size post or one small rebuttal, completely free of charge!
      Offer limited to topics related to Norfolk. Free post shall not be interpreted to mean that the time taken to compose or type the message or to read the responses will be compensated. Other restrictions may apply in your community or if the phase of the moon is wrong. Offer void where prohibited. I should probably think of more conditions because I've never read fine print that was this short, but it's late and I have other things I have to finish.
      Thank you for your understanding :-)
      - Wm.

    • 4/4 7:07pm   Is it known yet what the net result is of this proposed bus fee? There is obviously a lot of heated discussion about the fee, but I am not clear as to the net financial result of the program. I.e. how much is this bus fee program going to cost and what is our net after that? Revenue is never 'free money'. When I look at this proposed program a few things come to mind on the cost side.
      - Maintaining a database of the addresses that fall within the 2 mi restriction

      - Matching students with those addresses to appropriately budget funds for the following year (including calculating family discounts if they exist)

      - Communication to the parents, including notification of in/out 2mi, program details, key dates, collections, past due, missed dealines, physical pass distribution, etc...

      - General billing and reconciliation

      - Disputes over the address inside/outside 2 mi (how do we validate?)

      - Creating bus routes based on students in / out of the program.

      - Additional resources needed to handle increased drop offs, traffic control, etc...

      In additon to all the operational expenses, what will it cost us to defend any legal disputes arising from this? I have read a lot of legal language on this site so far, and it seems that someone could bring a case over interpretation of the laws around this.
      All of this seems to add up to a lot of expense to me. The risk here is that our revenue is capped by the number of students, but our expenses are ambigous. Worst case scenario is that this ends up costing us money. In looking at this program it seems to require at least a dedicated part time resource, potentially a full time resource and some level of new technology. My question is do we know the cost and how valid are our assumptions? Have we asked other towns the costs incurred with their fee programs, that would be a logical place to start if we haven't done that already.
      So if the best case scenario 'net' number is an uptick of $5 or $10K is it really worth all of this grief and agravation it causes us?
      As a side note, instead of charging people who actually take the bus, why don't we impose a fee on those who choose to drop their kids off at school? It always bugs me when I see a long line of cars dropping children off at the school when my tax dollars (today) pay for a bus seat for each and every one of those children. Very simple program - sell tickets for a dollar a drop-off. If you need to drive periodically - you can. If you choose to drive daily - you pay us back for the bus seat we provide to your children. Count up the cars tomorrow and see what that would mean to our bottom line.
      - JB

    • 4/4 8:16pm   MJD and MK, I think you are confusing expenses and revenues. There is a line item for the cost of busing ($361,500) and an offsetting revenue line item ($30,000) to help cover the costs of busing that according to MA law we do not have to pay for. This $30,000 is an approximation of the amount we hope to net in fees after paying for the costs to implement the program.
      - DM (School Committee member-speaking on my behalf only and not on behalf of the committee)

    • 4/4 8:15pm   "Mr. Hathaway does not want your vote. He is an employee of the town (Town Administrator) not an elected official, so you can't "vote" him out."
      Isn't that comforting! He's an employee and can't be voted out, therefore, we can epect a tone which is "demeaning and arrogant". Where is Howie Carr when you need him??
      - CB

    • 4/4 8:14pm   Gee - reading this page lately has been painful! I was especially taken aback by the personal diatribes against Jack Hathaway. Let's remember that this is someone who did two jobs for about a year when he was acting Town Administrator as well as Finance Department head. Frankly I'm surprised more reports weren't late. I also don't fault him for not wanting to take over the pay-to-ride busing mess; the school committee created this uproar and should deal with the repercussions, IMHO.
      Can we try being a bit more neighborly?
      - CI

    • 4/4 8:13pm   It is getting to the point that I no longer want to go onto Norfolknet. This is not what is use to be. If you don't like it here then move elsewhere. I see that most towns are having problems. We are seniors and our dirt road is now paved--the school buses go faster than any car. I enjoy watching Mrs. Swan on her nest and the fact that the herons have returned even with the cold-damp weather. When you bought your homes did you have sidewalks? Some of the discussions are too long to even read. I'm sorry, but I don't think some of you will ever be happy no matter what the town offers.
      - BR

    • 4/4 7:52pm   I have been reading the school busing posts with great interest and thankfulness that our kids are adults and getting on with their lives. But, in trying to picture a yellow Holmes Bus driving to a part of town that is beyond the 2 mile limit, picking up let's say 5 kids and then proceeding back to the schools, I seem to see the bus passing hundreds of kids that are walking to school. This seems quite ludicrous. Do they all just wave to each other? Will the bus be almost empty?? Also, the serious implications of a senior injuring (or worse) a child walking in the road is heart stopping. It is not just the children and parents bearing the responsibility here. It is every driver.
      - JHR

    • 4/4 7:37pm   To all who want to know what's going in at the corner of 1A & 115, Walgreens Drug Store is going in. I heard by the Fall of 2008. One less thing we have to drive to another town for.
      - DH

    • 4/4 7:13pm   MJD--You are absolutely correct. The busing for our children for next year is already fully funded. It is in the budget. There is no need for a busing fee next year. I wish someone on the SC would explain to all the parents why they want the extra revenue?
      - MK

    • 4/4 6:43pm   If the busing fee does in fact go in I believe those homeowners within the 2 mile limit should have their assessments reduced by several thousand dollars. Why would you purchase a house in a neighborhood that has to pay the fee when you could look for one that does not.
      Speaking of assessments, I urge everyone to get a copy of their Vision report from the assessors dept. This report details how your home is valued. Square feet of living space is the major input. I found out my foundation size has been wrong since the house was built 20 years aga. I could do nothing about prior years and I'm more than upset that the report showed the house was measured and reviewed at least 4 times in the last 10 years and the error was not discovered. They must have forgot their tape measure and just used their shoe size. Even a foot or two off could save hundreds of dollars a year. There are rules about when you can file for an abatement so it may take a while but do your homework now. It is not the inside but rather the outside measurements that they use.
      - RJP

    • 4/4 6:42pm   To JO: Thanks for the links to the Nellis Air Show. Seeing those old planes brought back great memories of sitting at my grandparent's kitchen table building models of all of them.
      All I needed was a SPAD XIII and a Fokker D7 to make the scene complete!
      Very much appreciated!
      - BA

    • 4/4 6:17pm   BH - I might be wrong but I think that busing for all children is already budgeted. Someone said it on this site if I recall. The $30K they hope to raise from this won't fill a gap, it will allow the SC to reallocate money from that fully funded line to fund other things (not sure what, as $30K doesn't buy much these days). Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
      - MJD

    • 4/4 5:59pm   MJD: While it is true that Mr. Hathaway cannot be voted out, he can be removed from office. This would require that the town's elected officials actually hold him accountable. From what I have read recently, there is seemingly no accountability in town hall. If our current town governance does not find delinquent state filings to be a failure to perform basic duties, then perhaps it is time for new town officials. Mr. Hathaway's statement regarding the late filings ("Don't worry about it") are unacceptable.
      DM states that the school committee was blind-sided by Mr. Hathaway's failure to file these documents as well. If Mr. Hathaway and the current officials did in fact withold this information from the school committee, then I think a change is in order. Norfolk should not tolerate a lack of fiscal accountability. The different boards in this small town should be working together, not against each other. Clearly the Selectmen and the School Committee do not have effective lines of communication. They need to work together to keep Norfolk moving forward. If they cannot, I will vote for change. I hope you will too.
      - CS

    • 4/4 5:38pm   Re: 4/4 4:29pm:
      SR: I believe one action to take now is to call the people who can approve changing the motions at Town Meeting. If you will prepare a motion which will add the amount needed to pay for busing for those within 2 miles, and review it with the moderator candidates, it doesn't matter what Hathaway thinks, as he has nothing to do with whether the motion passes or not. What you have to do is to convince citizens to vote for the money, and be sure that the change is proper. The purpose for reviewing it is to see if the motion to change an article on the warrant is legal and properly worded. If it is OK to proceed, the Town Meeting can take up the substitute motion, pass or reject it, then go back to the main motion. Call Dan Winslow and Marc Waldman, the candidates for Moderator; tell them what is desired, and they could give you guidance as to what can and what cannot be done at Town Meeting. Plan to do something to add money for busing. Talk to the School Committee members, too. Then, plan what you want to do, and get a lot of people to support it, and do it.
      Don't forget to have someone move to reconsider an accepted motion; there is a way to lock in the vote taken in that way. You might even talk to a Selectman or two. Jonathan Smith has a lot of experience on the Advisory Board; he can give you pointers.
      I will vote to add that money for busing. Good luck.
      - BH

    • 4/4 5:34pm   SR, I don't think this is what you intended, but your quoting of the Mass guidelines raises an interesting point. The section you state is for bus eligibility policy and not the fee. Essentially, the section states that bus service needs to be provided only to those students who live more than two miles unless "road conditions do not provide for the physical safety of the children and when the health of students make this service essential."
      So follow me here ... If I am reading this properly, Norfolk is not required to offer busing to students outside of 2 miles (the quoted section is under "eligibility"), but apparently do so because they have determined that the physical safety and health of the children make this service essential. So is the point now that there are no safety issues? If there were no safety issues then they shouldn't have been offering bus service to these children in the first place since it was not in compliance with the Pupil Transportation Guide for Massachusetts.
      - LD

      [You're messing with our minds, I know you must be, I just can't pin it down exactly... :-) - Wm.]

    • 4/4 5:33pm   DH, I too am wondering what is going in at 1A & 115. That whole area needs development.
      - CG

    • 4/4 5:32pm   ADA - While I absolutely agree with your stance on the discriminatory practice of the bus fee for only some, I have to ask you if you are the same ADA who stated in an earlier post, "but I do believe that we should all be treated fairly" (and not necessarily the "same") regarding preferential access to full-day kindergarten slots for children of residents who work full-time? It would be too ironic if where you stand on an issue effects your passion for people being treated the same or not.
      - MHC

    • 4/4 4:59pm   SR - Mr. Hathaway does not want your vote. He is an employee of the town (Town Administrator) not an elected official, so you can't "vote" him out.
      - MJD

    • 4/4 4:58pm   This very sweet tabby Cat was picked up three days ago in the Overlea Road neighborhood. If you are missing her please contact the Animal Control Officer at (508) 528 3232. If she is not claimed in one week she will be going up for adoption. She is a very sweet and sociable cat, around 2-3 years old, very clean, and litter trained. Sincerely,
      - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

    • 4/4 4:29pm   To JC: The reality is that, at least theoretically, it is perfectly reasonable to ask that children who are within walking distance of the public school not get a free ride to the school.
      It is utterly unreasonable to ask that children who live less than two miles walk to HOD which is located on Main Street. In this case, buses are not a "convenience" but rather a necessity to effectively and efficiently transport children. There is no reasonable alternative, whether it be children walking or parents dropping off. HOD is not safe for any kindergartener to walk to, yet only some consumers of the bus service (likely around 75%) are required to pay while others are not. It would be a fee if all consumers paid a charge based on use, but this is not the case. How is this not discriminatory and essentially a tax? The need for bus transportation is the same for all families with students attending HOD and FCS but only an arbitrary group is expected to pay. This is apparently legal and completely unfair. Please stop calling it a fee unless all consumers are expected to pay for the service (that's what a fee is). Names have meaning. Let's call it what it is... A live-less-than-two-miles-from-school override tax to save a teaching position. Not catchy, but I believe more accurate.
      - ADA

    • 4/4 4:29pm   ADA and JW: Kudos to the points you have made.
      I have a few things I'd like to say on the bussing issue:
      * This is a safety issue that affects the entire town; increased pedestrian traffic on mostly unwalkable streets increases accidents. Increased car traffic increases the likelihood of accidents as impatience grows from long waiting times, and as congestion decreases visibility. Traffic backing up onto streets causes safety concerns and transportation headaches for anyone traveling in Norfolk.
      * We are lucky to live in a reasonably wealthy community, but some families are not as lucky as others. Some families in this town already struggle to make ends meet. These families will be disproportionably impacted by a 2-mile bus tax.
      * As learned at the meeting last night, the line item for the proposed 2-mile bus tax can be moved to the town budget, and spread out among all residents-this is, after all, a community safety issue. The net cost to each resident would be measured in pennies. But, Jack Hathaway indicated he would not even consider this. So, he has taken the ability for the people to decide whether or not they think this tax should be applied community-wide. I understand that his tone was demeaning and arrogant. I am never going to vote for Jack Hathaway if this is the kind of "leadership" that he practices.
      (taken from http://finance1.doe.mass.edu/transport/guide_1.html)
      "Eligibility: All children in grades kindergarten through six who reside more than two miles from the school they are entitled to attend and the nearest school bus stop is more than one mile from their residence and all children residing in regional school districts in grades kindergarten through twelve. Exceptions to this policy may be made when road conditions do not provide for the physical safety of the children and when the health of students make this service essential."
      (my emphasis). I think all reasonable people can agree that many of the roads within 2 miles of the schools are not walkable. How do we residents therefore apply for "exceptions to this policy?" I have taken a first step by speaking with the Compliance Officer for Norfolk at the state level; he will be returning my call and providing me with further information on how to fight this.
      I'd like to add that so far, my full-day Kindergarten student has received an excellent education and that I am very impressed with what I have seen from the teachers at both of our elementary schools. I have never voted to cut teacher positions or funds for important school subjects. There are other areas where costs can be cut. (and other ways to generate funds.) It really depends on whom the Powers-That-Be want to curry favor with. And they have chosen to prey on families within 2 miles of our schools.
      How about next year; we impose a fee on families using the town playgrounds and recreation equipment who live within 2 miles of them? Or, my favorite, a tax on people who drive their kids to school in Hummers?
      p.s. the bus fee has already cost us $500 in software purchased by the school committee to calculate who lives inside the 2-mile radius. Is that really a good use of resources? So, we are already $500 in the hole from this program, never mind increased costs due to infrastructure accommodations and safety personnel. And this bus tax is supposed to save us money?? Sincerely,
      - SR

    • 4/4 4:02pm   LS, I would hope that the Town did not authorize the Library security system that was detailed in the town budget - it was given a low priority - but yes, it was quoted at over 12K. This just shows that the Selectmen should question everything, leaving no questions unanswered. Although I am surprised, one of them must have a burglar alarm at home and would know the reality of what they cost to install and use.
      So until that happens reliably, and I do mean reliably, here's an out-of-the box idea. Any Norfolk town employee, outside of their regular duties, or a Norfolk citizen or otherwise, who comes up with a plan to save the Town money receives a monetary reward, as a percentage, say 10%, of calculated savings. That includes whistle-blowers who uncover waste, fraud, neglect, redundancy, monetary-based favoritism, fixed bids, nepotism, padded payrolls and otherwise. It would give the taxpayers a level of comfort that their tax dollars were exhaustively being watched over.
      Any support out there?
      - MON

    • 4/4 3:58pm   Regarding the bus fees; first off, I haven't figured out if I'm ticked off or not about them. Maybe this meets the classic demarcation of a fee, but you really get into a gray area with the whole avoidability aspect.
      Fees are supposed to be avoidable -- if you don't get the service, you don't pay the fee -- but you can't avoid going to school and the town has SO IRRESPONSIBLY NEGLECTED THE BASIC MAINTENANCE AND UPKEEP OF BOARDMAN STREET from the school to Needham Street (Wm - keep the all-caps there, I know it looks like I'm yelling, because I am) that it's downright irresponsible to make your kid walk that street in the morning (particularly with the combination of a) reckless drivers, and b) SUV/land barge drivers, and c) reckless SUV/land barge drivers. So unless you want every parent who avoids the fee to drive their kids to school, it's not all that avoidable.
      But that's not what I wanted to write about.
      This morning I had the occasion to drop one of my kids off at school for the first time. I had no idea what a mess the whole system is, with SUV/land-barges running out the driveway and onto Boardman Street. But what really got me was that a significant number of them, including the one right in front of me, were sitting there and idling for about ten minutes.
      Now it wasn't so cold this morning that you absolutely needed to keep the heat on, and your battery is not going to die if you listen to the radio for ten minutes without your motor on. And with today's ignition systems, if your car is going to be parked in one place for more than a minute (the actual number is something like 30 seconds), it's actually more fuel-efficient to shut off the car than to keep it running; cars simply don't use as much gas as they used to in starting up.
      What you are accomplishing by idling for ten minutes is sending lovely soot and carbon and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere for no reason. And through my open window.
      Now, aside from it being against the law to idle for that long (chapter 90, section 16a - five minute limit), it's wasteful. Isn't it kind of ironic that the people who will be trying to save money by dropping their kids off at school will be blowing bucks right out their tailpipes as they sit there and idle for 5, 10, 15 minutes?
      Has the school committee done an Environmental Impact Report as to the increased auto emissions through more trips and longer idling times? Quick, someone call the EPA!
      - RJG

    • 4/4 3:38pm   KL - My point is merely that the structure of the organization, including streamlining administration and putting more people on the frontlines (be it direct patient care or teachers in the classroom), is what has helped turn many organizations around.
      (The other)
      - PB

    • 4/4 3:10pm   I don't have kids in the school system anymore, but, I wonder, why the isn't just a charge for all students for the bus. If they charged a fee for all students, wouldn't the fee be a small one? Everyone that has school age kids pay the same amount, whether they live less that 2 miles or more than 2 miles. Seems logical to me.
      As far as the full day kindergarten is concerned, I am willing to bet that very soon, all kindergarten will be full day. Kids are now indeed ready sooner for a full day than they used to be. When my first child went to kindergarten in Norfolk we had to pay for it, there was no public kindergarten.
      - JW

    • 4/4 2:14pm   PB - With all due respect (and if you are an RN I do mean that, as you have one of the most difficult jobs there is), you cannot compare the schools to a "well-run hospital." While some hospitals are operating in the black, many are not, and you must also concede that a) the average RN in the country makes $60K, let alone one in the Boston area, or one who is a Unit Coordinator, or VP of Patient Care Services, b) there is a huge nursing shortage in this country despite these salaries, and c) the Institute of Medicine reported in their landmark 1999 study that over 98,000 people die each year due to preventable medical errors. Patient safety is a huge issue in healthcare, as I am sure you know.
      And you want this same environment for our children? No thank you.
      And MON - if you can get all three towns to agree to regionalizing services at the Superintendent level, great!
      - KL

    • 4/4 2:10pm   A 2-mile radius around HOD encompasses almost all of Norfolk. Millis is 1.7 mi to the north; Franklin is 1.9 mi to the west; Walpole is 1.9 mi to the east; Wrentham is 2.1 mi to the south.
      I must be missing something because renders moot the discussion of the income level (DWL, PB, MJD), since practically all of Norfolk is included. (It definitely includes the priciest neighborhoods that I know of--among others, the Berkshire St. neighborhood and the $2M homes of Keeney Pond.)
      Am I missing something?
      - SJP

      [The distance is measured as driven "portal to portal over a commonly traveled route," and is not a radius. The reference is cited in the post of 3/18 6:40pm - Wm.]

    • 4/4 2:08pm   The recent snarly posts on NorfokNet make me feel sad. What the heck are we doing as a community? Although we should never feel intimidated to express our opinions... do we really need to be so hurtful in doing so?
      I have a good idea! We all need to take a very deep breath and go and experience any one of the extraordinary performances by the King Philip Music Program. It is absolutely magical to see how the commitment to excellence on behalf of the teachers, students and parents make this program consistently regarded as one of the top programs in the country! Their passion for excellence affords them the opportunity to consistently showcase their talents at such places like Carnegie Hall, Giant's Stadium, The RCA Dome, Boston's very own Hatch Shell and Symphony Hall and countless national and world championships! Go and see them!! I promise you that you will walk away from any performance with a feeling of wonder and a sense of community pride... They are YOUR town's kids!
      Just one final comment... as one can imagine with this type of success, fees are involved... but somehow the families seem to and want to make it work!!
      - RV

    • 4/4 2:02pm   MON, great post, thank you for your insight. We as a committee have looked at the administrative makeup of the schools and their specific job responsibilities (they are on the Norfolk Schools web page under HR/job descriptions). Based on detailed analysis we have concluded we are currently staffed appropriately.
      The Principals and Assistant Principals perform many functions such as curriculum coordinators. If we were to eliminate the Assistants (hypothetically--go with me here) then that job function would need to be picked up by another professional. As it is these professional staff positions are paid similarly to most professionals in the "real world", in other words they get paid for 40 hours a week. I know from direct observation that these people put in more than double that on a regular basis. I only bring this up to point out that there is no slack in other areas to pick up these tasks so you would be eliminating one position to only pick up additional ones.
      Most other districts we have had discussions with and studied that have fewer "top administrator" positions actually end up spending more on support staff since they need a similar (or in most cases more) number of personnel to handle the curriculum coordination, 504 work, grant writing, etc. The bottom line is if you use the Administrative line item as a proxy for all these tasks (since all schools need to perform these tasks-or at least should be doing so), and compare that to our total budget we are well below the state guidelines which is what the state says we should be spending on this function. In my opinion there are two explanations for this, either we are doing less work than required or our staff is currently running very lean. Having worked with the administration for a year now I know it is the latter. Does this mean we're done and that's the end of it? No, the SC is constantly asking probing questions and ensuring there is adequate justification for our current structure and will continue to do so in the future.
      Our current proposed FY08 budget calls for the elimination of 18-19 classroom special education aids. This decision was not made lightly and is the result of two years of effort to study the situation and find the appropriate structure to meet the student, education, and classroom management needs as the primary goal. It also happens to have a significant budgetary impact but this was not the primary goal of the effort. Approximately 10% of the staff will be leaving the Norfolk system as a result of this restructuring and we all appreciate their effort and dedication to our schools and children. This in no way should reflect poorly on any of these individuals performance, it is simply that the positions are being cut.
      Regarding your comment on the HOD roof, I know that the repair work is incredibly nasty due to the location the workers need to get to in order to complete the work. My recollection is the original bids received no takers since the firms interested couldn't adequately judge the amount of time and effort they would need to expend. Toby Lions broke the work down and using the competitive bid process contracted out a section. Using this data (since we could see their costs) the rest of the project could be priced out and price pressure applied. I encourage you to discuss the matter with Toby directly as he has much more information on the process. It is unfortunate that the town was stuck with this repair bill, we have inquired about legal action against the builder with town council and the BOS as well. Technically this effort doesn't fall to the responsibility of the schools but since we "live" in those buildings it made sense for us to manage the process so it is done properly. Hope that helps explain my thoughts on these issues.
      (the comments included in this post are those of myself only and do not necessarily reflect the views of other School Committee members or School Administrators)
      - DM

    • 4/4 1:36pm   Take a minute. Relax. Close your eyes. Imagine a clown on an elephant riding through town - down Main St., up past Town Hall, around the rotary, around the next rotary, and up Rockwood. That's it - just a moment of relief from the fray.
      Release the hounds!
      - SO

    • 4/4 1:35pm   KL - As others have compared Norfolk to Medfield, I will too. The Medfield Elementary School does not have an Ass't Principal, and to the best of my knowledge has not had one in many many years.
      MON - I agree with you. $12K for a security system? Yikes. Could you fill us in further please... Am I reading you correctly in that the library now wants a security system after the building has just been completed? One would assume this should have been included in an new building design? Also, do you know anything about why Town Hall is getting a new dormer installed when simply a gutter could solve the problem of rain leaking in front of a doorway?
      - LS

    • 4/4 1:01pm   KL- In answer to your question, Who do you know who works in the private sector who has 40-50 direct reports?? I ask you to look at a well-run hospital--specifically the direct patient care model. Most have a VP of Nursing Services, then each specific unit will have a Coordinator who typically has more than 50 nurses that he/she oversees. He/She is responsible for doing annual performance reviews, dealing with difficult parents (patients), discipline and education of staff as well as maintaining a high level of quality 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (no summer break here!)... all within a specific budget (oh yes - he/she manages that too!)
      Hospitals running in the black didn't happen overnight. It took lots of self analysis and cost containment to find a system that worked. It is totally do-able if the responsiblities are defined, the expectations are high and people are held accountable!
      - PB (The other PB)

    • 4/4 12:52pm   KL, Then so be it. Get together with the other 3 towns and render the superintendent's job obsolete. You sound like you know what you are saying. No one in government is "entitled" to a job. Norfolk has 2 principals and 2 assistant principals for 6 grades and K. Compared to other towns this is excessive. Combine the jobs of assistant principal and principal to cover both schools.
      And yes, there are many small companies whose managers have 40-50 direct reports. But you are making excuses for their workload. Follow the steps above and you will save the taxpayers at least 260K before their benefits are subtracted. If they are that sorely needed after some time frame, hire new personnel. The schools have a HR [human resources] director. Maybe she can even help with those burdensome evaluations.
      - MON

    • 4/4 12:41pm   Does anyone know what's happening at the corner of Rte 115 and 1A? There appears to be some digging going on in preparation for something.
      - DF

    • 4/4 12:02pm   MON -- There is a lot of talk about eliminating an administrative position in the schools (ie, Ass't Principal/Principal/Superintendent). However, do you really think it's reasonable for one person to be responsible for managing 40-50(?) staff members, write 40-50 performance appraisals each year, and deal with all the parents, discipline, and curriculum issues, and still maintain a quality school? Who do you know who works in the private sector who has 40-50 direct reports?? The only position to eliminate that makes sense is at the Superintendent level, but that would take agreement between the three towns. And, when you compare what Norfolk spends on administrative costs in the school versus other towns, we're low. Feel fortunate that the bulk of the money the school spends is on direct teaching costs. However, I do agree with your statement that the rest of the town should be looked at more closely. God knows the schools are certainly under the microscope, I say point the light towards the hill!
      - KL

    • 4/4 11:27am   DM, School Board Member,
      While you are approachable on Norfolknet - which, by the way, is commendable; most Town Officials read this religiously but don't respond - cutting out 19 teachers aides seems like the easiest thing to do. Why don't you cut administrators? Is it because you and the Board see them as indispensable? Or are you too close to them? One administrator sitting behind a desk equals at least 5 or 6 in-the- classroom teachers aides, and would show the Town that you really value education.
      You didn't answer my question on inflated contract bids. The HOD roof costs tell me no one is minding the bids or the vendors. The library budget is telling as well. I was also shocked at how much it costs to install a burglar alarm system in the Library. 12,000$ to install a system sounds like the vendor is part thief himself. They cost a fraction of that, Mr. Hathaway.
      Maybe its time for the Town "Leaders" to sit down with town vendors and say the days of inflated costs and free money are over.
      Think of the money that would be saved if we had real, competitive bids.
      - MON

    • 4/4 11:25am   SM - It's true that urban districts generally spend a lot per pupil, and don't perform all that well, for a whole host of reasons. You need to compare apples to apples, and look at Norfolk versus Medfield, Dover, Franklin, etc. And you never answered my question about your background since you seem so intent on taking pot shots at the financial workings of the schools, or why you think that the rest of town hill shouldn't be held to the same 0.8% increase that the schools have had to endure? Do tell... we're all ears...
      - MKL

    • 4/4 11:08am   To MG: The bus fees and athletic participation fees and other fees are just another form of a tax override. Yet another fee that is just another form of a tax override is the $50 water fee. It's so ridiculous that they can get away with this stuff.
      - LLB

    • 4/4 11:07am   NS, I referred to the Medfield schools as being better than Norfolk's from a purely subjective, word-of-mouth metric - reputation. I don't know how the local towns rank against each other on MCAS. Medfield schools are recognized as being better in casual conversation; the type of feedback you get from neighbors or friends in Medfield or realtors telling you about neighborhoods.
      Are you saying they're not? Perhaps my information is out of date.
      - AR

    • 4/4 10:53am   To ADA: "The so-called "bus fee" in reality is not a fee at all. It's a special tax on those with children that live less than 2 miles from the school."
      No, in fact, the "bus fee" is not a tax. The reality is that, at least theoretically, it is perfectly reasonable to ask that children who are within walking distance of the public school not get a free ride to the school. Norfolk has been giving a "free ride" to all these children for years and has now chosen the perfectly legal option of charging for this service. So, it's not a tax; it's a fee for the convenience of getting a bus ride over walking.
      Now, before everyone jumps down my throat on this, let me say that, given the lack of sidewalks in most of the town, especially on Boardman Street, it is not reasonable to ask some of the children who live within two miles to walk to school; it's simply not safe. But to say that this bus fee is a discriminatory "tax" is incorrect.
      - JC

    • 4/4 10:43am   Whoa! Setting the question of busing and associated costs completely aside, I'd like to suggest that size and age of one's home is no reliable indicator of net worth, unless you are counting the assets tied up in the house itself.
      - HPK

    • 4/4 10:42am   MD, You need to provide empirical evidence that proves that spending more money is directly correlated with academic achievement. Boston spends $9,700 per student is one of the worst performing school districts. If you have such a strong conviction on this issue, form a new PAC called "Overrides Are Us".
      - SM

    • 4/4 10:09am   OK DWL, let's face the reality that our children already know that the larger, more affluent housing exists outside the 2 mile radius. That is a fact, not a generalization. I am happy you are able to pay the fee. Good for you! I know of families that it will produce a financial burden on.
      I would also be curious to find out exactly how many members of the board that decided to produce this fee will also be paying it.
      - PB

    • 4/4 10:05am   DM here again, speaking once again as an individual only and not representing the School Committee.
      SM a few days ago you specifically attacked the School Committee for giving away the store to the teachers with unreasonable salary increases. In response I provided data calculated from the publicly available town budgets on the salary line items for General Government and also all other town departments salary line items excluding the schools. To be clear, I did this to counter the incorrect assertion that the SC is mishandling its funds and not to point fingers at any other department.
      You respond discussing the entire General Government budget, not the salary line item. Since you mention health care costs, I'll address that as well. Through creative thinking (offering a variety of plan options) the SC and Administration of the schools had the lowest increase in health care costs of any department in town (not the double digits other departments had to endure), so again your own argument works against you.
      Lastly, you make my point for me. To ponder your own argument and use your own numbers (and I'm not vouching for their accuracy) you prove that the SC is at least in line with the entire town if not better when you look at the salary line items and exclude all benefits. This is not the unreasonable "this is going to double the town expenses in nine years" you claimed a few days ago. Still want to ramble on about how the SC is mishandling the town's money? The facts simply do not support you.
      That said, I do appreciate your vigilance and all those in town that make sure we continue to spend the funds made available to the SC in a responsible manner. Frankly I wish all town decisions and financial dealings received the same scrutiny, maybe then the town would have avoided the current crisis we find ourselves in due to missing major deadlines and putting over a million dollars in town income at risk.
      - DM (School Committee member)

    • 4/4 10:04am   Well said, ADA!! I could not agree with you more. The bus fees and athletic participation fees and other fees are just another form of a tax override.
      - MG

    • 4/4 9:56am   Ok PB, Since you are ok with generalizations, you would be fine with your child coming home saying he/she is being ridiculed by other children because he/she lives the low income 2 mile radius zone. Yes I live within the 2 mile radius, yes I can afford to pay the bus fees. However, generalizations sometimes may hurt people. If they are imposing a 2 mile radius zone clause--then leave it at that. We need not mention anything else.
      - DWL

    • 4/4 9:55am   DWL - Instead of being caustic, juvenile, and insulting, why don't you tell me why I am wrong. Why are you resorting to nastiness? Look at the streets that fall within the two miles, are they million dollar homes? No, they are smaller capes, splits, ranches and colonials. The "affluent" who have been referred to earlier are not in this geography in large numbers.
      Now, that is not to say that some people, myself included, can't pay the fee without pain. I have heard, maybe because I listen empathically, several parents express that this fee (especially with multiple kids) is a burden to their budget and that other things will need to be cut next fall (activities, sport etc).
      Attitudes like yours are a sad comment on the tone of this debate.
      - MJD

    • 4/4 9:13am   AR - Just out of curiosity, what makes you so sure Medfield schools are better? Are you basing this solely on MCAS scores?
      - NS

    • 4/4 9:12am   Just curious DWL, do you live within the 2 mile radius? I do, and this bus fee is going to present a huge financial burden on a family within this radius. If I choose to drive my children instead of paying the fee I would no longer be able to work outside the home. Those people that live outside the 2 mile radius find it easy to support the fee.
      - PB

    • 4/4 9:10am   To DWL: agreed, stereotyping is dangerous ground to walk on. I think MJD's comment was to the effect that areas like Maple Park, Stop River don't exist near the center of town. But with that in mind, how many Board members will be paying the fee. To set and an example for the rest of us maybe they would like to contribute to the busing program.
      - RC

    • 4/4 8:42am   I wasn't trying to argue that we're overfunding the schools, I was addressing the implication created by the cited figures that we're underfunding them. We're not.
      Unfortunately, Norfolk has developed a reputation for having tolerant special-needs criteria, which over the years has resulted in a much higher proportion of special-needs students in school than in other towns.
      When looking at per-pupil spending, the state averages are not to go by, because the average spending is skewed by the cost structure of large urban cities like Boston and very affluent towns like Dover, Lincoln and some on the Cape, which are very different from ours. I like comparisons to Medfield: the town demographics are similar, but their schools are better, and their cost structure much lower. If they can do it, we should be able.
      - AR

    • 4/4 8:40am   MJD, "Within the two mile radius represents the lower income bracket." We have been in Norfolk for quite some time and the stupidity of that statement stands out. I would hope that no one within the two mile radius takes MJD too seriously as one can only attribute the comment to ignorance. What some people say!!!
      - DWL

    • 4/4 8:33am   The so-called "bus fee" in reality is not a fee at all. It's a special tax on those with children that live less than 2 miles from the school. This live-less-than-two-miles-from-school tax is patently unfair and few seem to care. Nobody will try to fight to turn this into an actual fee (where all consumers of the service contribute fairly) as this will require serious effort on Beacon Hill. Since fewer than 200 families will pay this fee, nobody else is likely to care or fight for what's most fair and safest for all. The town administrator doesn't care about fair nor do the selectmen. Apparently the SC will not put up much fight either.
      This bus fee is expected to offset $30,000 in the transportation budget with a $270k line item for bus transportation. There is clear unwillingness on the part of town leadership to share the $30,000 across the entire tax base by considering moving the all or part of the line item cost to the town budget. The issue represents the town budget crisis and the financial woes will only get worse in the future. Perhaps next year we can introduce the special live-more-than-two-miles-from-school tax to offset costs for school extracurricular activities or for additional costs to support the increase in pedestrian and automobile traffic!
      This is ultimately a public safety issue! This so-called fee will absolutely encourage more drivers and more walkers. Traffic will increase, pollution will increase, pick-up/drop-off will be encouraged by this policy, and safety overall will decrease. It's just a matter of time before the live-less-than-two-miles-from-school tax results in a pedestrian accident.
      - ADA

    • 4/3 12:07pm   Perhaps some may enjoy this [Nellis Air Show highlights]
      - JO

    • 4/3 11:20pm   AR, I was not being misleading in any way. That is why I provided the link to the DOE website for everyone to look at the data themselves. So let me spell out the costs per pupil with you if you wish to include special education costs in the numbers - Norfolk $8447, Wrentham $7395, Plainville $7654.
      So, I presume you mean to imply that because Norfolk's numbers including special ed. costs are higher than Plainville and Wrentham and other towns, that somehow we are funding our schools excessively or exorbitantly? Why do you think our numbers including special ed are higher? Could it possibly be that Norfolk has more special ed students and more severe special ed students that require out-of-district placements? If you go to the SPED charts on that website, you will find the following: Norfolk's Sped Population is 21.4%, Wrentham is 14.9%, Plainville is 13.7%. Out of approximately 300 schools listed, I count only 14 that have a higher spec ed. population than Norfolk. That puts Norfolk in the top 5% of special education population.
      It is a pretty well known fact that Norfolk has a high special education population. The school department recognizes that and has taken steps to try to reduce the special ed costs. They are currently proposing to eliminate 19 teacher aid positions. They are also working to provide adequate in-house services for many special ed students so that they can be taught at our schools rather than be sent out-of-district to more expensive schools and have to pay the costs to transport them to and from those out-of-district schools each day as well. It is required by law that those students and their needs be accommodated and that their transportation costs to and from out-of-district placements be paid for in full by the school district. By law our school district must pay the first $30,000 in costs for a special education child and then 25% of any additional costs above that amount (not including transportation.) Transportation costs are to be paid at 100% by the schools by law. Those children are entitled by law to be accommodated. So please explain to me again where we are overfunding our schools??
      - MD

      [Update 4/4 9:05am: the state per-pupil figure mentioned was not directly comparable - MD]

    • 4/3 11:20pm   Hmmm... regarding SM, and the desire to "get him, ... and his uninformed facts off the net." ... my, my, how we don't like to hear a contrary opinion. Reminds me of the post last month, by someone hoping to "embarrass" their neighbors into recycling this or that. It seems to me SM is engaging is far less personal attacks than most of his/her opposition. Keep the chin up SM. You know you're striking a nerve when they lash out so viciously ;)
      I'm still waiting for the SC to propose an "education fee" of $6560 (or $8450) per pupil... yielding the ultimate pro-choice education stance... but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
      - CB

    • 4/3 11:19pm   I get that the bus fee is a done deal and has been for a while. I am not sure what that piece of theater was tonight [school committee meeting on the bus fee]. What I find disappointing and unkind is that many of you are forgetting that the two mile radius surrounding the two schools overwhelmingly represents the lower income bracket in town (older houses, starter homes). With the exception of one new development, and a few high end houses here and there, there are really many people for whom this fee is a burden. Many of you don't care because you do not have to pay it or it would not hurt you financially if you did. This is a concern for some in our community and it makes me sad that many of you could care less.
      - MJD

    • 4/3 9:50pm   Thankyou MD! Seriously, SM needs a novel to write, a blog, a hobby, maybe even find a job? Anything to get him, his whiskey bottle, and his uninformed facts off the net. It's embarrassing!
      - AL

    • 4/3 8:44pm   Amen MD... Well said! Numbers do not lie... rhetoric does!
      - PB

    • 4/3 8:43pm   MD, but one needs to include special ed, because it comes out of the same pocket. Money spent on special ed is not available to spend on art or Spanish or -- or even on transportation. Sure, without special ed, the per-pupil amount is $6560, but with, what the taxpayers pay per pupil, the bottom line, is $8450. To omit a quarter of the total spent is misleading, and $8450 per pupil is quite a bit more generous than the neighboring towns. (The figures were posted in April of 2006, 4/10 2:17pm (ppx 2005) and 4/7 10:40am (ppx 2004))
      - AR

    • 4/3 7:35pm   I really don't know why people are giving SM the opportunity to keep taking pot shots. He is not going to agree with anything that goes against his way of thinking. Ignore him!
      - WB

    • 4/3 7:20pm   To SM: I will definitely give you the prize for creative writing! As usual, you make clever quips and claims without any backup. How sad for you to sit at the computer and rant and rave without any attempt to research the issues and find real solutions. In fact, I and many others really think all you are trying to do is divide our community so that you personally don't ever have to pay anything more for any of the town's services. I think this ploy of yours is especially obvious by your attacks on the schools. It appears your ploy is to try to pin our school's financial problems solely on the backs of the school committees. By doing so, you get parents up in arms that their tax dollars are being misspent so that they will never approve any additional taxes for the schools. You are clever but not very smart. (Smells like No-Go to me.)
      On the other hand, I have done research on my own and looked at the financial issues. Let me show you and others how to find some facts. Here is a link to the Massachusetts Government Website that shows per pupil expenditures for every single city and town in Massachusetts. The most current data is for the '05 school year. [mass.edu ppx]. According to this chart, Norfolk's per pupil expenditure is $6560 (not including special ed). Wrentham is $6594, Plainville is $6863. By looking at this independent data, I do not see where there is possibly a large feedbag of money being held onto by the School Committee. The website clearly states how the numbers were calculated and includes all operating cost such as administration, teacher salaries, pupil services, etc. Other towns are shown including Lincoln and Weston at over $10,000 per pupil. How can you say that the citizens of Norrfolk are pouring too much money into our schools? In fact, at the bottom of that chart are state totals and it shows an average of $7421 per pupil for the state of Massachusetts. So your claim that we are paying too much for our schools is a misrepresentation of fact.
      You are doing nothing but a disservice to your own community by trying to pit parents against the school committees, parents against parents, and seniors against parents. If you have facts and would like to engage in an intelligent dialogue about the issues, it would be extremely refreshing. Otherwise, I suggest you start writing your first fiction novel instead of boring us with your tired rhetoric on Norfolk Net.
      - MD

      [Update 11:15pm: restored original wording; edits were not called for in this context - Wm.]

    • 4/3 7:18pm   SM - Exactly how is a 0.8% increase like giving "Jack Daniels whiskey and a set of BMW car keys to a teenage boy?" If that's your analogy for the schools, what do you have to say for the rest of the departments on Town Hill that come in between 5-10% each year? And what exactly is your financial/municipal experience??
      - MKL

    • 4/3 7:11pm   SM: My my, such vitriol! I am haunted by images of kindergartners lying in streets, diapered babies gorging themselves, and dead teenagers in totaled BMW's! And it's all the School Committee's fault! What the heck are you talking about? Fifty percent of the towns in Massachusetts are imposing bus fees, and no one likes it. Not even those proposing it. Read the papers. Towns across the state are struggling with the very same issues. Do you really believe it's the fault of a few school committee members? You can argue the merits of teacher pay raises v. those of other public employees, administrative inefficiencies, etc. until the cows come home. But to attack those willing to serve this town as volunteers in clearly thankless jobs is totally unacceptable and, frankly, embarrassing. You do everyone a disservice spewing these hateful, childish, and seriously uninformed accusations and insults. The people of Norfolk are better than that, and you should be too. You owe DM and all others who step up and try to make things better an apology.
      - TC

    • 4/3 7:10pm   DM, Trust with the taxpayers is sorely lacking based on the School Committee's prior actions and your post yesterday continues a SC practice of misleading taxpayers by disseminating misleading information or withholding information altogether. You state that the General Town Government budget went up by 12.7%. What you neglected to mention is that the majority of 12.7% increase in the Town Government budget was due to pension costs and health care costs for all town employees including those working in the Elementary Schools. As you are well aware, the Elementary School budget only contains salary costs for school employees and all the other employee related fringe benefit costs are paid out of the Town Government Budget. Unfortunately pension and healthcare costs for town employees have been increasing at double digit rates, so if these fixed cost are excluded, then the Town Government budget only increased 2.72%
      All taxpayers need to be vigilant and demand that town officials supposedly elected to represent the taxpayer are forthcoming and that facts and figures are not misrepresented to suit their own personal agenda. As the saying goes, "a little government and a little luck are necessary in life but only a total fool would trust either."
      - SM

    • 4/3 7:09pm   Re: 4/3 4:19pm AR, Sorry ...
      I do not have children in the Norfolk schools, but I resent the nasty remarks against the School Committee in general and against DM in particular. The School Committee members are elected volunteers doing a difficult job in accordance with the statutes and regulations. The members are attempting to reflect the will of the townspeople in the performance of their duties. I suggest that people who want to help contact the Committee and volunteer to find potential grants from foundations, etc. Thank you.
      - RH

    • 4/3 4:19pm   AR, Sorry but I do not feel that those elected to the School Committee have been properly representing the taxpayers. The SC is representative of "We know better" government who are satisfying their personal desires by conducting public business with our wallets. Giving power and money to the current SC is like giving a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey and a set a BMW car keys to a teenage boy.
      - SM

    • 4/3 4:00pm   Tonight at the Library the Board of Health hosts Medical Reserve Orientation at 7:00 PM.
      See the announcement below, The Town of Norfolk is seeking individuals... [on the CALENDAR]
      - DLJ

    • 4/3 3:15pm   Re SM's closing line about the school committee, that "taxation without representation is tyranny," is ironic - since the school committee is the representation, it's taxation with representation, which is how the system was intended to work.
      - AR

    • 4/3 2:52pm   DM, If you are so concerned as a Board member, call the auditor and question him, like I did. I was told by Dan Hunt, in the auditor's office, that they were late filing the necessary paperwork, as were other towns. The fact that Norfolk was sent 5 or 6 notices with "Zero" response from Ms. Wall or Mr. Hathaway tells you that it is/was not a high priority to them at this time. Ask him further about what it is that they are looking for, and the answer is past invoices, receipts and certifications. Given these facts from the auditor's office and the lack of response from administrators in Norfolk allows one to look in between the lines. Either they can't find the records needed, because the current personnel were not there when they were stored, or they have found them and can't put them together fast enough, or haven't gotten to it yet - a sure sign of government malaise - is a matter that time will tell. Heaven forbid if the records show corruption and mismanagement of funds.
      If they lose the money then you and the Board members have a case, until then, DM, why don't you look inside the school finances. Find out why a 75K repair to the roof of HOD School and insulation was requoted by the Capital Outlay Committee at 30K. I wonder how many other over-inflated bids are on the table of both our Town and the School District.
      People are watching all of you.
      - MON

    • 4/3 2:58pm   Men's (Over 30) Softball League still has a few openings for players - The season consists of 24 games plus playoffs. This slow pitch league plays all games on Monday and/or Wednesday nights (at either 7:00, 8:00, or 9:00). (There's a pavilion w/ tables serving beverages and food for players and fans.) Anyone interested in playing should call Craig K. at 508-369-1948 or email kpsoftball@verizon.net as soon as possible. Practices start next week with the season officially opening May 1st.
      - CK

    • 4/3 2:51pm   MD, You neglected to mention that the expense for running the school buses is already fully funded in the school budget. Therefore, I don't know why the School Committee needs to confiscate more taxpayer dollars to raise more revenue to fill up the SC feedbag. The bus fee is inherently unfair. This very bad public policy will end up preying on the most vulnerable. Now we will have Kindergartners walking down very dangerous streets to get to school.
      The SC's voracious cash needs kind of remind me of a baby in diapers; the baby has a huge appetite on one end and no responsibility on the other end. It's time for the SC to strap off the feedbag. We are tired of runaway spending (overpaid/bloated administration) made under the cover of darkness. Taxation without representation is tyranny.
      - SM

    • 4/3 1:43pm   Sorry, JC! My note was actually a cut and paste of an email to KPMS parents from the KPMS office. I was not at the HS performances so was unclear on the outcomes of their performances. Yes, congrats to the High School and their parents!
      - BS

    • 4/3 1:23pm   BS - you forgot to mention that the KP High Symphonic Band earned a Gold Medal at MICCA on Friday night as well, and the Concert Band earned a Silver Medal. The adjudicator who gave the clinic to the Symphonic Band after their performance asked if King Philip was a fine arts high school, because their level of musical skill was so high! He told the students to be sure to thank their parents for choosing to live in the KP school district. Thank you, Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville, for continuing to show such support to your outstanding music program - people notice!
      - JC

    • 4/3 12:52pm   For RS re: heating system fan belt. Try this website: doityourself.com. I've found that you can usually find an answer Searching the forums, but there are also many knowledgeable people waiting to help if you post a question. Nice site.
      - LJK

    • 4/3 8:57am   A happy piece of news....
      Congratulations to our 7th & 8th grade band! Congratulations to all of the students who are part of the King Philip Regional School music program. This past weekend was a very busy week. On Friday evening both the 7th grade band and 8th grade band performed in the MICCA Concert Festival held at Hopkinton Middle School. Both groups had fantastic performances and each earned a Gold Medal earning them the opportunity to perform at either Symphony Hall or Mechanics Hall later this month. The 7th and 8th grade chorus had a wonderful performance at MICCA Choral Festival in Norwood and earned a Medal of Merit. The Winter Percussion and Winter Color Guard both performed the NESBA Championships at the Mullens Center at UMass Amherst.
      The Winter percussion came in first place in their division and The Guard performed in exhibition and earned a Gold Medal. Best of luck to the Winter Percussion and Winter Guard at WGI finals later this month. Again congrats to all of the students in the King Philip Music Program on a wonderful weekend.
      Congratulations to these kids! They work really hard. Their performances were awesome.
      - BS

    • 4/3 1:16am   This news item has caught my eye, and I've been chewing on it for some weeks now. Anyone have any insight as to what's going on and where this is headed?
      There has been a 60 percent drop-off in the number of students who say they are interested in majoring in computer science since 2000. [link]
      Computer science used to be one of the top jobs -- now out of favor? What does this mean for our nation's future as the intellectual workers in an era of globalized design and production?
      - AR

    • 4/2 10:54pm   NOGO urges all residents of Norfolk to vote and attend town meeting this May.
      Your voice is important but only your vote is counted!
      - JPB

    • 4/2 10:52pm   SM, I am writing, once again, as an individual concerned citizen and member of this community and do not in any way speak for the School Committee or any other member on the board of which I am a member.
      I find it disturbing that you do not feel proper filing of financial forms with the state that are now over 5 months late and the amount of money at risk an issue; to each his own I guess. The teacher contract is a three year contract which is up next year for renegotiation so no, the teachers are not guaranteed 7% raises for 15 years, only another 18 months or so. What is interesting is if you look at the entire budget line item for all K-6 salaries (a larger amount than just the teachers salaries by the way), last year it went up only 2.7% from the previous year and the average for the past three years was 2.4%. General Government (town hall) went up 12.7% last year and 9.5% on average for the past three years. To not single them out, let's consider all town departments combined (General Government, Public Safety, Public Works, Human Services, and Culture and Recreation), their salary line items went up 7.2% on average last year and 6.0% on average for the past three years. Obviously this takes into account fluctuations in the workforce, but given the facts, it is clear the schools are doing more with less. I want to be clear, personally I believe we should be paying our teachers, public safety personnel, and all the other hard working men and women of this town more than we are today, but we also have to live within our means and make difficult choices for the proper management for all citizens of this town. Dr. Augusta-Scott is doing an amazing job at containing costs while providing a high quality education for the youth of this town. Take your pot shots at me all you like, but I'd prefer you to get your facts straight so we can have an intelligent discussion about real issues.
      - DM

    • 4/2 10:50pm   There are many DM postings (I personally do not think that they can be the same person.) This one from 9/15 is typical rhetoric with no follow-up. Show me the more details to follow. Let's not divide town management from the school committee or families with children from town elders. We are in this budget crunch together and we should work with each other to determine what is best for the community and affordable to all. I do not support bus fees for families that live within a certain radius of the school.
      9/15 12:18pm CM, The School Committee did return over $26,000 to the town at the end of the last fiscal year at the end of June, so as a habit, no they don't spend every dime they save through their efforts. To your last point I thought what you and many others are asking for is to save money, that is exactly what the lease buyout accomplished, more details to follow....While we all appreciate your passion and willingness to point fingers and offer the easy solution (just replace them!), it would be much more beneficial to the town and the School Committee to attend their meetings, provide input to the process (what they asked for in announcing open hearings on the budget in October, November, and beyond), and help make things better. - DM
      - CM

    • 4/2 10:49pm   I don't believe that it is excessive to expect the town's schools to keep up with the needs of the community it serves. There are parents who both need and choose to work and should be offered the choice of full-day kindergarten. The lottery system, which requires parents to wait on pins and needles to determine their childcare needs, is unacceptable. I have to say, I felt a bit guilty accepting a full-time position for my daughter, knowing others probably needed it more than I did. My child was so ready for full-time kindergarten after two years of preschool, but it still felt as if I was taking away from someone else. My closest friend lives in Brussels, where children attend school from the age of two, at the state's expense. Childcare is affordable and safe. We really need to make changes to accommodate the needs of all families, instead of fighting amongst ourselves.
      - KLM

    • 4/2 10:48pm   Wow, SM! You've got lots of snarky comments lately. Funny, I don't recall seeing your name on any boards, at town hall, in the schools, anywhere! You appear to be a real wizard yourself at fixing the town's problems. Step up to the plate!
      - AL

    • 4/2 10:47pm   My drive belt for the fan in my hot air heating system has failed, a lot of smoke as I turn on the system. Has any homeowner done this type of repair? Seems easy, but, should I hire a mechanic or do it myself. My system is a Dayton oil furnace. The motor does not get hot at all, I think it is the belt causing the smoke that is driving the fan. thanks
      - RS

    • 4/2 10:42pm   For SM -- Next time you're having a cup of coffee at Bourque's or the Blue Moon, you might want to read this article: [Globe link]
      And FYI, your personal attacks reflect badly on you and others...
      - MKL

      [From the article:
      IN FIVE years, there's going to be a teacher shortage, Tom Carroll said Monday at a Simmons College conference. Two groups will collide: The wave of retiring baby-boom teachers will crash into the wave of teachers who exit the profession after five years or less, leaving a lot of empty desks at the front of the class. Every state faces this crisis, explains Carroll, the president of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future.
      - Wm.]

    • 4/2 10:41pm   SM: Don't let them get you down! Snide or not, I laughed out loud when I read your post... although funding annual increases at 7% is not what I generally consider to be laughable. I'm in you corner for sure.
      Also, as I read the subsequent post regarding the rabies clinic, I couldn't help but ponder the thought of coughing up $10 for each of the SC members, in order that they might themselves vacinated. How snide is that? ;)
      Just kidding folks !
      - CB

    • 4/2 7:06pm   SM - Your snide tone is less than appealing. If you would like to engage in a civilized discussion, then fine. Otherwise, keep it to yourself.
      As far as the School Committee unloading unfair bus fees onto the backs of parents, you should check your facts first before speaking. Busing is not required to be paid for by the school committee by any law or statute for children within 2 miles, except for regional schools. Norfolk elementary schools are not regional. The SC is now considering imposing a busing fee similar to what many other towns and cities in Massachusetts are doing to offset the lack of funds for schools from the state. If you read you local paper, you may have noted that Franklin has been charging its parents $200 per pupil for at least a few years now. Now, due to their dire financial picture, they are discussing eliminating busing within 2 miles altogether!
      No one likes these fees, but at $150 per pupil with a cap, it is not an unreasonable option to be considered by the SC. Why can't the Town of Norfolk, including the Selectmen, find ways to generate revenue in Norfolk? Why can't they find grant money? Why can't they obtain more prison mitigation funds? If they did that part of their job instead of blaming the schools all the time, we would have additional funds to support all our services, including our police, fire and roads.
      - MD

    • 4/2 7:04pm   [4/4 8:59am: rabies clinic will be re-scheduled - Wm.]

    • 4/2 6:24pm   DM (School Committee Member): thank you for clarifying the lack of communication from town hall to the school's administration. I apologize for assuming that the school committee was being provided timely and accurate information. It is troubling that the town's administrators have such problems sharing information. This is a small town after all. In most work places, missing such crucial deadlines for submitting state documents would lead to an employee's dismissal. I think we are owed a comprehensive explanation as to what happened (or did not happen) here.
      Also, does anyone know if and when the school system plans to make a formal announcement regarding the kindergarten situation? Clearly this is a hot topic that has planning ramifications for many families. The sooner an "official" statement is issued the better.
      - CS

    • 4/2 6:15pm   I am dismayed by the lack of understanding for certain parents affected by the Full-Day Kindergarten lottery. I am a working parent (part need, part choice) with a kindergarten-ready child. I have one child who attended the full-day kindergarten, and I found it to be a wonderful program (great teacher, wonderful reading and math programs). Whether I worked or not, I want the same experience for my second child. She is more than ready for kindergarten after completing two years of "full day" pre-school. Her teachers all recommend placement in a full day program. I just learned about the lottery a couple of weeks ago and now I am trying to find a "back-up" private, full-day kindergarten. The deadlines have all passed for entrance to the schools with the best programs. If I only receive the half-day option at the public school, I will need to find daycare (hopefully with an educational component) for afternoons half the year and mornings for the next half. Without the equivalent of the "Sprouts" program, it will be difficult if not impossible to find quality care and transportation. The delay of the lottery until further notice is frustrating and prevents similarly-situated parents from making decisions about their children's education. My fear is that my only choice will be a private kindergarten that either does not meet my standards of education or does not fit within my limited budget. It is not the lottery alone that is causing so much stress; it is the lack of time to make alternative arrangements. I have compassion for parents, working or not, who are faced with the same dilemma.
      - MA

    • 4/2 5:55pm   Seems like DM has nothing else to do but worry about town administrative filings. When he was elected, I was hopeful that he would be a strong, independent counterbalancing force. Instead at School Committee meetings he has been the equivalent of a janitor emptying the wastebaskets, and then only after he's told to by the "senior" members.
      If the School Committee wizards were paying attention to their jobs maybe the Teacher's Union wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank with a busload of taxpayer's money. The Teacher Contract signed in 2006 guarantees teacher raises of almost 7% for 15 years. This is going to double the town expenses within nine years. Certainly some of this money could pay for unfair bus fees that the School Committee is trying to unload onto the backs of parents. What's the next financial shell game the SC wizards will dream up?
      - SM

    • 4/2 4:45pm   Three cheers to Den and Jan Healy for all of their hard work making the Girl Scout Father-Daughter dance such a rousing success. As an attending dad, I have no trouble thanking them on everyone's behalf. They deserve an enormous amount of credit.
      - EMF

    • 4/2 4:02pm   MHC: Suggesting that a public education system provide predictable access to services during the school day is completely reasonable and a most basic accommodation. I find it somewhat disrespectful that when I suggest that a multitude of factors including family situation be used to determine how to manage scarce resources the effective response is "if you don't like it and can't afford it, you can leave." This issue is not being decided democratically, nor do we even live in a democracy. I am not particularly socialistic in my views. I do not believe that paying more taxes should buy access to special treatment but I do believe that we should all be treated fairly (and not necessarily the "same"). All situations are not equal, and thus there is the need for expensive special education. Sometimes situations are not created by choice. Public schools are a shared public resource and should be managed to best benefit the most people. Part of determining how to do the most good means taking into consideration individual situations. If schools were not a public system, my opinion would be completely different.
      - ADA

    • 4/2 3:58pm   MHC: I can't help but hear anger and judgment in your post? Why is that? I think what ADA was trying to say was that whether or not the parent(s) work should be one of the considerations. The primary one should absolutely be the child's readiness for full day. My child was ready for full day after two years of preschool. That was the primary factor in our decision, and we stretched our budget for it because it was the right thing for him.
      But a reasonable second factor in deciding who gets in to full day should be family situation. I just don't believe (as you apparently do) that "everyone should be treated the same." It's not neighborly. And it assumes everyone has access to the same "choices," which is not the case. One of the reasons we moved to Norfolk originally was because of the community. The sense that people care about each other. I can only assume from your post and your tone that you don't care about community, or the needs of your neighbors. And I think that's sad. Sincerely,
      - SR

    • 4/2 2:16pm   If anyone is looking for a reliable and honest handyman, call Scott Heine. Scott and his crew just finished up at our house and we couldn't be happier. Scott started work a day or two after I called him, finished all of our inside jobs within a day, then worked on our exterior for another day or so. His Norfolk-based business is called Handyman Carpentry and his number is 508-272-1050.
      - KP

    • 4/2 2:14pm   ADA: I couldn't disagree with you more about public schools bearing the responsibility to support the choices made by working parents. Perhaps your points would carry more merit if we were all living in a socialist society, but it is a democracy, and every resident and tax payer in this town should be treated the same, regardless of the choices we have made.
      To say because you work outside your home - whether by choice or need - and therefore your child should have preferential treatment for selection for a full-day kindergarten program would be like another resident saying "I pay more property taxes than you so my child should have preferred treatment." If a full-day kindergarten option is imperative to your lifestyle, there are towns (Franklin being one) that offer only full-day kindergarten classes to its residents.
      - MHC

    • 4/2 2:13pm   We also want to add our thanks to the H. Olive Day staff for their support on Saturday afternoon for the Second Grade Chorus. Mrs. Madden has prepared these young children beautifully. They were, by far, the youngest group to participate at the MICAA Choral Festival. Most groups were high school aged. The "Singers of the Day" were very well behaved as they waited for their time slot in the warm up area. They looked like seasoned professionals as they entered the auditorium and proceeded to the stage. The selections they sang were quite complex and they did a terrific job with each of the three songs. They were applauded loudly by all of the audience members and received some great advice from the judges at the post-performance clinic. They are a great reflection of the great things that can happen with support and enthusiasm. Thanks to making it available to these kids. It's wonderful to see the progress after a year with Mrs. Madden. Thanks also to Mrs. Balfour for her support during the year and for coming on Saturday to support her students. She truly cares about all of them and their endeavors. Hat's off to the Rec. Department who sponsors this program as well! It's a gem!
      - TMS

    • 4/2 1:25pm   If anyone is in need of part time childcare over the summer, please contact me [box53@norfolknet.com]. I am EEC certified as well as CPR and First Aid certified. I am looking to watch one or two children during the summer months.
      - SG

    • 4/2 1:15pm   RC and CS, Regarding your posts about the town's mishandling of the required paperwork for state funds and reimbursement, I wanted to mention that the School Committee and administration have been inquiring to the town on how these funds may affect school funding, as well as our standing with the School Building Authority where the town stands to lose its chance to receive state funds if and when Norfolk decides to replace the aging Freeman Centennial school.
      The tasks for gathering the required data and submitting the paperwork to the state is entirely the town finance department's responsibility. The Superintendent has in the past and again as recently as last week offered any assistance possible to help move things along so the town can meet its financial responsibilities to the state. To say the Superintendent or the School Committee haven't been "screaming" for this money is incorrect--they find this situation unacceptable and have made this clear to town leadership. The entire administration of the schools was blindsided by this issue. Come to find out the Board of Selectmen and town administrator knew about it since January but had never communicated to the affected parties or to the town. To date the Superintendent has been told the same thing by town leadership that the Boomerang reported, which is effectively, don't worry about it, we'll take care of it. This is a serious issue for the town since we have been in the bottom 5% of MA towns twice in the past 3 years when looking at meeting our paperwork deadlines (one of approximately 15 towns out of 330 in the state who have failed to meet the deadlines) and due to their inaction have put over $1 million at risk that Norfolk cannot afford to lose.
      - DM

      [Comment submitted by a member of the Norfolk School Committee; these views are his personal beliefs and not necessarily that of the entire board. - DM]

    • 4/2 12:37pm   Thank you for the suggestions on plumbers. I appreciate your recommendations.
      - MO

    • 4/2 12:33pm   Public schools should absolutely make an effort to accommodate the needs of the child and the family. I couldn't feel more strongly that family needs (e.g. working parents by choice or by necessity) ought to be taken into consideration and weighted as one factor in the kindergarten lottery. I currently have a child in the HOD full-day kindergarten program and pay for this accommodation, which is appropriate for our family's needs as our child is developmentally ready for the program and our situation requires both parents to work.
      While it's wonderful that many have the means and/or flexibility to deal with any lottery outcome, other families do not. Failure to recognize this will ultimately hurt families and children. How is it not the school system's responsibility to be reasonably accommodating to a family's needs (especially when paying for the service)? I can't help but think of depending on the school to care for my child during full-day school hours as utterly reasonable.
      - ADA

    • 4/2 12:22pm   At 7 p.m. Tuesday April 10, the King Philip Varsity Indoor Color Guard and King Philip Indoor Percussion will present their shows at a Send-Off Rally in the King Philip Regional High School Field House. The public is invited at no charge.
      Both groups will be heading out to Dayton, Ohio to compete in the Winter Guard International (WGI) world championships.
      The Guard has twice before headed out to the world championships, and this year performing their show: "Streams of Consciousness", featuring music from the movie "The Hours" they once again are striving to make it into the finals. The show has already garnered them top marks at several regional shows.
      Winter Percussion, having an exciting season performing their show: "Systematic", featuring music from Jim Bonney's "Chaos Theory", have attained first place in their group in all the regional shows in which they have competed, including first place in this past weekends New England Scholastic Band Associations Championships held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
      - MW, King Philip Music Association

    • 4/2 11:54am   To JGG - I also agree with your comments regarding Linda Balfour, this weekend is a good example - she spent her Saturday in Norwood supporting the 2nd grade Chorus. Small gesture, yes, but she goes the extra mile.
      Secondly, one could argue that full day K in 2007/08 is the equivalent to what full day 1st grade was 5 years ago. The state frameworks in addition to the MCAS has required school systems to ramp up the curriculum. K is not the same as is was 5 years ago.
      - LS

    • 4/2 11:26am   PN, in years past, when there were more half-day classes than full, the school offered a Sprouts program to accommodate those parents who do work, either by choice or by necessity. Since the coin has flipped and there are now more full day classes, they have done away with the Sprouts program and have left those working parents whose children don't get in to full-day on their own. If the Sprouts program had been left in place, it wouldn't be as much an issue.
      But, on the other hand, I fully agree with MJD, that the full day program should be based upon the child's ability (as I had mentioned in an earlier post too). My child is currently going through a licensed full day kindergarten program at a pre-school, as he missed the cutoff, being an October baby. Would it be beneficial to him to then be put in a half day program and then into some type of daycare situation for a second half? I don't believe so. I asked the administration why the lottery wasn't more geared towards each child's situation and needs. But, the administration is unwilling to take any other elements into consideration and have chosen to stick to a pick out of the hat type lottery.
      - JM

    • 4/2 11:18am   I would just like to say congrat's to the second grade chorus for such a wonderful performance on Saturday and a special thank you to Mrs.Madden for taking our children under her wing.
      - SM

    • 4/2 10:46am   PL: I'm not being trying to be picky, but your comment that all families seeking full day kindergarten back for the 2001/2002 school year (the current fifth grade class) were accepted is not accurate. There were many children who did not "win" in the lottery that year -- mine included. If I recall correctly, there was a fairly long waiting list for spots to open up as we were near the very bottom of it. Thanks to a wonderful kindergarten teacher and aid, my daughter adjusted to the half day program and in the end we were delighted with the experience and education she received.
      JGG: I agree with your comments regarding Linda Balfour and have had the same thought many times myself. She is out there every day no matter the weather and always welcomes the children and parents with a smile (as do all of the other teachers and aids). She is an example for all to look up to!
      - ES

    • 4/2 8:21am   JM: Kindergarten Lottery issue: Let me preface by saying that I don't mean this to sound disrespectful (and note that I also have a child entering kindergarten next year at H.O.D.)... but I have to ask the question of you and others alike... where is it the school's "responsibility" to solve your needs as working parents? Maybe I am misinterpreting the posts and comments made at the evening presentation two weeks ago... but the tone comes across that the school owes this to you... you may want to start "thinking outside the box" for other arrangements if your child doesn't get chosen through this "gambling" effort (that was another good one posted earlier)... that's what I am doing.
      - PN

    • 4/2 8:19am   Let me begin by saying that Kindergarten is not daycare and there should be no consideration for who works where and how. There should be, however, a testing process that determines which children would truly benefit from full-day vs. half-day kindergarten. When my family was making the decision about half-day or full for our first child, we were told by the administration that it is all about the child and what he/she is ready for. Now that the system has replaced the special ed aids with highly qualified specialists, perhaps Dr. Augusta-Scott will institute a spring testing program that will take the decision of who goes to full-day kindergarten out of the world of "bingo night" and into the realm of common sense. Full-day should be for those children who are socially, emotionally, and developmentally ready for a full-day experience and half-day should be for those who need a shorter day. My first child still napped in September of her kindergarten year (thankfully she had mornings first) and was not ready for a full day of separation. The choice benefitted her and complimented where she was developmentally. The child's needs should be the deciding factor.
      - MJD

    • 4/1 11:02pm   Regarding the Kindergarten Lottery issue, I know that many parents (myself included) have decided to go straight to the administration for answers by writing letters inquiring about the process and available steps to take. While the response that I received cleared up several questions I had posed, it still gave me an unsettling feeling that the administration is not looking to address any of the parents' concerns. Nor did it seem that any out-of-the-box thinking had been done. Hopefully this is now what's causing the postponement, though I won't hold my breath.
      I completely agree with ND - that the plight of full vs. half day is more severe and worrisome for working parents. Not everyone works locally and the need to either meet your child at home and then bring them someplace else for the rest of the day is not an option. And if you can find someplace that is acceptable and equally challenging as a kindergarten program, switching it up half way through the year might not be an option either. The lottery does not take into account those who need full day and those who want it. Remember, the administration said that the programs were equal in their ability to prepare your child for first grade.
      CS, it's unfortunate that you've come to town when so much mismanagement and controversy is around. Having lived here 9 years and having our first child not have had to go through a lottery for full day, it seemed like an idyllic and growing community. Lately, it hasn't been so great, namely due to what seems to be poor town planning. If it wasn't for the great people who live here, we'd probably be second guessing our decision, too. We too grew up in Medfield, and I believe maybe graduated with you, but as someone mentioned, Medfield has even more limited kindergarten options. It seems everyone is going to have to cross their fingers and pray!
      - JM

    • 4/1 10:50pm   Get ready to read! The Friends of the Library Book and Bake Sale is Saturday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or shop early at the Friends Preview Sale on Friday, April 27 from 6 - 9 p.m. (Note: Friday night admission requires a donation of $15 or more). With over 25,000 books sorted and alphabetized the Friends of the Norfolk Library Annual Book and Bake Sale is no ordinary book sale. Norfolk Department of Public Works garage, 33 Medway Branch, Norfolk. We are alway looking for volunteers to help with the sale or to bake goodies, e-mail Tricia @ croninsutton@yahoo.com or visit our website at www.norfolkbooksale.com for more information.
      - PCS, Friends of the Norfolk Library

    • 4/1 7:46pm   DCG: I had an email to HOD parents from Friday forwarded to me by a neighbor that stated the kindergarten lottery was indefinitely postponed because many families apparently switched to half-day just last week. If interested, I'd call the HOD this week.
      - MHC

      [Did you receive this e-mail today, April 1st, by any chance? - Wm.]

    • 4/1 5:51pm   To DCB: My son got in to the lottery for preschool last year and they called to let us know and ask if we wanted a spot. I'm not sure when they called, but it was later than other people found out because he had been on the waiting list - I think late April, early May maybe. Sorry I couldn't be more specific. It's a great program, by the way - he loves it and the teachers are great.
      - KL

    • 4/1 2:03pm   Can someone please tell me how the school is communicating to parents if their children have made it into the preschool/kindergarten lottery and also what streets fall under the <2 mile bus fee umbrella (Mapquest gives me 1.98 miles - hope they round!). Thanks,
      - DCB

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